Download - Angela Hayes Quotes

  • 8/9/2019 Angela Hayes Quotes


    Angela Hayes

    Jane's Lolita-ish best friend. Angela hides her intense fear of being

    "ordinary" by inventing numerous sexual encounters in order to prove

    (both to herself and to others) that she is devastatingly attractive tomen.

     Angela Hayes, the sexy blonde cheerleader, has forgotten how to be

    vulnerable, and acts completely fearlessly to try and cope

    She bemoans the horrible fate that awaits anybody who is ordinary, who

    might at some point have to deal with like, problems, and insecurities, and

    wants to live a life of glamour and sensation, which are her ways of denying

    and coping with this depression. The biggest manifestation of this is hercompletely and utterly fabricated stories about an active sex life, that she

    spiels to all who will listen for the sake of being controversial and attracting


    I think instead of love and attention, Angelas mother simply gave her a

    cellphone !this was "###, remember$%, a sports car, and let her smoke

    cigarettes and act as sexy as she could, in order to make her into a &grown

    up, and thereby remove the burden of caring for a child from her delicate,

    scrawny, supermodel shoulders

    She tries to abuse !ricky%' she lashes out whenever anyone makes her feel

    vulnerable, or, as it appears to us, whenever anyone tries to be real with her.

    She responds by acting even more slutty than ever, with no limits. She

    graphically teases (ane about giving )ester a blow*ob.

     As I have been arguing, this is the ma*or theme of the story+ that sometimes

    when people have emotions they dont understand or want to accept, they

    respond by keeping things repressed andor misrepresenting themselves

    both inwardly and outwardly.

  • 8/9/2019 Angela Hayes Quotes


    angela is apparently missing a father -gure

    Shes not your friend. Shes somebody you use to feel better aboutyourself.

    Angela ayes! don't thin# that there's anything $orse than being


    Angela ayes! %eah& ell at least 'm not ugly

    *ic#y +itts! %es you are. And you're boring and you're totally

    ordinary and you #no$ it.

    Angela ayes! ,verything that's meant to happen does.

    Angela ayes! Jane he's a frea#

    Jane urnham! hen so am And $e'll al$ays be frea#s and $e'll

    never be li#e other people and you'll never be a frea# because you're

     /ust too... perfect

    Angela ayes! f people don't even #no$ loo# at me and $ant to fuc#

    me it means really have a shot at being a model.

    0after meeting *ic#y +itts for the first time1

    Angela ayes! hat a frea# And $hy does he dress li#e a bible


    Jane urnham! e's /ust so confident it can't be real.

    Angela ayes! don't believe him. mean he didn't even li#e loo# at

    me once

    Angela ayes! %ou total slut you have a crush on him. %ou're

    defending him you love him you $anna have li#e ten thousand of

    his babies.

  • 8/9/2019 Angela Hayes Quotes


    0Lester eavesdrops on Jane and Angela through Jane's bedroom door1

    Jane urnham! 2orry about my dad.

    Angela ayes! 3on't be. thin# it's funny.

    Jane urnham! %eah to you he's /ust another guy $ho $ants to /umpyour bones. ut to me he's /ust... too embarrassing to live.

    Angela ayes! %our mom's the one $ho's embarrassing. hat a

    phony. ut your dad's actually #ind of cute.

    Jane urnham! 2hut up.

    Angela ayes! e is. f he /ust $or#ed out a little he'd be hot.

    Jane urnham! 2hut up

    Angela ayes! 4h come on. Li#e you've never snea#ed a pee# at him

    in his under$ear& bet he's got a big dic#.

    Jane urnham! %ou are so grossing me out right no$.

    Angela ayes! f he built up his chest and arms $ould totally fuc#


    Jane urnham! 0covers her ears and sings 'la la la' over and over


    Angela ayes! $ould $ould suc# your dad's big fat dic# and then

    'd fuc# him until his eyes rolled bac# in his head

    Angela ayes! 2o you're fuc#ing psycho-boy on a regular basis no$&

    ell me has he got a big dic#&

    Jane urnham! t's not li#e that.

    Angela ayes! hat hasn't he got one&

    Jane urnham! 'm not going to tal# about his dic# $ith you 45&

    Angela ayes! 'm serious. e /ust pulled do$n his pants and yan#ed it

    out. %ou #no$ li#e "2ay hello to 6r. appy."

    7layground 8irl 9:! 8ross.

    Angela ayes! t $asn't gross. t $as #inda cool.

    7layground 8irl 9:! 2o did you do it $ith him&

  • 8/9/2019 Angela Hayes Quotes


    Angela ayes! 4f course did. e's li#e a really $ell #no$n

    photographer. e shoots for ",lle" on li#e a regular basis. t $ould

    have been so ma/orly stupid of me to turn him do$n.

    7layground 8irl 9;! %ou are a total prostitute.

    Angela ayes! ey hat's ho$ things really are. %ou /ust don't #no$

    'cause you're this pampered little suburban chic#.

    7layground 8irl 9;! 2o are you. %ou've only been in "2eventeen" once

    and you loo#ed fat 2o stop acting li#e you're goddamn

  • 8/9/2019 Angela Hayes Quotes


    graphic fantasies about a fifteen-year-old girl. 4n the other hand

    though Lester's fantasies are barely pornographic. hey are beautiful

    romantic...even innocent. Lester isn't really fantasi=ing about havingsex  $ith Angela> he is fantasi=ing about opening himself up to theloving sexual feelings that he has been repressing for so long. Lester's

    actual fantasies contrast stri#ingly $ith the fantasies that Angela

    imagines men have about her. Angela tells Jane that she #no$s men

    fantasi=e about having sex $ith her> interestingly ho$ever the one

    man $hose fantasies $e are privy to imagines only $atching her

    laying in a bed of rose petals. Jane finds Angela's assessment of men's

    fantasies disturbing largely because Angela seems to en/oy the fact

    that she is vie$ed as a pornographic ob/ect. Although Angela puts on a

    remar#able bravado her true insecurity is revealed by her estimation

    of ho$ the men around her vie$ her.

    Jane and Angela offer t$o very different perspectives on the issue of

    desirability. ndeed they are so very different that it is often difficult to

    see $hat binds them together in friendship. Angela ta#es her

    desirability as a given and uses her experiences to /ustify her beliefs.

    At the same time ho$ever Angela's definition of "desire" is limited

    and degrading. Jane clearly doubts her o$n desirability and thus ta#es

    extreme pleasure in *ic#y's bi=arre signals that he finds her desirable.

    hough Jane clearly suffers from a serious lac# of self-confidence her

    $illingness to reveal her insecurities ma#es them in some $ays less

    profound than Angela's. t is difficult for example to imagine Jane

    getting pleasure out of someone's father a$#$ardly flirting $ith her>Angela ho$ever ta#es pride in Lester's interest because any signal

    that a male finds her attractive bolsters her flailing self-esteem. At the

    same time Jane is tremendously hurt by her father's interest in Angela

    because it validates Angela's $orldvie$ - that she is attractive and

    that Jane is not. 2imilarly Angela vie$s *ic#y as dangerous because

    he threatens her $orldvie$ by finding Jane more attractive than her.

    e tells her "%ou couldn't be ordinary if you tried" and she smiles.

     hough he comes frighteningly close to ma#ing a huge mista#e his

    reali=ation that Angela is not a femme fatale but only a scared little

    girl ultimately redeems him. y indulging in fantasies about Angela

    by freeing his imagination Lester frees himself. At first Lester's

    ne$found freedom confused him ma#ing him thin# that in order to be

  • 8/9/2019 Angela Hayes Quotes


    truly free one must give in to every desire but he ultimately reali=es

    that true freedom is found in balancing your love for yourself $ith your

    love for others. Lester is finally able to voluntarily reassume the

    responsibilities that he had originally ta#en on only because he $asforced to. 4nly by re-experiencing his adolescence can Lester truly

    become an adult.

    angela is super hot and sets herself up in positions of 74,* (she

    $ants to be in control all the time so she directs dialogues and ma#es

    other uncomfortable deliberately). she claims that $hatever is meant

    to be $ill happen and that because she?s hot she is obviously not

    ordinary. she is 3,2@,3 for greatness instead of striving to$ards it.

    ho$ever her true fe$ is that she really is ordinary that she may not

    have fame and fortune fall into her lap. $hen ric#y tells her this sheimmediately goes out on uest to prove him $rong inspiring actual

    action B Angela is denying that she feels insecure, undesired, and

    unattractive by lashing out at others. / / In the ending, after Angela and

    )ester do not make love is the -rst time in the -lm we see a human side to

    Angela, and a real emotional honest connection.0



    /cute0 to /would be hot0 /shut up7. lalalala0 TH89 details, /huge disgusting


    asks for sexay details, denied, annoyance

    attempt to :uster lester fails, intimidated and leaves

    middle of argument about wheterh she will' *ane begs almost crying please;

    > words

  • 8/9/2019 Angela Hayes Quotes


    her torment, instead of honest

    she torments *ane intesa of being honest because shes afraid. a relationship

    based on hiring people is as close as she can come to a real one. she has

    conrol over this realtionshpop. but her tight conrol and refuel to be honest

    actual leaver her more alone.