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  • 7/30/2019 Brandy Renfro 102 -127 Research Paper[3]


    Research Paper

    Holocaust Overview

    Brandy Renfro

    Mr. Neuburger

    English Comp 102-127

    18 October 2012

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    The Holocaust is one of the most horrific events in history. It is hard to believe humanity

    could ethically allow systematically killing of approximately twelve million people. That one

    leader named Adolf Hitler could lead so many people into so much hate and to become

    murderers. The consequence of the event still haunts mankind today. Some believe that the

    Holocaust did not even take place. In order to prevent this horrific event from reoccurring one

    has to acknowledge all the events that led the Nazis rise to power.

    Nazi rise to power

    At the end of World War 1, Germany was not prepared for the aftermath. According to

    A Teachers Guide to the Holocaust (TGH), German propaganda had not prepared for such a

    huge defeat and the upper officials and politicians who were

    responsible claimed Germany had been bamboozled by its

    leftwing politicians, communists and Jews. Furthermore after the

    Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919, the Germans were

    disarmed and forced to pay reparations to France and Britain for

    their immense war costs, therefore leaving the German

    Community in a state of poverty and growing resentment.

    Meanwhile Adolf Hitler joined a small political party called The

    German Workers Party. Hitler rapidly made it to the top of the leadership ranks due to his talent

    in emotional and captivating speeches. Within two years Hitler changed the name of the party to

    National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), and eventually had a following of 3,000

    members. Hitler encouraged national pride, militarism a commitment to the Volk and racially

    pure. Hitler condemned the Jews, exploiting antisemtitic feelings that had prevailed in Europe

    Adolf Hitler shortly after his rise inpower. Source:

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    for centuries. A year later after that in 1920 Hitler was the appointed the official leader also

    known as the Fhrer (The Rise of the Nazi Party).

    Nazis views on Jews

    While Adolf Hitler was building his empire he was instilling anti-sematic beliefs into his

    followers. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), Hitler

    released a book titled Mein Kampf (My Struggle) it contained details of what he considered

    necessary removal of the Jews. Moreover a potent component of

    political anti-Semitism was nationalism, whose adherents often

    denounced Jews as disloyal citizens. Hitler described the need for

    expansion of the German master race, and he explained his

    beliefs why the Jews were a hindrance to his plan. Hitler believed

    everything reverted back to genetics. Furthermore Hitler only

    wanted the Germanic race as the master race and it that the

    German race should remain pure in order for the Germans to one

    day take over the world (Antisemitism).

    Nuremberg Laws

    In 1933 President Hindenburg gave Hitler the power needed to start acting out and

    dictating to the German people the plans he had on getting the Jewish people out of Germany

    and making the German race pure when he named Hitler Chancellor of Germany. According to

    TGH, Hitler announced the Nuremberg laws in 1935, which contained over 120 ordnances; the

    laws stripped the Jews of their civil rights as German Citizens and separated them from the

    Germans legally, socially, and politically. Furthermore the law used ancestry to define race and

    not religious beliefs. Many thousands of Germans who had not previously considered themselves

    The Nazis used public displays tospread their ideas of race. This is of

    the Nordic race. Source:

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    as Jews found themselves defined as nonAryans. Hitler

    warned in a menacingly manner that if the law did not resolve the

    problem, he will turn to the Nazi Part for a final Solution (The

    Nazification of Germany).



    Propaganda had become a powerful weapon for shaping public

    opinion and behaviors during World War 1. According to

    USHMM the Nazi propagandists drew upon successful

    techniques and strategies used by the Allies, Socialists,

    Communists and Italian Fascist to advance their political

    campaigns, win public support, and to wage war. Once in power,

    the Nazis eliminated the marketplace of ideas through terror

    and media manipulation a mobilized propaganda as a weapon to

    unite the German people around a leader and to facilitate aggression, mass murder, and

    genocide (Propaganda).

    Power of Deception usingPropaganda


    A Hitler youth teaching Nuremberglaws in school. Source:

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    The burning of the ceremonial hallat the Jewishcemetery in Grazduring Kristallnacht. Source:htt ://bit.l /Txk5t2


    Following the Nuremberg Laws, the decided Jewish citizens were being gathered and

    exiled from the German Reich, often leaving family members

    disoriented or alone. According to USHMM, Herschel Grynszpan

    in an act of retribution lashed out against the Nazi party and shot

    the Ernst Vom Roth November 7th

    , 1938. Within a two day time

    span the Nazi party began its retribution known as the night of

    broken glass, translated to Kristallnacht. The rioters destroyed

    267 synagogues throughout Germany, Austria, and the

    Sudetenland. SA and Hitler youth members across the country

    shattered the shop windows of an estimated 7,500 Jewish owned

    commercial establishments, and looted their wares. Moreover USHMM explains that

    kristallnacht represented one of the most important turning points in National Socialist

    antiesemitic policy. Due to the Germans civilians response their passivity of the violence

    signaled to the Nazi regime that the German public was prepared for more radical measures. This

    was the start of the free of Jews by deportation of the Jewish population to the East known

    as Jewish capture and placement into concentration camps or into the ghettos (Kristallnacht: A

    Nationwide Pogrom, November 9-10, 1938).


    All though the Jews were the primary victims there were others groups that resisted the

    oppression of the Nazis. The TCH states resistance against the Nazis planned or spontaneous,

    armed or unarmed took many forms throughout WW11 and the Holocaust. For many, the

    resistance was a struggle for physical existence. Some escaped through legal and illegal

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    Jewish partisans, survivors of the Warsawghetto uprising, at a family camp in Wyszkow


    .Poland, 1944


    emigration. Others hid. Those that remained struggled to obtain lifes needs by smuggling food,

    clothing and medicine to survive. Furthermore as the war continued the conditions worsened in

    Europe for the Jews, but their resistance intensified. With

    a growing awareness of the Final Solution the

    resistance turned to forms of guerrilla warfare. The

    partisans were relatively few in number, but they were

    able to move within enemy territory and disrupt the Nazi

    activity, by cutting telephone, telegraph, and electrical

    lines and by destroying power stations. They also

    destroyed transportation links by blowing up bridges, roads, and railway equipment; also they

    would sabotage factories that produced materials for the Axis war effort. Moreover by April 19,

    1943 was the beginning of an armed revolt by brave and a determined group of the Warsaw

    ghetto dwellers. The Jewish Fighter Organization (ZOB) led the insurgency and they had fought

    for a month, using the weapons smuggled into the ghetto. The retribution by the Nazis was that

    they brought in tanks and machine guns, burning blocks of buildings, destroying the ghetto, and

    ultimately killing the last 60,000 Warsaw Jewish ghetto residents (Resistance).

    Wannsee ConferenceThe Final Solution

    On January 20th

    , 1942, fifteen high-ranking Nazi Party and German officials gathered at

    the Villa in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee to discuss and coordinate of what they call the Final

    Solution of the Jewish Question According to USHMM the Final Solution was the code name

    for systematic, deliberate, physical annihilation of the European Jews. Heydrich convened the

    Wannsee conference to (1) to inform and secure support from the government ministries and

    other interested agencies relevant to the implementation of the Final Solution and (2) to

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    disclose to the participants that Hitler himself had tasked

    Heydrich and the RSHA with coordinating the operation. The

    men at the table did not deliberate whether such a plan should be

    taken, but instead discussed the implementation of a policy

    decision that had already been made at the highest level of the

    Nazi regime. Moreover the participates were already aware that

    National Socialist regime were already engaging in mass murder

    of the Jews and other civilians, some through Einsatzgruppen ,

    police and other military units were slaughtering tens of thousands of Jews daily. Under this

    provision there were approximately 11,000,000 Jews in Europe that would fall into the Final

    Solution (Wannsee Conference and the "Final Solution")

    Selection: Selektion

    Not long after the Wannsee Conference the transportation of the Jews from the Ghettos to

    the concentration camps and killing centers was put in place at a rapid pace . The Nazis started

    liquidating the ghettos by using their organized train system to transport the Jews. The Jews

    would be overly stuffed into cattle cars and forced to

    endure hundreds of miles without food and water, not

    knowing the final destination and their fate. The

    Holocaust Explained states that the selection process was,

    once the Jews were unloaded they were separated into

    male and female lines. The SS doctors carried out this

    selection. Usually, those over the age of 14 and deemed

    fit forwork was sent to one side of the unloading ramp,

    The VillaSource:

    Jews from Subcarpathian Rus sit in a largegroup on one side of the ramp at Auschwitz-

    Birkenau before undergoing the selectionprocess. Source:

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    the rest were sent to the other side. The elderly and children were sent directly to the line of

    prisoners who were selected for the gas chambers. Furthermore the Jews that were selected for

    work they would be registered and tattooed with an identification number, stripped of their

    clothes, shaved of all body hair and disinfected. Once showered, they were given the horrid

    striped pajamas, to begin their lives in the work camps. (Selection)

    Extermination methods

    The Nazis tried several methods before they went to their method of choice which was

    gassing known as Zyklon B for mass murdering. According to USHMM the first of the methods

    for the Nazis to use was the German mobile killing squads, a

    special duty unit called Einsatzgruppen, they followed the

    German army as it advances deep into Soviet territory, and carry

    out mass-murders. By spring of 1943, they mobile killing squads

    killed more than a million Jews and tens of thousands partisans,

    Roma (Gypsies), and Soviet political officials. The other

    inefficient method was gas vans, it was determined that it had

    adverse effects on the soldiers and with a great number of bodies

    they had to dispose of it added more of a workload. Moreover

    after the Final Solution was put in place there were six extermination camps established in

    former Polish territory: Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz-Birkenau and

    Majdanek. There were about three million Jews killed in these death camps. (The Final Solution)


    June, 1944 brought about a wonderful change stop the oppression of the Nazis in power.

    According to USHMM on June 6th, the western Allies launched the single largest invasion in

    Hartheim castle, a euthanasia killingcenter where people with physicaland mental disabilities were killed

    by gassing and lethal injection.Hartheim, Austria


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    world history, landing about 150,000 soldiers under the command of U.S. General Dwight D.

    Eisenhower. By the end of that month, more than 850,000

    American, British, and Canadian troops had come ashore of the

    beaches of Normandy, France. Eisenhower called it the Great

    Crusade the destruction ofthe German war machine, the

    elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed people of Europe,

    and security for ourselves in a free world. Furthermore as the

    Allied and Soviet troops moved across Europe they were able to

    witness the destruction that the Nazis had tried to cover up, by

    locating several concentration camps, running into mass graves

    sites. The Soviet troops liberated Auschwitz concentration camp some 7,000 prisoners, including

    young children, who had not been evacuated by the SS. Even though liberation of Nazi camps

    was not the primary objective of the Allied military campaign, U.S, British, Canadian, and

    Soviet troops freed prisoners, fed them and were able to secure most needed medical attention.

    However, before the liberation of Auschwitz, the remaining Nazi soldiers forced the majority of

    its prisoners on death marches. They were forced to march for miles upon miles and many

    died just days before the liberation (Liberation).

    After Liberationuntil 1948 when Israel is formed

    After the liberation of the Jews from the concentration camps there were issues to

    resolve. According to the TGH, there were two large and on-going international needs that

    emerged as World War 11 was ending: (1) retribution for perpetrators, and (2) the re-settlement

    of people uprooted by the war. Furthermore there were International and national trails

    conducted in the Soviet Union, Germany, Austria, Italy, France and other Europeans countries

    U.S. assault troops, laden withequipment, wadethrough the surfto a Normandy beach from landing

    craft in June 1944Source:

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    indicted hundreds of war criminals. The defendants ranged from Hitlers deputy minister, to the

    editor-in-chief of a malicious antisemitic newspaper, to

    concentration camp guards and the members of the

    Einsatzgruppen. The Allied troops were so outraged at

    what they found at concentration camps that they

    demanded German civilians to directly confront the

    atrocities. Some Germans citizens were forced to partake

    in the burial of many corpses that were found in the

    camps. Furthermore after the war, the International

    Military Tribunal was chartered, it members consisted of the United States, Great Britain, France

    and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and they were charged with the task of prosecuting

    the major Nazi war criminals. Moreover in Nuremberg there were 22 high ranking Nazi officials

    named and brought to trail before the world. Robert Jackson was the Chief Prosecutor for the

    United States at the Nuremberg Trials. Half the defendants were sentenced to death, three were

    acquitted, and the remaining was imprisoned. Hitler himself had committed suicide therefore

    escaping retribution and justice. Meanwhile there were one million displaced people, about

    80 % Christian and 20% Jewish. Many of the survivors were displaced and they felt they could

    no longer live in their former villages which during the war had become Jewish graveyards.

    Many of the Jewish refugees turned to the American DP camps for temporary housing. In the

    meantime the British turned to the United Nations, hoping they could resolve the issue, On

    November 29, 1794, the United Nations general Assembly adopted a plan that divided Palestine

    into an Arab state and a Jewish state with Jerusalem under international control. TGH later states

    An American soldier and liberated prisoners ofthe Mauthausen concentration camp. Austria,

    May 1945. Source:

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    that on May 14, 1948, the Jews proclaimed the independent State of Israel as theirs and then the

    British had withdrawn from Palestine (Aftermath).

    With the laws that have been put in place and with continued education of this horrific

    event. It is hopeful that humanity has learned and evolved, that there is more empathy in

    mankind due to how diversity is being celebrated and accepted in most cultures.

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    Works Cited

    "Aftermath." The Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust. The Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust. Web.

    06 Nov. 2012.

    "Antisemitism." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial

    Museum. Web. 30 Oct. 2012.

    "The "Final Solution"" United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust

    Memorial Museum. Web. 05 Nov. 2012.

    "Holocaust History." The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust

    Memorial Museum. Web. 23 Oct. 2012.

    "Kristallnacht: A Nationwide Pogrom, November 9-10, 1938." United States Holocaust

    Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Web. 03 Nov. 2012.

    "Liberation." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial

    Museum. Web. 02 Nov. 2012.

    "The Nazification of Germany."A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust. A Teacher's Guide to the

    Holocaust. Web. 02 Nov. 2012.

    "Propaganda." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial

    Museum. Web. 04 Nov. 2012.

    "Resistance."A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust. A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust. Web. 29

    Oct. 2012.

    "The Rise of the Nazi Party."A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust. A Teacher's Guide to the

    Holocaust. Web. 01 Nov. 2012.

    "Selection." The Holocaust Explained. The Holocaust Explained. Web. 03 Nov. 2012.

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    "Wannsee Conference and the "Final Solution"" United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Web. 31 Oct. 2012.


    This is a pretty decent paper. Other than numerous typos and the one place where you need to

    put into your own words, your paper is done quite well. You organize your writing quite well.

    Work on comma usage. For example, those signal words like furthermore and more over should

    always be followed by a comma. Good work. See below for score.

  • 7/30/2019 Brandy Renfro 102 -127 Research Paper[3]


    Renfro 14

    Points Available


    40Content paper demonstrates understanding and confidence

    about topic35

    20 Sources uses only primary and secondary sources 20

    40In-Text Citations integrates sources within text with effective

    use of signal words and phrases32

    35 Formatting properly uses MLA formatting 33

    25Works Cited works cited page has the required number of

    sources and is properly formatted25

    15Pictures uses pictures to enhance the text with effective

    captions and source information15

    25Writing Mechanics Paper is free from errors in spelling,

    punctuation, etc.18

    Total = 200

    Total Score
