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  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan



  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Table of Contents

    Product Description..............................................................................................................2

    Company Analysis................................................................................................................6

    Customer Analysis..............................................................................................................10



    S.W.O.T. Analysis................................................................................................................26

    Communication Objectives..............................................................................................35

    Media Objectives.................................................................................................................39

    Media Schedule.......................................................................................................49

    Advertising Objectives......................................................................................................50

    Marketing Objectives........................................................................................................52

    Launch Strategies.............................................................................................................53


    Success Metrics.................................................................................................................90

    Public Relations................................................................................................................92

    Creative Brief....................................................................................................................96



  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan



  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Product Description

    Mission Statement:

    Corporate Responsibility: [Global Growth]:

    Blackberry is a company driven by ideas. We believe that innovation andcollaboration will foster sustainable growth for our business.

    Blackberry and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Blackberry") are committed tooffering the best tools for communication and social collaboration andworking towards minimizing our environmental impact. Blackberry strives toact responsibly and expects the same of our partners and suppliers.

    Research In Motion is now Blackberry:

    Research In Motion (RIM), a global leader in wireless innovation,revolutionized the mobile industry with the introduction of the Blackberrysolution in 1999. Since then, Blackberry products and services have continuedto change the way millions of people around the world stay connected.

    With the launch of Blackberry 10, we have re-designed, re-engineered andre-invented Blackberry. Not only did we introduce a new mobile experience toour global community of Blackberry users, but we are also introducing a newname for the company.

    Research In Motion now operates globally under the iconic name Blackberry.

    To further signal this exciting re-branding of the Company, effective February4, 2013, our stock ticker on the NASDAQ exchange will become BBRY and onthe TSX exchange, BB.

    The Blackberry product line includes the Blackberry PlayBooktablet,award-winning Blackberry smartphones, software for businesses andaccessories.


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    Product Life Cycle:

    Market Introduction Stage: (2002-2004)

    Blackberry products are now installed with voice calling


    First smartphone to introduce wed searching and email on their


    Not many competitors.

    Prices remain fairly the same, for each model.

    Growth Stage: (2005-2007)

    There are now more than four million Blackberry users.

    First consumer friendly devices (Blackberry Pearl) are

    introduced. Research In Motion becomes the most valuable company in the

    Toronto Stock Exchange.

    Blackberry Curves are introduced.

    Users increased from 4 million to 10 million.

    Maturity Stage: (2008-2010)

    Stock market crashes and RIM stocks share go down to $50.

    Blackberry storm is introduced to compete against the Apple


    The first playbook is introduced, to compete against the Apple

    iPad, unfortunately it wouldnt come out until 2011.

    Decline Stage: (2011-Now)

    Playbook is introduced to the market, but is unpolished

    2,000 employees are cut from their jobs.

    Increase in phone prices.

    Incapable of having apple and android apps.

    Large number of competitors.


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    Blackberry started the generation of smart phones. It was the first technological

    company to include voice messaging capabilities along with text messaging and

    email capabilities. Its the most trusted phone by large corporations who are looking

    to use their phones for business. With the highest ranked security system integrated

    in all devices, Blackberry is trusted by some of the highest government officials and


    Points of Difference:

    Easy transition between work life and social life.

    Highest ranked security system for both cell phones and tablets.

    3 different cell phone models.

    Main Blackberry (American) Distributors:





    Best Buy



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  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Company Analysis


    Today, Blackberry aims to inspire the success of our millions of customers around

    the world by continuously pushing the boundaries of mobile experiences

    (Blackberry). Blackberry now Blackberry limited has changed the way millions of

    people around the world stay connected. Blackberry believes that technology is

    critical for business and important to the human experience. Blackberry is of the

    believe that technology has the power to improve lives and build thriving

    communities as well.


    Blackberry products are designed to easily switch separate a subscribers work life

    from their personal life. With the highest security software on all Blackberry devices,

    it is the most trusted brand by some of the most elite and highly ranked companies

    and government officials. Blackberry makes sure to deliver the highest quality

    products at an affordable price.


    RIM is a company driven by ideas. We believe that innovation and collaboration will

    foster sustainable growth for our business.


    RIMs primary competitive advantage is that their mobile phones are very secure.


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    The company released its phones with secure encrypted network that allowed

    sending emails between phones without possibility of stealing the information. This

    became the unique selling proposition of Blackberries. This feature was a very

    attractive feature to lure corporations and government contracts, which other

    phone companies didnt have. This provided Blackberry with the opportunity of

    becoming the number one choice for enterprises and governments.

    Unlike other mobile phones and smartphone companies, Blackberry tries to appeal

    to a narrow customer segment that is the governments and corporate segments.

    This gives them the upper hand in providing to these sectors, a strategy rarely

    utilized by other companies.


    Due to poor marketing efforts one of Blackberrys weaknesses is the inability to

    market the brand. Blackberrys brand was known in the market long before Apples

    iPhone launch of Samsungs Galaxy success. RIM had a better quality phone in the

    market before the Iphone was launched. However they were unable to keep up with

    competition because of their poor efforts in the marketing strategies. Even with

    better quality products, the company would be unable to sell them to consumers

    as it would be overshadowed by Samsung and Apples marketing spending. Inability

    to market the brand also resulted in declining brand reputation and low customer

    loyalty. Declining brand value indicates decreasing brand appeal to consumers and

    lower sales.

    Blackberry phones and tablets are powered by RIMs own Operating System.

    Unlike Iphone, Blackberry did not gain a competitive advantage by having their own


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    OS. This is so because Blackberrys customer base is too small to have any profit for

    major application developers. The fact that the Blackberry market has a minimal

    amount of applications refrains customers from purchasing their products. The

    company lacks enough funding and coordination to develop its OS properly creating

    problems for sales.

    Blackberry is highly dependent on government and corporate contracts as these

    make up the largest companys customer base. Although Blackberry offers the most

    attractive phones for governments and corporations due to phones with high

    security features, the company is not guaranteed to receive long-term contracts

    from the government and a loss of contract with at least one government agency or

    corporate accounts result in substantially lower sales.

    RIMs Blackberry PlayBook tablet had an unsuccessful effort to enter the tablet

    market resulting in a low market share and losses for the company. Poor presence in

    the tablet market decreases the companys chance to successfully compete with

    Apple or Samsung.

    Market Share:

    Blackberry provides technology for business professionals primarily via phones and

    tablets. Blackberry is dominated by Android and IOS (iPhone).

    Market Share: 1.8%


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    Customer Analysis


    We currently live in a society where just about everyone has a mobile device at

    their reach. This means that competition in the mobile device industry is heavy. Someone

    is always releasing the next revolutionary item. According to IDC the mobile phone

    market is forecast to grow 7.3% in 2013 by 1 Billion Smartphone shipments. This is an

    increase from 2012 where it was forecast to grow only a 1.2%. This increase in the

    market share is due to the demand worldwide mobile devices.

    With evolving operating systems emerging and competing to be number one the

    mobile device market will not decline any time soon. Total smartphone shipments are

    forecast to reach 1.7 billion units in 2017. Smartphones will represent virtually all of the

    mobile phone market in many of the world's most developed economies by the end of

    2017," said Kevin Restivo, Senior Research Analyst with IDC's Worldwide Mobile Phone

    Tracker program.

    Top Smartphone Operating Systems, Forecast Market Share and CAGR, 20132017

    Smartphone OS 2013 Market Share 2017 Market Share

    Android 75.3% 68.3%

    iOS 16.9% 17.9%

    Windows Phone 3.9% 10.2%

    Blackberry OS 2.7% 1.7%

    Others 1.2% 1.9%

    Totals 100.0%


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    Type of Customer

    The type of customer that the Blackberry currently attracts and what the

    company aims to target are:

    Corporate Companies

    Government Contracts

    Business Professionals



    Small business Owners & employees

    Value Drivers

    Blackberry prices vary depending on the selected style. The prices range

    anywhere from $59.99 to $799.99. Blackberrys competitors prices range right about

    the same depending on the model as stipulated before.Samsungs prices range from

    $75 to $800. Androids prices range from $5 to $800 and Apples iphone prices ranges

    from $100 to $800. These prices include specials and markdowns. In comparing the

    prices between Blackberry and its competitors it is fair to say that Blackberry offers

    competitive prices. The company has a combination of price conscious customers

    and those that are not given that some of the customers obtain phones through

    their employment. The styles and models offered have different price levels, all

    depending on the features of the device and materials utilized on the product. The

    devices are physical distributors to retail stores like Best Buy and Target or through

    mobile carriers such as AT&T and Sprint. Customers can also access the product via

    the internet in sites such as and Blackberrys


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    strongest feature is that it provides the best mobile security within the industry.

    Decision Process

    The company has logos like Choose the Best business Partner and Make

    Your Presence Felt giving the customer a sense that the company ensures that the

    product is strong and dependable. Choosing Blackberry is an easy decision to make

    when a customer is interested in a mobile device but with the added feature of the

    strongest security systems in the industry. To top it off the features that the products

    offered by RIM are revolutionary. It is the least you can expect from the company

    that introduced the smartphone to the world. That type of recognition gives the

    customer ease to know that they are making the right choice in selecting the



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    Customer loyalty combined with an expanding closed ecosystem. First,

    Apple now has a full range of apps, software and products that are

    interlinked and support each other. Second, new products and

    supplements will be released soon (iTV), hence expanding the

    ecosystem. Third, Apple has a strong customer loyalty, which increases

    due to Apples closed ecosystem, which, in turn, is supported by

    customer loyalty. So the combination of Apples expanding closed

    ecosystem and customers loyalty increases firms competitive


    Apple is a leading innovator in mobile device technology. Companys

    core competency of producing innovative products is the strength the

    company builds upon and is able to bring the most innovative products

    to the market.

    Strong financial performance. Apples financial performance is one of

    the best among many companies. It also has higher gross profit margin

    than its main competitors, which is equal to 43.9%. Company has no

    debt and is not directly affected by interest rates or credit markets.

    Apple has a reputation of highly innovative, well designed, and

    well-functioning products and sound business performance. Apple

    brand is valued at $76.5 billion and was the second most valuable


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    brand in the world in 2012.

    Apples retail stores ensure high quality customer experience. They

    provide direct contact with knowledgeable staff and increases brand


    Marketing is one of the strongest functional areas Apple has. It can sell

    pricier products, build superior stores and advertise their


    Apples products cost much more than its competitors devices. When

    theres such a fierce competition, Apple product prices become a

    weakness because consumers can easily opt for similar quality but

    lower price products.

    The iOS and OS X are quite different from other operating systems and

    use software that is unlike the software used in Microsoft OS. Due to

    such differences users often choose to stay with their accustomed

    software and hardware.

    Apples market share has recently fallen, it is second to 55.1%. The less

    market share Apple has, the less it can influence its potential customers

    and persuade them to jump into using Apples closed ecosystem


    The firm is often accused of infringing other companies patents and

    has even lost some trials. This damages Apple brand and its financial


    Apple has lost Steve Jobs in 2012 and Tim Cook became the new CEO.

    Scott Forstall and John Browett (chief of retail) left the company too and


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    this will have an impact on companys management, which, as many

    think, will be negative.

    Defects of new products is not a current Apple weakness but one that

    jumps out time to time. Some of Apples iPod and iPhone releases had

    clear faults and thus disturbed sales of the products and firms

    reputation of superior product performance.

    Current Apples gross margin is one of the highest in the tech industry

    but analysts fear that due to increasing component prices and

    competition current margins will not be sustained. Hence, glooming

    firms future financial performance.

    Market Share:

    Apple is one of the dominant forces in the industry of portable &

    innovative technology. Market Share -39.3%



    As the company states: Googles mission is to organize the worlds

    information and make it universally accessible and useful. The same is

    with almost any of Google products. Googles products can also be used

    with any OS or mobile device without a charge. Google openness is the

    key why Google is the number one in many products and services.

    Quality and customer experience are the primary objects. Everything

    that Google offers is of premium quality. The products are aimed at

    solving customer needs and problems by providing excellent customer



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    Google is one of the most profitable companies in the world with

    earnings nearly $50 billion and $11 billion profits (22%). The company

    also holds $48 billion in cash and just $7 billion of debt.

    Access to the largest group of internet users worldwide. Google has an

    access to 79% of the world desktop search market users and 89% of the

    world mobile search market users. Combined, these internet users

    represent an extremely large market that Google can use to promote

    and sell its products and services.

    Strong patents portfolio. Intellectual property is the key in competing

    against competitors and Google with Motorolas acquisition gained a

    strong advantage over its competitors.

    Nearly all Google products are integrated with each other forming an

    ecosystem that enriches customers experience and encourages using

    more of companys products and services. Google products can be used

    on any operating system or any device without a trouble or can be

    integrated with other company applications.

    Many unique products are offered by Google every year, with so many

    in development stages. Google emphasizes its innovative work culture

    as one of its main competitive advantages.


    Google has many products and services that add little value for the

    business and make only losses, thus decreasing firms profits.

    Google is often involved in litigations over the breached patents and

    other intellectual property. These litigations are costly and time


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    consuming and distract the company from innovating rather than


    Market Share: Android is head of portable technology market with a lead on

    Apples 39.3% market share. Market Share - 55.1%

    Blackberry Collaborators:


    QNX Software Systems

    BBM, Inc.

    New Bay

    Slipstream Data Inc.


    Chalk Media

    Torch Mobile


    Documents to go



    The Astonishing Tribe



    Jay cut


    The companies main distributors but not limited to:


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    Best Buy








    Samsung Electronics:


    Samsung is focused on producing devices which can be integrated with

    most of the software and OS. This gives Samsung products an edge over

    Apples (its arch rival) devices, especially as Android and other OS are

    gaining market share when iOS and OS X are losing it.

    Samsung is the number 1 by market share in televisions and mobile

    phones sales and some of the hardware parts (processors, memory

    chips, etc.). This was largely achieved due to excellence in engineering

    and both efficient and effective production.

    Samsung focuses on producing environment friendly products that are

    free from PVC and BFRs. Samsungs focus on environment gives it an

    edge over its competitors in the eyes of its customers.

    The company has set up its production facilities in low cost countries.


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    This allows producing goods with low production cost and benefit

    Samsung as it can offer lower price and earn higher margins.

    Samsung Electronics have achieved large market share in many

    products they sell, especially in mobile phones, smartphones,

    semiconductors and television sets. Large market share has its

    advantage, bargaining power.


    Samsung is infringing Apples and some other firms patents, thus,

    damaging its reputation and having to pay a huge amount of money in


    Samsung Electronics is the largest technology business in the world in

    terms of revenues but it has a low gross profit and net profit margins.

    Although its smartphones business is quite profitable, Samsungs profit

    margin is low due to its semiconductors sales and aggressive price cuts.

    Software and OS production has a high profit margin, can increase

    integration of companys products and brand loyalty. Without strong

    software and OS Samsung is at disadvantage over its competitors.

    Samsung Electronics serves 4 different industries with many different

    products in them. Samsung is at disadvantage over its competitors

    because it loses a focus when competing in too many industries and too

    many products.

    Market Share: -3%


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    Employment Laws and Benefits:

    Blackberry provides benefits to full-time permanent employees in all regions

    globally. Benefits available to all employees around the globe include:

    Employee Assistance Plan, which provides confidential short-term counseling,

    referrals and information on a variety of issues.

    Gym/fitness center membership subsidy for full-time employees

    The Worldwide Travel and Medical Emergency Assistance Program (Global

    Travel Program) is provided to all full-time Blackberry employees.

    At Blackberry, we believe the best people create the best future, which is why your

    growth and development are important to us. We encourage learning through a

    combination of experience, relationships and formal education

    Our healthy workplace program enables employees to increase control over and

    improve their health and well-being.

    Full-time employees are offered:

    Seminars and workshops on work/life topics

    On-site health services

    Healthy workplace events

    Weight management programs

    Smoking cessation programs

    Health promotion resources

    Spirituality/well-being rooms

    Seasonal flu prevention program

    Office Ergonomic services


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    Environmental Responsibility:

    Blackberry recognizes that certain substances can have significant adverse effects on

    the environment. Blackberry is continually investigating alternative and more

    sustainable materials that have higher recycled content or that are more easily

    recyclable. We abide by an internally generated Blackberry Restricted Substances

    List, adapted from the Joint Industry Guide and the guidance of various regulatory


    Blackberry only uses substances that are compliant with the European Unions

    Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive. In November 2011, we updated

    our Restricted Substances List to include several additional substances. In addition,

    Beryllium has been banned from all new products and accessories since December2011. Blackberry also eliminated a number of phthalates from all Blackberry

    products and accessories.

    Blackberry is also working to find responsible alternatives to polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

    and brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in new products. In recognition of the

    potential hazards posed by halogenated compounds at the end of a product's life,

    Blackberry is working to eliminate these substances.

    Currently, all Blackberry smartphones contain less than 0.1% by weight of any

    brominated or chlorinated substances, including BFRs, chlorinated flame retardants

    (CFRs) and PVC. By the end of 2013, Blackberry intends to go a step further and reduce

    the use of halogens in all homogeneous materials consistent with the JEDEC JS-709A

    standard for all new products.

    To help manage this growing list of controlled substances and associated

    regulations, such as REACH and RoHS, Blackberry is upgrading its internal substance

    management system which will enhance our ability to track what goes into our

    Blackberry smartphones.


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    RIM Restricted Substances (RRS List) Effective November 2011:

    Economic Growth:

    Blackberry has changed the way in which the entire world communicates.

    Originating in 1984 as RIM . RIM was the first to develop wireless communicating

    devices and software. With the introduction of the first Blackberry phone in 1999,

    Blackberry has strived to create the best quality products and establish customer

    loyalty. Word of mouth has played an integral part in the marketing. This would

    have not been accomplished if the previous marketing campaigns target both theprimary and secondary markets. We strive to create a better marketing campaign in

    2015 by expanding the marketing campaign and reaching out to a tertiary market.

    This new campaign will also allow for the company and consumers to easily

    interact, via social media, kiosks, trade shows etc.


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    Device Distribution:

    Blackberry devices include 16 different smartphone models and the tablet, BlackberryPlaybook. Having 16 different smartphone models allows our target market to

    choose a smartphone which suits their lifestyle the best.


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    S.W.O.T Analysis

    Overview of the Blackberrys company weaknesses and strengths.



    Easy to multitask on all Blackberry products

    Highest ranked security protection for smartphones and tablets

    Only company to easily switch between work and personal life,

    on devices

    Blackberry offers companies to choose security settings on

    company cell phones and tablets.

    Competitive Advantages:

    Only company that allows Blackberry phone be used as a

    keyboard for Playbook (tablet)

    Highest ranked security protection for smartphones and tablets

    Integral security has earned trust of some of the most secure

    organizations in the world

    Customer loyalty lies with primary market, business


    Only cell phone company left with physical keyboard


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    Unique Selling Points:

    High security

    Fast communication

    Product sustainability


    Blackberry technical support services

    Annual support programs offered throughout the year

    Blackberry training program

    Blackberry certified builders

    Blackberry certificate program


    Founded in 1984

    Cell phone development and distribution established in 1999

    Produced and distributed Playbook tablet in 2011



    Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

    Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

    Kanata, Ontario, Canada

    Tech Centers: Blackberry Tech Centers have been established to

    provide a space where developers can meet, have access to

    experts and tools, create applications and take part in half or full

    day workshops. Locations have been selected based on RIM


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    Technical Experts being available to ensure developer

    communities are supported.

    The Tech Centers have been designed with developers in mind; it

    is a place for you to learn more about developing on theBlackberry platform. Whether you are a novice or expert

    developer, develop on a platform other than Blackberry or simply

    want to see a Blackberry 10 demo; you are welcome to come and

    join us. These centers give you access to tools and the ability to

    collaborate with your peers. Our expert staff have the knowledge

    to help you take your application ideas from concept to creation.

    North/Latin America


    Middle East



    Financial Reserves/Likely Returns:

    Resources and returns should increase due to introduction of

    Blackberry Playbooks third generation andBlackberry Z30 and

    its latest updates.

    Marketing (Reach/Distribution Awareness)

    Television/Radio Spots

    Print Ads

    Social Media

    Promotional Events

    Outdoor Ads

    Innovative Aspects:


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    First to create a multiplatform interaction



    International distribution centers

    International cell phone carriers and electronic stores

    Physical locations

    Online retail


    Sound improvements, fewer dropped calls

    Sharper and vibrant display

    Light and durable devices


    BBZ10; Red Dot Awards, high design award, 2013

    BBZ10; T3 Awards, phone of the year nomination, 2012

    BBZ10; T3 Awards, best camera phone nomination, 2012

    BBZ10; T3 Awards, best cell phone design nomination, 2012

    Strongest Financial Standing, 2011

    BB 7 OS, Common criteria EAL4 and certified award

    Launch of warranty and repair services


    Philosophy: committed to offering the best tools for

    communication and social collaboration and working towards

    minimizing our environmental impact. Blackberry strives to act

    responsibly and expects the same of our partners and suppliers.


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    Values: Research In Motion (RIM), a global leader in wireless

    innovation, revolutionized the mobile industry with the

    introduction of the Blackberry solution in 1999. Since then,

    Blackberry products and services have continued to change the

    way millions of people around the world stay connected.

    Significant Customer Database:

    Facebook likes; 29.3 million

    Twitter followers; 3.7 million

    YouTube subscribers; 159,000

    Blackberry support users; 653,000

    Customer Company Loyalty:

    Mercedes Benz Formula 1 Racing Team

    Manulife Financial

    LPGA Classic

    Toronto International Film Festival



    John Mayer North American Tour, 2007

    U2 360 World Tour, 2009-2011

    Black Eyed Peas E.N.D. World Tour, 2011

    75+ company related case studies

    Distribution Channel (not limited to)


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    Various approved online retailers

    150+ distributors

    Verizon Wireless, AT&T Mobility, Sprint Corporation,

    T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular, Leap Wireless


    A career with Blackberry means you can truly reach your full

    potential. Were seeking driven individuals ready to make a

    difference in a variety of areas and weve made searching for jobs

    easier than ever

    12,700 employees as of 2013

    John Chen Interim CEO, Blackberry, Nov. 2013

    Brian Bidulka Chief Financial Officer, Blackberry, 2005

    Frank Boulben Chief Marketing Officer, Blackberry, Jun 2012

    Kristian Tear Chief Operating Officer, Blackberry, Aug 2012

    Steven E. Zipperstein Chief Legal Officer, Blackberry, July 2012


    Competitive Strength:

    Overshadowed by Apple and Android

    Weak Brand:

    Decline of consumers in the past three years, expect a comeback


    Increase of consumers, competition and customer loyalty

    Poor Marketing:

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    Increase of marketing and public relations



    Multi-platform use

    Separation of business and personal lives

    Highest security and privacy used in devices


    Easy multitasking for customer

    Tech Development:


    Qwerty keyboard

    BBM video allows screen share

    HDMI capability

    BB Paratek Antenna allows for stronger connection and

    fast data transfers.


    1-1.5 GHz dual core processing

    16-64 GB storage

    3 MP HD front camera, 5 MP back camera, 1080 pixel


    Adobe Flash 11.2 enabled


    Doc 2 Go; Microsoft Works, allows for no changes when

    switching devices.


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    Blackberry World

    BB 10 OS

    Easy separation between work and personal lives


    30+ National partners (including phone carriers, electronic

    stores, online retailers)


    More people are starting businesses and getting back into jobs

    Market Shift:

    Secondary market would learn would see how easy it is to

    separate work life from personal life.


    Strongest Competitors:






    Not completely restored

    Price inflation

    Unstable government


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    Communication Objectives


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    Primary Market: Entrepreneurs and Business Professionals

    Age: 25-40

    Gender: Male and Female

    Language: English, Spanish, and Cantonese

    Education: Bachelors Degree

    Employment: Beginning own business or stable employment

    Average Annual Income: $39,000-$88,000

    Interests: Business, travel, technology

    How will target market be reached?

    Multiple advertisement outlets, interactive services and public relations will

    be used in reaching the target market. Some examples are (but not limited to),

    television commercials aired during nightly news on various television networks.

    Radio spots played on both FM and satellite radio. Printed advertisements will be

    used in both magazines and newspapers, such asForbes Magazine, Wall Street

    Journal and The New York Times. Logo placement will be used on Blackberry

    sponsors items and events. Product placement will be used interchangeably between

    movies and television shows. One of the most interactive ways the target market

    could be reached will be through social media and social networking; with the use of

    some of the most popular networks such as Facebook. Another interactive option

    will be display kiosks set up in electronic stores and malls.

    Secondary Market: Students

    Age: 18-30


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    Gender: Male and Female

    Language: English

    Education: Some college

    Employment: Part/full-time student, Part/full-time employment

    Average Annual Income: $0-$25,000

    Interests: Education, technology, pop culture

    How will target market be reached?

    Targeting a younger secondary market will be similar (but not limited to) to

    targeting the older primary market. Television commercials will be used during

    some of the most watched television shows such asDuck Dynasty, Doctor Who,and

    Modern Family. Social media and social networking will be the most interactive way

    for the secondary market to be reached. The secondary market will be able to

    discover exclusive content through Facebook and Twitter. Product Placement in

    various movies, television shows, and music video will be used as well. Some of the

    hottest celebrities will be used as celebrity endorsements. Radio spots will be played

    nationally on radio stations that are most listened to by people ages 18-30.

    Blackberry kiosks will be placed in college campuses, electronic stores, and both

    indoor and outdoor shopping malls.

    Tertiary Market: Business owners/workers

    Age: 40-65


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Gender: Male and Female

    Language: English, Spanish, and Cantonese

    Education: Bachelors degree

    Employment: Stable employment

    Average Annual Income: $45,000-$100,000

    Interests: Business, travel, technology, health

    How will target market be reached?

    Targeting an older audience will require less public relations and

    advertisements (but not limited to). Print ads will be the most popular way of

    reaching the target market. Printing ads in magazines and newspapers such as

    Forbes Magazine, Wall Street Journal, and The Los Angeles Times. Radio spots will be

    played nationally on both satellite and FM radio. Logo placement will be used on

    Blackberry sponsors items and events. Television commercials will be aired during

    nightly news on various television networks across the nation.

    Media Objectives

    A twelve month promotional campaign will begin in February 2015 and will

    run until January 2016. Promotions and advertisements will be highly


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    concentrated in weeks 2-4 of August and weeks 1-3 of December.

    The 2015 Blackberry campaign will include television spots on networks across

    the country, radio spots on both FM and satellite station across the country,

    print ads in magazines and newspapers, billboards (live and still) and

    building wraps social media websites and apps, internet advertisements,

    product placement in television, movies, and music video, celebrity

    endorsements, event and company sponsorship and interactive kiosks.

    Primary, secondary and tertiary markets will be reached with this twelve

    month campaign.


    Primary Market

    Television commercials will be aired at specific times and segments depending

    on the target market. The primary market will be targeted with 13 networks

    running commercials one month and the other 13 networks running the next

    month. The spots will run 3 times a day, 5 days a week. During week 2-4 of

    August, week 3-4 of November and weeks 1-3 of December, all Networks will

    be running Blackberry commercial spots.

    Secondary Market

    The secondary market will be targeted with four networks running

    commercials one month and the other four networks running the next

    month. The spots will run 4 times a day, 4 days a week. During week 2-4 of

    August, week 3-4 of November and weeks 1-3 of December, all Networks will

    be running Blackberry commercial spots.

    Tertiary Market


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    The tertiary market will be targeted with six networks running commercials

    for 12 months. The spots will run 2 times a day, 4 days a week. There will be no

    changes for the peak months.


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    Radio commercial will run three times a day four days a week, across the top

    100 music radio stations in the country. The radio stations will be broken up

    into two; with half playing every other month; this excludes August,

    November and December (peak months). Both the primary and tertiary

    markets will be targeted during rush hour times. The secondary market will

    be targeted anytime during 12PM and 10 PM. During peak months (August,

    November and December, commercial spots will increase to four times a day 5

    days a week, and this will target all three markets. Internet radio will also be

    running commercial spots targeting all markets. Pandora Internet Radio and

    Spotify will run daily commercial ads two times a day for 12 months.

    iHeartradio will run spots two times a day, three days a week, every other

    month with the exception of August, November and December; ads will

    increase to five days a week.


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    One page color print ads will be placed in top 30 best selling magazines.

    This print campaign will run in every other magazine once a month.

    Ads will be seen in magazines as early as January 2015 (which will be

    for the February issue). Magazine advertisements are targeted for all

    three markets but will most likely be seen with our primary and

    tertiary markets. Each magazine print ad will be designed to attract the

    interest of the readers (example: Sports Illustrated will have a

    Blackberry ad which is set in a sports theme).


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    The top 25 national newspapers will run 1 full page black and white

    print ad. These print ads will be seen once a month, with the exception

    of weeks 2-4 of August, weeks 3-4 of November and December due to

    high peak months. Newspaper print ads are meant to target all

    markets, but will be most popular with the primary and tertiary

    markets. These print ads will inform readers of the new features and

    products that Blackberry has to offer.


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Outdoor Media:

    All three target markets will be reached with the use of building wraps, still,

    live billboards and public transportation posters. Billboards will be placed in

    the 10 most populated cities in the nation (where law permits). All forms of

    outdoor media will begin to be displayed in March 2015 and will switch off to

    every other month. There will be one billboard per every 500,000 people in

    that city. The use of English, Spanish and Cantonese used in the billboards will

    vary according to demographics in that particular city. There will be an


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    increase of billboards in each city during peak months from one billboard to

    two billboards per every 500,000 people in each city. The design of each

    billboard and wrap will be eye catching and legible enough to read while

    driving. Public transportation posters will be used to reach the portion of the

    target market that uses public transportation. There will poster for every 200

    public transportation user and increase to 2 during peak months.

    City Population

    New York, NY 8, 143, 197

    Los Angeles, CA 3, 844,829

    Chicago, IL 2,842,518

    Houston, TX 2,016, 582

    Philadelphia, PA 1,463,281

    Phoenix, AZ 1,463,281

    San Antonio, TX 1,256,509

    San Diego, CA 1,255,540

    Dallas, TX 1,213,825

    San Jose, CA 912,332

    Social Media:

    Facebook, Twitter and YouTube will be used as the main forms of social media

    for this campaign. Using these social media platforms will allow consumers to easily

    interact with Blackberry. Facebook will allow Blackberry to share pictures, videos

    and information on new features, products and current event, with the audience.

    The primary and secondary market will be reached, due to the high numbers of

    users. Sharing worldwide current events, stock market news, business news and pop

    culture news will allow the primary target to see how they easy they are able to


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    separate their work life from social life, just like the phones. Facebook will also allow

    users to share their thoughts or concerns on their Blackberry products. It will take

    approximately two days for a response to any concern.

    Twitter will reach the secondary market due to a high number of users being

    in the ages of 18-25. Using Twitter will allow Blackberry to share real time news and

    mentions by other companies. Just like Facebook, Twitter will allow its followers to

    voice any thoughts or concerns when mentioning them. A response to any concern

    will take approximately four days. Positive consumer tweets will be retweeted.

    Tweeting will occur seven days a week during the peak hours of 8 AM and 7 PM.

    YouTube will target the visual part of the primary and secondary market.

    Setting up a YouTube account will allow the audience to get a behind the scenes look

    on the company. It will also do live streams of Blackberry conferences going on

    around the world. This form of social media will also allow Blackberry to archive

    commercials. Unlike the Facebook and Twitter, YouTube will not respond to any

    comments left on any video.


    A series of internet advertisements will be placed in various websites

    according to markets to be reached. To reach our primary and tertiary market

    advertisements will be placed on,,, and Search engines and online shopping sites such as Google, Yahoo and

    Amazon will have Blackberry products pop up in the search results when searching

    for similar products. News outlets such MSNBC and CNN will have advertisements

    placed next to stories. These ads will be placed, on websites similar to these, every


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    other month, with the exception of high peak months of August, November and


    The secondary market will be reached through the placement of

    advertisements on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Yelp and YouTube. Facebook

    and Yelp will sponsor Blackberry to promote the company on the side bars. The

    Blackberry Twitter account will be promoted once every other month. An image with

    the hottest Blackberry product will be shown and be eye catching for the audience. It

    will also be suggested as an account to follow. During the holiday season, there will

    be a national Blackberry trending topic that will also be promoted. YouTube will put

    together short 30 second advertisements to run before videos, that will not allow the

    user to skip ad.


    Other forms of advertisements will include product placement, celebrity

    endorsements, sponsorship and interactive kiosks. Product placements will occur

    three times throughout the 12 month campaign period. One television show, one

    movie and one music video will include any or all Blackberry products in them. This

    will raise attention to the brand and will persuade the audience to purchase the

    product. Celebrity endorsements will play along with any sponsorships Blackberry is

    a part of. Past examples include the sponsorship of U2s 360 2009-2011 world tour.

    Whichever celebrity is chosen to endorse the product will carry on a 12 month

    contract with Blackberry to use any cell phone model, along with the tablet. The

    celebrity will not be allowed to endorse any brand which Blackberry is in

    competition with. If this contract is broken, Blackberry will have to press legal

    charges. Sponsorships will also mean that Blackberry will host event for whichever


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    brand they are sponsoring. If any of these events give out gift bags, one Blackberry

    product will be placed in each gift bag. Interactive kiosks will be placed in shopping

    malls, electronic stores and technology convention throughout the nation. These

    kiosks will reach the target market by being eye catching and allowing the audience

    to test out any of the products Blackberry has to offer.


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    Advertising Objectives

    Advertising objectives for Blackberry for calendar year 2015 will be:


    To increase the intent of the customer to purchase by 15% by January of


    To increase brand name recognition by 10% by January of 2016

    An Intense Advertising campaign will be launched commencing February 2015. The

    Advertising efforts will include print advertisements in magazines, located in the


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    social networking and business sections. The companys social accounts (Facebook,

    Twitter, youtube, Flickr and the Blackberry blog) will be managed and kept up to

    date in order to maintain an informed customer or potential customer. Finally, we

    are going to do commercials that will target a market we have yet to allure to.


    TIME Magazine

    Forbes Magazine



    O The Oprah Magazine



    The Los Angeles Times

    The New York Times


    Current Networks



    Fox Sports



    Social Media:



  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan





    Satellite Radio


    Product Placement:

    Scandal TV show

    Criminal Minds Show

    Castle TV Show

    Fifty Shades of Gray Movie

    Marketing Objectives

    Marketing objectives for Blackberry for calendar year 2015 will be:

    1. Achieve a $850 million dollar sales income

    2. Increase market share from 1.5% to 3%

    Blackberry marketing objective will be reached by making sure that all forms of

    advertising, public relations and promotion will reach all target markets. Using new

    forms of media and will reach audience that may not have thought about

    purchasing a Blackberry product. Blackberry strives to increase customer loyalty.

    Due to a loss in revenue in the past two years, Blackberry strives to fix its reputation


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    and make it the phone or tablet of America.

    This will be a nation wide campaign, the marketing team will reach the target

    markets by following a set schedule. August, November and December will be the

    peak months during the 12 month campaign. During that time, advertisements,

    promotions and public relations will increase according to season.

    During the 12 month campaign all products will be sold online at Blackberry products will be sold nationwide in electronic stores such

    as Best Buy, Target, Walmart as well as online with third party websites. Blackberry

    reserves the right to sell their products through certain third parties.


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  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Launch Strategy

    This campaign will help with brand exposure, recognition and and reputation. It will

    expand customer loyalty. If the company is successful in these following strategies

    then there will be a larger market and new consumers.


    Entrepreneurs/ Business professionals




    Eye catching designs in various forms of print such as magazines and

    newspapers. This will be easy for all target markets to recognize the

    brand and company all while reading. These forms are easy to carry

    around and audience could see it multiple times. Outdoor print such as

    billboards, building wraps, bus stop and subway posters will be used to

    target all markets. This form will be effective for drivers and public

    transportation commuters.

    There will be multiple media platforms used in this campaign. Some of

    the most popular forms will be television commercial spots being aired

    at scheduled times. Television spots will be easily remembered for a

    creative form of exposure. Radio spots will be aired during peak hours

    such as rush hour, when the consumer is driving. Internet

    advertisements will be used in specific websites. This form would be the

    easiest way to reach all target markets due to the fact that the


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    advertisement will be in eye-sight for about 75% of the time. With

    social media becoming more and more popular, Blackberry will use

    websites and apps such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Using this

    form of marketing will allow interaction between the company and the

    consumer. The secondary market will be the market most reached in

    this form.

    Other forms of reaching all target markets will be in the form of

    sponsorship, product placement, celebrity endorsements and

    interactive kiosks.

    Promotion Budget:

    The marketing and public relations teams will work together to make sure that this

    campaign is successful in reaching all marketing objectives. There will be

    consistency in advertising throughout all forms of marketing.


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    1st Quarter:

    Television :30





  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Radio :20

    (Radio spots will run 3 times a day)





  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Magazine 1 Full Color Print Ad:





  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Newspaper full black and white advertisement:

    (All newspaper ads will run just once a month during week 2)




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    Internet colored sidebar advertisement:





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    One building half wrap for every 500,000 people in the city


    One still billboard for every 500,000 people in the city.

    (Language will vary depending on city demographics)


    One subway or bus stop (depending on city) poster for

    every 200 public transportation user.



    NHL sponsorship, logo placements on NHL team products.


    NHL sponsorship, logo placements on NHL team products.


    NHL sponsorship, logo placements on NHL team products.


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    2nd Quarter:

    Television :30





  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Radio :20

    (Radio spots will run 3 times a day)





  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Magazine 1 Full Color Print Ad:





  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Newspaper full black and white advertisement:

    (All newspaper ads will run just once a month during week 2)




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    Internet colored sidebar advertisement:



    July: (sidebar and 30 second ad before video)


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    One building half wrap for every 500,000 people in the city


    One still billboard for every 500,000 people in the city.

    (Language will vary depending on city demographics)


    One subway or bus stop (depending on city) poster for

    every 200 public transportation user.



    Mercedes Benz Formula 1 racing team, logo placements on

    suits and cars.


    Mercedes Benz Formula 1 racing team, logo placements on

    suits and cars.


    Mercedes Benz Formula 1 racing team, logo placements on

    suits and cars.


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    3rd Quarter:

    Television :30



  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan





  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Radio :20




  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan



    Magazine 1 Full Color Print Ad:



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  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Newspaper full black and white advertisement:

    August: Ads will run once a week

    September: Ads will run just once a month during week 2


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    October: Ads will run just once a month during week 2

    Internet colored sidebar advertisement:

    August:,,, (National trending topic), Yelp, (sidebar and 30 second ad before video)




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    One building half wrap for every 500,000 people in the city

    One still and one live billboard for every 500,000 people in

    the city. (Language will vary depending on city


    Two subway or bus stop (depending on city) posters for

    every 200 public transportation user.


    One still billboard for every 500,000 people in the city.

    (Language will vary depending on city demographics)


    One subway or bus stop (depending on city) poster for

    every 200 public transportation user.



    Mercedes Benz Formula 1 racing team, logo placements on

    suits and cars.


    Mercedes Benz Formula 1 racing team, logo placements on

    suits and cars.


    Mercedes Benz Formula 1 racing team, logo placements on

    suits and cars.


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan




    There will be product placement in a trending music

    artists music video. Product will be in music video for a

    minimum of 30 seconds.

    Interactive kiosks will be installed in various college

    campuses, electronic stores and shopping malls

    throughout the United States.


    Interactive kiosks will be installed in various college

    campuses, electronic stores and shopping malls

    throughout the United States.


    Interactive kiosks will be installed in various college campuses,

    electronic stores and shopping malls throughout the United



  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    4th Quarter:

    Television :30



  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan




  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan



    Radio :20



  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan





  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Magazine 1 Full Color Print Ad:




  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan



    Newspaper full black and white advertisement:

    November: Ads will run once a week


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    December: Ads will run once a week

    October: Ads will run just once a month during week 2


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Internet colored sidebar advertisement:

    November:,,, (National trending topic), Yelp, (sidebar and 30 second ad before video)

    December:,,, (National trending topic), Yelp, (sidebar and 30 second ad before video)




    One building half wrap for every 500,000 people in the city

    One still and one live billboard for every 500,000 people in

    the city. (Language will vary depending on city


    Two subway or bus stop (depending on city) posters for

    every 200 public transportation user.


    One building half wrap for every 500,000 people in the city


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    One still and one live billboard for every 500,000 people in

    the city. (Language will vary depending on city


    Two subway or bus stop (depending on city) posters for

    every 200 public transportation user.


    One subway or bus stop (depending on city) poster for

    every 200 public transportation user.



    Mercedes Benz Formula 1 racing team, logo placements on

    suits and cars.


    New York Christmas day Parade, no commercial



    Sundance Film Festival, logo placement will be used on red

    carpet backdrop and gift bags will include one product.



    There will be product placement in a television show

    Product will be in every other episode for a minimum of 7


    Interactive kiosks will be installed in various college


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    campuses, electronic stores and shopping malls

    throughout the United States.


    There will be product placement in a seasons highly

    anticipated movie. Product will be in movie for a

    minimum of 15 minutes.

    Interactive kiosks will be installed in various college

    campuses, electronic stores and shopping malls

    throughout the United States.


    Interactive kiosks will be installed in various college

    campuses, electronic stores and shopping malls

    throughout the United States.


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  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan



    Moving toward a more sustainable, holistic packaging approach reduces

    Blackberrys environmental footprint. New eco-friendly packaging for Blackberry

    smartphones, along with reduced transportation emissions, paperless

    documentation and new Blackberry accessories, help us deliver more sustainable


    Our compact box design for Blackberry smartphones is 55% smaller and 41% lighter

    than previous boxes. Blackberry has eliminated petroleum-based inks from all new

    product packaging since May 2012. All new Blackberry smartphones shipped since

    June 2012 are shipped with 100% fiber-based packaging that is fully recyclable.

    Printed paper documentation that ships with our products has been reduced and

    user guides are now available electronically. Lighter-weight paper is now used for

    printed information and new bands made of recycled paper bind the printed

    material on most products, replacing plastic bags in packaging.

    Our new package design allows for more than twice as many smartphones to be

    contained on a single shipping pallet. With fewer trips for delivery of the products,

    more efficient transportation and reduced emissions are achieved.

    Newly designed accessories also help to reduce the box size for Blackberry

    smartphones. The shorter and dual-function USB cable allows for connection to a

    computer for data transfer. The new Blackberry Charger can be used with both a

    Blackberry Micro-USB Cable and Blackberry Mini-USB Cable, eliminating the need for

    its own built-in cable.

    Size & Style

    Small, light, rectangular, matte black box

    Shined logo clearly visible on side of box


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Material & Extra Features

    100% fiber-based packaging that is fully recyclable.

    Lighter-weight paper


    Recycled material shows are committed to Eco-friendly production of


    Newly designed accessories also help to reduce the box size for

    Blackberry smartphones.

    The shorter and dual-function USB cable allows for connection to a

    computer for data transfer.

    Blackberry Mini-USB Cable, eliminating the need for its own built-in


    Package design allows for more than twice as many smartphones to be

    contained on a single shipping pallet




  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan



  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Success Metrics

    Blackberry intends to achieve a $850 million dollar sales income. We also hope to

    Increase market share and double it from 1.5% to 3%. The campaign aims to increase

    the intent of the customer to purchase by 15% by January of 2016 and increase brand

    name recognition by 10% by January of 2016. The marketing and advertising

    campaign will reach all of our target markets. It will also increase customer loyalty

    and help with brand reputation and image.

    First Year Goals:

    (Projections after the completion of the 2012-13 advertising campaign).

    Increase sales by 13.2%

    Measures of Success/Failure:

    Blackberrys capability to easily interchange between work and social life use, will be

    the main component of the marketing campaign. The security software will be

    advertised as well, but will have more information once markets look at the device

    more into depth. Blackberry will be competing against some of the most popular

    technological brands. We plan to be different by specifically targeting our target

    markets lifestyles.


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  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Public Relations

    Primary Market: Entrepreneurs/Business professionals Age 25-40

    Secondary Market: Students Age 18-30

    Tertiary Market: Business owners Ages 40-60


    1. To increase the brand image, reputation and customer loyalty of Blackberry by

    15% for calendar year 2015

    2. Brand exposure and media outlets will be used in achieve 30% for calendar

    year 2015

    3. The public relations team will work closely to execute five different Blackberry

    events by January 2016


    Press Kit:

    Brand exposure will begin with press kits being sent out to multiple magazine

    companies, electronic stores, business companies and celebrities. This will

    allow the consumer to see what Blackberry has to offer. Press kits will include

    the latest model of the Blackberry Playbook along with a wireless keyboard to

    use with the Playbook. To have a better understanding as to who is behind the

    product a letter from The Chief of Marketing, Frank Boulben will be included

    as well as a list of Blackberry achievements.


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Press Releases:

    Press kits will be distributed to multiple media outlets (Magazine, social

    media, broadcasting companies, electronic supply stores, high traffic websites

    and blogs) when presented and approved by copy editors and managers.

    Media Alerts:

    Twitter will be the most used form of media alerts. The Blackberry Twitter

    account will retweet all mentions by other companies or celebrities. News

    outlets, technology bulletins, blogs, and social media sites will be alerted

    when there will be a Blackberry event.

    Public Relations Schedule:

    Promotions, events and consumer report will occur during set times. With

    August, November and December being peak months, there will be relativity

    between the promotion, event or consumer report according to the specific


    Social Networking:

    Social media and networking will play an integral part of the Blackberry

    public relations and marketing campaign. Websites and apps allow the

    Blackberry and the consumer to easily interact. Facebook will be the most

    popular form of social media. Every person who likes the Blackberry fan page

    will be updated with real time news whether it be business news, current


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    events and pop culture life. Twitter will be the easiest way for Blackberry to

    respond the consumers thoughts or concerns in a playful manner all while

    maintaining a professional attitude. This is also the most popular form of

    media alerts due to the fact that Blackberry will retweet any mentions by any

    celebrity or a another company.

    Thought Leadership:

    Blackberry makes sure that every customer and consumer is happy with their

    product. The only way to achieve this is to make sure that only the highest

    quality materials are used all while maintaining and healthy and safe

    environment. Everyone at Blackberry gives their fullest attention and

    potential to each product, no matter what position one is.

    Crisis Management:

    Any questions or concerns will be responded to, depending on the form of

    outreach used. It could take anywhere between 1-6 days. Blackberry wants to

    resolve any problems that they are presented with. Blackberry employees will

    resolve any problems within the company, outside the company and customer

    concerns. The crisis management team will work closely with the public

    relations team to make sure that there are no problems and everythings goes

    on without a hitch.


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  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Creative Brief

    Blackberry has changed the way the world communicates. Each Blackberry

    device is meant to easily interchange the use between work life and one's social life.

    We want to create a product that is professional, responsible and safe all while being

    fun and modern. Having 16 different smartphone models allows the consumer to

    choose the right phone for their lifestyle.

    Blackberry will ensure that the stipulated goals are reached by utilizing

    resources efficiently. The goals to reach are to increase the intent of the customer to

    purchase by 15% and increase brand name recognition by 10% by January of 2016.

    We will do this by using the media sphere such as Facebook and Twitter to promote

    our brand. This will aid in targeting our primary and secondary audiences. We will

    also release commercials and billboards to create attention and therefore will

    increase our sales.

    Our advertisements carry messages such as make your presence felt and

    choose the right business partner. Getting the idea across that with our products a

    business partner will be able perform business transactions safely and efficiently.

    Our primary market will rely on their Blackberry product to get the job done fast and

    easy, all without having to worry about their safety and privacy. The multiplatform

    software integrated in each of our products also allows the consumer to switch

    between devices. This new development lets the user pick right up where they left off

    on either one of their devices, without any changes. So whether one is in the sitting

    down at their office or catching a train Blackberry will be there for you and will be

    one of the most reliable business partners one will ever have.


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Transitioning between work life and personal life has never been easier. RIM

    allows Blackberry users to create a separation between both those lives in their

    devices. We want to create a products that you can count on. Count on us to be there

    when you have to take that important conference call, or when you need to look up

    the closest place to get drinks with your friends, Blackberry will be there for you. One

    of our main ideas that we want to get across with this campaign is that we could

    have fun all while keeping it professional.


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan



  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan



    AT&T. Blackberry Curve 9360 - Piano Black. 2013..

    Blackberry. Blackberry - Devices. 2013..

    Blackberry Hardware and Software for Testing Purposes. 2013. 2013.

    Investors. 2013. 2013 .

    Press Releases. 29 October 2013. .

    Supply Chain. 2013. 2013.

    Epstein, Zach. BGR. 30 October 2013. 2013.

    Friend, David. RIM sells off 'non-core' New Bay Subsidiary. 28 December 2012. October2013.

    IDC. Worldwide Mobile Phone Market Forecast to Grow. 4 September 2013. 2013.

    Jurevicius, Ovidijus. SWOT Analysis of Blackberry (RIM). 17 May 2013. 2013.

    Ko, Megan. RIM Joint Venture to Invest $100M in China's Mobile Industry. 28 May2010. November 2013 .

    Lee, Tyler. Blackberry WorldWide Market Share Falls 1.7%. 12 November 2013. 2013.

    Reimer, Luke. Tag Archives: Collaborations. 14 June 2011. 2013.


  • 5/21/2018 Blackberry IMC Plan


    Reuters. FP Tech Desk. 13 February 2013. 2013.

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