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Energy from Biomass

Lecture 2

Jeroen van Oijen

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Energy from biomass

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Course outline

1. Introduction

• Global warming

• Resources and potential

2. Properties and characterization

3. Conversion processes

4. Modelling reacting flows

5. Conversion of spherical particles

6. Front propagation in a fixed bed

7. Emissions

8. Conversion systems

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Course outline

1. Introduction

2. Properties and characterization

• Physical and chemical properties

• Composition of biomass

• Proximate and ultimate analyses

• Heating value

3. Conversion processes

4. Modelling reacting flows

5. Conversion of spherical particles

6. Front propagation in a fixed bed

7. Emissions

8. Conversion systems

Energy from biomass

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Properties and characterization

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Characteristics of biomass fuels

• Wide range of fuel types

• Important for

• Conversion technology

• Plant design

• Homogeneity

• Economy of scales

• Standardization


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Biomass properties

• Internet databases


• DoE Biomass program

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• Wood (untreated, treated)

• Grass

• Manure

• Waste

• Sludge

• Straw

• Husk/shell/pit

• Organic residue

• Algae

• Vegetable oil

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Physical properties (1)

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Moisture content Storage, dry-matter losses

Volatile content/


Thermal decomposition,

combustion technology

Ash content Dust emission, ash manipulation

Fixed carbon Combustion technology



Fuel utilization, plant design

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Physical properties (2)

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Ash melting Safety, process control


Health risks

Bulk density Logistics

Particle density, heat

capacity, conductivity

Thermal decomposition

Dimension, shape,


Conveying, drying, bridging,

combustion technology

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Chemical properties / elements (1)

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Carbon C Heating Value

Hydrogen H Heating Value

Oxygen O Heating Value

Nitrogen N NOx, N2O emissions

Chlorine Cl HCl, PCDD/F emissions, corrosion

Sulphur S SOx emissions, corrosion

Fluor F HF emissions, corrosion

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Chemical properties / elements (2)

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Potassium K Corrosion, ash melting

Sodium Na Corrosion, ash melting

Magnesium Mg Ash melting, utilization

Calcium Ca Ash melting, utilization

Phosphor P Ash utilisation

Heavy metals Emission, ash melting

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Structure of wood

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Softwood Hardwood

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Composition of woody biomass

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Composition of woody biomass

Combination of three CHO components

1. Cellulose

2. Hemicellulose

3. Lignin

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Composition of woody biomass

1. Cellulose (C6H10O5)n

• Structure, fibre walls

• Carbohydrate C6(H2O)5

• Polysaccharide

• Polymer of glucose C6H10O6

• n = ~104

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Composition of woody biomass

2. Hemicellulose (C5H8O4)n

• Encasing of cellulose fibre, cross links

• Carbohydrate, polysaccharide

• Other than glucose: xylose,…

• Branched shorter chain (~103)

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Composition of woody biomass

3. Lignin (C40H44O6)

• Fills the spaces

• Binding agent / strength

• Non-sugar polymer

• Aromatic structure

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Composition of woody biomass

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Cellulose Hemicellulose Lignin

Beech 45.2 32.7 22.1

Birch 44.5 36.6 18.9

Pine 45.0 26.4 28.6

Spruce 48.5 21.4 27.1

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Characterization methods

• Proximate analysis

• Moisture content

• Volatile matter

• Fixed carbon

• Ash content

• Ultimate analysis

• C, H, O, N, S, …

• Bomb calorimeter

• Calorific/Heating value

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Proximate analysis

• Place biomass sample on a scale in an oven filled with inert gas

• Heat up to 110˚C → moisture evaporates

• Measure weight loss → moisture content

• Wet basis:

• w = (wet weight-dry weight)/wet weight

• Dry basis:

• u = (wet weight-dry weight)/dry weight

• Conversion:

• w = u/(1+u) u = w/(1-w) u > w

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Moisture content

Moisture content may vary a lot

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Proximate analysis continued

• Sample is heated to 600˚C

• Devolatilization, pyrolysis

• Volatile matter (VM) is released from sample

• Tar: parts/monomers of (hemi)cellulose, lignin

• Gas: CO, H2, CH4, CO2, H2O…

• Weight loss gives VM content

YVM = weight loss / dry weight (wt % d.b.)

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Proximate analysis continued

• Air is allowed to enter the system

• The sample burns and ash remains

• Ash content

YAsh = weight ash / dry weight (wt % d.b.)

• Fixed carbon content determined by difference

YFC = 1 - YVM - YAsh (wt % d.b.)

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Proximate analyses

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Thermo-Gravimetric Analysis (TGA)

• Put sample in inert atmosphere

• Pure nitrogen N2

• Slowly heat up sample

• Heating rate ~20 °C/min

• Measure weight loss as function of time

• Typical result…

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TGA of pine bark

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10.47% moisture(0.5128mg)

49.41% Volatiles(2.419mg)

37.96% F.C.(1.858mg)

Residue:2.037% Ash(0.09972mg)




















t (%


0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Time (min)

Sample: Bark 90 micronSize: 4.8961 mgMethod: BiomassComment: first test

DSC-TGAFile: C:\TA\Data\TGA\Bark90micron.002Operator: AdrianRun Date: 5-Nov-03 13:58

Universal V3.0G TA Instruments

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Results of pine bark

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% Wet % Dry % DAF

Moisture 10.5 - -

Ash 2.1 2.3 -

Volatile Matter 49.4 55.2 56.5

Fixed Carbon 38.0 42.4 43.4


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Derivative TGA curve

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TGA and DTG for softwood biomass

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TGA and DTG for hardwood

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A devolatilization model

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Exam question

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Sample is put in N2 filled

furnace. After 45 min. the

temperature is increased to

110 ℃. After 30 min. it is

slowly increased to 600 ℃.

Finally, air is supplied.

a) Explain the curve.

b) Determine composition

on wet basis, and dry-

and-ash-free basis.

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Ultimate analysis

• Sample is burned in O2 atmosphere with He as carrier gas

• Combustion gases are CO2, H2O, NO, NO2, SO2, SO3 and N2

• SO3, NO and NO2 are reduced at copper contact to SO2 and N2

• H2O, SO2 and CO2 are captured in different adsorption columns

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Ultimate analysis continued

• N2 is not captured and is detected by a thermal conductivity detector (TCD)

• N2 → N

• Consecutively, H2O, SO2 and CO2 will be sent to TCD

• H2O → H

• SO2 → S

• CO2 → C

• Mass percentage is determined integrally

• O is found by difference

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Ultimate analyses

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Coalification (Van Krevelen) diagram

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Gross calorific / Higher heating value

• Empirical relation for biomass

GCV = 34.91 YC + 117.83 YH + 10.05 YS

– 1.51 YN – 10.34 YO – 2.11 Yash [MJ/kg d.b.]

Yi is content in wt% d.b.

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Calculation exercise for CH1.0O0.4375

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Bomb calorimeter

Device to measure

heating value

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Effect of moisture on heating value

• Gross Calorific Value (GCV) Higher Heating Value (HHV)

• Heat released during combustion per mass unit fuel

• Final temperature same as initial temperature

• Water is formed in liquid phase

• Net Calorific Value (NCV) Lower Heating Value (LHV)

• Water is formed in gaseous phase

• Latent heat + sensible heat (100-25℃)

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Lower heating value

Derived from HHV

Dry basis:

Wet basis:

YH = hydrogen wt% d.b. (~6%)

w = moisture content wt% w.b.

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Calculation exercise for dry CH1.0O0.4375

(1 ) 2.44wb dbLHV LHV w w

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• Inherent ash versus entrained ash

• Bottom ash versus fly ash

• Constituents

• Plant nutrients: CaO, MgO, K2O,

P2O5, Na2O

• Other oxides: SiO, Al2O3, Fe2O3

• Heavy metals: Cu, Zn, Cr

• Organic contaminants: PCDD/F

and PAH

• Ash utilization: manufacturing

cement and concrete, road

construction, soil improver,…

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Ash melting behavior

• Sintering: agglutination of particles

• Softening temperature: change of surface, rounding,


• Hemisphere temperature: spherically shaped

• Melting temperature: size reduced to 1/3

• Ca and Mg increase

• K and Na decrease

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Improving biomass quality

• Growing phase

• Harvesting date (moisture)

• Fertiliser (Cl in straw)

• Rainfall during storage on the field

• Supply phase: Upgrading

• Increase energy density

• More homogeneous

− Chunking, chipping, grinding

− Drying

− Compressing (pellets and briquettes)

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Leaching of barley straw by rainfall

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Conversion processes

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Biomass conversion routes

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Thermochemical conversion

• Advantage: High throughput, second generation


• Three main processes

• Pyrolysis Air ratio = 0

• Gasification Air ratio = 0.25 – 0.50

• Combustion Air ratio = 1 – inf.

• Difference: the amount of oxidizer (air) available

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Air ratio = Actual air fuel ratio

Air fuel ratio for stoichiometric combustion

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