Download - August 2014 The Voice

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Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 120 S. Henry Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 54302 (920) 468-4065



"Forgive and forget", that is what they told us. We have all tried; and while, with the Lord's help, we can forgive, the forgetting part is where the trouble lies.

Forgetting a past crisis, trouble, hardship, suffering, offense (or any of the other adjectives that describe the woeful part of our walk) is like trying to remove a red wine stain from white carpet. We just cannot get those bad memory-stains out of the weavings of our mind.

What's worse is$they can rob us of joy!

Many prickles of the past will fade (but will be easily retrieved with a small reminder, darn!) One husband said, "My wife does not get hysterical, she get historical, and that's worse!" Some memories we can laugh over, some we can't. Other emotional dents, from more traumatic events, will linger longer, popping back up in our minds, tripping our reactions, tipping our decisions, interactions, creating inner deceptions and even shaping our self-perceptions.

Bruce Springsteen, the famous singer-songwriter, said something close to this quote, "The things of our past are not gone, they are 'now', they are still here." "Forgive and forget", that is what they told us. The granny knot in that rope just won't untangle! What are we going to do with those "forget me knots" if we cannot forget them?

There is hope, hang on, Pilgrim!

It's what you DO with those unshakable memories that will determine if they will cause your life to slow or to grow. If you let them loiter in your mind like a bum on bench, they'll do nothing for you but

squeeze out your living space and slowly eat away your joy. But the Lord is waiting to take them and shape them into a learning trophy from your trail.

It's time to put the Word into faith-action. If He says it, we are going to believe it! Here He goes, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Rom. 8:28 KJV)." Right there He says He is going to make that unmovable memory work for your good! Ask yourself, "Has that event caused me to become a stronger person?" Or at least, "Have I learned something from that painful experience?" Of course! See how Christ is already using it for your good? He turns that old bum of a memory into learning trophy!

Our Lord will use that event to build your character.

Often times our old lingering thought-haunts wear us down. Know that, in Christ, you are now bigger than those troubles. Listen to what Romans 8:31-32a says, "What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son." It's time to turn in the old worn out dusty duds that come with those old memories and step into the new clothes Christ has for you! He has declared you a VICTOR over what you once thought were lost battles and old ambushes (imagine flags and banners and ticker tape parades just for you!). The Word says you are a "conqueror!" Romans 8:37 says, "No, in all these things we are more

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Our Saviour’s Voice

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than conquerors through him who loved us." It's time to put your chin up and stand tall again! Even if you lost in the past, He says you are still a winner!

Once that old Holy Spirit begins to brew up a fresh batch of faith in us, we will even see those old unforgettable memories as blessings! That may sound like a super stretch right away, but let that Word marinate in your soul and see what The Old Promise Books says. In Romans 5:4-5 St. Paul writes, "Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering

produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."

God works good from bad and we say, "Wowsers!"

Forgive$and let the Lord make the most of your memories! And what’s the coolest thing about God's grace?? He can forgive AND forget!

By David H. Hatch

September 2014 OSLC Usher Schedule Day: Date: Service: Lead Usher Team:

Thu. 04-Sep 6:30 pm Paul Kuehl Bill Baneck; † UN; † UN

Sun. 07-Sep 7:45 am Allen Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg

Sun. 07-Sep 9:15 am David Bitters Shelley/ Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Jim Parks

Sun. 07-Sep 10:45 am Mike Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft

Thu. 11-Sep 6:30 pm Rich Spangenberg Norman Krueger; † UN; † UN

Sun. 14-Sep 7:45 am John Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; † UN

Sun. 14-Sep 9:15 am Wendy Frick Roxanne/Randy Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; Jack Grant; Mitch Waniger

Thu. 18-Sep 6:30 pm Charles Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick

Sun. 21-Sep 7:45 am Matt Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux

Sun. 21-Sep 9:15 am Dave Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer; Trey Boerschinger;

Sun. 21-Sep 10:45 am Gerald Buechner Carmen & Lloyd Leuthner; Rich Spangenberg

Thu. 25-Sep 6:30 pm Paul Kuehl Bill Baneck; † UN; † UN

Sun. 28-Sep 7:45 am Mike Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler

Sun. 28-Sep 9:15 am Randy Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany & Brian Duff; Jennifer Linssen; † UN

Sun. 28-Sep 10:45 am Mike Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft

† UN -Usher Needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher; Please contact the Lead usher of the group you'd like to join, Or, contact Rich Spangenberg (920) 857-3014 or email "[email protected]"

LWML FALL LWML FALL LWML FALL LWML FALL RETREATRETREATRETREATRETREAT Information about this retreat, open to all women, and the registration form to attend the LWML Fall Retreat at Camp Luther, September 4-6 can be found on the office hallway bulletin board. Please note that all registrations must be received and paid no later than August 18. If you have any questions about this retreat (or even just about LWML), please contact Sandy Groth at (920) 468-0665 or [email protected]. For the first time, financial assistance (three scholarships of $60 each) will be available to women of OSLC for the LWML Retreat at Camp Luther. Complete a scholarship request form (pick one up in the church office) and return no later than August 7 with your Retreat registration form and check (less $60). If selected for a scholarship, your payment will be sent with the $60 award and your registration form. Questions? Ask Michelle!

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The Super Sale will be held on Saturday, August 16 from 8am-4pm. AND WE NEED YOUR HELP!

The tables will be up and the merchandise will be brought up from the basement July 26-28. We ask

that all donations now be brought directly to the gymnasium between 9AM and 3PM on any

weekday (only thru Wednesday, August 13 at 3pm). Remember, only items that work and are in

good condition should be brought in. Also, we do not sell clothes, encyclopedias or TVs/computers

(except flat panel monitors). We ask that all donations be brought in no later than 3pm on

Wednesday, August 13 so that we have time to ready them for the sale. If you need pick up service,

please contact Michelle at the church office (468-4065 or [email protected]) to schedule that as soon

as possible. If you can put up a poster at work or places you shop, stop in the church office to get

one (8.5x11 & 11x17 are available).

We will prepare merchandise for sale every weekday beginning at 9AM until about 3PM starting on

July 28. Come and stay as long as you are able. Bring a lunch and fellowship with the other

volunteers while we eat. We will also need people to help on the day of the sale - men, women and

youth needed. Cashiers and Baggers will work in teams, Rovers will walk the gym and watch/assist

the shoppers to be sure everyone shopping is honest, Carry-out people will help the customers take

things to their cars, and Hold Table people will work in teams and watch merchandise saved for

visitors while they continue to shop. Kitchen workers will frost and sell cinnamon rolls, drinks and

sloppy joes. The sign-up sheets are located in the Welcome Center or volunteer by calling Jill Proulx

at 465-1437 (home) or 265-1402 (cell) or emailing her at [email protected].

At this year’s sale, we will again sell sloppy joes and our famous Our Saviour cinnamon rolls! We

will also have drinks and snacks for sale so plan to shop and have a something to eat as well. The

mission of this sale is to not only earn money for the church but to also show God’s love through our

actions. It is amazing how appreciative people are when they find the just what they were looking

for at a reasonable price. We hear many comments on how kind and caring our church family is.

Come and experience this for yourself by helping, shopping, having something to eat and sharing

our love of Christ with the customers we serve.


WOW-----WE DID IT!! The LWML Mite Goal for the North WI District was reached two months before the end of our fiscal year. Not only that, we surpassed the goal by $11,000!!

Thank You to all who contributed to our MIte Box Mission. You do GREAT things with your $'s. The grants that were paid are posted on the LWML wall in the hallway. Stop and check out your accomplishments. Our congregation alone sent $330.00!


NEEDS YOU!!NEEDS YOU!!NEEDS YOU!!NEEDS YOU!! It’s already August and we need to get

prepared for Sunday school. Team teachers

are needed. Youth are also encouraged to

volunteer as class helpers. Please contact

Heidi Krause at (920) 785-0373, (920) 265-

1082 or by email at

[email protected] to volunteer.

Volunteers are not required to teach every

week. We will work to team you up with a

veteran teacher to “Train up a child in the

way he should go: and when he is old, he will

not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

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WHAT’S UP NEXT MONTH? GBLSA Brat Fry at Festival, De Pere September 7 from 11a-6p

Monthly Fish Fry #1 September 12 from 5-6:30p

Foxy Lady Cruise for GBLSA September 13 from 5:30-7:30p

Fall Rally & Pot Luck Lunch September 14 (no 10:45am service)

Packer Home Game September 14 (3:25pm kickoff)

First Day of Confirmation Classes September 17 (Wednesdays; 6pm)

Michelle-Vacation (NO SCRIP) September 19, 22-26

GBLSA Community Celebration September 20 (at Our Saviour) from 11a-7p

First Day of Sunday School September 21 at 9:15am

Altar Guild Meeting September 29 at 6:30pm

OFFICIAL ACTS Baptisms Sophia Jean Willemon Born: April 19, 2014 Baptized: June 22, 2014 Daughter of Brian Willemon and Rhiannon Aspenson Elska Rose Teresa Sheffer Born: March 22, 2014 Baptized: June 22, 2014 Daughter of Lloyd and Sarah Sheffer Avery Grace Parmentier Born: December 13, 2013 Baptized: June 22, 2014 Daughter of Matt and Alicia Parmentier

Adalynn Mae Umentum Born: April 26, 2014 Baptized: July 13, 2014 Daughter of Todd and Sherri Umentum Alec James Denny Born: March 14, 2014 Baptized: July 20, 2014 Son of Krista Kostka Khloe Isabella Campbell Born: November 1, 2013 Baptized: July 20, 2014 Daughter of Christopher and Jennifer Campbell

Weddings Tera Brennan and Nickolas Johnson United at Our Saviour on July 7, 2014

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Meet the Author

Stephenie Hovland

September 14

Rally Day


Our Saviour Lutheran Church

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Pre-order forms for Lydia Believes



To be sure you get a personally signed book

on Rally Day, fill out this form and return it

to Stephenie Hovland or the church office by

September 1.

Your name: ____________________

How many books? ______________

Have you enclosed money to cover thecost? $2.75 per book. Books can be ordered that day as well.

To be sure you get a personally signed book

on Rally Day, fill out this form and return it

to Stephenie Hovland or the church office by

September 1.

Your name: ____________________

How many books? ______________

Have you enclosed money to cover thecost? $2.75 per book. Books can be ordered that day as well.

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Bridging the Gap -by Maggie Hinz

On any given Sunday, while you’re reading the bulletin, or listening to Pastor’s announcements, you’ll hear something about Green Bay Trinity School. When this happens, what do you do? Obviously, if you have children in the school, or some close, personal affiliation, you probably pay attention. But what if you don’t have children, or your children don’t attend Trinity, or your children have been out of your home for a very long time? Then what?

In 1 Corinthians, Paul says “But God has put the body together…so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have

equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every

part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” Each Sunday, we pray for individuals we don’t know, from prayer petitions. We rejoice with a family we’ve never met, through their child’s baptism. We shake the hands of fellow parishioners, whose paths won’t cross ours again until the following Sunday. Of course, on some Sundays we join at tables together and devour cinnamon rolls, but I’ll save that for another time. Separate, we are individuals, but together, we are one, the body of Christ!

So it is with Green Bay Trinity Lutheran School. The Green Bay Lutheran School Association (GBLSA), is an association of Lutheran churches (Christ of the Bay, Faith, Hope, Our Saviour, and Redeemer) who together, support Lutheran education at Trinity, through various methods. Whether or not you have a child attending Trinity, Trinity is YOUR school. Our students pray for you, for your families, and your church. Our students learn daily to serve one another and you, in their actions and their choices. Many grow up to become church workers, teachers, and Pastors...each an important part of the body of Christ.

So the next time you hear or read something about Green Bay Trinity, pay special attention. It could be that eye to help you see, or the hand that you are looking to hold. As we, as an association, pray for this school to help raise children to know Christ, and to share Christ’s love, we also need the rest of our church body to make that happen.

The GBLSA has two exciting events coming up in the next few months. These are being planned with the members of our association churches in mind. Please consider participating in one or both. In the meantime, know that you are in the prayers of each and every one of our students, staff, and board members. Please also know that your prayers for Green Bay Trinity and the association churches are always sincerely appreciated.

Foxy Lady “Date Night on the River” – September 13, 2014 (You must be at least 21 to participate)

We have reserved the entire “Foxy Lady” boat for an evening away from work, kids, and other life-obligations. Oh, and no, it doesn’t mean you have to have a date. Just come out to enjoy conversation, hors d’ oeuvres, and music, set to the rhythm of slow sailing along the shores of the Fox River. A cash bar will be available.

Boarding is scheduled for 5:15pm. Please allow enough time to find parking and to walk to the boarding area.

Tickets are just $35 each and are available for purchase from the church office or any GBLSA member.

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(Bridging the Gap - continued from page 7)

Our hope is to encourage twenty-five members of the five association churches to sponsor the event with a contribution of $250. This contribution will include two tickets and recognition during the event. This support will cover the fixed costs, allowing additional ticket sales to benefit the association and school. I am pleased to inform you that we have seven sponsors that have already taken the lead. Will you be next? You may consider sponsoring through a committee or group you belong to at church. If you are unable to attend, but wish to sponsor, we would be happy to gift the tickets to two individuals of your choosing.

Green Bay Lutheran School Association (GBLSA) Community Celebration/Picnic – September 20

What is better than a church picnic, right? Wait, are you ready? How about a church picnic put on by FIVE congregations? This is another new event this year. Our five association churches, including Our Saviour, are teaming up to put on a fantastic family celebration, while also offering the public a chance to come share in the fun and fellowship!

This event promises to be an awesome fun-filled outing, featuring musical entertainment by The Shy Guys, along with food, prizes, bingo, and a whole host of activities for the kids. 50% of the proceeds will benefit the association; the remaining proceeds will be equally divided among the participating association congregations.

The event is scheduled from 11am-7pm and will be held at Our Saviour Lutheran Church.

Each church is asked to be part of this event. We will need lots of volunteers to plan, organize, brainstorm, bake, and create as well as set up, work day of, cook, guide, and clean up. This is a tremendous opportunity for Our Saviour members to support our own church, the GBLSA, and our sister congregations. As we see with the fish fries, students are eager to volunteer. Volunteer as a family for an hour or two, and together you can share in the joy of service, while having a great time! We will be advertising specific volunteer needs in the next few weeks. However, if you know you would like to help, please feel free to contact us sooner. For now, MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR SEPTEMBER 20!

A couple side notes:

*We are going to be having a large raffle. We are currently in need of items to be given as prizes. If you can donate an item of any value, it would be greatly appreciated. Also, consider who you know and ask family, friends and/or employers. We will be recognizing donors and are willing to distribute information and/or coupons on their behalf.

*Finally, we are also accepting corporate sponsorships for this event. Any donation, financial or in-kind, over $250, is considered a sponsorship. If sponsoring a specific part of this event is of interest, consider sponsoring the cost of the band, a bouncy house rental, a portion of the food, paper items needed in the food stand, etc. In these cases, an individual sign of recognition would be created for display in that area.

To speak to someone regarding either of these events, purchasing tickets, sponsorships, volunteering, or

general questions contact Maggie Hinz at (920) 265-6432 or [email protected].

We look forward to growing with you!

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LABOR DAY WEEKEND RETREAT (August 29-September 1) – Relax and let

Camp Luther plan your next holiday weekend. Enjoy a flexible and relaxing

schedule with your family and other families. Activities include pontoon rides,

kayaking, trail biking, swimming, cookouts, softball, disc golf, Bible study,

campfire devotions and much more. Start a new family tradition this year!

CAMP LUTHER SUMMER PICTURES – Check out our photo gallery at You’ll find pictures from all of our camp weeks there. See what’s been

happening this summer. You might even find a picture of someone you know!

NEW AT CAMP LUTHER..."MIDDLE SCHOOL KICKOFF" September 26-28 (Grades 4-6) – This brand

new event for your middle school group is a great way to start the year. It will include time for

activities as separate youth groups as well as large group games, devotions, and Bible Studies, all

lead by the Camp Luther staff.

COTTAGE RETREATS THIS FALL AT CAMP LUTHER – Enjoy a cottage retreat at Camp Luther this

fall. Our cottages have everything you will need for a relaxing getaway in the midst of God's

beautiful creation. When you are done for the day, settle in for a cozy evening next to the fireplace.

Stay for a weekend or a week. Camp Luther offers a special rate, 50% off of our regular rate, after

Labor Day. Check out "Cottage Retreats" at

COUPLES RETREAT AT CAMP LUTHER (Sept. 19-21) – From newlyweds to empty-nesters, this is

a retreat for married couples of all ages. You will find time to spend as a couple as well as in

fellowship and Bible study with other Christian couples. A guest speaker will lead "couple" oriented

Bible study/learning sessions. The weekend will include time to enjoy camp and local activities

both as a couple and as a group. There is also a special candlelight dinner planned.

CONSIDER A "WISH LIST" DONATION TO CAMP LUTHER – Camp Luther maintains a list of

current items needed to sustain and support their ministry. Our list has a wide variety of items. We

appreciate the donations of many individuals who have helped us to keep up with the ever changing

needs at camp. You can see our current list under the "Get Involved" tab at

LIVE, LAUGH & LOVE LADIES RETREAT AT CAMP LUTHER (Oct. 3-5) – Just for the ladies, this

weekend is all about relaxing and refueling with God's Word. Leave the pressures of work, home,

and life behind and join others for a refreshing and renewing weekend. The schedule is designed to

draw you closer to God and to each other through a variety of individual, large group and small

group activities. Activities will include Bible study, devotions, "Cranberry Fest" in Eagle River,

special craft activity, "Ladies night out," as well as other camp favorites like walking, biking, and

canoeing in the beautiful fall weather.

KEEP UP WITH CAMP LUTHER THROUGHOUT THE YEAR – As the summer months come to a

close, you can keep up with Camp Luther to see what exciting things are up and coming. Join us on

Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. We even have a Facebook group called "I Was A Camp Luther, WI

Camper". This is a great way to keep up with what other campers are doing throughout the year.

Just because summer is over doesn't mean you have to say "good-bye" to camp until next year!

Camp Luther is a subsidiary ministry of the North Wisconsin District-LCMS. Our mission is to build up

believers in Christ for service to the church and witness to the world.

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Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of ‘The Voice” each month. If you would like to advertise, please contact Michelle in the church office at (920) 468-4065 or [email protected]. Please support the sponsors who support us.

“Our Saviour’s Voice” is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Green Bay, Wisconsin. Vacancy Editor, Michelle Burhite. Please feel free to contact the church office with constructive suggestions and/or comments at [email protected]. Thanks to those who have already commented! We are always seeking more congregational input and submissions.


Senior Pastor – David H. Hatch (920) 609-0248 [email protected]

Associate Pastor – Greg Hovland (920) 544-3614 [email protected]

Church Office – Michelle Burhite (920) 468-4065 [email protected]

Preschool Director – Christina Scholz (920) 468-3596 [email protected]

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August 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

3 7:45am Trad Worship

7:45am Bible Study

9:15am Praise Worship

w/Holy Baptisms

9:15am Bible Study

10:30am Bible Study

10:45am Trad Worship

12:00pm Golf Outing

4:15pm D3 Softball

TBD D1 Softball Tourney


5 7am Bible Study

9am Bible Study

10:30am Staff Meeting

6 6pm Praise Band

7 12:15pm Brown Bag


6:30 pm Worship




2 7:30pm Packers

Family Night



10 Mite Box Sunday 7:45am Trad Worship

7:45am Bible Study

9:15am Praise Worship

9:15am Bible Study

10:30am Bible Study

10:45am Trad Worship

TBD D1 Softball Tourney

11 6pm P&F meeting

6:45pm Council

12 6:30am Fall Primary


7am Bible Study

9am Bible Study

10:30am Staff Meeting

13 6pm Praise Band

14 12:15pm Brown Bag


6:30 pm Worship


Michelle Out at Noon


16 8am Super Sale

Until 4pm

17 7:45am Trad Worship

7:45am Bible Study

9:15am Praise Worship

9:15am Bible Study

10:30am Bible Study

10:45am Trad Worship

18 7pm Board of Ed

Pastor Greg - Vacation

19 7am Bible Study

9am Bible Study

Pastor Greg - Vacation

20 6pm Praise Band

Pastor Greg - Vacation

21 12:15pm Brown Bag


5:30pm Trinity ‘Back to

School’ Night

6:30 pm Worship

Pastor Greg – Vacation

22 7pm Packers v

Oakland at Lambeau

Pastor Greg - Vacation


Pastor Greg - Vacation

24 7:45am Trad Worship

7:45am Bible Study

9:15am Praise Worship

9:15am Bible Study

10:30am Bible Study

10:45am Trad Worship

12pm Trinity Family Picnic

at Bay Beach

Pastor Greg - Vacation

25 6:30pm GBLSA

7pm Stewardship

First Day of School –

Green Bay Trinity

26 7am Bible Study

9am Bible Study

10:30am Staff Meeting

27 6pm Praise Band

28 12:15pm Brown Bag


6pm Packers v Kansas

City at Lambeau

6:30 pm Worship

29 30

31 7:45am Trad Worship

9:15am Praise Worship

10:45am Trad Worship

Super Sale – Every weekday until August 15, feel free to volunteer for Super Sale set up. Workers gather from 9am-3pm

daily to clean, organize and price items for the August 16 Super Sale. Questions about volunteering for set up and the

‘day of’ opportunities should be directed to Jill Proulx at 265-1402.

SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED – Contact Heidi Krause at [email protected] or call 785-0373.