Download - CareHub Health Station - Applications for pharmacies

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CareHub is the new proposal for health prevention that changes the sales and marketing for the modern pharmacy.

It is a health station which provides all of us with the ability to check our basic health parameters without the need for external help from a healthcare professional.

When explored more thoroughly however, CareHub is an excellent platform for promotion and marketing activities that can be performed by the pharmacy itself and lead to sales increase through offer personalization.

What is it?

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The CareHub health station includes high quality and precision health tests devices that can be operated by the user through the embedded touch screen that features a specially designed user interface. All screenings and assessments can be completed in five minutes or less.

The CareHub health station: Is covered by a patent It has obtained a CE certification Holds a notification number (71253 – 2013) with

the Hellenic National Organization for Medicines

Has been funded from NSRF for its innovation Is manufactured in Greece

Basic characteristics

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Blood pressure and heart rate test

Through this test, the user has the ability to measure his systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as, his heart rate.  Test results can be compared to a table that includes normal and abnormal levels of blood pressure.

Available tests

Blood oxygen saturation level test

This test provides the user with the ability to measure the oxygen saturation in his blood, i.e. the percentage of blood platelets that convey oxygen.

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Body weight check and BMI calculation

Body weight is automatically calculated while the user is seated on the health station chair. Moreover, by providing gender and height information during the initial steps of the CareHub use, the equipment is able to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI).

With CareHub, the user is able to calculate his body fat percentage, just by providing gender, height and age information and touching the integrated metallic sensors to complete the test.

Body fat percentage test

Available tests

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Available interactive quizzes

Color blindness quiz

This quiz is designed in a way that allows the user to be tested for color blindness.  The user is presented with specially designed images and he needs to select the right object that is hidden in the image from a number of choices.

A specially designed memory quiz is performed through a series of interactive questions. The results of the quiz can be used for the assessment of Alzheimer disease early signs.

Memory quiz (Alzheimer quiz)

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Osteoporosis quiz (risk of breaking a bone)

The quiz is designed for use by women and features a series of interactive questions and information provided by the user. The quiz is based on the FRAX ® algorithm and provides an estimate of the possibility to break a bone due to osteoporosis in the next 10 years.

Through a series of yes-no questions, the user may draw a conclusion regarding the need to visit an ENT expert in order to treat a possible hearing loss condition.

Hearing loss quiz

Available interactive quizzes

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Nicotine dependency quiz

The quiz features a number of interactive multiple choice questions that are designed in a way that assesses a person’s addiction level to nicotine. The quiz can be used as an alert for the user and it can be combined with various marketing activities designed to promote products for quitting smoking.

Available interactive quizzes

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Increase your sales with CareHub

CareHub is an excellent health prevention service for your pharmacy’s customers. It will help you increase customer loyalty and also attract new customers, since you offer a unique health prevention service.

Above all, CareHub will differentiate your pharmacy from the competition, providing you with a distinct competitive advantage

Differentiate your pharmacy

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By placing CareHub in your pharmacy you have an immediate point of contact with the customers that monitor their health actively. This leads to direct sales increase through personalized product suggestions that relate to each available test and the profile of the specific customer, maximizing the probability of a sale.

This way the sales of products for losing weight, vitamins, super foods, etc., increase since you promote them directly to the customers just after they have their testing results from CareHub.

Leverage CareHub for sales increase

Increase your sales with CareHub

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Save time and promote sales

CareHub features an easy and intuitive user interface that enables your customers to perform all the tests by themselves. Visual and audio instructions are readily available and the customer experience is easy, even for those that do not have an experience with similar systems.

This means that you and your staff are no longer obliged to help your customers during their tests. Now, you can exploit this time to promote products and services promoted via CareHub.

Increase your sales with CareHub

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Communicate your offers effectively

CareHub significantly helps you to effectively promote your products and increase your sales. This is possible because of the personalized and targeted promotion of products that CareHub features in an easy and intuitive manner, through the embedded touch-screen.

A dynamic, back-end platform enables you to target your customers based on parameters such as gender, age and test results. This way, the right product is promoted to the right person, increasing thus the possibility of a sale.

Increase your sales with CareHub

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A powerful advertising medium for your pharmacy

CareHub has also the ability to serve as an advertising medium for your pharmacy. The station features an optional second screen, driven by a state-of-the-art digital signage player (1). The system can be used for product and offers communication.

In addition, CareHub may be covered with banners (2, 3) that can effectively communicate messages to the customers of your pharmacy.

The available advertising options may be sponsored by third-party companies and provide you with additional revenue.

Increase your sales with CareHub

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A direct sales tool

CareHub features an embedded thermal printer that provides the user with his test results in printed form.

The print-out can also include offers, personalized product suggestions, discount coupons or advertisements.

This way, CareHub use can lead to direct sales at the point-of-purchase.

Increase your sales with CareHub

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Improve customer relationships

CareHub enables the consumer to create a simple profile and track his results history through the myCareHub service, either via web, mobile or any CareHub station.

This way the pharmacy can build an email list in order to perform newsletter marketing activities that build an ongoing relationship with the customer, even when he is not at the pharmacy.

Hence, the possibility of repeated sales is increased and you have an easy way to attract the customer to your pharmacy by communicating offers and promotions.

Increase your sales with CareHub

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The CareHub health station is a health data gathering tool.

All health test results are recorded anonymously thus building a valuable health data repository that can shape the consumer health profile and help significantly in marketing decision-making for the modern and marketing-oriented pharmacy.

Source of valuable data

CareHub as a marketing tool

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CareHub is a fully adaptive health station that can be modified to meet special needs.

This means that either in software or in hardware terms, CareHub is ready to fulfill all requirements. A new medical device, a new software addition, a whole new series of questionnaires to conduct a survey, all can be added to serve the respective purpose. Software updates can be implemented at any time via live updates.

Fully adaptive to meet all needs

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CareHub customization

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CareHub: A valuable asset

CareHub is an equipment that reinforces health consciousness and improves health indicators of a society, when at the same time gives boost to brand and corporate marketing capabilities.

This makes CareHub a valuable asset for modern pharmacies that wish to gain an edge in public health prevention and related marketing and educational activities.

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Manufactured and distributed by Intelligent Media

54, K. Varnali str., Halandri, P.C. 15233 • Tel.: (+30) 210 68 56 820 & 822 • [email protected]

NOM notification number 71253 - 2013

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