Download - Carol’s Story - Royal Columbian Hospital BrentAtkinson Gary&AdrienneBakker Christopher&Haley Barton Paul&ElizabethBeckmann BarbaraBourke Dr.JoelleBradley&Brad Anderson Dr.Robert&JudyBrown


150 years strongThen and now look at B.C.Mainland’s first hospital

pg 4

it takes avalleyTed Carlson’sphilanthropy

pg 2

new year,new lifeXia family thanks RCH

pg 3

a realshinerFifth annual gala asuccess

pg 6

royal columbian hospital foundation • spring 2012



Revolutionary treatmentsaves life of womanstruck by brain aneurysm

In April 2010, Carol Thorpe, ahealthy 53-year-old woman,had a sudden stroke and wentinto a coma. A CT scan at herlocal hospital showed she hada massive bleed inside herhead, surrounding the brain.She was transferred to RoyalColumbian Hospital (RCH)that night where RadiologistDr. William Siu performed an

angiogram andfound a large brainaneurysm.Dr. Navraj Heran

determined thather aneurysmwould benefit froma revolutionarytreatment involv-ing the usage ofplatinum coils. Heis the only neuro-surgeon in Fraser

Carol Thorpe and Ron Gale are happy to be getting married this fall, thanks to Dr. William Siu

and Dr. Navraj Heran.

RCH Neurosurgeon Dr. Navraj Heran.

Health that can perform this procedure. The aneurysmwas unusually large and complex in shape and situ-ated deep inside her head, affecting the main arterysupplying the whole right side of her brain. Due to thecomplexity of the aneurysm, it could not be fully closedin one treatment session. Carol had a total of six angio-grams and four coiling/stenting sessions between Apriland September 2010 at RCH to fully treat the aneurysm.She slowly recovered from the coma, temporary blind-ness and speech and mobility problems. “Her recoveryis close to being a miracle,” says Dr. William Siu.Ron Gale, Carol’s lifelong partner, remembers feel-

ing overwhelmed by the sequence of events. Fearful of

losing Carol, whom he describes as his best friend, hekept vigil at her bedside during the five-month periodshe spent at Royal Columbian Hospital.“I was totally amazed at what they were able to do

with Carol at RCH. They saved her life,” says Ron.

Neurosciences Central• Royal Columbian Hospital isthe only hospital performingneurosurgery in the Fraser Healthregion, serving 1.6 million people• 1,250 neurosurgeries areperformed at RCH each yearby only five neurosurgeons.85 per cent of these cases areemergency-related

royal columbian hospital foundation • page 3 YOUR HEALTH MATTERS • spring 2012

NewYear,NewLifeXia family returns to RCH to give thanks

Sharing gifts with friends and family is central tothe celebration of Chinese New Year, and for the Xiafamily of Burnaby, that now includes their ‘extendedfamily’ at Royal Columbian Hospital (RCH).

Just two months after immigrating to Canada fromChina to join his daughter’s family, Zhao Qi Xia, 74, hadto be taken to RCH’s Emergency Department. He hada severely high fever and was nearly comatose. Basedon his symptoms and an electrocardiogram (ECG) testto check his heart, it was finally determined that abacterial infection was destroying Zhao’s heart valve.

When the penicillin treatment proved unsuccess-ful in combating the infection, Zhao had to undergoopen-heart surgery for a heart valve replacement.

“You can imag-ine how worriedwe were,” recallsSummer Yitian,Zhao’s daughter.“My father had justarrived in Canada,speaking very littleEnglish, and he hadno previous heartcondition.”

RCH Cardiolo-gist Dr. Dennis Rup-ka has treated alot of tough patient

cases, and Zhao’s case was certainly very challenging.“He was a very ill man when he came to RCH and

he required a long series of investigations to sort outwas going on,” recalls Dr. Rupka.

The Xia family’s fears were quickly put to rest as aresult of the excellent care and compassion Zhao re-

(From left) Summer Yitian, Zhao Qi Xia, Yulu Yang and Dr. Terry Tang.

RCH Cardiologist Dr. Dennis Rupka.

ceived from the RCH medical teams. “Every single onein the hospital treated my Dad like a family member,”says Summer.

Two years later and in exceptional health, Zhao vis-ited the hospital with his family to meet with Dr. Rupka

and the cardiac nursing team, to present a donationfor $1,500 in support of cardiac care at RCH. Summerand her husband, Dr. Terry Tang, raised the moneyfrom a Chi Workshop they hosted at their CanadianInstitute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic.

RBCRoyal Bank: Givinggrand support to RCH(From left) RBC Regional President, GrahamMacLachlan; The Honourable Wayne Wright – Mayorof NewWestminster; Royal Columbian HospitalFoundation President and CEO Adrienne Bakker; SusanRoh, RBC Branch Manager; Steven Osachoff, AssociateAdvisor, RBC Dominion Securities and RCHF Director;and Hanif Charania, RBC Regional Vice President,celebrate the grand opening of the new high-tech RBCPlaza 88 with a $20,000 donation to RCH Foundation,for a cumulative gift of $40,000 in support of RCHin the past year. RBC’s donations will help fund aMultipurpose Interventional Suite to expand specializedcardiac, stroke and aneurysm care at RCH. RBC Plaza

88 is located near NewWestminster skytrain station,only two stops away from RCH, which will help hospitalemployees with their banking.

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royal columbian hospital foundation • page 4 YOUR HEALTH MATTERS • spring 2012

150Years andCounting

Mostly formenInitially, RCH primarily treated men, as women andchildren were taken care of in their own homes,except in emergency and surgical cases. The first ma-ternity “ward” wasn’t established until 1893. Referredto as “the cottage hospital,” it consisted of eight bedsset-up in the home of Mrs. David Robson.

By the 1970s, women routinely gave birth in hos-pital, and typically spent three to four days in thehospital. The Neonatology Intensive Care Unit openedat RCH in 1978.

“A premature baby born at 25 weeks in the 1970s hada low survival rate,” says Loraine Jenkins Director, Clini-cal Programs, Maternal/Infant/Child/Youth Program.“Today, through a combination of advanced medicalknowledge, technology and RCH’s outstanding NeonatalIntensive Care Unit, a 25-week premature baby has an

outstanding chance ofsurvival with good out-comes.”

Heartdiseasebe-ganwhenpeoplestoppedwalkingBefore 1900, veryfew people died ofheart disease, asmanual labour wasthe norm both atwork and home,and walking wasthe main source oftransportation. TheIndustrial Revolu-tion changed that,creating a more

royal columbian hospital foundation • page 5 YOUR HEALTH MATTERS • spring 2012

Since October 7, 1862, RCH has served themost seriously ill and injured of B.C.

sedentary lifestyle and cardiac health repercussions.30 years ago, bed rest was a large part of how health

professionals treated heart attacks along with medica-tions such as nitroglycerine, morphine and blood thin-ners. Many heart attack sufferers died.

“Today, treatments for heart attack utilize a numberof strategies including medications andminimally inva-sive procedures,” says Jackie Murray, ProgramManager,Cardiac Services. “What was a two-week hospital stayin the early ‘80s, has become a two to three-day hospi-tal stay, andmortality from heart attack has decreasedsignificantly.”

Getting your knees done150 years ago, one of the challenges with a kneeligament injury was that the diagnosis was usuallymissed, as x-ray technology didn’t exist (the first x-raymachine was installed at RCH in 1916). “The injuredlabourer probably would have lost their job becauseof their inability to function on uneven surfaces, carryheavy loads or jump down from a height,” says Dr. BobMcCormack, RCH Orthopaedic Surgeon.

Fast-forward to the early 1980s, it was still a diag-nosis that was difficult to make without an MRI, buteven when the diagnosis was made, the treatmentwas relatively crude by today’s standards, accord-ing to Dr. McCormack. Surgery usually involved twoincisions that could total 30 to 40 centimetres, andthe patient was in hospital several days and placedin a long leg cast for six to eight weeks. It took up tosix months to get their range of motion back and theirchances of returning to high-demand activities suchas competitive sports or physical labour were low.

Today the surgery is done as a daycare procedure.The patient can take their weight on it the same day.They start physiotherapy and are on an exercise bikewithin a week or so. “We expect their range of motionto be back to normal by six to eight weeks and that theyare able to return to all their previous activities,” saysDr. McCormack. Surgery is done more precisely with allof the work inside the knee done with the arthroscope(small telescope about the size of a pencil) and theincision is now down to two centimetres.

“Nomeans to knowwhatwasreallywrong”1862: A male worker, 35-years-old, falls 15feet off a loading dock on the Fraser River,landing hard on a boat railing causing asevere abdominal injury.

“If the patient arrived alive at RCHthere would be no means to know whatwas really wrong with him except by physi-cally examining his abdomen and makingan educated guess. If a trauma patienthad a severely injured spleen that wasbleeding, they were at high risk of dying,”comments Kathleen Fyvie, Trauma NursePractitioner, and Lisa Constable, ClinicalNurse Specialist, Trauma Services.

If a similar accident happened in 1982,

RCH nurse graduating class of 1925. RCH housed a nursing school between 1901 and 1978. Today, RCH is a Clinical Academic Campus affiliated with UBC’s

Faculty of Medicine.

Using a mannequin to train nursing students on how to measure a patient’s blood pressure, circa


RCH in its Sapperton location in New Westminster in 1889.

The original RCH (circled), as it was built in 1862, located at Agnes and Clement (now 4th) Streets in New Westminster. The first hospital

on the mainland of British Columbia, it had 30 beds and primarily served men.

RCH maternity nurse at “the cottage

hospital”, possibly holding triplets,

circa 1920s.

Fyvie and Constable suggest that the patient wouldreceive an x-ray and an abdominal lavage would havebeen conducted to test for internal bleeding. If thepatient was considered unstable, they would be takento the operating room for exploratory surgery of theabdomen. An injured spleen would then be removed.

Today, the same worker would be quickly trans-ported by B.C. Ambulance Service to RCH. Once in thetrauma room, they would be assessed from head totoe and have a bedside abdominal ultrasound fol-lowed by tests such as an abdominal and pelvic CTScan to pinpoint potential injury to the spleen andprovide direction on next steps. The physician(s) maythen make a decision to do a minimally invasive pro-cedure to assess and reduce any bleeding within thespleen. If the patient continued to deteriorate, surgerywould be recommended to explore the damage to thespleen, but for the most part, the spleen would notnecessarily be removed.

Tell us your story!Whether you were born, treated,or worked at RCH, we want to hearfrom you! Send your words, video orphotos to:[email protected]

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New West’s best kept secret

On March 8, 2012, RCH Foun-dation hosted SHINE, raisingnearly $200,000 net towards a Multipurpose Inter-ventional Suite at RCH that will expand specializedcare for cardiac, stroke and aneurysm patients.Highlights of the evening included a surprise ren-

dition of “The Prayer” by RCH Cardiologist Dr. Jean-Francois Dorval in honour of his patient and honoura-ry gala co-chair Tim Delesalle and wife, Karen, as wellas a $50,000 donation from Surrey-based legal firm,McQuarrie Hunter LLP.“As we’ve all seen in the news during the past year,

clearly the RCH team knows how to deliver the bestin patient care despite the incredible challenges theyface,” said CBC News Vancouver host and SHINE Galaemcee, Gloria Macarenko.Stephen Quinn, host of CBC Radio One’s “On

The Coast” and gala co-emcee agreed: “I am proudto have been a part of RCH’s 150th anniversary; tocelebrate the legacy of excellent care that patientsreceive every day.”

royal columbian hospital foundation • page 6 YOUR HEALTH MATTERS • spring 2012

ARealShinerFifth annual gala exceedsfundraising target



“Quality Construction By Quality People”

march 8, 2012

We thank you for helping to shine a light on RoyalColumbian Hospital in trailblazing 150 years ofmedical excellence.

thank you foryour support

(From left) RCH Foundation President and CEO Adrienne Bakker

with Gala emcees Stephen Quinn, host of CBC Radio One’s “On The

Coast”, and Gloria Macarenko, co-host of CBC News Vancouver.

RCH cardiac patient and SHINE Gala Honourary Co-chair Tim

Delesalle with wife, Karen, and Tim’s cardiologist, Dr. Jean-

Francois Dorval and his wife, Marie-Eve Courneyer.

RCH Foundation Board Chair Belle Puri poses with members of the Burnaby Firefighters Chari-

table Society, the title sponsor of this year’s SHINE Gala.

Gala Co-chairs Wade Win-

kler and Erin O’Halloran.

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royal columbian hospital foundation • page 7 YOUR HEALTH MATTERS • spring 2012

We acknowledge these individuals, estates, corporate and community organizations (and thosewho prefer to remain anonymous) for their generous donations, received in 2011, which havehelped to support exceptional care at Royal Columbian Hospital.

Avery special thank youHere is my gift of:

$200 $100 $50Other $ (please specify)

Enclosed is my cheque made payable to:Royal Columbian Hospital FoundationOr charge my credit card:

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EmailPlease sendme information on the followingways to give:

By monthly donationUsing securitiesLife insurance or annuitiesIn my WillRCH Foundation is already inmyWill

Yes, I want to supportcritical care at RCH

Mail or fax form to:Royal ColumbianHospital FoundationHealth Care Centre Lobby, 330 East Columbia St.NewWestminster, BC V3L 3W7Phone: 604-520-4438or give online at

Charitable Business No.: 11912 8866 RR0001RCH Foundation is committed to protecting the privacy of all personalinformation you sharewith us.We do not rent, sell or share our donor lists. Theinformationwe collect is used to process donations and keep you informedabout theHospital and Foundation. Please call us at 604-520-4438 if you donot wish to receive further information and/or it you do not want your name toappear on our website or other communications. 12YHMS-C

INDIVIDUALPartner:Stan & Jeanette HrescakLeader:Tim & Karen DelesalleBuilder:David & Joanne McDonaldAmbassador:Dr. Richard ChanBeverley de la MotheRobert & AmandaHarrisonJohn & Rebecca MackayRobert & Diane MilneVera RutledgeThomas & Ida TaitKwan Ho TangDr. Grover & Adele WongCatalyst:Carole BackmanWarren BarkerWilliam BigmoreDr. Margaret BlackwellDr. Jorge BonetDr. Albert ChanWinifred FanDr. Marcia FlemingDr. Robert & ElaineHaydenJohn & Jennie HikRobert & SusanMacdonaldKenneth & Ellen MahonSteve & Karen McDonaldMollie McDonaldRobert & MarthaMcDonaldRick & Leona MudieDianne NicholsErica RitchieNikki SmithGurdip Singh ToorGerald & Johanne VoogdWalter & Judy WeaverChampion:Greg BartelsDrs. N. Peter & Mairi BlairDr. Jahangir CharaniaRobert & Eileen ClarkRobert & Christine Cooper

Cathy & Paul DaminatoRoy & Valerie DavidsonDr. John EdworthyDr. Arun & Lori GargGeraldine GartsideDella GrantFraser &Michelle JeffersonMarianne KronenbergWilliam LoveAnna-Marie LyonsArleen MottMervyn SchweitzerKatie WallJames & Lillian WhiteDr. Richard & MeredithWilsonSupporter:Sandra AarvoldBob & Elizabeth-AnneArmstrong

John Ashbridge & YvonneEamor

Brent AtkinsonGary & Adrienne BakkerChristopher & HaleyBarton

Paul & Elizabeth BeckmannBarbara BourkeDr. Joelle Bradley & BradAnderson

Dr. Robert & Judy BrownCatherine BruceJack ButterworthFred & Norma ChapmanAllen & Sharon DomaasDr. Michael & CatherineEpstein

Jake & Doris FrizzellJay & Jayaben GandeshaDorothy GrahamAubrey & Daphne HarrisDr. David Konkin &Kelly MooreDr. Akbar & Shamin LalaniDavid & Christine McBridePauline McDonaldWarren Lever & Dr.Dayna Mudie

Jennifer Muir

Robert & Patricia MusterClifton O’BrienMichael & Brenda O’KeefeLarry & Sherril OsachoffSteven & Angie OsachoffBelle PuriBaj & Nsibe PuriDr. Kimit & Linda RaiDr. Robert RothwellRay & Marily RousseauDr. Dennis RupkaDr. Gerald Simkus &Dr. Cathy FlanaganStanley SkothnskiDick SmithLaurie TetarenkoDr. Laurence & Bev TurnerMiranda TymoschukBruno & Jane WallRu De WangJeune WilliamsDr. Daniel Wong &Rebecca NelsonDavid&DonnaWorthington

CORPORATE &COMMUNITYPartner:Royal Columbian HospitalAuxiliaryLeader:McQuarrie Hunter LLPSynthes (Canada) Ltd.Wesgroup Properties LPMr. and Mrs. P.A.Woodward’s FoundationBuilder:Buddhist CompassionRelief Tzu ChiFoundation of CanadaBurnaby FirefightersCharitable SocietySandra SchmirlerFoundationServier Canada Inc.Sorin GroupBetty Storey MemorialEducation Society

Variety - The Children’sCharity of BCAmbassador:Baxter CorporationCanada Wide MediaLimitedCentaur Products Inc.Mainland Sand & GravelLtd.RBC FoundationSapperton MerchantsAssociationScotiaBankShoppers Drug Mart /Life FoundationStrykerTB Vets CharitableFoundationTD BankWinvan Paving Ltd.Catalyst:Andrew Sheret Ltd.BMO EmployeeCharitable FoundationCartwright Jewelers Ltd.Cassady & CompanyCIBC Community RelationsElks Club of NewWestminsterFraser River Pile &Dredge (GP) Inc.G & F Financial GroupFoundationKnights of Columbus(BC) Charity FoundationLohn FoundationMcGill University HealthCentreMcLean FoundationParexel InternationalCanada Ltd.Philanthropy PreceptorshipFundPiramal Healthcare(Canada) LimitedQueen Charlotte LodgeShrine Club - NewWestminster #8The Futura Corporation

Champion:AstraZeneca Canada Inc.BC BiomedicalLaboratories Ltd.

CKNW Orphans’ FundDelta Laser & Skin CareCentreThe HYDRECS FundKruger Products LimitedMCLMotor Cars (1992) Inc.McLean BuddenPCL ConstructorsWestcoast Inc.Philips HealthcarePlenary GroupPriority Projects LimitedTELUS Dollars for DollarsTeamMember CharitableGiving ProgramThrifty Foods Inc.Supporter:Flight Centre NorthAmericaKiwanis Club of NewWestminsterDjavad MowafaghianFoundationNorco Products Ltd.Al Roadburg Foundation

MEDIABurnaby NowCBCCanada Wide MediaThe Now (Coquitlam, PortMoody, Port Coquitlam,Anmore, Belcarra)The RecordRJ1200The Vancouver Sun

ESTATESBeatrice BrownMargaret de La MotheMarjorie Jean JackRobert KinseyBarbara Alice LiddiattFrank Elbridge PaullKrystyna Anna SmolenAllan Sugden

Our sincerest apologies for any errors or omissions.

A26 • Friday, May 4, 2012 • The Record