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  • 7/24/2019 Choosing Objective Lenses


    Reference: Bio l. Bul l. 1 9 5: 1 4 .Aug ust , 1 9 98 )

    Concepts in Imaging and M icroscopy

    C hoosing O bjective L enses:

    The Im portance of Num erical Aperture

    and Magnifica tion

    in D igital O ptical M icroscopy


    Dep artm en t o f Mo le cu la r Phy sio lo gy a nd B io ph ysic s V an de rb ilt Un iv er sity

    Nashvi ll e Tennes se e 37232 -0615

    A bstract. M icroscopic images are characterized by a

    n um be r o f m ic ro sc op e-sp ec ific p ara me te rs n um eric al a p

    erture (NA ), magnification (M ), and resolution (R)and

    b y p ara meters th at a lso d ep en d o n th e sp ecim en for ex

    am ple, co ntrast, sig na l-to -n oise ratio , d ynam ic rang e, an d

    integration tim e. In this article, issues associated w ith the

    m ic ro sc op e- sp ec if ic p ar am e te rs N A , M , a nd R a re d is cu ss ed

    w ith respect to both w idefield and laser scanning confocal

    m ic ro sc op ie s. A lth ou gh m o st o f th e d isc uss io n p oin ts a pp ly

    to o ptic al m ic ro sc op y in g en er al, th e m ain a pp lic atio n c on

    sidered is fluorescence m icroscopy.


    T he o bjectiv e len s is a rg ua bly th e m ost im po rtan t co rn

    ponent of any light m icroscope (K eller, 1995). A dvances

    in d igital im agin g have com pletely ch an ged the w ay th at

    o ptical m icro sco py is p erfo rm ed , an d h av e also ch an ged

    th e r ele va nt s pe cific atio ns fo r o bje ctiv e le ns es . A lth ou gh

    len s d esign , constru ction, and qu ality have im proved to

    keep up with the requirem ents of m odern light micros

    copy, the markings on the lenses remain as they have

    been for decades. O n the objective lens shown in Figure

    Received13 February1998;accepted28 May 1998.

    E-mail:[email protected]

    T h is i s t he s ec on d i n a s er ie s o fa rt ic le s e nt it le d Conceptsn Imag ing

    and Microscopy.This series is supported by the Opto-Precis ion Instru

    ments Associa tion(OPIA)and was in troducedwith an editori al in the

    A pr il 1 99 8 i ss ue o f th is jo ur na l (B io l. B ull . 1 94 : 9 9) . T he f irs t a rt ic le

    in the seriesw as wr it tenby Dr . KennethR. Cas tl emanand appearedin

    the same issue (Biol .Bull .194: 100107).

    1, the w ord FLUARescrib es th e ty pe of len s d esig n;

    although all m anufacturers use sim ilar types of designs,

    the nom enclature varies from com pany to com pan y. T he

    next most notable feature on the objective lens is the

    m agnification (M ), w hich in the illustration is lO Ox. It

    is w ritten in th e largest font of all the specification s, yet

    as is discussed here, it is not the m ost im portant param e

    ter. This distinction belongs to the num erical aperture

    (N A), which is written next to the m agnification, but in

    a smaller font, and in this case is 1.30. The imm ersion

    m ed iu m for this objective is also given. B elow the m agn i

    fica tion a nd n um erica l a pertu re, th e tu be len gth (00 ) a nd

    th e co verslip th ick ness (0 .17 m m ) a re given . C urr en tly all

    m anufacturers are offering infinity-corrected optics (de

    noted by the oo sym bol), and m ost lenses are optim ally

    corrected for a num ber 1.5 coverslip, nom inally 170-@ zm

    thick. Both of these param eters are important, but the

    objective lens w ill still function adequately for m any ap

    plications w ith other tube lengths and coverslip thick

    nesses. H owever, because the m anufacturers perform

    ch ro ma tic co rrectio ns in d ifferen t w ay s, m ulti-c olor cx

    p erim en ts fo r in sta nc e, c o-lo ca liz atio n o f tw o d iffe re nt

    colored im munofluorescent probesshould be per

    form ed using only sets of optics that were designed to

    work together. This applies not only to m ixing lenses of

    different m anufacturers, but also to m ixing older and

    new er lines of optics. T he w orkin g d istan ce of the objec

    tive (the depth into the sam ple to which the lens can focus

    before it runs into the sam ple) is also a very im portant

    param eter, especially for confocal m icroscopy in thick

    b io lo gic al sam ples. D esp ite th e c ritical nature of th is sp ec


  • 7/24/2019 Choosing Objective Lenses



    D . W . P IST ON

    ture are im portant for the im age-formation properties of

    a n o ptic al m ic ro sc op e. M a gn ific atio n fo r a n o ptic al in str u

    m en t is d efined as the relative enlargem ent of th e im age

    over the object. Although at first glance it would seem

    best to use the highest magnification possible, the maxi

    m al useful m agnification is lim ited by the resolution of

    the im aging instrum ent (as described in the next para

    g ra ph ). T he d efin itio n o f n um er ic al a pe rtu re is m or e c or n

    p lic ate d. N A is d efin ed b y th e h alf-a ng le o f th e o bje ctiv e s

    collection cone (a) and the index of refraction of the

    im m ersion m edium (n), and is expressed by N A =

    n sin(a) (Inouand Spring, 1997, p. 32). The larger the

    cone of collected light, the higher the NA, and the more

    light that w ill be collected. Thus in practice, N A can be

    thought of as the am ount of light that is collected by the

    objective lens; a high-NA lens collects m ore light than a

    low -NA lens. A n analogy is with telescopes: a larger

    telescope collects m ore light just as a lens w ith a larger

    N A collects more light. M ost optical m icroscopes also

    offer the option of secondary m agn ification b etw een th e

    ob jective len s and the detector. U se of such extra m agni

    fication m ay som etim es be required (see Table I), but

    should be avoided if possible since extra light loss is


    A s suggested above, resolution (as determ ined by the

    b asic d iffr ac tio n p rin cip le s o flig ht) lim its th e u se fu l m ag

    nification in an optical m icroscope. Resolution (R ) is de

    fin ed a s th e sm allest d ista nce th at tw o o bjec ts ca n b e a pa rt

    and still be discerned as two separate objects. There are

    m an y m ath em atical d efin itio ns fo r resolutio n, b ut a sim ple

    and reasonable approxim ation is R = X /(2 . N A), w here

    x is thewav elengthfthelight(Inou ndSpring,1997,

    p . 3 1). T his rela tio nsh ip in dica tes th at w hen u sin g a h ig h

    N A lens and 500-nm (blue-green) light, the sm allest re

    solva ble d ista nc e is @ 20 0rn, or 0.2 @ .tm ,w hic h a gr ee s

    w ell w ith ex perim en ta l v alu es. O ne fr eq uen t p oin t o f co n

    fusion for microscope users is the difference betw een

    sp atia l reso lu tio n (th e a bility to d istin gu ish m ultip le o h

    jects) and spatial precision (the ability to localize a single

    object). M any im age-processing enhancem ents can be

    used to increase the precision of localization. For exam

    ple, the path of a single m icrotubule can be determ ined

    to 10 nm precision by pixel-fitting (e.g., G hosh and

    W ebb, 1994) or deconvolution methods (e.g., Agard et

    al. 1989; Carrington et al. 1990; H olm es et al. 1995 .

    H ow ev er, th is is n ot 1 0-n m reso lu tio n; 1 0-n m resolu tio n

    m eans that two m icrotubules that are 10-nm apart can be

    recogn ized as tw o sep arate tu bu les. If m ultiple objects

    are sm all and close together (that is, close enough that

    they cannot be resolved), then no am ount of image pro

    cessing can differentiate betw een several individual oh

    jects and a single object.

    S in ce th ere is a m in im um reso lv ab le d ista nce fo r ev ery

    m ic ro sc op e, c on tin uin g to in cr ea se th e m ag nific atio n p as t

    a certain point will no longer increase the inform ation

    O O @ @ 3o

    1 j 0.17

    @ -


    Fig u re 1 . An o b je ct iv e l en s wi th t yp ic al m a rk in g s. Al th o ug h t hi s

    i s a Zeiss lens ,m os tm anufac turersuse s imi la rmarkings .

    ification, the w orking distance is not marked on m ost

    lenses. Nikon has now started writing the working dis

    tance on their CFI6O optics, and it is hoped that this trend

    w ill be follow ed by th e other m an ufacturers.

    This short article describes the relative im portance of

    m ag nificatio n and n um erical ape rture fo r d ig ital op tical m i

    croscop y. T rad ition ally, ob servation s m ad e w ith op tical m i

    croscopes were detected by eye, and in this case, the size

    o f th e d etecto r p ix els giv en b y p hy siolog ic al fa cto rs in

    th e h um an e ye is n ot op tim al, so th e m ag nifica tio n w as

    increased so the sam ple cou ld be seene tt er . I n d ig it al

    im aging, how ever, the m agnification can be determ ined by

    the com bin ation of resolu tion and detector p ixel size. To

    u nd ersta nd th e rela tiv e im po rtan ce of N A a nd m ag nifica

    tion, we m ust consider the basics of im age form ation and

    th e e ffe ct o f le ns p ar am ete rs o n th e r es olu tio n a nd in fo rm a

    tion content in optical m icroscopy. Because the resolving

    pow er of an optical m icroscope is dependent only on the

    num erical aperture, m agnification should be thought of as

    a secon dary param eter w hose optim al value can be d eter

    m ined by the N A, detector pixel size, and other instrum ent

    independent im aging param eters. Thus, NA is a m ore im

    portant parameter than m agnification in digital imaging.

    T he p ra ctic al im p lic atio ns o f th is c on clu sio n a re d es cr ib ed

    for two com monly used m odes of fluorescence im aging:

    w id efie ld e pi-flu or esc en ce m ic ro sc op y w ith a C C D c am er a

    as the d etector, and laser scann ing confocal m icroscopy

    w i th photomult ip li er t ube de tect ors.

    Basics of Image Formation

    As m ight be guessed by looking at the m arkings on

    any objective lens, the m agnification and num erical aper

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    (usually a CCD cam era) that takes the place of the eye.

    T hus, to optim ize the inform ation content of the resulting

    digital im age, the pixels on the detector m ust be m atched

    to the desired im age resolution. A s describ ed above, th e

    radius of a diffraction-lim ited spot, R@ X /(2 NA), is

    a good quantity to use for the definition of resolution.

    In the im age plane, this spot will still give the sm allest

    resolvable object, but the w idth of the spot will now be

    M . R . Based on the Nyquist criterion, the desired sam

    pling rate should be twice the resolution, so we w ant a

    pixel size in the object of R@ 1, R@ J2. In practice, the

    p ixel size in w id efield m icro sco py is fix ed b y th e im ag in g

    cam era used, so the m agnification is the only variable that

    can be adjusted. For the purposes of these calculations,

    we can assum e X = 0.5 @ tm(a good approxim ation for

    fluorescein (FITC ) im aging). W e can determ ine the opti

    m al M to be used for a given pixel size by m atching the

    sam pling resolution in the im age plane to the pixel size

    (P) by P = M . . Table I show s the results of this

    calculation for tw o typical pixel sizes: 24 @ tm(an older

    SITe 512D CCD chip) and 6.8 @ m(the m ore m odern

    K odak KAF1400 CCD chip). As can be seen from the

    tab le, the o ld er ch ip s (w ith the ir larg er p ix el size s) requ ire

    higher m agnification. For these larger pixels, an extra

    interm ediate m agnification of 2.5 w ould be required to

    m axim ize the in form ation content of an im age collected

    w ith a lOOx/l .3 N A objective lens, and in fact cam eras

    that use the older SITe chip usually have som e extra

    m agnification built into them . A s m icro-fabrication tech

    n ology contin ues to ad van ce, how ever, the need for h igh

    m agnification lenses will decrease. Obviously, it is not

    possible to purchase a 72x/l.30 NA lens (although given

    the popularity of the KAF1400 CCD chip, perhaps it

    should be), so these optim al m agnifications can only serve

    as a guide for selection of the best objective lens. Further

    calculations, such as those presented in the table, reveal

    that a cam era with a pixel size of 5.4 @ .tmwould be ideal

    for use w ith m any existing lenses, such as 60x/l.4 NA ,

    40x/0.90 N A, and 25x/0.60 NA. It should be noted,

    however, that as pixel sizes get sm aller, the dynam ic

    range of the detector m ay be reduced. For instance, the

    5 .4 -@ .tmp ix els w ou ld lik ely b e fille d b y fe we r th an 2 0,0 00

    counts, w hich w ould lim it the detector to 14-bit dynam ic

    range. This is in contrast to larger pixel sizes (i.e., the

    24 @ tmn the SITe 512D CCD chip), which can easily

    deliver > 16-bit dynam ic range. For applications that

    require high precision, such as deconvolution m ethods,

    sm aller pixels m ay be unw orkable.

    N u m er ic al a pe rtu re m a gn ifi ca tio n a nd r es olu tio n i n

    la se r sc an nin g m ic ro sc op y

    M uch has been m ade of the im provem ent in resolution

    provided by confocal m icroscopy. B ut this im provem ent

    is at best m inim al, and is only attained for extrem ely

    content of the im age. Further m agnification beyond this

    point is som etim es referred to as emptyr meaningless

    m agnification. This is analogous to any digital im age on

    a com puter, w here pixelation is observed w hen an im age

    is m agnified on the screen (this can be seen, for exam ple,

    by repeatedly using the z oo mn c om m an d in A do be

    P ho to sh op ). S o th e q uestion o bv io usly a rises, h ow sh ou ld

    the correct m agnification be chosen? A good rule is to

    use the N yquist criterion, which basically says that one

    should collect tw o points per resolution size (Inou and

    Spring, 1997, p. 513). Collecting im ages in this m anner

    m axim izes the in form ation con ten t.

    The use of XI(2 . NA ) for the resolution criterion, and

    of R /2 for the sampling rate are both arbitrary. M any

    m icroscopists select other resolution criteria, but all of

    these choices are only m athem atical approxim ations of

    the sam e physical properties. U se of any other resolution

    criteria w ould not affect the argum ents presented here,

    a lth ou gh th e n um bers (e.g ., th ose sh ow n in T ab le I) w ou ld

    c ha ng e s lig ht ly .

    Som e atten tion should also be given to special con sid

    erations for fluorescence m icroscopy (R ost, 1992). Since

    fluorescence is subject to fluorophore saturation and pho

    tobleaching effects that do not affect other optical m eth

    ods, the highest possible light collection efficiency is de

    sirab le. T his co nside ratio n d ictates th at th e h ig hest po ssi

    ble N A should be used. However, the highest NA lenses

    (N A = 1.40) are usually of a plan-Apochrom at esign;

    this type of lens consists of up to 14 elem ents and has a

    lo we r tr an sm itta nc e th an a Fluoresign. A lso, if aq ue

    ous sam ples are used, the actual N A is lim ited to @.2

    because of total internal reflection for higher collection

    a ng le s a t th e in te rfa ce b etw ee n w ate r a nd c ov er slip (I no u

    a nd S pr in g, 1 99 7, p p. 5 3 55 ). Fo r th ese r ea so ns, flu or es

    cence from an aqueous sam ple appears brighter through

    a 100x/l.30 N A FLUA R (as shown in Fig. 1) than

    through a lO Ox/1.40 plan-A pochrom at objective lens.

    Finally, it should be noted that im provem ents in alm ost

    every aspect of lens design and construction (e.g., corn

    puter design of com plex lens com bination, autom ated

    grinding of arbitrary lens shapes, new optical m aterials

    fo r b oth len ses an d coa tin gs, and co mp uter-con tro lled th in

    film d ep osition for p recise o ptical co atin gs) m ak e m odern

    objective lenses superior to and m ore reliable than older

    lenses. A lthough m any older lenses are superb, variables

    during their construction m ad e find in g a good one som e

    w hat challenging, and m any researchers just took what

    cam e. Today s lenses are consistently of high quality,

    and also offer higher transm ission efficiency and low er

    autofluorescence than did older lenses.

    N u me ric al a pe rtu re m a gn ifi ca tio n an d r es olu tio n i n

    wide fi el d m i croscopy

    In a digital w idefield (conventional fluorescence) m i

    croscope, the im age is projected onto an im aging detector

  • 7/24/2019 Choosing Objective Lenses


    Numerical apertureNA)1.401.300.900.600.30Calculated





    4 D. W . PISTO N

    T abl e I

    Optima l magni fica tionfor de tec to rs wi th d i ffe ren tp ixel s ize s ca lcu la ted for f ive numer ica l aper tures

    Represents the SITe5 l2D CCD chip.

    t Representshe KodakKAF1400CCDchip.

    sm all p in holes. In p rac tical flu orescen ce m icro scop y, th e

    pinhole m ust be opened som ewhat to increase the effi

    ciency of fluorescence collection. In fact, the pinhole is

    alm ost always opened enough to negate any resolution

    enhancem ent (Sandison et al., 1995). In this practical

    ca se, th ere is a n im prov em en t in rejectio n o f o ut-o f-fo cu s

    background, but the resolution is still given by R@

    (2 N A), so the ideal sam pling resolution rem ains as show n

    in Table I.

    A key point in laser scanning m icroscopy is that there

    is no longer a fixed pixel size. Because the field over

    which the laser is scanned can be varied (this variation

    is usually called zoom,r m ore appropriately elec

    t ron ic zoom, nd is analogous to using an optical zoom

    len s), the sam plin g resolution can b e easily changed . F or

    this reason, users often have a lot of trouble choosing

    lenses w hen they switch to laser scanning confocal m i

    croscopy. For instance, a 40x lens w ith a zoom factor of

    2.5 is basically equivalent to a lO O x lens with no extra

    zoom . Thus, a 40x/1 .3 NA lens should be chosen over

    an equivalent lO Ox/1.3 N A lens, because it offers a poten

    tially larger field of view w ith no fall-off in light collec

    t io n o r r es olu tio n.

    In laser scanning confocal m icroscopy, tw o other pa

    ra meters m ust b e co nsid ered . F irst is th e size of th e d etec

    tor pinhole, which depends on the m agnification. M ost

    confocal m icroscopes have an adjustab le pinhole that is

    easily set to m atch the m agnification (e.g., for equiva

    lence, a 60x lens needs a pinhole 1.5-fold larger than a

    4 0x len s). S eco nd ly , th e len s d esig n fo r co nfo cal m icro s

    copy m ay, in som e cases, be m ore im portant than either

    M or N A. T his is esp ecia lly tru e fo r co -lo caliza tio n ex per

    im ents, in which the chrom atic corrections of a plan

    Apochrom at make it preferable despite its lower light

    co llectio n efficien cy (th e sam e tra de-o ff m ust b e co nsid

    ered for any three-dimensional microscopies based on

    w id efield an d decon volu tion m eth od s, as w ell). R egard

    less of the lens design, how ever, a lower m agnification

    lens (of equivalent N A) is alm ost always preferable, be

    cause it offers a larger field-of-view , and delivers equiva

    l ent resolut ion.


    This work w as supported by an Arnold and M abel

    Beckm an Foundation Y oung Investigator A ward, NIH

    grant DK 53434, and the Vanderbilt Cell Im aging Re

    source (underw ritten by C A68485 and D K20593).

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