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Page 1: Cell- The basic Structure of life

A cell is a structural and functional unit of any

living organism. All living beings are made up of cells.

Cell- The basic Structure of life

Page 2: Cell- The basic Structure of life

Eukaryotic Cells – These are cells that have true nucleus. Plants, animals, fungi and protists are composed of eukaryotic cells

Prokaryotic Cell – These are cells that do not have a true nucleus. Organisms that have prokaryotic cells include bacteria and archaeans.

Two primary types of Cells

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Prokaryotic organisms are the most primitive organisms on the earth. They can live in an atmosphere that is not fit for another organisms. They can thrive in very dreadful environment.

Prokaryotic organisms

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Cells contain DNA, the genetic material necessary for directing cellular activities. It is a molecule known as nucleic acid. DNA is not separated from rest of the cell but is suspended in the region of cell, known as cytoplasm. But in Eukaryotic cells, it is located within the cell’s nucleus.

Genetic material in cell

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• Cell Nucleus• Mitochondria• Golgi Apparatus• Ribosomes• Lysosomes• Endoplasmic Reticulum• Vacuole

Different parts of a cell

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Nucleus is the centre of a cell. It is the main part of the cell. It regulates all the activities of all cell organelles. The main function of nucleus is to synthesize RNA.


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Mitochondria is called the power house of cell. It helps in the formation of energy in the form of ATP.


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Endoplasmic reticulum forms a network for transporting molecules. There are two types of ribosomes, one known as rough and the other known as smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes molecules attached to their surface where as smooth endoplasmic reticulum do not have ribosomes attached to their surface.

Endoplasmic Reticulum

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Ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis. They can be either found floating in the surface of the cell or can be seen attached to endoplasmic reticulum.


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