Download - Bon-Bon Pico Magazine


Come check out SJ’s Comeback!

Come Join Pico Olympics!

Is DNS Virus are true?

New Comis release!

New MXM Production release!

Exclusive pico magazine for picos


Selvia Finla & Tiar Salsabila

Fitriazaki Production. Bon-Bon


Writer : Tiar

Editor : Selvia

Special thanks to my friend

Nandana, for giving me the idea ;)



Official MXM Production Ameba Pico Music Video ‘when I look at you’

Super Junior’s release their Comeback! ‘Sexy, free & single’

MXM PRDUCTION:‘When I look at you’

The Incridible Famous Pico family ‘Etoile family’ had a new Pico Music Video after their succsessin their old Video ‘Just A dream’. The new music video actor was Indy Etoile and Nayume EtoileBoth of them have a cute picocharacter. Especially Indy, Im In love with him #lol

About Etole. Etoile Also Have Pico rock band!. That band is Very Famous in Ameba Pico!. They’ve release their single ‘Skater Boy’ and it was a big succsess too. Im proud to etoileFamily :) and once again, they’re exclusive and kind

Oh ya, do know what the mean of MXM? MXM is mean ‘MaiRea Etoile x MiaRie Etoile’1 2

Come Join Pico Olympics!

Get ready for Sport picoolympics!. Prepare yourself, This Gonna be Fun! There’s Dumdums, Ola Ely, and the other pico’s Idol. So Join!

How to Join?

Oh, Pls It’s too easy lol xDYou Just open this link bellow : then, just follow the step in there :) Look! It’s easy right? Before that I wan’tto tell chu about the arena. So check this out c;

So, What do you think? Interest? C;3 4

Malware May Kill your PC – 9 July

It sounds like one of those annoying chain emails that show up from technically challenged acquaintances: "The FBI Will Take Your Computer Offline July 9 If It Has A Virus!”Don’t Open your PC especially the internet in 9 July!. But you can check to, are you infected or not?

How to check?

To see you're infected, you just need to be able to read one line of text or know the difference between green and red. Visit if you see a green background to the image on that page and the words "DNS Resolution = GREEN," you're safe. If Red, maybe it will be not safe ><“ . But, if you know u’re not infected to the virus. It’s can’t sure you’ll not infected the virus. Just don’t open ur PC at 9 July! C;

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Finaly! Super Junior’s comeback release!. Many E.l.f Wait for it. And now, super junior got many attantion for k-popers! They MV have been viewed 4 million people!. For that viewers, they only need 6 day!. Amazing yeah c;

Super Junior’s Comeback! ‘Sexy, free & single’

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Need Waiter/ waitress in Pogiman KFC room 2! Fast.

Come Join Kerby’s Mega party!. There’re many famous picos, like stargang, poedp, and the other ;)

Rent Villa. Contact Chi – 551-9213 Picvill – Enjoy the hot water.

Want a nice dating place? #nandalolGo to Kiro Bling’s place! It was wonderful


Want your AD here?, Contact me by sending me message on facebook or letter in PiccFacebook : Selvia FinlaPico ID : Chi ♪ ρєyєm

Want your AD here?, Contact me by sending me message on facebook or letter in PiccFacebook : Selvia FinlaPico ID : Chi ♪ ρєyєm


Ameba Pico Famous Idol ‘Kerby’ Was release his new comic, after ‘the vampire brother’ comic. Kerby Had another comic too, that was what?wed! . But, it was only 2 episode. So, it’s not too exciting. I prefer the forbidden teasure than the vampire brothers

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[RENT] PicVill at Picos mountain (?)Hehe… I promote my room!. Come!, Rent My Villa at my mountain!. A great place to relaxe with your friend! And it’s CHEAP! Sooo Cheaap!!. The first customor who rent my villa will get my villa for only 3 click ‘nice room’ and the second customor will get discon 50%!! From the original price @3000GM/-perday, so if with discon, she/he can get it with @1500GM/-Night. Remember!, this villa is exclussive and you’ll get 3 food each day and ‘2NANYFOR3HOURS!’ imagine? Is that expensive? Haha ;)And for who is birthday, will get FREE for an half day + Birthday cake + Entertainer + event. Loooll Come joiiinn :) For other information message or letter me ;DSelvia Finla - Chi ♪ ρєyєm

B O N – B O N Magazine