Download - Book Advertisement - English · Book Advertisement Create an advertisement to “sell” your novel to other readers! Include

Page 1: Book Advertisement - English · Book Advertisement Create an advertisement to “sell” your novel to other readers! Include

Book AdvertisementCreate an advertisement to “sell” your novel to other readers!

Include Optional• Your name• Book Title and Author• A quote to make readers want

to read the book• Rating (1-5 scale)• Price of Novel• 50 words or less• Color! No more than 25% of your

ad can be white!• Where to buy• Correct grammar, spelling,

punctuation, etc. • Must be NEAT!!

• Cover of your book• Created on a computer or

hand drawn (or both)• More than one quote• Picture of the main characters

or the main setting

Written Portion• Describe the main setting of your novel (4-7 sentences)• Describe the main theme (4-7 sentences)• Describe ONE conflict. Answer: What is the conflict? Who is involved?

How is it solved? (3 sentences)• Describe TWO characters. In one description, you must give FOUR

ways the character is like you. (4-7 sentences each)• Describe your favorite part of the book and tell WHY it was your

favorite! (5 sentences minimum)• Support the rating on your advertisement


DUE DATESAssigned: September 26Due: November 7

Early Turn-In: October 31