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Metec12/21/200By Jose HAbraham

A new mepipelines

Arc blow during anbecause current floblow.

This articmethods backgrou

Techniciagirth-cut omagneticand field turns reqelectrodeempiricalweld groo

Most of ththe groovof currenselect themagnetic

Arc blow

Residual the arc tobe magnewhen a presidual mmagnetic

DC arc welectrodeconductothe residudisplacem

Arc blow the residuweld.4 Me


09 Hiram Espina

m Lopez Monte

ethod allows w.

most commonn inspection ruof its versatilitowing through

cle describes aso far availab

und in magnet

ans measuredof damaged s

c finite elemenparameters. Suired for the r

e, position of th predictive eqove.

he proceduresve, a disadvant values. The e number of coc field in the gr


magnetizationo deviate, a phetized by the e

pipeline has bemagnetizationcally.

welding is a mae, the welding or produces a ual magnetic fment of the arc

depends on tual magnetic feasuring the m

provue foHernandez, F

enegro, and E

welders with li

nly occurs afteun. DC arc wety and relativeh the electrode

a simple methble in the literaism.

d residual magections and in

nt simulations fSimulations usesidual magnehe coil relativeuation for the

s developed inntage during Dmethod propooil turns and troove.

n of the parts henomenon knearth's magneeen subject ton in operating p

anual processarc, the parts magnetic fieldfield of the parc can cause w

he direction afield in the wemagnitude and

videsor avFrancisco Caleloy Perez Bar

ttle backgroun

er an in-line mlding is one of

ely low cost. Ine and the resid

od to reduce aature,1 2 the me

gnetic field leven the V-groovefor residual msed variables setic field compe to the groovemagnetic field

n the past adjuDC arc weldingosed here suphe position of

to be solderednown as arc betic field if they

a strong magpipelines. MFL

establishing ato be soldere

d according to rts causes a d

weld defects.

nd magnitudelding zone shod polarity of th

s welvoidin

eyo, Gabriela ruch

nd in magnetis

magnetic-flux-lef the most popnteraction betwdual magnetic

arc blow durinethod propose

els of differene following insagnetic field csuch as residupensation, DCe, and pipelined required to c

usted current ig since the ele

persedes this dthe coil relativ

d often affectsblow. Steel pipy extend from gnetic field. MFL pigs use stro

an electric circed, and the gro

Ampere's lawdisplacement o

e of the residuaould measure

he residual ma

dersng ar

Lourdes Rued

sm to reduce a

eakage inspecpular techniquween the magc field in the pi

ng DC arc welded here provid

t pipelines in sertion of the n

compensation ual magnetic f

C current flowine WT and ODcompensate fo

in order to comectrodes' specdisadvantage ve to the groov

s DC arc weldielines are hugnorth to south

FL in-line inspong permanen

cuit between tound connectiow. The interactof the arc relat

al magnetic fie less than 30

agnetic field in

s newrc blo

da Morales, Jo

arc blow durin

ction tool mages in the oil annetic field asspeline under r

ding of pipelindes simple rule

southern Mexinew sections.

using real-lifefield in the grong through the. Results allowor the residual

mpensate for tcifications do nby making it pve to compens

ing of pipelinege ferromagneh. Arc blow beection tools ("nt magnets to

he welding poon. The currention between ttive to the join

eld of the partsGauss to ensuthe groove w

w ow

ose Manuel H

ng DC welding

gnetizes a pipend gas indust

sociated with trepair can pro

nes. In contrases for welders

ico in the gap FEMM3 perfor

e pipeline dimeoove, number e coil and the wed developml magnetic fiel

the magnetic fnot cover a widpossible to prosate for residu

es during repaetic structuresecomes a conc"pigs") can indsaturate the p

ower supply, thnt flowing throthis magnetic fnt. The continu

s. The magniture a high-qua

with a gaussme


g of

e wall ry he

oduce arc

st to with little

following rmed ensions of coil

ment of an d in the

field in de range

operly ual

ir causing and can cern duce pipe wall

he ough a field and


tude of ality eter is

Page 2: arc blow Pipeline.pdf

mandatorpipeline c

Fig. 1 schwhen themagnetic= Hg – Ha

field. The

Kildishevaxial fieldassumes

Proctor pin the oil residual mof currena generaand modi

The AmeE6010 eluse of thebeginningproper cothe numb




ry. Once the mclose to the gr

hematically she applied magnc field (Hr) is zea. In the overcese last two ca

v et al. proposed in the grooves a solid backg

proposed a praand gas indusmagnetic fieldt valid values l rule, wrappinifying the elec

erican Weldingectrode of 1⁄8e lower curreng of the weldinompensation ober of turns an

ental investig

ans took sevePhysik FH-51

d pipeline sectc field in three rence, starting

magnitude androove reduces

hows a V-groonetic field (Ha)ero. In the sec

compensation ases create th

ed a depermine by remagnetground in mag

actical and simstry,1 observin in the groovespecified for t

ng the weldingctrode current

g Society class in., for instan

nt to obtain a sng procedure tof the residualnd position of t


ral measuremGaussmeter t

tions measuredifferent scen

g at 12:00 and

d polarity of ths its residual m

ove and the thr) opposes the cond case, Ha

case, Ha is stre risk of arc b

ng technology tizing the pipenetism.

mple procedureng variation of e. Required cuthe electrode ig ground lead to compensat

sifies welding ce, has a curr

smooth arc.4 Wto obtain a co magnetic fieldthe coil from th

ments of the restook magnetic

ed 34 m, 6.2 mnarios. Measur ending at 9:0

he residual mamagnetic field.

ree possible cresidual mag

a is not high enrong enough t


for large ferroe near the joint

re for reducingcurrent flowin

urrent magnituin DC arc weldwith four to sixte for the resid

electrodes acrent range of 7Welders adjusrrect arc lengtd in the groovhe groove are

sidual magnetc flux density m

m, and 24.3 mrements occu

00 hr. These m

agnetic field ar

compensation netic field (Hg)nough, resultinto reverse the

omagnetic pipt.2 The proced

g the magneticng through thede changes, hding procedurx-turns coil at

dual magnetic

ccording to siz75-130 amp. Gst the current tth and good st

ve with the vare fixed.

tic field of pipemeasurements

. Table 1 showrred at four dif


re known, a co

scenarios. Th) in the grooveng in an underpolarity of the

es based on cdure is scientif

c field at pipelie coil-electrodehowever, couldes. Proctor's pabout one-hafield in the gro

e (in.) and curGalvery and Mhrough the eletability but canriation of the e

elines in souths of 8, 10, and

ws the averagfferent points s took place:

oil wrapped ar

he ideal case oe and the resurcompensatione resultant ma

compensatingfically correct

ne tie-ins, wee to compensad lie outside thprocedure reqalf OD from theoove.

rrent range (aMarlow recommectrode at the nnot guaranteelectrode curre

hern Mexico (Fd 30-in. OD pip

e values of thalong the pipe

round the

occurs ultant n with Hr


for the but

ll known ate for the he range

quires, as e groove

mp). An mend the

e a ent when

Fig. 2). A pelines.6

e residual eline's

Page 3: arc blow Pipeline.pdf

• In the g

• At the e

• In the w

The edgeto API-11

The averfor to avothan the m


FEMM heprogram used to scurrent va


ap after the p

edge of the ne

welding groove

es of the pipel104 standard i

rage values moid arc blow dumaximum per

g, simulation

elped developfor electrostat

simulate the realues flowing

ians took manerence, startinement shown

ipeline was cu

w section befo

e after the new

ine were rougn the last insta

arked as MA, uring welding.rmissible value

p an axi-symmtic and magneesidual magnethrough the co

nual measuremg at 12:00 andis taking place

ut (MB in Table

ore its insertio

w section was

hly flat in the fance.7

underlined in The pipelines

e of 30 Gauss

etric model ofetic finite-elemetic field in theoil.

ments at four dd ending at 9:e in the gap cr

e 1, Fig. 2).

on between the

inserted and

first two cases

Table 1, corres with 10 and

s needed to av

f the pipeline wment simulatione groove and th

different points00 hr. The resreated by cutti

e pipeline seg

lined up with t

s. The V groov

espond to the 30-in OD have

void arc blow.

with a coil of nns in two dimehe compensat

s along the pipsidual magnetiing the pipelin

ments (MC).

the other pipel

ve had already

values needine values more

n-turns.3 FEMMensions. Fig. 3tion process b

peline's ic field

ne (Fig.

line segments

y machined ac

ng to be compe than 10 time

M is a freewar3 represents thby selecting di

s (MA).


pensated es higher

re he model fferent

Page 4: arc blow Pipeline.pdf

The simu1104.7 Acoercivity

The simu

• t = WT.

• n = num

• I = solde

• x0 = coi

• D = OD

• Hg = res

Table 2 pcombinat


FEMM siresidual mThese vaand overc

ulation processAn Nd-Fe-B may (HC) of the N

ulation used va

mber of coil tur

ering current f

l position relat


sidual magnet

presents the vtions yielded 3

mulation softwmagnetic fieldalues cover allcompensation

s used 16-m pagnet in the foNd-Fe-B mate



flowing throug

tive to the gro

tic field intensi

ariables of the3,584 simulatio

ware estimated levels in the g possible stag


pipe sections worm of a ring prial produced

gh the coil and


ty in the groov

e simulation ruon runs.

d the values ogroove, produges during the

with a groove produced the rthe different v

d the electrode


uns and their r

of the applied ucing a total of compensatio

consistent witresidual magnvalues of the r


respective val

magnetic fieldf 3,584 valuesn process: un

th dimensions etic field in theesidual magne

ues. Consider

d necessary toof the resulta


s dictated by Ae groove. Chaetic field.

ring all possib

o compensate ant magnetic fiation, compens

API-anging the


for the ield, Hr. sation,

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Page 6: arc blow Pipeline.pdf

Fig. 4 shogroove x0


Fig. 4 shogroove ascompensassumptiminimum

As a genhowever,necessar

Compensand simpfunction oFEMM. Inmathema= 0.93.

Closer exapplied mpipeline a

Equation procedurmagnetic

WT and Operformamind, EqEquation energy (n

Equation the groovcompenswould yiecombinatstraightfo

ows examples0 for seven int

ows the applies a function of

sation dependson that the co

m amount of en

eral rule, there, will ultimatelyry to obtain the

sating for the rple step-by-steof the selectedntroducing theatical function

xamination of magnetic field and directly pr

1 reduces to re aims to appc field (Hr) belo

OD are knownance by wrappuation 1 turns 2 is a simple nI) required to

2 yields grapve. Fig. 5, for esation coil poseld a completetions of the fieorward tool for

s of the relatiotensities of the

ed magnetic fif the position os directly on th

oil must be planergy.

efore, operatoy depend on the appropriate

residual magnep procedure. d simulation vae whole datasebest fitting the

Equation 1 exHa (nI) necess

roportional to t

a simple exprly a magnetic

ow 30 G, inclu

n fixed parameing the coil as

s into Equationrelationship bavoid arc blow

hs with sets oexample, showition. Applying

e set of such geld parametersr avoiding arc

nship betweee residual mag

eld Ha requireof the coil x0. The position of ced in the imm

ors should wrahe residual maarc length for

netic field in thEquation 1 is ariables obtainet into the SPSe data with the

xplains the inflsary for compethe position of

ression when rfield (Ha) cou

uding a best ca

eters for each s closely as pon 2, where A (Ebetween the rew.

of curves for thws two sets ofg Equation 1 tographs makings (t, D, I) and vblow.

n Ha (proportiognetic field Hg

ed to compensThe amount othe coil relativ

mediate vicinit

ap the coil as cagnetic field bthe given elec

he groove coula general expned with the rSS multivariate polynomial e

uence of eachensation is invf the coil x0.

real-life conditnteracting thease of Hr = 0 (

particular casossible to the gEquation 3) is

esidual magne

he compensatif curves obtaino all possible g graphs similavariables (n, x

onal to nI) andon two pipelin

sate for the givof energy Ha (pve to the groovty of the groov

closely as posbeing compensctrode.

ld be a complepression of theesults of the 3te statistical soexpression 1, o

h variable in thversely propor

tions are takene residual mag(Fig. 1).

se. Operators groove. Bearin

s a constant deetic field (Hg) in

ion of any valuned for differeranges of the ar to those shox0 ) available to

d the position nes of 0.5-in. W

ven residual mproportional tove, OD, and Wve to achieve c

ssible to the grsated for and t

ex task for opee resultant ma3,584 simulatiooftware alloweobtaining a co

he compensatrtional to WT (

n into accountgnetic field (Hg

generally inteng these paraependent on an the groove a

ue of the residnt pipeline WTvariables conown in Fig. 5 fo operators an

of the coil relaWT and 10 an

magnetic field o nI) to achieveWT. Fig. 4 supcompensation

roove. The cothe optimum c

erators withouagnetic field Hr

on runs perfored proposal oforrelation coef

tion process. T(t) and OD (D)

t. The compeng) to obtain a r

end to optimizeameters and inactual field parand the amoun

dual magnetic T, OD, and sidered in thefor different nd providing a

ative to nd 24 in.

Hg in the e

pports the n with a

il position, current

ut a clear r as a rmed with f a fficient R2

The ) of the

nsation resultant

e system ntents in rameters. nt of

field in

e model


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Proposed procedure

The first step of the welding process is to adjust the current through the electrode to obtain the optimum arc length. Electrode selection itself depends on many factors, including welder skill and base metal properties. The operator will always know in advance the range of current to be used for a specific welding task according to the electrode selection. Applying Equation 1 can reduce and optimize each case's compensation curves.

A step-by-step compensation procedure follows:

1. Measure the strength (magnitude) and polarity (direction) of the residual magnetic field in the groove with a gaussmeter.

2. With the magnitude of the residual magnetic field (Hg) known, and knowing the characteristics of the pipeline under repair, select the appropriate set of graphs. The position of the compensation coil is important during this selection. It should lay as close as possible to the groove. The value Hg allows the necessary Ampere-turns (nI) to be estimated with the proper compensation curve (Fig. 5).

3. Divide nI by the selected value of current I flowing through the electrode. This provides the number of coil turns.

4. Wrap the welding ground lead around the pipe, according to the selected parameters, in such a way as to produce a magnetic field opposing the residual magnetic field in the groove.

5. Put the gaussmeter probe inside the groove to verify compensation. The welder should use an extra work piece for welding and at the same time perform the magnetic measurement in the groove. This guarantees the electrical circuit is closed, maintaining operator safety.

6. If the residual magnetic field is compensated for (<30 G), remove the gaussmeter probe and start the welding process.

DC arc welding can use two different electric circuits according to electrode type: Direct Current Electrode Positive (DCEP) or Direct Current Electrode Negative (DCEN). Step 4 should be performed carefully to avoid delays and consequent reduction in productivity.

Page 9: arc blow Pipeline.pdf

Fig. 6 canthe DC pfield, eithhas the pthis casearrow) co

With a DCthe samecompens


1. ProctoInternatio

2. KildishFerromag

3. Meeke

n help operatoower supply her sign or pole

polarity shown, the coil shou

ounteracting th

CEP electrodee polarity as shsation.


or, N.B., "The Ronal, Catalog N

hev, A.N., Nyegnetic Magnet

er, D., Finite E

ors set a circuhas a positive e-type, based by the red ar

uld be wrappedhe residual ma

e the DC powehown in Fig. 6

Removal of DeNo. L51389e,

nhuis, J.A., Dtic Pipes," IEE

lement Metho

it for compensground terminon the orienta

row line, the gd as shown inagnetic field.

er supply has the coil shou

etrimental MaHouston: Tec

obrodeyev, P.EE Internationa

od Magnetics,

sation. It assunal. All gaussmation of the megaussmeter ren Fig. 6 to prod

a negative grld be wrapped

gnetic Fields achnical Toolbo

.N., and Volokal Magnetics C

Version 4.0, U

mes a workingmeters give theasurement p

eading will be pduce a magne

ound terminald in the oppos

at Pipeline Tieoxes Inc., 1980

khov, S.A., "DeConference, K

User Manual,

g electrode of e polarity of throbe. If residupositive, or wil

etic field Ha (m

. If the residuaite direction to

e-Ins," Pipeline0.

eperming TecKyongju, Korea

f DCEN type, mhe measured mual magnetic fill mark a north

marked with the

al magnetic fieo achieve

e Research C

chnology in Laa, May 18-21,

meaning magnetic ield Hg h pole. In e blue

eld has


arge 1999.


Page 10: arc blow Pipeline.pdf

4. Bakunov, A.S., and Muzhitskii, V.F., "Testing Residual Magnetization of Parts before Welding," Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 209-210, March 2004.

5. Galvery, W.L., and Marlow, F.M., Welding Essentials: Questions & Answers, pp. 117, New York: Industrial Press Inc., 2000.

6. Operation instructions FH-51 Gauss-Teslameter, Magnet-Physik Dr. Steingroover GMBH,

7. API Standard 1104, "Welding of pipelines and related facilities," 20th Ed., American Petroleum Institute, 2005.

The authors

Jose Hiram Espina Hernandez ([email protected]) is a professor at the Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN). He is a researcher at the Convenio de Investigacion y Desarrollo de Integridad Mecanica (CIDIM) of the IPN. He holds a BS in electrical engineering, an MS in automation, and a PhD in technical sciences from the Instituto Superior Politecnico Jose Antonio Echeverria of Havana.

Francisco Caleyo ([email protected]) is a professor at the IPN. He is a senior researcher at the CIDIM of the IPN. He holds a BS in physics and an MS in materials science from Universidad de La Habana and a PhD in materials science from Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico.

Gabriela Lourdes Rueda Morales ([email protected]) is a professor at the IPN. She is researcher at the CIDIM of the IPN. She holds a BS, an MS, and a PhD in physics from IPN.

Jose Manuel Hallen ([email protected]) is a professor at the IPN and heads the CIDIM, which has service contracts with Pemex to conduct mechanical integrity and risk analyses of onshore and offshore pipelines. He holds a BS and MS in physical metallurgy from IPN and a PhD in physical metallurgy from the University of Montreal.

Abraham Lopez Montenegro ([email protected]) is a superintendent of pipeline reliability at the Gerencia de Transporte y Distribucion de Hidrocarburos, Pemex Exploracion y Produccion. He holds a BS in industrial chemistry engineering from IPN and an MS in project management engineering from the Universidad de las Americas, Mexico.

Eloy Perez Baruch ([email protected]) is maintenance vice-manager at the Gerencia de la Coordinacion Tecnica Operativa Region Sur, Pemex Exploracion y Produccion. He holds a BS in industrial chemistry engineering from IPN and an MS in pipeline management engineering from the Universidad de las Americas, Mexico.