Download - Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

Page 1: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

Arihant Education Foundation’s

Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk, Pune 411021

Best Practice 1

Divyang Felicitation

Page 2: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

Arihant Education Foundation’s

Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk, Pune 411021

Page 3: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

Arihant Education Foundation’s

Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk, Pune 411021

Page 4: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...



Everyone has the tendency of giving and giving is not only about money butalso about sharing knowledge, happiness, etc. Here is a fine way to share yourfeeling of happiness on a special day, Diwali. Diwali is more about the spirit ofgiving than receiving. There are a lot of kids who would love to celebrateDiwali the way we do in our homes. Diwali is the ideal time to light upsomeone's life.

Arihant Education Foundation's, ArihantArts, Commerce, and ScienceCollege Bavdhan, Pune-21 used the opportunity and celebrated Diwaliwith the 'Savali Association For Mentally Retarded and Cerebral PalsvChildren' by distributing sweets.

The Diwali Celebration programme was conducted on 2gthOctober 2021.This programme was conducted under the guidance ofArihant EducationFoundation's Managing Director Dr.Bhushan Patil, Principal Dr. Wadje"

On this occasion the Principal sir along with the teaching staff were present.

The event was celebrated with full enthusiasm andzeal.


^'r3:l.::,nffi x'.ig;?.'s"l',iu'J.


gs,rdban (Bh')

Purte' " "

Page 5: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...


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Arihant Education Foundation'sArihant College of Afts, Commerce &Science,

Bavdhan Bk, Pune 4ILOZL

Best Practice-l

Diwali celebration

Arihant Collegr ,;. f,gmmerceli.r" coil

Bavdhan (brK., r$ne'41 .

Page 7: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

wtri#ryxwp$a"; ewffffi s futE,a,..@ g?Tiwr ffi Mxxzrry

:rutl.i.ll,lf $l:[r :* '$lq&' "{dr "i. tr, w{ 'i.{ee cr$ jwre sia*, *.{q.*" q-n M ir*r, Cle *s, Til?rs].r, g** vccotc .nl'r,(oto) lq?c?;},.:":


sft' afu"s.l-,flfrn4J-.1€tf4s l-q o fcr+-lc , Uil - Lg

etquT frffi qsqtd M ftrdT-ifr , Fqrcfqf, sTTqd


qrq-d dehfr-d qftdE q e-ghscit Tiirorqdanqq i iq ET€-e-A( rqrqqcT crrrqrfr" $ TiF?.rT 3Tiqd

^\.rilHr(i +ii6.

siTqft q s-drS 3TFs 3trffiq\c>-l.l lAclq.qr€n qrffi {Tkiqq iqf+ gd-iT \rqq

qfrd q*d. qr q-xrqtq-d qlt-q q-d-S-d qrt.






-.nterTwt $-{16


,it 9.r6*f trtrfffq ,:E

'zxzr&'rt*ic;i. !f ,

ut:{'t1*c sr* gsr$ ffi,4ls ils. *.qq.ff .qffi .ebt*rss

*rir wqw, g4* vcso$c

,!:1 e4ur ro3'ossv lls^es

{ievtdlwt grqte, *"qr{*' cgYe m" qqv,/u+\

gaaqld', €iqe"*;',

ar.greff. e- g*

qTdE$t{i,ilnryrfi ;6tttr.q*'!rnm*,**rl*+;*r",1iq$qfffi[S qfff WEtqfw* ffiffii{x{w / <a\ qan Ytqot

ffirdmr#?r ?s?r{ *a & *twsf?r q& ?*

vr*s ?qnwrc-€ ffi xsriq '

?q le\e?Re/q3 om/qe{e/s#ew/lrry *

ryTw 'e&ry

Arihant Col!ec; *ornmerce& $cience (4t., -.:.,, *r. *ullege

Bavdhan {Bk.) Pune-2{.

g6vt:r"r '2'\' l.:

Page 8: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

Arihant Education Foundation

Arihant arts, commerce, and science College Bavdhan, Pune-2l

Divyang Felicitation Programme (2020-21)

Schedule of the Programme:Welcome and anchoring - Prof. Durga Dagade

Brief of the Programme - Dr.Purushottam Wadje

Introduction of MD bv - Prof. Netrali Patil

c' Address by MDFelicitation bySpeech byVote of thanks

- Dr. Bhushan Patil

- Prof. Sonali Bolakhe

- Shubham Pawar

- Prof. Anna Mohite

PrinelpalArlhant Collegc , ' "''1$, Cornmerce

& Science {Ai. '. liir: t"lsllsgsBavdhan i*.., ; fiul-le-Z'l.


Page 9: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

Arihant Education FoundationArihant Arts, Commerce, and Science College Bavdhano




Date 24/02/2021

This is to in{brm all teaching, non-teaching staff that we are going to celebrateDivyang Felicitation Programme at Arihant college of Arts, ComLerce andScience, Bavdhan, Pune. Kindly be present at the given time.

Venue : Conference Hall (1't floor )

Date :25/0212021

Tirne : 10:00 to I 1:00am

Dr. P.R. WadjePrincipal


p1!nci*al r.6s6rr€fce

Arhant Collei .,tlege

o u";:l:ftJ" .-'"' ; *"c'r'1'

Page 10: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

Arihant Education Foundation's

Arihant College Of Arts Commerce And Science

Bavdhan Pune-21

€Arihant College ofArts, Commerce, and Science, Bawadhan, Pune-2l

organized a Divyang Felicitation program on25th February 2021 intheConference Room"

The event was organizedby Prof. DurgaDagade under the guidance of the

Managing Director ofArihant Education Foundation Dr. Bhushan Patil,

Principal Dr.Wadje"

Prof.DurgaDagade gave the welcome speech and Principal Dr.Wadje briefed

about the programme. Prof. Netrali Patil gave an introduction of MD.Prof.Sonali Bolakhe congratulated Shubham Pawar and motivated him to

achieve success in life by following the path of hard work, knowledge, and

aspiration to learn something new and contribute to the growth of the nation.

Prof.Sonali Bolakhe felicitated Shubham Pawar with a memento, shawl, and

bouquet of flowers" Shubham Pawar shared his experience and gratitude

towards the Institue.

The program ended with a Vote of Thanks by Prof. Anna Mohite.



Arthant Collegt[ 3:1":"*:"(..^"";,. ;'o ;]L?rl lun"



affiffii*it'i Pune'21'

Page 11: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...



Arihant Education Foundation'sArihant College of Afts, Commerce &Science,

Bavdhan Bh Pune 4LLOZL

Best Practice-l

Divyang Felicitation

Arlhant Co!li:gr& $cience {F",.

']cpln':erce;i. Crrqggge..

Page 12: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

$a[ t# ro ffs$s{ t s-s sn iph$ r n s h 4$*t "filffis t r il$$*l cr r r' i' :] J tL$ il ft l l .

*rd lrr ce*.*u *l lt[jmh++.t+t

@+*" ry@Jrunw

Ftl,: $regsqsr

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ffi ffiffiffii-*tsri*Lwr' } 1"u'r*Hs{€;r#"$s

Itri-\iir.\\\i\ "ag*, .l$pqryry

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WqW Puuu

Stxutt*" #rolus

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Page 13: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...







on 4th August, 2020 Arihant Education Foundation's, Arihant

Arts,Commerce, and Science College B avdhan, Pune-2l distributed hand

sanitizers and face masks in 'savali Association For Mentally Retarded and

Cerebral palsy Children'. The programme was implemented under the guidance

ofArihant Education Foundation's Managing Director Dr. Narendra Kadu,

Principal Dr. Purushottam Wadje.

Wearing face masks is recommended as part of personal protective equipment

and as a public health measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease

2019 (covlD-19) pandemic. The main purpose of the programme was to create

awareness and protect self and community from the spread of the prevailing

COVID-I9 pandemic.persons with disabilities generally have more healthcare needs than others.

Therefore more they arevulnerable to the impact of low quality or inaccessible

healthcare services than others. Compared to persons without disabilities,

persons with disabilities are more likely to have poor health.

Our teaching staff distributed face masks and sanitizetsby following all the

Covid nofins.



Arihant Colle,gtihant Colie;: .i;"[i!iii;& Science \''';'.., , u,.*a-2{.

Bavdhan {Sk')Pune " 21'

"rilllii''li irk') F u ne-Z{'

Page 14: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...


Arihant Education Foundation'sArihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science,

Bavdhan Bk, Pune 4LLOZI

Best Practice -1"

Mask and Sanitizer Distribution

o Bavdh;n {,$h.; '

itunc . t.!.


Ffr-nciPalArlhant Coltege -of,'&rts' Com merce

& Science {Ai";+" ::i Sr' Cellege* ;;;;hdn (Bn') Pune-2l'


Page 15: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...




HT$E {

SayaliAsso. For

*i'l ?d g-€Fig {r'erirdl' qfc t. qt,

w& ir ,srt sr* gs?* trin*,'*s sr;. *.gq.*:Wr;s#*rcs

Ni :2q6,3*- vllo$r


* xr*ll$r gqridr ri{'rn$' qfe p. qquy'v+\

Wffier*, 3is'shc,

6r.$dsaft. e. gd

flt (rK.'€per€r',','\'M MKW ry qTiryryqryk'r g€rytwld ffiwrtr

;.iLi*rgirtl Lr,"1t :* 'wrq-d' €sid'i. lf . wr{ {.rg< gl* 5({m lrffi, *"Cq.*. c* *d ineor. ctg *s, a*ents, 5o}- vllolc +}'r;(olo) ?q?cQlil?



a;tf+da +fqft-q iazi qrqqq,i|?-+--6"'24

3TFM ft-ffi qsde-tqrft ftArd , Fqrcfq€ 3TMA

q;IIqnF tl4?{rd!

s.r+€ft €rr)-ift-iT qftqE a qgfu*-om gcrnrqdqTqur + iq ETg-dAil cqTq{f, "q1q1ft" S {iFPlT 3trqaft

^\amffir arre.

Tdrg-ffi qTqA s {d{i+ 3{-fr4 ^,.n, ,f ,

.r,{ il{tq tq

l.l IZiCE{cq|aT qT-ffi {Ttrdtq @,ra g-*-f, 3T.rqq

qffi qr€m. qr q-fl *qd +ilq qTafr-d 3G.




9cF-(9.g'qlffm ql.ff,I


qnffi;ffi eryru 1il{ vdqRq;cnT qr€Tffin'qi6w Ylq0{

wrasllfrm ?p€ry do q* einate e* */*

ct& ryK{snlEmtdqqf} f,isiq?q tr.\eq?\e /w wxs{*e/al?&aq/qq*

ryw w&ry

Adhant College *f rtrts, Comrnerce& Science (Ailil'r')i $n College

Bavdhan 1Bk.) Pune-21.

>:1iiCjdiri*riiiilf lirr i::r.rei'...,,

qw l?

Page 16: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...



Rakshab andhan Celebration



The festival of Rakshabandhan evokes emotions of many kinds.

Brothers and sisters in India commemorate the unbreakable bond they have

during the Rakshabandhan festival, an important ceremony that sees sisters

tying a rakhi around their brothers'wrists. Sadly, not all brothers get to enjoy

the ritual in its truest sense because manv kids in the countrv are


Arihant Education Foundation's, Arihant Arts, Commerce, and Science

College Bavdhan, Pune-21 used the opportunity and celebrated Rakshabadhan

with the 'Savali Association For Mentally Retarded and Cerebral Palsy

children' to help children experience all the joys that come along with this


A Rakshabadhan Ceremony was conducted on 04th August 2020.It was

conducted under the guidance ofArihant Education Foundation's Managing

Director Dr. Narendra Kadu, Principal Dr. Purushottam Wadje. This campaign,

enabling physically disabled kids to feel the sense of touch of the bracelet

around their wrists and thus strengthens the bond they have with others.

Our teaching staff celebrated the event with fuIl enthusiasm andzeal.


Arlhant College of Arts, Commerce& Science (ACASS) Sr. Coilege

Bavdhan {8k.} Fune-21.



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Page 19: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...


ili:wffi ww'a ?ry[Frryi-sr ggiry-# Trewr-trata**ixr.t,{\ {i"tin :- 'xTq*' v&g.*. lr. x{;i"rsc s* yvr{ sftl-{. *.rq"*.qfr gq} qca. {le *s, a}enrs, gd- ucroSc q*'r:(o+o) Qtrll?l

:)t :?,:i&& ggl;q:1.'r;r';zi"lt' c6Ye :i. 13,

7rx6':.tgr. srdt Xwre 6ia*,*n'i: ;, *"q'?.*"!rs'.E lryfs

gd, tr$zx,3u?* stlo3csrff;rd ** **"

Y?rKvtt S-{rrdf,


gR. N\?fnQErf _6-€l a-tt.Jo; a't4>lld)

^_4.\ ^ \ :.rrvur rq*rflr q6'-rfl ffi Fral-fft. TqFKf, g]rrdI

q-l lqlHl tl-qqlql6\

qte-cft aitphcftd cftE-d q qsfr-d€FrT go.rqrq"

an rq * nq <rq-dfu RTqqf, '"s1q1ft" d Tilert elqafr


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cql'€i.t I qtdt{il (lt6(qtq cqtq 36tfl.rt tSsq Inrddq\_A^\qtJt(|.{tQcl. qt qztfltqd qt6q qtdqtfl 'flt6.


3{TtfrTT lqglq


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formqrnqvire: * \n \\cdTd] A qT

r! .:,rr:i:i :ir.ii!/,!i,r! r :r,.:r,i . :. : . ri ril . -

lM m{qerd xrrc:n?r{rffiffii?6

* ,&x:rxtlwx ttw:\x tr'ry{rr&' de m. 1w / v"t"\

glrns?*.;q*" &," g*

;avali Asso. For [1R S. CF Chiiuien

uthorised Signatory

cT*,e.wrvwrc diqq* ww6?.a{*\e??e/w *rn7

wr / roljJS-?r"l g& q.n vrRot cnff/srY*ffqlw S

wlagrfu wtry ao Efi sisrfa qry &/* wwew wqw @

crpalArlhant Coltegl* *ri l!ifs, Cornmerce

& Science iA{At;r,;l1it C*iiegeBavdhan {ftk') Fune-2'l -

Page 20: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...



BAVDHAN' PUNE-2lDnyanoday - public speaking and creative writing

(Marathi Bhasha Sanvardhan Pandharwada)

ReportDate -29/0112021

'Marathi Bhasha Sanvardhan Pandharvada' program which was celebratedenthusiastically Under Dnyanoday - public speaking and creative writing, from14 January 2021 to 28 January 202I via online mode in Arihant EducationFoundation's Arihant College of Arts, Commerce, and Science, Pune-21.

College have conducted various activities under such program like Elocution,Essay competition, Poetry Reading Competition, Storytelling Competition,Antakshari on Marathi folk songs, Word games, Puzzles for the students.Guest lecture also given by Dr. Pratima Tai Ingole ( Famous Marathi Writer).Students have participated in this activities enthusiastically.

This program was concluded with all the teaching & non teaching staff giftedvarious kinds of books to the college library on the occasion of 'Granth Dindi'"Under the guidance of M.D. Dr. Bhushan Patil Sir & Principal Dr. PurushottamWadaje sir program have conducted by Ass.Prof.Durga Dagade madamsuccessfully.

All the teaching & Non Teaching staff also have participated &collaboratedprogram successfully.


A ri h a n t " ""',n^#At?,:3['ffi"'




Page 21: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

2t11t2021 t*G-2ava20i-wA0016 jpg1,J'rZn1_,,2;qlniR_ o f \ ntl zu, r o;



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Frin*iPalArihant Goilege i:f l\rts' Cannmercs"'d' g ti*it.u i-ac ecs;i $r' c ollege* -gtuonun

{i3k'} F'une " 21'

Page 22: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...


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Arihant College of '{rts' Comrnerco^'i'i.i.n.* (ncAcsi $r' Coilege* -i.uOf',tn

(Bk') Fur'e' lt'

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Page 23: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...


Ref.: n€,F' frcAcsl ttu'zt | 34s Date: 6rlozl2-o1-t


sftga <D?tr ,mroq q frild argft-a-a-c uoua,gfr t* 'rlr& arrrtr

riEttd ft rsasl gffia q-f,ee urcr:r enJuerrd srrdrr.qy w&. d ae w&aoaq 6r @Ieu-ffft :4l[ Fgrgruqm d-Jr& aildd

duuil, Tiq€fd, ftil rrJIrJ oluwwd " dltd auqr;iqrfd ti.trgagl rr 6gulel*.ru w-rgBgrda sfr-o <DTrr ffirn q fuwa "*;GIItItIoI gil Ad [Jrd fran-onnb ' d-lrd mw uiqtfa risgqs ' ftfrFT sffid

eqb'era u-rsBeraa uigetr[o u. :iwqffi mouuft uJ , ddrf,@ m. qersmauuft Trg,uqs€trqeFfq dild6" d.qu w&d a-s, wild d.Ts& u: qiruuotgefilweft m. gam ddrB qi6ft a-dusqrd u4rfr - aeF-J Jirpin, rrkra ep-€r,

fuiu Asd =qtf, q€rq gqd, <Dfoulrllcro gqd, eFeII.FeroI, ffie6 fr6r d.

ffi €dnA qid'ddautd ardm' u frswq: q:md, w. gaf e{B qid'ailda olrtfetr cflomd-o E Rrerurrd-d Terrof u frvuag qwd, eimers qsd elgftro q ardinil.r@ sq-F-dia sildilfd ueaftd eu-dqa d iird. u

Ttriq fl-ct 3194 detrd & o-:uq-o sIIeII. rgffia q-ildqrdreuroTdf qiddrr&ildd-dg+-dbdermqrsFcreqlfr d.

u sqm-aiud ror|Ma w. ddr ds, u. srg[fl uruft, [.M dmd, m. Tn aid&, lu.ilm rlcfd, m. uurd orcIrn-qrs, w. turolutr€rq,rtr. rieuddEd, m. iMw&d, m. ffitmffi, w.Md'tr{dqiaftdma Td-@rd ffi. ilSa u ud gq-s-fliue difu6 urdrr S m. orrwr mEAqidffi.

Arihant Education Foundation's


[Affilated to S.P. Pune University & Recognised by Government of Maharashtra]Admin. Office: Behind CrystalHonda Showroom, Bhawdhan (Bk.)., Pune-41-1:02l, Maharashtra,INDIA

Tef : +91-20-67 9O240O Fax: +91-20-57 902424Email: [email protected] Website:




m. ddilddrg*td;ru-drffirer<F )


nrjngn! Coftege of Arts, Commerco& science (A.cAcs) s;. coti;;;-

Eavdhan (Bk.) pune -Zl.

Page 24: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

3rftdtr ewfi1;a srrgRr;rn



6rdra Ta-.r{rcfi')

fr, E&v

3rftdd msr,Erft.'u q frarn @ Gilin1;T g4r r

fuf,io - telo?/?o??

ffi Fe felqrn ,ftrn46q qffi d FdesrzqtaT

mafquqa +A fi ' Irtr8r firqT ,t'Erffr qtr{frsr ' ftfi6 3Trf,

@ 8ffr ??. oo a ?. oo qr #a 3frffirrFT qf,fie

a-rcra - EfiEr qr rwnqr+ 3rr+f,fl q-luqfd grffi sG.qr rwn.tilFr

sdffi ds-fl:il1-o;qrqi$rf, 3mrcq sgfrd q{r& ffitrdta


*r. yt'crrg d. qrql-trqrs$I

t srrrr4'tFrincipal

Arihant Gollege of Arts, Comnrercc& Sciencc fACAC$i $r, Ccllege

Baydlrrn {Bk.} Puna. 2i,*'n^%.|:;,-*-


Page 25: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

qrfl'--q, f,-d,r,r srFrr{ ETftr furil n-{rfr-flqq qrEer{ gft-t {.

l qqe+ wert


ql-{R-{i4' t c w+fl-fr t. I t tffi 3rF:{ilm-en, Eftt'q ?fl'Fr ftTrt qr4er{ }* qq-.qwfi3Tr+qq 3rR-8 fslerq dFr+ arftmq-fr'-q dq]ii:d' rr. ct. TEur qr&(T a*q qUR.a]-f,qTi- s-l-q[{ q-{.

gRdtq req Ti€{r qntqqlffi {$rfl{ qrfr dt sE< ereri rrcdt rrrEr deeiq q?r<-{sr EIr

!.rf,'{reit|{ff, {I;fR'u''{|-d eTrtrf . ET BTFsr€q| Fcdffi ei. 5-ffur dqc, yraqffrsT 6gqr +{F{q il*ETrHnRmr $f qq$ ffierfi E{uI{ orr+ dt.

('\ I (|E< +rfmrnfr ga-{rd gcTo t R.o o qTq(T fiIn-qm 3T-tr tft. 6rff,{ri sTrq}-qq q K{dqrd{ st-. +dTaT-s ri$ +fr, At. ffet Fqd\a+ \'wr t 1 R-rnqtft rr€cnT in-{r tdr. qq-€ Fqfq Rsq Se-qrqr}5l(|.

{. q-<i-&rn*iqrrrtrrrq

i. qqr& ril-q[; qrgTrrfrc{

rqef V{ s1oqTTfr q-{rReTqznq rrqr{ rn. ei. gtd-{s qsfr r< qffi wei+'i? m-.qrflq-( qnfqqfd-+A,

'rct{ Fqeffirqr \ ftRt *a aq* sir-fr A-ft. .rQ-q Fq?idiq QTqrrrE, sf*{K, Rcrq qrE0q<ur cerrd

ts-{ iqFil-gq'tu?rrd qr&. e_s( eqfmft ffiTA"m.rfrer-s-t-sTe"I|.Rsr HsqT *{Tqt qifi fr-€nrqf+qnkqf{ *A &.sq-d-tr wf? qrsrRe-{qh q<tdt rrrEr {efr qerc{sr-srfifiqrw{r qs}R'{T xreqrR-fir €=-ri ..n+ drfi +;|dt. ve< sT{-rqTq l5q \y F-flslT nils q,Airft-flr-qqTi q{ ylgrrr{.T( rlr1-q fi-a .m qffffi-drqa

f o slRrdflt.

(sTfmq w+q-d) 1+i{ruv+em) (wvrd)

WrintiPa| '

Arihant College of Arte , Commerce& $cience {ACl{f $} $r. f*iiege

&av rjlian {6k'} Pune' 21.

et. gt*r-+e-sg

SavChan idk.iru*e . ?1.

'o)r 'zro'}-c,c)


Page 26: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

3rRE( st+q 3ttq. BTrJq, sffi 3Y-e q[T.v flqe|{ gt-i q

qffi qEeq wert {qqR{r R. qzqrffir"tq


t <i,",'l I lti

C:_n'\() R.rdat <rar5

") Drr*r2r -rzntd\

O) 47-r xc<t rf d td t q

W. fi*.uzi n Ctr"urt '1*'


Arihant 0olicge si,n nrs, tonnr.,iere o& Scienc* ;;q;:;ri;g) .Ir.. tr.:iicSe

Easdhan i$h.i Furic. ?1.

Page 27: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...




eritgn qtelr, omrw q ft.flra rgfusrco .rrer€r or -qd - r r

fd-uro:- tq.ot.RoRt

effi rBfoelerr-lor rqeri

oIIuI B-di@- ?3 wdor$ RoR? id srfaa <Ferr ffitsq snFr fa-drdrgft-uaq Glrqtlor Ad <pfqfl-ror Eqfa srrd-wa srfgo Rrerur dTdaqogetr[6iq duro d. arqur ur&d ag srfir rdrd dq:-'trrra q_s$ ug qizqranaiaeidrwd qr. crdri carE srrdrwa ffi dd.

TdJ eqeti 'u:t& urnlr riosfd uitlgqsr q sq-Ffliddfd r.fquqrd errddd sIIuI-er o-nioro-n olrtrerrcrr q€E reqfl F6qd o-ffi dffi -q fsfletrslcqr d-aqr sll\rfcett Eqffi d.ufrur cidd, w. gari e,{8, ur. ueqr eil_oqfrdfef@ F6qd mard d-d oleio-arrql gDil.r g"r$ arrJr rrrurctr eFrRrrcr errd dd.orcim-md errqi-f,d q qtu-ildd qr. ffiim ffi-arddr ur. e)rF'rd dil-{i{ qidb-d El-d. Eq€Ii gF @tuqqff qUE repqr offi dffi -q qidtm-cursoql roafioeid d. enFr -qid rudcu @fuil ardJ b-.qr. Eqfd{et ruftaeqifr TdaIfdI *trfl a)d, eFfdlrrr-rorr-tr frwq gr

=qsi@fq urtd [fld d-drrd@ Eqdord e}-d ffi ao du-uo errd dd- il*d =q€iord drqrarrer,

ild{fd, d-{il , To:fud sru_fr qqd drur au-{d errd a}d. o-reim-ro-o etFut q1

fufl€tr il$-d meffia uti urtqqo qdi sffi€ra d-d q onim-maftaeqf-qr rfl*d ureqr@ Tqid g6r cnr@rrrr-rd ardJ ffi d-d. TdJ onim-a ar

*rrd #c eiq dF Au-fld oIIeIr E)-d

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Arihant College of Arts, Commerce

& Science (ACAC$) Sr' Gollege

Bavdhan (Bk') Pune'21'


Page 28: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

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rtr&:iqefdT wrGngT FPs $-raq?ilEt?r Fqerl' ti.o?.?ot?

firds?T Frr;qqa, - sr.g4t 6rrg

: lr'' '.1-J:r,


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wf*w*. ti n:f i;\:: d ruf

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PrincipalerjnSnf Coltege of Arts, Cernrrarco

6 b€tence {,(S,,\f.;$} $r, (ftlt*goBavdhan {ftk.} piri*:*

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A D+el.-aaaati*cari,

Page 29: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...


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fu@:- ?3 .ot . RoRt




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Y rttuT


FrEme 5-p*l,Ariheni College *{,{rix. il*rnmerce

ci ;";i;ncf {,sr0.qCri; i,r. il,*itegei*;udhan {Bk.ii3l;i,e - lt.


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Page 30: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...


3rflild rr'qfiem qrSSEra

3rft6a EFTTT' {rtr.."_q E Rarf, FdtB -fdF{rrq

ffinl;r ,gu} rr3n-tdril

Faifr- ? e/or/?o??

3rl€a uszvfrl;a q'ddqrilt, $ft$a *ar arfr;q q Bf,rf, aorB-cqmq Erqrrf,

gd t,) m'a ffai*. ?e/ol/?oQt ' zr{r& eilqr dEetfl .itrf{Er ' ftft6 d-€z}i q+canqfrq

€Trfr+. sY. sTEur qr&fr {R ,qrqrf Fi. Tgs r{ qieqr qratqqffiI ur. gnt wr} qi;t" 31fi ;ffig a fitqruTrfffr trf,cE " q1 ftqq14g fud qt4tri E?Tr€qFnr+

3{r*ffi *-A ile &fi ??.o" d tl..r,, qr dda vr. gtt zfrr} qifr 3drcr€qT a{rfi, 3IIqdzrT

tTr{eil-'tr+ ffifa F?lFr, w5aca,ftaruffia Ff,cTd q.rq sG qGr€F fuqqrzeiar sffffi:ren efqid arrk?fd ard.

qr Jqrrrra E6qrzff d$q lrorF*fl,mqrdrd {il{ qTr--qrqfi iqtr?rd 6ti

r) \,q(wqr gataldfardmq rffiqe.F)


( vr+rqy

PnincipalArlhant Gollege of Arts, Commerce

& $cience (ACAC$) Sr.6ollegeEavdhan i&k.i Pune - 21.

Page 31: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

GftdrT eqbera u:r*grdaerffio cFelr, od}rw q fugro ae"rfd-sro-o trrerqor gd - r t

sf6clre[florio:- ?d/o{i2e3q

ofla-n orn , dtrcTr a fdsnd a;eddryoo ,6rrneror, g,i} dS errq rodlaa-qro:is*d qsJ€rird*q :iarro d . alqut src-tfl rr: .urard d . qso] wc qitsnapiacjlxrgrd rur&airu:ioelaser:aslftfe-d' sinr&r$' etradi'rorrnneDsuoardnr gqf 6arB, w. frenq<r6, rtrr.sryrdldrnr.F.rr6 qffiorrdw"lffi8rA.aarffir qr. d-Eriuao, erur . qurrcfrarrqo-trsqffieffl&{ S sraqmmofdafn arJr& arffia. rtoaftaian, urtfta a augfko anrd aflaran xmderdrnr ei-ar u sqo-mc fuaesid s+griud waanal didfuctr d-dr.

- Grtarcetr zu enrrd.iffi.q doafto B ds ailba rrrd wufi-q iilsreqrian

|J ' agrfr q.qiil uuc a ruirfi olslwd @-{uqlgld} ql suo-md ql ons}-trd <Frtrsrderr&ald. a*etrMrcrqr. 3rg[tr sruft, m. d-rrdqf&d, rir. sr{ilrqr&er, qr.

:ie.xM, rrr.sq[flrdg& , rr]asd€a a-aftraoq6-+qdefi-oqr dfrJt

dersiB .w. @ u-el Eriaff& ur sqo-ara acr ^w-risd

assror d-f,fl s dtruft wdJffi. il$a erl a!rep*dil.I so ed aIf*.F fuaeff rgaildft dd' . qr sqgmo ffenesffia)-oen uire*d aaen-ar A-dm dru #_d{ Grr{rdrrt fuaeqiffi Miri wez d_d. qr

+sf.qrpHitnlE&cqrroaffawezcprunqr*a€_drapmoorau-ornarrdzrr Brgffrrr rg.rldaremrcftrr sreqrgtr cr#€rf, 6Ya. r{fr6 ar6.I r[r sruurr a]F,r] ssqiddrrit

(\.FIrIfE& 3lftllirleF



qrqrdF nin * IPa!

Arilrant Ccl!eile of Art*, Commorca& $#ieilce tAtiii":$) $r. Sollegg

Fuvrihan ifir.iilurie " ?1,

Page 32: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

qtcqd \,\{*qFT qrg}qmisTfrUr mqr qrFrq q fril'q rr{rRqrfi ErTE[eFr, St-r t

T{r& GrrrrT BTrfrfrf, qtre qrrn riqfq .ir<asr ffifr{g3-mryqN$ r1ry]eqf,T{ws *w ( *ury \c wTftt{"ft \ * t t }

TqqTsf SSq :- Sf.$a:T w{Ts'qrqtqq-,:- x-t" u^l.l.t* qrqwsr$", x"r. &sr r{*d6


ir'lseting.iEia;!. ..-

ffi ! t-,,'u,"..,',,,0,,,.n

lleet:rgCelai:s ^

ffi P t""""'"""'u'"


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PnincipalArihant Coilege of Arts, CommercE

& $cience {'*.S.ACS} Sr. ColtegeBavdhan {Sk.} Fune.21.


s9K:rJ al).t: *tl 56a-40



Page 33: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

3rftdd t,c?rfiera q"ritem

3rftda zfr?T, qrmiiq q fuf,rf, fdrPf -flilq iil?ru?r ,gd rt3rfcfrA

Af,iq.- ? q/ot/?o?l

3Tftdd f,qlerur d+ei+ qr. aq+rqrqffrq dqrf,fr sY e{Eur qr&d w,qt]ffi H-dr4 d Tsd

sr qirql apkrffi F{-6r hsTr4rf,fr rr. gat {qi qifr ' f{-& anqr dqtl-dT titR-qEr ' zrT

TtreFrITzIT sqrtq sral3pn ?iqhdffr *-or. qr JqrrlTrd rffia qrqnfufrir €d- RIeffi E

f?Tqraicrl *-ffi Tqtr?rd Ali. or Eq*znsiirda lrf sntas*j6 ejenmqrs qrr& efl-trdtfr T€il*std Fdurfl frfr.

(m-rEF.tTsrra{fr) ( vrcn{)Frinclpaf

Arihant College nf Arts, Commerce& Sci*nce {A0A$$} $r. College

Bavdhan {Sk.} i}urt* . 21.



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Ar!hent *eliege cf &rls, Commerce& $;:ienee {,c,C$.#$} $r. Caliege

EavCl:an iS!..i Pune " it.;$'$'l;-*

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Page 38: Arihant College of Arts, Commerce &Science, Bavdhan Bk ...

Arihant Coli*il'r ':rf Arts, Commerce& Science iI.rr.:.:i.fril] $r. College

Bavdhan ii*.i'.) Pune-zl.