Download - Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,

Page 1: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,

Best practices for evaluating sport and play-based interventions with displaced youth



Page 2: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,

OutlineA.  BackgroundB.  ProjectGoals,Objec+vesC.  MethodologyD.  Bestprac+cesforevalua+ngsportfor

protec+onofdisplacedyouth– Preliminaryresultsandrecommenda+ons

Page 3: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,



• Youthfleeingviolentcontextsareinapar+cularlyprecariousposi+on-stressandanxietyofforceddisplacement,economicandsocialloss,violence,adjus+ngtoanewlivingsitua+on


• Transi+oningfromchildhoodtoadulthood–naviga+ngsocietalexpecta+onsandfutureopportuni+es–educa+on/employment/familywithinhardshipcontext


• Outofallthe‘personsofconcern’recognizedbyUNHCR,themajorityarebetweentheagesof15and24years(Evansetal.,2013a)


• Sportsrecognizedtobringphysicalhealthandcontributetoposi+vesocialoutcomesamongdisplaced(UNHCR,IOC,&TDH,2016).

Page 4: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,

Background:Displacedyouthandsports•  ‘SportsforPeaceandDevelopment’field:

–  Focusonsupportforvulnerablegroupsworldwide–  Over2decades,hasburgeonedintoavastmovement,encompassing

numerousanddiverseorganiza+onsandtypesofini+a+vesglobally•  “Wecannotunderes2matetheimportantroleofsport…[but

mustrecognise]…thatthereneedstobesustainable,long-termsportsprogrammesbothincampsandurbanareaswhererefugeeslive”.(AscitedinUNHCRetal.,2016,p.2)–  Interna+onalOlympicCommifee(IOC)HonoraryPresidentJacques


Page 5: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,


Page 6: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,


displacedyouth•  MainPartners:Terredeshommes,UNHCR,IOC•  Consulta+vegroup:UNICEF,RighttoPlay,FightforPeace,

PeacePlayersInterna+onal,MercyCorps,WarChild,BrockUniversity,SwissAcademyforDevelopment,UniversityofBern–  Recognizetheposi+vepoten+alofsportonprotec+onofyouth–  Acknowledgetheneedforaconsolidatedapproachandguidancefor


–  Aredevelopingguidance/toolkitforconduc+ngsportswithdisplacedyouth,includingbestprac2cesinevalua2on.

Page 7: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,

ProjectGoalandObjec+vesProject goal: To develop a dedicated toolkit to support staff working in the field to practically design, implement, monitor and evaluate sports projects that aim to achieve protection outcomes to ensure concrete and measurable impacts. Objectives

a)  To identify /disseminate best practices b)  To produce operational guidance on how to design and how to

implement such projects c)  To provide dedicated monitoring and evaluation tools, and

guidance on how to measure protection outcomes reached through sports interventions

Page 8: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,






LiteratureReview Fieldvisits



Page 9: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,


Dates LeadAgency

Lebanon Jan31–Feb6 RighttoPlayLebanon

Jordan Feb7–Feb12 UNHCRRwanda March23-31 UNHCRColombia March16-23 UNHCRThailand May7-18 Various

Page 10: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,

FieldMethods§  1.In-personKeyInformant

Interviews§  2.Groupsessions:Par+cipant

Ac+onResearch§  Child-centeredreflec+vetools§  Quan+ta+ve/Qualita+vesportsorientedmonitoringandevalua+ontools

Thatdrawon:§  NewchildandyouthcentredapproachestoChildProtec+onM&E(IICRDCAPEGuide,OakFounda+on)

§  BuildingonIICRD/RTPcollabora+onindevelopingsports-focusedChildProtec+onM&Etools

Page 11: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,


Page 12: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,


International Institute for Child Rights and Development (IICRD) [email protected]

Page 13: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,

Best practices for evaluating sport for protection of displaced youth


Page 14: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,

Protec+onIssues•  Earlypregnancyandearlymarriage•  Foodinsecurityandpoornutri+on•  Lackofaccesstobasicneeds(food,shoes,clothing,play

spaces,equipment)•  Psychosocialwellbeing,includingsecondaryeffectsof

conflict–everydaylifechallenges•  Senseofsocialisola+on,hopelessness,heightenedaggression

•  Socialcohesion•  Drugabuseandalcohol•  Violence:SGBV,Domes+candInterpersonalviolence

(communalviolence/figh+ng),riskofrecruitment•  Unaccompaniedchildrenandyouth•  Lackeduca+onorschooldropouts

Page 15: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,


Physical:• Improvesphysicalhealth;givesenergyinthebody;helpspreventdisease


• Improvestofocusinschool


• Helpstoclearthemind;Bringspeacetothemind;helpstodistractfromthinkingaboutloss;bringshappiness;forgetproblemswhenplaying

Social:• Helpstodeveloppeacefulrela+onships;Makenewfriends(inandoutofthecampseing);preventssocialisola+on

Family:• Bringsthefamilyrespect(whentheywinorbringhomerewards);becomemorehelpfulandbehavebeferinthehome

Page 16: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,



§  Lackofsystema+cmonitoringandevalua+onandlackofrobustandpoorlydefinedoutcomes

§  Lackofmonitoringandevalua+onexper+seandlimitstoshort-termtechnicaltraining

Page 17: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,

Challengescont’d§  Lackofprogrammetheory


§  LackofNGOstaffcon+nuity§  Lifleopen,honestdiscussion


§  Prac+calchallenges:accessibilityofcamps,disbursedurbanpopula+ons,verymobilepopula+ons

§  Sustainabilityinprogramsinprotracteddisplacementenvironments(at+mestherearepurposefulshorttermprojects)

Page 18: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,


displacedyouth:•  Needtrusttobebuiltwiththetargetpopula+on

•  Considerpowerrela+onsandculturalfactors

•  Parentalengagement/consent

•  Considerafri+on(Whitleyetal.,2016).

Page 19: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,

Recommenda+onscont’d•  TheSocio-ecologicalmodelisrecommendedtoframeprogramdesignandM&Estrategy:–  Considera+onofcontextualfactorsintheplanningphaseofprogrammes

–  Includeflexibilityintheprogrammemodeltomanageoutsideinfluences

–  Indicatorsshouldbeforvariouslevels:individual,community,organiza+onal

•  Shareexamplesofbestprac+ces,compila+onofsampletools–  i.e.Terredeshommes–evalua+onofpsychosocialoutcomes

–  i.e.RTPplay-basedM&Etools

Page 20: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,




Comm- unity












Page 21: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,

Recommenda+onscont’d•  Par+cipatorymodelandstakeholderengagement•  Youthengagement•  Wherepossible,formulateindicatorsthroughapar+cipatoryapproach

•  (withinbroaderorganiza+onalrestric+ons)

•  Mixquan+ta+veandqualita+veplay-basedmethods

•  EnsureM&Escheduleissimple,nottoocumbersome

Page 22: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,

Ethicalconsidera+ons•  ImportanceofprogramEvalua+onstandards•  Meaningfulstakeholderengagement(nottoken)•  Figure:MutuallyReinforcingRela+onshipBetweenCulturalCompetenceandStakeholderEngagement•  Source:Gill,Kuwahara,Wills(2016),p.5

Page 23: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,

NextSteps•  1morefieldvisittoconduct–Thailand(CBO,Endogenoussports)

•  Addi+onalKeyInformantInterviews•  Ongoingcollabora+onwiththeSteeringCommifeeandConsulta+veGroup

•  Completeanalysis,synthesizeforfinalguidelines•  Developdissemina+onstrategiesNextphaseofproject:Pilotguidelines,includingM&Estrategies

Page 25: Best practices for evaluating sport and play- based ......displaced youth • Main Partners: Terre des hommes, UNHCR, IOC • Consultave group: UNICEF, Right to Play, Fight for Peace,

AcknowledgementsSupportandpartnershipfrom:•  Terredeshommes•  UNHCR•  Interna+onalOlympicCommifee•  Consulta+vegroup:UNICEF,RighttoPlay,FightforPeace,Peace


•  Thechildrenandyouthwhohavesharedtheirstoriesandperspec+ves

•  Coachesandstaff/fieldstaffworkingwithsportsprogram

International Institute for Child Rights and Development (IICRD) [email protected]