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CH. 22.1

Enlightenment and Revolution:The Scientific Revolution

How The Scientific Revolution Started

The Roots of Modern Science

Renaissance inspired curiosityThis led to the ReformationThe Reformation and the challenge to

authority, helped start the Scientific Revolution.

Science: The Medieval View

Remember the Earth-at-the-center-of-the-Universe theory?

Aristotle, the greatest scientist until the 1500’s, had supported this idea.

After all, it seemed logical. The Sun moves and we don’t.

A New Way of Thinking

Scientific Revolution: Beginning in the mid 1500’s, new scientific ideas would be based upon careful observation. A willingness to question accepted beliefs

Newfound manuscripts launched new ideas European exploration fueled scientific research.

Used stars to guide ships Needed better instruments and geographic measurements.

When they started looking around, they found their observations did not match the ancient beliefs.

Geocentric vs. Heliocentric

Geo=Earth Helio= Sun Centric=Center Nicolaus Copernicus first started the concept. However, his theory could not perfectly explain why the

planets behaved the way they did. Johannes Kepler’s mathematic laws showed the planets

moved in elliptical patterns, not circular, like proposed by Copernicus.

Aristotle vs. Galileo

Aristotle Believed a pendulum

slowed down as it approached its resting place

Believed heavier objects fell faster than smaller ones

Earth was center of universe

Galileo Showed a pendulum

does not slow down. Called the Law of the Pendulum

Showed that all objects fall at the same speed.

With a homemade telescope, monitored the movement of the stars to show the Sun was the center of the universe

Conflict with the Church

Galileo was urged by the church not to pursue his ideas about the universe

He did anyway, in a book called Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems

Was threatened by the Church and forced to deny is ideas he knew to be true

Sentenced to house arrest for the rest of his life. Later, the Church issued an apology to Galileo, saying they

were wrong to suppress his scientific findings.

IN 1992!!!!!

The Scientific Method

Find a problemForm a hypothesis (prediction) about that

problemObserve the problem through

experimentation or data collectionSee if observation proves or disproves the

hypothesisRepeat process many times

Observation vs. Assumption

What we see or believe isn’t always what is going on. “I’d help someone who was in trouble” “Eyewitness accounts are reliable” “I’d never hurt another human just because someone

told me to”

Some Revolutionaries

Francis Bacon English politician and writer Believed science could improve people’s lives Criticized peoples acceptance of Aristotle’s ideas

Rene Descartes Rejected old assumptions and teachings Accept only things learned through observation Knew only one thing for certain: “I think, therefore I

am.” Moved on from there.

Isaac Newton

Brought together the ideas of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo under one unifying theory.

The Theory of Motion All things are affected by a force, gravity That force ruled the planets, pendulum, and all matter on

Earth and Space Every object attracts every other object. The degree of

attraction depends on the mass of that object and the distance between the objects.

His book Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, described the universe as a giant clock. All its parts worked together perfectly in ways that could

be described by mathematics. Believed God was the creator of this orderly universe, the

clockmaker who had set everything in motion

The Revolution Spreads

Zacharias Jannsen: 1st microscope

Anton van Leeuwenhoek: Observed bacteria under a microscope Proved tiny organisms did not just spontaneously

appear, as previously thoughtEvangelista Torricelli

1st mercury barometerGabriel Fahrenheit and Anders Celsius

The mercury thermometer, and their respective measurements

The Revolution Spreads

Andreas Vesalius Dissected cadavers to get a better understanding of

the inner human body.William Harvey

The Heart and Blood VesselsEdward Jenner

Vaccine for smallpox using cowpox vs. smallpoxRobert Boyle

The founder of modern chemistry