Download - Chapter 2.3 - Susceptibility Artifacts




Susceptibility ArtifactsEmine U. Saritas1, 2, Samantha J. Holdsworth3, Roland Bammer3

1Department of Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA2Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey

3Center for Quantitative Neuroimaging, Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA


The uniformity of the B0 main field in magnetic reso-nance imaging (MRI) is critical for artifact-free imageformation. MRI scanners are manufactured with a strin-gent requirement of less than one part-per-million(ppm)a variation in the B0 field. However, this 1 ppmtheoretical homogeneity easily gets distorted once a sub-ject is placed inside the MRI scanner, mainly due to a9 ppm magnetic susceptibility difference between airand tissue. The presence of any surgical implants furtherexacerbates the problem, as different tissue types, air, andmetal all interact with and distort the applied magneticfield differently. This interaction is quantified by what iscalled the magnetic susceptibility of a matter.1

The susceptibility variations in tissue on a microscopicscale are in fact the source ofmany useful contrastmecha-nisms inMRI, such as blood oxygenation level-dependent(BOLD) functional MRI (fMRI) and diagnosis of cerebralhemorrhage.However, amacroscopic susceptibility varia-tion leads to a global field inhomogeneity, which in turncreates off-resonance induced artifacts in the images.These artifactsmanifest as faster T2

* decay, signal dropoutsand pileups, geometric distortions, and incomplete fatsuppression. High-field MRI scans especially suffer fromsusceptibility artifacts, as the absolute size of the field per-turbations increases linearly with B0 field strength. Forexample, the 9 ppm susceptibility difference between airand tissue corresponds to a 575 Hz field variation at1.5 T, while it is doubled to a 1150 Hz variation at 3 T.While a global frequency shift can be easily dealt with by

aIn MRI, the variations in B0 field or the differences in resonant freq

million”, or ppm. For example, 1 ppm inhomogeneity at 1.5 T corresp

would in turn result in a 63.87 Hz off-resonance (i.e., one-millionth

91Quantitative MRI of the Spinal Cord

adjusting the center frequency, it is the local field inhomo-geneity that perturbs the imaging process.

In vivo MRI of the spinal cord is especially chal-lenging due to susceptibility variations between varioustissue types (e.g., vertebrae, muscle, CSF, gray and whitematter, fat, air in the lungs and trachea, bowel gas, andsurgical implants) that significantly distort the appliedmagnetic field. As shown by the B0 field maps of thespine (Figure 2.3.1), the air in the lungs and nasal cav-ities as well as the curvature in the neck significantlydistort the field around the spinal cord. Furthermore,susceptibility differences between vertebral spinousprocesses and connective tissue create local field inho-mogeneities along the spinal cord itself, as seen inFigure 2.3.1(B). Bulk physiologic motion from cardiacand respiratory cycles, CSF pulsation, as well as breath-ing and swallowing further cause temporal variations ofthese field inhomogeneities.

This chapter gives an overview of susceptibility arti-facts and how they manifest in EPI images of the spinalcord. Methods to alleviate these artifacts will be out-lined. Please note that while this chapter mostly presentsexamples of susceptibility artifacts on sagittal images,axial and coronal orientations are equally affected.


Single-shot echo planar imaging (ss-EPI) remains themost frequently used technique for most of the quantita-tive imaging methods, because it acquires the whole of

uencies are so small that they are expressed in “parts per

onds to a 1.5 mT variation in the B0 field. This field variation

of the center frequency of f0¼ 63.87 MHz at 1.5 T).

Copyright � 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

FIGURE 2.3.1 B0 field maps of the cervical spine, showing over 6 ppm variation in field homogeneity. (A) The coronal view of the cervi-cothoracic area shows how the lungs and the nasal cavities contribute to field variations. Here, each phase wrap reflects a 1 ppm field change.(B) T1-weighted sagittal view of the spinal cord and contour plot of the B0 field map showing local distortions in magnetic field caused bysusceptibility differences between vertebral spinous processes and connective tissue. Note how the regions shown with the dashed linesexperience high distortion in the EPI image in Figure 2.3.2(C). Contour spacing¼ 10 Hz at 2 T field, or approximately 0.1 ppm. Source: (A) fromReference 2; (B) obtained with permission from Ref. 3.


k-space after a single excitation. This fast imaging capa-bility is especially critical for methods that are sensitiveto subject motion (e.g., diffusion-weighted imaging(DWI)) or for methods that require a high temporal res-olution (e.g., fMRI).

Although ss-EPI performs relatively well in the brain,the anatomy of the spine as well as the abundance ofsusceptibility variations make it particularly difficult toproduce high-quality ss-EPI images of the spinal cord.The long and narrow anatomy of the spine requires alarge field of view (FOV) in the superior-inferior (S/I)direction, and the small cross-sectional size of the spinalcord mandates high-spatial-resolution images. Even inthe axial imaging plane, where the spinal cord presentsa small region of interest (ROI), the rest of the body dic-tates a large FOV. Covering a large FOV with high reso-lution requires long readout durations in EPI, which inturn result in distortions and severe blurring of theimages along the phase-encoding (PE) direction. Inaddition, the long interval between subsequent k-spacelines (i.e., echo spacing) causes significant image distor-tions due to off-resonance effects.

The location-dependent geometric distortion in anEPI image can be expressed as:


Nint R: (2.3.1)

Here, dPE(r) is the local displacement of a voxel in thePE direction (i.e., the voxel appears at positionrþ dPE(r) instead of at r), Df(r) (in Hertz) represents afield inhomogeneity or off-resonance effect observedat position r, and FOVPE is the FOV in the PE direction,TESP (in seconds) is the time interval between two adja-cent echoes during an EPI readout (referred to as the“echo spacing”), Nint is the number of interleaves inEPI (e.g., Nint¼ 1 for ss-EPI), and R denotes the


acceleration factor for parallel imaging (e.g., R¼ 1 forno acceleration). As seen in Eqn (2.3.1), a large FOV,increased readout duration due to a need for high res-olution, and increased susceptibility variations allcontribute to geometric distortions in EPI images. Forexample, a local 6 ppm off-resonance at 3 T, a FOV-

PE¼ 18 cm, and TESP¼ 0.5 ms (all typical numbers inthe spine) would cause close to 7 cm local displacementfor regular ss-EPI. This level of distortion, as demon-strated in Figure 2.3.2(C), can easily render regularss-EPI images clinically unusable.

ss-EPI images also exhibit a substantial water–fatmisalignment, as the frequency term in Eqn (2.3.1) alsoapplies to chemical shifts. For example, for the afore-mentioned imaging parameters, the fat image wouldexperience a 4 cm shift in the PE direction with respectto the water image (assuming a chemical shift of3.5 ppm, i.e., 440 Hz at 3 T). Hence, ss-EPI mandatesproper shimming of the ROI, as well as a robust fat sup-pression or spectrally selective excitation.4,5 These fatsuppression schemes usually take advantage of thechemical shift (i.e., differences in resonant frequencies)between fat and water. Unfortunately, susceptibilityvariations around the spine can distort the field homo-geneity to such an extent that effective fat suppress-ion is often an issue. For example, a local 440 Hzsusceptibility-induced off-resonance at 3 T would causethe water signal to be suppressed, instead of the fatsignal. Figure 2.3.2(B) demonstrates this phenomenon,where the susceptibility variations around the cervicalspine resulted in an incomplete fat suppression (whitearrow) and a signal dropout (red arrow).

The position dependency of susceptibility effectscauses different regions in the FOV to experiencedifferent levels of displacement, further complicatingthe problem. This nonrigid distortion is typically


(A) (B) (C)

FIGURE 2.3.2 Various manifestations of susceptibility artifacts. (A) T2-weighted fast spin-echo image showing the anatomy, and (B) cor-responding isotropic diffusion-weighted image acquired using interleaved EPI. Susceptibility variations around the spine result in incomplete fatsuppression (white arrow) and a signal drop (red arrow). (C) T2-weighted single-shot EPI of the cervical spine demonstrates high levels ofdistortion, as well as incomplete fat suppression (white arrow). Local susceptibility differences between vertebral spinous processes and con-nective tissue, as shown in Figure 2.3.1(B), result in a comb-like appearance of the spine. In the cervicothoracic junction, the signals from thespinal cord and the CSF are piled up, while the neighboring pixels (where CSF was supposed to be) are left devoid of signal (yellow arrow).


observed as signal pileups or dropouts in an EPI image.The cervicothoracic junction in Figure 2.3.2(C) showsone such case, where the signals from the spinal cordand the CSF are piled up, while the neighboring pixels(where CSF was supposed to be) are left devoid of signal(yellow arrow). A less severe manifestation of this sus-ceptibility artifact is the comb-like appearance of the spi-nal cord in Figure 2.3.2(C), which is caused by the localfield inhomogeneities along the spinal cord (seeFigure 2.3.1(B)).


There are various approaches that can be used toreduce susceptibility artifacts for spinal cord imaging;unfortunately, many of these methods have only beendemonstrated in the research arena and are not availableon clinical scanners. These approaches target one (ormore) of the variables in Eqn (2.3.1), which can berewritten as:

dPEðrÞ ¼ Df ðrÞSk


where Sk is the speed of k-space traversal, i.e.,


¼ Nint R


Here, DkPE is the distance between adjacent k-space linesduring readout, and DtPE is the time interval betweenthe echoes from these k-space lines, which is equal tothe echo spacing, TESP.


As seen in Eqn (2.3.2), one can reduce susceptibilityartifacts by reducing the off-resonance effect, or Df(r).This goal can be achieved to a certain extent by passiveor active shimming of the areas of interest (see Section2.3.3.6 and Chapter 2.2); however, local field inhomoge-neities remain unaddressed.

The other (rather more tortuous) method is to accel-erate the traversal of k-space (i.e., increase Sk) by alteringthe MRI pulse sequence, as outlined schematically inFigure 2.3.3. A reduction of the echo spacing (TESP) canbe achieved by (1) increasing the EPI bandwidthand/or sampling on the gradient ramps of the EPI tra-jectory, and/or (2) segmenting the k-space trajectory,such as by the readout-segmented EPI approach (a“multishot” method). Interleaved EPI methods speedup the k-space traversal by dividing the k-space intoseveral sections that are each acquired faster but inseparate repetition times (TRs).6–8 A reduction in thephase-encoding FOV (FOVPE) in spine imaging withstandard slice-selective pulses can cause undesired ali-asing in the PE direction if the object is larger thanFOVPE, even after using graphical saturation pulses.Thus, more advanced reduced FOV methods that alterthe radiofrequency (RF) pulses or that use outer vol-ume suppression methods have been implementedfor the spinal cord.9–12 Parallel imaging methods pro-vide acceleration in k-space by utilizing the complemen-tary spatial encoding information from multiplereceiver coil elements to reduce the number of acquiredk-space lines.13–15

Ideally, a combination of all of these methods couldbe used; however, each of these techniques presents arather complicated set of advantages and limitations.


FIGURE 2.3.3 Overview of some of the MRI pulse sequence techniques described in this chapter. To reduce susceptibility artifacts in EPI, weneed to speed up k-space traversal (methods are listed in increasing k-space traversal speed, with faster methods on the right). Increased readoutbandwidth (BW) and ramp sampling both help decrease the echo spacing between adjacent k-space lines. Reducing the phase-encoding FOV,parallel imaging, and dividing the k-space into interleaves all help to speed up k-space traversal by skipping lines during readout in a single TR.A more advanced multishot method is to segment the k-space along the readout direction to shorten the echo spacing. These methods can becombined to reach a desired level of acceleration.


The remainder of this section discusses various ap-proaches to reduce susceptibility distortions, and theirrelative advantages and disadvantages. Reduced Echo-Spacing Methods

Susceptibility effects can be alleviated by reducingthe echo spacing between adjacent k-space lines dur-ing readout in a single TR. For a fixed image resolu-tion, the easiest way to achieve this goal is (1) toincrease the readout bandwidth (BW), and/or (2)to acquire data during the gradient ramps (also knownas “ramp sampling”) in addition to the gradientplateaus. Increasing the bandwidth reduces thesignal-to-noise ratio (SNR) due to a shorter readout.However, if a region experiences severe off-resonance effects, the decreased readout duration canactually reduce the dephasing in a voxel, resulting inan increase in local signal level. Ramp sampling is anespecially important implementation that comes atvery little disadvantage, other than the need for 1D-gridding of the data acquired during gradient ramps.

Both ramp sampling and increasing the bandwidthare methods available on most commercial MRI scan-ners. In some scanners, there is no direct relationshipbetween the echo spacing and the BW, due to hardwarelimitations (e.g., gradient-switching time). In practice,the user can increase the BW and stop when the echospacing is at its minimum. Note that although reducingthe echo spacing is the easiest way to alleviate suscep-tibility artifacts, it can fail to provide a significantimprovement in image quality, given that the readoutbandwidth in an MRI scanner has an upper limit (typi-cally a maximum of �250 kHz). The methods describedin the remainder of this section usually build on top of


a ramp-sampled, high-bandwidth EPI sequence, andthey provide additional ways to speed up k-spacetraversal in EPI. Reduced Field-of-View Methods

Spinal cord imaging has been shown to benefit fromreduced FOV (rFOV) acquisitions that limit the extentof coverage in the phase-encoding direction (i.e.,FOVPE). With a much smaller FOVPE, the number ofrequired k-space lines is also reduced (typically betweenone-half and one-fourth of the full-FOV case), which inturn significantly reduces off-resonance induced arti-facts. As expected, the SNR is also reduced by the squareroot of the FOVPE reduction factor. Although bothreduced-FOV and parallel imaging methods reduce thenumber of acquired k-space lines to achieve high-quality images, they significantly differ in implementa-tion. Parallel imaging methods (see Section advantage of the orthogonality of coil sensitivities,while the rFOV techniques actively limit the extent ofFOV through pulse sequence modifications.

Figure 2.3.4 demonstrates the effectiveness of rFOVtechniques, where reducing the FOVPE to one-fourth ofits full-FOV value alleviates the distortions in the ss-EPI image of the spinal cord, even in the presence ofmetallic implants.16 Recently, a number of rFOVmethods have been proposed for high-resolution ss-EPI of the spinal cord. A schematic explanation ofsome of these methods is given in Figure 2.3.5.

One of these rFOV methods utilizes outer-volumesuppression pulses preceding the excitation pulse10

(shown in Figure 2.3.5(A)). This technique can be imple-mented by placing suppression bands anterior and/orposterior to the spine. Similar implementations of this


FIGURE 2.3.4 Diffusion-weighted ss-EPI images of the cervicalspine of a patient post cervical discectomy and fusion, acquired usinga four-channel spine array coil with phase encoding performed in theanterior–posterior direction, and matrix size¼ 192� 192. (A) T2-weighted fast spin-echo image is given for anatomical reference. ss-EPI images with (B) a 25% FOVPE (i.e., 18 cm� 4.5 cm), and (C) fullFOV (i.e., 18 cm� 18 cm). The reduced-FOV image (B) has fourfoldreduced distortion when compared to the full-FOV image (C),demonstrating the effectiveness of the reduced-FOV method in alle-viating susceptibility-induced distortions. Note that the reduced-FOVmethod mitigates but does not fully eliminate the metallic artifactassociated with the plate between the vertebral bodies. Source:Figure from Ref. 16.


method are available on most commercial MRI scanners,and they usually involve graphical prescription of sup-pression and saturation bands. However, because thesuppression efficiency is generally limited, it can leadto partial aliasing artifacts in the PE direction of the im-ages. These artifacts are sometimes difficult to detect, asthe aliased signal can resemble noise due to its

FIGURE 2.3.5 Schematic explanation of various reduced-FOV imagiutilize a regular 90� excitation followed by two suppression bands plaexcitation followed by an orthogonally applied 180� refocusing pulse.imaging. (C) ZOOM-EPI method with a tilted 180� refocusing pulse. (D)


attenuated amplitude. Hence, it is imperative to performphantom tests to assess the level of signal suppressionoutside the desired FOVPE.

Another rFOV technique applies excitation and refo-cusing RF pulses orthogonally17 (see Figure 2.3.5(B)),which significantly decreases the SNR of the neigh-boring slices if interleaved acquisition is performed.This is because the 180� pulse acts as an inversion pulseon the neighboring slice locations. A method calledZOOM-EPI9 mitigates the SNR loss problem byapplying the 180� refocusing pulse at an oblique angle,as shown in Figure 2.3.5(C). This way, the neighboringslices do not experience the refocusing pulse. However,if the neighboring slices are close to each other in space,there can still be a partial cross-saturation of the adjacentslices, resulting in a signal drop along the edges of theFOV in the PE direction. This signal drop can be allevi-ated by spacing the slices apart (i.e., by placing sliceskips) or by extending FOVPE. A recent approach calledcontiguous-slice zonally oblique multislice (CO-ZOOM)mitigates the cross-saturation problem by double refo-cusing the signal with two 180� pulses applied orthogo-nally as in Figure 2.3.5(B).12 However, the resultingprolonged echo time (TE) decreases the signal level.

Instead of utilizing a 1D excitation pulse, 2Dspatially selective RF pulses can be used to exciteonly the ROI for rFOV imaging.11,18 As shown inFigure 2.3.5(D), because the adjacent slices are notexcited, this method is compatible with contiguousmultislice imaging without the need for a slice skip.Depending on the implementation, these 2D-RF pulseshave excitation profiles periodic in either the phase orthe slice direction. A subsequent 180� refocusing pulsecan be utilized to refocus only the main lobe of the exci-tation while preserving the rFOV imaging capabilities,

ng methods. (A) Outer volume suppression and saturation methodsced anterior and posterior to the region of interest. (B) Regular 90�The 180� pulse inverts the adjacent slices, reducing the SNR during2D spatial excitation, followed by a 180� refocusing pulse.


FIGURE 2.3.6 Cervical spine images acquired using a four-channel spine array coil using a matrix size¼ 192� 192 and aFOV¼ 18 cm� 9 cm (with PE performed in the A/P direction). (A) T2-weighted fast spin-echo image is given for anatomical reference.


as demonstrated in Figure 2.3.5(D).11 When the profileis periodic in the slice direction, the fat and water pro-files are also shifted in volume in the slice direction.This feature can be exploited by designing a 2D-RFpulse with nonoverlapping fat–water profiles. Then,the subsequent 180� refocusing pulse suppresses thesignal from fat without the need for additional fat sup-pression pulses. However, the periodicity in the slicedirection may also restrict the coverage in the slice di-rection.11 Likewise, if the excitation profile is periodicin the phase direction, it may place a restriction onthe maximum size of the subject. This is because the pe-riodic lobes in the phase direction can otherwise causealiasing artifacts, as those lobes are now refocused withthe 180� pulse.18 Furthermore, because the 2D-RFpulses tend to have long durations, the slice profilesmay be sensitive to off-resonance effects.

Each of these rFOV methods has its own strengthsand weaknesses, and the method of choice depends onthe application. In the end, they all significantly reducethe susceptibility-induced artifacts in EPI.

Standard ss-EPI with (B) no acceleration, (C) R¼ 2 giving a twofoldreduction in geometric distortion, and (D) R¼ 3 giving a threefoldreduction in geometric distortion. All images have the same scan time.Because of the shorter trajectory and g-factor noise present in (C–D),the SNR is reduced overall. Especially the pons area experiences asignificant SNR reduction, due to the diminishing coil sensitivityprofiles in the A/P direction (white arrow). The decreased imagequality with R¼ 3 suggests that R¼ 2 is probably the upper acceler-ation limit for this spine array coil. Parallel Imaging

Parallel imaging helps reduce the effective readoutduration by decreasing the number of k-space lines(see Chapter 2.1). Data from multiple channels arethen used to fill in the “missing” k-space lines throughparallel imaging reconstruction procedures (such asGRAPPA19) or unalias reconstructed images (usingSENSE20). Since a fully sampled k-space data set canbe reconstructed from the undersampled k-space ac-quired in one repetition, parallel imaging–enhancedEPI is relatively robust to motion artifacts.

While parallel imaging is frequently used for distor-tion reduction in EPI brain scans, its efficacy is limitedby both the number of available receiver coils andtheir geometric arrangement. This is particularly thecase for spine array coils, which are often geometri-cally flat, have poor sensitivity in the anterior–posterior (A/P) direction, and have limited parallelimaging capability in the S/I direction. Figure 2.3.6compares cervical spine images acquired both withand without parallel imaging performed in the A/P(phase-encoding (PE)) direction. Figure 2.3.6(C) and2.3.6(D) were acquired with the same scan time as inFigure 2.3.6(B), but with acceleration factors of R¼ 2and R¼ 3, respectively. While accelerating through k-space results in a two- or threefold reduction in distor-tion, the overall SNR is reduced for a given scan time.Even though the scan times were adjusted so that theaccelerated images had approximately the same num-ber of samples as in the unaccelerated image, one canobserve the g-factor noise that obscures the pons re-gion. This is more pronounced for the image with


R¼ 3, but it is noticeable even with a modest parallelacceleration factor of R¼ 2. It is for this reason thatmany studies of the spinal cord utilizing parallel im-aging to reduce susceptibility artifacts in EPI onlyachieve a factor of (or near) 2.13–15,21 At such small ac-celeration factors, parallel imaging alone is often noteffective in obtaining submillimeter in-plane resolu-tion with adequate image quality.

For cervical scans, one may be inclined to use a headand neck array coil in order to leverage on its improvedparallel imaging performance capability. Unfortunately,few conventional head and neck coils have geometric ar-rangements suitable for high acceleration factors. How-ever, some promising work has been shown with thedevelopment of a 32-channel coil that fully covers thebrain and cervical spine.22 Diffusion tensor imaging(DTI) results acquired with this coil are shown inFigure 2.3.7, with noticeable reduction in geometricdistortion with increasing acceleration factors (of upto four). Multishot EPI Techniques

As shown in Figure 2.3.3, it is possible to reduce sus-ceptibility artifacts by traversing k-space faster throughthe use of multishot EPI techniques. The most common


FIGURE 2.3.7 Parallel imaging at various acceleration factors using EPI readout and a 32-channel coil that fully covers the brain and cervicalspine.22 Fractional anisotropy (FA) color maps from this DTI scan show a noticeable reduction in geometric distortion with increasing accel-eration factors. GRAPPA reconstruction was utilized for parallel imaging. TR¼ 14280 ms, echo time (TE)¼ 80 ms, reso-lution¼ 1.7� 1.7� 1.7 mm3, 30 diffusion-encoding directions, b-value¼ 800 s/mm2. Source: Images courtesy of Julien Cohen-Adad.


multishot EPI technique is called interleaved EPI(IEPI),23 which is becoming a promising approach inclinical spine DWI acquisitions.6–8,24–28 With thismethod, the number of k-space lines per interleaf isreduced by acquiring multiple EPI interleaves in thephase-encoding direction. For example, for Nint¼ 2,each interleaf traverses the k-space by skipping everyother line. These two interleaves are then combined toform the full k-space data. The disadvantage of the IEPIapproach is that motion can occur between the acquisi-tion of different interleaves, which can lead to ghostingartifacts or even result in gaps in k-space (for diffusion-MRI methods after phase correction), leading to aliasingartifacts and residual ghosting in the final image.

Figure 2.3.8 demonstrates that one can acquireanatomically reliable DWI images using IEPI with 11shots (and 15 echoes per interleaf). According to Eqn

FIGURE 2.3.8 Isotropic diffusion-weighted interleaved EPIsequence showing high geometric fidelity in the spinal cord. (A) T2-weighted fast spin-echo image for anatomical reference, and (B)isotropic diffusion-weighted image acquired using IEPI (15 lines and11 shots), with b-value¼ 500 s/mm2.


(2.3.1), the distortion artifacts can be reduced by a fac-tor that is proportional to the number of interleaves.The shortened readout in IEPI helps to reduce imageblurring that is caused by field inhomogeneity andchemical shift. In addition, the flexibility in choice ofinterleaves in IEPI allows one to use larger acquisitionmatrices, which enables one to acquire images withhigher spatial resolution. With smaller voxel sizes, dis-tortions from intravoxel dephasing can also be miti-gated. Multiple signal averages (excitations) can thenbe used to compensate for the decreased SNR associ-ated with smaller voxels. Some work has coupledthe IEPI approach with reduced FOV for DWI,achieving images at a resolution capable of revealingstrong diffusional anisotropy in spinal cord whitematter.28

The trade-off for using a multishot echo planar tech-nique is that the segmentation of k-space not only in-creases the scan time compared with single-shot EPIbut also results in phase error discontinuities fromoff-resonant spins and random motion-induced phasefluctuations for each interleaf.29 Phase error discontinu-ities require echo-time shifting,29 as well as monitoringand retrospective correction of phase errors by meansof navigator echoes.30,31

Despite the use of navigators in IEPI, motion remainsa difficult problem, particularly for diffusion imagingwhere significant motion can cause gaps in betweenthe interleaves, resulting in aliasing artifacts. An alter-native multishot approach that is less prone to motionis readout-segmented EPI (RS-EPI),32 which coversk-space with a series of consecutive segments. As inEqn (2.3.1), in RS-EPI the echo-spacing TESP is reducedby segmenting the k-space trajectory along the readoutdimension. Here, geometric distortion is reduced by anextent that is roughly inversely proportional to thewidth of the segment. In RS-EPI, each segment acquiresa full-FOV (low-resolution) image that is largelymotion-free. Thus, correction for motion is required


FIGURE 2.3.9 Cervical spine images showing (A) a fast spin-echo forgeometric reference, and isotropic diffusion-weighted (b¼ 500 s/mm2)images acquired at matched resolution (1.5 mm� 1.5 mm� 4 mm) andmatchedscan time (2:30 min)using (B)EPI (echospacing¼ 726 ms) and (C)RS-EPI (effective echo spacing¼ 316 ms).

FIGURE 2.3.11 Fiber tractographyusingparallel imagingcombinedwithRS-EPI. This imagewas acquiredusing a 32-channel brain and spinecoil,22 3 RS-EPI segments, 34 slices, cardiac gating, 2.2 mm isotropic res-olution, TR/TE¼ 15 s/66 ms, matrix¼138� 104, R¼ 3 (GRAPPAreconstruction), BW¼ 1510 Hz/pixel, echo spacing¼ 0.38 ms, twice-refocused pulse, b-value¼ 800 s/mm2, 30 diffusion-encoding di-rections. Source: Images courtesy of Julien Cohen-Adad.


only between segments, which can be performed withthe use of a navigator image. Any “gaps” in k-spacethat arise due to this correction are quite benign asdemonstrated in DWI neuroimaging.33 Figure 2.3.9shows a comparison between EPI and RS-EPI isotropicdiffusion-weighted images acquired with the same scantime at a matrix size of 192� 192. Using 32� 192 seg-ments in RS-EPI results in a 2.3-fold reduction in distor-tion. It is possible to further reduce susceptibilityartifacts using smaller segment widths, which is analo-gous to the use of more interleaves in IEPI. However,this comes at a considerable cost in SNR efficiencyand greater sensitivity to motion artifacts.

As in reduced-FOV IEPI, it is intuitive to use RS-EPIwith reduced-FOV imaging approaches to get the ben-efits of both methods for reducing distortion.Figure 2.3.10 shows the improvement of image qualityin a thoracic DTI scan as one goes from standard (fullFOV) EPI, to reduced-FOV ZOOM-EPI, and finally toreduced-FOV ZOOM-RS-EPI.

In addition, equipped with a coil suitable for parallelimaging, one can also benefit from accelerating theRS-EPI trajectory with parallel imaging. As shown in

FIGURE 2.3.10 Comparisonbetween theb¼ 0 s/mm2

images of a thoracic spine using full FOV EPI (30� 30 cm,matrix size¼ 200� 200), ZOOM-EPI, and ZOOM-RS-EPI(30� 10 cm, matrix size¼ 200� 60 (square pixels)). ForZOOM-RS-EPI, the isotropic DWI (isoDWI, b¼ 500 s/mm2), fractional anisotropy (FA), and the first eigenvector(color map) are also shown. Note that there is less “discbulging” into the spinal canal and less blurring on theZOOM-RS-EPI scans than on the ZOOM-EPI scans.


Figure 2.3.11, it is possible to achieve high-quality fibertractography images of the cervical spinal cord andbrain with the use of RS-EPI accelerated by a factor of 3. Other (Non-EPI) Techniques Line Scan Imaging

Line scan imaging is an alternative to the EPI acquisi-tion scheme that has been used for diffusion-weightedMRI in the spinal cord. It consists of sequential single-shot acquisition of PE lines. Line scan imaging isrelatively insensitive to B0-field inhomogeneities, eddycurrents, and bulk motion, and can provide rectangular



diffusion-weighted images.34–36 Previous studies havecompared single-shot EPI and line scan imaging.37 It wasapplied in children,38 in the human spinal cord,39–41 andin the spine.42 However, the trade-off of line scan imagingacquisition schemes is the relatively long acquisition timeto image a large volume, and missing k-space lines in thepresence of extensive motion. Fast Spin-Echo

Rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement(RARE) is a spin-echo (SE) sequence with refocusingpulses after RF excitation to significantly decrease relax-ation time, thus enabling the introduction ofmore excita-tion pulses in a given time in comparison to the standardSE sequence. With RARE, the RF refocusing yields signaldecay with T2 rather than T2

*, making this sequence lesssensitive to off-resonance effects and eddy currents.43 Anumber of variations of the RARE sequence have beendeveloped, including fast spin-echo (FSE) and turbospin echo (TSE). Some studies have demonstrated thebenefits of FSE for imaging the human spinal cord withDTI.13,44,45 Although faster than standard SE, thissequence is much slower than EPI. Radial and Spiral Acquisition

In contrast to the classical Cartesian k-space filling,radial acquisition is made up of phase lines passingthrough the center of k-space, while spiral acquisitionconsists of acquisition in a “spiral” trajectory startingfrom either the center or periphery of k-space. Hence,in both radial acquisition and spiral acquisition, allreadout trajectories are symmetric to the origin ofk-space and are equivalent with respect to the recon-struction. This is not the case in conventional Carte-sian readout schemes, where a single corrupted dataline can degrade the complete image.46 Due to thehigh density of data at the center of k-space, theSNR is still acceptable when fewer phase lines are ac-quired compared to the Cartesian k-space samplingscheme. A disadvantage of radial and spiral acquisi-tion schemes, however, is the potential for streak or“aura” (or swirl) artifacts due to the undersamplingof the azimuthal regions in k-space.47 Instead of singlelines, one could acquire blades consisting of severallines, which are then rotated to provide better naviga-tion capabilities.48,49 This technique is known as peri-odically rotated overlapping parallel lines withenhanced reconstruction (PROPELLER). A radial EPItechnique using this approach has been proposedand yielded very promising results in the abdomen50

and in the spinal cord.51 Here, it is important tonote that for the EPI-variant of PROPELLER, thereadout is along the short axis of the blade to shortenthe echo spacing. The radial FSE technique wasfurther improved by using a wider refocusing


slice to decrease B1-field inhomogeneity effects.52,53

Additionally, self-navigated, interleaved, variable-density spiral-based DTI acquisition (SNAILS) athigh spatial resolutions have recently shown prom-ising results in a cat model of spinal cord injury dur-ing free breathing.54 Decreasing Off-Resonance

In addition to adjusting the imaging parameters, sus-ceptibility artifacts can be reduced by repositioning thesubject, reorienting the slice, or applying active- and/orpassive-shimming methods. For example, the curvaturein the neck creates an abundance of air–tissue interfaces,and the resultingmagnetic field inhomogeneitymakes fatsuppression difficult. To improve the magnetic field ho-mogeneity, the patient’s head can be supported by foampads in order to achieve maximum anteflexion withoutthe patient feeling uncomfortable.8 In this position, theneck rests nearly flat on the coil, minimizing the volumeof air between the spine and the coil. This repositioningmakes the subsequent shimming more effective, espe-cially when using surface coils. In kyphotic patients, how-ever, this can be rather difficult to perform. For axialimaging of the spine, instead of repositioning the patient,one can carefully reorient the slices so that they arecentered within vertebral bodies.55 This in turn mini-mizes the effects of field inhomogeneities from vertebralbodies shown in Figure 2.3.1(B).

Off-resonance artifacts can also be improved by activeor passive shimming of the ROI. Of the active-shimmingmethods, first-order gradient shimming of the ROI isstandard in most MRI scanners. These shims only cor-rect for linear variations in the local field. However, spi-nal cord imaging can significantly benefit from higherorder shimming, especially at high field strengths. Asseen in Figure 2.3.12(A), both the signal level and thedistortion (seen with the curvature of the spine) areimproved by applying a second-order shim.

Another way to improve field homogeneity near theair-tissue interface is to fill the air with a material thatis susceptibility-matched to tissue tomove the inhomoge-neities outside the imaging FOV. This is a simple, passive,and direct technique for reducing B0 inhomogeneities atair-tissue boundaries. For this method to be effective,the susceptibility-matching material needs to be MRIinvisible, such that it does not extend the size of theFOV in any direction. These criteria are satisfied by fluidssuch as perfluorocarbon,56 barium sulfate-doped water,57

Kaopectate,58 and a recently proposed pyrolytic graphite(PG)-doped foam.59 Figure 2.3.12(A) demonstrates howthis PG foam improves the field map around the spinewhen it is positioned behind the neck.

Although active- and passive-shimming methods cansignificantly improve the image quality, they both have


FIGURE 2.3.12 Effects of shimming on susceptibility-induced off-resonance. (A) T2-weighted reduced-FOV ss-EPI images of the spinal cord,acquired at 3 T, with first-order (i.e., linear) shim versus second-order shim. Note the improvement in the signal level and distortion (seen withthe curvature of the spine) using higher order shimming. (B) Field maps of the spine acquired with regular foam versus susceptibility-matchingfoam placed behind the neck. With the susceptibility-matching foam, the air volume in the back of the neck is filled with a material that has thesame magnetic susceptibility as that of human tissue. Hence, the field map is significantly improved (Source: Passive-shimming images courtesy ofGary Lee). Please see Chapter 2.2 for more information on shimming.


limitations. Active-shimming methods cannot correct forhigh-spatial-frequency perturbations in the field,60

because the shim coils are physically too large togenerate high-spatial-frequency field patterns deepwithin a patient.1 Similarly, passive-shimming methodscan only fix the problems where the air–tissue interfaceis accessible, and they cannot address susceptibilityvariations due to air in the lungs, trachea, andsinuses. In addition, some of the shimming methodsare difficult to apply in clinical settings. Hence, it isbest to combine practical shimming methods with acqui-sition- and reconstruction-based distortion reductionmethods, some of which are discussed in Section Distortion Correction Methods

While distortion correction methods have been usedfor neuroimaging applications for quite some time, thereare a few studies that have incorporated and tailored theuse of these methods for spinal cord imaging. It is notsurprising that these postprocessing methods are notreadily available on clinical MRI scanners.

There are a number of “distortion correction” strate-gies available, including the point spread function(PSF),61 phase field map method,62–64 reversed gradientpolarity method (RGPM),65–69 and co-registrationmethods.70,71 The first three of these methods must



incorporate extra measurements in the acquisition, andall of these methods require extra postprocessing steps.

In the phase field map method, a B0 field map is ac-quired for each subject and then used to undistort theaccompanying EPI data.62–64 This method is widelyused (e.g., it is implemented in FSLb, a comprehensivelibrary of analysis tools for fMRI). The standard proce-dure consists of (1) acquiring two gradient echo imagesat different TEs, then subtracting the phase data toobtain the phase field map (also see Chapter 2.2); (2) pro-cessing it to generate a warping matrix; and (3) applyingthis warping matrix to EPI series. For regions particu-larly prone to inhomogeneities (e.g., close to thelungs),72 phase field maps may exceed 2p, therefore pro-ducing “phase wraps”. To correct for these phase wraps,one could use automatic algorithms that identify phasediscontinuities based on a standard intensity segmenta-tion, and then correct phase errors at wrap interfaces.73

Acquisition of a more accurate B0 field map (in compar-ison with the standard double echo technique) can pro-vide improvement to the phase field map technique inthe spinal cord. For example, acquiring more than twoechoes could provide a way to unwrap phase maps ona voxel-by-voxel basis.

The point spread function (PSF) mapping methoduses a separate reference scan that introduces an addi-tional distortion-free dimension in k-space that can be



Fourier-transformed into the PSF for each voxel. Theseimages provide additional information about distor-tions in all directions, as well as the intensity distribu-tion for each voxel. By considering the displacement ofthe PSF, local distortions due to susceptibility andchemical shift effects can be quantified and subse-quently corrected. This technique can be combinedwith other acquisition methods for faster imaging,such as parallel imaging. The PSF method has beenshown to reduce artifacts around the intervertebraldisks and provide better consistency of fiber tractogra-phy compared with uncorrected images.74 However, adisadvantage of this approach is that the correction isperformed in k-space, which can be problematic fordiffusion MRI data due to the large phase shifts intro-duced by diffusion encoding.75

The RGPM or “blip-up blip-down” method uses anadditional EPI volume acquired with the same FOVand matrix, but using a reversed PE direction (i.e., it isrotated 180�). Reversing the PE results in a sign reversalof Df(r) in Eqn (2.3.1). As a result, images acquired withreversed gradients exhibit distortions in the opposite di-rection. Using images acquired with both the positiveand the negative phase gradients, geometric and inten-sity correction fields are estimated and subsequentlyapplied to EPI data sets. In DTI, the same deformationfield can be applied to all diffusion-weighted data aftermotion correction. Since this method does not involveextensive calibration measurements like in the case ofthe PSF mapping method, nor does it rely on measuredfield maps, it is relatively practical to use with minimalscan time increase. Figure 2.3.13 shows EPI images ac-quired with opposite PE gradients, with subsequent

FIGURE 2.3.13 Distortion correction using the reversed gradientpolarity method (RGPM). (A) T2-weighted images of the thoracicspine acquired with a positive (þve) and negative (�ve) phase-encoding gradient, and the average of the two images (ave). (B)Distortion-corrected images produced by using the displacement mapcalculated from the þve and �ve images. A substantial improvementof image quality can be seen, particularly when the þve and �veimages are averaged.


correction using the phase map estimated from the dif-ference between these two images.

For co-registration methods, geometric distortion iscorrected using nonlinear registration procedures, bywarping distorted EPI images onto a correspondingundistorted (anatomical) reference image, so that theirglobal shape would tend to be similar to their theoret-ical undistorted one.71 The reference image is typicallya T2-weighted FSE sequence, acquired with the sameFOV as the EPI image. The method consists of (1)manually segmenting the ROI to optimize the registra-tion procedure, (2) normalizing intensity histogramsfor both EPI and FSE images, and (3) estimating aslice-dependent nonrigid deformation field con-strained in the PE direction. This method is advanta-geous because no additional volume acquisition isrequired, except a reference image without distortion,which is incidentally generally acquired by default instandard protocols. However, the task of eliminatingdistortions in this way can be difficult, as the contrastbetween the reference and EPI image is often quitedifferent, and the transformation has considerablymore degrees of freedom than a simple rigid-bodytransform.75 This method has been shown in fMRIbrain data to provide improved matching betweenanatomical and functional MRI data; however, itdoes not fully remove the geometrical distortions sinceit does not rely on an accurate measure of thesedistortions.71

In all of the methods discussed here, intensity errorscan also be corrected using the geometric displacementmap. For example, if two voxels are stretched, the inten-sity in each voxel will be reduced. Similarly, if two vox-els are squeezed, their intensity will be increased.Intensity correction will therefore multiply eachdistortion-corrected voxel by a correcting factor tocompensate for intensity error. It should be noted thatwhile voxels that are stretched due to distortion can berestored, the spatial details of the voxels that arebunched up cannot be recovered (these voxels willonly be spread across a voxel range after correction).Note that the fidelity of all distortion correction methodsrelies on a reasonable image quality. That is, if the under-lying image is overly distorted, the methods result in aninaccurate measurement of the displacement field and inlost anatomical information.


A basic summary of the methods that reduce suscep-tibility artifacts in EPI, and their relative advantages anddisadvantages, are given in Box 2.3.1. To demonstratethe improvements in susceptibility artifacts achieved


BOX 2.3.1

B A S I C S U M M A R Y O F M E T H O D S T H A T R E D U C E S U S C E P T I B I L I T Y A R T I F A C T SI N E P I , A N D T H E I R R E L A T I V E A D V A N T A G E S A N D D I S A D V A N T A G E S

Method Target Parameter Pros Cons

Difficulty (*Easiest

and ***Hardest)

Increased BW TESP • Simple and effective • Limited by gradientand BW specs

*Available on mostscanners

Ramp sampling TESP • Simple• Improved signal-to-

noise ratio (SNR)

• Provides minorimprovement

*Available on mostscanners

Reduced FOV FOVPE • Significant reduction indistortion level

• Avariety of methods tochoose from

• May requiremodifications to RFpulses

• May reduce SNR and/or affect slice coverage(depending on methodof choice)

**Available on somescanners

Parallel imaging R • Can be combined withother methods (e.g.,with reduced-FOVmethods)

• Requires suitablephased-arraycoilsdtypically allowsonly R� 2 in A/Pdirection in spine

• May cause spatiallycorrelated noise


InterleavedEPI (IEPI)

Nint • Flexibility to choosenumber of interleavesbased on desireddistortion reduction

• Increased temporalfootprint

• Increased scan time• Prone to motion

between interleaves• May require navigator

echoes and tailoredreconstruction



TESP Compared with IEPI

• More effectivemotion correction

• In DWI, muchimproved dataconsistencyand fewer “gaps”in k-space

• Increased temporalfootprint

• Prone to motionbetweensegmentsdrequirestailored reconstructionfor motion correctionand gridding

Compared with IEPI• Inefficient use of

gradients reduce SNR• Reduction in distortion

through selection ofsegment widthlimited


Shimming Df(r) • Also improves signallevel and fatsuppression

• Only fixes large-scaleoff-resonance effects

**Available on mostscanners

Distortion correctionmethods(postprocessing)

• Effective in correctingresidual distortions

• Data used for distortioncorrection can be usedto boost SNR (forRGPM)

• Requires additionalpostprocessing

• Increases scan time (formost approaches)

• Not effective if originalimages are overlydistorted


Note that compared with standard EPI, all of these approaches (excluding ramp sampling, shimming, and distortion correction) to varying degrees come at a

reduced SNR efficiency.



(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G)

FIGURE 2.3.14 Comparison of some of the acquisition-based methods to reduce susceptibility artifacts. T2-weighted EPI images of thecervical spine were acquired with a high in-plane resolution of 0.94 mm� 0.94 mm (corresponding to a 192� 192 matrix size for full-FOVimages), using a four-channel spine array coil at 3 T. The scan time was kept constant for all methods. (A) Fast spin echo (FSE) imageshowing anatomical reference. (B–C) Full FOV (18 cm� 18 cm) images, where (B) is acquired without ramp sampling, and (C) with rampsampling and higher bandwidth (BW). Although these two simple changes help reduce the geometric distortion (see the difference in thecurvature of the spine between (B) and (C)), the image quality is still not good. Reducing the FOV, on the other hand, significantly helps with theimage quality. (D–E) 50% FOVPE (i.e., 18 cm� 9 cm) images; and (F–G) 25% FOVPE (i.e., 18 cm� 4.5 cm) images. Note that (E) and (B) alsoincorporate a parallel acceleration factor (R) of 2, with (G) displaying the best overall image quality among the compared images. While (E) and(F) have roughly the same geometric distortion properties, (E) shows some parallel imaging–induced noise in the pons.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

FIGURE 2.3.15 T2-weighted thoracic spine images showing acomparison between (B) EPI and (C) readout-segmented (RS)-EPI. In(D), the RS-EPI image has been distortion corrected with the use of ab¼ 0 image acquired with a negative phase-encoding gradient, help-ing to remove some of the residual distortion inherent in the RS-EPItrajectory. In (A), an undistorted FSE image is shown for anatomicreference.

2.3.5. CONCLUSION 103

via some of the methods presented in this chapter, invivo T2-weighted EPI of the cervical spinal cordwas per-formed on a healthy subject, with the results shown inFigure 2.3.14. An FSE image is included for anatomicalreference. The regular (i.e., “full-FOV”) EPI imagesexhibit very high levels of distortion. The spinal cordhas a comb-like appearance due to susceptibility differ-ences between the cord, CSF, and vertebral bodies. Thecord appears to have an unnatural convex curvature,instead of its concave shape as given in the anatomicalreference in Figure 2.3.14(A). These artifacts are onlyslightly alleviated by ramp sampling at a higher BW.Reducing the FOV, however, significantly helps withthe distortions and signal dropouts. A combination ofreduced-FOV imaging and parallel imaging achievesthe best overall image quality in this comparison.Further improvements in image quality can be achievedvia the distortion correction methods mentioned in Sec-tion

Combining distortion correction techniques withacquisition-based methods can further improve thequality of resulting images. Figure 2.3.15 shows suchan example where thoracic spine images were producedusing a combination of three of the methods mentionedin this chapter: reduced FOV imaging, the RS-EPI trajec-tory, and RGPM distortion correction. The combinationof these methods (Figure 2.3.15(D)) provides an imagethat anatomically closely matches the undistorted FSEimage (Figure 2.3.15(A)).



The susceptibility variations around the spine causesignificant distortions in EPI images, making it difficultto obtain quantitative images of the spinal cord.Luckily, there is an arsenal of techniques that can beused to provide high-quality quantitative spine images.These techniques, some of which are described in thischapter, can be further improved with the advent of



advanced spine-array and head and neck coils that canachieve high acceleration factors. Combining postpro-cessing distortion correction techniques (such asRGPM correction) with acquisition-based methods(such as rFOV imaging, RS-EPI, and parallel imaging),one may be able to “come close” to providingdistortion-free spinal cord EPI-based images that arerobust to motion.


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