Download - BEMER -Celebrity Endorsements...BEMER Professional Athlete Endorsements PETER SMITH, Tennis USC Men's Coach, 2010 NCAA Champions testimonial" "We use a lot of different things but

Page 1: BEMER -Celebrity Endorsements...BEMER Professional Athlete Endorsements PETER SMITH, Tennis USC Men's Coach, 2010 NCAA Champions testimonial" "We use a lot of different things but

BEMER - Celebrity Endorsements

LINDA TELLINGTON-JONES, Renowned Animal Expert. 'The Horse Whisperer'. "The BEMER has a unique ability to enhance delivery of nutrients and oxygen while removing waste material from the blood. This make BEMER a must have product for those who want the very best for their animals."

CELESTE YARNALL, PhD. Star Trek Actress." ... after about 4 months use including the sleep program, one morning I woke up and realized my frozen shoulder (that had not responded to multiple other methods) was completely healed. I could stretch both arms up over my head. I am l00% devoted to my "Prime Directive" of daily and nightly BEMER use and sharing BEMER globally. I believe that this is how we can all, as we said on Star Trek, Live Long and Prosper!"

ATIILA PATAKY. Edda Muvek Hungarian Band. "With BEMER not only am I fitter and more motivated on stage,"

RUDOLF SCHENKER. The Scorpions Rock Band. "Since I've been using BEMER I feel stronger, have much more vitality and a completely new awareness of my body ... as though my body and mind have become one."

Page 2: BEMER -Celebrity Endorsements...BEMER Professional Athlete Endorsements PETER SMITH, Tennis USC Men's Coach, 2010 NCAA Champions testimonial" "We use a lot of different things but

BEMER� Professional Athlete Endorsements

PETER SMITH, Tennis USC Men's Coach, 2010 NCAA Champions testimonial"

"We use a lot of different things but the BEMER 3000 has really helped us! When we are done with the day we are tired. We need to get our energy back, we need to recuperate everything we lost. Now we can lie on this mat and we feel refreshed. The next day we feel a lot better."

MARC GIRARDELLI, Luxembourg Alpine Skiing. 5-time World Cup Ski Champion, BEMER Sports Ambassador. "BEMER had me convinced from the very first moment. Better endurance and decreased risk of injury are decidint factors in professional sports. Victory, or forgettable runner-up status. BEMER has become indispensable as an elite sports expert or in my personal life."

BORIS BECKER, Tennis Legend. 6-time Grand Slam and 3-time Wimbledon Winner. Winner of49 tournaments in singles and 15 in doubles. "My long career as a tennis pro has affected my body very deeply. I feel the enormous physical stress and the many injuries I had suffered all the more today. A fate to which any top athlete can probably relate. Since I started using the BEMER system, I feel a significant relief of my symptoms and my general well-being has substantially improved.

IVICA KOSTELIC, Alpine Skiing Olympic Silver Medalist, World Champion

DANIELA MEULI, Snowboard Olympic Winner, World Champion

ROBERT KARLSSON, Golf European Tour 11 time Winner, World Cup Winner

TOBIAS MEHNER, German Motorcycle Biathlon, 6-time German Team Champion. "BEMER is the Number One on my personal winner's podium."

REINHARD DIVIS, Austrian Champion Ice Hockey Goalie. "After an injury, I discovered BEMER and ever since I use it every day."

PATRICK GALLATI, Italian Mountain Biker. World and European Champion. "With BEMER I have my asthma under control and fell a lot better.

Page 3: BEMER -Celebrity Endorsements...BEMER Professional Athlete Endorsements PETER SMITH, Tennis USC Men's Coach, 2010 NCAA Champions testimonial" "We use a lot of different things but

SANDOR KAROLY SOCCER ACADEMY, Hungary Soccer Academy, "We use BEMER effectively for rehabilitation measures, for example the intensive treatment oftorn ligaments, pulled muscles, bruises, and trauma."

DANIELA MEULI, Swiss Snowboarding. Olympic, World Cup and World Champion. "To be a winner in snowboarding you have to give 100%. BEMER not only helps me optimize my training, but also supports me during the necessary regeneration phases."

CHRISTOPH SAUSER, Cross Country Mountain Biker .. Olympic Bronze Medalist and World Champion. "Sleeping on the BEMER mat is easy, and I think I recover really well during my sleep. I rarely experience days of low energy, even when I race a lot and train hard."

RnO HOLLENSTEIN, Swiss Racing Cyclist, Tour de France Competitor. "The BEMER applications help me regenerate much faster and better after training and competitions. Because of that, I have a higher performance capacity. The sleep program gives me a jump-start into the day and also allows me to regenerate even better. I can barely imagine a day without BEMER now.

THOMAS FRISCH KNECHT, Mountain Bike Racing. Olympic Silver Medal, World & European Champion, 12-time Swiss Champion. "The risk of injury is particularly high in my sport. I can significant lower thisrisk through excellent medical assistance and regular BEMER application."

LC BRUHL, Swiss Woman's Handball Team. 28-time Swiss Champion, 7-time Cup Winner. "Whether it is for the treatment of minor injuries or faster regeneration after e><:hausting games or training sessions, throughout the past years, BEMER has always supported us to quickly regain the level of fitness we needed."

TINA WEIRATHER, Liechtenstein World Cup Alpine Ski Racer. "I am convinced BEMER treatments has greatly relieved the injuries I sustained during the last few years. I often have back pain and bruises, especially very painful and protracted bruising caused by my ski shoes. I notice my injuries heal considerably more quickly and have been pleasantly surprised many times to regenerate far more quickly after tough training sessions, making it possible for me to train more intensively."

GUNTER TRAUB, Speed Skating and Roller Skate Racing. 15 World Records, 4 World Champion Titles in speed skating and roller skate racing.

GSTAAD-SCOTT RACING TEAM, Team Member SCOTT11, Mountain Biker. "SCOTTll Always carries two BEMERs. They are used all the time for regeneration after strenuous trainings on the track or to support the treatment of injuries."

Page 4: BEMER -Celebrity Endorsements...BEMER Professional Athlete Endorsements PETER SMITH, Tennis USC Men's Coach, 2010 NCAA Champions testimonial" "We use a lot of different things but

What Health Secret does the Swiss Olympic Team, NASA and the King and Queen of Bhutan have in common?

They all usc BEMER cutting edge German technology for improving performance, increasing health and vitality and for prevention. The root cause of most disease is poor microcirculation. Environmental toxins, poor diet and habits, stress, lack of sleep and exercise and aging all diminish microcirculation. The removal of metabolic waste from tissue cells becomes insufficient and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients is blocked, leading to inflammation and disease. The result is faster aging of cells, diminished resistance to free radicals, impaired healing, reduced mental and physical performance and a wide range of chronic diseases.

Some of the health conditions BEMER can help to improve are: Cardiovascnlar, neuropathy, varicose veins, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, organ insufficiency, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's attention deficit, dyslexia, autism, depression, tinnitus, hearing loss, sinusitis, immune dysfunction, infertility, insomnia, chronic fatigue, lymphoma, glaucoma, macular degeneration, migraines, eczema, psoriasis, wound healing, in:itable bowel, Cohn's disease, inflammation and pain. BEMER is used for faster healing from injuries and surgery, cancer recovery, for more efficient detoxification as well as in Veterinary Medicine.

BEMER gets to the root cause by increasing microcirculation by 30% and without any side effects! This is unparalleled; in comparison Statins drugs, exercise and Ginkgo balboa increase microcirculation by 5 to 7%. With regular BEMER Sessions people experience more energy, pain reduction, mental clarity, stronger immune system, stress reduction and anti-aging effects. Whether you have a chronic health condition or want to prevent disease and improve the quality of your life, nothing can match BEMER's results.

Using the BEMER for just 8 minutes 2 x a day increases: Micro Circulation by 30% Blood flow in Capillary Vessels by 29% Venous drainage by 31 % Vasomotion by 27% Oxygen utilization in tissues by 29% ATP cellular energy by 18%

BEMER is a scientifically proven class 2 medical Device in Europe and many other countries; in the US it is FDA registered. BEMER has its own category "Vascular Therapy". There arc numerous double blind medical studies from MS to non-healing ulcers that show tremendous benefits from BEMER Therapy.

Page 5: BEMER -Celebrity Endorsements...BEMER Professional Athlete Endorsements PETER SMITH, Tennis USC Men's Coach, 2010 NCAA Champions testimonial" "We use a lot of different things but

BEMER is now in Partnership with NASA to use this amazing technology for Astronauts in space.

This is what some of the Doctors in the US are saying about the BEMER: Dr. Klinghardt, Lyme Specialist "I totally trust the BEMER, one of the most valuable tools for optimal health". We use the BEMER daily in our clinic for microcirculation, reducing inflammation & pain, detoxification, stress relief and athletic recovery. The whole family can benefit with daily 8 minute use". Dr. Bernie Siegel "I have recently started using a BEMER and am already very pleased with the overall results that I am experiencing. These include more energy and a sense of physical and emotional wellbeing. This could be very helpful when undergoing treatments for cancer and other diseases."

Impmve your and your family's health with easy home use. If you are a health care professional or alternative healer you and your clients can be11efit. Bemer is easily integrated into a wide range modalities; Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Naturopaths, Physical therapists, Massage therapists, Psychotherapists, Nutritionists, Yoga teachers, Optometrists and integrative MD's are utilizing BEMER Therapy to improve Patient care and to increase their income.

Page 6: BEMER -Celebrity Endorsements...BEMER Professional Athlete Endorsements PETER SMITH, Tennis USC Men's Coach, 2010 NCAA Champions testimonial" "We use a lot of different things but