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ISACA Accra Chapter AGM 2015 27

th November 2015– Engineers Center, Accra – 18:00-20:00pm

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18:00 – 20:00 HRS GMT


2015 AGM

Notice to Members

Notice is hereby given to the members of ISACA, Accra Chapter that the 6th Annual

General Meeting of the Accra Chapter will be held from 18:00 -20:00 HRS GMT on

Friday the 27th November, 2015 at the Engineers Center, Roman Ridge-Accra.


To review the Secretary’s report for 2015.

To consider and adopt the 6th Annual Report.

To consider and approve audited accounts for the period ended 30th September


To approve planned events for 2016.

For ISACA Accra Chapter

Date: 16th November 2015





1. Members who have opted for affiliation to Accra Chapter and whose membership is valid as

at Friday 27th November 2015 are eligible to participate in the AGM.

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ISACA Accra Chapter AGM 2015 27

th November 2015– Engineers Center, Accra – 18:00-20:00pm

Email: [email protected] Website:

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AGM Program Outline

Arrival & Registration

Welcome &Call to Order

Business Meeting

o Review of the Draft minutes of the 2014 AGM

o Review of Secretary’s Report (Chapter Annual Report) for 2015

o Presentation of Financial Statements For 2015

o Education & Program Committee Report

o Membership Committee Report

o Review of Planned 2016 Events

Other Business

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ISACA Accra Chapter AGM 2015 27

th November 2015– Engineers Center, Accra – 18:00-20:00pm

Email: [email protected] Website:

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Dear Valued Member,

We deem it an honor to present to you the Annual Report of the Accra Chapter for the

period from January to October 2015.

The year gradually draws to a close and as all others, was not short of fulfillment and

completion of tasks. We cannot help but notice the increased improvement in the

interest, enthusiasm and participation of not only our Chapter members but other

professionals in the activities of the Accra Chapter.


The ISACA Accra Chapter received its Chapter Charter in May 2009 as the 184th

Chapter of ISACA thus we mark our 6th anniversary as a chapter this year 2015. The

Accra Chapter is the only ISACA Chapter in Ghana and one of the very few Chapters in

West Africa. The Chapter membership is made up of varied professionals from the

areas of IT Audit/Assurance, Finance, and Security, Risk and Governance as well as all

levels of management. The unique build and blend of members allows the Chapter to

have a broad focus in satisfying member needs.


ISACA Accra Chapter has been the proud recipient of the MEDIUM CHAPTER

GROWTH award as recognition for OUTSTANDING NUMERIC GROWTH for three

times in a row, 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Chapter Board Meetings

The Accra Chapter Board held regular meetings bi-monthly and quarterly at the Chapter

Office at Asylum Down, Accra. During the period under review, 8 Board meetings were

held and attended by Chapter Board members. The Board meetings were held to

discuss, plan and monitor Chapter activities.

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ISACA Accra Chapter AGM 2015 27

th November 2015– Engineers Center, Accra – 18:00-20:00pm

Email: [email protected] Website:

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Accreditation of Training Institutions offering training in ISACA Certification


To ensure the provision of quality training in ISACA courses and add value to grow

training institutions, GIMPA, this year joined the other three training Institutions who

offer training for ISACA certifications, namely SCALA West Africa, Rhythex Consulting

and Innovare Learning Center. They have been accredited by the Accra Chapter to

assure members of high quality training after demonstration of best practices were

verified. Due process was followed in the accreditation of these learning centers to

ensure members benefit from the best of training.

Highlights of the Chapter Activities

During 2015, the Accra Chapter held its regular bi-monthly meetings. These were CPE-

based and had various speakers give talks on topics of professional interest. The

meetings were held on Fridays of every other month at the Engineers Center, Roman

Ridge– Accra.

A key event was witnessed by the chapter where the CEO of ISACA International, Mr.

Matt Loeb, Mr. Ken Kujundjic, Managing Director, Business Development and Mr. Tim

Mason, Head of Marketing from ISACA Headquarters, USA visited Ghana and for the

first time, held an Opportunity Workshop on the 5th of October for middle management

at the Alisa Hotel and Leadership Dinner at the Movenpic Ambassador Hotel on 6th

October for CEO’s and Top management.

The Chapter organized two major conferences, one held in Accra and the other in


held in Accra drew 89 participants from various sectors of industry across Ghana. A

Career Open day was organized on the 17th of June to which 81people attended. The IT

GOVERNANCE SUMMIT held in Kumasi was well attended with 100 participants, being

the third of its kind.

The Chapter organized a student outreach in Kumasi during the IT Governance

Summit, a flagship program of the chapter. It was hosted at the Kwame Nkrumah

University of Science and Technology Campus with support from the Head of the

Computer Science Department of the University. The students were addressed by Mr.

Matt Loeb, CEO of ISACA and a section of the chapter board members. The CEO of

ISACA International offered a one year free student membership to all students present

at the seminar (264 in total).

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ISACA Accra Chapter AGM 2015 27

th November 2015– Engineers Center, Accra – 18:00-20:00pm

Email: [email protected] Website:

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The ISACA Young Professionals (YP) Network this year held a networking event to

which 27 young professionals attended. The YP Committee was selected by the

Chapter board based on nominations received to volunteer for such duties. The

members of the YP Committee are Mrs Olayinka Naa Dzama Wilson Kofi (Chair), Miss

Suzzie Apenteng (Member), Mr. Frank Tetteh (member) and Mr. Bediako Owusu-Poku

(member) with oversight responsibility by the Chapter Secretary, Ms. Adjoa Asamoah.

The main focus of the YP Committee is to plan and organize events that are more

relevant and beneficial to the Young Professional.

In February, the Chapter donated US $5,000.00 as part of its community work program

to Street Library Ghana in Pokuase, Accra.

Chapter Strength

The ISACA Accra Chapter had a registered membership of 431 members as at 30th

September 2015. The Chapter’s membership is varied and consists of many

professional such as accountants, auditors, IS security professionals and corporate

governance professionals. ISACA Accra membership can be found in both the public

and private sectors of Ghana.

2015 Europe/Africa Leadership Conference

The Chapter participated in the ISACA Europe/Africa Leadership Conference held in

Copenhagen, Denmark in November. The Chapter was represented by Mr. Kobina

Nkum Akwa (Chapter President).

Sixth Anniversary

The Chapter marked its sixth anniversary this year in June 2015.


The Chapter Board hereby acknowledges the support and active participation of

members in the activities of the Chapter. We appreciate and place on record the

invaluable contributions made by the all Executive Members, Directors, the Chapter

Coordinator, Administrator, Committee members and all volunteers who have over the

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ISACA Accra Chapter AGM 2015 27

th November 2015– Engineers Center, Accra – 18:00-20:00pm

Email: [email protected] Website:

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years contributed effortlessly to the Accra Chapter. We also specially acknowledge

these volunteers who have worked effortlessly in organizing this year’s two major

Conferences: Miss Olayinka Naa Dzama Wilson, Mr. Emmanuel Vanderpuye, Mr.

Richard Dor, Mr. Kwabena O. Mensah, Mr. Kobena Ocansey, Miss Suzzie Apenteng, Mr.

Andrew Adomako Poku, Mr. Dominic Passah, Ms Sena Dake and Miss Paulina Kumah.

The Chapter Board extends its heartfelt gratitude to the management of Engineers

Center for their services to the members of ISACA Accra Chapter.

We look forward to every member’s continued support to carry forward the good work

and in placing the Chapter as the best Chapter of the world.


The ISACA Accra Chapter has made very bold and great strides in fulfilling its mission

of providing best practice educational opportunities to Information System Professionals

in the areas of Information Systems Audit, Security and Governance. This, we believe,

will serve as the backbone for ensuring that best practice regulatory policies in

Information Security Compliance and IT Audit are mainstreamed in the Ghanaian

business environment.

Notwithstanding the progress we have made, a lot remains to be done. As we enter the

seventh year of our operations, we will need to harness all our resources to broaden the

scope of our activities to include: informing Government policy on issues bothering on

Information Security, Audit and Governance as well as assisting in the development of

standards and guidelines for the implementation of same. We will need to do this, while

still focusing on and ensuring that we enable and equip our membership with the

competence to deliver value to their organizations and clients.

The favorable economic and political climate in Ghana is increasingly promoting

business in the services, manufacturing and agricultural sectors and this comes with an

increased use of IT. As the capital of Ghana and the center of governmental policies,

ISACA Accra Chapter needs to be a leader in setting standards for the right application

of IT across the country. Security in IT is paramount, and the ISACA Accra Chapter can

deliver IT security guidelines to government, corporate organizations and institutions of

higher learning.

This still stands true and requires every member on board to set ISACA as the leader.

We need to as members continually build on our competence and be known to have

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ISACA Accra Chapter AGM 2015 27

th November 2015– Engineers Center, Accra – 18:00-20:00pm

Email: [email protected] Website:

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this competence. The fields are still fertile and ready for the membership to grow and

impact positively on Ghana.

In the light of the forgoing, it is both the collective responsibility of this Chapter and each

individual member to ensure that we have the appropriate competences and abilities to

deliver tangible value to our organizations and clients. This is the only way we will gain


In the Spirit of ISACA!

K N Akwa Michel Ahorbo Adjoa Asamoah Nene Addico

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

Dated: 30th September 2015

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th November 2015– Engineers Center, Accra – 18:00-20:00pm

Email: [email protected] Website:

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Our aim is to organize local educational seminars and workshops, conduct regular

chapter meetings, and help to further promote and elevate the visibility of the IS audit,

control and security profession throughout Ghana.

In light of the above, the Accra Chapter hosted and participated in the following events

in year 2015:

Chapter General Meetings

Community work


Certification Open day/seminar

Student Outreach program

Mock Exams

Training Institution Accreditation Renewal & Registration

ISACA Africa Leadership Conference

2015 ISACA Opportunity Workshop

2015 ISACA Leadership Dinner

2015 ISACA Europe/Africa Leadership Conference

Chapter Meetings

The Accra chapter is very proud to have held its proposed Chapter meeting on the said

dates without fail as enumerated below:


13th February Nana Amma Ansah

Your Work Portrays You

13th March Neneh Addico Modalities For Forensic Review of Computer Crimes

8th May Henrietta Polley COBIT Framework, Adoption & Benefits for Contemporary Organizations

10th July Emelia Yamson Data Analytics as a Risk & Security Management Strategy

11th September

Kwadwo Ntim Future of Electronic Payment Services in Ghana & Africa

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ISACA Accra Chapter AGM 2015 27

th November 2015– Engineers Center, Accra – 18:00-20:00pm

Email: [email protected] Website:

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We as a chapter are very grateful to members and all who availed themselves to share

knowledge on Information systems. We entreat others to feel free and pick up slots for


next year and also share with the general membership, their knowledge and

experiences on Audit, Risk, information security and Governance issues affecting us as

individual professionals, group, our community and the world at large.

An average of Sixty (60) members attended the meetings. This we hope to increase to

Hundred (100) in 2016.

Community work

On Thursday, 19th February 2015, the Chapter donated $5,000 as part of its community

work program to the Street Library Ghana in Pokuase, Accra.


Two conferences were held in year 2015 as planned, the IT Audit, Information Security

& Risk Insights 2015 and IT Governance Summit in Accra and Kumasi on the 15-17th

June and 8-9th October respectively.

Accra Conference was held at the Alisa Hotel, north ridge with eighty-nine (89)

participants in attendance. The Kumasi conference, held at the Golden Tulip Hotel,

Kumasi drew one hundred (100) participants being the third of its kind.

Certification Open Day

The certification open day was held to climax the IT Audit, Information Security & Risk

insights conference held in Accra and it drew eighty-one (81) participants. The

Education & Certification Committee Chair gave an overview of ISACA, after which

participants were allowed to ask questions and seek clarifications on any of the ISACA

Certifications. Some esteemed members also gave accounts of their personal

experiences and how certifying in ISACA has raised their professional credentials.

2015 Europe/Africa Leadership Conference

The Chapter participated in the ISACA Europe/Africa Leadership Conference held in

Copenhagen, Denmark in November. The Chapter was represented by Mr. Kobina

Nkum Akwa (Chapter President) and Mr. Michel Yao Ahorbo (Chapter Vice President).

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ISACA Accra Chapter AGM 2015 27

th November 2015– Engineers Center, Accra – 18:00-20:00pm

Email: [email protected] Website:

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ISACA Africa Leadership Conference

The ISACA Africa Leadership conference was held in Lusaka, Zambia in January for

ISACA chapter leaders all over Africa. The Accra Chapter was represented by Mr.

Kobina Nkum Akwa (Chapter President) and Mr. CK Bruce (Immediate Past President)

ISACA Leadership Dinner and Opportunity Workshop

The CEO of ISACA International, Mr. Matt Loeb, Mr. Ken Kujundjic, Managing Director

and Mr. Tim Mason, Head of Marketing all from ISACA Headquarters, USA visited

Ghana and for the first time, held an opportunity workshop on the 5th of October for

middle management at the Alisa Hotel and Leadership dinner at the Movenpic

Ambassador Hotel on 6th October for CEO’s and Top management.

Student Outreach Program

The Chapter organized a student outreach in Kumasi. It was hosted at the Kwame

Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Campus with support from the Head of

the Computer Science Department of the University. The students were addressed by

Mr. Matt Loeb, CEO of ISACA and a section of the chapter board members. The CEO of

ISACA International offered a one year free student membership to all students present

at the seminar. It was attended by 264 students.

Mock Exams

Free mock exams were organized and held at the ATTC, Kokomlemle to assist

members and non-members a-like in their preparations towards the 2015 ISACA June,

September and December exam sessions. The first mock exam was held on 30th May

and had 48 people sitting for the mock. The second mock organized was held on 29 th

August, 36 people sat. The November mock held on the 21st had 53 people sitting.

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ISACA Accra Chapter AGM 2015 27

th November 2015– Engineers Center, Accra – 18:00-20:00pm

Email: [email protected] Website:

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Training Institution Accreditation Renewals and Registration

To ensure the provision of quality training in ISACA courses and add value to grow

training institutions, GIMPA, this year joined the other three training Institutions who

offer training for ISACA certifications, namely SCALA West Africa, Rhythex Consulting

and Innovare Learning Center. They have been accredited by the Accra Chapter to

assure members of high quality training after demonstration of best practices were

verified. Due process was followed in the accreditation of these learning centers to

ensure members benefit from the best of training.

ISACA Young Professionals

The ISACA Young Professionals (YP) Network this year held a networking event to

which twenty-seven (27) young professionals attended.

Pending Programs for 2015

Chapter Annual General Meeting

In conclusion, the Accra chapter events were Key to creating a community of like-

minded professionals and sharing knowledge with peers. The chapter hosted regular bi-

monthly chapter meetings, conferences, student outreach program and other training

opportunities and social events throughout the year.

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ISACA Accra Chapter AGM 2015 27

th November 2015– Engineers Center, Accra – 18:00-20:00pm

Email: [email protected] Website:

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Membership Overview

The Accra Chapter experienced a marginal decrease in membership over the reporting

period. Our membership row as at 30th September 2015 was 431 representing a

decrease of 7% compared to 462 in September 2014. This is the first in 5 years that the

Chapter has experienced a negative growth. [Membership row as at 18th November

stands at 454]

The Chapter recorded a membership renewal percentage of 63.51% in 2015 which was

almost the same as the renewal rate of 63.56% in 2014. The Accra Chapter is classified

as “LARGE” as it has more than 300 members.

There was a 20% increase in number of certifications issued to members, from 197 in

2014 to 237 in 2015, which translates to 40 additional certifications. The breakdown is

as follows: CGEIT – 13, CRISC – 29, CISA – 151, CISM – 44. For the first time in many

years, CISM recorded the highest growth of 21 additional certifications, ahead of CISA

which had 15 new certifications. This may be a reflection of the response to the growing

demand for information security professionals. New members and those without

certifications are encouraged to certify with the increasingly recognized ISACA

certifications that are ranked among the world’s best and most relevant.

The Chapter made good on its promise to leverage on social media platforms to foster

closer relationships and communication among members. Bonding of the Young

Professionals (YP) using WhatsApp has been very impressive. Content and activities on

social media will be enhanced in the coming year as part of the membership drive.

Finally, we acknowledge the support of the Chapter Board and ISACA international,

notably the visit of the CEO of ISACA International, in sustaining the interest of

members in the chapter and its activities. We continue to encourage members to bring

in fellow professionals and also renew their membership for 2016.

Daniel Gyampo

Membership Director

Dated: 18th November 2015