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    iilgl C'qlll!llC! 1.

    to be

    ARTiFlctM" j)lVISWl'I9 FPO V,1JjRNMENl' 'PLAN

    i~ed,cW'e:d Pate;


    Lik,rl'GOv'eI.'llment Act i!J5J5 ., " - ,'.' ,".

    Pe:~cl'f(ifiiJil:'j;hecie.cIitbn by-tl\~ Mj!lis_iepfQr-LQGin_Go\iernhl~l\t iii 'iil(t!I¢' twelve.

    ~~I)~.i·~ t~il(ll'Pcll'lec1·'proJ I'Op o&,iW) ~to: th?;.LpcuIQoycrtll1l eilt , .I' " f ,,'." • •

    Adv(s:ol!' ,Boprq ('HOIU'R') it!., f¢\(it'loti: 19 'tli~ ,$t~te.Govet,nm\mt!'s \il~jtat:yU[lci il1teg)'itteci philt Weif"cf.a.substonrlUl re(l\lcttoi) If; ~j~ ·n\iWlli~r·pf. l

  • 3


    A,.iijlet!!< the SwtCi: (lovenillient jll'OllOSe~ the: abolition. of two 011'11101'0 :(dis,/riCt,\,'ili.i0 tb.wIl~lgillli!\te, thos¢ih·e~s· d'

    >-lh¢ Statchllo' oile· 01' 1110re '(I),I'(tielf (Vjt, ' 1j'~il~lftb.' 'the' 'S6!lrd sllchftrniiinganc1'

    ellC6t\l'~g¢tiieui.c~illrQf pcrli¢,4I,c\it~cl i)!ily

  • 4

    1.:2.2: J'.Q:~fscdhllilate fi¢IOi)g$t, 'alec/pi's" '!\t1~6tdd' by the impJementatioll 6i:'theQoYel'lJlllent Plul1'by pel'!111itlilg q(:geS~ t6 't!)~ IliniliNljJoil

    p:royi~icijlS \if the pi :ACt dilly Gythase 'eiec/Ol's'ill iIle Western Sllll1)rbs~ffeetecl ~y the Iltl1'l)od~(\ Pl'Opqsljj kli6vili as 'GT

    Nilscj'ibed flS • P~9PbsaU2J;ibn;) ..

    1,$, tho' Minister aeteo\iniawflilly' iit,lltakip,g'.iJie:'J'm'pOI·te(l Fi;op.osals 1,1\ th~j; ._ .0','"

    j c3; 1, 'The. Milllstel'flilJed'ta take ,into aQ

  • ... '

    2, Tue l?urported I'ropo~als, fa,i1 t6 satjsfy chitl?e':?~2) (If'Scliec1ulo 2, I of the Lq Ac(tIW:reiev

  • " {,

    " ,

    IND,lJGmQ'COl;(f'lor;LS to IvrAt(Jo; 'PJWPO$:AJ:;S,' IN AceOIIDANoE'\vrtiI.THE G(,).YEJ.{lIlJ\:IENTl.(I,AN

    hate: [l\oi~ tYoriiNovemb'el' 2dh . -"',, ,

    b"scl'illtiOJ1: "QW'Mll)i~tpi: ,jJy :Ii!S 9!i)\thl)IJil!l 0011i1U'Ct hl'niakirrg l'epl'eSentit(fotlS,

    Utici"8tol1lotln,!l" atl(ia\lihodsin.g;Governll)~ntJulli;liiig; J(i,:$oli'¢if:ti1\ci.,enc,6l!fug,e

    lj1¢t~OPolit(ll\ 19);a1 g-pvetj\\l)~lttst9 ajtel~theh, te~alpQsitionsth,reJla1)ce U,pOl1'.tile

    ilJJpiemeufation··offhe. Goyef1i,ne~J,r;I;iti'*li lilt!!!; t'). "


    ~) Oii mid irom a'bl);I[ May: 26B,th~ Mh;liilei ninde ¥epr~~eliJattbM ]9'I)ie . !?.Q'~ct th~{ lO,diij g~Ye\tiil1ellls.woltl(i1)ecdto, 'lCifUl1tolilre.' wiJht,he:tlwll

    )"et t6' be, relca.sed '(iover\U1) cpt Flt)h (3 ):ly!~y'2 O.!~)~· ';. ,f


    ',i "


    I !

  • ~,2 11\.91' ~b,qurA,mt1~t 20ll, the' MihIst0f' {j;"prcssly ,or i.lnpli.edlyal)thol'ise,d the provlsl'oJr to joea.! gOyci'ni],\e))ts Q(Gfiidnil¢cNQtcB 'tOI' making "'pl'oposaii;'

    lothe Bo"td, 'Those 'Oulilance Notes,reJeva11tly J'epl'eseriie(I.1l1tif

    },2. i E'illclihft ./Wti.llld be, 'aYMltJ6J~, to sUp]J,o#t\iedevelOpll)c(i! (f.

    'pi'ojllita/,v' ~ild'·h.iliIi)l[i:la\jllUjIP\lid· trans; tiOll costs;

    .3.2:2 Tli~··.(e(li\ii·cllIcnts6i;· the LO Ad w01.11d be, mel if tlie ~?/'oposdP QOllt

  • 8

    3,5.3icqc~j' 8ove\'rimeiits' sh'bl1(J nuik'e theil" OWll !p/,oposcil,y.' T'

    Ilwy 'wnn.lell to l)aVe 1.nwr iht6tIi6 .ultimate rbl'l'll of the Govtinlfllent;jilardo he 1111P.l'elllcn1e(l;, Whieli. was' a tlJa\ier tq b" c6Mid'ei'edl,d t\ie Bo~tq aiICt: the Board wouid bo l'eqpirecf to nw!\e rceolllll)endrttjqil~8S. t.~ wlli~h 'P)'ij1!b'~fl(J'sliolli9 be

    hnj)ieinenteil 011 the' basis o(il,tel' (Ilia, 1110' Purportel! Ptol19sal~,


  • 9

    3,8 l'he Miilisiel'~S' CQndllct ill ,MI(iiJg, The ,Rep/Mel,ltl!ti'omi, (i!iiI',pf01Mtiilg (liitt.'allthoi'isillg·(JOYer\li1iCl1tli.JllCliilg '(c(Gscrihed ·herein)·'is, i',eview(tlllc; lis

    flJl improjlet,exej'cisq,j'(i1iijister'i;PbWei'S becli'lse itSOll~bi to'll.thieve

    a,purpose coiiatcraJ to the!lnd'hlt~i:ltQftWJ;;G Act.



  • 10


    '" 4JThe,tvli1l11bers' of ihe BOUl:d; who' J)i'

  • 5, "


    13 Theceffecit OfSli6.1.tpilrlicTpntiojl by the blsqualifie(LM"mbers In th~ a~tivitie~ of (he Hoard. H)iilted the: a.eliCit

  • 12

    $.2 The 13om'a G.dildlich!d whUt.·wus'cffcctlvetyn .sing!e fOl'lUcil.:inqltil'yin relation to the. PUT)lo"tcdJll'ojJo'snl$ ~iiq ~lliWt()r 'priJjJiJ,i'itis! matle by

    1.9c~1 gOvel'lliltetits.aflCl "elifcIQl's' rcfernbI'",to the Oovet'nmell~P1Ull.·

    p·AFrrLGtltARS A Tj\iiJ B,Qiird )jii~ing, w:ci'vedl .'lfroPIJ,;al' frOI11 ieiiJC!IPl's,,2t

    'proJ(osli/s i, :tl'QJ11 10.caX .goycrii'l1jen!s (\i,id' tile J3 ,.l'iii'j101tecl Pl:dji. 'Minister' r~so\)(e() (0 ,co;rd)1ct, (~lilphii'iliS

    ad4ed)~a Jiji'iiid( fi,tqlli!:jI jiif9 all Ihc' jjl'oi1i1.'C& cimeill'l'eilllJ>',

    :IN:?pqsli/,' .JllJ,ckl' th¢ fjO i\Whilliattliti .torihrtl. lfdtlec' of tile

    !jjqiii\'i' waS given, atl(f:ihetnldh~,of'~ubU1i§lli9)1S lu.tQsp,W on!\e JllC[uh'Y. wb~:¢9jitl\(clt~gi a~:iff!lej'e,was.a' single ~iJl'oPQscil'G.etore ,tlie Boaret ii\ll'tbec\. i,i) [!Int tli~;ii.lpM~'iiiilr: ,p¢!'ip(J .~'iic:1

    f\('t:aflMll\efj(~ [01' tlie :COrisid,;ra'iionoi'suhl11.l§siQl1s for ali

    ''pJ'Pl?O,S q i,.l 'a',)\[: Pul'Rdi'tect J! rqp,QsEli$ \,,~sid~lifIGlll; C. Rej;i'eScil'ted . to:fociit:gb.vCl'hlhelits;;e!ec(o)'s,allc1, Qtl\¢i'~' o'ldi~.·*b

    sfte i'01~Yaijllh,lJ~h ,. . I

    the' lj~iri:'d' j'¢pei(>eC! :ni!V61N!icd,~ l/ci!i~ (oqeti g6Iiei'!iI)t~jiM, ·Mil .oIwhlch we}!e ·reCl/iy~d: Q.ejore llie

    };wl?'(ls.e ,p,f'tfiu $ici(k t$,i/vertinirJi11' ni6il~l: IJi Aro,ilel;rbe)'

    2'oI'J, ilie A'1inlsIQrloI'L.Qmi .Ggyernm~iil si(G!1ill{eiI,12 ,'pI:q]i'o.l:i:i/:i.}{j Ihi!' )3~iml)&i'. G'b)1siifeMtiV!1, pl'oposin,~ CI

    '.'.' I'Odl/c/io.n1.i:QtIl ~Q li;. IS /(lmi gQl\d'l1f!l41!lsin !!WPel,ib , '

    J!WlrbpoiilajJ; i1iWi: 'rhe . .j3oo.rd,ha,'al,1Q J:eceiil~d 91W

    e!eQ/qrpr9Pi!,:«lhiN e,lifurolll' Q.'/the, Cilp' ojCookbill'n. The'jJ~(/J'CU:\:cQnili(qtll1~a/o.l'l1/C1j; i!llflf/lJi ili/6 {Il[. of'!be j,1'9Pq;~(jI,~; C~l\tt

    b. :Repres'enled to iocnlgo,v~t!l1iie!lis by cih'rc$j)Q1idellCe)-fiQilt. the ," .' ," -, .,' - -' < '.

    Qh!)it)\)~llOffhei36ai'd,duted 2'[ Jinl\\fll·y;t(YlHhat' ... 'lhG 11,'1111:(

    re,'{ilv~d IQ cQliili((jl' i( 'loz'!lwr iniltlii'jJihf& all proposals

    C () Nelll.'I'e/1 t {y.!" ,

  • 13


    [TiPKOlicqi, F0'--' ___ -ffl'-''i"'l"'iif'--'c"'e"'l't"'19::.:,i;::

  • !)utc:

    ?~~ :f1t!t1!1oLcl Signil tUl'e 'of AJl]llicriJlts'J~)vl'ei' 2 "pplic4ilt 01'


    Notes to Form,No 61A-

    ).,1'I)etesjiqlW:e1,\ti,s'ihe \)el'SOn whosecdedsi'ollot'CQn(fl!gUs to' Po. mV[,hve\!,

    :2., Tiel, 61)I{if)lec~'SSafy.


