Download - Chinese Dynasties. Five Relationships Filial Piety- Respect for elders Trade and cultural diffusion between China and Rome Silk road and Indian Ocean.


Chinese Dynasties

Five Relationships

Filial Piety- Respect for elders

Trade and cultural diffusion between China and Rome

Silk road and Indian Ocean (Monsoon Marketplace

Terrace farming to farm on the hill and mountains

Mountains, deserts, ocean and jungles


What are the geographic features of


How did the Chinese change

their environment to make it work for


Explain the importance of the Silk Road

What are the basic guidelines of the Confucius belief system?

Shang DynastyMost of China was isolated by a variety of geographic features

It was the Shang that first united a chunk of China near the Huang He and helped China prosper

Under the Shang Dynasty the Chinese developed a writing system

Zhou Dynasty

Overthrew the Shang family

Created support by claiming god was angry with the Shang’s cruel rule and chose the Zhou to rule instead

They called this the Mandate of Heaven

Mandate of Heaven:

The right to rule granted by god

Mandate of Heaven

Think about it…

Thinking back to the Egyptian and Mesopotamian God-Kings, why do you think the Chinese Dynasties would claim a “Mandate” from heaven?

Zhou Fuedalism

The emperor would give large areas of land to loyal lords.

The lords would allow peasants to farm the land in exchange for a part of the crop and military service

Zhou Economy

The Zhou introduced money to the Chinese, changing from bartering to money

Increased canals, road systems and irrigation systems

Discovered how to make silk

Qin Dynasty

The Qin furthered trade along the Silk Road but dealt with frequent invasions

Began the Great Wall to stop invasions

The Emperor also placed thousands of Terracotta statues to ‘protect’ his tomb and wall

Han Dynasty 206 BCE- 220 CE

The Han dynasty created a Golden Age in China

The Han Dynasty gained the mandate of heaven by lowering taxes and easing government regulations

Golden Age:Period of cultural and intellectual achievement.

Lower taxes

More freedom

Han’s Golden Age

Led by Wudi/ Wuti

Expanded Silk Road

Established Confucianism as the official belief system

Civil Service exams- qualified employees not just friends

Wrote books on zoology, biology, chemistry and astronomy

Created acupuncture

Civil Service ExamsBefore the exams, most government jobs were provided based on close relationships

Government jobs are now based on merit

Do you think Civil Service Exams are a good idea or not?

Tang Dynasty 618 CE-907 CE

Reunited China after years of Civil War

Created a strict social structure

Invented Gun powder

Invented block printing- allowed for quicker and cheaper copies

Block Printing

Creating Block Printing allowed the Chinese to quickly reproduce books and sell them for less money

Song Dynasty (related to Tang)The Song Dynasty focused on trade:

-fine porcelain-landscape paintings-Pagoda-spinning wheel-increase Rice production

Ming Dynasty 1368-1644 CE

Population boomed as new foods were introduced from the Americas

Restored many traditional values and ideas

Explored sea trading routes and established trade from China to Africa

Zheng He 1405-1433

Zheng He led expeditions along Southeast Asia, India and East Africa

Trade=cultural diffusion

The Chinese felt superior to the cultures they encountered. When Zheng He dies the emperor stops ALL trade and the Chinese become isolated


The Ancient Chinese viewed outsiders are barbarians. This is an example of

1) Cultural diffusion2) Materialism3) Imperialism4) Ethnocentrism


In China, the development of ethnocentrism was most influenced by

1. its geographic isolation2.its historic reliance on foreign nations3.a long history of democratic

government4. a strong belief in Christianity

ReviewWhich statement best supports the idea that cultural diffusion has greatly affected Southeast Asia?1) The population of SE Asia is concentrated in rural areas2) Monsoon climates affect food production in Indonesia3) A reliance on subsistence agriculture remains a problem for many SE Asian economies4) Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam are practiced throughout SE Asia