Download - C L A R I D E · Partial list of companies that have benefi tt ed from Ric’s expertise: “Ric is


Knowledge for the world business leaders C L A R I D E N 18 - 21 January 2016

Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

2 Separately Bookable Seminars in 1 Location

Session A: Leading Business Process Transformations, Continuous Improvements and ChangeHow to create successful long-lived organizational change that produces transformational results18 - 19 January 2016 (Monday & Tuesday)

Session B: Root Cause Analysis Of Underperforming ProcessesEnd-to-end roadmap for strategic, operational & tactical approach to relentless RCA20 - 21 January 2016 (Wednesday & Thursday)

• Formerly CEO of 3 successful companies, Ric Willmot is today one of the most successful change management speakers. Globally known as “The Strategist”, Ric is now one of the most sought after consultants by Fortune 500 companies because of his ability to demystify complex organizational strategic planning and improveperformance, productivity and lead companies with transformational business performance improvements and successful change management

• Author of 7 Management Books including 2 bestsellers, 4 CEO Institute Learning Modules and over 200business management articles published in 8 countries

• He contributes business columns regularly for 5 magazines, including Calibre in Malaysia and Svoy Businessin Russia (which has a readership of 55,000), and is interviewed frequently on ABC-Radio and Qantas Airlines Business Radio

• Certifi ed Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt and Business Process Transformation Champion• More than 20 years of experience in enabling leadership and project teams through hands-on approaches to

achieve signifi cant revenue growth and operational cost reductions• Consulted and initiated business process changes in major oil & gas, mining, telecommunications, production,

supply chain fi rms and developed robust and sustainable business process improvement solutions

Ric Willmot

John ManBusiness Process Transformation Champion

Session A: 18 - 19 January 2016, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

Ric Willmot

2Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | [email protected] |

2016 Clariden Enabling Business Process Transformation Week

Leading Business Process Transformations, Continuous Improvements and Change

Formerly CEO of 3 successful companies, Ric Willmot is today one of the most successful change management speakers. Globally known as “The Strategist”, Ric is now one of the most sought after consultants by Fortune 500 companies because of his ability to demystify complex organizational strategic planning and improve performance, productivity and lead companies with transformational business performance improvement sand successful change management

• Author of 7 Management Books including 2 bestsellers, 4 CEO Institute Learning Modules and over 200 business management articles published in 8 countries

• He contributes business columns regularly for 5 magazines, including Calibre in Malaysia and Svoy Business in Russia (which has a readership of 55,000), and is interviewed frequently on ABC-Radio and Qantas Airlines Business Radio

Mr. Ric Willmot has more than 20 years’ experience in the area of strategic development, planning and implementation. Heis known globally as “The Strategist”, and is one of the most sought aft er consultants by Fortune 500 companies because of his ability to demystify complex organizational strategic planning and improve performance, productivity and profi t. Ric’s background includes accounting, fi nancial planning, and organizational psychology. He has been the CEO of 3 successful companies, and has built a global consulting practice based in Brisbane, Australia. Ric provides value by assisting clients increase performance and profi t by making distinctive, lasting and substantial improvements in their organizations. His clients include PricewaterhouseCoopers, Grant Thornton, CPA Australia, PT Philips Lighting and over 100 other leading organizations in Australia, Asia and the UAE. Over 200 people from 14 countries have joined his Private Client’s Mentoring & Coaching Program.

He regularly contributes business columns for 5 magazines, including Calibre in Malaysia and Svoy Business in Russia(which has a readership of 55,000), and is frequently interviewed on ABC-Radio and Qantas Airlines Business Radio. He also writes a monthly column in the Brisbane Courier-Mail Business Magazine BOOM entitled: Executive Wisdom with RicWillmot. Ric’s work in improving business growth, success and profi ts is internationally sought aft er; he is the go-to personfor CEOs, senior executives, and professional service people

Partial list of companies that have benefi tt ed from Ric’s expertise:

“Ric is a very eff ective consultant who gets his innovative message across to the most-hardened executives. Any cost associated withgett ing him is easily off set by the improvement in your business.” - CEO

“He has resulted in some very profound changes in our organization. Our company has a $30,000,000 premium income - Ric has helpedfocus us and provide us with the plan and the tools to grow. We intend to use Ric on an annual basis, both with our team and the directors.”

- Partner

“Although extremely challenging and not afraid to speak his mind, Ric off ered a level of business acumen you simply wouldn’t be able tohire on a standard basis. He brought our strategy into the 21st century and assisted in dramatically enhancing our bott om line.”

- Director

• Shell• ExxonMobil• BHP• JPMorgan Chase• HSBC• Apple• Siemens• GE• HP• Bangkok Bank• CIMB Niaga• Gas Negara

• Pertamina• DHL• Telstra• Commonwealth Bank• Met Life• Rakbank• Permata Bank• PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk• Pwani Oil Products Ltd.• Star Energy• Qualcomm

• PT Datacomm Diangraha• Jeddah Beverage Can Making Co.• Mercer• Merck• InterContinental• Metito• Telekom Malaysia• PT Philips Lighting• Indonesian Aerospace• Straits Asia Resources• PT Voksel Electric Tbk

Early Bird 1 (Register & pay by 23 November 2015):Early Bird 2 (Register & pay by 21 December 2015): Regular Tuition Fee:

Group discount of 10% for 2nd participant from the same organization. For limited time only by 21 December 2015 register 3 participants and the 4th participant will receive a complimentary seat (One discount scheme applies).

To survive in today’s unpredictable marketplace, an organization has simply 2 choices - consistently transform business processes and grow, or remain stagnant and wither. In fact, 93% of respondents in the “Business Transformation and the Corporate Agenda” report highlighted that they have just completed, are planning or are in the midst of a business transformation (KPMG/ Forbes Insight, 2014).

This comprehensive 2-day course addresses a broad spectrum of transformational leadership, continuous improvement and change management techniques and strategies. You will leverage a unique platform designed with critical information for practitioners and industry players and learn how to eff ectively manage transformation and successfully implement change within your organization.

Led by CEO of 3 successful global companies and one of the most successful change management speakers, Ric Willmot will show you how to utilize successful change management models, leverage on techniques to successfully infl uence and manage stakeholders and understand how world-class companies can lead and implement successful business processes while overcoming popular mistakes and causes of failure.

Participants will develop a deep understanding of the methodologies and strategies behind eff ective long-lived organizational change. At the end of this program, you will be able to confi dently and competently produce positive business results, practice new strategies and seamlessly execute what you have learnt in the business world to achieve eff ective and sustainable business outcomes and stakeholder relationships.


Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | [email protected] |




Dates & Locations:

Leading Business Process Transformations, Continuous Improvements and Change18 - 19 January 2016Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore


Note: GST is applicable only to participants from Singapore registered companies. Check your eligibility for 60% Cash Back at IRAS website.

Session A: 18 - 19 January 2016, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

2016 Clariden Enabling Business Process Transformation Week

Leading Business Process Transformations, Continuous Improvements and Change

FREE TAKEAWAYS worth over $1500!• Lifetime membership to the Secure Zone of his website, which includes: diagnostics, business told, premium

articles, videos and podcasts worth $990 in value• Lifetime membership to his online Members-Only Forum worth $495 in value• “Change 601” by Ric Willmot in paperback worth $39 • 4GB USB with all the presentation slides

Pre-Course Questionnaire• To ensure that you gain maximum value from this course, a detailed questionnaire will be forwarded to you to

establish your training priorities and concerns• Your completed questionnaire will be analyzed by the faculty director prior to the event and addressed during

the event. You will receive a comprehensive set of course documentation on the day of the training

Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | [email protected] |

• Achieve the ability to implement the skills and behaviours of any role in change management• Accelerate the implementation of transformation and change to support the application of business

improvement• Learn eff ective communication styles to deal with interpersonal confl icts that automatically arise

during periods of transition and growth• Recognize the opportunities presented by change and learning how to take advantage of them• Benchmark change management strategies and performance with leading institutions



In the roles of Head/Director/Managers/Consultants/Analyst responsible for:• Business Process• Process• Project Manager/ Director; Project leaders and team members• Business / Continuous Improvement• Business Process Management; Business Process Reengineering (BPR)• Change Management, change agents, change team leaders and team members• Business Transformation; IT managers involved with change initiatives• Human Resources; Operational Excellence; Business Excellence• Organizational Development professionals involved in company re-organizations• Quality Management / Assurance• Coordinators of Company Mergers and Acquisitions



Businesses are increasingly under pressure by stakeholders to not only remain relevant and competitive, but to outdothe competition. Pressures to introduce innovative products, new services and break-through inventions in order toimprove market share and profi tability are relentless.

Albeit many corporations understand the importance of business transformation, this program will equip you with a deeper pragmatic understanding and the valuable tools to achieve realizable results that will eff ect a signifi cantimpact on your business.

If you aim to further your executive career in management and leadership, this course is an essential learning experiencethat will fast track your executive knowledge and competencies. In this 2 days, you will be exposed to a plethora of casestudies, group challenges, and individual problem solving exercises that will challenge your thinking, learning andapplication of existing and new knowledge, while networking and gaining key industry insights.

Session A: 18 - 19 January 2016, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

2016 Clariden Enabling Business Process Transformation Week

Leading Business Process Transformations, Continuous Improvements and Change


Session 1

• Why Is Transformation So Important? What’s The ROI?o Having human resources implement the latest management fad does not guarantee improved organizational

performanceo What’s your objective? How will your organization benefi t? Will this be the most effi cacious process to

achieve your desired results?

• Assessing The Necessity For Change And Transformationo Forced change: by competitors, consumers, government, economic and business climate, technology, etc.o Escaping the doldrumso Deliberate change to raise the bar

• What Constitutes Eff ective Change And Transformation?o Understand, Promote, Cope, Valueo Transformation is an organic process, not a single evento Problem solving or innovation creation?

Session 2

• Why Executive Sponsorship Is A Critical Success Factoro Who are the key people within your organization you must get on board?o Resistor, neutral, supporter – what they do and how you should respondo Developing an exemplar culture

• Implementing Change & Transformation To Att ain Optimum Resultso 7-Eleven Australia Case Study

• Creating Innovative Strategies And Techniques For Eff ective Resultso Purposeo Processo Peopleo Performance

Exercise: Creation of a Change Management Story Board

Session 3• Assessing The Psychological Environment For Change & Transformation

o 4 conditions for the changing mindseto Reinforcement systemso Putt ing the approach into practice

Exercise: Psychological Profi ling and Behavioural Assessment

• Checklist For Resistance To ChangeGroup discussion and assessment diagnostic

• The Reasons For People Resisting Change And Strategies To Overcome ThisOpen discussion exercise utilising diagnostics and checklists including role-plays and hotseat Q&A

5Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | [email protected] |


Session A: 18 - 19 January 2016, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

2016 Clariden Enabling Business Process Transformation Week

Leading Business Process Transformations, Continuous Improvements and Change

Session 4

• Overcoming The Popular Mistakes And Causes Of Failure o Diff erentiating between myth and reality o The antibiotic is fi ne, it’s the diagnosis that was wrong o Tell the truth, go hard, go fast, and provide the backup

• 5 Behavioural Factors To Successfully Infl uence And Manage Stakeholders o Breathing life into your organization o Motivating for transition and continual improvement o The psychology of powerful performance in people

• Using Various Tools, Diagnostics And Instruments o How to recognise what needs to be measured o How to discern what needs to be done o How to decide the process for the implementation


Session 1

• Understanding The Change Models - Which Will Work Best For You o Just because one model worked for them doesn’t mean it will work for you o Your focus is the outcome not the tactic o You have to know your objective before you can choose your instrument

• Kurt Lewin’s Change Management Model• Gleicher’s Formula For Change

Session 2

• ADKAR Model For Change• Kott er’s 8 Stages Of Change Management• Force Field AnalysisExercise: Group discussion and an assessment of the pros and cons of models

Session 3

• Force Field Analysis Extended - Working With Your Employee-groups To Make Them More Eff ective o Full and comprehensive explanation and discussion of this advanced diagnostic

• The Life Cycle Questionnaire - An Indicator Of Organizational Eff ectiveness o Full and comprehensive explanation and discussion of this advanced diagnostic

• Improving Your Success by Eliminating Execution Failures o Simple strategies to negotiating obstacles o Identifying the warning signals o Drilling down to the root cause rather than drowning in the symptoms

Case Study: Japanese Fish Markets

6Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | [email protected] |

Session A: 18 - 19 January 2016, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

2016 Clariden Enabling Business Process Transformation Week

Leading Business Process Transformations, Continuous Improvements and Change

7Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | [email protected] |

Session A: 18 - 19 January 2016, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

2016 Clariden Enabling Business Process Transformation Week

Leading Business Process Transformations, Continuous Improvements and Change

Session 4

• Communicating The Change Vision o Learning who your people will listen to o Coordinating your communication eff orts o Appreciate the value of stories and metaphors

• Organizational And Stakeholder Empowerment o Not everyone must be involved at every level o Choosing the right person at the right time to do the right thing o Genuine empowerment and not just the buzzword

• Anchoring New Approaches In Culture o If your people don’t live with that, your organization will die because of it o It’s a matt er of principle not just faith o The new way has to be programmed as the default position

Wrap up Q&A

8Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | [email protected] |

John Man

• Certifi ed Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt and Business Process Transformation Champion• More than 20 years of experience in enabling leadership and project teams through hands-on approaches

to achieve signifi cant revenue growth and operational cost reductions• Consulted and initiated business process changes in major oil & gas, mining, telecommunications,

production, supply chain fi rms and developed robust and sustainable business process improvement solutions

John has extensive experience in business process improvement for both the public and private sector in multiple industries which include telecommunication, oil & gas, mining, production and supply chain. John has also facilitated process transformation teams across all industries to increase throughput yield, ensure outgoing quality assurance, reduced labour cost and increased production effi ciency through rigorous process analysis in telecommunications and garment industries. In telecommunications alone, the solutions advised by him enabled the organizations to realize revenue growth of more than AU$300 M over 7 years.

John has led trainings worldwide and he has a Ph.D. in Organization Development and Change. He is also a certifi ed Lean Six Sigma Master Belt and is a certifi ed Trainer and Assessor in Australia. He is a member of the Institute of Management Consultants and a Fellow at the World Academy of Productivity Science and an Associate Fellow with the Australian Institute of Management.

Business Process Transformation Champion

Session B: 20 - 21 January 2016, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

2016 Clariden Enabling Business Process Transformation Week

Root Cause Analysis Of Underperforming Processes

“It was great being coached by John. He always has a solution handy to overcome any challenge, be it in the problem defi nition, datacollection, analysis, or control. I believe he can continue to contribute and add signifi cant values to any business improvement projectsand coaching.” - Founder/ Director, EurekaStudy

“John’s knowledge in the business process is unbelievably deep and good. His willingness in knowledge transfer and guidance through the learning made the 2-day program really short. John is nearly perfect!”

- Director of Business Process, Hellman Worldwide Logistics LLP

“John is an eff ective coach and mentor. I have gained tremendously from his extensive experience and wealth of knowledge, and working with him has helped me gain profi ciency in Lean Six Sigma, which has in turn, paved the way for me to be able to lead and coach othersembarking on a similar journey.” - Strategy Manager, Accenture

Enterprise capability to meet critical success factors and respond to changing expectations and requirements is dependent on the ability to sharpen the inquiry and diagnosis of processes and operations. The key to harnessing that ability is an incisive competency to identify, drill down and validate observable and objective root causes.

This impactful 2-day program will eff ect a paradigm shift in the way you view Root Cause Analysis, moving beyond just simply a work-based and functional process but as a relentless tool for laying out strategic business plans which then cascades to eff ective tactical and operational planning. Participants will generate an understanding of diff erent causes of underperforming processes and respective roots in the progress towards validation of process performance, support improvement eff orts with statistical methods that off er insights and knowledge for empirical analysis, and perform risk analysis to sustain solutions and amplify success.

Led by John Man who has a stellar record of near 80% of participants exceeding expectation for his past program, you will learn and walk away with ready-to-use templates, tools and methods for generating, organizing, visualizing and analysing causes and use the Minitab statistical program to test hypothesis and apply design of experiments methods.


9Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | [email protected] |

Early Bird 1 (Register & pay by 23 November 2015):Early Bird 2 (Register & pay by 21 December 2015): Regular Tuition Fee:

Group discount of 10% for 2nd participant from the same organization. For limited time only by 21 December 2015 register 3 participants and the 4th participant will receive a complimentary seat (One discount scheme applies).



Dates & Locations:

Root Cause Analysis Of Underperforming Processes20 - 21 January 2016Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore


Note: GST is applicable only to participants from Singapore registered companies. Check your eligibility for 60% Cash Back at IRAS website.

FREE TAKEAWAYS!• Pre-workshop assessment on process and enterprise maturity.• Minitab statistical program and Minitab Quality Companion to be downloaded to laptops.*Participants are required to bring their laptops for the purpose of this course.

Session B: 20 - 21 January 2016, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

2016 Clariden Enabling Business Process Transformation Week

Root Cause Analysis Of Underperforming Processes

10Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | [email protected] |


Senior Managers in Strategic Business Planning, Operational and Functional managers and supervisors, Programand Project managers, facilitators and leaders, Quality Assurance managers, Continuous Improvement managers,Organization Change and Methods managers

• Validate business strategies by identifying the reasons for the gaps between current and expected performance levels

• Optimize and maximise ‘As-is’ processes and value streams designed around existing capabilities of people and technology

• Make right decisions at the right time based on rigorous data analysis used in dashboards, process capability, hypothesis testing and experiments

• Streamline core process activities to enable timely and accurate delivery of services or products that meet or exceed requirements

• Eliminate disruptions, rework and waste in end to end fl ow of materials, information and decisions • Test and formalize solutions that are robust and error-proofed • Hold the gains achieved through improvements or redesign



When people discover problems, the most frequent response is to rush to fi nd a solution. Finding an immediate fi x for the problem is very satisfying but putt ing the cart before the horse is not the best way to solve a problem as it leads to the need to solve the same problem repeatedly. A bett er approach is to eliminate the root cause. Gaining a foothold on vital root causes is the turning point for moving from ‘as-is’ to ‘to-be’ performance levels.

Drawing on the analogy of the ‘tortoise and the hare race’, enterprises that take time to refl ect on current performance with the aim of taking signifi cant leaps to achieve higher levels or performance win the race by generating viable solutions that produce the sustainable and progressive results.

Faculty Director John Man has more than 20 years of experience in process improvement, process implementation and process design. Through the 2-day highly interactive program, participants will be engaged in group-based hands-on opportunities to identify causes and learn various techniques and tools. John will also provide guidance on which tools are more likely to be used at strategic, operational and tactical level. At the end of the program, you will be armed with an eff ective ‘roadmap’ for executing cause analysis, testing and controlling solutions generated.

Session B: 20 - 21 January 2016, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

2016 Clariden Enabling Business Process Transformation Week

Root Cause Analysis Of Underperforming Processes

11Contact Admissions Offi ce at +65 6899 5030 | [email protected] |

DAY ONEScope And Foundations Of Cause & Eff ect Analysis• Elucidate the vital role of cause and eff ect analysis in the transformation of performance• Understand the foundations of cause and eff ect analysis in the work place improvement or redesign eff orts• Cause and Eff ect scenarios from manufacturing and service industries

Types And Levels Of Cause & Eff ect Analysis• Defi ne levels of Cause & Eff ect analysis• Identify process confi gurations, structure and design• Understand the nature, types and requirements of causes• Defi ne the diff erent types of cause and eff ect analysis and approach to fi nding root causes• Samples on types and levels of cause and eff ect analysis

Applications Of Methods To Execute Root Cause Analysis• Use the enterprise and process maturity model to defi ne the enterprise readiness for process transformation• Apply methods to generate consensus on current reality and identify causes at strategic, operational and tactical levels• Case studies from banking, health and telecommunications

Validate And Confi rm Main Root Causes• Use basic data presentation methods• Apply basic statistical methods of analysis• Sample analysis from Minitab• Sample analysis from services and manufacturing industries

DAY TWODevelop And Validate Robust Solutions• Derive objective baseline understanding of current performance• Use hypothesis testing to validate and confi rm main root causes or solutions• Sample analysis from Minitab• Sample analysis from services and manufacturing industries

Error-proof Robust Solutions• Use methods for reducing risks during solution testing• Execute error-proofi ng for viable solutions• Sample analysis from services and manufacturing industries

Sustain Solutions With Eff ective Control Plans• Develop control plans to sustain solutions and new process performance levels• Use control methods to track new performance levels• Sample analysis from manufacturing, resources and services industries


Session B: 20 - 21 January 2016, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

2016 Clariden Enabling Business Process Transformation Week

Root Cause Analysis Of Underperforming Processes


Knowledge for the world business leaders C L A R I D E NENABLING BUSINESS PROCESS TRANSFORMATION WEEK

18 - 21 January 2016 | Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

Booking Contact (Approving Manager) Mr/Mrs/Ms:_____________________Job Title:_________________________ Department:_____________________Telephone:_______________________ Fax:____________________________Email:____________________________________________________________Organization:_____________________________________________________Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________________Postal Code:____________

I would like to receive more information on hotel accommodation using Clariden Global coporate rate.

Please register the following participant for this seminar.(Please tick □ to select your seminar(s). You may tick more than one.)




Email: [email protected]

Fax: +65 6567 4328

Call: +65 6899 5030


HOW TO REGISTER AND PAYAn invoice and registration confi rmation will be sent within 7 days, please contact us if you have not heard from us within 7 days. Payment can be made by credit card, by bank transfer or by cheque. ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED IN ADVANCE OF THE EVENT.

ACCOMMODATIONAccommodation is not included in the program fee but you will be entitled to use our corporate rate for your accommodation. Information will be sent along with your registration confi rmation.



Once we have received your booking, the place(s) are confi rmed. No refunds will be made for any cancellations, however, program credits of equivalent value only applicable for Clariden Global events will be provided. Credits can only beredeemed for 1 program and is valid for only one (1) year from date of issue.Substitution with a qualifi ed candidate is allowed by providing at least 5 working days of advance notice to Clariden Global. One time substitution is allowed with no charges. Subsequent substitutions will be charged 10% admin fee.

Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore18 - 21 January 201622 Orange Grove Road,Singapore 258350Tel : +65 6737 3644Fax : +65 6737 3257Website : htt p://


PLEASE NOTE: CLARIDEN GLOBAL PTE LTD reserves the right to change the content and timing of the programme, the speakers and the date and venue due to reasons beyond their control. If in the unlikely event that the course is cancelled, CLARIDEN GLOBAL PTE LTD will refund the full amount and disclaim any further liability.

ENQUIRIES: If you have any queries about registration or payment please do not hesitate to contact our client services department on +65 6899 5030.

PRIVATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Any information provided by you in relation to this event is being collected by CLARIDEN GLOBAL PTE LTD and will be held in the strictest confi dence. It will be added to our database for the primary pur-pose of providing you with information about future events and services.

Visit us at for upcoming events



Session A: Leading Business Process Transformations,

Continuous Improvements and Change

(18 - 19 Jan 2016)







Session B: Root Cause Analysis Of Underperforming

Processes(20 - 21 Jan 2016)

1st Early Bird Fee Per

Participant (If payments

& registrations are received by 23 Nov 2015)

2nd Early Bird Fee Per

Participant (If payments

& registrations are received by

21 Dec 2015)

Regular FeePer Participant


1st Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

2nd Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

3rd Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

4th Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

Session(s): A□ B□


Productivity and innovation Credit (PIC) scheme allows registered Singaporean businesses to claim 60% cash back or enjoy 40% tax deduction for training.

For more information, please visit htt p://

Group discount of 10% for 2nd participant from the same organization. For limited time only by 21 December 2015 register 3 participants and the 4th participant will receive a complimentary seat (One discount scheme applies).

Note: GST is applicable for Singapore-registered companies.

BY CHEQUE / BANK DRAFT :Made payable to CLARIDEN GLOBAL PTE LTD and mail to: 3 International Business Park, #04-29, Nordic European Centre, Singapore 609927

BY TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER TO:Bank Name: DBS BANKBank Branch code: 027Bank Address: 6 Shenton Way, DBS Building, Singapore 068809Bank Account No: 027-903583-8Bank Account name: CLARIDEN GLOBAL PTE LTDSWIFT Code: DBSSSGSG

Please note that all bank charges are to be borne by participants. Please ensure CLARIDEN GLOBAL PTE LTD receives the full invoiced amount.Note: Please include invoice number on all payment types and yourcompany’s name in your payment instructions for our reference.CREDIT CARD:To make payment by credit card, please call our client services hotline at+65 6899 5030.

Session(s): A□ B□

Session(s): A□ B□

Session(s): A□ B□