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ARLIHGTOH VA 22204-1373

JUN 1 3 2018

MEMORANDUM FOR All Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Soldiers and Civilian Supervisors of Title 10 Active Guard Reserve Soldiers

SUBJECT: Title 1 O Army National Guard Active Guard Reserve Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020)

1. References: See enclosure 1.

2. ARNG-HRH PPOM #18-020 subsumes PPOM #17-023 (Command Chief WarrantOfficer Assignment Selection) and PPOM #17-033 (Enlisted to Warrant OfficerProcess). Any and all previous versions and/or additions to ARNG-HRH PolicyMemorandum #13-041 are henceforth rescinded.

3. Purpose. This memorandum consolidates and reissues policies for the managementof the T1 O ARNG AGR program. It serves as a tool to improve equity and transparencyin the management and oversight of the T1 O ARNG AGR program. This document alsoserves as a framework to align and synchronize the revision of the regulations andpolicies that govern the T10 ARNG AGR program.

4. Applicability. This policy applies to all Soldiers participating in the T10 ARNG AGRprogram. For the purpose of this policy, the term "Soldiers" includes CommissionedOfficers, Commissioned Warrant Officers, Warrant Officers, Noncommissioned Officers,and Enlisted Soldiers.

5. Director's Intent. Getting the right person in the right job at the right time is essentialto a strong ARNG. An effective T1 O AGR program must accomplish two objectives.First, it must meet the needs of the organization. Second, it must facilitate thedevelopment and career progression of the members of the organization. The key tosuccessfully meeting these objectives is to publish standards for accession,assignment, promotion, and retention that are fair, equitable, and transparent. Ourpolicies and procedures must adhere to the laws and regulations that make T1 O Officer,Warrant Officer, and Enlisted promotions in the ARNG unique from those in the rest ofthe Army. Additionally, these processes must provide for the development of the forcewhile also facilitating the identification and advancement of our future senior leaders byrecognizing superior performance. Finally, all T10 personnel must understand theunique nature of the T1 O ARNG AGR program and must be familiar with the statutes,regulations, and policies that govern the administration of the AGR force.

ARNG-HRH SUBJECT: Title 1 O Army National Guard Active Guard Reserve Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan

6. All dates and other administrative procedures pertaining to the PromotionRecommendation Reviews, other boards, and reviews are subject to change at thediscretion of the convening or approval authority of the board. Such changes will bepromulgated in board announcements and other appropriate documents as required.

7. Contents. This policy consists of annexes and tabs as listed below.

a. Annex A: Tenure in the T1 O ARNG AGR Program.

(1) Tab 1: T10 ARNG AGR Program Overview

(2) Tab 2: Initial Tours and Career Status

(3) Tab 3: Tour Continuation Boards (TCB)

(4) Tab 4: One Time Occasional Tours (OTOT)

(5) Tab 5: In-Processing.

b. Annex 8: T10 ARNG AGR New Hire Accessions Standards.

(1) Tab 1: Officer Hire Standards

(2) Tab 2: Warrant Officer Hire Standards

(3) Tab 3: Enlisted Hire Standards

c. Annex C: T1 O ARNG AGR Assignment Selection Process.

(1) Tab 1: Officer Assignments Selection Process

(2) Tab 2: Warrant Officer Assignments Selection Process

(3) Tab 3: Enlisted Assignments Selection Process

d. Annex D: T1 O AGR Promotion Process.

(1) Tab 1: Officer Promotions

(2) Tab 2: Warrant Officer Promotions

(3) Tab 3: Enlisted Promotions


(PPOM 18-020)

ARNG-HRH SUBJECT: Title 1 0 Army National Guard Active Guard Reserve Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020)

e. Annex E: T1 0 ARNG AGR Special Programs.

(1) Tab 1: External Assignments

(2) Tab 2: Officer Command Opportunity Program (COP)

(3) Tab 3: Officer Command Leadership Program (CLP)

(4) Tab 4: Enlisted Command Opportunity Program (COP)

(5) Tab 5: Enlisted Command Leadership Program (CLP)

(6) Tab 6: Joint Officer Management Program (JOM)

(7) Tab 7: Professional Development (PD) Tours and T1 0/T32 Exchanges

(8) Tab 8: Army Acquisition Command Selection List (CSL) Board

(9) Tab 9: Enlisted to Warrant Program

(10) Tab 1 0: Statement of Understanding, DA Form 4187

f. Annex F: T1 0 ARNG AGR Separations and Retirements.

(1) Tab 1: T1 0 ARNG AGR Retirement Process

(2) Tab 2: Transitions and Release from Active Duty (REFRAD)

(3) Tab 3: State Recall/Mobilization Orders

(4) Tab 4: Release from Active Duty (REFRAD) Board

g. Annex G: T10 ARNG AGR LCM Timeline ..

h. Annex H: LCM Policy Terms and Definitions.

8. My point of cont�ct for this memorandum is Mr. Gilbert Morales, Chief, PersonnelPolicy Division (ARNG-HRH), at DSN 327-3297, 703-607-3297, [email protected].


ARNG-HRH SUBJECT: Title 1 O Army National Guard Active Guard Reserve Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020)

9. My point of contact for execution of this policy is COL Yesenia R. Roque, Chief, Human Capital Management Division (ARNG-HCM), at DSN 329-7537, 703-601-7537, or [email protected].

Encl References

T�ftDAVY Lieutenant General, GS Director, Army National Guard


ARNG-HRH SUBJECT: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Enclosure 1



a. Title 10, United States Code, Armed Forces.

b. Title 32, United States Code, National Guard.

c. Department of Defense Instruction 1205.18 (Full-Time Support (FTS) to the ReserveComponents), 12 May 2014.

d. Department of Defense Instruction 1320.14 (Commissioned Officer PromotionProgram Procedures), 11 December 2013.

e. Department of Defense Instruction 5000.66 (Defense Acquisition WorkforceEducation, Training, Experience, and Career Development Program), 27 July 2017.

f. Army Regulation 135-18 (The Active Guard Reserve Program), 29 September 2017.

g. Army Regulation 135-91 (Service Obligations, Methods of Fulfillment, ParticipationRequirements, and Enforcement Provisions), 14 March 2016.

h. Army Regulation 135-155 (Promotion of Commissioned Officer and Warrant OfficersOther Than General Officers), 13 July 2004.

i. Army Regulation 350-1 (Army Training and Leader Development), 10 December2017.

j. Army Regulation 600-8-19 (Enlisted Promotions and Reductions), 25 April 2017.

k. Army Regulation 635-8 (Separation Processing and Documents), 10 February 2014

l. Army Regulation 608-75 (Exceptional Family Member Program), 27 January 2017.

m. Army Directive 2016-26 (Screening Requirements for Adverse and ReportableInformation for Promotion and Federal Recognition to Colonel and Below), 18 July2016.

n. Department of the Army Pamphlet 600-3 (Officer Professional Development andCareer Management), 26 June 2017.

ARNG-HRH SUBJECT: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Enclosure 1


o. Department of the Army Pamphlet 600-4 (Army Medical Department OfficerDevelopment and Career Management), 27 June 2017.

p. Memorandum, Department of the Army, ASA M&RA, 30 September 2015, subject:Implementing Guidance for Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management(LCM) Process.

q. National Guard Regulation (NGR) (AR) 600-100 (Commissioned Officers - FederalRecognition and Related Personnel Actions), 15 April 1994.

r. National Guard Regulation 600-101 (Warrant Officers - Federal Recognition andRelated Personnel Actions), 3 September 2014.

s. National Guard Regulation 600-200 (Enlisted Personnel Management), 31 July 2009.

t. Chief National Guard Bureau Instruction 1704.01 (National Guard Joint OfficerManagement Program) 19 October 2016.

u. Memorandum, ARNG-HRH, 6 November 2013, subject: Assignment and Promotionof Army National Guard Soldiers to Reorganizing or Newly Organized ARNG Units(ARNG-HRH Policy Memo) (PPOM #13-040).

v. Memorandum, ARNG-HRH, 19 February 2016, subject: Army National GuardOfficer AGR Release from Active Duty Board (REFRAD) and Active ServiceManagement Board (ASMB) Guidance (ARNG-HRH Policy Memo) (PPOM #16-004)(Corrected Copy).

w. Memorandum, ARNG-HRH, 4 December 2015, subject: Army National Guard(ARNG) Enlisted AGR Release from Active Duty (REFRAD) Board and Active ServiceManagement Board (ASMB) Guidance (ARNG-HRH Policy Memo) (PPOM #16-003).

x. Memorandum, ARNG-HRH, 22 March 2017, subject: Army National Guard (ARNG)Policy for the State Recall Request for Title 10 (T-10) Active Guard Reserve (AGR)Soldiers Called to Mobilization, Professional Development, and T-10/T-32 ExchangeProgram (ARNG-HRH Policy Memo) (PPOM #17-015).

y. Memorandum, ARNG-HRP, 18 April 2017, subject: Army National GuardCommissioned Officer and Warrant Officer Promotions and Exemplary ConductCertification Screening (ARNG-HRP Policy Memo) (PPOM #17-025).


ARNG-HRH SUBJECT: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Enclosure 1

z. Memorandum, ARNG-HCM, 22 May 2017, subject: Title 10 ARNG AGR Officer Career Field Management and Designations (ARNG-HCM Policy Memo) (PPOM #17-030).

aa. Memorandum, ARNG-HCM, 22 May 2017, subject: Title 10 ARNG AGR Enlisted Career Field Management and Designations (ARNG-HCM Policy Memo) (PPOM #17-031).

bb. Headquarters Department of the Army EXORD 236-15 (Army-Wide Implementation of Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Development System) (NCOPDS), 16 July 2015.

cc. Memorandum, ARNG-HRH, 8 September 2016, subject: Retaining a Quality Noncommissioned Officer Corps Serving in the ARNG Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Program (Title 10 and 32) (ARNG-HRH Policy Memo) (PPOM #16-028).

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex A: Tenure in the T10 ARNG AGR Program


1. Tab 1: T10 ARNG AGR Program Overview

2. Tab 2: Initial Tours and Career Status

3. Tab 3: Tour Continuation Boards (TCB)

4. Tab 4: One Time Occasional Tours (OTOT)

5. Tab 5: In-Processing

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex A: Tenure in the T10 ARNG AGR Program


Tab 1. T10 ARNG AGR Program Overview

1. This tab provides policy concerning tenure in the T10 AGR Program.

2. Pursuant to references c and f, the AGR program is a career program wherein, uponsuccessful completion of an initial tour, members are managed on a career basis andmay qualify for regular retirement based upon years of active service. Therefore, entryinto the program ordinarily entails a reasonable expectation that such employment ispermanent. Policy governing initial tours and career status is at Tab 2 of this Annex.

3. The reasonable expectation of permanence cited above is subject to thelimitations provided in references c and f. These references allow for the hiring ofAGRs on an initial tour, and allow the DARNG to review AGRs prior to transitioningthem from an initial tour to career status. These limitations provide the DARNGwith the opportunity to maintain the quality of the program by removingindividuals found to be unsuitable for continued participation in the AGRprogram, as well as to provide for upward mobility within the AGR program andto ensure that the T10 AGR program remains within AGR resource andcontrolled grade limits. Tour Continuation Boards (TCB) may be used toremove a Soldier from AGR status upon completion of his or her initial tourbased upon a finding that the Soldier is unsuitable for continued participationbased upon his or her performance, potential, conduct, military qualifications, orother relevant factor. Involuntary release of T10 AGR Soldiers upon completionof their initial tour is accomplished via Qualitative or Quantitative TCB. Policygoverning Tour Continuation Boards is at Tab 3 of this Annex.

4. As an exception, reference c also provides for the hiring of AGRs on a OneTime Occasional Tour (OTOT). However, OTOT hires are to be done on a byexception basis. This authority provides DARNG with the flexibility to meetorganizational needs when a permanent, new AGR hire or promotion would notbe appropriate. Therefore, OTOT hiring is not intended as a substitute for newT10 AGR hiring or promoting and will not be used to circumvent the reviewprocesses provided for transitioning T10 AGRs from initial tours to careerstatus. Policy governing OTOT is at Tab 4 of this Annex.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex A: Tenure in the T10 ARNG AGR Program


Tab 2. Initial Tours and Career Status

1. This Tab provides policy for the transition of T10 AGRs from initial tours to careerstatus.

2. All hires are presumed to be new hires unless specified otherwise in accordance withTab 1 of this Annex. Reference c provides that the military services may establish initialtours for AGR members. Reference f establishes the initial tour for Army AGRs as threeyears.

3. An AGR Tour will still be considered an initial tour even if the Soldier has previouslyserved in the AGR program, provided that there has been a break in AGR service asdefined in reference f, paragraph 2-1. However, a T10 AGR tour will not be consideredan initial tour if immediately preceded by a T32 AGR tour in the Army National Guard, ifthe individual being accessed into T10 status had previously been continued (i.e.,granted career status) by the State or Territory in which he or she served, or if precededby a completed three year T10 AGR OTOT. Additionally, a T10 AGR returning to theT10 AGR program after having been guaranteed reentry into the program pursuant toAnnex E, Tab 1, retains his or her career status.

4. Prior to publishing any order that will result in a T10 AGR transitioning from an initialtour or OTOT status to career status, ARNG-HCM will screen the Soldier’s records toensure that the Soldier is eligible for subsequent AGR duty. At a minimum, this willinclude a review of the rules in reference f, Tables 2-1, 2-3, and 2-4.

5. Waivable Disqualifications. Soldiers who have waivable disqualifications IAWreference f, Table 2-2, will be provided an opportunity to request such waiver fromChief, National Guard Bureau and to provide materials in support of the request. TheSoldier’s chain of command will endorse the request and recommend for or againstapproval of the requested waiver, with justification. Where insufficient time remainsbetween notification of the Soldier of his or her disqualification and the end of the AGRtour to process the waiver request, the Soldier’s AGR tour may be extended as providedat paragraph 7(b) below for a period long enough to secure a decision from CNGB. IfCNGB approves the waiver, and if the Soldier is otherwise eligible, he or she will becontinued on AGR duty in a career status. If CNGB disapproves the waiver, the Soldierwill be released from the T10 AGR program (REFRAD) upon the end of his or her T10AGR tour. All out processing and transition requirements must be complete prior to thelast day of the Soldier’s tour. However, where insufficient time remains to complete allout-processing and transition requirements between the end of the initial tour and thedate of notification of the Soldier of his or her disqualification or of CNGBs disapproval

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex A: Tenure in the T10 ARNG AGR Program


of a requested waiver, the Soldier’s tour may be extended for a period long enough to complete out processing and transition requirements, as provided at paragraph 7(b).

6. Non-waivable Disqualifications. ARNG-HCM will notify Soldiers found to have non-waivable disqualifications IAW reference f, Table 2-3. Soldiers found to be disqualifiedwill be REFRAD from the T10 AGR program upon completion of their initial tour, unlessreleased earlier pursuant to other applicable law, regulation, or policy. All out-processing and transition requirements must be complete prior to the end of the tour. If,however, a Soldier received notification of the disqualification too late to complete outprocessing and transition requirements by the end of the tour, ARNG-HCM may extendthe Soldier on duty beyond the end of the tour long enough to accomplish these tasks,pursuant to paragraph 7(b) below. Special considerations for the applicability of Table2-3 are outlined below.

a. Rules B and D shall not apply to a Soldier for whom a valid extension has beenapproved by appropriate authority pursuant to applicable law, regulation, or policy.

b. A Soldier subject to Rule G may be continued on AGR duty; provided that the barto reenlistment is lifted by the last day of the initial tour, if upon lifting of the bar the Soldier will be otherwise eligible for subsequent AGR duty. If lifting the bar renders the Soldier eligible for subsequent AGR duty subject to approval of a waiver, the Soldier’s initial tour may be extended pursuant to paragraph 7(b) below to allow adjudication of the waiver request.

c. A Soldier subject to Rule H may be continued in the AGR program if thesuspension of favorable action has been lifted, or the matter requiring a flag has been resolved, by the end of the initial tour. Where the flag is imposed as a result of an investigation, promotion review board, criminal investigation, or similar process, the Soldier’s initial tour will be extended pursuant to paragraph 7(b) for a period long enough to allow completion and final adjudication of the investigation or review. If the investigation clears the Soldier or otherwise produces a result that leaves the Soldier’s eligibility for subsequent AGR duty unimpaired, the Soldier will be transitioned to career status. If the investigation or review produces a result that leaves the Soldier eligible for subsequent AGR duty subject to approval of a waiver or similar action, the Soldier’s initial tour will be extended pursuant to paragraph 7(b) below to allow the Soldier to request the waiver and for the request to be adjudicated. If the investigation or review produces a result that renders the Soldier ineligible for subsequent AGR duty, the initial tour will be extended pursuant to paragraph 7(b), if necessary, by a period long enough to allow the Soldier to out-process and complete transition requirements.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex A: Tenure in the T10 ARNG AGR Program


d. Rule J shall not apply to a Soldier for whom a valid extension has been approvedby appropriate authority pursuant to applicable law, regulation, or policy.

e. Except as otherwise provided in applicable regulation or policy, Rule K shallinclude any Tour Continuation Board, Active Service Management Board, Selective Retention Board or Qualitative Retention Board before which the Soldier may be eligible for consideration pursuant to applicable regulation and policy.

7. Temporary extension of an initial tour.

a. Where an AGR Soldier has been found ineligible for subsequent AGR duty, theSoldier’s initial tour or OTOT may be temporarily extended, at the request of the Soldier and with the Soldier’s consent, when such extension is necessary to allow for the processing of waiver requests, to complete and adjudicate an investigation or review, to allow adequate time for Soldier out-processing and transition requirements, or as otherwise discussed above; or as may otherwise be administratively necessary pursuant to applicable law, regulation, or policy. Such extension will be strictly limited to the period necessary to accomplish said tasks. Such temporary extension shall not constitute or trigger transition of the Soldier to career status.

b. DARNG may extend initial tours on a case by case basis where authorized byapplicable law, policy, or regulation. Such extensions will not constitute transition to career status.

c. Per reference c, initial tours may not exceed 6 years. Soldiers retained beyond 6years are transitioned to a career status within the T10 AGR program.

8. 18 years Active Service. A Soldier who has achieved at least 18 years of creditableservice toward regular retirement may not be involuntarily released from Active Dutywithout the approval of the Secretary of the Army. Where an AGR Soldier on his or herinitial tour is disqualified from subsequent AGR duty but has achieved sanctuary, theSoldier’s initial tour or OTOT shall be extended upon the Soldier’s request and with theSoldier’s consent until either the Soldier qualifies for Regular retirement, at which pointthe Soldier will be REFRAD or retired at the Soldier’s discretion or as otherwise requiredby law, regulation, or policy; or until the Secretary of the Army approves separation priorto qualification for Regular retirement, if DARNG elects to request such separation.This temporary extension of the initial tour shall not constitute or trigger transition of theSoldier to career status.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex A: Tenure in the T10 ARNG AGR Program


Tab 3. Tour Continuation Boards (TCB)

1. The ARNG will conduct Tour Continuation Boards for the review of AGR Soldiersprior to completing an initial tour and transition into career status. The ARNG willconvene TCBs semi-annually to consider initial tour T10 AGR Soldiers who fall withinthe zone of consideration. Soldiers will only be considered by one TCB during theirinitial tour.

a. Soldiers serving on T10 AGR OTOT will not be considered by T10 AGR TCBs.

b. T32 AGR Soldiers serving in a T10 AGR status for a professional developmenttour or other OTOT tours will continue to be managed by their State or Territory and will not be considered by T10 AGR TCBs.

c. Soldiers entering the T10 AGR program immediately after completing 3 or moreyears of service in the T32 AGR program have attained career status and are exempt from T10 AGR TCBs.

2. A TCB is a retention board. Soldiers selected by a TCB board are selected forretention in the T10 AGR program. Soldiers selected will gain career status andSoldiers not selected for retention will be released from the T10 AGR program. TheTCBs will evaluate each Soldier’s record for demonstrated performance and determinethe Soldier’s potential to accept additional responsibilities and perform at current andhigher-level assignments.

3. TCBs will be held twice a year to consider Soldiers in the second or third year of theirinitial AGR tour for retention in a career status in the T10 AGR program.

4. Goals. The ARNG’s goals for the T10 AGR TCBs are to:

a. Shape and retain the highest quality AGR force based on the needs of theARNG.

b. Ensure only the most capable and qualified Soldiers serve in the AGR program.

c. Ensure opportunity for advancement to the next higher grade.

d. Ensure compliance with AGR controlled grade limitations.

5. Conduct of the TCBs.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex A: Tenure in the T10 ARNG AGR Program


a. ARNG-HCM will produce the list of Soldiers who fall within the zone ofconsideration for tour continuation. The list will be provided to the ARNG G-Staff, ARNG Division Chiefs, and Senior Guard Advisors (SGA) of those Soldiers who fall within the zone of consideration.

b. ARNG-HCM will notify Soldiers who fall within the zone of consideration no laterthan 90 days prior to the convene date of the board.

c. TCB Announcement. ARNG-HCM will publish the TCB announcementmemorandum. The announcement memorandum will include the zone of consideration, instructions for Soldiers eligible for consideration to review and verify their board file, and a roster of the Soldiers within the zone of consideration.

d. A Soldier’s appearance before the T10 AGR TCB is not authorized.

e. TCB board file will include the documents specified in the announcementmemorandum. ARNG-HRP will upload the iPERMS performance folder, Soldier Record Brief, and DAPMIS DA Photo to the board voting system after the board file close date.

f. Communications to the board that contain criticism or reflect adversely on thecharacter, conduct, or motives of any Soldier will not be given to the board. The board will not be given any communication written by other parties on behalf of Soldiers, except when provided as factual supporting documentation in an enclosure to a memorandum from the officer being considered. Letters of recommendation are not authorized.

6. Board Results.

a. Once approved, the results of the TCB are final and may not be appealed.

b. The board reports will not be released.

c. Soldiers who are not selected for retention and are released by the T10 AGRTCB are ineligible for future service in the T10 AGR program.

d. Soldiers who are not selected for retention by a TCB will be removed fromPromotion Recommendation Review, Enlisted Promotion System, Warrant Officer Review, Command Leadership, and Command Opportunity Order of Merit Lists (OMLs) and any additional LCM boards that the Soldier competed for.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex A: Tenure in the T10 ARNG AGR Program


e. A Soldier who is not selected for retention and who is pending a determinationfrom a Fit-for-Duty Evaluation, Medical Evaluation Board, or Physical Evaluation Board will not be released or retired until the final medical disposition is determined.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex A: Tenure in the T10 ARNG AGR Program


Tab 4. One Time Occasional Tours (OTOT)

1. Reference f, paragraph 1-6(d) and reference c, enclosure 3, paragraph 3.b(1)authorizes OTOT / occasional AGR tours. However, reference c also directs that“AGR programs in each Military Service shall be administered as career programsthat may lead to a military retirement after attaining the required years of activefederal service.” Read together, these provisions make clear that while OTOTs areauthorized, hiring AGRs on an initial tour and transition to subsequent career status ispreferred. OTOT should only be used in exceptional circumstances and under nocircumstances should OTOT be used to circumvent or as a substitute for the TCBprocess provided for in reference f, paragraphs 2-6 and 4-10(a) and at Tab 3 of thisAnnex. Hiring of a Soldier on an OTOT must meet a specific need or requirement ofthe organization.

2. Authorized Categories for OTOT. T10 OTOT AGR hires are authorized forSoldiers in the following categories:

a. Officers in the rank of LTC or COL.

b. Warrant Officers in the rank of CW5.

c. Non-commissioned officers in the grade of MSG or SGM.

d. T10/T32 exchange or professional development tours.

e. T32 Officers selected as part of the Joint Officer Management Program.

f. Officers hired to serve as Bilateral Affairs Officer (BAO).

g. Any Soldier regardless of grade that cannot qualify for regular retirement due toage, MRD, or RCP.

3. OTOT hires not within one of the categories listed in paragraph 2 above requirethe approval of the DDARNG. The request must contain justification for hiring theSoldier as OTOT vice as a new hire AGR.

4. For each Soldier hired as OTOT, the Soldier will execute a Certificate ofAgreement and Understanding; a copy of the executed agreement will be placed inthe Soldier’s iPERMS file.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex A: Tenure in the T10 ARNG AGR Program


5. Orders must identify the tour as OTOT. Additional instructions will containinformation regarding the duration of the tour and must contain a statement that uponcompletion of the OTOT, the Soldier will return to his or her prior status and is notentitled to be accessed into the T10 AGR program in a career status.

6. Soldiers serving on an OTOT remain eligible to apply and compete for positionswithin the T10 AGR program. If selected for a new hire, the OTOT orders will beamended to convert the order to an initial tour. The previous time served on anOTOT will count as part of the initial AGR tour. The Soldier will be eligible forsubsequent TCBs if he or she falls in the zone of consideration. OTOT Soldiers hiredas career status T10 AGR immediately after completing three or more years of T10AGR OTOT service without a break in service will be exempt from consideration byeither Qualitative or Quantitative TCB.

7. Former AGR Soldiers released from AGR service due to board action are noteligible to enter into OTOT, except as provided in other applicable law, policy, orregulation.

8. An OTOT uses an available T10 AGR resource/controlled grade, not ADOS-RCfunding.

9. Additional requirements and limitations:

a. ARNG-HCM must have an available T10 AGR resource/controlled grade (ifrequired), to utilize an OTOT.

b. Soldiers serving on an OTOT will count in the T10 AGR end strength.

c. Soldiers must meet AGR entry requirements of reference f, Chapter 2 and newhire standards outlined in Annex B of this policy.

d. Consecutive OTOTs are not authorized.

e. As a general rule, Soldiers on OTOT will not PCS from one T10 AGRassignment to another during the course of the OTOT. Exceptions will be approved by the DDARNG or DARNG. However, exceptions for such PCS shall not constitute a transition to career status. The PCS’d Soldier remains OTOT unless accessed as a new hire pursuant to this policy.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex A: Tenure in the T10 ARNG AGR Program


f. A Soldier must not be able to reach 18 years of active service as a result of theOTOT order unless a waiver has been approved IAW policy or regulation.

g. A Soldier must not be able to qualify for separation pay as a result of the OTOTorder unless a waiver has been approved by DARNG.

h. OTOT Soldiers will not compete for promotion or school boards (SSC, CGSOC,etc.) within the T10 AGR program. However, OTOT Soldiers may be promoted by their State while serving on an OTOT provided it meets the organization’s needs, is resourced by the State, and the Soldier is already assigned to a position of the next higher grade.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex A: Tenure in the T10 ARNG AGR Program


ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex A: Tenure in the T10 ARNG AGR Program


Tab 5. T10 ARNG AGR In-Processing

1. This tab provides policy for in-processing T10 AGR.

2. Process Control.

a. All T10 AGRs will process through the Personnel Services Branch (ARNG-HCM-P). As a focal point for Temple Army Readiness Center (TARC) in-processing, ARNG-HCM-P will designate the stations through which each Soldier must process, do appropriate coordination with the other in-processing stations, provide any required special guidance and ensure each Soldier has processed properly and completely before release to the replacement activity for clearance and movement to the gaining unit.

b. In-processing checklist will be used to account for documents or records thateach Soldier is required to have in his or her possession upon arrival to TARC. The in-processing checklist will record every in-processing Soldier’s requirements to in-process according to the listed activities. Soldiers can obtain In-processing checklists from ARNG-HCM-P.

c. All Soldiers are required to in-process through the following stations: Finance,Master Fitness Trainer (MFT), Provost Martial Office (PMO), etc.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex B: T10 ARNG AGR New Hire Accessions Standards


1. Tab 1: Officer New Hire Standards

2. Tab 2: Warrant Officer New Hire Standards

3. Tab 3: Enlisted New Hire Standards

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex B: T10 ARNG AGR New Hire Accessions Standards


Tab 1. Officer New Hire Standards

1. This tab provides policy for the qualifications required for entry into the T10 AGRprogram.

2. Hiring boards. New hire screening boards will be conducted to determine a bestqualified list of applicants for hire into the T10 AGR program.

3. Qualifications. In addition to the requirements provided in reference f and otherapplicable authority, officer hires into the T10 AGR program will meet the followingprerequisites:

a. Grade.

(1) New hires will be made in the rank of Captain or Major. Captains must haveat least four year’s time in grade (TIG) and meet all other prerequisites. On a case-by-case basis, a new hire may be in the rank of Colonel or Lieutenant Colonel. New hires in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel require DDARNG approval and in the rank of Colonel require DARNG approval.

(2) Applicants pending promotion must have Federal Recognition approved priorto accessing into the T10 AGR program.

b. Service.

(1) Years Commissioned Service. New hires will have a minimum of eight yearsof commissioned service.

(2) Years ARNG Service. New hires will have a minimum of four years of priorARNG service. This requirement is waiverable.

(3) Mandatory Removal Date (MRD). New hires that cannot qualify for a 20 yearActive Federal Service retirement will require DARNG approval.

(4) Active Federal Service. New hires who will achieve 18 years of activefederal service in their initial tour will require waiver by the DDARNG or DARNG as applicable.

c. Command or Key Developmental (KD) Experience.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex B: T10 ARNG AGR New Hire Accessions Standards


(1) Except as provided below, new hires must have a minimum of 12 months ofsuccessful company command.

(2) Army doctrine has designated certain branches as “staff centric” and does notexpect officers in those branches to have company command experience. Therefore, officers that have 12 months experience in one of the key developmental positions listed for their branch and rank IAW reference n and o, will be eligible for hire.

(3) ARNG-HCM will verify that the individual has successfully completed acompany command or KD assignment appropriate to his or her branch as specified IAW reference n and o.

d. Education.

(1) Civilian Education. All new officer hires will hold at least a Bachelor’s degree.This requirement will not be waived.

(2) Military Education. All new officer hires must have completed at least aCaptains Career Course (CCC).

(a) MAJs with 5 years TIG require completion of Intermediate Level Education– Common Core (ILE-CC).

(b) MAJs with 4 years TIG must be enrolled in ILE-CC at the time ofapplication submission.

e. Branch.

(1) Applicants must be branch qualified for the position for which they are hiredon an initial T10 AGR tour.

(2) Soldiers not branch qualified for the position for which they are selected willbe placed on a One Time Occasional Tour (OTOT) of up to three years during which time they will become branch qualified. Soldiers attaining branch qualification will have their orders amended to a three year initial AGR tour.

(3) Soldiers not attaining branch qualification during that period will be releasedfrom active duty upon completion of their existing orders.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex B: T10 ARNG AGR New Hire Accessions Standards


4. Waivers and Exceptions. Request for waivers or exceptions to these requirementsmust be approved by the DDARNG. Requests for exceptions to reference f will beprocessed by ARNG-HCM to ARNG-HRH.

5. Specialty Branches. Hires of officers whose branch is AMEDD, CH, or JAG will bemade with the prior endorsement and recommendations from the respective ARNGSurgeon, Chaplain, or Judge Advocate General offices, in order to ensure the correctutilization and career progression within the T10 ARNG AGR program.

6. Acquisition Workforce (AWF). Hires of officers who are Functional Area (FA) 51A or51C qualified or who will be accessed to become FA 51A or 51C qualified will be madewith the prior endorsement and recommendation from the ARNG-AWF Career Field.

7. Exemplary Conduct Certification Screening. All candidates who apply will undergoscreening before the final selection is made. This will ensure that the selected applicantmeets all requirements of reference f.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex B: T10 ARNG AGR New Hire Accessions Standards


Tab 2. Warrant Officer New Hire Standards

1. This tab provides policy for the qualifications required for entry into the T10 AGRprogram for Warrant Officers.

2. Hiring boards. New hire screening boards will be conducted to determine a bestqualified list of applicants for hire into the T10 AGR program.

3. Qualifications. In addition to the requirements provided in reference f and otherapplicable authority, Warrant Officer new hires into the T10 AGR program will meet thefollowing prerequisites.

a. Grade.

(1) Warrant Officer new hires will generally be in the grade of CW3 or CW4. Ona case-by-case basis, a Warrant Officer hire may be hired in the grade of CW2, provided that the Warrant Officer has a minimum of two years time-in-grade. Warrant Officers in the grade of CW5 will not be hired into the career T10 AGR program. The aforementioned is non-waiverable.

(2) Applicants pending promotion must have Federal Recognition approved priorto accessing into the T10 AGR program.

b. Service.

(1) Warrant Officer hires will have a minimum of four years of prior ARNGservice. This requirement is waiverable.

(2) Active Federal Service. New hires who will achieve 18 years of active federalservice in their initial tour will require waiver by the DDARNG or DARNG as applicable.

c. Military Qualification.

(1) Warrant Officer hires will be qualified in the military occupational specialty ofthe position into which they are hired on an initial T10 AGR tour. Warrant Officers will not be accessed into the T10 AGR program into positions coded 011A.

d. Education.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex B: T10 ARNG AGR New Hire Accessions Standards


(1) Military Education. Warrant Officer hires in the grade of CW3 and above willhave completed the Warrant Officer Advanced Course.

(2) Civilian Education. Warrant Officer hires will meet the civilian educationrequirements for their grade and MOS.

4. Waivers and Exceptions. Request for waivers or exceptions to hire requirementsmust be approved by the DDARNG. Requests for exceptions to reference d will beprocessed by ARNG-HCM through ARNG-HRH.

5. Exemplary Conduct Certification Screening. All candidates who apply will undergoscreening before the final selection is made. This will ensure that the selected applicantmeets all requirements of reference f.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex B: T10 ARNG AGR New Hire Accessions Standards


Tab 3. Enlisted New Hire Standards

1. This Tab provides policy on the required qualifications for entry into the T10 AGRprogram for enlisted hires.

2. Hiring boards. New hire screening boards will be conducted to determine a bestqualified list of applicants for hire into the T10 AGR program.

3. Qualifications.

a. Grade. Enlisted hires will generally be in the rank of Staff Sergeant (SSG) orSergeant First Class (SFC). On a case-by-case basis, a Specialist (SPC) or Sergeant (SGT) may be hired. Soldiers in the rank of Master Sergeant (MSG), Sergeant Major (SGM) or Command Sergeant Major (CSM) will not be hired into the career T10 AGR program.

b. Service. Enlisted hires into the T10 AGR program must have minimum of fouryears of ARNG service. This requirement is waiverable.

c. Active Federal Service (AFS). Enlisted hires will have the following minimumyears of active federal service for their respective grade.

(1) SSG, six years AFS.

(2) SFC, eight years AFS.

(3) Active Federal Service. New hires who will achieve 18 years of active federalservice in their initial tour will require waiver by the DDARNG or DARNG as applicable.

d. Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).

(1) NCO hires will be qualified in the military occupational specialty of theposition into which they are hired on an initial T10 AGR tour. Applicants will not be hired into a 00F position without a waiver.

(2) Soldiers not MOS qualified for the position for which they are selected will beplaced on a One Time Occasional Tour (OTOT) of up to three years during which time they will become MOS qualified. Soldiers attaining MOS qualification will have their orders amended to a three year initial AGR tour.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex B: T10 ARNG AGR New Hire Accessions Standards


(3) Soldiers not attaining MOS qualification during that period will be releasedfrom active duty upon completion of their existing orders.

e. Military education. Applicants must have completed the NCOES trainingappropriate to their current grade.

4. Waivers and Exceptions. Request for waivers or exceptions to hire requirementsmust be approved by the DDARNG. Requests for exceptions to reference f will gothrough ARNG-HRH.

5. Exemplary Conduct Certification Screening. All candidates who apply will undergoscreening before the final selection is made. This will ensure that the selected applicantmeets all requirements of reference f.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex C: T10 ARNG AGR Assignment Selection Process


The T10 AGR Assignment Selection Process is intended to be a fair, equitable, and transparent process for the selection and assignment of Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted Soldiers for duty positions within the T10 AGR program. Ultimately, assignment decisions are intended to serve the best interests of the organization and our mission, both in the immediate future and over the long term. However, to the extent possible consistent with the needs of the organization and its mission, the Assignment Selection Process also seeks to serve the interests of individual Soldiers in terms of their opportunities for career development and advancement; their personal needs and those of their families; and their individual professional and personal aspirations. The T10 AGR Assignment Process seeks not merely to fill positions, but to manage careers.

1. Tab 1: Officer Assignments Selection Process

2. Tab 2: Warrant Officer Assignments Selection Process

3. Tab 3: Enlisted Assignments Selection Process

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex C: T10 ARNG AGR Assignment Selection Process


Tab 1. Officer Assignments Selection Process

1. This tab provides policy on the Assignment Selection Process. The goal of theassignment selection process is to effectively balance the short-term and long-termneeds of the ARNG Directorate. In the short term, the best qualified officers will beselected to fill each vacancy in order to maximize organizational effectiveness. In thelong term, professional developmental opportunities should be maximized and providedto officers in order to build the next generation of senior ARNG leaders.

2. Officers will be managed according to career fields. Career fields may beestablished, modified, consolidated, or deleted as directed by DARNG. Officers mustbe qualified in their respective branch and or functional area IAW references n and o.Officers may be qualified in multiple branches and or functional areas, however officerswill only be managed and promoted in one career field. Officers may request to transfercareer fields through a DA Form 4187. The transfer must be staffed through therespective ARNG G-Staff principles and or Special Staff principles. In order to supportaccurate execution of all lifecycle management boards, officers will be restricted tochanging career fields only between 1 November and 30 April. Officers must completea career field change request during the dates specified in order to be considered in thenew career field. Officers may not request to change career field during their initial T10AGR tour.

3. Officer assignments in the T10 AGR program will be managed by ARNG-HCMAssignment Officers. Assignments will be managed based on documented and verifiedskills and experiences in officers’ military records, the needs of the organization, withinput from the ARNG G-Staff, SGAs, and from the Soldier. Additional factorsconsidered in making assignment decisions may include, but are not limited to TDArequirements, AGR resource availability, the results of the Promotion RecommendationReview (PRR), the duration of an officer’s assignment to his or her current position, andthe date of the officer’s last PCS. To the maximum extent possible, Title 10 AGROfficers will remain in their assigned position for three years. This time will allowOfficers to learn (1st year), become effective (2nd year) and be efficient (3rd year) whileassigned to their position. Exceptions may be made for assignments identified by theOPR as key developmental or broadening in which case the officer will remain inposition for two years. Officers will not Permanent Change of Station (PCS) while on aninitial tour without prior approval by the DDARNG or DARNG.

a. LTC and below assignments are approved by the DDARNG. This includesassignments of MAJs being assigned to LTC positions pursuant to the PRR process.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex C: T10 ARNG AGR Assignment Selection Process


b. COL assignments are approved by the DARNG. This includes assignments ofLTCs being assigned to COL positions pursuant to the PRR process.

c. DARNG or DDARNG may delegate assignment approval authority as necessary.

4. Assignment to positions of a higher grade. In accordance with reference q, there isno limit on assigning officers to positions of a higher grade. However, an assignment toa position of the higher grade does not confer, in and of itself, a right to be promoted.Promotion recommendations to MAJ, LTC and COL within the T10 AGR program will bemade based on the results of the PRR process.

5. It is incumbent upon the Officer to ensure that High School stabilization requests andExceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) applications are approved prior to theassignment selection process so that they may be properly considered.

6. Leadership Development. Officers may be assigned to duty positions outside thoseordinarily filled by T10 AGR personnel for purposes of professional development. Suchpositions may include command opportunities and professional developmentopportunities in the States:

a. Command Opportunity Program (COP). Opportunities for the command of TDAunits at company and battalion level are managed by ARNG-HCM under the Command Opportunity Program. See Annex E, Tab 2.

b. Command Leadership Program (CLP). Opportunities for the command of MTOEbattalions and higher are managed by ARNG-HCM under the Command Leadership Program. See Annex E, Tab 3.

c. Professional Development (PD) Tours for T10 AGRs. Opportunities forprofessional development tours with units within the States are managed by ARNG-HCM. Such tours will be executed in the form of T10/T32 exchanges.

7. Nominative Positions. Some positions in the T10 AGR program are filled bynominative assignment. Nominative positions will include: the General-Staff principals,key positions on the personal staffs; Human Capital Management positions; SpecialStaffs of General Officers, Senior Executive Service Members and other such positionsas the needs of the organization may require. Nominative assignment selections maybe made outside of the normal assignment selection process. Officers selected andassigned to a nominative position will only be recommended for promotion based on theresults of the PRR process and not by virtue of being assigned to a nominative position.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex C: T10 ARNG AGR Assignment Selection Process


Tab 2. Warrant Officer Assignments Selection Process

1. This tab provides policy for the Warrant Officer Assignment Selection Process. Thegoal of the assignment selection process is to effectively balance the short-term andlong-term needs of the ARNG Directorate. In the short term, the best qualified WarrantOfficer must be selected to fill each vacancy in order to maximize organizationaleffectiveness. In the long term, professional developmental opportunities within theircareer field should be maximized and provided to Warrant Officers in order to build thenext generation of senior ARNG experts.

2. Warrant Officer assignments in the T10 AGR Program will be managed by theARNG-HCM Warrant Officer Assignment Officer. Assignments will be managed basedon documented and verified skills and experiences in the Warrant Officers’ militaryrecords, the needs of the organization, with input from the ARNG CCWO, G-Staff andSGAs as well as from the Soldier. Additional factors considered in making assignmentdecisions may include, but are not limited to: TDA requirements, AGR resourceavailability, promotions, the duration that the Warrant Officer has been in his or hercurrent position, and the date of the Warrant Officer’s last PCS. Warrant Officers willnot PCS while in an initial tour without prior approval by the DDARNG or DARNG.

a. CW4 and below assignments are approved by DDARNG.

b. CW5 positions are managed separately and are limited to those CW4srecommended for promotion by the T10 AGR CW5 Warrant Officer Promotion Recommendation Review (CW5 PRR) and are approved by the DARNG.

3. Assignment to positions of a higher grade. In accordance with reference r, there isno limit on assigning Warrant Officers to positions of a higher grade. However, anassignment to a position of the higher grade does not confer, in and of itself, a right tobe promoted. Promotion recommendations to CW3 and CW4 within the T10 AGRprogram will be made based on the recommendations of the first O6 in the WarrantOfficer’s Chain of Command and promotion recommendations to CW5 will be based onthe results of the PRR process.

4. Assignment Limitations. Warrant Officers will not be assigned to duty positionsoutside their Primary Specialty except for positions coded 011A. Exceptions will beapproved by the DDARNG.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex C: T10 ARNG AGR Assignment Selection Process


5. It is incumbent upon the Warrant Officer to ensure that High School stabilizationrequests and Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) applications are approvedprior to the assignment selection process so that they may be properly considered.

6. Professional Development (PD) Tours for T10 AGRs. Opportunities for professionaldevelopment tours with the States are managed by ARNG-HCM. These includeassignments within the States in the Warrant Officers’ primary specialty. Such tours willbe executed in the form of T10/T32 exchanges.

7. Nominative Positions. The only nominative position in the T10 force for WarrantOfficers is the position of Command Chief Warrant Officer (CCWO). Additionalnominative positions may be designated as the needs of the organization may require.Warrant Officers selected and assigned to nominative positions will only berecommended for promotion based on the results of the PRR process and not by virtueof being assigned to a nominative position.

a. External Nominative Assignment. Selection of a T10 Chief Warrant Officer Five(CW5) to fill a T32 Command Chief Warrant Officer in a State or Territory is a terminal assignment from the T10 AGR program. Unless hired for a One Time Occasional Tour, Warrant Officers who accept these assignments are not authorized for reappointment into the Title 10 AGR career program.

b. Counseling before accepting an external nominative assignment. The T10Warrant Officer must execute the DA Form 4187 Statement of Understanding; see Tab 9 of Annex E. The form must be signed by both the Soldier and counseling official. Other counseling materials may be included as required. The DA Form 4187, and other supporting counseling materials, will be filed in the Soldier's Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS).

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex C: T10 ARNG AGR Assignment Selection Process


Tab 3. Enlisted Assignments Selection Process

1. This tab provides policy for the Enlisted Assignment Selection Process. The goal ofthe assignment selection process is to effectively balance the short-term and long-termneeds of the ARNG Directorate. In the short term, the best qualified NCOs must beselected to fill each vacancy in order to maximize organizational effectiveness. In thelong term, professional developmental opportunities should be maximized and providedto NCOs in order to build the next generation of senior ARNG leaders. T10 AGREnlisted assignments will be managed by ARNG-HCM Assignment NCOs. AssignmentNCOs are nominative positions filled by lateral moves.

2. ARNG G-Staff principles and other stake holders will focus on position requirements/authorizations that support the mission (focus on force structure requirements). TheAssignment NCOs will work with the ARNG G-Staff principles and other stake holders toensure timely identification of backfills for NCOs scheduled for movement. AssignmentNCOs will work to provide skill sets required for positions within the fill priorities.

3. NCO assignments and utilization will be based upon the Soldier’s CareerProgression Military Occupational Specialty (CPMOS), grade, career development, andthe needs of the organization. Assignment recommendations will be managed basedon documented and verified skills and experiences in the NCOs military records, theneeds of the organization, with input from the G-Staff and SGAs and from the Soldier.Additional factors considered in making assignment decisions may include, but are notlimited to TDA requirements, AGR resource availability, the results of the EnlistedPromotion System (EPS), the duration of an NCOs assignment at his or her currentposition, and the date of the NCOs last PCS. NCOs will not PCS while in an initial tourwithout prior approval of by the DARNG or DDARNG.

a. MSG and below assignments and promotions are approved by the DDARNG.This includes assignments of SFCs selected for promotion to MSG pursuant to the EPS process.

b. CSM/SGM assignments are approved by the DARNG. This includesassignments of SGMs selected for lateral appointment to CSM.

c. In accordance with references j and s, the Soldier’s Primary Military OccupationalSkill (PMOS) will be the Soldiers CPMOS. This is the MOS in which the Soldier will beassigned and promoted. ARNG-HCM is the final approval authority in determining the Soldiers CPMOS. Soldiers seeking to change CPMOS must submit a request through ARNG-HCM and comply with requirements in reference j, Para 7-30, d (2) (a). In order

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex C: T10 ARNG AGR Assignment Selection Process


to support accurate execution of all lifecycle management boards, Soldiers will be able to change PMOS only between 1 October and 31 January. Changing PMOS may also result in changing the Soldiers career field affiliation IAW reference aa (PPOM #17-031).

4. Assignment to positions of a higher grade. Enlisted personnel utilization within theT10 AGR program will be in accordance with reference j and s. An assignment to aposition of the higher grade does not confer, in and of itself, a right to be promoted.Recommendations to be assigned to a position of a higher grade and promotionrecommendations within the T10 AGR program will be made based on the results of theEPS, in accordance with reference j.

5. It is incumbent upon the Soldier to ensure that High School stabilization requests andExceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) applications are approved prior to theassignment selection process so that they may be properly considered.

6. Leadership Development. NCOs may be assigned to duty positions outside thoseordinarily filled by T10 AGR personnel for purposes of professional development. Suchpositions may include command opportunities and professional developmentopportunities in the States:

a. Command Opportunity Program (COP). Opportunities for the CSM and 1SGpositions of TDA units (controlled by NGB) are managed by ARNG-HCM under the Command Opportunity Program. See Annex E, Tab 4.

b. Command Leadership Program (CLP). Opportunities for CSM positions in MTOEunits are managed by ARNG-HCM under the Command Leadership Program. See Annex E, Tab 5.

c. Professional Development (PD) Tours for T10 AGRs. Opportunities forProfessional development tours with units within the States are managed by ARNG-HCM. Such tours will be executed in the form of T10/T32 exchanges.

7. The ARNG will manage the assignment selection of T10 AGR CSM/SGM positionsthrough either the open compete process or through fill by career T10 AGR Soldiers.

a. Open Compete Positions. Will be filled by T10 AGR, T32 AGR, or TraditionalSoldiers.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG), Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex C: T10 ARNG AGR Assignment Selection Process


(1) ARNG-HCM will publish open compete positions through a ARNGNationwide announcement for the purpose of soliciting eligible applicants from the T10 AGR, T32 AGR, and Traditional programs.

(2) Applicants will submit applications as directed in the position announcement.(3) ARNG-HCM will screen all applications to validate eligibility in accordance

with reference f and Annex B of this policy and submit the list of eligible applicants to the DARNG for selection.

(4) The DARNG is the final selection authority.

(5) T32 AGR or Traditional Soldiers selected for open compete positions will beaccessed into the T10 AGR program on an OTOT. The Soldier will execute the OTOT Certificate of Agreement and Understanding. Upon completion of the tour the Soldier will be released from the T10 AGR program and returned to his or her previous status.

b. Positions for fill by T10 AGRs. Those positions not designated as open competewill be filled with T10 AGR Soldiers who are selected for promotion through the T10 AGR EPS or by lateral moves in the course of the annual slating process.

c. ARNG-HCM will manage and maintain the roster of all CSM/SGM positions withinthe T10 AGR program and whether they are open compete or for fill by T10 AGRs. The roster will be reviewed annually or as required.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex D: T10 AGR Promotion Process


The objective of the Title 10 AGR Promotion Process is to ensure that the best qualified Soldiers are promoted into valid vacancies via a fair, equitable and transparent process, while ensuring that the Title 10 AGR program remains within controlled grade limitations.

1. Tab 1: Officer Promotions

2. Tab 2: Warrant Officer Promotions

3. Tab 3: Enlisted promotions

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex D: T10 AGR Promotion Process


Tab 1. Officer Promotions

1. This tab establishes policy and procedure for the conduct of Officer PromotionRecommendation Reviews (PRR). The PRRs are the primary method used to identifyT10 AGR Officers who will be recommended for promotion and will be assigned to fillvacant positions within the T10 AGR program. Being DA Select is not in and of itself anentitlement to be promoted in the T10 AGR program.

2. PRR Overview. The PRR will rank order officers on an Order of Merit List (OML)from the best qualified to least qualified. The OML created as a result of the PRR is nota promotion list; it is a rank order result of the PRR process. The PRR OML, controlledgrade resource availability, and the needs of the organization are key considerations forthe DARNG to determine promotion recommendations. The authority to promoteofficers lies within the States. The DARNG retains the final authority to recommendofficers and the State Adjutants General retain the final authority to promote officers.

a. All officers who have an effective date of promotion (A Date) prior to 1 October,who will meet the minimum time in grade for promotion to the next higher grade prior to 1 October following the convene date of the PRR, and who have completed the military education requirement for promotion to the next higher grade as of the board file close date are eligible for consideration.

b. COL PRR. The board will consist of five to seven voting members. The boardpresident and all other voting members will be General Officers. The board composition will include one voting member from the NGB Joint Staff, at least one member from a State, and an Active Component officer. United States Army Reserve (USAR) officers are acceptable for board membership. Female and minority membership will be determined based on the population of officers being considered. Board membership exceptions will be approved by DARNG.

c. LTC PRR. The board will consist of five to seven voting members. The boardpresident will be a General Officer and all other voting members will be COLs. COLs who are Senior Service College graduates are preferred as board members but it is not a requirement. The board composition will include one voting member from the NGB Joint Staff, at least one member from a State and an Active Component officer. USAR officers are acceptable for board membership. Female and minority membership will be determined based on the population of officers being considered. Board membership exceptions will be approved by DARNG.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex D: T10 AGR Promotion Process


d. MAJ PRR. The board will consist of five to seven voting members. The boardpresident will be a COL and all other voting members will be COLs or LTCs. The board composition will include one voting member from the NGB Joint Staff, at least one member from a State and an Active Component officer. USAR officers are acceptable for board membership. Female and minority membership will be determined based on the population of officers being considered. Board membership exceptions will be approved by DARNG.

3. Promotions to the rank of CPT and below. T10 AGR officers may be eligible forpromotion to the grades of O3 and below upon meeting all the prerequisites forpromotion to the next higher grade, to include occupation of a valid position of a highergrade for which they are qualified and availability of an AGR resource. However, noofficer is entitled to such promotion. Officers may be recommended for promotion bythe first T10 ARNG COL in the chain of command. Additionally, the DDARNG orDARNG may specify additional procedures or requirements annually or as required.

4. Conduct of PRRs.

a. PRR Announcement. ARNG-HCM will publish an annual PRR announcementmemorandum. The announcement memorandum will include the zone of consideration, instructions for review and verification of board files by the considered officers. The announcement will include a roster of the officers who fall within the zone of consideration with the career field in which they will be considered.

b. Board files. The board files will include the documents specified in theannouncement memorandum. ARNG-HRP will upload the iPERMS performance folder and DAPMIS DA photo to the board voting system after the board file close date.

c. Timing. To the extent practicable, the PRRs will be conducted early in the fourthquarter of each FY.

d. Board Membership Selection. ARNG-HRP will compile and coordinate theselection of members according to its standard operating procedures.

e. Officers who are non-select for promotion by a DA Mandatory PromotionSelection Board will be considered by the PRR and may be recommended for a deferred promotion in accordance with Annex D, paragraph 5.b(2).

f. Officers who have been selected for Release from Active Duty will not be eligiblefor consideration by the PRR.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex D: T10 AGR Promotion Process


g. OML. The OML will expire upon approval of the subsequent OML.

h. Notifications. Each officer considered by the PRR will be informed by amemorandum for record of his or her position on the OML. Additionally, officers recommended for promotion will be informed by a memorandum for record.

i. PRR Trends Analysis. ARNG-HCM will publish a PRR Trends Analysis on anannual basis.

5. Processing Promotion Recommendations. The OML established by the PRR willdrive promotion recommendations until the subsequent OML is approved by theDARNG. In general, promotion recommendations will proceed in OML order withineach Career Field. The DARNG may approve deviations based on the needs of theorganization. The effective date of promotions will be determined by the assignmentprocess. Guidance on the assignment selection process is at Annex C.

a. The number of officers recommended for promotion will be based on vacancies,controlled grade availability, and the DARNG’s judgment as to how many officers should be promoted. The DARNG is not required to fill every available controlled grade authorization by promotion. The DARNG may deem it appropriate to reserve some controlled grade authorizations for fill by new hires, whether OTOT or otherwise, or for other purposes.

b. Officers recommended for promotion by the PRR will not submit promotionpackets until directed to do so by ARNG-HCM. ARNG-HCM will verify that each recommended officer is eligible for promotion in accordance with reference g and h, prior to endorsing the recommendation. ARNG-HCM may forward the promotion recommendation voucher authorization memorandum to the appropriate State after the officer is recommended for promotion. However, the memorandum will include the effective date in which the officer is expected to be assigned to the position of the next higher grade and the controlled grade authorization is available. States may not publish the promotion order with an effective date prior to the effective date specified in the memorandum. In accordance with law and regulations, the actual promotion authority remains the State Adjutant General. The provisions of reference h, para 8-20, remain in effect.

(1) Promotion Recommendations Expirations. Except as otherwise provided inthis policy or in other law or policy, promotion recommendations remain in effect until the officer is promoted or the promotion recommendation is withdrawn.


ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex D: T10 AGR Promotion Process

(2) Promotion Recommendation Deferrals. Officers who have been recommended for promotion, but who cannot be promoted due to operational, administrative, or other reasons determined by the DDARNG or DARNG will be notified in writing of their deferral. If these officers are not promoted prior to the subsequent PRR they will not be required to compete for consideration. The deferral status remains in effect until the matter is resolved, the officer is promoted, or the promotion recommendation is withdrawn.

(3) Failure of selection. Officers recommended for promotion, but who are non-select for promotion by the next DA Mandatory Promotion Selection Board are ineligible for promotion and will have their promotion recommendation withdrawn. Such officers may compete for PRR consideration in the following year, if otherwise eligible.

c. Exemplary Conduct Certification. The exemplary conduct certification is a continuous process to ensure that Officers and Warrant Officers meet the provisions of reference a, §3583. IAW reference m, Screening Requirements for Adverse and Reportable Information for Promotion and Federal Recognition to Colonel and below, directing all Army Officers and Warrants Officers, regardless of component, to be screened for adverse and reportable information as defined in reference d. To comply with exemplary conduct certification, Army G1, Directorate of Military Personnel Management (DMPM) conducts further screening for all Officers and Warrant Officers recommended for promotion. Screening includes adverse/reportable information in files held by Criminal Investigation Command (CID), Department of the Army Inspector General (DAIG), and the restricted portion of the AMHRR as well as special interest lists. No Officers or Warrant Officers will be promoted with open CID or DAIG investigations IAW reference y (PPOM #17-025).

d. Removal from the OML.

(1) The DARNG may determine that an officer reviewed by the PRR will not berecommended for promotion or if already recommended that recommendation be withdrawn. Such reasons include, but are not limited to substantiated misconduct or substandard performance occurring or discovered after the PRR.

(2) REFRAD/TCB. Officers reviewed by the PRR who are subsequently selectedfor release by REFRAD Board or TCB will not be recommended for promotion and any previously issued promotion recommendation will be withdrawn.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex D: T10 AGR Promotion Process


(3) Refusal of assignment. Officers reviewed by the PRR who decline anassignment to a position in the higher grade may not be recommended for promotion or may have their promotion recommendation withdrawn.

(4) TAG Disapproval. Promotion authority for all ARNG officers resides with theAdjutant General. IAW reference g, para 8-20c, The DARNG may withdraw the promotion recommendation if the promotion is not approved by the Adjutant General. In such instances the officer will remain on the OML.

(5) Flags. Officers who receive a Suspension of Favorable Actions (i.e., “flag”)after being recommended for promotion by the PRR will have their promotion held in abeyance. They will remain on the OML, but will not be promoted until the flag is lifted. However, for HT/WT flags specifically, officers must become compliant with the standard prior to the subsequent PRR board file close date. Officers who do not become compliant will have their promotion recommendation withdrawn and will have to be considered by the subsequent PRR.

6. Requests for Reconsideration or Redress.

a. Officers who believe that a material error or defect negatively impacted theirconsideration or OML ranking by the PRR, must request reconsideration or redress to ARNG-HCM within 30 days of receipt of the OML notification memorandum.

b. Requests for reconsideration or redress must be in memorandum format andsubstantive in nature. The burden of establishing that a material error or defect has in fact occurred lies with the officer seeking redress.

c. Requests for reconsideration or redress will be evaluated by ARNG-HCM inconjunction with ARNG-HRP, ARNG-HRH, and NGB-JA and briefed to the DDARNG. If the complaint is substantiated, the DDARNG may recommend such relief as is appropriate to the circumstances. Such relief is subject to the approval of the DARNG.

7. The T10 ARNG AGR Acquisition Workforce (ARNG-AWF) is managed by a separateand specific AWF PRR. Officers designated as AWF career field may only beconsidered by the AWF PRR. Promotions within the AWF career field will be equallydependent on valid, vacant, and authorized controlled grade authorizations.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex D: T10 AGR Promotion Process


Tab 2. Warrant Officer Promotions

1. This tab establishes policy and procedures for the conduct of the CW5 WarrantOfficer Promotion Recommendation Review (CW5 PRR) and the promotionrecommendations of other T10 Warrant Officers. The CW5 PRR is the primary methodused to identify T10 AGR Warrant Officers who will be recommended for promotion andwill be assigned to fill CW5 positions.

2. Promotion recommendations up to CW4 will be submitted by the Warrant Officer’sfirst line supervisor, endorsed by the first T10 ARNG COL with oversight of the positionand approved by ARNG-HCM. If applicable, ARNG-HCM may forward the promotionrecommendation voucher authorization memorandum to the appropriate State after theWarrant Officer is recommended for promotion. If applicable, the memorandum willinclude the effective date in which the officer is expected to be assigned to the positionof the next higher grade and the controlled grade authorization is available. States maynot publish the promotion order with a date of rank prior to the effective date specified inthe memorandum.

a. Promotion Consideration. Promotion of a Warrant Officer is not automatic basedon time in grade and MOS. The determination as to whether a Warrant Officer is ready to be promoted rests with the chain of command and ARNG-HCM. No one is entitled to be promoted.

b. Warrant Officers in the grade of CW3 and above on One Time Occasional Tours(OTOT) cannot be promoted while on OTOT unless an exception is granted by the DDARNG and the State provides a memorandum stating it will accept the Warrant Officer in the next higher grade. Under no circumstances will a CW4 on OTOT be considered by the CW5 PRR.

c. CW5 PRR Overview. The CW5 PRR will rank order Warrant Officers on an Orderof Merit List (OML) from the best qualified to least qualified. The OML created as a result of the CW5 PRR is not a promotion list; it is a rank order result of the CW5 PRR process. The OML, controlled grade availability, and the needs of the organization are key considerations for the DARNG to determine promotion recommendations. The authority to promote officers lies within the States. The DARNG retains the final authority to recommend officers and the State Adjutants General retain the final authority to promote officers.

3. Conduct of the CW5 PRR. The CW5 PRR considers all CW4s eligible for promotionto CW5 prior to 1 October. The board will consist of five to seven voting members. The

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex D: T10 AGR Promotion Process


CW5 PRR president will be a COL and all other voting members will be COLs and CW5s. The board composition will include one voting member from the NGB Joint Staff, at least one member from a State and an Active Component officer. USAR officers are acceptable for board membership. Female and minority membership will be determined based on the population of officers being considered. Board membership exceptions will be approved by DARNG.

a. CW5 PRR Announcement. ARNG-HCM will publish an annual CW5 PRRannouncement memorandum. The announcement memorandum will include the zone of consideration, instructions for review and verification of board files by the considered officers. The announcement will include a roster of the warrant officers who fall within the zone of consideration.

b. Warrant Officers who have been selected for Release from Active Duty will not beeligible for consideration by the CW5 PRR.

c. Board Files. Board files will be made available for review and verification by theconsidered warrant officers through HRMS. Board files. The board files will include the documents specified in the announcement memorandum. ARNG-HRP will upload the iPERMS performance folder and DAPMIS DA photo to the board voting system after the board file close date.

d. Timing. To the extent practicable, the CW5 PRR will be conducted early in thefourth quarter of each Fiscal Year (FY).

e. Board Membership Selection. ARNG-HRP will compile and coordinate theselection of members according to its standard operating procedures.

f. OML. The OML will remain valid until the subsequent OML is approved by theDARNG.

g. Notifications. Each Warrant Officer considered by the CW5 PRR will be informedby a memorandum for record of his or her position on the OML. Additionally, Warrant Officers recommended for promotion will be notified by a memorandum for record.

4. The number of officers recommended for promotion will be based on vacancies,controlled grade availability, and the DARNG’s judgment as to how many officers shouldbe promoted. The DARNG is not required to fill every available controlled gradeauthorization by promotion. The DARNG may deem it appropriate to reserve some

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex D: T10 AGR Promotion Process


controlled grade authorizations for fill by new hires, whether OTOT or otherwise, or for other purposes.

5. Exemplary Conduct Certification. The exemplary conduct certification is acontinuous process to ensure that Officers and Warrant Officers meet the provisions ofreference a, §3583. IAW reference m, Screening Requirements for Adverse andReportable Information for Promotion and Federal Recognition to Colonel and below,directing all Army Officers and Warrants Officers, regardless of component, to bescreened for adverse and reportable information as defined in reference d. To complywith exemplary conduct certification, Army G1, Directorate of Military PersonnelManagement (DMPM) conducts further screening for all Officers and Warrant Officersrecommended for promotion. Screening includes adverse/reportable information in filesheld by Criminal Investigation Command (CID), Department of the Army InspectorGeneral (DAIG), and the restricted portion of the AMHRR as well as special interestlists, No Officers or Warrant Officers will be promoted with open CID or DAIGinvestigations IAW reference y (PPOM #17-025).

6. Removal from the OML.

a. The DARNG may determine that a Warrant Officer reviewed by the CW5 PRR willnot be recommended for promotion or if already recommended, that recommendation be withdrawn. Such reasons include, but are not limited to substantiated misconduct or substandard performance occurring or discovered after the CW5 PRR.

b. REFRAD/TCB. Warrant Officers reviewed by the CW5 PRR who aresubsequently selected for release by a REFRAD Board or TCB will not be recommended for promotion.

c. Refusal of assignment. Warrant officers reviewed by the CW5 PRR who declinean assignment to a position in the higher grade may not be recommended for promotion or may have their promotion recommendation withdrawn.

d. TAG Disapproval. Promotion authority for all ARNG officers resides with theAdjutant General. The DARNG may withdraw the promotion recommendation if the promotion is not approved by the Adjutant General. In such instances the warrant officer will remain on the OML.

e. Flags. Warrant officers who receive a Suspension of Favorable Actions (i.e.,“flag”) after being recommended for promotion by the CW5 PRR will have their promotion held in abeyance. They will remain on the OML, but will not be promoted until the flag is lifted. For HT/WT flags, warrant officers must become compliant with the

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex D: T10 AGR Promotion Process


standard prior to the subsequent CW5 PRR board file close date. Warrant officers who do not become compliant will have their promotion recommendation withdrawn and will have to be considered by the subsequent CW5 PRR.

7. Requests for Reconsideration or Redress.

a. Warrant Officers who believe that a material error or defect negatively impactedtheir consideration or OML ranking by the CW5 PRR must request reconsideration or redress to ARNG-HCM within 30 days of receipt of the OML notification memorandum.

b. Requests for reconsideration or redress must be in memorandum format andsubstantive in nature. The burden of establishing that a material error or defect has in fact occurred lies with the Warrant Officer seeking redress.

c. Requests for reconsideration or redress will be evaluated by ARNG-HCM inconjunction with ARNG-HRP and briefed to the DDARNG. If the complaint is substantiated, the DDARNG may recommend such relief as is appropriate to the circumstances. Such relief is subject to the approval of the DARNG.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex D: T10 AGR Promotion Process


Tab 3. Enlisted Promotions

1. Enlisted promotions in the T10 AGR program are governed by reference j, Chapter7. This tab establishes policy and procedures for the execution of the T10 AGREnlisted Promotion System. The T10 AGR EPS is the primary method used to identifythose T10 AGR NCOs who will be recommended and selected for promotion.

2. EPS Overview. The board will be conducted to evaluate NCOs for promotion. TheEPS will produce an Order of Merit List (OML).

a. All NCOs who will meet eligibility requirements in accordance with reference j andthe established zone of consideration listed in the annual Enlisted Promotion Board Cycle announcement are eligible for consideration.

b. SGT thru SGM EPS. This board considers all NCOs eligible for promotion to thenext higher grade. The board will consist of five to seven voting members. The board president will be a COL or higher, all other voting members will be COLs and CSMs. The board composition will include one voting member from the NGB Joint Staff, at least one member from a State, and an Active Component Soldier. USAR officers and NCOs are acceptable for board membership. Female and minority membership will be determined based on the population of NCOs being considered. Board membership exceptions will be approved by DARNG.

3. Conduct of EPS.

a. Enlisted Promotion Board Cycle announcement. ARNG-HCM will publish anannual Enlisted Promotion Board Cycle announcement memorandum. The announcement memorandum will include the zone of consideration, instructions for review and verification of board files by the considered NCOs. The announcement will include a roster of the NCOs who fall within the zone of consideration.

b. Soldiers who have been selected for Release from Active Duty will not be eligiblefor consideration by the Enlisted Promotion Board.

c. Board files. The board files will include the documents specified in theannouncement memorandum. ARNG-HRP will upload the iPERMS performance folder and DAPMIS DA photo to the board voting system after the board file close date.

d. Timing. To the extent practicable, the EPS board will be conducted early in thefourth quarter of each FY.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex D: T10 AGR Promotion Process


e. Board membership selection. ARNG-HRP will compile and coordinate theselection of members according to its standard operating procedures.

f. OML. The OML will remain valid until the DARNG approves the subsequent OML.

g. Notifications. The OML will be published and released to all NCOs after approvalby DARNG.

4. Processing Promotion Selections. The current OML established by the EPS willdrive promotions until the subsequent OML is approved by the DARNG. The effectivedate of promotions will be determined by the assignment process and completion ofappropriate NCOES. Guidance on the assignment selection process is at Annex C.

a. The number of NCOs selected for promotion will be based on vacancies,controlled grade availability, and the DARNG’s judgment as to how many NCOs should be promoted. The DARNG is not required to fill every available controlled grade authorization by promotion. The DARNG may deem it appropriate to reserve some controlled grade authorizations for fill by new hires, whether OTOT or otherwise, or for other purposes.

b. NCOs will not submit promotion packets until directed to do so by ARNG-HCM.ARNG-HCM will verify each recommended NCO is eligible for promotion in accordance with reference j.

c. Removal from the Promotion List. NCOs may be removed from the promotion listor have their promotion revoked pursuant reference j, Chapter 7.

5. Requests for Reconsideration or Redress. Alleged errors will be adjudicatedaccording to reference j, Chapter 7.

6. Promotion Selection Eligibility. Soldiers who are boarded and selected for promotionmust meet the eligibility requirements IAW reference j, Chapter 1.

7. Scheduling priorities for Basic Leaders Course (BLC), Advanced Leaders Course(ALC), Senior Leaders Course (SLC), and Master Leaders Course (MLC). Due to thelimited availability of NCOES quotas for T10 Soldiers, Soldiers selected for promotion toSGT/SSG/SFC/MSG have 24 months to complete the appropriate NCOES or beremoved from promotion selection status. Soldiers who are selected for promotion havescheduling priority of NCOES training seats. Reference bb outlines the followingpriorities for scheduling attendance to NCOES courses:

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex D: T10 AGR Promotion Process


a. Soldiers selected for promotion from the current promotion list.

b. Conditionally promoted Soldiers.

c. Soldiers who are on the current promotion list, but were not selected forpromotion. Priority will go to the next highest person on the list not enrolled, attending, or graduated from the course.

d. Soldiers who are not eligible for promotion, but want to continue theirProfessional Military Education.

8. Scheduling priorities for United States Army Sergeants Major Course (USASMC). Inaccordance with reference i, a board must be held in order to select individuals forUSASMC (Resident/Nonresident) attendance. The ARNG T10 Program utilizes thecurrent E9 Promotion Board Order of Merit List to select individuals for USASMCenrollment. Additionally, USASMC attendance priorities are as follows:

a. Soldier selected for promotion to Sergeant Major.

b. The overall combined E9 Promotion Board Order of Merit List.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex E: T10 ARNG AGR Special Programs


1. Tab 1: External Assignments

2. Tab 2: Officer Command Opportunity Program (COP)

3. Tab 3: Officer Command Leadership Program (CLP)

4. Tab 4: Enlisted Command Opportunity Program (COP)

5. Tab 5: Enlisted Command Leadership Program (CLP)

6. Tab 6: Joint Officer Management Program (JOM)

7. Tab 7: Professional Development (PD) Tours and T10/T32 Exchanges

8. Tab 8: Army Acquisition Command Selection List (CSL) Board

9. Tab 9: Enlisted to Warrant Program

10. Tab 10: Statement of Understanding, DA Form 4187

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex E: T10 ARNG AGR Special Programs


Tab 1. External Assignments

1. This tab establishes policy guidance concerning the departure and return to T10AGR status from an external duty assignment. For the purpose of this policy, an"external assignment" is any assignment in a duty status other than Title 10 AGR,including but not limited to T32 AGR, mobilization under 10 USC 12302 or 12304, orany form of Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS) under 10 USC 12301(d).

2. Discussion. The AGR program is a career program per reference f and Soldiersreleased from T10 AGR orders in order to serve on external assignments, will continueas participants in the T10 AGR program provided that such release has been properlyauthorized with the prior understanding that the Soldier will return to Title 10 AGRstatus upon completion of the external assignment. Where such authorization andguaranty is present the Soldier will continue to be managed by ARNG-HCM and as amember of the T10 AGR Program pursuant to this policy.

3. Approval Authorities. Assignment outside the T10 AGR program requiring atransition off the T10 AGR order and into some other status will be executed asfollows.

a. LTC, CW4, and MSG and below, external assignments are approved bythe DDARNG.

b. COL, CW5, and SGM external assignments are approved by the DARNG.

c. The DDARNG or DARNG will not generally approve an individually initiatedexternal assignment with guaranteed reentry into the T10 AGR program unless the assignment is either part of a T10/T32 AGR Exchange or the Command Leadership Program. Individually initiated external assignments outside of established programs are disruptive and have a negative impact on the manning of the T10 AGR program.

d. The DDARNG or DARNG may approve an individually initiated externalassignment without guaranteed reentry into a T10 AGR status. In this case, reentry into T10 AGR status upon completion of the external assignment will be at the discretion of the DDARNG or DARNG, subject to the needs of the organization. In this case the Solider will be deemed to have left the T10 AGR program and the time spent in the external assignment shall constitute a break in T10 AGR service. Reentry of the Soldier into the T10 AGR program will be subject to the discretion of DDARNG or DARNG to the eligibility requirements of reference f, and to the requirements set forth elsewhere in this policy.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex E: T10 ARNG AGR Special Programs


e. The DDARNG or DARNG may disapprove an external assignment.

4. External Assignment Tour Extensions. Any extension of the external assignmentbeyond the time period authorized must be approved by the DDARNG or DARNG.Soldiers who accept tour extensions without proper prior approval from the DDARNGor DARNG may be deemed to have terminated their participation in the T10 AGRprogram, and reentry to T10 AGR status will be subject to the discretion of theDDARNG or DARNG and subject to the eligibility requirements of reference f and to therequirements set forth elsewhere in this policy.

5. Promotions during External Assignments. T10 AGR Soldiers serving on externalassignments continue to compete in the T10 AGR promotion process. Soldiersrecommended for promotion by the T10 AGR promotion process may be promotedwhile on the external assignment or may be deferred until returned to the T10 AGRstatus. Such cases will be processed pursuant to the promotion process in thispolicy. Soldiers who accept a promotion while on an external assignment withoutprior approval of the DDARNG or DARNG will be deemed to have resigned from theT10 AGR program.

6. Counseling. Before accepting an external assignment, the T10 Soldier must executethe DA Form 4187 Statement of Understanding; see Tab 9 of Annex E. The form mustbe signed by both the Soldier and counseling official. Other counseling materials maybe included as required. The DA Form 4187 and other supporting counseling materialswill be filed in the Soldier's Interactive Personnel Electronic Records ManagementSystem (iPERMS) file.

7. States may request to recall a T10 AGR Soldier for mobilization or professionaldevelopment IAW reference x (PPOM #17-015) and Annex F, Tab 3.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex E: T10 ARNG AGR Special Programs


Tab 2. Officer Command Opportunity Program (COP)

1. This tab establishes policy and procedures for conduct of the Officer COP board.The COP provides T10 AGR officers the opportunity to compete for therecommendation and selection to command NGB controlled TDA units. The COP boardis the primary method used to select T10 AGR officers for future assignment to NGB-controlled TDA company and battalion level command positions.

2. The COP Board Overview. The board will recommend officers from best qualified toleast qualified and the DARNG is the final selection authority for NGB-controlled TDAcommand assignments.

a. Eligibility criteria. The COP board will consider all eligible T10 AGR officers whoapply to be considered by the board.

(1) Officers eligible for consideration for company-level command include CPTswho have completed Captains Career Course, or MAJs.

(2) Officers eligible for battalion-level command include LTCs and MAJs whohave been notified of their recommended promotion through the LTC PRR process. LTCs and MAJs who apply for consideration must have completed either 100% of Command and General Staff Officer Course (CGSOC), or both the Intermediate Level Education Common Core (ILE-CC) and the Advanced Operations Course (AOC) in accordance with reference i.

(3) Officers who have been selected for Release from Active Duty will not beeligible for consideration by the COP Board.

(4) Officers affiliated with the Acquisition Workforce (AWF) career fields will notbe eligible for consideration by the COP Board. ARNG T10 AWF officers will only be eligible for consideration by the Army Acquisition Command Selection List (CSL) Board. See Annex E, Tab 8.

(5) Additional specific eligibility requirements for each command may beincluded in the annual COP announcement memorandum published by ARNG-HCM.

b. Selection objectives. The board will evaluate the officers and produce a list frombest qualified to least qualified for command and may establish a cut line. Officers below the line will not be recommended for command.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex E: T10 ARNG AGR Special Programs


c. Board membership composition. The board will be comprised of five to sevenvoting members. A General Officer will serve as board president and all other voting members will be the rank of COL. The board composition will include one voting member from the NGB Joint Staff, at least one member from a State, and an Active Component officer. USAR officers are acceptable for board membership. Female and minority membership will be determined based on the population of officers being considered. Board membership exceptions will be approved by DARNG.

d. Board announcement. ARNG-HCM will publish an annual COP boardannouncement memorandum. The announcement memorandum will list the expected command opportunities to be filled. The announcement will also include eligibility criteria, instructions for applying for consideration, and procedures for the applicants to review and verify their board files.

e. Board files. The board files will include the documents specified in theannouncement memorandum. ARNG-HRP will upload the iPERMS performance folder and DAPMIS DA photo to the board voting system after the board file close date.

3. Processing of Board Results. The approved best qualified list will guide commandassignments. The actual timing and sequence of the reassignments and the projectedchange of command dates will be determined by ARNG-HCM, based on coordinationwith the affected organizations or entities.

a. Flags. Officers who receive a Suspension of Favorable Actions (i.e., “flag”) afterbeing recommended for command by the COP board will remain on the list, but will not execute a Permanent Change of Station move or assume command until the flag is lifted. If the officer is still flagged 90 days prior to the projected change of command date, the command may be offered to another candidate.

b. Removal from the Best Qualified List. The DARNG may determine that an officerreviewed by the COP board or already selected for command will not be allowed to assume command. Such reasons include but are not limited to substantiated misconduct or substandard performance occurring or discovered after the COP board.

(1) REFRAD/TCB. Officers reviewed by the COP board who are subsequentlyselected for release by a REFRAD board or TCB will not be recommended for command and previous recommendations for command will be withdrawn.

(2) Failure of selection. MAJs who have been recommended for promotion bythe DARNG and are selected for battalion command positions and LTCs who have

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex E: T10 ARNG AGR Special Programs


been recommended for promotion by the DARNG and are selected for brigade command positions who are subsequently non-select for promotion by a DA Mandatory Promotion Consideration Board will be removed from the COP list and any previous recommendations for command will be withdrawn.

(3) Exemplary Conduct Certification Screening. An Officer withheld from a DAMandatory Promotion List or removed from a Unit Vacancy Promotion scroll as a result Exemplary Conduct Certification Screening will be removed from the COP list. If an Officer is subsequently retained on the DA Mandatory Promotion List or returned to a Unit Vacancy scroll, they may compete for COP consideration in the following year, if otherwise eligible.

c. Declination of command / refusal of assignment. Once notified of selection by theCOP board, officers may decline command by submitting written declination through channels to ARNG-HCM. Officers who decline command after selection by the COP board will be removed from the COP list.

d. Exhausted OML. In the event the list is exhausted, the DARNG may convene astand-by board or may appoint a selectee through a nominative assignment.

e. Expiration of OML. The COP list will expire upon approval of the subsequentOML.

4. Pre-command training is mandatory for officers selected for battalion-level commandin accordance with reference i, para 3-36. Requests for waivers must be submittedthrough ARNG-HCM to ARNG-TR for further staffing and approval as required.

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Tab 3. Officer Command Leadership Program (CLP)

1. This tab provides policy and procedures for conduct of the Officer CLP Board. TheCLP provides T10 AGR basic branch qualified officers the opportunity to compete forthe recommendation and selection to command MTOE units within the States. TheCLP board is the primary method used to recommend T10 AGR officers to State TAGsfor MTOE battalion commands.

2. Authorizations. The DARNG will generally dedicate no less than six T10 AGRLieutenant Colonel resources and two T10 AGR Colonel resources per fiscal year insupport of T32 AGR MTOE battalion and brigade commands, respectively. Theseauthorizations will not be used for TDA commands. The CLP does not include companycommands. MTOE company command opportunities in the States will be coordinatedon a case-by-case basis by ARNG-HCM and will be executed as professionaldevelopment tour, in accordance with Tabs 1 and 7 of this Annex. Approval of companycommand tours is at the discretion of the DDARNG and subject to the needs of theorganization.

a. Eligibility criteria – Battalion Command. The CLP Board will consider all eligibleT10 AGR officers who apply for consideration by the board. Officers eligible for battalion-level commands include LTCs and MAJs who have been notified of their recommended promotion through the LTC PRR process. LTCs and MAJs who apply for consideration must have completed either 100% of Command and General Staff Officer Course (CGSOC), or both the Intermediate Level Education Common Core (ILE-CC) and the Advanced Operations Course (AOC) in accordance with reference i.

b. Eligibility criteria - Brigade Command. The CLP Board will consider all eligibleT10 AGR officers who apply for consideration by the board. Officers eligible for brigade-level commands include COLs and LTCs who have been notified of their recommended promotion through the COL PRR process.

c. Officers who have been selected for Release from Active Duty will not be eligiblefor consideration by the CLP board.

d. Officers affiliated with the Acquisition Workforce (AWF) career fields will not beeligible for consideration by the CLP Board. ARNG T10 AWF officers will only be eligible for consideration by the Army Acquisition Command Selection List (CSL) Board. See Annex E, Tab 8.

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e. Selection objectives. The board will produce a list from best qualified to leastqualified for command and may establish a cut line. Officers below the cut line will not be recommended for command. The DARNG is the final recommendation authority and the State Adjutants General are the final selection authority.

3. Officers selected to participate in the CLP, will transition from T10 AGR status to T32AGR status for the duration of the command and will be handled as an externalassignment pursuant to Tab 1 of this Annex.

4. Conduct of the CLP Board.

a. Board membership composition. The board will be comprised of five to sevenvoting members. A General Officer will serve as board president and all other voting members will be in the rank of COL. The board composition will include one voting member from the NGB Joint Staff, at least one member from a State, and an Active Component officer. USAR officers are acceptable for board membership. Female and minority membership will be determined based on the population of officers being considered. Board membership exceptions will be approved by DARNG.

b. Board announcement. ARNG-HCM will publish an annual CLP boardannouncement memorandum. The announcement memorandum will include the eligibility criteria, instructions for applying for consideration, and procedures for applicants to review and verify their board file.

c. Board files. The board files will include the documents specified in theannouncement memorandum. ARNG-HRP will upload the iPERMS performance folder and DAPMIS DA photo to the board voting system after the board file close date.

5. Processing of Board Results. The approved best qualified list established by theboard will guide command assignments. The actual timing and sequence of thereassignments and the projected change of command dates will be determined byARNG-HCM, based on coordination with the affected organizations.

a. Flags. Officers who receive a Suspension of Favorable Actions (i.e., “flag”) afterbeing recommended for command by the CLP board will remain on the best qualified list, but will not execute a permanent change of station move or assume command until the flag is lifted. If the officer is still flagged 90 days prior to the projected change of command date, the officer may be passed over and the command may be offered to another candidate.

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b. Removal from the best qualified list. The DARNG may determine that an officerreviewed by the CLP board or selected for command will not be allowed to assume command. Such reasons include but are not limited to substantiated misconduct or substandard performance occurring or discovered after the CLP board.

(1) REFRAD/TCB. Officers reviewed by the CLP board who are subsequentlyselected for release by a REFRAD board or TCB will not be recommended for command and any previous recommendations for command will be withdrawn.

(2) Failure of selection. MAJs who have been recommended for promotion bythe DARNG and are selected for battalion command positions and LTCs who have been recommended for promotion by the DARNG and are selected for brigade command positions who are subsequently non-select for promotion by a DA Mandatory Promotion Consideration Board will be removed from the CLP list and any previous recommendations for command will be withdrawn.

(3) Exemplary Conduct Certification Screening. An Officer withheld from a DAMandatory Promotion List or removed from a Unit Vacancy Promotion scroll as a result Exemplary Conduct Certification Screening will be removed from the CLP list. If an Officer is subsequently retained on the DA Mandatory Promotion List or returned to a Unit Vacancy scroll, they may compete for COP consideration in the following year, if otherwise eligible.

c. Declination of command. Once notified of selection by the CLP board, officersmay decline command by submitting written declination through channels to ARNG-HCM. Officers who decline command after selection by the CLP board will be removed from the CLP best qualified list.

d. Exhausted best qualified list. In the event the best qualified list is exhausted, theDARNG may convene a stand-by board or may appoint a selectee through a nominative assignment.

e. Expiration of best qualified list. The CLP best qualified list will expire uponapproval of the subsequent best qualified list.

6. Pre-command training is mandatory for officers selected for battalion-level commandin accordance with reference i, para 3-36. Requests for waivers must be submittedthrough ARNG-HCM to ARNG-TR for further staffing and approval as required.

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7. Officers selected to participate in the CLP must meet all the requirements of Tab 1 ofthis Annex and execute the Statement of Understanding, DA Form 4187 at Tab 10 ofthis Annex.

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Tab 4. Enlisted Command Opportunity Program (COP)

1. This tab establishes policy and procedures for conduct of the Enlisted COP board.The COP allows T10 AGR NCOs the opportunity to compete for the recommendationand selection to serve in CSM and 1SG leadership positions. The COP board is theprimary method used to select T10 AGR NCOs for future assignment to NGB-controlledTDA CSM and 1SG level leadership positions.

2. The COP Board Overview. The board will recommend NCOs from best qualified toleast qualified and the DARNG is the final selection authority for NGB-controlled TDAleadership assignments.

a. Eligibility criteria. The COP board will consider all eligible T10 AGR NCOs whoapply to be considered by the board.

(1) NCOs eligible for company-level assignments include MSGs who havecompleted the Senior Leadership Course.

(2) NCOs eligible for battalion-level assignments include SGMs who have beenselected by the HQDA (NGB) Command Sergeant Major board and completed or enrolled in the Sergeant Major Academy.

(3) Soldiers who have been selected for Release from Active Duty will not beeligible for consideration by the CLP board.

(4) Additional specific eligibility requirements for each CSM and 1SG positionmay be published in the annual COP announcement memorandum published by the ARNG-HCM.

b. Selection objectives. The board will evaluate the NCOs and will produce a bestqualified list from best qualified to least qualified for leadership assignments and may establish a cut line. NCOs below the cut line will not be recommend for a leadership assignment.

c. Board membership composition. The board will be comprised of five to sevenvoting members. A General Officer will serve as the board president and all other voting members will be in the rank of COL and CSM. The board composition will include one voting member from the NGB Joint Staff, at least one member from a State, and an Active Component CSM. USAR Officers and NCOs are acceptable for board membership. Female and minority membership will be determined based on the

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population of officers being considered. Board membership exceptions will be approved by DARNG.

d. Board announcement. ARNG-HCM will publish an annual COP boardannouncement memorandum. The announcement memorandum will list the expected leadership assignments to be filled. The announcement also will include the eligibility criteria, instructions for applying for consideration, and procedures for the applicants to review and verify their board files.

e. Board files. The board files will include the documents specified in theannouncement memorandum. ARNG-HRP will upload the iPERMS performance folder and DAPMIS DA photo to the board voting system after the board file close date.

3. Processing of Board Results. The approved best qualified list will guide leadershipassignments. The actual timing and sequence of the reassignments and the projectedchange of responsibility dates will be determined by the ARNG-HCM, based oncoordination with the affected organizations or entities.

a. Flags. NCOs who receive a Suspension of Favorable Actions (i.e., “flag”) afterbeing recommended for a leadership position by the COP board will remain on the best qualified list, but will not execute a permanent change of station move or the change of responsibility until the flag is lifted. If the NCO is still flagged 90 days prior to the projected change of responsibility date, the NCO will be passed over and the position will be offered to an alternate candidate.

b. Removal from the best qualified list. The DARNG may determine that an NCOreviewed by the COP board or recommended will not be allowed to assume a leadership position.

(1) Removal reasons include but are not limited to substantiated misconduct orsubstandard performance occurring or discovered after the COP board.

(2) REFRAD/TCB. NCOs reviewed by the COP who are subsequently selectedfor release by a REFRAD board or TCB will not be recommended for leadership positions previous recommendations for leadership positions will be withdrawn.

c. Declination of leadership position/refusal of assignment. Once notified ofselection by the DARNG, NCOs may decline the position by submitting written declination through channels to ARNG-HCM. NCOs who decline a leadership position after selection by the COP board will be removed from the COP OML.

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d. Exhausted best qualified list. In the event the OML is exhausted, the DARNGmay convene a stand-by board or may appoint a selectee through a nominative assignment.

e. Expiration of OML. The COP OML will expire upon approval of the subsequentOML.

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Tab 5. Enlisted Command Leadership Program (CLP)

1. This Tab provides policy and procedures for the conduct of the Enlisted CLP Board.The CLP provides T10 AGR NCOs the opportunity to compete for the recommendationand selection to serve in CSM MTOE leadership positions. The CLP board is theprimary method used to recommend T10 AGR NCOs to State Adjutants General forMTOE leadership positions.

2. Authorizations. The DARNG will determine the number of AGR authorizations thatwill be used in support of the Enlisted CLP based on the availability and execution of E9AGR controlled grades. Generally, the DARNG will dedicate two T10 AGR CommandSergeant Major authorizations per fiscal year in support of T32 AGR MTOE battalions.These authorizations will not be used for TDA commands. The CLP does not includecompany level positions. Company level opportunities will be coordinated by ARNG-HCM and will be executed as a professional development tour in accordance with Tabs1 and 7 of this Annex. Approval of company level leadership tours is at the discretion ofthe DARNG and subject to the needs of the organization.

a. Eligibility criteria. The CLP board will consider all eligible T10 AGR NCOs whoapply to be considered by the board.

(1) NCOs eligible for battalion-level assignments include SGMs who have beenselected by the HQDA (NGB) Command Sergeant Major board and completed or enrolled in the Sergeant Major Academy.

(2) Soldiers who have been selected for Release from Active Duty will not beeligible for consideration by the CLP board.

b. Selection objectives. The board will produce an OML from best qualified to leastqualified for leadership positions and may establish a cut line. NCOs below the cut line will not be recommend for a leadership position. The DARNG is the final recommendation authority and the State Adjutants General are the final selection authority.

3. NCOs selected to participate in the CLP will transition from T10 AGR status to T32AGR status for the duration of the leadership tour and will be handled as an externalassignment pursuant to Tab 1 of this Annex and Soldiers will execute the Statement ofUnderstanding DA Form 4187 IAW Tab 10 of this Annex.

4. Conduct of the CLP Board.

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a. Board membership composition. The board will be comprised of five to sevenvoting members. A General Officer will serve as the board president and all other members will be in the rank of COL or CSM. The board composition will include one voting member from the NGB Joint Staff, at least one member from a State, and an Active Component CSM. USAR Officers and NCOs are acceptable for board membership. Female and minority membership will be determined based on the population of officers being considered. Board membership exceptions will be approved by DARNG.

b. Board announcement. ARNG-HCM will publish an annual CLP boardannouncement memorandum. The announcement memorandum will include the eligibility criteria, instructions for applying for consideration, and procedures for applicants to review and verify their board file.

c. Board files. The board files will include the documents specified in theannouncement memorandum. ARNG-HRP will upload the iPERMS performance folder and DAPMIS DA photo to the board voting system after the board file close date.

5. Processing of Board Results. The approved OML established by the board willguide leadership assignments. The actual timing and sequence of the reassignmentsand the projected change of responsibility dates will be determined by ARNG-HCM,based on coordination with the affected organizations.

a. Flags. NCOs who receive a Suspension of Favorable Actions (i.e., “flag”) afterbeing recommended for a leadership by the CLP board will remain on the OML, but will not execute a Permanent Change of Station move or change of responsibility until the flag is lifted. If the NCO is still flagged 90 days prior to the projected change of responsibility date, the NCO will be passed over and the leadership position will be offered to an alternate candidate.

b. Removal from the OML. The DARNG may determine that an NCO reviewed bythe CLP board or recommended for a leadership assignment will not be allowed to assume a leadership position.

(1) Removal reasons include but are not limited to substantiated misconduct orsubstandard performance occurring or discovered after the CLP board.

(2) REFRAD/TCB. NCOs reviewed by the CLP who are subsequently selectedfor release by a REFRAD board or TCB will not be recommended for leadership positions and any previous recommendations for leadership positions will be withdrawn.

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c. Declination of leadership position/refusal of assignment. Once notified ofselection by the DARNG, NCOs may decline the position by submitting written declination through channels to ARNG-HCM. NCOs who decline a leadership position after selection by the CLP board will be removed from the CLP OML.

d. Exhausted OML. In the event the OML is exhausted, the DARNG may convene astand-by board or may appoint a selectee through a nominative assignment.

e. Expiration of OML. The CLP OML will expire upon approval of the subsequentOML.

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Tab 6. Joint Officer Management Program (JOM)

1. This Tab establishes policy and procedures for conduct of the ARNG Joint OfficerManagement (JOM) Program. The JOM provides T10 AGR officers the opportunity tocompete for selection for T10 Joint Duty Assignment List (JDAL) positions. The JOMProgram is the primary method used to select T10 AGR officers for future assignment toJDAL positions. The JOM program consists of the Joint Officer Development AdvisoryPanel (JODAP) that creates the order of merit list (OML) of nominated ARNG officersand the Joint Leader Advisory Board (JLAB) that selects officers from the service OMLto serve in available JDAL positions. The ARNG JOM Program will be executed inaccordance with the Joint Officer Management CNGBI.

2. The JODAP Overview. The board will recommend officers from best qualified toleast qualified.

a. Eligibility criteria. The JODAP board will consider all eligible ARNG officersnominated in accordance with the ARNG JOM announcement. Additional specific eligibility requirements for each JDAL position may be included in the annual JOM announcement memorandum published by ARNG-HCM.

b. Selection objectives. The board will evaluate the officers and produce a list frombest qualified to least qualified for joint duty and may establish a cut line. Officers below the line will not be recommended to the JLAB.

c. Board membership composition. Board membership is outlined in the JointOfficer Management CNGBI.

d. Board announcement. ARNG-HCM will publish an annual JOM Programannouncement memorandum. The announcement memorandum may list the expected JDAL positions to be filled. The announcement also will include eligibility criteria and instructions for nominating authorities.

e. Board files. The board files will include the documents specified in theannouncement memorandum. ARNG-HRP will upload the iPERMS performance folder and DAPMIS DA photo to the board voting system after the board file close date.

3. Processing of Board Results.

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a. The approved OML will guide JLAB assignments. The actual timing andsequence of the reassignments will be determined by ARNG-HCM, based on coordination with the affected organizations or entities.

b. REFRAD/TCB. Officers reviewed by the JODAP and JLAB who are subsequentlyselected for release by a REFRAD board or TCB will not be assigned to JDAL positions.

c. Failure of selection. MAJs who have been recommended for promotion by theDARNG and are selected for LTC JDAL positions and LTCs who have been recommended for promotion by the DARNG and are selected for COL JDAL positions who are subsequently non-select for promotion by a DA Mandatory Promotion Consideration Board will be removed from the JDAL list and any previous selections for JDAL positions will be withdrawn.

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Tab 7. Professional Development (PD) Tours and T10/T32 AGR Exchanges

1. The Army National Guard (ARNG) T10 Professional Development program is a careerdevelopment program. The program allows T10 Soldiers to develop working knowledgeand understanding of the requirements of the ARNG at the State level and provides anopportunity for T32 Soldiers to take part in higher headquarters functions, staffingprocesses, and coordination with Major Army Commands, HQDA, and the Department ofDefense.

2. Program Parameters.

a. PD Tours will generally be 24 months in duration. As a general rule, PD Tourswill be accomplished as a T10/T32 Exchange. Each party (NGB and the State) will provide the Soldier and the AGR resource / controlled grade authorization to support their respective participant.

b. PD tours initiated at the State’s request must be formally requested inmemorandum format to Chief, Human Capital Management Division (ARNG-HCM) reference x (PPOM #17-015) and Annex F, Tab 3.

c. Soldiers participating in the exchange must be of equal grade and States mustprovide fully qualified Soldiers to NGB for the duration of the exchange.

d. LTC, CW4, and MSG and below, PDs are approved by the DDARNG.

e. COL, CW5, and SGM PDs are approved by the DARNG.

f. PD tours via exchange of Soldiers in different grades will be considered as anexception to policy or will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Such cases required the approval of the DDARNG or DARNG as appropriate.

3. Eligibility.

a. Except as stated below, all T10 and T32 Soldiers are eligible to participate in thePD program, participation is voluntary. Participants must return to their original status upon completion of the tour, unless they are accessed into the T10 or T32 AGR career status through the regular application process.

b. T10 FA51A Program Management officers are not eligible to participate in theARNG T10/T32 Exchange Program. FA51A PM Positions are only authorized in the

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ARNG T10 Acquisition workforce. FA51A PM coded positions do not exist at the State level; therefore, IAW Annex E Tab 6 para 2(c), States are unable to provide qualified FA51A to NGB to support an exchange nor is the State able to support a T10 FA51A PM career development path.

c. T10 FA51C Contracting officers will only be considered for participation in theARNG T10/T32 Exchange Program if the T10 FA51C officer serves in a qualified FA51C State contracting assignment.

d. T32 Soldiers serving on PD tours will serve as One Time Occasional Tour.Exchanges may occur between two members of the same State or between members of different States. Exchanges between members of different States may require an Inter-State Transfer.

e. T10 AGR Soldiers should have completed their initial three year tour beforeparticipating in any PD program. This does not apply to WO1s/CW2s who were commissioned through the former T10 Enlisted-to-Warrant Officer Program. Exceptions are approved by the DDARNG or DARNG.

f. Participation while under suspension of favorable actions flag is not authorized.

g. Soldiers must meet all retention and subsequent tour requirements under theprovisions of reference f.

4. Promotion.

a. PD tour participants will continue to be managed by their respective career statusprograms and not by the career status program in which they are serving the PD tour. Soldiers selected for promotion during their PD tour will generally have their promotion deferred until they return to their respective career status. However, promotions may be executed, by exception during the PD tour subject to the controlled grade limitations within the respective career programs.

b. Unauthorized acceptance of promotions. T10 AGR Soldiers who accept apromotion while on a PD tour without prior authorization by the DDARNG or DARNG will be deemed to have resigned from the T10 AGR program.

c. Extension of PD tours. T10 AGR Soldiers may extend the duration of their PDtour only with the prior authorization by the DDARNG. Soldiers who serve beyond the

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approved PD tour length without the prior approval by the DDARNG or DARNG will be deemed to have resigned from the T10 AGR program.

5. Application Procedures.

a. T10 applicants must submit a completed and approved DA Form 4187 throughtheir chain of command to ARNG-HCM.

b. T32 applicants must complete a new hire accession packet and meet therequirements of Annex B.

6. T10 AGR Soldiers participating in a PD or exchange tour will be managed pursuantto this policy.

7. All T32 AGR personnel participating in PD or exchange tours will be managedpursuant to the OTOT guidance in Annex A except that the PD or exchange tour will bein duration of two years.

8. All T10 AGR personnel must meet the requirements of Tab 1, External Assignmentsand execute the Statement of Understanding, DA Form 4187 at Tab 10 of this Annex.

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Tab 8. COL/LTC Equivalent Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) Centralized Selection List (CSL) – Command/Key Billet & Product Director Selection Panel Board

1. This tab establishes policy and procedures for CSL key billets. CSL provides FA 51T10 AGR officers the opportunity to compete for CSL Command or CSL Key Billet.

a. The CSL process identifies the most critical organizations that require centrallyselected leaders to meet their leadership and management needs. This process selects the best-qualified officers, with the right skill and experiences, to lead Army professionals, prepare for the full spectrum of military operations, and manage the Army’s resources. The Army’s Centralized Command/Key Billet Selection System designates all the Army’s CSL positions into one of two categories: CSL Command or CSL Key Billet. All Army Acquisition Corps CSL positions are designated as Key Billets and include project manager, product manager, contracting brigade commander, contracting battalion commander and acquisition director (both at the colonel and lieutenant colonel level).

2. Eligibility. Command/Key Billet eligibility and information for active/reservecomponent officers is listed below.

a. The number of times an officer can compete for Command/Key Billet is threeconsecutive years. Three consecutive years of eligibility begins the year an officer is promoted to COL/LTC.

b. ARNG component officers must be in the rank of COL or LTC and federallyrecognized (either Unit Vacancy or DA Board) before he or she is eligible to compete for CSL. Officers must meet the Mandatory Release Date (MRD) requirement published in the COL/GS15 and LTC/GS14 Equivalent Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) Centralized Selection List (CSL) – Command/Key Billet & Product Director Selection Panel Board MILPER Message.

c. In order to compete, an officer must be an Acquisition Corps member NLT thanthe date outlined in the CSL MILPER Message. This does not happen automatically. An officer must have requested and been approved for membership. Criteria for Acquisition Corps membership can be found at An officer’s membership status can be verified in section X on the Officer Record Brief (ORB) under “Acquisition Corps Status”. If that area is blank/has no date, the officer is not eligible until he/she becomes a certified Acquisition Corps member. Waivers of this requirement will be considered on a case by case basis. Officers should contact their career manager with questions regarding the waiver process.

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d. Officers must not have served in a Command or CSL designated position at theCOL/LTC level, or received constructive credit for a CSL command designated unit at the COL/LTC level.

e. Officers must not have been selected as a principal CSL Command/Key Billetdesignee by a previous CSL board (Department of the Army (DA) level) or activated for a CSL position from an alternate status.

f. Officers must not have been relieved for cause from a Command or CSLdesignated position.

g. Officers must not have declined, with prejudice, a CSL Command/Key Billet afterhaving been selected as a principal or alternate.

h. Officers must not have been removed from a Command or CSL (either principalor alternate) by a DA Command Review Board (CRB).

i. Officers must not have submitted a retirement application to HCM or be pendingseparation action. A retirement application is considered “submitted” when it is received by HCM. An officer selected as a principal or alternate who subsequently submits a retirement application is required to submit a declination of Command/Key Billet as part of the retirement application. If the officer does not submit a declination of Command/Key Billet or does not withdraw their retirement, the requested retirement date may be adjusted by HCM to a date that allows the officer to complete the Command/Key Billet tour. In lieu of extension, HRC may request the ASA (ALT) administratively remove the officer from the CSL to allow for the activation of an alternate.

j. Officers with expired Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) records mustsubmit updates IAW reference l to better increase their slating/assignment opportunities if selected for CSL Command/Key Billet. Soldiers enrolled in EFMP are required to review and update EFMP condition(s) every three years.

3. Opt-in board: Eligible officers must take action to be considered for the COL/GS15and LTC/GS14 AAC selection board. Officers must contact the ARNG AcquisitionCareer Management Office to Opt-in for the board if he or she chooses to compete forcommand. Certification of “My Board File” (MBF) does not constitute opting in. Officerswho do not contact the career management office and submit their Command ProgramDesignation (CPD) to compete will not be considered by the COL/GS15 and LTC/GS14AAC CSL selection board and the officer’s MBF will be deleted after the CPD closes.

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4. Officers selected for Acquisition Commands/Key Billets are determined to be pre-qualified to serve in key leadership positions and should expect to serve for 36 monthsor as needed due to operational or geographic requirements. Once the COL/GS15 andLTC/GS14 Command & Key Billet lists are approved, officers on the lists may be slatedfor an early assumption of Command or Key Billet to fill un-forecasted vacancies.

5. Selectees for Product Management positions will execute a Tenure and ProgramManagement Agreement (T&PMA) for the specified length of the slated Key Billet IAWreference e, section 1734 (a) (2) and reference f prior to receiving their charter.All other CSL Key Billet Selectees will execute a Critical Acquisition Position ServiceAgreement Key Leadership Position (KLP) Form (DD Form 2889).

6. Key Information:

a. In an effort to clearly establish a commitment on the part of every officer whoelects to compete, and to reduce the turbulence on the officer corps that declination after selection causes, all post-board declinations will be considered “with prejudice”. A declination with prejudice will result in section X of their Officer Record Brief (ORB) stamped indicating the CSL declination. Furthermore, declination of a LTC CSL Command/Key Billet, will make the officer ineligible to compete for all future CSL Command/Key Billet selections at both the LTC and COL grade level.

b. Officers selected for an Acquisition Command/Key Billet will be slated per theDirector, Army Acquisition Corps (DAAC) Command/Key Billet slating guidance prioritizing skills and experience for the Army Acquisition Executive’s approval. Officers should consider how their skills and experiences best match those available Command/ Key Billets and order their preferences based on positions where their skills will be the most applicable and not solely on location of the position.

c. Due to the dynamic nature of CSL positions, the positions available to rank orderin the CPD module are subject to change. Changes to unit availability may occur due to changes in assumption of charter dates or units removed from or added to the CSL after the CPD closes and prior to release of the Command Slate. Officers who opt-in will be considered for all command locations in which they are eligible to compete.

d. Some positions may require mobilization/deployment for service overseas.Inability to deploy may result in the selectee being removed from the selection list or position (as appropriate).

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e. It is imperative that officers lead by example and that they meet all requirementsassociated with effectively leading in their CSL position. Officers who elect to participate in the CSL process will now have to certify their physical status with respect to ability to deploy through the CPD application. This will allow HQDA and HRC to evaluate the requirements of the position against any physical and/or deployability limitations an officer may have. The goal is to identify/place officers who are able to lead their formation by meeting the physical demands and deployment requirements of the slated position.

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Tab 9. Enlisted to Warrant Officer Program

1. Title 10 AGR Enlisted Soldiers that are interested in becoming Warrant Officers mustobtain a predetermination certificate of eligibility from the Department of the Army (DA)Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Proponent. They should submit an application inaccordance with reference r, paragraph 2-8, through their State Command ChiefWarrant Officer (CCWO), State Adjutant General, and the ARNG Warrant OfficerStrength Manager (ARNG-HRR) to the DA MOS Proponent (as applicable).

2. Eligibility. To apply for the T10 AGR Warrant Officer program, T10 AGR EnlistedSoldiers must:

a. Be a Sergeant First Class (E-7) with 2 years’ time in grade.

b. Staff Sergeant (E-6) and Sergeant First Class (E-7), with less than 2 years’ timein grade may apply with the understanding, documented on a DA 4187, that guaranteed re-entry into the T10 AGR program is contingent upon completion of a three year T32 AGR Tour and promotion to CW2 prior to returning T10 status.

c. Have no more than 15 years Active Federal Service as of the board convenedate, to ensure not less than 4 years utilization, prior to qualifying for a regular retirement. This requirement is non-waiverable.

d. Have completed an initial 24-month Active Duty Service Obligation (ADSO).

e. Have completed an initial T10 AGR Tour of 3 years (unless they have served in acareer status immediately preceded by a Title 32 AGR Tour).

f. Be qualified for a Warrant Officer Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) as verifiedby ARNG-HRH and ARNG-HRR in the approved Predetermination Packet.

g. Not be 48 years of age or older upon Federal recognition as a CW2.

3. Board announcement. ARNG-HCM will publish an annual Enlisted to Warrant Officeboard announcement memorandum. The announcement memorandum will include theeligibility requirements, instructions for applying for consideration, and procedures forthe applicants to review and verify their board files.

4. Once a Warrant Officer Selection Board is announced and predetermination isobtained, Soldiers may then submit an application for the T10 AGR Warrant Officer

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Program to the ARNG Human Capital Management Division (ARNG-HCM). Application packets will include:

a. Letter of recommendation by the ARNG G-Staff Primary. ARNG G-Staffendorsement must include the following verification statement that:

(1) The Soldier meets current height and weight standards.

(2) Acknowledgement that if selected, the G-Staff will resource the selecteeduring Warrant Officer Candidate School, Warrant Officer Basic Course and the T32 professional development tour.

(3) G-Staff will accept them back into the career field.

b. Copy of the DA MOS Proponent Predetermination Certificate of Eligibility (within2 years).

c. Current DA Photo from DA Photo Management Information System (DAPMIS).

d. Certified Soldier Record Brief (SRB) or Enlisted Record Brief (ERB).

e. Last 3 years consecutive Non-Commissioned Officer Evaluation Reports(NCOERs) from the interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS).

f. DA Form 705 Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) Scorecard dated within 6months of Board date. Include DA Form 5500/5501 Body Fat Content Worksheet, if applicable.

g. An approved DA G3/5/7 APFT waiver for the 2-mile run (a 2.5-mile walk is theonly acceptable alternate event), if applicable.

h. Warrant Officer Candidate School Certificate of Completion (if applicable).

i. Security Clearance verification memorandum certifying a current clearance.

5. The Warrant Officer Assignment Officer (ARNG-HCM-O) will review packets foradministrative completeness and applicant eligibility. The ARNG CCWO will review alleligible applicant packets before submission to the board. A centralized Warrant OfficerSelection Board will evaluate applicants under “best-qualified” criteria. The board will

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex E: T10 ARNG AGR Special Programs


produce an Order of Merit List (OML). The OML is a recommendation tool to assist the DARNG in determining which applicants to select for appointment based on the needs of the organization. The OML will expire upon approval of the subsequent OML.

6. Division Chief, ARNG-HCM, will make notification of selected individuals. Non-selectmemorandums will be sent to those applicants not initially selected for appointment.Selections will be based on resource, career field availability and the needs of theorganization. Selected individuals may decline appointment by submitting writtendeclination to ARNG-HCM and removed from the OML. Once the Letter of Acceptanceand Agreement is signed, the Warrant Officer Assignment Officer will coordinate theassignment. The Soldier must then coordinate directly with their State, with support ofthe Warrant Officer Assignment Officer, on the submission of the application for FederalRecognition (NGB Form 62 and allied papers) per reference r, Chapter 2 and theFederal Recognition Process.

7. Soldiers boarded and approved by their respective Joint Forces Headquarters(JFHQ) are then placed in the T10 AGR WOC Program. All newly accessed WarrantOfficer Candidates will remain at their current duty locations until departure for WarrantOfficer Candidate School (WOCS) and Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC). ARNG-HCM-O will coordinate with the ARNG Individual Training Branch (ARNG-TRI) toschedule attendance at WOCS at Fort Rucker, Alabama and WOBC.

8. Selected individuals must be enrolled in the first WOBC available immediatelyfollowing WOCS completion. Candidates who fail to attend or complete WOCS orWOBC will be retained in their T10 AGR Enlisted Status, have their eligibility revoked,and will not be eligible for further consideration for Warrant Officer Appointment.Soldiers will attend WOCS and WOBC while on Title 10 orders and only be released toTitle 32 AGR upon completion of WOBC.

9. Soldiers who have held the rank of Sergeant First Class (E-7), for a minimum of2 years’ time in grade, will be assigned to a 2-year Professional Development (PD) Tour.Soldiers who have held the rank of Sergeant First Class (E-7) for a period of less than 2years’ time in grade and Staff Sergeant (E-6) will be assigned to a 3 year PD Tour. PDTours start when the Soldier reports to the State. States will receive the appropriateresource to support the officer’s PD Tour. ARNG-HCM will slate each Warrant Officerfor a three-year T10 AGR assignment prior to PD Tour completion. Warrant Officers willreport for their T10 AGR assignment immediately following PD Tour completion.

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10. Warrant Officers appointed under this policy incur a 6-year Ready Reserve (RR)obligation upon completion of the WOBC, IAW reference g, paragraph 2-4 and Table 2-1.

11. The DDARNG is the approval authority for exception to policy.

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ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex F: T10 AGR Separations


1. Tab 1: T10 ARNG AGR Retirement Process

2. Tab 2: Transitions and Release from Active Duty (REFRAD)

3. Tab 3: State Recall/Mobilization Orders

4. Tab 4: Release from Active Duty (REFRAD) Board

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex F: T10 AGR Separations


Tab 1. T10 ARNG AGR Retirement Process

1. This tab provides guidance and timelines associated with transition/retirement packetsubmission and out processing procedures for Soldiers assigned to the National GuardBureau and the Title 10 AGR Program.

2. The retirement process will begin no earlier than (NET) 12 months from retirementdate or no later than (NLT) 9 months from retirement date. The first step is to determineretirement date considering that all Soldiers must retire on the last day of the month,and go on the retired list the first day of the following month. Once a retirement date isestablished, Soldiers must submit a retirement packet.

3. Retirement packets.

a. All Soldiers will submit the following documents to their assignment officer orNCO to initiate the retirement process:

(1) DA 4187.

(2) Current copy of Retirement Points Accounting Management (RPAM)statement, NGB form 23.

(3) A validated ORB/ERB.

(4) Signed and approved copies of permissive temporary duty (PTDY) andtransition leave forms. All PTDY and transition leave forms must be signed by the Soldier’s normal leave approval authority.

b. Officers will also submit a retirement memorandum along with the DA 4187.

c. All Soldiers are required to complete transition requirements prior to separation.

d. Completed retirement packets will be staffed by the appropriate AssignmentOfficer/NCO in order to obtain the appropriate approval signatures. Once approved, the packet will be forwarded to the transition/retirement section where it will be processed. Retirement and/or transition orders will follow in approximately 3 weeks.

4. Retirement briefings. Various representatives provide information pertaining to VAbenefits, retirement pay, transportation entitlements, retirement services, etc.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex F: T10 AGR Separations


a. Retirement briefings are held at Joint Base Myer Henderson Hall and Fort Belvoirfor Soldiers assigned to the National Guard Bureau. Soldiers contact their Assignments Officer/NCO for schedules and locations.

b. Soldiers stationed outside of the military district of Washington (MDW) area willneed to contact their local servicing transition point to find out when retirement briefings are held at their installation.

5. Fit for duty. While processing for separation or retirement from active service forreasons other than physical disability, continued performance of duty constitutes apresumption that the Soldier is fit. Once a transition or retirement packet is approved,Soldiers will not receive an extension unless they experience an acute or grave illnessor injury which prevents them from performing daily duties.

6. Clearing. All Soldiers must out process their local installation prior to receiving theirDD 214 and clearing their transition point. Upon receipt of a DD214, Soldiers areresponsible to provide a copy of their DD214 to their State for records update.

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Tab 2. Transitions and Release from Active Duty (REFRAD)

1. This Tab provides policy for transitioning out of the T10 AGR program or beingreleased from active duty.

2. REFRADS are processed for Soldiers being released from active duty to:

a. Return to State as M-Day or Title 32 AGR/ADOS.

b. Transition to the Active Component (AC).

c. Transition to the United States Army Reserve (USAR).

d. Return to the state based on mandatory removal date (MRD) processing.

e. Accept a Command Leadership Tour or Professional Development Tour.

3. All requests for REFRAD, regardless of type or reason, must be submitted to theEnlisted Management Branch or Officer Management Branch for staffing, 6-12 monthsprior to requested separation. The 6 month suspense is crucial in allowing adequatetime for T-10 AGR Soldiers to coordinate out processing at an approved ArmyTransition Center, per reference k.

4. REFRAD packets.

a. All Soldiers will submit the following documents to their assignment officer toinitiate the REFRAD process:

(1) DA 4187.

(2) Current copy of Retirement Points Accounting Management (RPAM)statement, NGB form 23.

(3) A validated ORB/ERB.

(4) Signed and approved copies of any DA Form 31’s, if requesting transitionleave. All leave forms must be signed by the Soldier’s normal leave approval authority.

b. The Assignment Officer/NCO will get the appropriate approval signatures neededand forward the packet to the Transitions/Retirement section for processing. Transition

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orders will follow in approximately 3 weeks.

5. Clearing. Once transition orders are published, all Soldiers need to contact theirservicing transition center and/or HCM-P Transitions to coordinate out processing andany other requirements needed to out-process and obtain a DD 214.

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Tab 3. State Recall/Mobilization Orders

1. State Recall/Mobilization. In accordance with reference x, upon notification by theState TAG or State POC of a Soldier’s return to State control in support of contingencyoperations:

a. The Soldier must submit TAG State Recall Memorandum and mobilization ordersto their Assignment Officer/NCO.

b. The Transitions Section will process a Format 440 Mobilization Order once thepacket has been received from the Assignment Officer/NCO. Orders will follow in approximately 2 weeks.

c. Soldiers should contact their Assignment Officer/NCO NLT 6 months prior to theirreturn date for proper coordination of assignment and orders.

d. No DD FORM 214 will be issued for Title 10 AGR Soldiers continuing on Title 10AGR status.

2. Return to T10 AGR. Upon completion of deployment, Soldiers will be offered theopportunity to return to Title 10 AGR status in his/her current or a comparableassignment.

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Tab 4. Release from Active Duty (REFRAD) Board

1. Pursuant to the memorandum from the Department of the Army Office of theAssistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (ASA M&RA) dated1 September 2005, ASA M&RA has authorized the use of REFRAD boards to selectT10 AGRs for involuntary release from Active Duty.

2. T10 AGR Officers and Commissioned Warrant Officers are managed to MandatoryRemoval Date (MRD) and T10 AGR NCOs are managed to Retention Control Point(RCP). MRDs are established pursuant to law, and RCPs are established in policypublished separately by HQDA per reference cc.

3. The T10 AGR Officer and Enlisted REFRAD Boards provide an essential tool forcareer progression and management of qualified AGRs. These boards help to shapethe T10 AGR force by preventing populations from stagnating and maintaining balancebetween career fields within available resources. It also supports predictability for newhires, maintains career progression and enables the ARNG to retain the rightcapabilities in the T10 AGR program to meet the needs of the organization. ARNG-HRH is the proponent of the ARNG T10 AGR REFRAD guidance and the guidance ispublished tri-annually or as required as noted in references v and w.

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex G: T10 LCM Timeline


ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex H: LCM Policy Terms and Definitions


Tab 1: LCM Policy Terms and Definitions.

AAC Army Acquisition Corps

AC Active Component

ADOS Active Duty for Operational Support

AGR Active Guard Reserve

ALC Advanced Leaders Course

AMHRR Army Military Human Resources Records

AOC Advanced Operations Course

APFT Army Physical Fitness Test

ARNG Army National Guard

ARNG-HCM Army National Guard Human Capital Management Division

ARNG-HRH Army National Guard Personnel Policy Division

ARNG-HRP Army National Guard Personnel Division

ARNG-JA Army National Guard Judge Advocate

ARNG-TR Army National Guard Training Division

ASA Assistant Secretary of the Army

ASA M&RA Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs

AWF Acquisition Workforce

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex H: LCM Policy Terms and Definitions


Career Status A Soldier's tenure status within the Title 10 Army National Guard, Active Guard Reserve program. This status is achieved when a Soldier has completed an initial tour and is retained in the Active Guard Reserve program with the expectation of qualifying for a Regular Retirement for years of Active Service, and is managed to Mandatory Removal Date or Retention Control Point unless provided for in other applicable law, policy, or regulation

CCC Captains Career Course

CCWO Command Chief Warrant Officer

CID Criminal Investigation Command

CLP Command Leadership Program, the program is used to allow Title 10 Army National Guard, Active Guard Reserve Soldiers the opportunity to compete for the recommendation and selection to command in Title 32 Modified Table of Organization and Equipment Units within the States

CNGB Chief, National Guard Bureau

CNGBI Chief, National Guard Bureau Instructions

COP Command Opportunity Program, the program is used to allow Title 10 Army National Guard, Active Guard Reserve Soldiers the opportunity to compete for the recommendation and selection to command Title 10 National Guard Bureau controlled Table of Distribution and Allowance units

CPD Command Program Designation

CPMOS Career Progression Military Occupational Specialty

CSL Centralized Selection List

CCWO Command Chief Warrant Officer

DA Department of the Army

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex H: LCM Policy Terms and Definitions


DAAC Director, Army Acquisition Corps

DAIG Department of the Army Inspector General

DAPMIS Department of the Army Photo Management Information System

DARNG Director, Army National Guard

DDARNG Deputy, Director Army National Guard

DMPM Directorate of Military Personnel Management

EPS Enlisted Promotion System

ERB Enlisted Record Brief

FA Functional Area

HRMS Human Resources Management System, the system used to manage Title 10 Army National Guard Active Guard Reserve Soldiers

HQDA Headquarters Department of the Army

IAW In Accordance With

ILE Intermediate Level Education

ILE-CC Intermediate Level Education Common Core

Initial Tour A type of Active Guard Reserve tour in which the Soldier's Active Guard Reserve tenure is conditional and is subject to a retention review prior to the transition to a Career Status

iPERMS Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System

JDAL Joint Duty Assignment List

JLAB Joint Leader Advisory Board

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex H: LCM Policy Terms and Definitions


JODAP Joint Officer Development Advisory Panel

JOM Joint Officer Management Program

KLP Key Leadership Position

LCM Life Cycle Management

MBF My Board File

MLC Master Leaders Course

MOS Military Occupational Specialty

MRD Mandatory Removal Date, the statutory date in which an Officer must be removed from service

MTOE Modified Table of Organization and Equipment

NCO Noncommissioned Officer

NCOER NCO Evaluation Report

NCOES NCO Education School

New Hire A type of hire status for a Soldier who is hired into the Title 10 Army National Guard, Active Guard Reserve program with the understanding that the Soldier may be retained in the program subject to retention review by a Tour Continuation Board and will be managed until Mandatory Removal Date or Retention Control Point if the Soldier completes an initial tour

NGB National Guard Bureau

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex H: LCM Policy Terms and Definitions


OML Order of Merit List. The list produced by Life Cycle Management Boards. The order of merit list will be established as a 1-to-N list from best qualified to least qualified. Unless specified otherwise, the order of merit list is a recommendation tool in order to assist the Director Army National Guard make a selection. Additionally, unless otherwise specified the Director is the final selection authority

ORB Officer Record Brief

OTOT One Time Occasional Tour, a type of tour that is used in exceptional circumstances in order to meet the needs of the organization and a regular hire is not used

PCS Permanent Change of Station

PD Professional Development

PME Professional Military Education

PMOS Primary Military Occupational Specialty

PPOM Personnel Policy Operational Memorandum

PRR Promotion Recommendation Review, the primary method used to evaluate officers for promotion recommendations to the next higher grade

RCP Retention Control Point, the date established in policy in which an Enlisted Soldier must be removed from service

REFRAD Release From Active Duty

SGA Senior Guard Advisor, Title 10 Army National Guard officers serving throughout various installations and major commands

SLC Senior Leaders Course

ARNG-HRH Subject: Title 10 (T10) Army National Guard (ARNG) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Life Cycle Management (LCM) Strategy and Plan (PPOM 18-020) Annex H: LCM Policy Terms and Definitions


Soldier For the purpose of this policy the term "Soldier" refers to Officers, commissioned warrant officers, warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and enlisted Soldiers, unless otherwise specified

SRB Soldier Record Brief

T10 Title 10

T32 Title 32

T&PMA Tenure & Program Management Agreement

TAG The Adjutant General

TCB Tour Continuation Board, a retention board used to determine if a Soldier will be retained for career status within the Title 10 Army National Guard, Active Guard Reserve Program

TDA Table of Distribution and Allowance

USAR United States Army Reserve

USASMC United States Army Sergeants Major Course