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Assignmant Photoshop

1.Rectangular marquee Tool

- One of Photoshop's basic selection tools that, along with the Elliptical Marquee Tool and the Polygonal Lasso Tool, is designed for making selections based on simple geometric shapes. As the name implies, the Rectangular Marquee Tool is perfect for times when you need to draw a selection in the shape of a rectangle or a square.

2.Elliptical Marquee Tool

-It's nearly identical to the Rectangular Marquee Tool and works much the same way. The only real difference is that the Elliptical Marquee Tool allows us to draw oval or circular selections

3. Lasso Tool

- What if we need to select something in a photo that's a little more complex, like someone's eyes, an item of clothing, or maybe a car or a bottle? Something that still has a clearly defined form to it but is beyond the capabilities of Photoshop's geometry-based Marquee Tools.If you're a more advanced Photoshop user, you'll probably head straight for thePen Tool, the tool of choice for making professional quality form-based selections. But if you have a good quality mouse (or even better, a pen tablet), decent drawing skills and a little patience, you may find that theLasso Tool, another of Photoshop's basic selection tools, is all you need.

4.Polygonal Lasso Tool

- It allows us to easily draw freeform selection outlines based on straight-sided polygonal shapes.

5.Magnetic Lasso Tool

- But what if someone told you there's a selection tool that can select an object with, say, 80-90% accuracy and all you have to do is drag that same lazy outline around it? Would you believe them now? Still no? Well, that's too bad, because there reallyisa selection tool like that. It's called theMagnetic Lasso Tool

6.Magic Wand Tool- TheMagic Wand Tool, known simply as the Magic Wand, is one of the oldest selection tools in Photoshop. Unlike other selection tools that select pixels in an image based onshapesor bydetecting object edges, the Magic Wand selects pixels based ontone and color.

7.Crop Tool

- TheCroptool allows you to select an area of an image and discard everything outside this area. The tool is located third from the top in the Photoshop Toolbox, on the left side

8.Healing Brush Tool

- TheHealing Brushtool allows you to fix image imperfections such as scratches, blemishes, etc. By sampling the surrounding area or using a predefined pattern you can blend the imperfections into the rest of the image.

9.Spot Healing Brush Tool

- The spot healing brush is the default healing tool in Photoshop and can be used to clone areas from an image and blend the pixels from the sampled area seamlessly with the target area. The basic principle is that the texture from the sample area is blended with the color and luminosity surrounding wherever you paint. The main difference between this and the standard healing brush is that the spot healing brush requires no source point.

10.Patch Tool

- The patch tool uses the same complex algorithm as the healing brush to carry out its blend calculations, but the patch tool works with selection-defined areas instead of a brush. When the patch tool is selected, it initially operates in a lasso selection mode that can be used to define the area to patch from or patch to.

11.Red Eye Tool

- "Red eye" happens when the light from the camera flash reflects off the subject's retina. It can make for a disturbingly demonic image.

12.Clone Stamp Tool

-The Clone Source panel (Window> Clone Source) has options for the Clone Stamp tools or Healing Brush tools. You can set up to five different sample sources and quickly select the one you need without resampling each time you change to a different source. You can view an overlay of your sample source to make it easier to clone the source in a specific location. You can also scale or rotate the sample source to better match the size and orientation of the cloning destination.

13.Background Eraser Tool

-We can use it to easily remove background areas of an image. The Background Eraser is especially useful with photos that contain lots of fine detail along the edges between the foreground and background14.Magic Eraser Tool

-Photoshop'seraser toolcan be found in the second group of icons in thetoolbox. It has three variations:Eraser,Background EraserandMagic Eraser.The eraser is basically a brush which erases pixels as you drag it across the image. Pixels are erased to transparency, or the background colour if the layer is locked.

15.Color Replacement Tool

- It enables us to change the color of an object in a photo without a lot of fuss or hassle.16.Blur Tool

- It allows photographers to touch up their photos, graphic designers to create images and Facebook meme lovers to design their own internet sensations.

17.Sharpen Tool

- Enhances details without introducing noticeable artifacts. With this tool, you can sharpen areas selectively without having to use a mask.

18.Burn Tool

- To selectively darken areas of an image, with an overview of settings and tips on working with Shadows, Midtones and Highlights.19.Sponge Tool

- A retouching toolused to alter the saturation of a portion of an image. It is reminiscent of the sponges used bywatercolorartists to soften (or even remove) a color that has already been lain on the canvas.

20.Pen Tool

- Allows for a lot of precision when it comes to defining very specific selections, masks, line work, and vector shapes and can actually save you lot of time getting the results that you want when creating them.