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  • 7/31/2019 Business Events News for Fri 22 Jun 2012 - AIPC, Ovations, MCI, Getting to know and much more


    business events news

    22nd June 2012business events news

    22nd June 2012

    editor: Jill

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    Mackay full page CHECK out page 4 of days issue

    which showcases business eventsin Mackay.

    Book your next meeting,conference or event in theQueensland destination online orby phone on 07 4944 5855.

    Vanuatu winner CONGRATULATIONS to GrietThijs, Corporate TravellerBrisbane who is last monthsmajor prize winner of theVanuatu competition.

    She has won Air Vanuatu return

    flights to Port Vila and five nightsaccommodation in a HarbourView Room including continentalbreakfast daily at the Grand Hoteland Casino.

    Thijs is off to Vanuatu forcorrectly answering all 12questions and having the mostcreative answer to Tell us whyThe Grand and Vanuatu offer agreat theme for meetings andincentives.

    Good access from mainland

    Australia, enough meeting space for mid-size groups, good size

    hotel, exclusivity, different,charming, good location, fantasticvalue for money, I could definitely

    see myself organising my next event there.

    Teds VibeDINING at Vibein GoulburnStreet Sydney attheir curvecaf theother daywith TogasTess Anderson & FlorenceSandford, it was hard not tonotice the sizeable teddy beardining at a nearby table.

    It turned out to be Ted, the

    brain child (as opposed to the

    natural child) of curves F&B

    manager and minder, Timo.Popular with many patrons, Tedis available to sit with lone dinersand is a big hit with kids.

    Weve even had a group of businessmen invite him to dinewith them, said Timo.

    Hes been featured in videosand he gets dressed up for specialoccasions such as the Half Marathon, the Mardi Gras and forthe weddings hes been invited toattend in the hotel.

    After a busy day, you will find

    Ted reclining on curve s rathercomfy lounge - Jill .

    Register now for CIBTM CIBTM (China Incentive,Business Travel & MeetingsExhibition), which takes placefrom 12-14 September atBeijings China NationalConvention Centre, has openedits hosted buyer and visitor

    registration.The event which attracted more

    than 4,400 industry professionalsand 300 hosted buyers and over7,500 pre-scheduled appointments,last year, is set to provide asimilar business environment.

    Abu Dhabi informationEVERYTHING you wanted to

    know about Abu Dhabi but didnthave the information at youringertips is now availablehrough Abu Dhabi Tourism in theorm of a Business Tourism

    Planners guide.The informative guide lists the

    hotels available activities andconvention offerings, in facteverything to assist with planninga conference, incentive ormeeting.

    To obtain a copy email [email protected].

    Ovations Stage a first AN industry first will take placeduring Ovations National SpeakerShowcase 2012, when theypartner with Staging Connectionsto present a number of highprofile corporate speakers to awhole new audience via the useof webcasting technology.

    Each of the events to be held atthe Hilton in Melbourne, Brisbaneand Sydney (21, 26 and 28 Junerespectively) will be live via

    webcast utilising an advancedlevel of interactivity.

    Attendees both physical andvirtual will be able to engage withthe speakers via twitterintegration (#OShowcase).

    We are thrilled to establish apartnership with StagingConnections to offer the NationalSpeaker Showcase 2012 to aneven wider audience than everbefore.

    Between us we hold a synergy

    in our appreciation of innovationand the opportunity to worktogether to offer it to our clients just made sense, said LeanneChristie, ceo of Ovations (below).

    Facing technology challenges THE question, how to meet thetechnology challenges facingconvention centres around theworld, will be one addressed byMark Haley, president of SmartCity Networks the largestprovider of event technology inthe convention industry in theUnited States, at the InternationalAssociation of Congress Centres(AIPC) Annual Conference being

    held in Amsterdam, Netherlands,2-4 July.

    Haley, a veteran of 30 years of the meetings and conventionsindustry, will join a paneldiscussing the need to maintaintechnology in a cost-effectivemanner given the explosivegrowth of mobile data needs.

    The session will provide a rangeof perspectives on whichtechnologies are most in demand,and how they can be delivered in

    a way that is consistent withbudget limitations and revenueexpectations.

    Theconventionbusiness trulyhas become aglobalindustry,said Haley.

    Iappreciatetheopportunityto share the experience thatSmart City Networks has gainedas the leading event technologyprovider in the United States.

    Many of the connectivitychallenges facing the conventionindustry are universal, and thisdiscussion will help to furtherdevelop solutions that meet ourcustomers changing technologyneeds.

    In addition to Haley, panelistswill include Ben Buurke,managing director of Eventresult,and Pim Schoonderwoerd, specialproduct manager at theAmsterdam RAI ConventionCentre.

    AIPC is the industry associationfor professional convention andexhibition center managersworldwide.

    AIPC is committed toencouraging and recognisingexcellence in convention centremanagement, while at the sametime providing the tools toachieve such high standardsthrough its research, educationaland networking programs.

    It is a true internationalorganisation, with representationfrom over 53 countries aroundthe world.[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    22nd June 2012

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    Q.3:Wolgan Valley Resort & Spa ishow far from Sydney?

    During the months of June and July, Business Events News is givingone lucky reader the chance to win an amazing two-night stay at theexclusive Emirates Wolgan Valley Resort & Spa in the Blue Mountains.

    The prize includes a two-night stay for two people in a HeritageSuite with breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Non-alcoholic beverageswith all meals and selected regional wines and beer with lunch anddinner are also included, as are two outdoor activities each day.

    Emirates Wolgan Valley Resort & Spa is located on a 4000-acrenature reserve adjacent to the World Heritage listed Blue Mountainsand only 190kms from Sydney. The resort offers 40 stand-aloneluxury suites, each with its own private verandah & swimming pool.

    To enter simply email your answers to each question by 27th July 2012

    Hint: wolganvalley.comEmail your answers to: wolgan@businesseve

    YOULL need stamina and a fewgallons of water for Jordans FullMoon Desert Marathon, a 42kmcourse through the vast expanseof Wadi Rum.

    The gruelling annual event,sponsored by Royal JordanianAirlines, was run in May throughthis beautiful yet demandingdesert terrain.

    Historically, T. E. Lawrence tookthree days in a dash from WadiRum to Mudawarra on a racingcamel to cut the Hejaz railwayline.

    Wadi Rum was also used in the1962 film, Lawrence of Arabiastarring Peter OToole.

    Parks in Aust focus WORKING with the Australian

    Government and New SouthWales Parks, a substantial once ina 10 year event, the IUCN WorldParks Congress has been securedby Business Events Sydney(BESydney).

    To be held at Sydney OlympicPark in 2014, it is expected toattract 3,000 delegates and injectaround $24 million into the NewSouth Wales economy.

    Considered a huge coup forAustralia, the event represents an

    outstanding opportunity toprofile the nations impressiveconservation achievements andexpertise to the world.

    The international assessmentpanel was particularly impressedby the facilities and green spaceson offer at Sydney Olympic Park.

    Securing the IUCN World ParksCongress has involved both awhole-of-industry and whole-of-government approach.

    It is brilliant to see this hard

    work return such a favourableresult for Australia, said LynLewis-Smith, ceo of BusinessEvents Sydney.

    The event will deliver anestimated $24 million for ourvisitor economy.

    It will also see worldconservation leaders gather inSydney to debate, innovate andcollaborate on the mostpragmatic solutions toconservation and developmental

    change, she said.Earlier this week, RotaryInternational also announced thatits 2014 International Conventionwill move to Sydney OlympicPark, a win that Alan Marsh, ceo,Sydney Olympic Park Authoritysaid demonstrates the quality andflexibility of their business eventfacilities.

    MCIs president, Asia Pacific andceo of the Association Division,Robin Lokerman, is making adedicated visit to Australia toshare insights with associationleaders and the Australian eventsindustry and to launch itsspecialist Meetings & EventsDivision in Sydney.

    To be held on 26 June at anexclusive function at the Museumof Contemporary Art, the themeof the evening will be Building

    Community & Sustainability, inline with MCIs position as theevents industrys thought-leaderin sustainable meetings.

    There are some key challengesthat keep practitioners,professors and associationexecutives awake at night whenthey think of their associationsactivities, said Lokerman on theimportance of this trip.

    These questions include: Howdo I attract 20% of my audience

    from Asia?

    How can I create more revenuestreams?What are other successful

    associations doing around theworld to stay relevant?

    I am looking forward toanswering these and more, he said.

    The roadshow, which takes theMCI association experts to Brisbane,Sydney, Adelaide and Melbournefrom 2529 June, will host morethan 200 of Australias mostinfluential practitioners.

    MCIS PCO Roadshow

    Prof Fels speaks outFORMER head of the ACCC, now

    chairman of the Taxi Industrynquiry, Professor Allan Fels will

    present his findings on Victoriasaxi and hire care industry when

    he speaks at the Global BusinessTravel Association (GBTA) AUS/NZ2012 Conference, to be held atThe Westin Sydney 26-28 August.

    Forming part of the long overdueenquiry and a 12 month probe byProf Fels, he examines questionsoften complained about -overcharging, fraudulentransactions, ad hoc service and

    most of all, lack of competition.Whilst only being pushed in the

    State of Victoria it will likely havea knock-oneffect in other majorcities.

    Chris Telfer, chair of the GBTAAustralia/New Zealand boardaid, It is fantastic that Professor

    Allan Fels will be delivering thiscompelling session to the delegatesat the annual conference.

    He is amongst some greatpeakers, although it is

    undoubtedly going to be ahighlight of day one.

    Topics and key speakers include:The Future of the Global Economy,delivered by Ross Dawson & CrisisManagement & Angela Hart, PrincesMargaret Hospital, Christchurch.

    Those interested in workingwith GBTA should [email protected]
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    22nd June 2012

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    An intimate dinner with DavidCONTACT US:CONTACT US:CONTACT US:CONTACT US:CONTACT US:Publisher Publisher Publisher Publisher Publisher Bruce Piper Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Jill VarleyContributorsContributorsContributorsContributorsContributorsBruce Piper, Chantel LongAdvertising:Advertising:Advertising:Advertising:Advertising:[email protected]

    P:P:P:P:P: 1300 799 220F:F:F:F:F: 1300 799 221

    PO Box 1010Epping, NSW, 1710

    Business Events NewsBusiness Events NewsBusiness Events NewsBusiness Events NewsBusiness Events Newsis part of the Travel Dailygroup of publicationswhich also include:Travel Daily, CruiseWeekly &Pharmacy Daily.

    G E T T I N G T O K N O W :

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    G E T T I N G T O K N O W :

    G E T T I N G T O K N O W :

    G E T T I N G T O K N O W :

    Its something of a surreal moment to be sipping a cocktail at the Mvenpick Resort &

    Spa Dead Sea, flanked by mountains to the east and the rolling hills of Jerusalem to thewest, and reflect on the fact that you have entered an ancient history time warp.This is especially so when you learn that King Herod and the Egyptian Queen

    Cleopatra bathed in the incredibly buoyant waters of the Dead Sea which lies a fewsteps away from where you are sitting and where you floated buoyantly today.

    Deep in the Jordan Valley and 55 km southeast of Amman, it is an area that isbelieved to have been home to five Biblical cities: Sodom, Gomorrah, Adman, Zebouinand Zoar and that down the road a clip, John the Baptist was beheaded and Mosesstood on Mt Nebo and saw the vast panorama that encompasses the Jordan RiverValley, the Dead Sea, Jericho and Jerusalem.

    Although sparsely populated and serenely quiet now, the result of former conflictsacross the Dead Sea, a series of new roads, hotels and archaeological discoveries areenticing international visitors to this fascinating region, as it did to kings, emperors,

    traders and prophets in antiquity.Seaside facilities include modern hotels with therapeutic clinics and restaurant/bathing/sports complexes, a purpose-built conference centre - the King Hussein BinTalal Convention Centre, managed by Hilton and meeting facilities in all the majorhotels, such as the 5Star Mvenpick.

    With its wow factor architectural design straight out of a traditional Arabian village,the Mvenpick Resorts grounds are interspersed with waterways, lush gardens andtowering palm trees, a sharp contrast to the dry, arid landscape in which it sits.

    346 tastefully designed rooms have spacious stone balconies while others haveterraces that either look to the sea, gardens or mountains.

    A feature of the hotel is its convention centre with two ballrooms and a conferenceroom for up to 1,500 people.

    There are five breakout rooms, a Roman theatre for more than 500, a Beach Lounge

    for a maximum of 350 guests and an auditorium for up to 198.With a seemingly endless array of restaurants and bars, with spectacularinternational and Middle Eastern cuisine, the Mvenpick could only be described assublime.

    Then, for pure indulgence theres their Zara Spa, one of the largest spas in the MiddleEast, with more than 70 treatments dedicated to luxury, pampering, relaxation andwellness including a therapy center for prophylaxis, treatments and rehabilitation.

    Alana Tilley to Sonaisali SONAISALIIsland Resort,Fiji hasannouncedtheappointmentof Alana Tillyas sales andmarketing manager.

    Moving from Australia to Fiji,Tilley brings with her extensiveknowledge of businessdevelopment and in particular e-commerce and online marketing.

    Sonaisali Island Resortsmanaging director, AaronMcGrath said We are veryexcited to welcome Alana to ourteam at Sonaisali Island Resort.

    Not only will she bring a newand exciting focus on businessdevelopment, but also be aninnovative leader for the salesteam.

    SAMUEL Wong is an Australianborn Singaporean who revels inhis role as a concierge atSydneys Fraser Suites - thepeople he meets and the hustleand bustle of hotel life.

    However thats not all hedoes, for in addition to his life asa concierge Wong owns afledgling young adults lifestyleservice and hospitality group BE Hospitality, a business andevents company he runs with agroup of his friends.

    The company organises tailor-made travel and events for smallgroups of between 5 and 8 people.

    Primarily aimed at those in the18-30 year age group, Wongexplained, We see ourselves asyoung professionals who wantthe best of the best, so even if aclient has money or little moneywe can create something to suittheir budget.

    Right now Wong says they arekeeping the business small andrunning it as a not-for-profitventure until they gain enough

    experience to take it to the nextlevel.

    We act as the sales andmarketing arm for our suppliersand Virgin Australia with whomwe package up peoples ideasfor travel and for parties.

    Wongs events and parties, heis quick to point out are not tobe confused with alcoholfuelled, all-night rages, I dontdo dodgy events, he said.

    When it comes to the sort of hotels he uses, Wong sites thosein a mid to high range.

    We dont do backpacking oranything of the bed bug variety.

    In the year and a half wehave been doing this, we haveorganised trips to the BarrierReef, Melbourne, NZ & Singapore.

    You can only suspect that thisis the tip of the iceberg as ideaskeep bubbling to the surface ashe speaks.

    Samuel Wong we suspect is aname to remember andsomeone who is going places -see

    In profileSamuel Wong All the right moves

    M M M M M v e n p

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