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B2B PPC Campaigns that drive booth traffic

and deliver results

Approved Google Engage Agency

Page 2: B2B PPC Campaigns that drive Booth traffic

B2B Search Engine Marketing that Works. B2B Internet marketing is still in its infancy and trails

B2C by a country mile. But we think that’s going to

change in a big way. Because the things that make the

Internet so useful for consumers work for businesses

as well. Google and Bing and other search engines

are more than a place for consumers to find where to

purchase products. For B2B marketers it’s an online

library where your customers go to research new

products and services that relate to their business and

influence their own buying decisions. At LAS, we also

think that using search is a great way to establish

leadership positions. That’s why when you search

for “J2450” or “multilingual Google geo-targeting

strategies” our landing pages come up first. Because,

when potential customers find answers to their

business problems with your content, they are more

likely to think of you when they need your services.

In the automotive industry there are many conferences

and “trade shows” that serve verticals throughout the

supply chain. While auto shows like Geneva or the

North American International Auto Show in Detroit

come to mind first, every chain in the auto industry

has their own events that they spend a lot of money

to participate in. For instance, in the parts aftermarket

world there is the annual AAPEX conference held every

year in Las Vegas. According to the AAPEX website, in

2011 over 59,000 industry professionals attended this

event and over 15,000 were international executives

with 2,292 exhibitors and 4,929 booths. So standing

out and making sure your booth gets the traffic you

want is not easy. Here’s a tip to take advantage of

industry events that you may sponsor or participate in.

Page 3: B2B PPC Campaigns that drive Booth traffic

Time PPC Campaigns with key industry eventsEvery April, the annual SAE World Congress

is held in Detroit. Over 10,000 automotive

professionals from across the globe will be

attending. In 2011, there were 148 exhibitors!

Do you think every attendee visits every booth

while they are there? How do you make sure

they visit yours? The World Congress

is truly an international event with 30% of

the exhibitors being Asian and European

exhibitors. In the chart at right is the search

traffic on Google for “SAE World Congress.”

As you can clearly see, there is a huge spike

in search before, during, and after this event.

That’s the perfect time to prepare a PPC

campaign to advertise your booth to increase

interest and traffic.

Exhibiting is not inexpensive with booths

going from $7,500 to $30,000. That doesn’t

include the cost of preparing your exhibit

either. However, preparing a great booth

is only half the challenge. Getting people

to visit is just as challenging, with potentially

millions of dollars in customer orders at

stake. A minimal investment in a multilingual

PPC campaign can make your booth

stand out and increase visitors and your

company’s leadership position. Make search

engine marketing a part of your trade

show marketing plans to increase traffic

and sales opportunities and make your

investment a success!

For effective international and multilingual

SEO and PPC campaigns that make your

trade shows a success, contact Rick Woyde at

Language Arts & Science. Rick can be reached

by email at [email protected]

or at +1-248-246-0475.

The spike in the graph is search activity

during the “SAE World Congress”

PPC campaigns for event marketing is an inexpensive and effective strategy

to drive traffic to your booth

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Language Arts & Science333 West 7th Street, Suite 120

Royal Oak, Michigan 48065

P: 248-246-0475, F: 248-282-0433

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most from your translation needs!