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  • 7/29/2019 Annarao Projects.1




    Introduction: - Electricity theft and over use than the sanctioned capacity, an ongoing problem

    for all electricity providers, is punishable by jail time, a fine or both. Unauthorized use of pumps to

    suck more water from a public water supply system by the greedy consumers causes unsatisfactory

    distribution of municipal water to the general public. Most cases of electricity theft occur when

    violators physically alter the internal mechanism of their electric meters, causing the electricity tobypass the meter and not be recorded. As a result, violators are not charged for the total number

    of kilowatt-hours actually used, causing lost revenue for the electricity providers. In addition,

    tampering with live electricity inside a meter is dangerous and could result in a fire, shock or even

    death to the perpetrator. Utility staff could also be injured when later repairing the meter.

    Timely collection of the bills from the customers is essential for the electricity boards

    and water supply boards to keep up with their financial commitments. In the older system

    a bill collector visits the houses and other establishments to read the energy/water meters at

    the customers site and prepares a bill. This system has many drawbacks and requires a huge

    man power. This puts unnecessary financial burden on the electricity/water boards and is time

    consuming process and also it is not very efficient system since there is a possibility of humanerrors. The main drawback of the existing energy/water metering is that the mechanisms can

    malfunction, leading into errors in the bill calculations and also, they can be easily tampered.

    The older energy billing is based on the concept of use first and pay later. This allows the

    consumers to use energy/water without any limitations, but when it comes to paying the bills, many

    consumers either do not pay in time or have the complaints regarding incorrect billing.












































    This proposed system is being developed to provide water metering

    and electrical energy metering solution by a single, compact unit for multiple

    commodities to houses. This unit has to be mounted at the entrance of individual

    houses and all connections are provided from this unit.. Further it eliminates the

    need for somebody to manually issue the electricity and water bills every month.

    The meter readings are made available instantly to the electricity board or the water

    supply board office through an sms using the gsm network. The block diagram ofthe proposed system is given above. It is basically an embedded microcontroller

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    based system having GSM connectivity for transfer of metering information to theconcerned state electricity board or the water supply board office, when demanded

    by the office authorities. Here the individual consumer houses can use the water

    and electric energy as much as they want. The energy and water consumed by each

    consumers home appliances is continuously monitored and the number of units

    and subunits are separately stored in a non-volatile memory of EEPROM and issimultaneously displayed on LCD display. Whenever the electricity or water board

    wants to have these readings, an SMS is sent to the SIM number of this consumer

    unit. This consumer unit responds by a reply SMS that contains detailed information

    of every house.

    The front end of electricity billing in this system is an OEM (Original Equipment

    Manufacturer) digital energy meter module which is pre-calibrated as per ISI standards. The front

    end of water usage billing in this system is a turbine type flow sensor.

    1.Embedded Microcontroller.2.Optical Isolation Circuit.

    3.Pulse Simulation Circuit.

    4.Flow Sensor.

    5.Relay Drive Circuits.

    6.Solenoid Valve and Drive Circuits.

    7.I2C EEPROM.

    8.LCD Display Unit.

    9.Power Supply Circuit.

    Embedded Microcontroller: - The Embedded microcontroller is the most important part of this

    system. The microcontroller does all controlling activities of the system by executing a programstored into its memory. The microcontroller chosen for this project is ATMELs 89S52.It is an 8-

    bit microcontroller with 8-K Bytes of internal flash program memory, 256-Byte Data memory and

    four 8-bit I/O ports, one serial port, three timers and 6 interrupts. Its instruction set is compatible

    with Intels 8051 microcontroller. It is an ideal choice for compact embedded system design with

    sufficient on-chip resources. The program for the microcontroller can be developed in assembly

    language or embedded C. The tools like Kiel, Ride, SPJ or UMPS or the similar one can be

    used for developing and assembling/compiling the program and then the generated hex file can be

    downloaded to the internal flash program memory of the microcontroller by using flash programmer

    instrument. The microcontroller in this system controls all subsystems like Matrix Keyboard, LCD

    panel, Relays, and Buzzer etc which are present in this prototype.

    Optical Isolation Circuit: - The pulses produced by the Electronic energy meter are fed to an

    opto-coupler for isolating from AC Mains. The opto-coupler transfers pulses from energy meter

    to the microcontroller side by a light beam inside the opto-coupler. The pulses are fed towards

    the LED end of the opto-coupler and the output from the opto-coupler is taken from the internal

    photo transistor. The pulses from photo transistor are fed to a pulse shaping circuit to produce

    sharp pulses that are TTL compatible. These pulses are then routed to a monostable multivibrator

    to produce pulses of constant duration, so that the microcontroller can read these pulses.

    Pulse Simulation Circuit: - As already mentioned, an additional astable multivibrator is built

    to produce square wave pulses at a variable frequency rate. This is used as simulation system fortesting and calibration of the instrument. The output of this astable multivibrator can be fed to the

    instrument for calibration and testing of pulses at a higher or lower consumption rate.

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    Flow Sensor: - Flow measurement is the quantification of bulk fluid movement. Flow can be

    measured in a variety of ways. Flow may be measured by measuring the velocity of fluid over a

    known area. A flow sensor is a device for sensing the rate of fluid flow. Typically a flow sensor

    is the sensing element used in a flow meter, or flow logger, to record the flow of fluids. Absolute

    accuracy of a measurement requires functionality for calibration. The turbine flow meter translates

    the mechanical action of the turbine rotating in the liquid flow around an axis into a user-readablerate of flow (gpm, lpm, etc.). The turbine tends to have all the flow traveling around it. The

    turbine wheel is set in the path of a fluid stream. The flowing fluid impinges on the turbine blades,

    imparting a force to the blade surface and setting the rotor in motion. When a steady rotation speed

    has been reached, the speed is proportional to fluid velocity. Turbine flow meters are used for the

    measurement of natural gas and liquid flow. Turbine meters are less accurate than displacement

    and jet meters at low flow rates, but the measuring element does not occupy or severely restrict the

    entire path of flow. The flow direction is generally straight through the meter, allowing for higher

    flow rates and less pressure loss than displacement-type meters. They are the meter of choice for

    large commercial users, fire protection, and as master meters for the water distribution system.

    Water utilities often require them for measurement of water used.

    Relay Drive Circuits: - Since the system is designed to control mains operated devices, isolation

    of the system from AC Mains is very essential. Relay Drive Circuits consists of transistors to

    switch the electromagnetic relays. They receive TTL level pulses from microcontroller and amplify

    those signals and drive the relays. The relay driver consists of a NPN transistor operated in CE

    configuration. It supplies current to the coil of the electromagnetic relay connected in its collector.

    The microcontroller sends TTL level signals, a logic 1 to turn ON a relay and a logic 0 to turn

    OFF. These signals are connected to the base of the driver transistor. When a logic 1(+5V) arrives

    at the base, the transistor is driven to saturation and current flows through its collector and relay

    coil. The relay is energized and the contacts close. Similarly, when a logic 0(0V) arrives at the

    base, the transistor is driven to cut-off and no current flows through its collector and relay coil.

    The relay is de-energized and the contacts open. Thus the microcontroller can control the relay by

    sending TTL level signals.

    Solenoid Valve and Drive Circuits:-A solenoid valve is an electromechanical valve for use with

    liquid or gas. The valve is controlled by an electric current through a solenoid: in the case of a two-

    port valve the flow is switched on or off; in the case of a three-port valve, the outflow is switched

    between the two outlet ports. Solenoid valves are the most frequently used control elements in

    fluidics. Their tasks are to shut off, release, dose, distribute or mix fluids. They are found in many

    application areas. Solenoids offer fast and safe switching, high reliability, long service life, good

    medium compatibility of the materials used, low control power and compact design. Besides

    the plunger-type actuator which is used most frequently, pivoted-armature actuators and rockeractuators are also used. A solenoid valve has two main parts: the solenoid and the valve. The

    solenoid converts electrical energy into mechanical energy which, in turn, opens or closes the valve

    mechanically. A direct acting valve has only a small flow circuit, shown within section E of this

    diagram (this section is mentioned below as a pilot valve). This diaphragm piloted valve multiplies

    this small flow by using it to control the flow through a much larger orifice. Solenoid valves may

    use metal seals or rubber seals, and may also have electrical interfaces to allow for easy control. A

    spring may be used to hold the valve opened or closed while the valve is not activated.

    I2C EEPROM: - The system uses an I2C (Inter Integrated circuit) type Electrically Erasable

    Programmable Read Only Memory EEPROM. This chip stores information of schedule events

    for operating the devices. It retains the information for very long duration (years together),without battery back up. It is interfaced to the microcontroller through just 2-lines. It has a non-

    volatile storage space of 128 Bytes of data. It provides the schedule events information to the

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    microcontroller when requested by the microcontroller.

    LCD Display Unit:-It has a LCD module for displaying various prompts and status information

    of the system. It is also used display the title messages and other messages while communicating

    with the RFID reader and alcohol sensor. The Real Time Clock is displayed on LCD display

    continuously. A 2-line, 16 character type LCD display module is used. The microcontroller sends

    the signals to LCD module through its ports. The LCD can be interfaced on 6 pins of any port.It is configured to work on 4-bit mode, hence requires only 4-bits for data/commands and two

    handshake signals enable (E) and register select (RS). The write (WR) pin is connected to ground.

    The microcontroller communicates with the LCD module through ASCII codes.

    Power Supply Circuit: - Power supply section has to provide a regulated D.C supply to all

    sections of the system. It is a regulated power supply unit to provide a constant voltage at 1 Amp

    current rating. It derives power from AC mains and coverts it into DC power at low voltages.

    It consists of a step-down transformer, rectifiers, filters and regulators. It supplies +5Volts to

    Microcontroller, Flow sensor, LCD, Keyboard, EEPROM, Relay Drive Circuit, Pulse sensor

    circuit, Pulse Simulator Circuit and Buzzers.


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    This embedded microcontroller based low cost wireless tele-medicine system for phcs

    to improve rural health care is basically a virtual doctor-patient interaction with sms messagingusing wireless gsm network for bio-medical parameter monitoringand it is being designed such

    that it will be of great help in primary health centers and other hospitals, ambulances and also for

    the patients who have been recently discharged from the hospital. It can be used for continuous and

    accurate monitoring of various biomedical parameters of a patient.

    in this project, presently we have chosen to monitor body temperature, heart rate and non-

    invasive blood pressure nibp measurement. The system measures these parameters continuously

    and displays them on a local lcd panel. It compares these parameters with their preset minimum

    and maximum values stored in the systems memory. The doctor or a medical attendant can adjust

    these parameter values based on the type of patient and their present health condition. In the

    event if any of these parameter is found to be abnormal, it sounds the local alarm and indicatesthe abnormal parameter with a message flashed on the lcd display. The local doctor, nurse or any

    other attendant can attend the patient and if they can manage the situation themselves, they can

    reset the alarm and prevent the system from sending a sms to the remote expert doctor. If the alarm

    is not reset within the permitted time, the system automatically sends a sms to the doctors cell

    phone with the details of all measured parameters. It delivers the exact sms messages about what

    is happening like high/low heart rate, abnormal body temperature and abnormal blood pressure

    along with the presently measured values. The doctor thus knows exactly what is happening to the


    the doctors can advice the immediate remedy through phone and emergency medicine

    or other procedures that shall be carried out by the medical staff who are available near the

    patient. The phone number to be used for delivering sms, in case of any emergency can be

    changed at any time, depending on the doctor on duty. The user can store the required number,

    which could be of a gsm phone or a cdma mobile phone. The present system for patient multiple

    parameters monitoring alarming and sending sms has been designed to work for three parameters,

    body temperature, nibp and heart rate monitoring. However this system can be enhanced, to

    accommodate many more biomedical parameters, and for the intimation of a wide range of

    abnormalities and emergencies. Thus it can save many human lives.

    People suffering from certain kind of diseases need to be monitored very carefully by

    the doctors. The condition of such patients can deteriorate very quickly. Hence such patients areadmitted to icu in the hospital. Even when the patient has been admitted to icu, it is practically

    impossible to keep watch on the patients biological parameters at all times. Many bio-medical

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    instruments are used to continuously monitor the condition of the patient. Most of such bio-

    medical instruments are suitable only for local use. An attendant has to regularly observe these

    instruments to make sure that the patients condition is stable. These instruments bind the doctors

    and other attendants. We have made an effort to overcome these disadvantages by extending the

    range of these instruments to anywhere in the world by using gsm network.

    This system is being designed such that it will be of great help in hospitals and also forthe patients who have been recently discharged from the hospital. It can be used for continuous

    and accurate monitoring of various biomedical parameters of a patient. In our project, presently

    we have chosen to monitor body temperature, heart rate and non invasive blood pressure nibp

    measurement. The system measures these parameters periodically and displays them on a local

    lcd panel. It compares these parameters with their preset minimum and maximum values stored

    in the systems memory. The maximum and minimum set point values can be adjusted by the

    potentiometers. Once adjusted these values are used by the system for rest of the calculations.

    In the event if any of the parameter is found to be abnormal, it sounds the local alarm. The local

    doctor or the other attendant can attend the patient and reset the alarm.

    If the alarm is not reset within the permitted time, the system automatically sends asms to the doctors cell phone with the details of all measured parameters. It delivers the exact

    sms messages about what is happening like high/low heart rate, abnormal body temperature

    and abnormal blood pressure. The doctor thus knows exactly what is happening to the patient.

    The doctor can advice the immediate remedy through phone and emergency medicine or other

    procedures that shall be carried out by the medical staff that are available near the patient.

    The phone number to be used for sending sms in case of any emergency can be changed at

    any time depending on the doctor on duty. The user can store the required number, which could

    be of a gsm phone or a cdma mobile phone. However the microcontroller has to be reprogrammed

    for this function. The system is so programmed that it sends sms only once for a particular type

    of abnormality. This feature has been added to avoid wastage of sms and to avoid irritation to

    the doctor by the repeated reading of same message. After a gap of 8-10 minutes the system gets

    refreshed and now it can send new sms for the same abnormality.

    The present system for patient multiple parameter monitoring alarming and sending sms

    has been designed to work for three parameters, body temperature, nibp and heart rate monitoring.

    However this system can be enhanced, to adopt more biomedical parameters, and for the

    intimation of a wide range of abnormalities and emergencies.

    The block diagram is shown in the figure. It consists of the fallowing.

    1. Microcontroller.2. Temperature Sensor.

    3. Signal condition circuit.

    4. Analog to Digital Converter (ADC).

    5. Display unit.

    6. Buzzer alarm unit.

    7. NIBP module.

    8. Dual band GSM modem.

    9. Modem interface and level converter.

    10. Power Supply.

    The microcontroller does all controlling activities of the system by executing a program

    stored into its program memory. The microcontroller chosen for this project is ATMELs 89C51.Itis an 8-bit microcontroller with 4-K Bytes of internal flash program memory, 128-Byte Data

    memory and 4-I/O ports. It also consists of a full duplex serial UART and internal timer/counter.

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    Its instruction set is compatible with Intels 8051 microcontroller. It is an ideal choice for compact

    embedded system design.

    Non Invasive Blood Pressure NIBP is measured using OMRON NIBP module. It contains a

    pressure pump and an external inflating rubber cuff and a strain gauge based pressure measurement

    system. After receiving command from the microcontroller, this module gradually inflates thecuff and senses the pressure in the cuff. After the pressure goes just above the systolic pressure, it

    records this value and after that it starts to deflate the cuff. After the pressure goes just bellow the

    diastolic pressure, it records this value also. In the mean time it also counts the heart rate by sensing

    the pulsations in the pressure value. The microcontroller sends commands and extracts the values of

    systolic pressure, diastolic pressure and heart rate from this module through the serial port link.

    The temperature sensor chosen for this project is LM35. It is an industry standard

    semiconductor transducer, suitable for the temperature range of -50C to +150C. It is a direct

    voltage o/p device. It produces 10mV/0C of surrounding temperature. This voltage is amplified

    to make it suitable to be sensed by the ADC and calibration. The signal from the sensor is fed to

    signal condition circuit. It is for signal conditioning and standardization. It provides the requiredgain to the temperature signal. It also facilitates for the calibration of the sensor output signal. This

    analog signal is fed to an ADC for converting into a binary (digital) number.

    The ADC section is responsible to convert the analog signal into a binary number. When

    any analog signal is applied at its inputs and a command is given to start the conversion process,

    an ADC converts the input analog signal into a proportional binary value, by taking suitable

    conversion time. When it finishes conversion and is ready with the digital data, it indicates with an

    end of conversion signal. The microcontroller can now read the digital data from ADC.

    This system has a lcd module for displaying the parameters. Body temperature, systolic

    pressure and diastolic pressure (nibp) and heart rates are displayed on lcd display. A 2-line, 16

    character type lcd module with backlit facility is used. The microcontroller sends the signals to lcd

    module through its ports.

    Power supply section has to provide a regulated D.C supply to all sections of the system.

    Microcontroller, ADC, LCD display, potentiometers to adjust parameters set point values, MAX

    232 level converter and amplifiers operate on +5V regulated DC voltage and relay require 12V DC

    supply. A regulated power supply unit is built to provide all above voltages at 1 Amp maximum

    current capacity. It consists of a step-down transformer, rectifiers, filters and regulators.




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    Road accidents are increasing, day by day - the causes being driving while drunk, rash

    driving and carelessness. Driving the vehicle over the speed limit of the particular zone leads to un-

    controlled behavior of vehicle.At present, numbers of drunken drivers have increased enormously

    and so are the deaths due to drunken drivers. A drunken driver has imbalanced mental ability which

    may also result in accidents while driving. The more a person drinks, the more their ability to make

    crucial driving decisions becomes impaired. After just one drink, a driver can begin to lose theirability to perform the tasks necessary to drive a car; braking, steering, changing lanes, and using

    judgment to adjust to changing road conditions. At a certain point, a driver will become legally

    intoxicated and can be arrested for attempting to operate a motor vehicle. Drunken drivers have

    been let unchecked in the society. Careless over speeding also takes its toll. Many accidents can be

    easily avoided and many lives can be saved if drivers stick to the norms and drive within permitted

    speed limits.

    Automobile theft is yet another major menace faced by millions of automobile

    owners around the world. Though there are existing securities systems but they have some

    drawbacks like very limited range (500-800m) to alert the automobile owner about the automobile

    theft and also it is not possible to track the stolen automobile with the existing devices. Most of thetimes, the owner of the vehicle is helpless because they cant do anything even after knowing that

    their vehicle has been stolen except lodging a formal complaint with the local police. They have to

    depend on the local police authorities to recover their stolen vehicle. Tracking devices based on

    GPS are available, but they are too expensive and require technical skill for their installation,

    operation and maintenance. Hence, there is a need for a system that has an ideally infinite range of

    theft alert and simultaneously provides the automobile owners with at least some real control

    options after knowing that their automobile has been stolen. Though there are strict laws to punish

    drunken or over speeding drivers, they cannot be fully implemented as the police personal cannot

    be deployed on every road and corner to check each and every vehicle driver, to know whether he/

    she is drink or not. An occasional random check can not prevent the mishaps due to drunken

    driving. This leads to severe accidents such as the one happened in Delhi in which a car of a film

    celebrity ran over four road dwellers, killing them on the spot while they were asleep.

    So, there is a need to develop an efficient alcohol drunk and over speed-detection system

    which is mounted within the vehicle and shall be made mandatory for every 4-wheeler vehicle by

    the governments. Such a system can indicate and display the drunken-drive and over-speed and is

    further essential to take necessary controls required so as to avoid accidents. It can be very useful

    in enforcing the alcohol limit law. For tackling above problems, this proposed system is such an

    attempt to design and develop an effective system which can monitor the drivers breath alcohol

    level throughout the journey and also to keep check on the speed of the vehicle. It also containsadditional features to detect vehicle theft and enables the owner to prevent theft of their vehicle. It

    allows the owners to keep a watch on their vehicle when it is parked, from an unlimited range. This

    system makes use of all the latest trends in technology like embedded systems, sensors, and GSM

    technologies.Short Message Service (SMS), provided by almost all the GSM network operators is

    being used for making A unified system for drunk and drive, vehicle theft and over-speeding

    prevention with auto informer which gives wireless control over the automobile over a vast

    area, i.e. worldwide.


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    It uses an embedded microcontroller as the main controller unit. The door sensors, Breath

    alcohol sensor, speed sensing module, LCD display, Relays, Solenoid valves, GSM modem and

    keypads are hooked to this microcontroller from outside as interfaces. The microcontroller collects

    the status of breath alcohol status, door status and speed value from these external interfaces to

    evaluate the situation. The status information and various other prompt messages are displayed on

    LCD display unit for the user interaction. The alarm circuit is used to prompt the intruder to enter

    password and also to alert when abnormalities exist. This module is designed and fabricated to

    be very compact to be concealed in the automobile and can be used with any targeted automobile

    which is intended to be controlled. The targeted vehicle can be the ignition system of a bus, car,

    truck or motor bike etc.

    The opening of the door is sensed by the microcontroller with the help of micro-switches.

    As soon as any door of the automobile is opened, before the vehicle can be started, the system

    prompts the driver to enter a secret PASSWORD through the matrix keypad which he/she can do

    only if they are the genuine owner of the vehicle and are not under the influence of alcohol. If the

    alcohol level is over a predetermined alcohol concentration or if the PASSWORD code entered

    is wrong, or if it is not entered within a specified period of time, the vehicle will not start and

    produces a loud alarm sound to alert and catch the attention of the people around and sends a SMS

    to the automobile owners mobile phone number. Upon receiving this SMS message, automobile

    owner replies with a SMS containing another password to immobilize the stolen automobile. After

    authenticating this password, the system cut off the automobiles ignition by turning off the ignition

    relay and fuel supply through the solenoid valve. If the PASSWORD matches with the internallystored PASSWORD, the system displays a success message on LCD display and allows the driver

    to drive the vehicle. This system also has a facility to allow the vehicle to be taken by anybody, like

    a friend, without revealing the password. This is done by sending a SMS message by the owner.

    By using the IR module the revolution of the wheel per second can be counted. Hence, from

    the count, and comparison with speed limit, over speeding can be detected. If the speed is above the

    permitted limit, the system warns the driver by flashing message on LCD display and by sounding

    buzzer. Finally it cuts off the fuel supply and engine ignition and sends an SMS containing the

    details of vehicle to the police. The system is foolproof and the driver cannot tamper with it easily.

    Thus it provides an effective and cost effective solution for the problem of drunk driving and over

    speeding and theft of vehicles.

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    The block diagram of the A unified system for drunk and drive, vehicle theft and over-

    speeding prevention with auto informer is shown in the figure. It consists of the fallowing.

    1. embedded microcontroller.

    2. breath alcohol sensor.

    3. ir based speed sensor.4. dual band gsm modem.

    5. modem interface and level converter.

    6. lcd display panel.

    7. relay and relay drive circuits.

    8. matrix keypad unit.

    9. buzzer alarm circuit.

    10. power supply.

    embedded microcontroller: - the microcontroller is the most important unit of this system. a

    microcontroller is a single chip computer that contains the processor (the cpu), non-volatile memory

    for the program (rom or flash), volatile memory for data input and output (ram), a clock and ani/o control unit. also called a "computer on a chip," billions of microcontroller units (mcus) are

    embedded each year in a myriad of products from toys to appliances to automobiles. for example, a

    single vehicle like a modern day hi-tech car can use as many as 70 or more microcontrollers.

    The at89s52 is a low-power, high-performance cmos 8-bit microcontroller with 8k

    bytes of in-system programmable flash memory. the device is manufactured using Atmels high-

    density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard 80c51

    instruction set and pin out. the on-chip flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-

    system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmers. by combining a versatile 8-bit cpu

    with in-system programmable flash on a monolithic chip, the ATMEL AT89S52 is a powerful

    microcontroller, which provides a highly flexible and cost-effective solution to many, embedded

    control applications. the at89s52 provides the following standard features: 8k bytes of flash, 256

    bytes of ram, 32 i/o lines, watchdog timer, two data pointers, three 16-bit timer/counters, a six-

    vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator, and clock

    circuitry. in addition, the at89s52 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency

    and supports two software selectable power saving modes. the idle mode stops the cpu while

    allowing the ram, timer/counters, serial port, and interrupt system to continue functioning. the

    power-down mode saves the ram contents but freezes the oscillator, disabling all other chip

    functions until the next interrupt. the microcontroller does all controlling activities of this system by

    executing a program stored into its internal flash program memory. the microcontroller controls all

    subsystems like alcohol sensor, speed sensor, door sensor, gsm modem, keypad, buzzer, relay,solenoid valve lcd panel etc. in this project. the program for the microcontroller is developed in

    assembly language. the tools like kiel, ride or umps or the similar one can be used for developing

    and assembling the program and the hex file can be downloaded to the internal flash program

    memory of the microcontroller by using flash programmer instrument.

    Breathe Alcohol Sensor:- This is a gas sensor named MQ-3, which is suitable for detecting

    ethanol concentration in the air. It is one of the straightforward gas sensors and hence, works

    almost the same way as other gas sensors, just like common breathalyzer. This alcohol sensor

    is suitable for detecting alcohol concentration on anybodys breath, just like your common

    breathalyzer. It has a high sensitivity and fast response time.

    High sensitivity to alcohol and small sensitivity to Benzene.

    Fast response and High sensitivity

    Stable and long life

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    Simple drive circuit Sensor provides an analog resistive output based on alcohol


    The drive circuit is very simple; all it needs is one resistor. A simple interface could be a

    comparator or ADC. MQ-3 sensor is composed of micro AL2O3 ceramic tube, Tin Dioxide (SnO2)

    sensitive layer, measuring electrode and heater are fixed into a crust made by plastic and stainless

    steel net. The heater provides necessary work conditions for work of sensitive components. Theenveloped MQ-3 have 6 pin ,4 of them are used to fetch signals, and other 2 are used for providing

    heating current.

    Comparator:-In electronics, a comparator is a device that compares two voltages or currents

    and switches its output to indicate which is larger. An operational amplifier (op-amp) can be

    used as comparators in many applications In theory, a standard op-amp operating in open-loop

    configuration (without negative feedback) may be used as a low-performance comparator. When

    the non-inverting input (V+) is at a higher voltage than the inverting input (V-), the high gain of the

    op-amp causes the output to saturate at the highest positive voltage it can output. When the non-

    inverting input (V+) drops below the inverting input (V-), the output saturates at the most negative

    voltage it can output. The op-amp's output voltage is limited by the supply voltage. An op-ampoperating in a linear mode with negative feedback, using a balanced, split-voltage power supply,

    (powered by VS) its transfer function is typically written as: Vout = Ao(V1 V2). However,

    this equation may not be applicable to a comparator circuit which is non-linear and operates open-

    loop (no negative feedback). A comparator is designed to produce well limited output voltages that

    easily interface with digital logic. Compatibility with digital logic must be verified while using an

    op-amp as a comparator.

    IR BASED SPEED SENSOR: - by using the ir module the revolution of the wheel per second

    can be counted. Hence, from the count, and comparison with speed limit, over speeding can be

    detected. A pair of ir transmitter and ir receiver mounted to measure the over speeding of vehicle.

    Ir transmitter is mounted on one side of the wheel drum while the ir receiver is mounted on the

    opposite side. A hole cut in the periphery of the wheel drum allows or blocks the ir light beam, as

    the wheel rotates. This provides pulses at a rate proportional to the speed of the vehicle.

    Dual Band GSM MODEM: - A GSM modem is a specialized type of modem which accepts a

    SIM card, and operates over a subscription to a mobile operator, just like a mobile phone. From the

    mobile operator perspective, a GSM modem looks just like a mobile phone. A GSM modem is a

    wireless modem that works with a GSM wireless network. A wireless modem sends and receives

    data through radio waves. It uses two different frequencies, one for uplink (900 MHz) and another

    for downlink (1800 MHz).A GSM modem can be an external device or a PC Card / PCMCIA

    Card. Typically, an external GSM modem is connected to a computer or a microcontroller througha serial cable. GSM modems can be a quick and efficient way to get started with SMS, because a

    special subscription to an SMS service provider is not required. The mobile operator charges for

    this message sending and receiving as if it was performed directly on a mobile phone. In most parts

    of the world, GSM modems are a cost effective solution for receiving SMS messages, because the

    sender is paying for the message delivery. Like a GSM mobile phone, a GSM modem requires a

    SIM card from a wireless carrier in order to operate. Computers or the microcontrollers use AT

    commands to control modems. GSM modems support a set of standard AT commands. These

    AT commands are defined in the GSM standards. With the AT commands, you can do things like

    Reading, writing and deleting SMS messages, Sending SMS messages, Monitoring the signal

    strength, Monitoring the charging status and charge level of the battery, Reading, writing and

    searching phone book entries etc.

  • 7/29/2019 Annarao Projects.1


    MODEM interface and level converter: - The 8051/8052microcontrollers and their derivatives

    have two pins that are used for transferring and receiving data serially.These two pins are called

    TXD (Pin11) and RXD (Pin10) and they are part of the port3 group (P3.0 and P3.1).These pins

    are TTL compatible. The GSM Modems and the GPS receivers work on RS 232 standard. The RS

    232 standard is not compatible to TTL, therefore, it requires a line driver such as the MAX232

    chip to convert RS232 voltage levels to TTL levels, and vice versa. One major advantage of theMAX232 chip is that it uses a +5V power source which is the same as the source voltage for the


    Matrix Keyboard:-There is a keypad suitable for the user interaction with the system. This

    keyboard is used to recharge the smart card and to verify the card contents by the concerned

    authority to check for validation and other purposes. A 4 x 4 matrix keypad is constructed using

    16 soft tactile switches. This keypad can produce hex codes from 0-9 and a-f. The switches are

    arranged as 4-rows and 4-columns.the columns can connected to 4-port pins on any port and the

    rows on the remaining 4 pins of the same port.

    Door Open Sense Leaver Switches:-Leaver switch is an electric switch with a button (or other

    moving part) and two strips of metal that make contact when the button is pushed. The circuit

    is only closed when the button is held down (unless there is a locking mechanism in the button)

    so these switches are best suited for generating short pulses that trigger an action in the circuit.

    They are commonly used in everyday appliances like door bells and joystickfire buttons. Leaver

    switches are silent (unlike micro switches) and durable since there is a minimum amount ofmoving

    parts involved. The stroke length needed to triggerthe switch is also small so the leafs won't wear

    down because ofcyclic fatigue. Lever switches are common fixtures in homes around the country.

    These handy little items allow you to flip the lights off or on by controlling when electricity can

    enter that particular circuit. Some people prefer to flip a light switch up to turn on the lights, while

    some prefer the down position. No matter which way you prefer your switch to activate the lights,you can easily change it to work to your liking; all it takes is a screwdriver and a few moments of

    your time.

    Solenoid Valve and Drive Circuits:-A solenoid valve is an electromechanicalvalve for use with

    liquid orgas. The valve is controlled by an electric current through a solenoid: in the case of a two-

    port valve the flow is switched on or off; in the case of a three-port valve, the outflow is switched

    between the two outlet ports. Solenoid valves are the most frequently used control elements in

    fluidics. Their tasks are to shut off, release, dose, distribute or mix fluids. They are found in many

    application areas. Solenoids offer fast and safe switching, high reliability, long service life, good

    medium compatibility of the materials used, low control power and compact design. Besides

    the plunger-type actuator which is used most frequently, pivoted-armature actuators and rockeractuators are also used. A solenoid valve has two main parts: the solenoid and the valve. The

    solenoid converts electrical energy into mechanical energy which, in turn, opens or closes the valve

    mechanically. A direct acting valve has only a small flow circuit, shown within section E of this

    diagram (this section is mentioned below as a pilot valve). This diaphragm piloted valve multiplies

    this small flow by using it to control the flow through a much larger orifice. Solenoid valves may

    use metal seals or rubber seals, and may also have electrical interfaces to allow for easy control. A

    spring may be used to hold the valve opened or closed while the valve is not activated.

    Lcd display panel: - This system has a lcd module for displaying various messages according to

    the situation. Present status of door sensors and the sms code received. A 2-line, 16 character type

    lcd module with backlit facility is used. The microcontroller sends the command and data signalsto lcd module through its ports. The lcd displays various messages to indicate what is happening in

    the system at present.

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    Relay and Relay Drive Circuits: - Relay is an electromagnetic device used for automatic

    switching of circuits. A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet

    to operate a switching mechanism mechanically, but other operating principles are also used.

    Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low-power signal (with complete

    electrical isolation between control and controlled circuits), or where several circuits must be

    controlled by one signal. The first relays were used in long distance telegraph circuits, repeating thesignal coming in from one circuit and re-transmitting it to another. Relays were used extensively in

    telephone exchanges and early computers to perform logical operations.The relay driver consists

    of a NPN transistor operated in CE configuration. The transistor supplies current to the coil of

    the electromagnetic relay connected in its collector. The microcontroller can control the relay by

    sending TTL level signals. The relay is used to turn the power ON/OFF to the solenoid valve and

    ignition system.

    Buzzer Alarm circuit: - When any violation of alcohol or attempt to theft is sensed within the

    specified limit, the intruder is alerted with an occasional audio tone produced by a piezo-electric

    buzzer.The microcontroller controls the sound produced by buzzer through a drive transistor. It

    supplies current to the buzzer element connected in its collector. Thus the microcontroller can

    control the sound produced by the buzzer by sending TTL level signals.

    Power supply: - power supply section has to provide a regulated d.c supply to all sections of the

    system. It consists of rechargeable batteries, filter capacitors and voltage regulators. The batteries

    can be charged by the dynamo system of the vehicle itself. The present prototype however is made

    to operate on mains derived power supply but a suitable battery can be directly replaced. This unit

    requires +12v and +5v dc supply. Presently, however the prototype works on ac mains supply by

    reducing mains voltage, rectifying and regulating.