Download - Aug Tooter 180820 - · 8/8/2018  · 2012 to that is free and allows visitors to explore the sanctuary's remark-able marine environment, as well as their personal role

Page 1: Aug Tooter 180820 - · 8/8/2018  · 2012 to that is free and allows visitors to explore the sanctuary's remark-able marine environment, as well as their personal role

1 | The Aqua Tooter August, 2018 Our 63rd year of diving safety & fun !! August, 2018

Since 1958... a publication from the Aqua Tutus Diving Club, a non-profit organization established to promote Water Safety and to further the sport of SCUBA Diving.

MEETING SCHEDULE General Club Meeting: First Thursday of Every Month at 7:30 p.m. (except December) Board of Directors Meeting: Third Thursday of Every Month at 7:00 p.m. (except December) Location: Ricky’s Sports Theatre & Grill 15028 Hesperian Blvd. San Leandro, CA 94578

UPCOMING CLUB HIGHLIGHTS Sept 6: General Club Meeting Sept 20: BOD Meeting Sept 15: Club Dive, San Carlos Beach See dives & MANY more activities in “Upcoming Activities” in club minutes below !!

For a complete listing of club activities visit Meetup or ATDC Event Calendar.


Entertainment Report ........................2-3 Upcoming Events............…………….. 5 General Meeting Minutes …………..…. 6 BOD Meeting Minutes ………………… 7 Special articles …………….……..…. 8-10 Useful Links ……………………….…11


Thank you presenters and newsletter con-

tributors for making this Aqua Tooter possi-

ble: Lola Johnson, Alan Throop, Helga

Mahlmann, Brian Nelson (MBNMS), Gayle

Hudson, Jono Dove, Don Kelsey, Kat Smith.

Thanks to Steele’s Discount Scuba for sending member candidates to Aqua Tutus Diving Club. Steele’s is located at:

5987 Telegraph Avenue Oakland, CA 94609 (510) 655-4344


At our September 6 meeting, Linda Hunter from the Wild Oyster Project will

speak about their work to restoring wild oysters into the San Francisco Bay.

Before industrial activities such as filling, dredging, and channelization

changed the Bay, millions of oysters, living on expansive reefs, thrived in these

areas. Today, only a tiny fraction of the oyster population exists. Enough wild

oysters live in the San Francisco Bay to rebuild reefs, but the oysters don't

have the hard surfaces such as other oysters to attach to and grow.

The Wild Oyster Project is working with local oyster farmers and oyster lovers

to recycle oyster shells to build native oyster reefs. They are also partnering

with local planners and developers to build sustainable natural habitats to pro-

tect against erosion and rising sea lev-


Construction of native oyster reefs

will help reduce erosion along shore-

lines while also helping to restore other

ecosystem services to the estuary, in-

cluding filtering the murky waters of our


Remembrance for Joe “Aloha” Timmons

Following the club dive at San Carlos Beach on September 15th, the club will have an informal remembrance for Lifetime Club Member Joseph “Aloha” Tim-mons, who died in a motorcycle accident on July 4, 2018. Those who wish to participate can meet at the tables overlooking the beach at 2:00, where we will then make our way down to a quiet section of the beach. San Carlos Beach is located at the south end of Cannery Row in Monterey, next to the breakwater. After the short remembrance there, we will move to the side room at Gianni’s Pizza at 725 Lighthouse Drive, Monterey at 3:00 for a no-host meal if desired and where the club scrapbook will be available for reminiscing. All who knew Joe are welcome to come to either or both gatherings. Those planning to meet at Gianni’s, please RSVP to [email protected] to help assure sufficient space.

Wild Oyster website

Wild Oyster website Linda Hunter

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2 | The Aqua Tooter August, 2018

ENTERTAINMENT REPORT (all photo credits Brian Nelson except where noted)

By Alan Throop At our August 2 General Meeting, Brian Nelson presented an interesting and informative program on the Monterey Bay

National Marine Sanctuary 1

(MBNMS), where he talked about what it is, how it’s orga-nized, how decisions get made, what projects they work on, how divers and other groups provide input, and clar-ified a lot of questions and misconceptions about the Sanctuary. Brain is the Diving Safety Officer at the Monterey Harbor-master’s office, a US Coast Guard Licensed Mariner, and a Course Director with PADI. But he spends a lot of time and energy serving the on MBNMS Advisory Council – a 20 member group representing those impacted by the sanctuary - and of which he is both the diving community representa-tive as well Chairman of the Council. He also chairs the Sanctuary Tourism and Recreation (STAR) Working Group, so Brian is well-qualified to represent us as divers and to speak about the Sanctuary. Brain’s wife Mary Jo Nelson is the captain of the Beachhopper II dive boat, and she also attend-ed the meeting and brought a nice collection of raffle items (thank you, Mary Jo). Brian first showed a short video that introduced what the Nation-al Marine Sanctuaries are. The time was about 1970 when the Apollo missions first got large distances away from our plan-et earth and dramatically revealed the first images of our earth as a small blue planet, alone in space, and dominated by the oceans. It was also the time when scientists and peo-

ple in general began to recog-nize the damage that was be-ing done to the earth’s envi-ronment - and to our oceans in particular. The Santa Bar-bara oil spill occurred in 1969 and it drew attention to the plight of our oceans and how important our oceans are to

the overall health of our planet and the life on it. In re-sponse, in 1972, Congress passed the National Marine

Sanctuaries Act 2 that allowed for the creation of marine

sanctuaries with a mission to “protect, research, and edu-cate” ocean areas with “special conservation, recreation-al, ecological, historical, cultural, archeological, scien-tific, educational, or aesthetic qualities”. There are cur-

rently 14 National Marine Sanctuaries 3 (NMS) that togeth-

er encompass 783,000 square miles of ocean. The Monterey Bay NMS was designated on September 18, 1992. It extends along the central coast, from San Fran-cisco in the north, to Cambria in the south, and from the

shoreline (mean high tide) to about 26 statute miles out to sea. It encompasses 6,094 square statute miles and 276 miles of shoreline, and en-compasses a rich mixture of kelp forests, continental shelf, deep ocean and canyons (12,713 ft at its deepest), sea-mounts, and estuaries (including Elkhorn Slough Re-serve). At the north, it borders two other NMSs: the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank.

Brian explained that the

NMS administration falls under the National Oceanic and

Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which itself is under

the Department of

Commerce. Within


administration is

under the National

Ocean Service

(NOS). Each NMS

develops and fol-

lows an individual

management plan

that ensures re-

source protection, provides research and education, and

facilitates recreational and commercial uses that are com-

patible with the primary goal of resource protection. For the

MBNMS, there are about 30 staff and contractors at the main

office in Monterey, with satellite offices in Santa Cruz and San

Simeon. This team works closely with local communities, busi-

nesses, environmental organizations, users groups, scientists,

citizens, educators, and other agencies to identify and resolve

key issues.

A key element to managing the MBNMS is the Sanctuary

Advisory Council, which advices NMS management on sanc-

tuary activities and policies. The Council consists of 20 voting

members that

represent a wide

scope: 5 coastal

counties, 12

coastal cities, 6


Districts, 9 million

people, and users

from the fishing,

commercial, recre-

ation, research, military, agriculture, and other interests. The

NMS/NOAA video

MBNMS website

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3 | The Aqua Tooter August, 2018

reefs has already been signed off by the Sanctuary, but it is now at the State Coastal water commission for approval. Re-cently, the issue of urchin barrens has been of key concern to the Council. Every 5 years, the Coun-

cil reviews and publishes a

revised Management

Plan that establishes the

priorities (in the eyes of

the Council) for action by

regulators; Brian said that

artificial reefs has their #2

priority, so maybe we will

see some in the next few years!

If you want to learn more about what the Sanctuary, Brian

suggested that you visit the Sanctuary Exploration Center 5

in Santa Cruz, lo-

cated at the foot of

the wharf in Santa

Cruz. This is a

12,000 sq. ft.,

$15.9 million center

that opened in

2012 to that is free

and allows visitors

to explore the

sanctuary's remark-

able marine environment, as well as their personal role in pro-

tecting this special underwater treasure.

At the conclusion of their talk, Mary Jo raffled off a really

nice selection of diving

accessories that she do-

nated. It brought a lot of

celebration and fun as

names were drawn and

prizes were carefully se-

lected. Some new guests

to the meeting were win-

ners … perhaps it will

encourage them in their


We thank Brian and Mary Jo for taking their time and ener-

gy to present this informative and fun program to us, and for

donating the hardware for the raffle. We also appreciate the

dedication that Brian has to representing divers to protect the

extraordinary resources that we enjoy within the Sanctuary.

Links in article: 1

h�ps:// 2

h�ps://�on/ 3

h�ps:// 4

h�ps:// 5


projects that they work on are large in scope and complicat-ed, often highly technical, and with few simple answers. The Council meets about every-other month at various locations up and down the sanctuary to allow for local input. Activities are communicated via the bi-monthly Advisory Council

newsletter 4, which Brian produces and has a lot of good

information in it; you can sign up at the link below. It’s at the council where all the discussions, debates, and tradeoffs get made between parties that often have oppos-ing interests, but also need to come together to the best so-lution for all involved. For example the agricultural interests need to use fertilizer, but runoff is a huge issue for coastal pollution, so they are working together to try to find smart ways to reduce both the amount and the loss of fertilizer. The Council doesn’t make or enforce law, but it provides recommendations and research to other regulatory agen-cies (e.g., National Marine Fishery Service) that then writes and enforces laws. The Council also actively links regula-tors to scientist – and vice versa – to provide the best in-formation to help the decisions the agencies make. Enforce-ment is provided by other agencies such as Coast Guard, Office of Law Enforcement, Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, etc. As the diving representative, Brian provides both input from, as well as impact on, the diving community re-garding Council issues. As divers we are more aware of the changes in the ocean than most other users of the Sanctu-ary region, so Diver Surveys are used to obtain and convey information on Council Activities. The Council newsletter above is a great way to get involved with this. Brian talked about how diverse and widespread the re-sources are that the Sanctuary encompasses and need to be tracked and managed. There are 94 seabird species, 33 species of Marine Mammals, 31 phyla of Invertebrates, 515 fish species, 4 turtle species, 450 species of marine algae, and a diverse range of coastal and marine habitats. He mentioned recent sightings of a sturgeon at Wharf II and a

Leatherback turtle in the Bay. Brian talked in some depth about the many diverse projects that the Council has ad-dressed and is working on. These include: kelp harvesting, cruise ship discharges (one line has just been allowed back after be-

ing banned for 15 years), White Shark chumming (no long-er allowed; now just tow a seal-looking float); trawl-fishing that can destroy the sea bottom (40% of what is taken is by-catch); whale strikes (established “slow-down” lanes for ships); whale entanglement in crab lines; (lack of) sea ot-ters population growth and translocation; city sewage dis-charges (2.2 million gallons [equivalent to 150 cruise ships] from Marina recently); new invasive species due to ocean warming; the CEMEX sand plant in Monterey (will be shut down in 2 years); the effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas. He mentioned that the sinking of ships for artificial

Alan Throop

MBNMS website

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52236text keyword toMerchant Keyword

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Open a new text message and address it to 52236, then text the keyword for any merchant you like.

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Aqua Tutus Diving Club

other merchants can be found here:

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5 | The Aqua Tooter August, 2018


Aqua Tutus 2018 Holiday 2018 Holiday Party

Saturday, December 8, 2018 La Cabana Mexican Restaurant

7163 Rich Avenue, Newark, CA 510-792-2600

Social begins at 6:30pm Dinner at 7:30pm

Santa, party, & dance to 11:00pm

More information to at the September General Meeting!

We have a number of tasks that we need help with. Contact Alan Throop or Patti Shannon if you want to help.


Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to our dive club. Just sign up for the club at !!

You just shop and our merchants give up to 5% back to our club !! Shop online, buy groceries, or dine out to support Aqua Tutus Diving Club … at no cost to you !! Just sign up at !!

Near-Term Upcoming Club Events !!

Sept 9-11: Northern Channel Islands: with Vaqueros Del Mar Dive – $600 for three days on the Conception – contact Bill Delameter (925) 455-6834 or Aqua Tutus POC Alan Throop 925-577-7876. CALL NOW … 4 SPOTS LEFT (see ad)

September 15: Club Dive: with Monterey Sea Otters – Beach Cleanup Dive, San Carlos. POC: Gail Hudson. Remembrance for ‘Aloha Joe’ Timmons following the dive.

October 10: Club Dive and Ghost Tour, Monterey, CA. Loca-tion: TBD. POC: Helga Mahlmann

November 10: Club Dive. Location TBD. POC: Kat Smith

December 8: Club Holiday Party. 6:30-11:00pm. La Cabana Restaurant, 7163 Rich Ave, Newark. (No club meetings in Dec)

December 20, 2018 to January 5, 2019: Annual Club Pilgrim-age to Cozumel – come for all, part, or even more of the trip.

If interested in training agenda (First Aid, DPR, DAN

O2 Provider, other specialty), please Contact Dennis

at :[email protected]

Upcoming 2018 Diver Training

Advanced Open Water (AOW) class

Academics in August 14, 21, 28 at Dennis Hocker’s

house, 38962 Larkspur St, Newark, CA 94560. In-

cludes a weekend at Lake Tahoe on Sept 8 & 9.

Cost of class is $150 for paid club member, and $200

for non-club members. Includes registration and certifi-

cation fee.

Prerequisites: 5 club dives and Northern California En-

tries & Exits class.

Aug 2: Materials will be available at General Club Meet-


Aug 14: Registration and Academics

Aug 21: Academics

Aug 28: Academics

Sept 8: Lake Tahoe, Sand Harbor

Sept 9: Lake Tahoe, DL Bliss

Sept 15: Monterey, makeup night dive

Rescue Diver class

Class will be held this Fall. Prerequisites are First Aid,

CPR, O2 administrator.

Page 6: Aug Tooter 180820 - · 8/8/2018  · 2012 to that is free and allows visitors to explore the sanctuary's remark-able marine environment, as well as their personal role

6 | The Aqua Tooter August, 2018

DATE: August 2, 2018

48 members and guests present

Meeting called to order by President Kari Klaboe at Rickys Sports Bar and Grill in San Leandro, CA at 7:34 pm

Speaker: Brian Nelson “The Monterey Bay Sanctuary”

Guests: Egan (Oakland), Chris (Berkeley), Billy (LA), Josh (Indiana), Henry “Baerbel’s Driver” (Marin), Captain Mary Jo Nelson, Nic Kerson

Don Kelsey presented a brief tribute to Aloha Joe Timmons.

Entertainment (Gayle Hudson) 2018 •Wild Oyster Project•October: Members Night 2•November: TBD

Please check Meetup and the Aqua Tooter for entertainment updates. If you have any requests or suggestions for future en-tertainment, let us know at [email protected]!

Treasurer’s Report (Helga Mahlmann) Club Account: $5,296.52 1,892.12 for classes 3,403.40 for general account

Membership (Elizabeth Gilroy) 75 paid: 8 lifetime members

Training (Dennis Hocker) • Advanced Open Water class with weekend at Lake TahoeSept 8/9Prerequisite for Advanced Open Water Class - August 18th,9am, Monastary Beach

Dennis presented a bill for $492.00 - for class materials. Larry Muth moved to pay. Kat Smith seconded. Club approved pay-ment.

•If any interest in training agenda: First Aid, CPR, DAN O2 pro-vider- please contact Dennis at: [email protected]•Rescue Diver class this Fall (CPR and O2 provider required)

For more information on training contact Dennis Hocker at (510) 792-5606 [email protected] or Neil Benjamin at (510) 673-0073 [email protected].

Newsletter (Alan Throop) Contact Alan Throop at [email protected] if you are not receiving the newsletter. Input due by the 20th of the month.

Web Goddess (Lola Johnston) Content can be sent to [email protected].

Social Media (Gayle Hudson) • Facebook: 128 Members. Participation is open to the public.


By Jono Dove

• Meetup: 74 Members, 25 Pending. Participation is limited toclub members. Meetup instructions are available on our web-site.

Cencal: no report

Special Committee: No updates

Old Business • none

84 divers showed up at second urchin removal event. Urchins were smaller and weighed less. $4,000 was raised at post event raffle. Organizer Josh’s boat over turned and spilled his compressor.

Next urchin removal will be September 29/30 at Ocean Cove. Group is interested in divers and non-divers alike.

New Business Officer elections will happen in September -

Alacosta Dive Club has a free inflatable boat - contact [email protected] for more info

Past Dives

Matt Warren, Linda, and Nephew Tim went diving for two days. 40’ visibility on breakwater. Sheep crabs were everywhere.

Upcoming Activity and Dives 2018 •Saturday August 18th: Club Dive at Monastery, 9 am•September 15: San Carlos Beach Cleanup Day, 8:30 am withMonterey Bay Sea Otter Dive Club

- A memorial for Joe Timmons will be held after the clubdive in Monterey on September 15th.

• September 9-11: Northern Channel Islands: Vaqueros DelMar Dive - $600 for three days on the Conception liveaboard.• October 27: Club Dive TBD plus Ghost Tour of Old Monterey• Annual Pilgrimage to Cozumel: Before Christmas, 2018 toFriday after New Years 2019 Years2019. Con-tact [email protected] if you’re interested and want toknow more.• Chuuk Lagoon 2019 - The waiting list is now open - all spotsare sold out

Meetings • Next BOD meeting: August 16, 2018• Next General Membership meeting: September 6, 2018

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7 | The Aqua Tooter August, 2018

Date: August 16, 2018

Present: 9 members present.

Meeting called to order by Vice President Patti Shannon-Hocker at Rickys Sports Bar and Grill in San Leandro, CA at 7:04 pm

Entertainment (Gayle Hudson) September: Wild Oyster Project

• Suggested to offer a stipend for people coming from Monterey orequivalent: 50 miles or less = $25; More than 50 miles = $50. Voteon stipend approved: 8, with one abstained.

• Volunteer opportunities: we need a photographer for the GeneralMeeting, to take pictures of the presentation, Bone Award & GoodBuddy Award winners, etc. to be used for the Tooter. Will be an-nounced at the September General Meeting.

Treasurer’s Report (Helga Mahlmann) Club Assets: $5,056.26 Classes: $1,893.12 General Fund: $3,1163.10

Membership (Elizabeth Gilroy) 76 regular members, 6 associate, 9 lifetime members

Training (Dennis Hocker)

• Advanced Open Water class in progress: 4 students.

• Might do First Aid/CPR/DAN O2 sometime between now and Dec19th. If you are interested, please contact Dennis.

For more information on training contact Dennis Hocker at (510) 792-5606 [email protected] or [email protected] .

Newsletter (Alan Throop - Lola Johnston)

• The “pdf newsletter” is moving from being done in MS Word to MSPublisher; it may take a month or two to get into the desired form.Lola will continue to put the newsletter elements on the website andthe pdf version in the archive.

• We’re looking for content; see below ...Contact Alan at [email protected] if you are not receiving thenewsletter or to provide reports, photos, etc. Input is due by the 20thof the month.

Web Goddess (Lola Johnston)

• We’re looking for content; see below ...Content can be sent to mailto:[email protected]

Social Media (Gayle Hudson)

• Facebook: 73 Members, 15 pending. Participation is open to thepublic.

• Meetup: 65? Members. Participation is limited to club members.Meetup instructions are available on our website.

Cencal no report

Special Committees

• Liability Insurance: (Kari, Helga)

− Helga: $150/year or until July, 2019. $200/year after August, 2019.

• Holiday Party: (Alan)

− December 8th, 2018, at La Cabana in Newark

− Draft flyer was reviewed for cost and content. Can then be usedand published as is.

− Need volunteers for: Volunteer Coordinator, MC, Advertising, Ad-

vanced Ticket Sales, Make name tags, Manage dinner �ckets,Raffle Prizes, Sell tickets for the raffle, Announcements, Photogra-pher, Report writer for the party for newsletter.


By Kat Smith

− Discussed program content.

− Tickets will go on sale at Aqua as of September 1, 2018 .Tickets will be the same pricing as last year

− Need to decide which organization Aqua Tutus wants to sponsor

Old Business - None

New Business

• Officer Nominations

− Announce at September meeting

− Nominations will be held at October meeting. Positions Available President Vice President Secretary Membership

− Vote will take place at November meeting

− Kat will do ballots. She needs a slate of running officers. DL willwork with other BMAL to come up with a slate and provide to KatSmith. Kat will include space for write in candidates

• Joe Timmons remembrance (Alan, Don)

− San Carlos beach on 9/15/2018, followed by additional memorialsat Gianni’s at 3:00 (Alan made reservations for 30 people)

− Meet at San Carlos beach by tables at railing at 2:00 pm.

− Per Harbormaster office, it is okay to release biodegradable itemsin the bay. Alan bringing photo; Patti bringing flower petals; Dennisbring scrapbooks for Gianni’s, place in notice in Tooter, website, &social media.

• EscripDonate to Aqua Tutus by dinning out, buying groceries, attendingevents by signing up for escripts available at 100s of different retail-ers

Upcoming Activities

2018 Sept 9-11: Northern Channel Islands: with Vaqueros Del Mar Dive – $600 for three days on the Conception liveaboard. September 15: Club Dive: with Monterey Sea Otters – Beach Clean-up Dive, POC Gail Hudson. Memorial for Joe Timmons to directly follow me at San Carlos Beach at 2 pm head to Giannis for further memorials/remembrances October 27: Club Dive and tours, Monterey, CA. Location: TBD. Day trip to Pacific Grove Hyperbaric chamber for those not diving, or po-tentially offered in the afternoon for those diving. Evening trip- Ghost Tour of Monterey. POC Helga Mahlmann. November 10, 11, 12: Club Dive. Club dive November 10th San Carlos Beach; Night Dive POC Kat Smith; November 11th Sunday Brunch Dive - Coral Street (weather permitting). November 12th , location TBD. December 8: Holiday Party. See box on page 4. Flyer & info at the next meeting. No club dive or General or Board Meeting in Decem-ber. December 20, 2018 to January 5, 2019: Annual Club Pilgrimage to Cozumel – come for all, part, or even more of the trip.

2019 June 22 – July 6: Chuuk Lagoon 2019: The waiting list is now open – all spots are sold out.

Meetings Next General Membership meeting: September 6, 2018 Next Board Meeting: September 20, 2018

Meeting adjourned

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8 | The Aqua Tooter August, 2018

Minutes from Cen Cal meeting, July 25, 2018

By Larry Ankuda, Secretary

Call to Order– at 7:36 PM by Jim Kaller, Also present was Larry Ankuda. Brandi sent her input in via email and Carol followed the next day with hers.

Membership–Carol No update.

Financial Report—Carol The general fund has about $4000 since $2000 insurance fee is paid and $1000 for our scholarship. The Aqua-Tutus have decided to use our insurance to cover their monthly meeting, so Carol quot-ed them. CenCal’s annual insurance fee of $2000 has gone up by $500 due to a pool requiring a $2 million base coverage. The fee for that pool is up $100 and with it signing up gives us $250 more, so the extra $500 is almost covered.

Website—Larry All is well.

Scholarship—Jim One application was received and this applicant is “phenomenal”, says Jim. His name is Casey James Sheridan and he is studying the effects of global warming on urchins & kelp in Monterey Bay. [How timely!] According to Casey’s boss, he walks on water on alternate Tuesdays & Thursdays, as well as similar accolades. We agreed that Casey should be awarded this year’s CenCal scholar-ship. Carol is to send check to Jim’s office made out to Casey James Sheridan. Jim will get a bio together for the website. There are websites that advertise available scholarships, said Larry, and he recommended that we search these out for the next go-round. Jim and Larry will do this.

UW Hockey—Carol 2018 U/W Hockey Nationals were June 8-10 in Denver. The World meet was in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, this past week. The USOA had 4 teams compete. Pacific Coast Championship meet will be hosted by LA in Santa Clarita, CA. The dates are November 10-11. The Old-Timers tournament date has changed to Oct. 13-14, but is still in Denver. It is a biennial fun event to raise funds for the 2019 Age World Championships. Teams are under 19 and/or under 23 men and women. CenCal will likely send U19 men/women. Juniors may now be in the under 19 and under 23 age brackets.

Photography—Jim The Monterey Shootout will be August 9-11. There will be some seminars on Thursday 8/9 as well as Friday. Berkeley White and Backscatter has taken over most of the hosting from NCUPS and will advertise this event soon. The Shootout had over 100 entries last year. Due to increased interest, there may be some seminars added on Thursday. Carol needs to know the specific entities to be insured; she believes Backscatter and the Monterey Peninsula Col-lege School of International Studies are two of them, but she needs the complete list.

UW Fin Swimming--Carol A World meet was held in Belgrade, Serbia July 14-21. USOA may have 2 or 3 swimmers participating. Florida and Massachusetts are the most active areas now.

UW Rugby—Carol The Junior (under 21) World Championships will be in Germany, November 14-18. It will be a four day tournament. The USOA will

be sending two teams

Skin Spearfishing—Brandi 2018 Freshwaters National Meet on June 8-9 in Lake Powell re-sults can be viewed here: The 2018 national meet in St. Petersburg, FL, on June 27-28 re-sults can be viewed here; The World Meet will be in Portugal September 6-10. The US. team is Joe Fernandez, Captain, and divers Ryan Myers (FL), Paul Young (CenCal), Kelston McGuire (CO), and Justin Lee (HI). Coaches are Cameron Kirkconnell, Dr. Erick Salado, and Mike McGuire. You may support them by buying T-shirts, available online at The Womens World Cup will be in Portugal September 8. This will be the third time women have gone to represent the USA in con-junction with the Men's World Meet (2004 and 2006 previously). The women's U.S. team is Joe Fernandez, Captain, and divers Sam Mase (PBF), Rosibel Molina (FSDA) and Kelsey Albert (FSDA). You may support them by making a donation online team. World freshwater meet in New Zealand’s Lake Taupo will be held on March 9-10. This is the 2nd WFSC (The 1st was held in the USA at Lake Mead, 2017.). 2019 New Zealand – Fresh Water Worlds. At least 7 of the possible 8 two person teams participating - Men's (2), Women's (2), Mixed (2), and Masters (1) and represent-ing the USA. Online donation support to be available soon.GLACD has proposed to host the 2019 National Meet on CatalinaIsland on a Thursday.Their plan is to have a boat-based meet out of Catalina Harbor..This presents lodging and transportation problems and has yet tobe approved by Director Dennis Haussler, who is polling the coun-cils. The banquet will be on Saturday at the King Harbor YachtClub in Redondo harbor.The bank balance in the Spear account as of today,7/25/2018, is$15,436.20. The $1000 deposit to USOA for the 2017 Nationalmeet has not yet been received. Vanessa or Alex need to providefinal documents to get the refund.As of 1/1/2019 Brandi will cede this treasury position. SPEAROS:WHAT HAPPENS THEN? Discussion resulted in the only alterna-tive is we reintegrate it into the main CenCal account and Carolhandles it, keeping Spearo monies noted separately.

Old Business The 2nd purple sea urchin collection was last weekend but no re-port has yet been received. A variety of people and organizations participated in this: Watermans Alliance, DFW, Reef Check, dive clubs, sport and commercial divers, sport and commercial fisher-men. The next gathering will be September 29-30 at Ocean Cove.

New Business Coastal oil drilling may be up for a Federal push, said Jim. We should think ahead about what to do about it. As far as we know, CA will fight it; the State Lands Commission controls waters out to 2 miles and they say no way.

Next meeting Cen-Cal’s next meeting will be held Wednesday, September 26 th and Larry will set it up.

Adjourn at 7:53 PM.

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9 | The Aqua Tooter August, 2018

Editors Note: This is a summary of the presentation

made by Don at the August 8 General Meeting.

Thanks to Don for presenting this to cub members.

Joe was active in the club for

many years starting in the early

70’s; learning to dive, becoming a

certified instructor, and serving in

officer positions. He enjoyed

helping new divers grow in the

sport by offering his “Easy Dives”

where he would patiently work

with them as needed.

When his work took him away

from the Bay Area in the late 70’s

he never lost contact with club

members. He returned to the Bay Area in the late 80’s and

was active in the club until retiring, from The Clorox Company,

to Hawaii in 2005. Joe was voted to be an Aqua Tutus Life-

time Member in the early-2000s.

Thereafter, Joe returned frequently to

the mainland for his annual motorcy-

cle tour around the country, visiting

many friends and family, and stop-

ping by to attend a club meeting or

two. Joe loved motorcycling.

Joe was known as a warm and outgoing person who made

friends easily, enjoyed being with them, and was always ready

to help whenever needed.

When he moved to Hawaii

he immediately joined the

Master Gardener program,

through which he met many

new friends, some of them

divers. Joe’s best island

diver friends were Rick and


Joe liked to explore the Kona

Coast and found many inter-

esting dive sites, like the

“Death Hole”, where he took

many of his friends for an

exciting dive.

Remembering (Aloha Joe) Joe Timmons

By Don Kelsey

When in Hawaii he was al-

ways available for divers

sent over by Jim Steele or

other club members, and

would take them to his fa-

vorite dive sites in and

around Kailua-Kona. Here

he is with former club mem-

bers LaDonna Springer,

Jean Williams, and Lifetime

Aqua Tutus Member Mark Johnson.

Joe loved underwater photog-

raphy, he always had his cam-

era in his BCD pocket, just wait-

ing for a good shot.

… and he loved catching critters.

Joe loved his dog; he had three

at different times while on the


Joe loved his house in Kailua-

Kona, where he applied his

Master Gardener skills to cre-

ate a tropical landscape with

many native plantings, includ-

ing delicious island fruits.

Joe will be missed by many, both on the island and on the


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10 | The Aqua Tooter August, 2018

TAKE ACTION: Support California’s “Straws on Request” Bill

Plastic is in every part of the ocean, threatening marine wildlife from seabirds to turtles. The equivalent of a garbage truck full of plastic ends up in the ocean every minute—and if we don’t make changes now, that rate will double by 2025. The good news is, we can do something about it! In California, the Straws On Request bill (AB 1884) would give us the choice to skip the straws we don’t need. Through this bill, dine-in restaurants across the state would provide straws only to people who ask for them—reducing the number of dis-posable plastic straws used in California, and slowing the flow of plastic from land to sea. Please urge your California legislators to support the Straws On Request bill. Send your letter to your representative HERE (or see

Dive Report: Entries & Exits Club Dive By Gayle Hudson

On Saturday, August 18, a group of Aqua Tutus AOW students and divers received instruction and a refresher on entries and exits at Mon-astery Beach. In skin diving equipment only, Tooters learned from Dennis how to read the wave sets and surf zone and then followed his instruction to enter and exit the North end of Monastery in a series of drills. For the purpose of demon-stration and experience, Dennis was disappointed in the low wave action but the Tooters didn't mind at all. Meanwhile, during the drills, five more Tooters in two groups went on a dive at the North end and reported 10-20' visibility, depending on depth.

After the beach drills, Dennis led four divers and Neilled the five AOW students on a swim out to the wash rock where everyone descended to 100' for a deep di-ve. Visibility was as previously reported, 10-20 ft, and ling cod, nudi-branchs, and crabs were spotted. Eve-ryone returned to the beach under-water, with suffi-cient air for clean exits and the Mon-astery crawl. Meanwhile, the

Muth-Driggers fam-ily dove at Break-water and reported about 20' visibility. Afterward, a large group of Tooters met at Gianni's where everyone enjoyed pizza, conversation, and laughs!

Tooters: (l-r) Gayle Hudson, Aseem Mo-

hanty, Deb Tien, Mariana Garcia, Jing Hu,

Dennis Hocker, and Neil Benjamin.

North end of Monastery

Gayle Hudson

Gayle Hudson


Join Vaqueros Del Mar Dive Club and other Tooters for three days of fun diving the Channel Islands aboard Truth Aquatics’ Conception. A great short vacation and way to experience live-aboard diving.

Limited load (< 32 divers)

Kelp Forests, So. Cal marine species

Fall conditions… warm(er) water

Great food, crew, & divers

Nitrox available (O2-clean tanks NOT required)

$600 per diver (non-diver 10% discount)

Sign-up now !! **

Questions? $Bill Delameter, VDM

[email protected] or

Alan Throop, Aqua Tutus 925-577-7876

** The trip is a go! We have the minimum 24 divers needed to charter the boat on our own, but can take 4 more. Priori-ty of bunk assignments given by signup date.

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11 | The Aqua Tooter August, 2018



Book now at this low price!

June 15 - July 13, 2019

$475 per week + $14 tax One-time $50 registry fee covers one or all weeks. Weeks run Friday to Friday.

Contact Don Keley 925-820-8362

[email protected]

» Resort info can be found on The Kona Billfisher website.

Internet Resources for the Bay Area Diver

Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

California Marine Sanctuary Foundation

Pacific Grove Hyperbaric Chamber



Kari Klaboe…………… ……………[email protected]


Patti-Shannon-Hocker…………[email protected]


Jono Dove……… …………………[email protected]


Helga Mahlmann……………………[email protected]

Membership Coordinator

Elizabeth Gilroy……… ……… .. [email protected]

Director of Training

Dennis Hocker……………… …...…[email protected]

Entertainment Coordinator

Gayle Hudson…………………[email protected]

Newsletter Editor

Alan Throop ……………….…. .…[email protected]

Social Media Coordinator

Gayle Hudson……………… .…[email protected]

Board Members at Large (BML)

Myran Gist…………………… ……..…[email protected]

Kat Smith………………… ……… ……[email protected]

“DL” Debra Popplewell … …………...…[email protected]

Web “Goddess”

Lola Johnston………….……...…[email protected]

Past President

Jono Dove……………… ...…[email protected]



Dive pictures, videos, reports, article, stories, environ-

mental, and all things diving- and marine-related are

needed for the website, the Tooter newsletter, YouTube,

and social media sites. Visit our photo submissions

page, send to the club contacts listed above, OR send

to [email protected] .


Submissions for the “Tooter”, both web- and

emailed/pdf-newsletters, are due by the 20th of each

month. The Tooter is published by the end of the month.

No publications in December.