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T h e F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h o f N a p l e s

April 2015


From Dr. Browne 2

Session 3

PNC update 3

Worship and Music 4

Music 5

Finance 6

Congregational Care 7

Presbyterian Women 8

Calendar 9

Children and Youth 10

Preschool 11

Missions 12

News & Events 14

By his great mercy he has given us

a new birth... 1 Peter 1:3

2 Rev. Dr. Will Browne, Interim Pastor/Head of Staff [email protected]

The words of Psalm 66

provide a wonderfully

appropriate background for

our worship as the Easter

Season begins with the

services of Holy Week.

It is a daring psalm because

it calls for joy and awe in a

week where the drama takes us to the depth of

despair as Jesus is crucified and buried. Yet we

are the fortunate ones who live after the

resurrection. Our memories and imaginations can

stumble, caught in the harsh realities of death.

But those memories and imaginations are

outpaced by the larger picture of the wonder God

has performed in defeating death and raising

Jesus. So despite it all we sing:

1 Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth; 2 sing the glory of his name; give to him

glorious praise. 3 Say to God, ‘How awesome are your deeds!

Because of your great power, your enemies

cringe before you. 4 All the earth worships you; they sing praises

to you, sing praises to your name.’’

5 Come and see what God has done…

There is one note of caution here. We find it in

the first and dependent/conditional clause in the

18th verse.

“18 If I had cherished iniquity in my heart,

the Lord would not have listened.”

All the wonder that happens in Holy Week and

Easter is the Lord’s doing, not our doing. Yet still

God requires of us that we be in relationship, that

we be yearning toward God and reject iniquity

and evil in our own hearts and souls. We are still

to know ourselves as God’s children who live in

God’s love.

Our Executive Presbyter, Graham Hart, shares a

most beautiful image from his sermon for his

daughter’s wedding. He compares a wedding to

trees planted in good soil but in a place where

there is limited light. The trees survive and thrive

because they lean toward the light as they grow.

We survive and thrive because we have learned

where to find the light and we lean toward the

light with all we have. Thanks be to God.

Come and

see what

God has done...

3 Libby Biehl, Clerk of Session, [email protected] Session

It has been almost one and a half years of reviewing

potential pastor candidates' lengthy resumes, listening to

dozens of sermons, calling on so many references, etc.,

etc, and our dear congregation is asking the question,

"Why hasn't a pastor for First Presbyterian Church been

found yet?" As your Pastor Nominating Committee

members diligently work through this process, we ask

ourselves the same question!

Once again, we can tell you that we have a handful of

viable candidates that we are looking at closely.

However, we also know that God has set aside the right

person to lead us. Now, your PNC comes to you again

requesting that we all open our hearts and sincerely seek

God's will through earnestly and consistently praying for

His guidance and direction.

In the meantime, we are so thankful that God has blessed

us with a wonderful interim pastor. Rev. Dr. Will

Browne has indeed stirred our hearts and united us week

after week.

With God's Blessings,

Your PNC Member, Cris Crider

From Your PNC Committee

Highlights of Session

March 24, 2015

Opening Prayer and Devotions from 1 Corinthians, Chapter 1 were given by Dr. Will Browne.

A Congregational forum will be scheduled in the future to discuss the Definition of Marriage as

outlined by the General Assembly.

Minutes of the February 24, 2015 stated meeting were approved.

Approval was given to participate in the One Great Hour of Sharing offering on March 29 (Palm

Sunday) and April 5 (Easter Sunday).

Approval was given to hold a church-wide appeal for donations to send two youth members on

Mission trips this summer. Katelynn Boot will travel to Haiti on a medical mission and Collin

Weigel is traveling to Jamaica.

Approval was given to support the Cumberland Church’s Mission Project in Golden Gate via the

offering on Maundy Thursday as we hold a joint service with them.

Approval was given to hire John Mercier as a stewardship consultant and to grant the

Stewardship Committee authority to establish a contract with him.

Joanne Slager will serve as Elder representative at the April meeting of the Deacons.

A status report of pledges received was given.

The finance report was approved.

Approval was given to hire a Sunday School Teaching Lead for 230 hours per year at the rate of

$15 per hour.

Approval was given to allocate $1,500 for nursery care from the present date through October at

which time the Personnel Committee will review the nursery care needs.

Approval was given to refrain from serving communion on Easter Sunday.

The Membership Committee will send letters to “new” households in the area inviting them to

First Presbyterian Church.

Report of the February 26, 2015 Peace River Presbytery meeting was given.

The next meeting of Session will be held on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 4 p.m. in Room 203.

4 Worship and Music Bonita Krauss, [email protected]



Study, Music and Lunch, A Lenten study will take place at 11 a.m. in the Youth Room. Dr. Will Browne will lead a class on “Comparative Religions” Islam/Christianity. Join us at noon on Wednesday, April 1 for a half hour organ concert at noon by Dr. Brice Gerlach and then you are welcome to join us for lunch ($7) reservations required. 239.262.1311 . Everyone is welcome.

Maundy Thursday

7 p.m.

A Communion Service with

Washing of the Hands

Good Friday 12 p.m.

Dramatic reading

of the Passion Narrative

with Musical Selections

5 Music Dr. Brice Gerlach, Director of Music Ministries, [email protected]


A Season of Music Petronel Malan

Sunday, April 19, 2015 4:00 p.m.

Concert pianist Petronel Malan returns to perform on our wonderful Blüthner grand piano. In 2000, Ms. Malan's career was launched following five gold medals at international piano competitions throughout the United States. These included the Louise McMahon, Missouri Southern, Los Angeles Liszt "Budapest Concert" and Hilton Head International Piano Competitions. She also garnered the grand prize in the 2000 Web Concert Hall Competition and gold medals in both the Grace Welsh Piano Competition and the Entergy Young Artist Award. Born in South Africa, Petronel began lessons with her mother at age four, continuing with Adolph Hallis, Joseph Stanford and Albie van Schalkwyk. She debuted with the Johannesburg Symphony at age ten and subsequently won all major national competitions, before moving to the

United States to further her studies. Following a degree at Michigan State University, Petronel completed her graduate degrees at the University of North Texas. Her teachers included Steven de Groote, Ralph Votapek and Joseph Banowetz. She also received intensive coaching from American legend Earl Wild. Petronel is a world-class concert pianist. She always brings inspired performances to her concerts. Mark your calendar today and don’t miss this event! There is no charge for the concert, however, a free-will offering will be taken. A reception will follow in Spencer Hall.

Finance Natalie Duff, Director of Finance, [email protected] 6

Endowment Committee Tax Time: If you have highly appreciated stock you can donate it to First Presbyterian Church of Naples and pay no tax on the gains. You and First Presbyterian Church of Naples win! Consider it! If you are interested in learning more about how you can help First Presbyterian Church of Naples please contact Dr. Will Browne or Natalie Duff at 239.262.1311 or Endowment Committee members Linda Gadkowski at 239.775.9901 or Fred Garner at 239.434.2438. Remember please, these thoughts are general in nature and are not meant to be specific as to your personal situation or to take the place of your professional advisors.

Financial Report

February 28, 2015

YTD YTD YTD Budget 2014 2015 2015

Offerings 253,488 171,109 271,569

Other Income 76,886 86,296 85,080

Total Income 330,374 257,405 356,649

Total Operating Expenses 225,421 238,452 265,641

Net Gain 104,953 18,953 91,008

Thanks to everyone that have turned in their pledge cards. To date, we have received 184 pledge

cards. This represents $533,917 of our goal of $637,000. Of the pledge cards received, 61.41% are

increases, 28.8% stayed the same and 9.78% are decreases. We appreciate everyone that has taken

the time to complete their pledge card. If you have not turned in your pledge card, they can be

placed in the offering on Sunday morning, brought to the church office or mailed to the church.



Congregational Care Shirley Hagerson, [email protected]




Our congratulations to: Carol Graham, Betsy Grant, Jack Marsh, Gary Root, and Walter Gadkowski for recently completing their 50 hours of Stephen Ministry training. From the leaders of the classes we heard many words of praise of our First Presbyterian attendees for their added value to the classes.

We are very appreciative to Naples United Church of Christ for allowing us to participate in this wonderful educational opportunity.

The new Stephen Ministers were commissioned on Sunday, March 29. Please join us in welcoming this group to their new calling within our church.


If anyone in the congregation can offer an occasional ride to church for members who cannot drive, the Deacons would like to hear from you. Please call the church office 239.262.1311.


Your Name: ___________________________________________________ Parish No: _______________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________________________________

Telephone: __________________________________ Cell: _____________________________________


Name: _________________________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________

City, State, ZIP:_________________________________________________________________________

Telephone: ___________________________________ Cell: ____________________________________

Relationship: __________________________________


The committee for Congregational Care feels that it is

very important to have contact information on each

member and affiliate member of First Presbyterian

Church. In the event of an emergency we need to know

who to contact.* This information would be kept in

confidence and used only when necessary. Please help us

be of service to you by filling out the form below and

returning it to the church ASAP.

* please do not list your spouse as the emergency contact.

Instead list a child, neighbor or close friend.

8 Presbyterian Women Ann Goodnight, PW Moderator, [email protected]

Thank you to all who attended

and took part in the celebration

of the women of the church on

March 8. I hope it was a time

of enrichment and pleasure for

all. If anyone is interested in

being involved in any of our

many activities please contact

Ann Goodnight (239.263.1820)

or call the church office to be directed to someone

who can help you.


April 1 is our next Gathering following the Lenten

Concert by Dr. Gerlach. Since it is Easter week,

wearing Easter bonnets are suggested!

Our speaker is Grace Gokturk from the Tumaini Fund

Mission. Our Sew and Sews make dresses for the

children who are AIDS orphans in Tanzania, for

which they are very grateful. This promises to be a

most interesting program as she shares about the

several programs benefiting the AIDS orphans. The

primary goal is to educate them so they become self-

sufficient, but there are many other needs. We will also have our installation of officers by the

Peace River Presbytery Cluster Leader, Mary Poston.

The menu for the day is barbeque, chips, salad and


Reservations for $7 may be made by calling the

church office. All are welcome. Come after the

concert to break bread together.

Thanks to all who brought desserts that were enjoyed

by us all. If you missed donating to the Birthday

Fund of Presbyterian Women Mission Fund you may

still do so at the next Gathering.

Date Circle Place Leader Phone

Wednesday, April 16

10 a.m.

Friendship Room 201 Carolyn Mollers 239.213.1577

Wednesday, April 16

9:30 a.m.

Love Church Parlor


Wendy Evans

Barb Heissner

Nina Howard

Mary Vande Voren



Wednesday, April 16

1 p.m.

Peace with Honor Church Parlor


Muriel Finlayson

Katie Geshay

Dorothy Gomori



Wednesday, April 16

12 p.m.

Sunshine Youth Room Jeanenne Somers

Janet Root



Tuesday, April 21

9:30 a.m.

Faith/Joy Church Parlor


Dottie Brown

Marcia Kempers

Barbara Korntheuer 239.591.0260

Sandy Poore, Director of Facilities, [email protected] Calendar

This calendar does not necessarily include all events that are scheduled at the church. For additional information, call 239.262.1311 or visit the website Contact Facilities Manager, Sandy Poore at 239.262.1311 ext. 228 or [email protected] to reserve a room for your meeting. Please do not assume that if a room is vacant that it is available for use. This will alleviate any awkward situations from occurring.



1 10:30 a.m. PW Coordinating Team 11 a.m. Lenten Study 12 p.m. Lenten Concert 12:30 p.m. Lenten Lunch 12:30 p.m. PW Gathering 7 p.m. Choir

2 MAUNDY THURSDAY 12 p.m. HUDDLE 4 p.m. Youth Group 7 p.m. Maundy Thursday Service-bilingual

3 GOOD FRIDAY 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking 12 p.m. Good Friday Service 5:30 Parent’s Night Out

4 Naples Brass practice

5 EASTER 7:30 a.m. Courtyard Worship 8:30 & 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Egg Hunt 12 p.m. Cumberland Church

6 Church office closed 10:30 a.m. Men’s Club

7 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate


9 a.m. Prayer Shawl 11 a.m. Alzheimer’s Support Group


9 9:30 a.m. Stephen Ministry 10 a.m. Sew&Sews 12 p.m. HUDDLE 4 p.m. Youth Group 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

10 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking 6 p.m. Mexican Potluck Dinner


12 8:30 & 10 a.m. Worship 10:15 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 12 p.m. Cumberland Church

13 9 a.m. PW Bible Facilitators

14 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate


8 a.m. Facilities Committee 9 a.m. Prayer Shawl 1 p.m. Worship and Music Committee 3 p.m. Finance Committee

15 OUTREACH DEADLINE 9:30 a.m. Love Circle 10 a.m. Friendship Circle 12 p.m. Sunshine Circle 1 p.m. Peace/Honor Circle 7 p.m. Choir

16 10 a.m. PW Bible study video 12 p.m. HUDDLE 4 p.m. Youth Group 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

17 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking 5 p.m. Relay for Life


19 8:30 & 10 a.m. Worship 10:15 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 12 p.m. Cumberland Church 4 p.m. Season of Music Concert


21 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate


9 a.m. Prayer Shawl 9:30 a.m. Faith/Joy Circle 5:30 p.m. Deacons

22 7 p.m. Choir

23 10 a.m. Sew&Sews 12 p.m. HUDDLE 4 p.m. Youth Group 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

24 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking


26 8:30 & 10 a.m. Worship 10:15 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 12 p.m. Cumberland Church

27 8:30 Parent/Teacher Conferences

28 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate


8:30 Parent /Teacher Conferences 9 a.m. Prayer Shawl 4 p.m. Session

29 8:30 Parent /Teacher Conferences

30 8:30 Parent /Teacher Conferences 12 p.m. HUDDLE 1 p.m. First Aid/CPR class 4 p.m. Youth Group 7 p.m. Cumberland Church



Family, children and youth Events

Children and Youth Shana Dublan, Director of Children and Family Ministries

[email protected]

Now is the time to sign up to be part of the

team. We will have a sign up sheet in

Spencer hall with half-hour time slots to walk

the track. We will also have shirts for sale

($10) with our theme “We are praying for

you and your loved ones.”

Stop by the table and ask what you can do to

help make our presence at Relay for Life




Join us on Sunday, April 26 at 12 p.m. at

the Naples Botanical Gardens for an

afternoon of strolling through the

beautiful grounds. This event is free to

anyone who registers with Shana Dublan

before April 19. You can register by

e-mailing her at [email protected] or

by phone call.

Vacation Bible School registration has

begun! We will be offering VBS to Preschoolers

through grade 5, and the Preschoolers will have

their own rotation of fun! This means we will

need twice the volunteers to make this amazing!

VBS will be held July 6-10, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Please e-mail Shana at [email protected]

and let her know how you can help.

To register your children, (age 3 by September

1, 2015 through grade 5) forms can be found in

Spencer Hall, Church and Preschool offices and

online at

Preschool Ashley Houk, Preschool Director, [email protected] 11

Continuing on with the introduction of the

Preschool staff, I would like to take this

opportunity to further introduce you to our

three year old staff. We currently have three

3 year old classrooms that serve students

with a variety of


Ms. Claudia

Schembri and Ms.

Nicki Jentgen are

unique in that they

serve dual roles in

the Preschool. On


Wednesdays, and

Fridays, they serve

as the lead teacher and the teacher’s assistant in a three

year old classroom. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, they

serve in the same roles for the 18-24 month old

classroom. Both Claudia and Nicki were initially

introduced last month in the March Outreach. Ms.

Claudia has been working with First Presbyterian

Preschool (FPP) for three years. She holds a National

Early Childhood Credential. Ms. Nicki has been with

FPP for three years as well. Both Ms. Claudia and Ms.

Nicki have children that graduated from FPP.

Ms. Leslie Barreto

-Wilkinson is in

her third year with

FPP. She began

working with us as

a teacher’s

assistant, but then

moved into a lead

teaching position.

Ms. Leslie holds a BA in Elementary Education and has

worked with The Community School of Naples and the

Naples Botanical Gardens, teaching a summer camp

program. Ms. Leslie is also very talented artistically and

often provides enriched art activities to her class and

other students.

Ms. Nancy Malik is

in her first year with

FPP. She works

with Ms. Leslie two

days a week, serving

as her teacher’s

assistant. Ms. Nancy

holds a BS in Child

Development and has served in the Early Childhood field

for over nine years. She is very creative and often adds

interesting materials and discussions to her class.

Ms. Isabella Sala-

Junkroski has been a

teacher’s assistant with

FPP for four years. Ms.

Isabella began her

connection with FPP as a

parent and then began

her employment here

while her son was still a

student in our program.

She was born in Italy and completed her schooling in

Italy as well. She also serves as a teacher’s assistant in

one of our VPK classrooms. Our third 3 year old

class is taught by Ms.

Erin Abougzir. Ms.

Erin began her career

with FPP following

her oldest daughter’s

graduation from our

VPK program. Her

younger daughter will

graduate from the

VPK program at FPP this year. She began her career as a

teacher’s assistant and then moved into a lead teaching

position. She has been with FPP for four years. Ms. Erin

holds a BS in Elementary Education.

Ms. Dana Muller also began her

employment with FPP while her

children were enrolled in our

program four years ago. She

spends her time as a teacher’s

assistant helping in our three

year old and VPK programs.

Ms. Dana holds a BS in Building

Construction and can be very creative and witty, always

keeping us on our toes and entertained.

Each one of our three year old staff members add

something unique to our program. We are very fortunate

that they have chosen to share their talents with the

Preschool and its students. Next month I will introduce

the Voluntary PreKindergarten (VPK) staff.

Ashley Houk

Preschool Director


We had a wonderful crowd helping with the Meals of Hope project on February 28 in Spencer Hall. We reached our goal packaging 40,000 meals with the help of over 100 people ranging in age from 5 years old to 80+. Students from Naples High School came to help, too. It cheerfully reminds me that no matter our age, we are always called to serve God by helping others. I have a little sign on my refrigerator that says “If the God of Heaven loves me infinitely, and wants me in His Presence every moment, and if He knows that Heaven is a much better place for me, then why on earth has he left me here?” It is always inspiring to see God’s work done by the people of His church. Thank you to everyone who participated in feeding so many in need.

Missions Betty Mangos, Mission Committee Chair, [email protected]

Meals of Hope 2015

13 Missions Betty Mangos, Mission Committee Chair, [email protected]


I hope you were able to go on the Spring Local Mission Tour to see three of the agencies that FPC supports: St. Matthew’s House, Grace Place, and Helps Outreach. We know that our contribution to these agencies feeds people both physically and spiritually. When someone is hungry, has no job--no home, needs physical and medical attention, they will look for help from somewhere. It can be a bad place. Our church wants them to turn to God. Every time you put money into the offering plate, part of it goes to mission work. It is what sets our mission work apart from just an envelope in the mail.

We’ve talked a lot about generosity these past few weeks. Churches rely on it. Our church excels in it. We have in our congregation the Volunteer of the Year at St. Matthew’s House Pantry--Karen Ryan--

who sits on the Missions Committee and contributes in so many ways including spearheading the Meals of Hope project. Karen says she can hardly wait until Thursday every week--the day she volunteers at St. Matthew’s. That’s how generosity looks! She is one of so many at FPC

working in pantries, serving hot meals, teaching children, building houses, rocking babies, making and collecting clothing, visiting the sick and lonely-- donating their time and resources, just as Jesus instructs us to do.

Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday we will again participate in One Great Hour of Sharing. The envelopes will be in the pews. This contribution will go to the Presbyterian Mission Agency providing for a number of local and international agencies.

Our church has the opportunity to support two of our college students who are planning mission trips this Spring. Katelynn Boot will be participating in a medical mission trip to Haiti in May, and Collin Weigel is planning a mission trip to Jamaica in June. Both Katelynn and Collin went on several of our Mexico Mission trips when they were active high school Youth Group participants. Please keep them in your prayers and help support them in their journeys. If you would like to donate, you may use a church envelope to put into the offering plate and mark it "Mission Trips", send your donation to the church, or give on-line. Please consider this thoughtful gift not only as a way to support our youth, but as a way to further God's teachings.

On April 17 our church will participate at the American Cancer Society Relay for Life at Gulfview Middle School. There will be a tent with our name on it,

so please stop by. Shana, our Director of Children and Family Ministries, will explain here in Outreach how you can walk to raise money for cancer by buying a shirt for $10 in Spencer Hall starting March 29. You may also want to honor someone you love with a luminary which will be lit at 9 p.m. that evening--a beautiful ceremony. Our focus from FPC is to offer prayer and support. We want to have a presence there--it is after all, right next door.

Feed the 5,000

Luke 9:10-17 Food we are gathering this month will be given to Helps Outreach. Helps Outreach gives food, clothing, and furniture to those in need. Each person that receives aid is interviewed, and counseled about spiritual well being and financial planning. Desired food: jam, jelly and/or peanut butter canned chicken or ham pasta pasta sauce macaroni and cheese hamburger helper rice red or black dried beans canned peas, corn and/or green beans canned soup Please take a Publix bag from an usher on the first Sunday of the month, and return it with food to the Sixth Street entrance before church on the second Sunday of the month. Checks are welcome, should be payable to "First Presbyterian Church" with the memo marked "Feed the 5,000," and placed in the collection plates

14 News and Events Kathleen Law, Coordinator of Communications, [email protected]

1 vacuum cleaner—$900

Replacement of 2 Christmas trees for

Spencer Hall

Locked cabinet for audio/visual

equipment in the Youth Room

Pulpit and Lectern (See Will Browne)

Dri-Dek floor coverings for the boys and girls

bathrooms (public restrooms in Preschool)


Preschool Bye Bye Buggy Tire Replacements

$332.45 x 2 = $664.90

Donations for the above items would be

welcomed and appreciated.

Please contact Sharman Pfaus

([email protected] or 239.262.1311)

with any questions on the items for the wish list.

In Memoriam

Blanche Novak January 19, 2015

Edward B. Jacobs January 26, 2015

Freda Richardson February 8, 2015

Keith Price March 19, 2015

Bob Martin March 21, 2015

Karl Rustman

March 21, 2015

Phyllis Kruger March 23, 2015

Thank You

To my caring church family,

Following my recent accident, hospital visits from

Stephen Minister, Shirley Hagerson and Deacon Pat

Collins, cards and messages from friends in the music

department, Sunshine Circle and so many others and

especially for your prayers, I give thanks.

Ramona Winger

Please accept my most sincere thanks for the lovely

flowers that were delivered to me by my deacon, Gary

Root and his wife, Janet. How fitting it was after

hearing Dr. Browne’s sermon on a caring,

compassionate church! I feel so fortunate to be a

member of First Presbyterian Church and to have met so

many lovely people during the past twenty years.

My birthday will be special thanks to your kindness.


Marylyn Rustman

Mexican Potluck Friday, April 10 at 6 p.m.

South Gazebo, Lowdermilk Park (Spencer Hall if raining)

Those whose last names begin with the following, please bring

your favorite Mexican dish. A-G, side/salad

H-P, main course Q-Z, dessert

Sign up in Spencer Hall or call the church office 239.262.1311


The Men’s Club 10 a.m. coffee & fellowship

10:30 a.m. program

(ladies are welcome)

News and Events Kathleen Law, Coordinator of Communications, [email protected]

Monday, April 6, 2015 Vann R. Ellison

President and CEO St. Matthew’s House

“Struggles and Victories” Vann R. Ellison is President and CEO of St. Matthew’s House. He is responsible for the successful operations of

all of St. Matthew’s House efforts including Programs and Ministries, Fundraising and Development, Business and Organization Practices, Budgets, Capital and Asset Protection and Board Liaison. Mr. Ellison leads the organization in meeting the annual goals and objectives as approved by the Chairman and the Board of Directors.

Mr. Ellison has served as Chairman of the Board of the Collier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition and served on several committees at Naples Christian Academy.

From table to garden As a sign of good stewardship, the flowers for our tables at our Consecration Sunday celebration have been planted at the west Sanctuary door entrance for your enjoyment. We thank Greenway Landscape Supply for their generous discount and Betty Mangos and

Saralene Oldham for planting the flowers.

LIFE OF THE FRIENDSHIP PADS! Have you ever wondered what happens to the Friendship pads after you sign them on a Sunday morning? Well, there is a life to those sign in sheets which carry some important information back to the church office. Once collected, attendance is posted in our database. If you so not sign the sheet, we may not know you were in church on Sunday or not!

We recently updated our Friendship Pad forms to include a place to mark your return to the north or return to Naples. Please use this section to indicate to us when you are changing your mailing status. We can then update the computer as to which address to use and you won’t risk missing any mail from us!

If a visitor signs the friendship pad, their name is put into a spreadsheet and if contact information is provided, we send a welcome card expressing our appreciation to them for worshipping with us and inviting them to return. Once a visitor has worshipped with us 3 times, they are included in our normal database (ACS) to receive church information: newsletter, mailings, etc. Upon scheduling a new member class, these visitors are invited to attend and we hope to engage them in the life of the church via membership.

In addition, the deacons are given attendance sheets every quarter for those in their parish. This could be for many reasons...illness, vacation, or maybe a personal problem. This allows the deacon an opportunity to reach out and to support them in a Christian and loving way.

Now that you know why these friendship pads are so important to the life of the church, what can you do to help? Please PRINT your name CLEARLY Include any new contact information especially,

phone, cell phone and e-mail When you see a new face next to you be sure to

greet them warmly and invite them to the Welcome Center in Spencer Hall.

If you have any questions for concerns, feel free to contact the church office and speak to Sharman Pfaus, at 239.262.1311 ext. 236 or [email protected].

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First Presbyterian Church of Naples 250 Sixth Street South Naples, FL 34102 239.262.1311