Download - Arctic and Antarctica Calendar Connections

  • 8/13/2019 Arctic and Antarctica Calendar Connections


    Calendar Connections

    January ~ The Arctic & Antarctica

    Target Level: grades 3-6

    The facts are created at a more advanced level but can easily beused for the entire homeschool family! Young children will soak up

    the information their older siblings are taught while all together.

    Although the cards were created for January,they can be used for any month of the year!

    Be sure to visit our blog post to see books werecommend for this unit
  • 8/13/2019 Arctic and Antarctica Calendar Connections


    Calendar Connections

    Helpful Items~these are the exactproducts we use~

    cardstock laminating filmaminator

    Oriental Trading carries the exactcalendar I used to create these cards,it is item # IN-62/2017. Many times it isout of stock, so just check to see if theyare carrying it by searching for the item#. Use my link to get free shipping witha $49 purchase!
  • 8/13/2019 Arctic and Antarctica Calendar Connections


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    4 5 6 GLACIARIIGlaciarii sunt buci uriae de ghea

    formai din ap proaspt. Se formeaz pe pmant atunci candzpada se adun mai repede decatse topete. Odat ce zpada seadun preseaz pe cea de dedesubt

    aparand astfel gheaa. Glaciarii semic foarte ncet datorit greutii.


    Ce forma are pamantul?Daca Articul este situat n emisfera deraspunsul tau ar fi sfera, ai nord i conine ce noi tim ca Polulavea dreptate! In mijlocul Nord. Nu exist pmant la Polul Nord,

    Pamantului este o linie iar apa este atat de rece c cea deimaginara numita Ecuator, care la suprafa nghea i formeaz oimparte Pamantul in 2 emisfere ghea groas la suprafa.emisfera de sud si emisfera denord. Intre cele 2 emisferesunt bucati de pamantinghetat numite Articul siAntarctica


    Cele mai mici locuri de pe Pamantsunt Arctic i Antarctica. Orice razde lumin pe care o primesc estereflectat napoi n spaiu de gheapolar manifestandu-se ca niteoglinzi uriae. Temperatura medie

    iarna n Antarctica este -75F. Candeste aa de frig, dac arunci ocan cu ap fierbinte n aer aceastaaceasta se transform n ghea

    nainte de a cdea.


    90% din Antarctica este acoperit cughea permanent, o mare parte13000 feet grosime. Datorit acesteigrosimi, acest continent este cel mai

    nalt din lume. n zona Arcticului,Groelanda este acoperit de unsingur strat. Pentru c peisajul, numiti peisajul de ghea, este n mareparte acoperit de ghea, are tendinas se schimbe de la an la an,datorit dezgheului i rengheului.


    Antarctica este situat la captulPmantului acolo unde este i Polul

    Sud. Oceanele Antarcticii sunt

    acoperite cu ghea tot anul. Are cea mai uscat, btut de vant i receclim de pe Pmant. Lumina zilei este

    de 24 de ore i are 2 sezoane: iarn,var care se schimb n Iunie.
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    Pinguinii supravieuiesc la captulopus al Polului Nord.Sunt dou speciide pinguini care triesc n Antarctica,Emperor i Adelie. Alte specii precumGentoo, Macaroni, King i Chinstrap

    locuiesc lang marul mrii. Pinguiniibeau ap srat sau ap proaspti se hrnesc cu pete sau altefructe de mare. Cel mai adeseapinguinul se pregtete s zboareatunci cand sare din ap pe pmant.

    Exist psri diferite care triescseparat n Artic sau n Antarctica, darexist o singur pasre care zboarin fiecare an de la un capt al poluluila cellalt. Aceste psri rman nArctic pe timpul verii i apoi zboarn Antarctica s rman pe timpulverii. Psrile triesc aproximativ 20de ani i n timpul vieii lorzboar aproximativ 400.000 de mile.

    Snow White

    Another bird that lives in the Arcticis the Snowy Owl. The male SnowyOwl is one of the largest of itsspecies with a wingspan of 49-59

    inches and weighs 3 - 6

    pounds. The male has pure whitefeathers to help camouflage itselfwhile hunting. Its favorite snack to

    eat is a small lemming.

    7 ICEBERGIcerbegul este o bucat mare de

    ghea ce s-a rupt din glaciari saudin gheaa ce acoper Pmantul i

    care cad n ap. Fiecare bucatplutete i se balanseaz pana igsete poziia pe fluxul apei. Ceamai mare parte este ascuns n apdeci cand auzi c se zice este, doarvarful iceberg-ului, inseamna ca estemai mult ce nu se vede.

    8 LUMINA SOLAR 9 URII POLARICand vorbim despre inutul Arctic negandim i la urii polari. Ei sunt ceamai mare specie de uri din lume cu o

    greutate ntre 770-1500 de kg. Chiardac ei sunt draguti sunt foartepericuloi.. Ursul polar are un nveligros de grsime numit untur care

    i permite s suporte frigul de laPolul Nord. Blana ursului polar areculoarea crem dar pielea de subblan are culoarea neagr.

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    Four species of Albatross breed inAntarctica. These birds are the

    largest sea bird in the world. TheWandering Albatross has a wing

    span (tip of wing to tip of wing) of11 feet! Albatross are also someof the longest living birds with an

    average lifespan of 30 years.Albatrosses take a long time to find

    a partner, but will stay with thatpartner for the rest of their lives.

    Large Mammals

    Reindeer really do live at the NorthPole! A few large mammals includingreindeer, caribou and horned, hairy

    musk oxen are comfortable living inthe Arctic due to the fact that their

    hooves are made for walking on snowand ice. Their hooves have three toes

    that spread out and act as a snowshoe while they are walking. Thenatives that live in the area make

    great use of these animals to survivethe frigid climate.

    Small MammalsIts really no surprise that polarbears and reindeer live in the

    Arctic, but did you know severalsmall mammals live there as well?Siberian lemmings and ermines (akind of small weasel) survive harshwinter conditions by burrowing inthe snow and nibbling on plantroots. Ermines are brown in thesummer, but pure white in the

    winter. Their fur is often used todecorate royal crowns.


    This creature, resembling a smallbear is really part of the weaselfamily. It has a reputation for

    being fierce and strong inproportion to its size and often

    hunts reindeer and caribouanimals many times its size!Wolverines not only live in the

    Arctic, but also in North Americaand Siberia.

    WalrusesWalruses live in the Arcticthere are

    none in Antarctica. Their skin is 1inches thick followed by 4 inches of

    blubbermaking them well tailored toliving in the frigid climate. Walruses

    prefer to live in seas that are less than260 feet deep and spend two-thirds of

    their lives in the water. Walruses aremammals as they are warm blooded,give birth to live young, nurse their

    young, breathe air and have hair. Eachsummer their hair falls out revealing a

    dark pink skin underneath. Adultwalruses have tusks which are used

    mainly to scare off enemies.


    Seals are found in both the Arctic andAntarctica. Weddell seals live just 800

    miles from the South Pole, making themthe farthest southern living mammal onearth. These seals eat shrimp, octopus,and fish and can stay under water for

    up to 45 minutes. Harp seals live in theArctic among the floating ice floes and

    give birth to beautiful pups calledwhitecoats due to their white fur. They,

    too, eat seafood. The Antarctic leopardseal is the only seal that wil l eat other


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    There are several species that enjoyliving in the frigid waters of the Arctic

    and Antarctic. The male Arctic Narwhal

    has a long spiral tusk protruding from itsmouth. It is really a long tooth. Belugawhales also live in the Arctic. They aresmall and white and blend in well withtheir surroundings. Both whales have

    teeth and eat Arctic fish and seafood.The Antarctic minkes are small

    compared to other whalesaveraging33 feet in length. They have baleen

    instead of teeth and feast on krill.


    Krill are considered an importantpart of the food chain as it feeds a

    number of different species

    including seals, penguins, whales,sea birds, and in Japan and

    eastern Europe, people. Antarctickrill make up an estimated

    biomass of 500,000,000 tonnesthats a HUGE amount of krill. Overhalf of this is eaten each year andthen replaced through growth and


    Antarctic OceansThe waters around Antarctica are

    freezing cold and partially covered withice throughout the year. Despite this

    there are some amazing creatures that

    call this home. Icefish are one suchcreature. Swimming through the darkwaters this fish has see-through blood

    that acts like antifreezeits stays liquideven in the freezing temperatures.Beautifully colored sea stars gather

    under breathing holes created by sealsas they feed on seal droppings. Anydivers brave enough to take on the

    frigid conditions will not be disappointedat the incredible collection of sea life!

    Plants?Believe it or not, there are actually

    some plants that call the Arctictheir home and put on quite a

    colorful show during the warmersummer months. The purple

    saxifrage is one of the earliest

    blooms to appear with its beautifulcup-shaped blossoms. Arctic

    poppies turn its little yellow facetowards the sun to catch as manyrays as possible. Hardly any plantslive in Antarctica due to the much

    colder temperatures.

    Arctic Living

    Many natives have adapted to theliving conditions of the frozen

    Arctic. In fact, about four millionpeople call the far northern regions

    of Canada, Europe, and Russia

    home. Native people such as theInuit, Sami, Chukchi, Dolgan, and

    Nenets have learned to raisereindeer to provide them with

    food, clothing, shelter, andtransportation.


    When you think of people living inthe frozen tundra you often think ofigloos as their homes. Only hunterstraveling long distances build these

    traditional shelters. People of

    today, however, live in ordinaryhouses in modern towns. Manytowns use brilliant colors to paint

    their buildings to provide acontrast to the bleak landscape.

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    Is anyone there?With an average winter

    temperature of -76*F and anaverage summer temperature of

    -22*F, there are no towns in

    Antarctica. There are, however, afew important scientific researchcenters. The McMurdo station is

    the largest community capable ofsupporting 1,258 people. It is here

    at this station that informationabout climate, weather, pollution,

    wildlife and space is collected.

    Have dogs, will travelWith the temperatures as cold as they

    are, animals often provide the besttransportation. Dogs such as

    Malamutes, Huskys and Samoyeds

    have been raised and trained to pullloads of sleds through the icy terrainby the Inuit people for over a

    thousand years. Though malamutesare strong and large, they are useless

    as guard dogsthey like people too much!

    The Dolgan and Sami people,reindeer herders, have learned to

    train reindeer to pull sleds.

    Exploring the ArcticMany people have attempted to

    explore the poles. Some havemade itothers died trying. The

    Arctic was first discovered by

    Robert Peary and Matthew Hensonin 1909. They set off from Cape

    Columbia and reached the NorthPole in an amazing 37 days thanksto the Inuit people and sled dogs!Many people doubted this time,but in 2005 Tom Avery, a British

    explorer, replicated Pearys journeyand matched his time.

    Exploring Antarctica

    British explorer Robert Scott hadoriginally set out to discover the North

    Pole, but when he heard about Pearysdiscovery he decided to head south.

    He set out in 1911 along with acompetitive team from Norway lead by

    Roald Amundsen. The Norwegiansreached the pole five weeks beforeScott and left a tent and flag there for

    him to find! Fifteen years later,Amundsen arrived by balloon to the

    North Pole, making him the first person inhistory to travel to both poles.

    Natural ResourcesBeneath all that snow and ice liesrich natural resources such as oil,

    coal, gas, and minerals. The termsof the Antarctic Treaty will notallow anyone to touch what isthere. In the Arctic, however,

    these resources bring money andjobs to the countries that ownthem. The United States has builtthe Alaska Pipeline. It took 21,000

    workers to build this huge oilpipeline over 795 miles.

    OwnershipEight countries have land inside

    the Arctic Circle: Russia, Finland,Sweden, Norway, Iceland,

    Greenland, Canada, and theUnited States of America. No one

    country has ownership of

    Antarctica. Instead 48 countrieshave signed the Antarctic Treatythat protects the land from any

    mining or military action and sets itaside as a scientific preserve. Theimage on the card is the official

    Antarctica Treaty flag.

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    31For this is what the Lordhas commanded us:

    I have made you a light

    for the Gentiles, that you

    may bring salvation to theends of the earth.

    Acts 13:47
