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Can Grace Be Forfeited

over a Technicality?

Bernie L. Gillespie - July 30, 1997 All Rights Reserved

In a recent issue of Charisma  magazine, writer J. Lee Grady stated:"Oneness groups insist people who are not baptized in Jesus! name!are not saed # thus implying that the gift of God!s grace can beforfeited on a technicality." $his article was primarily about the %nited&entecostal 'hurch International. (hile I hae mi)ed reactions toGrady!s article, I beliee this comment is the most pertinent to the faithof the %&'I. It *uestions not only the %&'I definition of grace, but

een more it *uestions its definition of the Gospel.


The theologi!l i"pulse #ehind the essenti!lity o$ #!ptis" in Jesus! n!"e derives $ro" the #elie$ th!t,

Jesus, #eing the %ne God, h!s the only s!ving n!"e !nd th!t one "ust !pply th!t s!ving n!"e to

the"selves through #!ptis". &ithout the n!"e !pplied through #!ptis" one is not s!ved. Jesus is, in truth,

the %ne God in!rn!te. But it is not the issue o$ the n!ture o$ the Godhe!d th!t is the re!l entr!l 'uestion.

The rui!l 'uestion is( )*o+ does the / reeive s!lv!tion) The !ns+er to this 'uestion reve!ls the

/ re-interpret!tion o$ the #i#li!l Gospel.

sing the right $or"ul! in #!ptis" !n #e essenti!l only i$ o#ediene is !n essenti!l p!rt o$ one!s s!lv!tion.

The / holds th!t one!s s!lv!tion is deter"ined #y one!s o#ediene to ! pl!n God h!s given. /$ one

$ollo+s this p!rtiul!r pl!n one is s!ved. /$ not, one is not s!ved. irst, +e "ust !s2 +h!t is God !s pl!n $or

s!lv!tion. Then +e "ust o"p!re the pl!n identi$ied #y the / to see i$ it is the s!"e !s the Gospel o$

the Bi#le.

/t see"s h!rd $or "e to #elieve th!t !nyone !n "iss the riptur!l te!hing th!t God !s pl!n is Jesus hristhi"sel$. God +!s in hrist reoniling the +orld unto *i"sel$ 45 or. 6(19. This "e!ns th!t the pl!n o$

God is to redee" #y Jesus hrist !nd *i" !lone. Thus, !ny other pl!n, even one presu"ed $ro" ripture,

to 'u!li$y us $or +h!t Jesus h!s done, is dissident +ith the Gospel. This is true no "!tter ho+ lose the pl!n

si"ul!tes or p!r!llels God!s pl!n in hrist, nor ho+ #i#li!l l!ngu!ge !nd te8ts !re on$igured to support it.

The te!hing o$ the Apostles is th!t one is s!ved #y gr!e through $!ith in hrist. 4ph 5(:; G!l. 3(<-11;

Ro" 3(55-5:; =(3-6; 1<. !lv!tion is !o"plished #y hrist. *e gives it to us !s ! gi$t # #y gr!e. &e

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reeive it #y $!ith. This "e!ns +e trust th!t God gives it !s ! gi$t. &e do not trust to !ny degree, th!t +e

o#t!in this s!lv!tion !ny other +!y, #ut #y the sheer "ery o$ God. &e !dd nothing to it 4&e ouldn !t

 #e!use +e +ere de!d in sin - ph. 5(1.


&hile the / +ould !gree +ith this st!te"ent on the sur$!e, they rede$ine #oth gr!e !nd $!ith. or the

essenti!lity o$ the n!"e in #!ptis" to "!2e sense, $!ith h!s to #e rede$ined in ter"s o$ o#ediene. %ne is

thus s!ved #y his or her o#ediene to the pl!n o$ God 4+hih inludes $!ith or onsists o$ )trust > o#ediene

? $!ith). %$ ourse this is distintly di$$erent $ro" the #i#li!l ide! o$ #eing s!ved through trusting in !nd

!epting the gi$t o$ +h!t God h!s done to !o"plish our s!lv!tion. %#ediene to the pl!n $ouses on +h!t

+e do !s hu"!ns r!ther th!n on +h!t God h!s done !s ! gi$t !nd +e reeive #y $!ith in hrist !lone.

This le!ds to the ne8t i"port!nt 'uestion( )&h!t de$ines $!ith) &h!t theologi!l, dotrin!l, or #i#li!l ide!

should +e loo2 to in order to underst!nd #est +h!t the +riters o$ the @T "e!nt #y s!ving $!ith / #elieve

th!t the entr!l ide! or truth +hih de$ines $!ith "ost le!rly !nd une'uivo!lly is the Gospel o$ Jesus

hrist. /$ +e underst!nd $!ith in the light o$ the Gospel +e +ill not #e !#le to rede$ine $!ith into o#ediene

in !ny $or" or "e!sure. &hy Be!use the Gospel is th!t hrist h!s o#t!ined our s!lv!tion through

*i"sel$ !lone !nd gives it !s ! gi$t # #y gr!e # to those +ho si"ply trust in *i". This Gospel is !n !t

o$ gr!e. Gr!e "ust de$ine the n!ture o$ our $!ith. !ul st!tes in Ro"!ns =(1<( )There$ore, the pro"ise

o"es #y $!ith so th!t it "!y #e #y gr!e,)

*ere is ! very i"port!nt truth( GRA /@ A/T*. The n!ture o$ the gr!e o$ God deter"ines +h!t

$or" o$ $!ith +e need to reeive gr!e. /$ it is ! gi$t +e !nnot get it #y o#ediene. /t !n only #e reeived.

Th!t is +h!t $!ith does. /t is ! trust th!t reeives the pro"ise o$ God!s &ord !nd !epts the +or2 God h!s

done in Jesus hrist $or our s!lv!tion.

/n other +ords, the re!son th!t God designed s!lv!tion to o"e through $!ith is so th!t the e"ph!sis +ould

 #e on God!s giving !nd not on hu"!n reeiving or e$$ort in getting. /t is hrist +ho o#t!ined !nd not us. /t

is #y $!ith so th!t +e +ould 2no+ +ith tot!l ert!inty th!t it +!s so"ething th!t God g!ve us # #y gr!e

# !nd not so"ething +e o#t!ined #y 2eeping the ontr!tu!l !gree"ent o$ s!lv!tion. There is tre"endous

!ssur!ne 2no+ing th!t it is God +ho 2eeps us, #e!use *e !lone s!ved us +hile +e +ere yet sinners.



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/$ $!ith is rede$ined to inlude o#ediene 4even i$ +e !ll it ! pl!n $ro" God, then the Gospel itsel$ is

su#verted. /t intrudes our e$$ort, !o"plish"ent, !nd +illingness onto the st!ge o$ rede"ption. The

 #i#li!l Gospel does not pl!e !nyone #ut hrist on this st!ge. The Bi#le le!rly st!tes th!t God!s pirit is

to #e given the redit $or our +illingness to #elieve the Gospel( )ontinue to +or2 out your s!lv!tion +ith

$e!r !nd tre"#ling, $or it is God +ho +or2s in you to +ill !nd to !t !ording to his good purpose.) !ul is

+riting to those +ho !lre!dy #elieve in hrist !nd !re )s!ints. 41(1) *e is not e8horting the" to #e s!ved, #ut to +or2 out in their d!ily lives # #ring out #y person!l !ppli!tion # the s!lv!tion +hih God h!s

!lre!dy #y gr!e given the" 4p. 1(<,7, 59.

But, the Bi#le tells even @T hristi!ns they "ust o#ey. *o+ does this $it in /t $its in per$etly. %ur

o#ediene is not ! re'uire"ent to get s!lv!tion. /t is the result o$ our s!lv!tion. &e o#ey the o""!nds !nd

guid!ne o$ hrist #e!use +e !re gr!te$ul $or +h!t h!s !nd is doing in us. &e o#ey #e!use the pirit o$

God is !t +or2 in us enour!ging us !nd e"po+ering us to $ollo+ the truth o$ ripture !nd the !ll o$

hrist. True gr!e +ill le!d to o#ediene.

But Gr!e does not yield or give +!y to o#ediene 4G!l. 3(56. Gr!e +ill never #e suppl!nted #y

o#ediene 4G!l. 3(1-3. /$ s!lv!tion is ! gi$t, then one !nnot o#t!in it #y o#ediene 4Ro". =(=, 6.

There$ore, one !nnot o#t!in s!lv!tion #y o#eying or !dhering to !ny spei$i $or"ul! in #!ptis" G!l

5(1<. /t is true th!t the Apostles #!ptied ne+ #elievers in Jesus! n!"e. This is pl!in in ripture. But to

"!2e the $!ilure to use the n!"e o$ hrist in #!ptis", ! $!ilure to #e s!ved, is to deny #i#li!l s!lv!tion,

+hih is( #y gr!e through $!ith in hrist. The n!"e used in #!ptis" does re$let the $!ith one h!s in hrist

But, one +ho h!s #elieved in hrist h!s s!lv!tion !nd does not lose this #e!use the one +ho !d"inisters #!ptis" $!ils to spe!2 the right +ords. Ces, hristi!n #!ptis" is +orthy o$ the "ost so#er !ttention to

det!ils #e!use o$ +h!t it onveys, #ut this is not #e!use #!ptis" itsel$ s!ves. /t is #e!use o$ +h!t #!ptis"

represents # the Gospel o$ Jesus hrist. Th!t is +hy / !s ! p!stor !ll the n!"e o$ Jesus hrist !s / #!ptie

 #elievers. B!ptis" in itsel$ is ! visi#le, t!ngi#le )ser"on) or del!r!tion o$ the Gospel.



The very "e!ning o$ the Gospel e8pl!ins +hy no #!ptis"!l $or"ul! !n #e essenti!l to s!lv!tion. /t is

 #e!use +e !re s!ved #y $!ith in hrist, !nd not #y o#ediene to ! pl!n. D!2ing o#ediene to the right

$or"ul! o$ #!ptis" is s!lv!tion #y !dhering to ! l!+. But, +e !re not s!ved #y ! leg!lity or o#serving !ll the

$ine points o$ ! pl!n. /$ th!t +ere so, +e +ould !ll #e lost. God!s Eustie de"!nds th!t +e 2eep "ore th!n

the preise $or"ul! o$ #!ptis". &e !re to $ul$ill ALL R/G*T%@. But +e !nnot. As !ul st!tes in

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Ro"!ns, )All h!ve sinned !nd $!ll short o$ the glory o$ God, !nd !re Eusti$ied $reely #y his gr!e through

rede"ption th!t !"e #y hrist Jesus.)

The spei$i te!hing o$ G!l!ti!ns is th!t +e !nnot #e right +ith God #y the 2eeping o$ leg!lities, +hether

o$ %ld Test!"ent or @e+ Test!"ent origin, +hether o$ Dos!i o""!nd"ents or hristi!n ordin!nes.

Th!t is the very re!son $or Jesus. *e +!s to per$etly o#edient one +ho o#eyed, !dhered !nd o#served !ll

righteousness $or us. As the righteous serv!nt o$ God *e died to t!2e our sins. ven "ore, *e is our

righteousness. By $!ith +e possess *is righteousness !nd !re #y th!t right +ith God. *o+ ould +e then

lose !ll o$ this #y $!iling to o#serve the preise #!ptis"!l ! $or"ul!

Ces, true $!ith +ill le!d one to #e #!ptied. B!ptis" "ust #e hristi!n #!ptis". /t "ust #e o#served in !

"!nner th!t prol!i"s Jesus hrist !s !vior. But i$ the 2ey to s!lv!tion is the tehni!lities +e "ust $ollo+

to o#t!in it, then the Gospel is no longer ! gospel # good ne+s. /nste!d o$ the good ne+s o$ the gre!tness

o$ God!s gr!e, +e trust in ! pl!n +hih you !nd / "ust $ollo+ +ith leg!l preision, +ith per$et

o#serv!tion, in order to )get) the s!lv!tion $or +hih hrist !lone p!id.



De"#ers o$ the / +ould !s2 !t this point, )But, Jesus is the s!ving n!"e o$ God. *o+ !n +e #e s!ved

+ithout h!ving the s!ving n!"e !pplied in #!ptis") /t is !pplied # #y $!ith. By #eing )in hrist) #y $!ith,

+e h!ve !ll the spiritu!l #lessing in he!venly pl!es. The #i#li!l phr!se, )/n the n!"e o$ Jesus) is not !

"!gi!l in!nt!tion or "ysterious $or"ul!. /t is ! phr!se )used to introdue the type, re!son or purpose o$

F! rite !s +ell !s its intention. /t "e!ns to identi$y so"eone o$ so"ething !s #elonging to or dedi!ted to

Jesus hrist. %ne +ho trusts in Jesus $or their s!lv!tion there#y #elongs to hrist. Th!t is +hy one is !nd

should #e #!ptied in the n!"e o$ Jesus.



The tr!gi result o$ te!hing th!t s!lv!tion !nd God!s gr!e !n #e de$!ulted #y $!ilure to #!ptie orretly,

is the d!"!ge it does to so"eone!s $!ith in hrist. /$ one trusts th!t they !re right +ith God on the #!sis o$

gr!e through $!ith in hrist, #ut then they !re told th!t is not true; r!ther, it is #!sed on ho+ e$$etively

they h!ve 2ept #!ptis", th!t one is !used to turn $ro" $!ith in hrist. They !re turned to !n in+!rd

e8!"in!tion o$ their o#ediene !nd thus their sel$-righteousness. They !re enour!ged to not Eust trust

hrist !lone, #ut !lso "!2e sure th!t they h!ve o#eyed !ll the p!rtiul!rs o$ ! s!r!"ent. *o+ +e get

s!lv!tion no+ #eo"es "ore i"port!nt th!n th!t hrist did it !nd the trusting o$ *i" $or it. This is !

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te!hing th!t is "ore losely o"p!ti#le +ith Ro"!n !tholiis" r!ther th!n the Apostle !ul or the @e+


&hen / +!s !n ord!ined "inister o$ the / 4$or 50 ye!rs the 'uestion o$ten !"e up !#out those +ho

died #ut( 1 +ere not #!ptied in Jesus n!"e, or 5 h!d repented #ut h!d not #een #!ptied orretly, or 3

+ho h!d reeived the #!ptis" o$ the *oly Ghost, #ut h!d not #een #!ptied in Jesus n!"e. / h!ve he!rd !

on$usion o$ !ns+ers to these 'uestions. @one o$ the" h!d ! le!r, solid #i#li!l !ns+er. o"e tritely s!id

they +ere lost. %thers s!id they +ould "!2e it to he!ven !s $riends or serv!nts o$ the )Bride) 4the true

hurh "!de up o$ those +ho +ere #!ptied in JesusH n!"e. %thers s!id th!t there +ould #e ! )righteous

e!rth) $or those +ho +ere good hristi!n th!t h!d not o#eyed Ats 5(3: 4+hih inlude #eing #!ptied

orretly in Jesus! n!"e. / honestly tried to give ! good !ns+er, #ut $ound "ysel$ ! le$t +ith s!ying, )God

is Eudge. *e +ill do +h!t is "eri$ul !nd right. All +e !n do is o#ey +h!t +e 2no+ !nd let God #e the

 Eudge.) This +!s not "uh o$ ! gospel. /t +!s not the Gospel o$ Jesus hrist.

 @othing !n #e "ore serious or d!ngerous th!n to use #!ptis" !s ! "e!ns $or denying or disreg!rding one!s

s!lv!tion. /$ hrist does indeed Eusti$y - "!2e right +ith God - those +ho si"ply trust in *i" !lone, then

those +ho deny this !re in the $e!rso"e d!nger o$ denying God!s &ord, $rustr!ting God!s gr!e, !nd

 pre!hing !nother gospel, +hih is not !nother.

/ !" !stonished th!t you !re so 'ui2ly deserting the one +ho !lled you #y the gr!e o$

hrist !nd !re turning to ! di$$erent gospel# +hih is re!lly no gospel !t !ll. videntlyso"e people !re thro+ing you into on$usion !nd !re trying to pervert the gospel o$ hrist.

But even i$ +e or !n !ngel $ro" he!ven should pre!h ! gospel other th!n the one +e

 pre!hed to you, let hi" #e etern!lly onde"nedI 4G!l!ti!ns 1(<-: @/

Jesus g!ve one his strongest re#u2es to those +ho +ould )o$$end) 4 skandalidzo ? !use to stu"#le or trip

up those +ho #elieve in hi" +ith the $!ith o$ ! hild(

And Jesus !lled ! little hild unto hi", !nd set hi" in the "idst o$ the", And s!id, erily /

s!y unto you, 8ept ye #e onverted, !nd #eo"e !s little hildren, ye sh!ll not enter into

the 2ingdo" o$ he!ven. &hosoever there$ore sh!ll hu"#le hi"sel$ !s this little hild, thes!"e is gre!test in the 2ingdo" o$ he!ven. And +hoso sh!ll reeive one suh little hild in

"y n!"e reeiveth "e. But +hoso sh!ll o$$end one o$ these little ones +hih #elieve in "e,

it +ere #etter $or hi" th!t ! "illstone +ere h!nged !#out his ne2, !nd that he +ere dro+ned

in the depth o$ the se!. 4D!tthe+ 1:(5-< @/

Jesus !lled !ll to o"e to hi" !s ! little hild. Those +ho o"e in hu"ility !nd #elieve in hi" !re to #e

reeived !s hrist hi"sel$. But those +ho do not reeive these !re in d!nger o$ !n o$$ense +hih +ill inur

the Eudg"ent o$ God.

The Gospel o$ hrist is not ! gospel o$ s!lv!tion #y srupulosity, preision in the 2eeping o$ s!r!"ents, or

$l!+less orretness 4Ro" 3(50. Jesus hrist h!s redee" us $ro" th!t !nd !ll other l!+-2eeping 4G!l 3(13,

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1=; ol. 5(13, 1=. /t is ! Gospel $ree $ro" )leg!lese) !nd $ine print 4G!l 6(1; ol 5(50-53. /t is ! Gospel

 purposely over$lo+ing +ith gr!e # ! Gospel LL o$ Gr!e !nd Truth.

LINKS TO ADDITIONAL PERTINENT ARTICLES+earts &urified y -aith+ow id &aul /(ash 0way/ +is 1ins2oes 'hrist or aptism 1ae 3ou2


Is Grace a "1ubstance" or a 4elationship with God2© April 19, 2002 Bernie L. Gillespie All Rights Reserved.

Part One

In Us, or In Christ?

  "I believe e are saved b! the grae #$ G#d." %earl! all &hristians an sa! this. B't, h! d#esit see( that (an! d#n)t (ean the sa(e thing* +#(e sa!, "I believe that grae is the $av#r #$G#d." Or, "Grae is the a! G#d relati#nship ith (e #n a#'nt #$ &hrist." On the #ther side,e hear a di$$erent v#ie "I believe that G#d gives 's grae b! hih e can be saved." Or, "Ibelieve grae is the power  we must use in #rder t# be saved." -his begs 's t# as /# (an!kinds of grace are there*

  'nda(entall!, there are t# ver! di$$erent the#l#gies #$ grae in &hristianit!. -he $irstvie an be stated this a! We are justified by God's work of grace in us. -his is ta'ght b!R#(an &ath#liis(, and is arried #n b! a n'(ber #$ Pr#testants1 h# perpet'ate it thr#'gh#nte(p#rar! h'rhes, (#ve(ents, and den#(inati#ns.2 -he #ther vie #$ grae sa!s We

are justified by God’s work of grace in Christ. -his 'nderstanding is esp#'sed b! Re$#r(ati#nPr#testants. -he $#'s #$ grae in the $irst sense is Humanity . -he aent in the se#nd vie is#n Christ.

  3h! is this s#* Bea'se the R#(an &ath#li et. al. vie #$ grae teahes that grae ispri(aril! the p#er #$ ren#vati#n #r trans$#r(ati#n #ring within the &hristian. It is the"ren#vati#n #$ the interi#r (an thr#'gh the v#l'ntar! reepti#n #$ grae and gi$ts, hereb!(an be#(es 4'st instead #$ 'n4'st . . ." -his is the lassi R#(an &ath#li teahing #nerning4'sti$iati#n.

  R#bert 5. Brins(ead s'intl! #'tlines the R#(an &ath#li d#trine #$ 4'sti$iati#n

1 6'sti$iati#n is the eternal ren#vati#n and reneing #$ a (an7 2 6'sti$iati#n#(es b! an in$'si#n #$ G#d)s grae. 8an is 4'sti$ied b! hat the /#l! +pirit hasd#ne in hi(7 6'sti$iati#n (eans that (an hi(sel$ is (ade 4'st : (ade pleasingt# G#d in his #n pers#n. 

-his is validated b! &ath#li sh#lar 6ean 5a'4at h# stated

+in$'l (an ann#t, #$ hi(sel$, be pleasing t# G#d. #r that, he ('st reeive a gi$t$r#( G#d hih trans$#r(s hi( interi#rl!, leanses hi( and santi$ies hi( b!ad#rning hi( ith ;'alities that render hi( pleasing t# his &reat#r.<

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  At this p#int it ('st be ased "/# ('h grae ('st I have in (e be$#re I an stand4'sti$ied be$#re G#d* -he &ath#li vie #$ grae is 'ltivated thr#'gh things lie pra!er,repentane, #r l#ving and #bedient ats. /# pra!er$'l, repentant, l#ving #r #bedient ('stgrae (ae (e be$#re G#d an aept (e*" -his ;'esti#n leads t# an#ther /# #'ld en# hen #ne has en#'gh grae* One #'ld need s#(e s#rt #$ (eas're #r standard b! hiht# test the grae ithin 's.= 3hat #'ld that be* -h#se h# #'ld be see +ript're as theira'th#rit! #'ld l## t# the Bible $#r a standard. 3#'ld it be the La given t# 8#ses* Let)s seehat the Bible sa!s

-he LOR5 #((anded 's t# #be! all these derees and t# $ear the LOR5 #'r G#d,s# that e (ight ala!s pr#sper and be ept alive, as is the ase t#da!. And i$ eare are$'l t# #be! all this la be$#re the LOR5 #'r G#d, as he has #((anded's, that ill be #'r righte#'sness." 5e't >2<:2=

  3e are t#ld that the La an d# (#re than pr#vide a standard. It sa!s that the #ne h##be!s the La an #'nt that #bediene as his righte#'sness. %#, h# ('h righte#'sness#'ld #ne need* /# ('h #$ La:eeping is needed* It #'ld ertainl! tae (#re than (erepra!ing, repenting and l#ving t# satis$! the La. -he Bible sa!s that e need the righte#'sness#$ eeping the whole La "And I testi$! again t# ever! (an h# reeives ir'(isi#n, that heis 'nder #bligati#n t# eep the h#le La." Galatians = %A+ ?ven (#re, +ript're assertsthat vi#lating just one part #$ the La #'ld 'nd# all the righte#'sness "a'('lated" b!eeping the rest "#r h#s#ever shall eep the h#le la, and !et #$$end in #ne p#int, he isg'ilt! #$ all." 6a(es 210 @6 %# a(#'nt #$ grae #r the /#l! +pirit #ring ithin an#(pensate $#r a single vi#lati#n #$ G#ds La.

  Ret'rning t# #'r earlier ;'esti#n, "/# ('h grae #'ld I need in (e t# be 4'sti$ied." -heLa #'ld sa! 3e need en#'gh grae t# e(p#er 's t# eep the h#le La. +#(e (ightinter4et at this p#int the arg'(ent "B't the &hristian is n#t 'nder La, b't grae. 3e d#n)thave t# eep the La n#." 3ell, then, hat #'ld !#' 'se as a standard t# reall! n# i$ !#'had en#'gh grae in !#'* -his last pers#n (ight sa!, "3e have &hrist as #'r standard." 3e anl## t# 6es's teahing #n the +er(#n #n the 8#'nt as a standard. -hat (a! see( lie a real

res#l'ti#n t# the h#le La pr#ble(. B't is it* 6es's ta'ght

"5# n#t thin that I a(e t# ab#lish the La #r the Pr#phets7 I did n#t #(e t#ab#lish, b't t# $'l$ill. #r tr'l! I sa! t# !#', 'ntil heaven and earth pass aa!, n#tthe s(allest letter #r str#e shall pass aa! $r#( the La, 'ntil all isa#(plished. 8atthe =1C:1D %A+

And #ne #$ the(, a la!er, ased /i( a ;'esti#n, testing /i(, "-eaher, hih isthe great #((and(ent in the La*" And /e said t# hi(, ")EOF +/ALL LO? -/?LOR5 EOFR GO5 3I-/ ALL EOFR /?AR-, A%5 3I-/ ALL EOFR +OFL, A%5 3I-/ALL EOFR 8I%5.) "-his is the great and $#re(#st #((and(ent. "-he se#nd islie it, )EOF +/ALL LO? EOFR %?IG/BOR A+ EOFR+?L.) "On these t##((and(ents depend the h#le La and the Pr#phets." 8atthe 22=:<0%A+

  6es's did n#t s'spend #r s'pplant the La, he a(e t# $'l$ill it. 6es's as the inarnati#n #$G#d and th's the e(b#di(ent #$ the La #$ G#d. I$ 6es's is #'r standard #$ grae, then e('st still l## t# the La, #nl! n# in its p'rest and (#st p#er$'l $#r(. 3e (ight sa! thatthe standard that 6es's held as the La "#n ster#ids." It is the La distilled t# its rihest;'alit!. It is the La at its enith #r greatest (ani$estati#n. -his is h# high 6es's set thestandard #$ grae Onl! th#se h# l#ve G#d ith all their heart, (ind, s#'l and strength, $#rever! (#(ent #$ ever! da!, $r#( the ti(e the! ere b#rn t# the da! the! die, ith#'t a nan#:

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se#nd #$ di(in'ti#n are righte#'s. Onl! these have en#'gh grae a#rding t# the La t# beright ith G#d. -his is 6es's) standard. And it r'shes 8#ses lie grain 'nder a (eal st#ne.

  -he #nl! a! an! #$ 's an be s're that e have en#'gh grae #ring in 's, is t# (eas'reit b! G#d)s standard. 3e have seen that b#th #$ G#d)s s'pre(e standards, the La and &hrist,set the bar higher than an!#ne an reah. -hat is, higher than all b't One : 6es's &hrist. 6es's$'l$illed the La per$etl!, $#r /e l#ved G#d ith all his heart, (ind, s#'l and strength ever!se#nd #$ his eHistene. And he l#ved his neighb#r more that hi(sel$. -his is h! the

Re$#r(ati#n d#es n#t vie 4'sti$iati#n as the grae hih works in Man. It l##s $#r4'sti$iati#n b! the grace that works in Christ

Being 4'sti$ied $reel! b! his grae thr#'gh the rede(pti#n that is in &hrist 6es'sR#(ans 2< @6

  -he rede(pti#n e have b! $aith is "in" &hrist. -he Gree %e -esta(ent is ver! lear ab#'t

that. It sa!s literall! "in" εν &hrist. 3e are n#t 4'sti$ied b! the grae that is in us. 3e are

4'sti$ied b! the grae, thr#'gh the rede(pti#n, that is ! CH"#$ . -hat is h! 4'sti$iati#n ishat G#d has d#ne #'tside #$ 's, in the #r #$ 6es's &hrist, hile e ere !et sinners. It isn#t hat G#d did ithin 's that 4'sti$ies 's. &ertainl! G#d d#es a great #r ithin 's b! the/#l! +pirit, b't this is n#t hat 4'sti$ies the believer

/ere is the dividing #$ the a! beteen R#(e and the Re$#r(ati#n. R#(edelares that a (an is 4'sti$ied b! G#d)s #r #$ grae in his heart. -heRe$#r(ati#n delares that a (an is 4'sti$ied b! G#d)s #r #$ grae in 6es's&hrist.>

"Two Views of Grace" Part Two


1. -hese Pr#testant h'rhes arr! #n the R#(an &ath#li the#l#g! either bea'se the! are thedesendants #$ h'rhes #$ the Re$#r(ati#n h# did n#t "pr#test" #r re4et the R#(an &ath#liteahing #$ the G#spel, as did the Re$#r(ers, #r, the! are inherit#rs #$ theirh'rh)sden#(inati#n)s the#l#g!, hih departed $r#( the Re$#r(ati#n 'nderstanding #$ theG#spel s#(ehere in their past hist#r!. -he! (a! n#t be #nsi#'s #$ the $at that s'h adepart're even t## plae.

2. -his #'ld inl'de (an! evangelial, $'nda(entalist, pente#stal, and haris(ati h'rhesas ell as individ'al &hristians.

. R#bert 5. Brins(ead, %ustification, allbr##, &A erdit P'bliati#ns, 19D0, p. 1C.

<. 6ean 5a'4at, $heology of Grace, p. 1<.

=. ?ver! the#l#g! #$ grae hih de$ines 4'sti$iati#n b! the a(#'nt #$ grae ithin the&hristian ill, b! neessit!, devel#p s#(e standard #$ eval'ati#n. Fn$#rt'natel!, it 's'all! isn#t the 3#rd #$ G#d, b't the #((and(ents #$ (en. 8atthe 1=97 -it's 11< -his an beseen in the vari#'s "h#'se r'les," (e(bership re;'ire(ents, #r "standards #$ h#liness" ta'ghtb! h'rhes h# h#ld t# the R#(an &ath#li the#l#g! #$ grae. ?Htra:biblial standards arereated in #rder t# "(eas're the grae" in h'rh (e(bers.

>. Brins(ead, Op. &it., p. 20.

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Is Grace a "1ubstance" or a 4elationship with God2© April 19, 2002 Bernie L. Gillespie All Rights Reserved.

Part -hree

How Much "ighteousness &o We !eed 


-he vie #$ Grae hih the %e -esta(ent teahes, and hih as redis#vered b! theRe$#r(ers is that grace is a relationship with God . -he R#(an &ath#li s!ste( teahes thatgrae is (#re lie a s'bstane ith hih #ne is in$'sed at baptis(. It is a p#er that #rsithin the &hristian and (aes the pers#n righte#'s b! the #ring #$ grae #r the +piritithin. -his (a! see( a ariat're #$ the R#(an &ath#li teahing, b't the! pri(aril! spea #$grae as s#(ething that #rs ithin a pers#n. -he Re$#r(ers, $#ll#ing the Ap#stle Pa'l,dis#vered that grae as n#t a thing in itsel$. -he! disagreed ith R#(e. It is n#t a s'bstane,$#re #r p#er, taen internall!, hih (aes 's #rth! salvati#n. Grae as n#t pri(aril!s#(ething #ring in a person, b't it as h# G#d as a pers#n relates t# the(. #r the( graeas the (a)or &ei : the $av#r #$ G#d.

  -he reas#n that grae is a relati#nship is bea'se G#d is a Pers#n. Grae is the a! that G#drelates t# 's as the +'pre(e /#l! Righte#'s Pers#n h# reated and r'les the Fniverse. G#d isrighte#'s in /is essene. It is n#t 4'st hat G#d d#es, it is h# /e is. As reati#ns #$ G#d, #'rrighte#'sness is deter(ined #r de$ined #'tside #$ 's b! the harater #$ G#d. I$ e are rightl!related t# G#d e are righte#'s. I$ n#t, e are r#ngl! related #r 'nrighte#'s. R#(ans #nethr#'gh three tells that /'(anit! is 'nrighte#'s bea'se it is r#ngl! related t# G#d

#r the rath #$ G#d is revealed $r#( heaven against all 'ng#dliness and'nrighte#'sness #$ (en, h# s'ppress the tr'th in 'nrighte#'sness, bea'se hat(a! be n#n #$ G#d is (ani$est in the(, $#r G#d has sh#n it t# the(. #r sinethe reati#n #$ the #rld /is invisible attrib'tes are learl! seen, being

'nderst##d b! the things that are (ade, even /is eternal p#er and G#dhead, s#that the! are ith#'t eH'se, bea'se, alth#'gh the! ne G#d, the! did n#tgl#ri$! /i( as G#d, n#r ere than$'l, b't bea(e $'tile in their th#'ghts, andtheir $##lish hearts ere darened. R#(ans 11D:21 %@6

Sin Is A Personal Thing

  -he $#'ndati#nal realit! $r#( hih the (essage #$ R#(ans $l#s is G#d)s righte#'sness.3hen /'(anit! re4eted G#d as G#d, the! $ell $r#( right relati#nship vertiall!. #in is a

 personal thing. I (ean that the nat're #$ sin as pit'red b! Pa'l in R#(ans hapter #ne asn#thing less than /'(anit!)s atta #n G#d)s pers#n. I$ e read the desripti#ns #$ sin$'lness

Pa'l sets $#rth e see that +in is a pers#nal assa'lt #n G#d hi(sel$

h# b! their 'nrighte#'sness s'ppress the tr'th. #r hat an be n#n ab#'tG#d is plain t# the(, v. 1D ?+

"#r alth#'gh the! ne G#d, the! did n#t h#n#r hi( as G#d #r give thans t#hi(, v. 21 ?+

-he! . . . eHhanged the gl#r! #$ the i((#rtal G#d $#r i(ages rese(bling (#rtal(en and . . . ani(als . . . v. 2 ?+

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-he! eHhanged the tr'th ab#'t G#d $#r a lie and #rshiped and served thereat're rather than the &reat#r, v. 2= ?+

-he! did n#t see $it t# an#ledge G#d . . . v. 2D ?+

  +in in essene is personal offense against G#d. It is failing to treat God right. -he sin #$/'(anit! is t# treat G#d in a (anner #$ hih /e is less than #rth!. God is God . /e is #rth!#$ being respeted and ad#red as G#d. Isn)t this the re'rring the(e #$ +ript're* /e is #rth!

#$ all h#n#r, gl#r!, respet, #bediene, tr'st, s'pre(a! and a'th#rit! in #'r lives andthr#'gh#'t the &#s(#s. 3hen e $ail t# treat G#d right, e sin. -his sin is 'nrighte#'s. -hea! t# be right ith G#d is t# relate t# /i( in a (anner /e #nsiders right. -hat is h! G#dgave 's the La. It is a bl'eprint $#r h# e are t# relate t# G#d and in t'rn #thers. At theheart #$ the La is t#tall! reverene and #bediene t# G#d as G#d.

  6es's said the essene #$ the La is t# l#ve G#d ith all #'r heart, (ind, s#'l and strength.-his (eans t# treat G#d right #'ld be t# d# all that /e ass #$ 's, all the ti(e, ever! $rati#n#$ ever! se#nd, ever! da! #$ the ee, ever! ee #$ #'r lives, ith#'t ever d#ing s#(ethingless than $#r the t#tal gl#r!, h#n#r and ad#rati#n #$ G#d. #r eHa(ple, i$ !#' did #ne thing thisee that as n#t s#lel! $#r the diret gl#r! #$ G#d, !#' $ailed t# treat G#d right. 5id !#'

spend ever! (#(ent, #$ ever! single da! and night $#r the last (#nth t# sa! and d# n#thing b'tthat hih gives all re#gniti#n, h#n#r and gl#r! t# G#d* Let 's g# a little $'rther. 5id !#' thin#ne single th#'ght #ver the last !ear, in hih !#' th#'ght #$ !#'rsel$ and !#'r interests andsel$:preservati#n, rather than 100J thining #nl! #$ G#d and hat /e desired $#r !#'* 3e #'ldg# #n ith these ;'esti#ns. B't, the p#int I ish t# (ae is that 'nrighte#'sness is (#re thanhaving several vies, breaing a #((and(ent, #r vi#lating a h'rh p#li! #r pr#t##l. -h#seare #nl! the res'lt #$ 'nrighte#'sness. Being 'nrighte#'s is relating t# G#d in the slightestdegree less than /e deserves $r#( 's. -his is hat Ada( did and it is that $#r hih all/'(anit! is indited be$#re G#d. -hat is h! Pa'l #nl'ded "All have sinned and #(e sh#rt#$ the gl#r! #$ G#d."

  5ish#n#ring G#d did n#t h'rt G#d, b't br#'ght disastr#'s #nse;'enes 'p#n the h#le/'(an rae. As a res'lt #$ /'(anit!)s atta #n /i(, G#d "gave the( 'p"1 t# #rr'pted andperverted h#ri#ntal relati#nships. 3h!* Bea'se the! vi#lated their vertial relati#nship'nrighte#'sness ith /i(. -# be 'nrighte#'s in the deepest sense is t# be r#ngl!,#$$ensivel! related t# G#d. G#d stands righte#'s, b't being in r#ng relati#nship ith /i( eare h#pelessl! 'nrighte#'s.

Righteousness Saves Us

  /# ir#ni it is, then, that it is the ver! righte#'sness #$ G#d that saves 's* Pa'l teahesthat the righte#'sness that saves the &hristian is the righteousness of God . -his righte#'snessd#es n#t be#(e saving bea'se it is put into the believer. It is e$$etive t# save bea'se it isre)ealed outside the belie)er in Jesus.

  3h#se righte#'sness are e taling ab#'t* Is it the believer)s righte#'sness* Is it the saints)#r the angels) righte#'sness* %#K It is the ver! righte#'sness that bel#ngs t# G#d /i(sel$

B't n# apart $r#( the La the righte#'sness #$ G#d has been (ani$ested, beingitnessed b! the La and the Pr#phets, even the righte#'sness #$ G#d thr#'gh$aith in 6es's &hrist $#r all th#se h# believe7 $#r there is n# distinti#n7 R#(.21, 22 %A+

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#r in it the righte#'sness #$ G#d is revealed $r#( $aith t# $aith7 as it is ritten,"BF- -/? RIG/-?OF+ (an +/ALL LI? BE AI-/." R#(ans 11C %A+

. . . being 4'sti$ied as a gi$t b! /is grae thr#'gh the rede(pti#n hih is in &hrist6es's7 h#( G#d displa!ed p'blil! as a pr#pitiati#n in /is bl##d thr#'gh $aith.-his as t# de(#nstrate /is righte#'sness, bea'se in the $#rbearane #$ G#d /epassed #ver the sins previ#'sl! #((itted7 $#r the de(#nstrati#n, I sa!, #$ /isrighte#'sness at the present ti(e, that /e (ight be 4'st and the 4'sti$ier #$ the

#ne h# has $aith in 6es's. R#(. 2<:2> %A+

/# is G#d)s righte#'sness revealed #r presented t# 's*

B't n# the righte#'sness #$ G#d apart $r#( the la is revealed, being itnessedb! the La and the Pr#phets, even the righte#'sness #$ G#d, thr#'gh $aith in6es's &hrist, t# all and #n all h# believe. #r there is n# di$$erene7 R#(ans21$. %@6

  -he righte#'sness #$ G#d is revealed in 6es's &hrist. 6es's per$etl! (aintained the rightrelati#nship, #$ hih G#d (#st #rth!, hih e $ailed t# eep. 6es's gave his li$e, hih

inl'des /is righte#'sness, #n the &r#ss t# tae the plae #$ #'r 'nrighte#'sness be$#re G#d.-he righte#'sness #$ #'r salvati#n is n#thing less than &hrist)s righte#'sness. "It as t# sh# hisrighte#'sness at the present ti(e, s# that he (ight be 4'st and the 4'sti$ier #$ the #ne h# has$aith in 6es's." R#(ans 2> ?+

esus! Righteousness Is ine

  #ut the righteousness is in esus so how $oes it %eco&e &ine' It is #'nted t# !#' hen!#' tr'st in &hrist. B! $aith I a( in &hrist. 6'st as I a( a sinner bea'se G#d #'nted (e as in'nrighte#'s Ada(, s# I a( righte#'s bea'se #nsiders (e in righte#'s &hrist b! $aith. /# anit be then that e are #nsidered 4'st #r right in G#d)s sight i$ all the righte#'sness is in 6es's*Bea'se we are counted or considered righteous by faith

... and he reeived the sign #$ ir'(isi#n, a seat #$ the righte#'sness #$ the$aith hih he had hile 'nir'(ised, that he (ight be the $ather #$ all h#believe ith#'t being ir'(ised, that righte#'sness (ight be re#ned t# the(,R#(ans <11 %A+

It as n#t thr#'gh la that Abraha( and his #$$spring reeived the pr#(ise thathe #'ld be heir #$ the #rld, b't thr#'gh the righte#'sness that #(es b! $aith.R#(ans <1 %I

3hat shalt e sa! then* -hat Gentiles, h# did n#t p'rs'e righte#'sness,

attained righte#'sness, even the righte#'sness hih is b! $aith7 R#(ans 90%A+

B't the righte#'sness based #n $aith speas th's, "5O %O- +AE I% EOFR /?AR-,)3/O 3ILL A+&?%5 I%-O /?A?%*) that is, t# bring &hrist d#n, R#(ans 10>%A+

#r e thr#'gh the +pirit ait $#r the h#pe #$ righte#'sness b! $aith. Galatians== @6

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tae h#ld #$ thee $#r th#' hast hid th! $ae $r#( 's, and hast #ns'(ed 's,bea'se #$ #'r ini;'ities. Isaiah ><>:C @6

  %#tie that the pr#phet d#es n#t sa!, "all #'r sins are as $ilth! rags." /e sa!s it is theirrighte#'sness hih as as a $ilth! rag. In the /ebre, the "$ilth! rag" is the (enstr'al l#th'sed b! 6eish #(en d'ring their (enstr'al !le. A #(an d'ring this ti(e as #nsidered'nlean and as ;'arantined $r#( her $a(il! s# that the! #'ld n#t r'n the ris #$ being#nta(inated $r#( her bl##d. I$ the! ere, the! #'ld n#t #$$er sari$ies $#r at#ne(ent. -hat

is the pit're Isaiah gives Israel t# sh# the( h# #rthless their pers#nal righte#'s as. It isa pit're $#r 's t#da!. I seri#'sl! s'b(it that (an! h#liness gr#'ps t#da! (ae a $atal err#r #$believing that their pers#nal righte#'sness is (#re e$$etive be$#re G#d than it tr'l! is. 3hen agr#'p #r pers#n $ails t# grasp the depth #$ their pers#nal sin and the abs#l'te $'tilit! #$ their#n righte#'sness, the! tend t# legalis( and vari#'s $#r(s #$ #rs righte#'sness. -hisdiretl! 'nder'ts the G#spel and its p#er.

  3e #'ld never have en#'gh righte#'sness : in th#'ght, deeds, #r eHperienes. -he #$$ense#$ #'r sin is #n G#d)s side. It is his h#n#r that ('st be appeased. %#thing less than arighte#'sness as great as /is dish#n#r an heal the #$$ense. -his is the righte#'sness that G#dre;'ires.

  -hat is h! e need 6es's : #'tside #$ 's, n#t (erel! inside 's : t# be #'r righte#'sness. /eis the #nl! #ne h# p#ssesses all the righte#'sness e need. 8ira'l#'sl! and (eri$'ll!, 6es'sn# #$$ers that righte#'sness t# all h# relate t# G#d thr#'gh /i( al#ne. /e is the a! t#rightl! relate t# G#d. "6es's saith 'nt# hi(, I a( the a!, the tr'th, and the li$e n# (an#(eth 'nt# the ather, b't b! (e." 6#hn 1<> @6


1. r#( paradidomi παραδιδωµι hih (eans t# hand #ver #r per(it. It an re$er t# a

4'diial pr#ess as delivering #ne 'p t# 4'diial a'th#rities. In this ase G#d handed /'(anit!#ver t# their #n sin$'l desires and #rr'pted h#ri#ntal relati#nships as p'nish(ent $#r the

dish#n#ring their vertial relati#nship ith G#d.2. Brins(ead, p. 29.. Brins(ead, p. 0.

Is Grace a "1ubstance" or a 4elationship with God2© April 19, 2002 Bernie L. Gillespie All Rights Reserved.


&art -our 

Grace is Not Only Necessary, It is Sufficient 

I reeived a letter $r#( s#(e#ne h# had visited (! eb site and had these ;'esti#ns

5# !#' believe that grae al#ne saves 's* I$ !#' d#, !#' believe a deepti#n. It is#'r $aith that saves 's b! grae. aith is basiall! hat e believe, and the $aiththat saves 's is hat e believe ab#'t the &hrist and hi( r'i$ied. -he biblesi states that $aith ith#'t #rs is dead. B't e $irst need t# n# hat#rs "#$ $aith" are. -his the bible si als# tells 's. -he #rs #$ $aith are #'r#rds. G#d ants 's n#t #nl! t# have the three aspets #$ $aith that !#' state #n!#'r eb page, b't als# t# p't int# #rds hat are $aith is, ith#'t the #rretverbaliati#n #$ h# the hrist si is, e an)t be saved.

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e an d#.5 -his is "$iller" grae, ('h as is #((#n in &hristian irles t#da!. -his t!pe #$

grae taes 'p the sla in #'r righte#'sness. It #(pletes it, #r rather perfects it.

Rather than re$let divine grae as ta'ght in the Bible, this de$initi#n #$ grae re$lets that

$#r( #$ Per$eti#nis( that sat'rated the 'lt're in hih 6#seph +(ith as n'rt'red. -his

sa(e Per$eti#nis( has pervaded #'r ti(e and led t# a great (is'nderstanding #$ the grae #$

G#d. G#ds grae is never a "$iller" t# be tr#eled int# the h#les #$ #'r i(per$eti#n. It is n#t

pean't b'tter t# be s(eared #ver the thin plaes in #'r righte#'sness. All #'r righte#'sness is

as an 'nlean thing. 3e need n#thing b't the p're, 'nde$iled, and per$et righte#'sness #$

&hrist #'r +avi#r t# (ae 's aeptable ith G#d. Grae is s'$$iient, bea'se &hrist is

s'$$iient. Aept n# s'bstit'tesK


1. I an#ledge that the Latter 5a! +aints lai( %ephi lived siH ent'ries be$#re &hrist. /e le$t Israel ith his

$ather Lehi t# sail t# the %e 3#rld A(eria and there he pr#phesied these #rds ab#'t the #(ing salvati#nthr#'gh &hrist. It #'ld be said that this vie #$ grae as be$#re &hrist a(e t# d# /is #r. B't later in theB## #$ 8#r(#n, in %ephi 1=, 6es's is said t# appear and teah the pe#ple that the #((and(ents the! are t##be! are th#se he gave the( in the la #$ 8#ses v. 10. -his sh#s (e that 6#seph +(ith never 'nderstand thepr#per relati#nship beteen La and G#spel, and it led hi( t# an 'nbiblial vie #$ grae.

4e. ernie L. Gillespie is the founder of In 'hrist 0lone6 7inistries, &astor of Grace8 $ruth 'ommunity 'hurch, -indlay, O+. +e holds a 7aster of iinity from(inebrenner $heological 1eminary. +e is presently a octor of 7inistry candidate at4eformed $heological 1eminary in Orlando, -L.

It is the mission of in 'hrist 0lone6 7inistries 9I'067 to declare the Gospel of Jesus'hrist. It is the desire of this ministry to be a means whereby the +oly 1pirit, throughthe Gospel of 'hrist, may create in the hearts of hearers the ;nowledge, conictionand assurance that 'hrist, out of sheer grace, has forgien their sins, made themright with God, and granted them salation. I'06 calls all 'hristians to areawa;ening, which will inspire: 5. 0 renewed ision of the biblical meaning of theGospel of Jesus 'hrist< =. $hose who do not trust in 'hrist to beliee and be saed<>. 0ll to offer praise which will gie all glory to God alone.

IN CHRIST ALONE! MINISTRIES, 2321 N. Main St., Findlay, OH 45840