Download - Bushveld Veterinary Wildest T rail 27 March 2019 BVE is a high intense veterinary training


The Wildest Trail 27 March 2019

Bushveld Veterinary Experience

Hands-on wildlife veterinary training in South Africa!

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The Wildest Trail 27 March 2019

Unmatched veterinary thrills in SA!

Ever watched Animal Planet, and thought whaaaaat African vets just have the coolest job? Well, they have!

Bushveld Veterinary Experience (BVE) will drop you straight in the sickest episode on National Graphic! Join a local vet in the wild and learn everything there is to learn about wildlife veterinary medicine!

Read on, and find out!

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The Wildest Trail 27 March 2019

BVE is a high intense veterinary training for all the champions out there. It is highly practical and hands-on. For this reason only 5th and 6th year veterinary students and graduates will be considered. Dr. Barnard, leading veterinarian, will ask you to be a real wildlife vet on his side. Inject intra venously, make evaluations of anesthesias, make snap call judgements when nerves are highly tensed, and even, if situations allow, shoot from the helicopter. Don’t worry though, dr. Barnard will thoroughly train you the first few days, so that you will become the true African prince!

And yes!

Yes, I know that there are hundreds of wildlife veterinary projects out there. As someone who joined quite a few of them, I know first hand what you are looking for: a sick African adventure, with a BIG veterinary case load for an affordable price. No more crashing the bank for mediocre value!

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The Wildest Trail 27 March 2019

Ok but why is this project so special?

Firstly, knowing what every student really wants from a wildlife project, I co-designed everything in this program with Dr. Barnard. He asked my advice what an amazing project should look like. After all I was right in your spot, just a few years ago!

BVE is really all about DOING!

Wildlife hot spot!

BVE is centered in the Waterberg district. This area is loaded with a LOT of private game reserves and game farms. It’s also the same area where I have worked f o r 7 m o n t h s a s a j u n i o r veterinarian, so 90% of all p i c t u r e s y o u s e e o n m y instagram, facebook or website come from that exact same region.

Buffalo, giraffe, impala, kudu, zebra, nyala and so many other species are hugely represented in this area and can become YOUR next patient!

Buckle up, here we go!

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The Wildest Trail 27 March 2019

Do, Do, Do! Hands-on veterinary training!

Everybody hates standing and watching someone else doing awesome stuff, right?!


Here is where Bushveld Veterinary Experience excels!

I know Dr. Barnard from my time in Africa, he’s an awesome guy and a great vet! Not only are his days filled with a plethora of difference species like buffalo, sable antelope and giraffe, he’s also HUGE on a practical training of students. Did you know his second name is Dr. Badass?

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Here’s what YOU can expect:

• Actively participate in every case in the veld!

• Medical work on sick and injured wildlife.

• Fly and dart from the helicopter.

• Help with medical work on domestic animals and livestock in a ruralSouth African provenance.

• Wildlife population management.

• Meet local people, and get to know a completely different way oflife. Dare I say hakuna matata…

• Daily dose of dopeness!

How much vet work: 4 - 5 days a week!

Cool right!? But wait there’s more!

Waaaay more!

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Helicopter mucho! Dr. Barnard has many clients and reserves, where a helicopter is of paramount importance. To dart animals quickly, to find them in tough bush vegetation, to work quickly, etc… is a big part of Dr. Barnard’s veterinary work. One of his best friends, Lambert, is the most sought after pilot in entire Africa. I call him Lambird, because he was born to fly!! You will conquer the aerial realm with Dr. Barnard, Lambird and a few other pilots while they work. When you are lucky, and you know a little bit about how to shoot, you get to shoot yourself!

When you are not out hustling buffalo, buzzing in the helicopter or playing thumb wrestle with Dr. Barnard, it’s probably time to relax. In South Africa they know how to do it properly. During the weekend, relaxing will never be ever the same to you!

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The Wildest Trail 2 april 2018

Eat, sleep, play, repeat!

After work, you'll be diving into a real monkey madness. Your accommodation while on the project will be at Prime Crew. Prime Crew is a real monkey rehabilitation centre. You'll wake up and go to sleep with all these magnificent tricksters around you. On site there are literally over a hundred monkeys waiting to be nursed by you.

PRIME Crew is a rehab centre with a strict capture and release policy, and no touristic affiliation! So it’s a real treat to go there, it will not get more authentic than this!

Win their trust, and brace yourself for the monkey hugs!

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The Wildest Trail 27 March 2019

African cowboy:

Africa is all about adventure, what better way to explore this stunning land, than from on top of a horse? The great thing about being on horseback, is that animals don't see you as human anymore. To them, you'll just be a weird handicapped equine. So don't be surprised when zebras, giraffes, or any other animal, don't run away anymore when they see you. Moving on.

Yes, your Excellence?

Upon completion of BVE, you will get a Certificate of Excellence. Great to attach to your resume, to show to your later employers, or just to hang over your bed and brag about to your grandma.

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The Wildest Trail 27 March 2019

What else can I do?

During the weekends, you can choose to spend more time at Prime Crew or to explore the surrounding area.

You can do whole lot of amazing things, like for instance:

• Go on a Big5 safari.

• Visit a traditional SA church service.

• Go sky diving.

• Chill the hell out.

• Play Tetris.

Below you’ll find more information about the big 5 safari and the elephant encounter. These two awesome activities are some of our own all time favourites!

These extra activities can be booked for you as a weekend trip. Both activities will have an additional cost of 2 000ZAR/pp.

Taking a buddy with you? Great! The price will drop to 1 500ZAR/pp.

The price includes all entry fees, transport from and to the location, a personal driver for the entire duration and the activity itself! Prices can be subjected to change slightly, depending on the season

Omg soh great! Tell me mooore!

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The Wildest Trail 27 March 2019

1. Big5 safari!

Honestly, what trip to Africa is complete if you haven’t seen a wild elephant, lion or dung beetle? I can tell you, none

With BVE you can join on a real African safari to the Mabalingwe reserve, which hosts the Big5 (lion, buffalo, leopard, rhino and elephant) and a whole lot more fantastic creatures!

2. Elephant encounter!You have the opportunity to checkout the elephants of the Mabuladistrict. The story of the elephantsstarted nearly 30 years ago inZimbabwe when Rory Hensman wasgiven "unmanageable" elephants totrain that would otherwise be culled.Culled is just a fancy word for gettinga bullet through the cerebrae. Sincethen, more than 30 elephants havebeen rescued in the name of

conservation. These elephants have been given a new and happy life. Here’s your chance to interact with them!

The money that’s been gathered from this is used for scientific research (e.g. pox viruses are a big thing in ele’s!) and anti poaching measures.

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The Wildest Trail 2 april 2018

Allright, let's summarize!

WHAT? Please note that 90% of Dr Barnard's patients are herbivores and cleft hooved species, like giraffe, antelope, buffalo, etc. So if your main focus is mega herbivores (elephants and rhinos) or big cats, than this project is not what you are looking for. Also understand, that with projects about the last mentioned species, groups often exceed 8-10 students, so your chances of doing hands-on things will be limited. Participants will always have a choice of doing companion animal-, production- or wildlife work. Of course, depending on what comes in every day, animals don't get sick on demand!

WHERE? The program is situated in the small town of Modimolle in South Africa’s Limpopo province, two hours’ drive North of Johannesburg. 

WHO is this project for?

• People on their first trip to Africa.

• Students that are looking for a high intense and highly practical program.

• Students of the higher years of vet school, being 5th or 6th year vet students. There will be requested a lot from you, for instance injecting intra venously and having some background in narcotics.

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WHO is this NOT for?

• Students of the earlier years of vet school (years 1-4).

• Students that have an insufficient level of English. You need to beable to have a normal conversation.

• People that hate giraffes, flying the helicopter, bbq’ing in the bushand adventures.

WHEN? You can enroll in Bushveld Veterinary Experience all year long. But please note that there are fluctuations in case load.

THE BEST  time however, depends entirely on what you want to do. Here’s a rule of thumb:

• November – April:  the hottest months, which means work isgenerally scheduled for early mornings and evenings due to theheat. Best in terms of exposure to disease conditions andparasites. Case load is lower, but can be more interesting.

• June – October: peak time for the game capture season. Wildlifeover dose baby!

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Program schedule: During weekdays, you will join Dr Barnard on all his visits. Whether it’s darting a giraffe that is being sold, or a buffalo that has maggots in his scrotum (yes it happens). You will actively participate.

During weekends, This is the perfect time to explore the area or to hang out with the monkeys at Prime Crew. No veterinary work is usually done in the weekends.

What’s included?

Included Excluded

All sleeping arrangements and food Visa, insurance and airfare

All activities booked by The Wildest Trail Extra activities outside BVE

Airport pick-up and drop-off (Jo’burg OR Tambo)

Vaccinations and personal travel medication

Horse riding Restaurant and bar visits

Monkey madness at Prime Crew

Certificate of excellence

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What does this wonderful project cost? Drums please…

Everything listed above is included in the price.

Original two-week program price: €2 850.00

Special exclusive, two-week, price for students of The Wildest Trail, as dope as it comes: €2 120.00. Two weeks is the minimum stay.

Wanna stay longer? No problem!

• Booking a 3th week: €948.00 extra (10% discount).

• Booking a 4th week: €898.00 extra (15% discount).

• Booking an extra week, just Prime Crew: €495.00

Giving back to nature!

The Wildest Trail, as well as Dr. Barnard, are huge on supporting this beautiful planet. That’s why a portion of the program price will be deposited integrally into the funds of an NGO, such as WWF or Virunga National Park. Should you have a preference, let me know.

OMG soh naaise! Reserve my spot!Wanna join this epic program? You can! Just send an email to [email protected], and we'll make it work!

Wanna stay longer than 14 days? No problem! You can always extend your stay. Just let me know and we’ll brainstorm the endless options together!

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Proactive enthusiastic!

There is one thing we do request from every student. It’s not marihuana or gangster money. It’s being proactive!

There might be a day where it is calm, not much to do. It happens with every vet clinic all over the world. Dr Barnard will offer you as much as clinical vet work as is humanely possible. Animals don’t get sick on demand. Instead of sitting around at the clinic waiting, we expect you to join small animal operations, ask the staff if you can lend them a hand, ask Dr Barnard if there is something you can do for him, ask if you could go visit that awesome park down the road since it is quiet anyway. Don’t be surprised when you are proactive enthusiastic, that people will ask you out for dinner in the evenings! Good things happen to people that are in motion (this is getting philosophical, dayum)! This is Africa! TIA! The Waterberg district has so many things to do, that even in a month you can’t do everything!

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The African Explorer

Prime Crew can be your perfect base camp for exploring the surrounding area. At an extra €495, you get to stay one more week in Africa. You can then use this time to make longer trips in this beautiful region or just to relax before you go back to the hectic West. You can join in all the activities at Prime Crew and all your food, lodging and most of your transportation will also be included. Important notice: all the vet and other BVE related activities, like mentioned in this brochure, will not be included in this price.

The Wildest Trail 27 March 2019

Conservative minorities!

There is one thing I learned over the years. South African fashion doesn’t go well with European. Many South African boeren come from very closed and cut-off communities. They are very religious, conservative and abide the Bible in its old ways of Jesus Christ and God. They are creationists. One of my friends, a boer, told me once: “give us a hat and a horse carriage, and we are like the (biep) Amish”. I say this with the utmost respect and dignity.

What it means for you though, is not to dress in too revealing outfits. Hot pants, fashionable in Europe at the moment, is like worshipping the devil to most boeren. Dr. Barnard lost two clients, because his students at the time were wearing too extravagant outfits. No Joke. Below is a good outfit you can wear:

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The Wildest Trail 27 March 2019

You are so ready go!

How to fly dirt cheap?

I have written down a free e-book for you to find the cheapest flights possible! Download it here!

Let’s get you in the air pronto!

Wildest regards,


Follow the Trail!

Insta: @thewildesttrail

Fb: thewildesttrail

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