Download - C.E.I.P. Manuel Laza Palacio Carmen Posadas Gallardo Manuel Álvarez Vigil.


C.E.I.P. Manuel Laza Palacio

Carmen Posadas Gallardo

Manuel Álvarez Vigil

• There are so many different living things in the word and scientists have divided them into different groups.Each group is made up of living things which share the same characteristics. For example, one group are animals and plants are another.

Vertebrates and Invertebrates

• Animals can be classified according if they have or not a backbone.

• Animals that have got a backbone are called Vertebrates like cats and dogs.

• Animals that have not got a backbone are called Invertebrates like clams and flies.


• Vertebrates can be classified into five different groups:

• Reptiles are born from eggs. Their body is covered with scales. They move around in different ways: snakes slither and lizards have short legs. Some of them live on land, like lizards, and some of them live in water, like turtles.

Can you say the names of these mammals? Try it.

• Fish are born from eggs, and their body is covered with scales. They move around by swimming. Some examples are salmon,sharks, whales, dolphins, tuna, sardines or squid.


• Plants are living things because they carry out three vital processes. Plants make their own food. Most plants are fixed to the ground with their roots and they can not move around.

• Plants make their own food. They use it to get energy and the substances they need to grow and develop.Plants need the sunlight , water and substances from the air and the ground to make their food.

• Plants use their leaves to catch the sunlight and other substances in the air. They use their roots to catch the water and substances in the soil. The leaves make the food for the plant.

The process of reproduction:

• Lots of plants use seeds to reproduce. The seeds of a plant are in its fruit. When there is water and soil, these seeds begin to grow and they produce new plants.

The process of interaction:

• Plants can not move around. They do not have sense organs but they are sensitive to their surroundings.

• Most plants ggrow upwards, looking for the sunlight.

• The roots of a plant grow downwards looking for water.

Classifying plants.

• If we look at the size of plants we can classfy them into trees, bushes and trees, bushes and grassgrass

• We can classify plants too into grown plants or wild plants. It depends on the way they grow.

• People grow plants because the plants provide food, like wheat, or because they provide shade and make the garden pretty.

• Wild plants are those that grow on their own. Nobody cultivates them.

• We can classify plants too depending on if they have flowers or not.

• Plants without flowers: they live in wet, cool places, like moss.

• Plants with flowers: They live in almost every part of the world. Some live in tropical rainforests, some live in deserts. Pine trees, cacti and orange trees are examples.

• Other way of classifying plants is depending on what kind of leaves they have got:

• Perennial leaves: they are plants that keep their leaves all the year, like pine trees.

• Deciduous leaves: they are plants that lose their leaves in autumn and grow new leaves in spring, like chestnut trees.