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Braille Module 56 LOC Lesson 15, Assessment

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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-1

Braille Module 56 LOC Lesson 15 Assessment


Goal(s): The goal is for the students to fulfill the requirements for Lesson 15 by preparing the Exercise for submission. Each student will be evaluated by the instructor.

SMART Objectives: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-sensitive

By the end of this module, students should

be able to:

BS56.1: Review of Lesson 15.

BS56.2: Demonstrate usage of computer skills working with Perky Duck for exercise transcription.

BS56.3: Submission of LOC Lesson 15

Exercise with 90% accuracy.

BS56.4: Evaluation by the instructor.

BS56.5: Increase speed of recall of the

braille rules.

Instructor: Braille

Delivery Method(s):

Lecture Classroom reading Discussion

One-on-one reading Hands on Evaluation

Length: 5 hours Four topics

Any Applicable Business and/or Soft Skills:

Corresponding LOC Manual: Lesson 15 Exercise (page 15—14-16)

Take Away Message(s): You have completed the fifteenth lesson of the Instruction Manual for Braille Transcribing, Fifth Edition, 2009. There are 4 more lessons in the LOC Manual and your manuscript to look forward to. You are doing a great job. Sometimes studying braille so much in a short amount of time gets overwhelming. Do your best to stay focused on the goal of becoming a certified braille transcriber and you will succeed.

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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-2

Instructor Preparation

Title of Module: LOC Lesson 15, Assessment

The purpose of this module is for the students to complete the transcription exercise at

the end of Lesson 15 to assess proficiency with the literary code rules pertaining to the

emphasis indicator, small capital letters, the ellipsis, print signs of omission, quoted

material, termination symbol, order of punctuation marks and composition signs,

portions of words in different typeface, enclosed portions of words, punctuation marks

standing alone or enclosed. This module will provide time for the Exercise and an

evaluation by the instructor. This module contains a Microsoft Office PowerPoint


Agenda – topics to be covered in the module and length of each item

Topic: LOC Lesson 15 Assessment Time Allotted: 5 hours

A. Review of LOC Lesson 15

(30 minutes)

B. LOC Lesson 15 Exercise

(2.5 hours)

C. Evaluation

(1 hour)

D. Braille Bingo

(1 hour)

Materials and Supplies – items needed in order to carry out the agenda and classroom activities

1. Computer with Perky Duck

2. LOC Manual, and photocopies of Exercise 15

3. Handouts and Answer Sheets: Lesson 15: Worksheet (56.C.1), Answers to Lesson 15:

Worksheet (56.C.2), and Bingo Questions: Lesson 15 (56.D.1)

4. Power Point Presentation on Lesson 15 (LOC15Mod56.pptx)

Classroom Preparation – steps to follow when setting up the learning environment

1. The room should be arranged to allow comfortable interaction between students,

and the instructor during small and large group activities.

2. The classroom should be set up for friendly interaction and peer support.

3. Tables should have enough space for the instructor and each student to use a the

LOC Manual and handouts. Have computer available for students.

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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-3

4. Be prepared to show the Power Point Presentation.

Curriculum Content

A. Review of LOC Lesson 15 (30 minutes)

Objective BS56.1: Review of Lesson 15.


The instructor will be familiar with the Power Point review of Lesson 15.

You will a need copy of the Microsoft Office Power Point presentation (LOC15Mod56.pptx).


The instructor will show and discuss with the class the Microsoft Office Power Point presentation on Lesson 15. Allow for time at the end of the presentation for questions

and answers.

B. LOC Lesson 15 Exercise (2.5 hours)

Objective BS56.2: Demonstrate usage of computer skills working with Perky Duck for

exercise transcription.

Objective BS56.3: Submission of LOC Lesson 15 Exercise with 90% accuracy.


The instructor will be familiar with the Lesson 15 Exercise on page 13-13. The

LOC Manual: Lesson 15: Exercise is a hands-on test of the students’ knowledge. This

Exercise includes the emphasis indicator, small capital letters, ellipsis, print signs of

omission, quoted material, termination symbol, order of punctuation marks and

composition signs, portions of words in different typeface, enclosed portions of words,

punctuation marks standing alone or enclosed learned in this lesson.

The instructor will remind the students to turn the lesson in on a disk, thumbdrive, or in

a network folder. They will also turn in a hard copy of the lesson.

You will need copies of: Exercise 15 (photo copies).


The instructor will pass out the photo copies and read the instructions to the class.

Allow time to answer any questions. Instruct the students to take their time formatting

the photocopy prior to transcription.

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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-4

The instructor will explain that the Exercise is a correspondence letter for the students

to braille on Perky Duck.

Some reminders to the student:

“Sometimes these rules pertaining to the emphasis indicator are a little confusing. Remember to look up the helps in section 15.1j on when and when not to use this composition sign. Also use the help in section 17.7 which shows you the order of the punctuation marks and composition signs. We don’t want

you to have points taken off your manuscript due to disorder of the items.

Once you have transcribed the Exercise be sure to print out your Exercise to

proofread. Proofreading on the computer is possible, but chances are you will not

be able to catch your mistakes as fully as a print copy. Proofread your own

Exercise prior to handing it to someone else for proofing.

Take the time to structure the Exercise thoroughly before you start to transcribe.

It is important for you to complete this Exercise in order to go on to the next


This Exercise is the final to Lesson 15 and needs a passing grade before the next

lesson is to be graded. A passing grade of 90% or higher is required.”

The instructor is to grade the lessons and relay to students what sentences have

error(s). Students are expected to find and fix them, and then resubmit them for

review. If they need help finding them, they can ask, but the responsibility to ask/fix is

with them.


The expected outcome of the LOC Manual: Lesson 15 Exercise is for students to pass

and continue on to Lesson 16.

The instructor will assess each student by the passing grade. The students are required

to pass this exercise with 90% accuracy.

C. Evaluation (1 hour)

Objective BS56.4: Evaluation by the instructor.


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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-5

The evaluation by the instructor is important for the students to realize their strengths

and weaknesses. The instructor will be familiar with the Lesson 15: Worksheet


You will need copies of: Lesson 15: Worksheet (56.C.1) and Answers to Lesson

15: Worksheet (56.C.2).


The instructor will pass out a Lesson 15: Worksheet (56.C.1) to each student. The

students can work on these as the instructor takes one student at a time to evaluate

their progress.

The Lesson 15: Worksheet (56.C.1) was created for the students to practice

structuring and brailling.

When the class settles down with the handouts the instructor will take each student aside to talk about their work, behavior, and review any significant information.


The evaluation allows the instructor the opportunity to assess the areas the students

may have to review in the following weeks for clarification so the students will be able

to better refine their braille skills.

The outcome is for the students to observe their areas of weaknesses and strengths in

structuring, brailling and proofreading.

D. Braille Bingo (1 hour)

Objective BS56.5: Increase speed of recall of the braille rules.


The instructor will be familiar with Lesson 15 of the LOC Manual and the instructions for

the BINGO game.

You will need a copy of the BINGO Questions (56.D.1).

You will also need to print out several copies of the BINGO Cards and one copy of the

BINGO Numbers on card stock paper (Bingo.xls). This will allow for reuse later in

the modules. Each student can use 2 or 3 boards.


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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-6

The Braille Bingo game allows the students to review and practice the braille rules. The

BINGO game is designed as review for the students. This module covers Lesson 15.

This review allows the instructor insight to see if the students have a working

knowledge of the rules.

Instructions: Allow for the students to review Lesson 15 prior to playing the game. Each

person should not have more than 2 cards.

The BINGO questions are for Lesson 15. The Instructor will ask the students a question.

The students will raise their hand to answer the question. If the question is answered

correctly the Instructor will draw a number and call it out. The students may place their

markers on the appropriate space. However, if the question is not correctly answered

then no number is called out.

Whoever fills one line horizontally, vertically, or diagonally and yells “BINGO” first will

check their card with the BINGO numbers to see if they have won.

In the rap up, the instructor will encourage study for retention.

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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-7

Braille Module 56 LOC Lesson 15, Assessment Handouts and Answer Sheets

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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-8

Lesson 15: Worksheet (56.C.1)

Structure and braille the following sentences.

1. For choir Sunday we will sing The Hallelujah Chorus, Great is His

Faithfulness, and I Love You Lord!

2. I added an s to the word friend to make it plural.

3. Didn’t you just “love” the rose floats!

4. “Help! Help!” yelled the lady from the burning building.

5. The note on the bottle said: CALL ME AT 1-800-555-4455 IF YOU FIND THIS.

6. PICCADILLY CIRCUS is a traffic junction and popular meeting place in western London, England, noted for the statue known as Eros.

7. “… that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength.”

8. She ran into the house and cheerfully shouted, “Hello!”

9. Great is the Lord and abundant in strength ….

10. The instructor said to add a “?” to the end of this sentence.


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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-9

Answers to: Lesson 15: Worksheet (56.C.2)

Structure and braille the following sentences.

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Page 11: Braille Module 56 LOC Lesson 15, · PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment Braille Module 56-8 Lesson

PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-10

Bingo (56.D.1)

Questions Lesson 15

1. Name three of the things you learned about in Lesson 15.

Answer: Emphasis indicator, small capital letters, the ellipsis, print signs of omission, quoted material, termination symbol, order of punctuation marks and composition signs, portions of words in different typeface, enclosed portions of words, punctuation

marks standing alone or enclosed.

2. Name the composition signs already studied.

Answer: The emphasis indicator, the capital indicator, the number indicator, the letter

indicator, and the transcriber's note symbol

3. Name three the different special typefaces used to emphasize or to make distinct of

a word or passage.

Answer: Italics, boldface, small capital letters, and underlining.

4. In literary braille, nearly all special typefaces are indicated by the same composition

sign. What is it?

Answer: The emphasis indicator

5. What dot formation makes up the emphasis indicator?

Answer: Dots 46.

6. What other word is the emphasis called by?

Answer: This configuration is sometimes referred to as the "italic sign."

7. Are foreign words distinguished in braille using the emphasis indicator?

Answer: Yes.

8. Are titles distinguished in braille using the emphasis indicator?

Answer: Yes.

9. Are proper nouns such as names of ships distinguished in braille using the emphasis


Answer: Yes.


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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-11

10. Are subject headings at the beginning of paragraphs distinguished in braille using

the emphasis indicator?

Answer: Yes.

11. Are quoted material that is printed in a special typeface distinguished in braille using

the emphasis indicator?

Answer: Yes.

12. Is visual distinguished in braille using the emphasis indicator?

Answer: No.

13. Are titles are printed in huge letters distinguished in braille using the emphasis


Answer: No.

14. Are titles are printed in script distinguished in braille using the emphasis indicator?

Answer: No.

15. To indicate that only one word, hyphenated compound word or expression, abbreviation, or number is in a special typeface, a single emphasis indicator is placed ____ it.

Answer: before

16. True or False: Do not repeat the emphasis indicator after the hyphen in a compound

word, after an apostrophe, or after the first period in an unspaced abbreviation.

Answer: True

17. The effect of the emphasis indicator ____ until the reader encounters a blank cell, a

dash, or a slash.

Answer: continues

18. True or False: Do not repeat the emphasis indicator after a space, dash, or slash.

Answer: False, do repeat

19. When no more than ____ consecutive words are printed in a typeface different from

the surrounding text, the single emphasis indicator is placed before each word.

Answer: three


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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-12

20. True or False: The emphasis indicator is placed before the capital indicator.

Answer: True

21. True or False: The emphasis indicator is not repeated at the beginning of a new line

in a divided word or number.

Answer: True

22. The emphasis indicator is placed ____ opening punctuation such as a quotation

mark, bracket, parenthesis, or dash.

Answer: after

23. A change in type size is not considered a change in typeface and should be ignored in braille—unless the change of type size has been used as a form of ____.

Answer: emphasis

24. When more than ____ consecutive words (or a combination of words and numbers) are in a special typeface, the first word is preceded by the double, or opening, emphasis indicator (dots 46, 46) and the last word is preceded by the single, or closing, emphasis


Answer: three

25. True or False: Punctuation and composition signs terminate the effect of the double emphasis indicator.

Answer: False, do not terminate

26. True or False: If the last word of an emphasized passage of four or more words is a hyphenated compound word, the closing single emphasis indicator precedes the

beginning of the compound word.

Answer: True

27. An emphasized hyphenated compound word or phrase counts as ____ whole

emphasized word.

Answer: one

28. True or False: If a print emphasized passage begins or ends with a dash, the dash is included within the braille emphasis indicators.

Answer: False, is not included


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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-13

29. True or False: Occasionally a change of type may appear within an emphasized passage. In this case, the emphasis is terminated with the word preceding the change and then resumed with the word following it.

Answer: True

30. Although the emphasis indicator contains a dot 4, it is not regarded as an ____ sign.

Answer: upper

31. True or False: Like the capital indicator, the emphasis indicator is treated as neither a lower nor an upper sign. Therefore, its presence does not alter the application of any

of the rules concerning lower signs.

Answer: True

32. True or False: When the first syllable of a word contains the letters that comprise a part-word lower sign (such as the word concrete), and that word is divided between braille lines, the lower sign cannot be used for the first syllable, as this would result in two consecutive lower signs (the contraction and the hyphen) neither of which is in

contact with a character containing a dot 1 or a dot 4.

Answer: True

33. True or False: The capital and/or the emphasis indicator may not precede the whole-

word lower signs for in, enough, be, his, was, and were.

Answer: False, may precede

34. True or False: The whole-word contractions for in, enough, be, his, was, and were

cannot be used in contact with any punctuation.

Answer: True

35. A dash occurring in the middle of an emphasized passage does/does not terminate the effect of the double emphasis indicator.

Answer: does not

36. The contractions for to, into, and by may/may not be both preceded and followed by

the single or double emphasis indicator, just as they can by the capital indicator.

Answer: may be

37. True or False: The single emphasis indicator affects only a single word; therefore, if only the first word of any of these conjunctions or articles that are normally joined in

braille is emphasized, it should be joined to the following word as usual.

Answer: True 56.D.1

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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-14

38. The words for and, for, of, the, with and a should/should not be joined if

punctuation or composition signs intervene.

Answer: should not

39. True or False: Follow print when a series of words, all emphasized for the same reason, is connected by an unemphasized incidental word such as and, for, or but.

Answer: True

40. Consecutive items that are emphasized for different reasons are not treated as a single emphasized passage; each item is emphasized ____.

Answer: individually

41. An ellipsis occurring in the middle of an emphasized passage does/does not

terminate the effect of the double emphasis indicator.

Answer: does not

42. When two words or phrases, separated by a dash, are emphasized for different reasons, or, for a clear understanding of the text need to be independently emphasized,

in braille they should/should not be emphasized individually.

Answer: should be

43. When a series of proper nouns, such as titles of books, movies, songs, etc., is italicized (or is in any other special typeface) in print, each title is emphasized ____ in


Answer: individually

44. Because a single letter is distinguished in braille by the letter indicator, when a single letter is printed in italics or boldface and/or enclosed in quotation marks, these print signs of distinction are ____ in braille.

Answer: omitted

45. When in print a freestanding portion of a word, a whole word or phrase, or an entire passage is emphasized by being both in a different typeface and enclosed in quotation

marks, in braille retain the quotation marks and ____ the special typeface.

Answer: ignore

46. Within an italicized (or otherwise emphasized) passage some words are in quotation marks, or, within a quoted passage some words are in italics, and it is necessary to show such distinctions to the reader, print should be followed, and both the italics and

the quotation marks ____.

Answer: retained 56.D.1

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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-15

47. When an italicized (or otherwise emphasized) passage consists of more than one paragraph, the double emphasis indicator is placed at the beginning of each new paragraph regardless of its ____ or content (even if the paragraph consists of just one


Answer: length

48. The single emphasis indicator, indicating the end of the emphasized material,

precedes the last word of the ____ paragraph.

Answer: last

49. The emphasis indicator is used in braille only when words are printed in a different

typeface to indicate emphasis or ____.

Answer: distinction

50. Use/do not use the Emphasis Indicator: When letters that mean letters are preceded

by the letter indicator [Class B Xed].

Answer: do not use

51. Remember that special typefaces employed by printers for visual ____ are ignored in braille (such as ornate letters or titles printed in script, italics or boldface), but, with only certain exceptions explained below, when an author or publisher chooses to highlight certain parts of text their wishes must be respected and print must be


Answer: enhancement

52. Use/do not use the Emphasis Indicator: Use the emphasis indicator when print emphasizes a word or phrase by placing it in a different typeface. [Jump! Now!].

Answer: use

53. Use/do not use the Emphasis Indicator: When freestanding portions of words are printed in a special typeface [pend -ing].

Answer: do not use

54. Use/do not use the Emphasis Indicator: Foreign words or phrases.

Answer: use

55. Use/do not use the Emphasis Indicator: When pronunciations are shown in both parentheses and italics [turkey (tur-kee)].

Answer: do not use 56.D.1

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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-16

56. Use/do not use the Emphasis Indicator: Proper nouns such as names of ships,

books, pictures, etc.

Answer: use

57. Use/do not use the Emphasis Indicator: Where a vertical list of words or terms, which is always brailled with a blank line before and after it, is printed in italics or boldface.

Answer: do not use

58. Use/do not use the Emphasis Indicator: Subject headings at the beginning of


Answer: use

59. Use/do not use the Emphasis Indicator: Where chapter titles or other centered

headings are printed entirely in italics or boldface.

Answer: do not use

60. Use/do not use the Emphasis Indicator: Silent thought as distinguished from


Answer: use

61. Use/do not use the Emphasis Indicator: Where letters, words, or passages are shown in both quotation marks and a special typeface, except where required for

emphasis or distinction.

Answer: do not use

62. Use/do not use the Emphasis Indicator: Passages not enclosed in quotation marks that are printed in a type different from that of adjacent text—even when separated

from the text by blank lines and/or change of margins.

Answer: use

63. Special typefaces, should not be indicated in braille when they have been used in print strictly for ____ reasons or when distinction is sufficiently indicated in braille by

other means.

Answer: stylistic

64. As with italics, if small, or block, capital letters have been used in print for stylistic

purposes, they are ____ in braille and normal capitalization is followed.

Answer: ignored 56.D.1

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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-17

65. If small, or block, capital letters are used in print to emphasize or distinguish letters or words, the braille emphasis indicator should be used to indicate this ____ in typeface.

Answer: change

66. True or False: When common words that are not part of a title are printed in small capitals, they are emphasized in braille and not capitalized.

Answer: True

67. When an entire sentence is in same-size small capitals, use normal ____.

Answer: capitalization

68. True or False: When a title appears in small capitals all of the same size, the initial letters of the first and principal words should be capitalized, as well as the first letters of

each proper name.

Answer: True

69. When the first letter of a word that is printed in small capitals is larger than the rest,

follow ____.

Answer: print

70. When two distinct typefaces must be maintained, the words or letters in small capital letters are indicated by use of the ____ capital indicator.

Answer: double

71. Unless needed for emphasis, when brailling abbreviations ignore the change of

typeface and use only the ____ capital indicator(s).

Answer: appropriate

72. In print, the ellipsis is usually shown as three dots or ____ used to indicate the

omission of a word or words or as a pause between words.

Answer: asterisks

73. In braille, the ellipsis is represented by dots __, __, __.

Answer: dots 3, 3, 3

74. Space and punctuate the ellipsis symbol as a ____.

Answer: word


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PROFITT Curriculum Module # 56 — LOC Lesson 15 Assessment

Braille Module 56-18

75. Sometimes an ellipsis appears to be ____ dots rather than three.

Answer: four

76. True or False: Sometimes an ellipsis is either preceded or followed by a period.

Answer: True

77. True or False: When an ellipsis is either preceded or followed by a period, it must be

determined which of the four dots is the period.

Answer: True

78. An incomplete sentence does/does not contain a subject and a verb and express a

complete thought.

Answer: does not

79. A grammatically complete sentence does/does not contain a subject, a verb, and express a complete thought.

Answer: contains

80. Like the dash, an ellipsis shown at the beginning or end of an emphasized passage

is/is not included within the emphasis indicators.

Answer: is not

81. The ellipsis in the middle of an emphasized passage does not ____ the effect of the

double emphasis indicator.

Answer: terminate

82. When within an emphasized passage an ellipsis or a dash occurs that represents a missing word or words, for purposes of determining whether in braille to use a single or

double emphasis indicator, count the ellipsis or dash as one ____.

Answer: word

83. True or False: Since the ellipsis is treated as a word, where it ends a paragraph and there is not room for it on the line with the other text, it may appear on the following

braille line by itself.

Answer: True

84. In the middle of a passage consisting of several paragraphs, the omission of an entire paragraph is indicated by an ellipsis, the ellipsis should be ____ as a new paragraph.

Answer: indented 56.D.1

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Braille Module 56-19

85. If more than one paragraph is printed in a special typeface, an opening emphasis

indicator ____ each paragraph. Answer: precedes

86. If an omitted paragraph within such a passage is indicated by an ellipsis, do/do not emphasize the ellipsis in braille.

Answer: do not

87. In Lesson Three we learned that when print uses a long line to indicate a missing word or missing letters within a word, in braille the ____ dash is used.

Answer: omission

88. If hyphens are used in print to indicate missing letters in a word, an equal number

of ____ are brailled.

Answer: hyphens

89. When missing letters are indicated by dots, braille an ____ number of unspaced

braille dots (dot 3).

Answer: equal

90. If quoted material appears in both quotation marks and a distinctive typeface, such as italics, in braille the quotation marks are retained but the italics are ____ unless they

are needed for emphasis or distinction.

Answer: omitted

91. If displayed material is printed only in italics or another distinctive typeface, it should be ____ in braille.

Answer: emphasized

92. Leave one blank line before and after quoted or displayed material. When material that must be followed by a blank line ends on either line 24 or 25, leave a ____ line at

the top of the next page following the running head.

Answer: blank

93. True or False: Follow print paragraph format, either indented or blocked.

Answer: True

94. Follow print for capitalization. However, it is suggested that fully capitalized passages of more than one ____ be indicated by use of emphasis indicators and normal capitalization used.

Answer: sentence 56.D.1

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Braille Module 56-20

95. The termination symbol is another important ____ sign.

Answer: composition

96. When there is a ____ of typeface within a word, it is necessary to alert the reader to

that fact.

Answer: change

97. To stop the effect of a special typeface such as the double capital indicator or the emphasis indicator before the end of a word, insert the ____ symbol immediately following the emphasized portion to show the return to regular text.

Answer: termination

98. True or False: Punctuation marks should be brailled in the order that they appear in print, therefore the number indicator comes before the dollar sign.

Answer: False

99. True or False: Punctuation marks should be brailled in the order that they appear in print, therefore the opening parenthesis comes before emphasis indicator.

Answer: True

100. True or False: Punctuation marks should be brailled in the order that they appear

in print, therefore the capital indicator comes before the letter indicator.

Answer: False

101. True or False: Suffixes added to fully capitalized abbreviations are usually printed

in lower case.

Answer: True

102. In braille, use the termination symbol to ____ the change of typeface.

Answer: signal

103. Single-cell, part-word contractions are ____ in suffixes.

Answer: permitted

104. Use/do not use contractions in partially emphasized words.

Answer: do not use 56.D.1

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Braille Module 56-21

105. True or False: When a termination symbol is used, it must be listed on a

Transcriber’s Notes page.

Answer: False, Special Symbols page.

106. True or False: The termination symbol immediately follows the emphasized

letters, preceding the hyphen and the apostrophe.

Answer: True

107. True or False: A word containing a termination symbol may be divided between lines, but only following a syllable or a hyphen.

Answer: True

108. A hyphenated-compound word is treated as a whole, and contractions are/are

not used in either portion of the word.

Answer: are not used

109. When portions of numbers are emphasized in print, a termination symbol is used

in the same way as it is in ____.

Answer: words

110. True or False: The termination symbol stops the effect of the number indicator

as well as the emphasis indicator.

Answer: True

111. Although there is no rule that says a composition sign terminates the effect of a number indicator, for clarity, it is recommended that the number indicator be repeated in situations where the second number is ____.

Answer: emphasized

112. When a slash occurs between fully capitalized or emphasized words or expressions, ____ the double capital or emphasis indicator following the slash.

Answer: repeat

113. Because a slash terminates the effect of emphasis indicators, when the first section of such an expression is emphasized, a termination symbol is/is not required.

Answer: is not required

114. Contracted/uncontracted braille is used for a freestanding portion of a word—

whether it is standing alone, or preceded or followed by a hyphen.

Answer: uncontracted braille 56.D.1

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Braille Module 56-22

115. A letter indicator is not used unless the word portion could be confused with a

single-letter contraction or a ____-____ word.

Answer: short-form

116. Use/do not use the contractions for to, into, or by before freestanding portions of

words. Use emphasis indicators only when needed for emphasis or distinction.

Answer: do not use

117. When letters are enclosed in parentheses or brackets within words, follow ____ copy and do not divide such words between braille lines.

Answer: print

118. True or False: It is recommended that Rule 1§4a(3) in Braille Formats be followed and contractions not be used in a word where text calls attention to specific

letters by the use of a special typeface or enclosure signs.

Answer: True

119. True or False: Place dot 1, the print symbol indicator, before a mark of punctuation that is shown standing alone or enclosed within parentheses, brackets, or

quotation marks.

120. Answer: False, dot 4
