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Page 1: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s Customer Satisfaction

Richard Delehanty

Cresskill Recreation Department

Page 2: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Research Problem ......................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3

Importance of Customer Satisfaction ....................................................................................................... 4

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 5

Literature Review .......................................................................................................................................... 6

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 6

Customer Satisfaction Defined ................................................................................................................. 6

Confirmation and Disconfirmation ........................................................................................................... 7

Components of Satisfaction ...................................................................................................................... 8

Satisfaction in Community Recreation...................................................................................................... 8

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 10

Justification of Study ................................................................................................................................... 11

Purpose Statement ..................................................................................................................................... 12

Research Questions .................................................................................................................................... 12

Methods ...................................................................................................................................................... 12

Description of Research .......................................................................................................................... 12

Population ............................................................................................................................................... 13

Sampling .................................................................................................................................................. 13

Instrumentation ...................................................................................................................................... 14

Survey Questions ............................................................................................................................... 14

Procedures .............................................................................................................................................. 20

Results ......................................................................................................................................................... 21

Intro......................................................................................................................................................... 21

Survey Responses.................................................................................................................................... 21

Discussion.................................................................................................................................................... 33

Intro......................................................................................................................................................... 33

Survey Responses.................................................................................................................................... 34

Recommendations ...................................................................................................................................... 49

References .................................................................................................................................................. 51

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Customer satisfaction is important to the Cresskill Recreation Department, just as it is

important for the growth of any business or organization. Customers are not only the sustenance

of every business, they are the very reason it exists. Business seeks to fulfill a need or want of

the population, and therefore it is necessary that consumers are happy with the product/service

provided. In order to successfully run and expand an agency, there must be a constant focus to

improve and exceed standards. Customer satisfaction is affected mainly by three components of

an operation. The employees, the facilities, and the services provided. Each has a unique impact

on the experience and satisfaction of a customer. The industry is like a three-legged stool; it

needs all the legs to stay standing. Even if an agency has an exemplary record in two of the

components, a poor one will still result in the failure of the business. Evaluating the three main

components of customer satisfaction is essential to running the Cresskill Recreation Department.

Research Problem


The importance of customer satisfaction to a business is so substantial, that the success of

the business is directly correlated with the level of satisfaction. Numerous studies have shown

that it requires about five times the amount of money, time, and resources to attract new

customers than to retain existing ones. (George & Kumar, 2015; Habel & Klarmann, 2015; Hall,

Ahearne, & Sujan, 2015; Haumann, Quaiser, Wieseke, & Rese, 2014; Malshe & Agarwal, 2015)

This means that the quality of the business must be maintained and improved constantly to meet

current customer standards. Just as humans regularly check vital parts of the body, organizations

must monitor satisfaction to ensure the health of the enterprise. To properly assess customer

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satisfaction, one must understand what customer satisfaction is, what implications it has, and

how to address issues relating to poor customer satisfaction. (Agnihotri, Dingus, Hu, & Krush,

2016; Araiqat & Almubarak, 2015; Baig, Zia-Ur-Rehman, Sand, Jared, Aslam, & Shafique,

2015; Calin, Paula, & Ovidin, 2015; Engler, Winter, & Shulz, 2015; George & Kumar, 2015;

Habel & Klarmann, 2015; Hall, Ahearne, & Sujan, 2015; Haumann, Quaiser, Wieseke, & Rese,

2014; Malshe & Agarwal, 2015)

Importance of Customer Satisfaction

To further understanding on how important customer satisfaction is to a business, one

must examine the implications it has. A key concept of customer satisfaction is that it is the

cheapest and most effective method of advertising. Humans have a natural tendency to trust the

critique of a friend over any advertisement. People also value the opinions of others’ reviews

online, which is why there are so many business review sites such as Yelp. This can be good or

bad because the reviews potential customers read affect their choice to use the product/service.

A majority of satisfied reviews can attract more customers and vice versa. The flaw in

this customer review system is that people tend to only talk about strong experiences. So

generally, reviews address only positive or negative disconfirmation. Even if a business has

many people that experience confirmation, a higher number of negative compared to positive

disconfirmation reviews may poorly reflect the quality of the business. The level of customer

satisfaction a company creates can have a snowball effect on the amount of business it receives.

(Agnihotri, Dingus, Hu, & Krush, 2016; Araiqat & Almubarak, 2015; Baig, Zia-Ur-Rehman,

Sand, Jared, Aslam, & Shafique, 2015) It can also be a struggle to recover from a reputation of

customer dissatisfaction because people naturally remember bad experiences more.

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It is clear that customer satisfaction can have dramatic impacts on the success of an

organization. In the case of an enterprise with poor customer satisfaction, it is necessary to find

ways to address the issue. The first step in determining solutions is to understand what the

problems are. A comprehensive customer satisfaction analysis such as this one should be

performed. A business must understand customer satisfaction, as well as the components of its

operation that would affect it. Then a customer satisfaction survey specific to the organization

must be created and administered to an identified population. After the results are collected, they

must be analyzed to figure out the strengths and weaknesses of the components of the business.

With that information, the next steps would be to create a plan of action and then implement it.

After attempting to fix the determined problems, the business should repeat the survey process to

observe any effects it has had. For example, if a company surveyed customers and determined

that its staff was unhelpful and below par, the logical solutions would be to fire and/or train

employees. If there is already a training program in place, then the training should be re-

evaluated and replaced. Even if a company has consistently operated the same way, it is

important to put stubbornness aside and be willing to make necessary changes to save and

improve the business.


Customer satisfaction is a phenomenon experienced by everyone but differs drastically

between individuals. There are many definitions and theories that attempt to explain satisfaction,

but most agree that it is a personal feeling influenced by expectations of a product/service

weighed against the actual process and result of that product/service. Satisfaction is important to

understand and monitor to keep the business alive and healthy. Poor satisfaction can have

disastrous consequences, but good satisfaction can lead to unparalleled growth. Companies must

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make an effort to understand the expectations and desires of customers to accommodate them

accordingly. Companies must also be willing to implement any changes necessary to ensure the

success of the enterprise.

Literature Review


In order for a business to adapt properly, one should examine the situations similar

businesses have experienced. Seeing how another company succeeded or failed can help create a

guideline for the actions a business seeking to improve should follow. Critical mistakes can be

avoided if a company learns from history. In addition, analyzing strategies that have allowed

businesses to grow can provide ideas to address current issues. (Calin, Paula, & Ovidin, 2015;

Engler, Winter, & Shulz, 2015; George & Kumar, 2015; Habel & Klarmann, 2015; Hall,

Ahearne, & Sujan, 2015; Haumann, Quaiser, Wieseke, & Rese, 2014; Malshe & Agarwal, 2015)

This section will relate examples of customer satisfaction in other agencies and the implications

it has on the Cresskill Recreation Department.

Customer Satisfaction Defined

There are many theories, definitions, and interpretations of customer satisfaction, and

most overlap their fundamental ideas. One definition of it is: “…a psychological concept that

involves the feeling of well-being and pleasure that results from obtaining what one hopes for

and expects from an appealing product and/or service.” (Baig, Zia-Ur-Rehman, Sand, Jared,

Aslam, & Shafique, 2015). Another definition says: “It is a measure of how products or services

meet or surpass customer expectation.” (Agnihotri, Dingus, Hu, & Krush, 2016) Satisfaction has

also been defined as: “The number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose

reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services exceeds specified satisfaction goals.”

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(Habel & Klarmann, 2015) From these definitions, one can determine that customer satisfaction

is not a tangible or numerical facet, but rather a personal opinion and experience relating to a

particular aspect of a business.

Confirmation and Disconfirmation

Satisfaction is a result of outcomes compared with expectations, and when they match up

it is considered “confirmation.” When the outcomes do not match expectations, it is called

“disconfirmation.” There are two types of disconfirmation: positive and negative. Positive

disconfirmation is when the product/service is better than expected and negative disconfirmation

is when the product/service is worse than expected. Satisfaction occurs with either confirmation

or positive disconfirmation while dissatisfaction is a result of negative disconfirmation. This

means that in order to maintain positive customer satisfaction, it is necessary to know what the

customers’ expectations are. (Habel & Klarmann, 2015; Hall, Ahearne, & Sujan, 2015;

Haumann, Quaiser, Wieseke, & Rese, 2014; Malshe & Agarwal, 2015)

This knowledge can be difficult to obtain because each customer is different, but there

are underlying expectations that all customers have based on the description of the

product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many

customers would be disappointed if the class only focused on leg strength. That is because the

title of the class implies it will include varied exercise movements. That is an example of

negative disconfirmation. However, satisfaction is based on both the outcome and the process of

the service. This means it is important to ensure that the delivery method is as excellent as the

product, because together they influence the experience a customer has. The largest aspects of a

business that affect the process and results are the employees, the facility, and the service. A top-

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notch facility with responsive and well-trained staff will improve the quality of service offered,

and all together will result in high levels of positive satisfaction.

Components of Satisfaction

There are multiple components of every business that affect the consumers’ experiences

and overall satisfaction. Although experts have identified many elements of business that affect

satisfaction, most agree that the three main ones are facilities, staff, and services provided.

(Agnihotri, Dingus, Hu, & Krush, 2016; Araiqat & Almubarak, 2015; Baig, Zia-Ur-Rehman,

Sand, Jared, Aslam, & Shafique, 2015; Calin, Paula, & Ovidin, 2015; Engler, Winter, & Shulz,

2015; George & Kumar, 2015; Habel & Klarmann, 2015; Hall, Ahearne, & Sujan, 2015;

Haumann, Quaiser, Wieseke, & Rese, 2014; Malshe & Agarwal, 2015) In order for positive

disconfirmation to occur, the three key components must meet a customer’s expectations, with at

least one exceeding their expectations. For example, a business with superior staff in addition to

standard facility and services will encourage great satisfaction. However, in order for a business

to have extremely satisfied customers, all of the main components must be constantly improved

and perfected. A company wishing to improve its satisfaction ratings must identify the current

level of satisfaction in regards to each component, and then implement measures to improve


Satisfaction in Community Recreation

Community services and departments were created and developed to improve the quality

of life in an area. Quality of life can best be defined as a standard of comfort, health, and

happiness experienced by a group of people. (Engler, Winter, & Shulz, 2015) It can be reasoned

therefore that local departments should focus on enhancing the quality of life for their

municipality in order to have satisfied residents. The effort to assess and fulfill citizens’ needs

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and wants can create a prosperous community with an excellent quality of life. An outstanding

example of this is the model of service implemented by the Miami-Dade County Parks &

Recreation Department. The department developed a set of core values for itself that focuses on

community improvement, as well as a service model for carrying it out. The values include;

outstanding customer service, enthusiastic attitude and teamwork, accountability and integrity,

stewardship, and inclusiveness and accessibility. These tie into the “framework of community”

they designed as goals for the county. The framework emphasizes the need for great parks, great

natural & cultural centers, great public spaces, great streets, trails, greenways, and water trails.

The department surveyed residents on the current parks and recreation opportunities offered, and

provided year-round access for customers to comment and make suggestions on the services.

(Hall, Ahearne, & Sujan, 2015)

With the information they collected, and an analysis of opportunities for new parks and

programs, they began multiple projects in Miami-Dade County. This included repair/clean-up of

existing parks, as well as construction for new ones. The result was an increase in access to

parks, beauty, sustainability, customer satisfaction, and property equity. The governor awarded

the outcome of this, and the department has carried on with a plan for continuous improvement,

including web-based facility rental and registration, credit card payment, etc. The department

improved the quality of life for residents and made the area much more attractive to prospective

homebuyers and tourists.

In the case of local parks and recreation departments such as Cresskill’s, customer

satisfaction has historically been undervalued. (Araiqat & Almubarak, 2015) Many local

community departments do not feel the need to focus on satisfaction because the primary source

of funding is taxes and not sales. However, this does not mean that satisfaction has no role in the

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future of the department. If community residents are unsatisfied with the programs and amenities

offered by Cresskill, many people may stop attending the programs altogether. Lack of

participation in activities could ultimately result in the programs being canceled, and employee

positions eliminated or replaced. This would cause a deterioration of the department, and funds

that would support the department may be allocated to other things. Community members would

then seek the services of more successful town recreation departments, something that even has

the potential to affect where people live. People searching for places to settle in the area might

exclude Cresskill, and current residents may move to other towns with the services they desire.

In contrast, a local recreation department like Cresskill with satisfied customers may result in an

influx of new residents and funding as seen in Miami-Dade County. In order to improve the

town’s quality of life and prosperity, Cresskill should seek to implement a system similar to

Miami-Dade County’s department. This could result in many more satisfied customers, in

addition to cultural and economic growth in the area.


Customer satisfaction for a local Parks & Recreation department correlates with the

quality of life in the area. Towns/cities that seek to improve customer satisfaction will

inadvertently improve the quality of life for that area. This is essential to the growth of that area,

in addition to the success of the department. Municipalities with excellent recreation and leisure

services promote increased tourism and residency, which in turn leads to business expansion and

prosperity. Cresskill should survey and assess current customer satisfaction in order to develop a

comprehensive plan to improve it.

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Justification of Study

Cresskill Recreation Department has made several attempts to improve its services to the

residents of Cresskill. Multiple projects carried out in the past few years include building new

basketball courts and a community center. Although these are great attempts to improve the

quality of life, the effectiveness of these projects have not been evaluated. There is still need for

improvement, and the new community center provides more un-used space than programs. The

creation of new amenities does not guarantee an increased quality of life. Recreation departments

need to constantly monitor and improve the services they provide.

There are many cases of businesses and departments failing because they did not

acknowledge their customers wants. However, there are also good examples of departments that

focused on customer satisfaction and its implications, such as the Miami-Dade County Parks &

Recreation Department. Providing a means for customers to be heard allows organizations to

adapt accordingly. Acting on the information provided by customers can have dramatic impacts

on the department and the influencing area. If customer satisfaction is analyzed and used to

create solutions and future operating systems, it can be extremely beneficial.

With all the research on how customer satisfaction affects a business, it is obvious that

monitoring satisfaction is essential. Surveys can be used to obtain data on customer satisfaction

in a way that makes it easy to examine. Survey results can help identify strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats for a business. The Cresskill Recreation Department has been seeking

to enhance the town’s parks and recreation services, but there is still room for improvement.

Conducting a thorough customer satisfaction survey will allow the department to determine what

actions it must take in the future.

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Purpose Statement

The purpose of this study is to examine residents’ satisfaction of parks and recreation

services in Cresskill, NJ.

Research Questions

1. What is the current level of customer satisfaction in regards to employees of the

Cresskill Recreation Department?

2. What is the current level of satisfaction in regards to facilities of the Cresskill

Recreation Department?

3. What is the current level of satisfaction in regards to services of the Cresskill

Recreation Department?


Description of Research

This research will be done using the survey design method. This design method will be

used because it is the most appropriate method for assessing something at the current period of

time. The variables being examined are customer satisfaction levels in regards to the facilities,

staff, and services provided by the Cresskill Recreation Department. As with all research

designs, there are some threats to the validity of the study. These threats include; question

wording, bias, and the ways the survey is administered. In order to mitigate threats to validity,

the survey questions will be reviewed multiple times by peers, which will help ensure the

questions are straight-forward and free of bias. The survey will also be administered online

through Qualtrics, and open for 12 months so that subjects may answer on their own time in a

comfortable environment.

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The population of this study will be Cresskill residents; this is because the Cresskill

Recreation Department is only responsible for recreation in the town. According to the 2013

census, Cresskill’s population is 8,710 people, comprised of varying ethnic and socioeconomic

groups. The borough has been steadily growing, with an estimated 12.4% increase in population

since 2000. The 2013 census also reported the town’s median age is 45, median household

income is $97,276, and the population is 48.1% male vs. 51.9% female. Since the town and

surrounding area is urban, local parks provide the majority of outdoor spaces and activities.

The population will be divided into four demographic groups to further analyze the

survey results and implications. These groups are age range, income range, gender, and

disabilities. Each of these will provide insight as to what residents of different demographics

think of the Cresskill Recreation Department. Determining age and disabilities will show how

satisfied people of different abilities and interests are with the department. Gender identification

will help ascertain if sex affects the interest and satisfaction of department services. In addition,

income status will be useful for discovering the opinions and priorities of different

socioeconomic statuses. The collected information will grant the department the ability to

address any perceived issues.


The study will use a purposive sample of the whole, a type of non-probability sampling,

to survey the population. The advantage of using this method is that it guarantees a statistically

accurate representation of the population. This sample will ensure that all of the participants have

an equal opportunity to participate in the survey, and it will encompass residents of every

ethnicity, age range, income, gender, and disability. The threat to validity for this sample is that

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not everyone in each household (especially of younger age) may be represented. The solution for

this is to include a message with the survey link that asks the recipients to complete the survey as

many times as necessary, in order to represent different members of the house. The goal response

rate for this study is 60%.


This survey will be administered, completed, and analyzed electronically through

Qualtrics. It will consist of four demographic questions, followed by three survey questions

pertaining to each research question. However, the survey participant will remain anonymous.

Access to the survey will be granted by a link sent through email to the population sample. The

survey will be open the entirety of the fiscal year, January 1st – December 31st, allowing

recipients to complete it at any time. Upon completion of each survey, the participant will be sent

an automatically generated thank you message.

Survey Questions

The first set of questions are demographic questions, and the following sets of questions

will be used to determine customer satisfaction in relation to the Cresskill Recreation

Department’s employees, facilities, and services provided.

Section 1: Demographics

1) What is your age range?

The options for this will be: Under 18, 18-24, 25-44, 45-64, & 65+. Age can help indicate

the health, use, and interests of people. For example, younger people are typically the

largest users of parks and common participants in recreational activities. Categorizing

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users by age is important when addressing the types of activities recreation centers should


2) What is your annual income range?

The options for this will be: Less than $20,000, $20,000 - $34,999, $35,000 - $49,999,

$50,000 - $74,999, $75,000 - $99,999, $100,000 - $149,999, $150,000 - $199,999, &

$200,000+. Income can be an indicator to the types of activities and facilities people are

looking for. People of wealthier economic status may be interested in different sports or

facilities than others because they can afford it. Likewise, people with lower incomes

may not be able to afford certain sports equipment or memberships, and therefore, be

interested in different activities. Determining the general income of users will assist

Cresskill in choosing what programs and facilities the department should invest in.

3) What gender do you identify as?

The options will be Male, Female, & Other. Certain sports and activities can attract one

gender more than the other, like how football is a predominately male sport. Other sports

also take on different forms depending on who plays, such as baseball vs. softball. In

order for the Cresskill Recreation Department to properly serve its users, it is important

to survey the satisfaction of different sexes. This will allow the department to create or

alter programs based on the demand and responses collected.

4) Which if any of the following disabilities apply to you?

The options will be Mental disability, Physical disability, Long-term illness, & Non-

applicable. Most parks and recreational activities are primarily tailored to serve people

without disabilities. Although the ADA has required accessibility in most parks and

facilities, disabled people may still struggle to find adequate forms of recreation.

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Including disability in the demographic questions will enable the Cresskill Recreation

Department to understand the current need for alternative parks and programs. If there is

a substantial number of disabled people that are unsatisfied with the current facilities and

services offered, it will show the need to develop more accessible programs and spaces.

These demographic questions will place participants into multiple groups, and this information

will be used to determine the needs/opinions of various groups of the population.

Section 2: What is the current level of customer satisfaction in regards to employees of the

Cresskill Recreation Department?

1) How satisfied are you with the professionalism of employees of the Cresskill Recreation


This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Professionalism is important for

employees of any business because it affects the impression the staff has on customers.

This includes everything from attire to attitude and manners. Professionalism is a huge

part of public relations and company image and therefore is important to monitor.

2) How satisfied are you with the knowledge/skills of employees of the Cresskill Recreation


This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Having knowledgeable staff is

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essential to properly running a business. Employees that are proficient in what they are

doing increase productivity, and ultimately create a better experience for participants. It

also allows customers to be helped properly and encourages users to be trusting and

comfortable with the staff.

3) How satisfied are you with the communication skills of employees of the Cresskill

Recreation Department?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Communication is essential in

almost every aspect of life. Having employees that are efficient communicating directions

and assistance to participants is a key component to the business. Clear communication

helps minimize confusion and therefore danger when running recreational programs.

Section 3: What is the current level of satisfaction in regards to facilities of the Cresskill

Recreation Department?

1) How satisfied are you with the recreational facilities/amenities at the Cresskill

community center?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Brick & mortar facilities are an

important aspect for recreational departments. Although the Cresskill Recreation

Department does not operate from the community center, it uses the center as the main

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public facility. The community center offers multiple spaces for use including basketball

courts, classrooms, and tennis courts. Many programs and events such as summer camp

are also hosted at the community center. It is vital that the department knows the

satisfaction of users in regards to this facility because it is such a central part of town life.

2) How satisfied are you with the parks & playgrounds located in Cresskill?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Parks are the only outdoor

spaces in the urban area around Cresskill. This means that they are very important for

families, especially children, and young adults. Playing is a part of adolescent

development, and maintaining good spaces for children to have fun is essential to the

community. Parks and playgrounds also beautify an area and increase the quality of life

for residents.

3) How satisfied are you with the sporting fields and facilities at Cresskill’s schools?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. As mentioned above, recreation

is essential to human development and creates healthy outlets for kids. School

playgrounds and sports fields are a big component of community pride and satisfaction. It

is important that schools have such spaces nearby to allow students to recreate. These

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spaces encourage healthy behavior and enable the schools to have good extracurricular

activities such as sports.

Section 4: What is the current level of satisfaction in regards to services of the Cresskill

Recreation Department?

1) How satisfied are you with the variety of classes and programs offered at the Cresskill

community center?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. The variety of programs offered

by a business or facility can affect the satisfaction of customers. If the types of activities

are too limited, it may discourage people from using the facility as much. Offering a

range of programs will entice new users to the community center, and will appeal to

people of varying interests.

2) How satisfied are you with the current classes and programs offered at the Cresskill

community center?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Understanding current

satisfaction with the services at the community center is vital to the success of the

recreation department. The community center serves as the central facility for the

recreation department, and it is important to measure how effectively the space is being

Page 20: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


used. The center has a lot of space and amenities, but if the programs offered there aren’t

good, the modern facility won’t matter.

3) How satisfied are you with the community events (such as parades & street fairs)

Cresskill hosts?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Community events are a big part

of life for an area’s residents. A community that fails to have public events will be boring

for many people, and may result in decreased residency. Having occasional events such

as parades, street fairs, and carnivals increases the quality of life for an area. They also

help stimulate the local economy and promote a sense of community among residents.


1) Create an electronic survey using the Qualtrics Survey Package

2) Determine survey sample by using the Cresskill borough’s property records to find the

information for homeowners

3) Once the sample is identified, collect the respondents’ email addresses

4) On January 1 the survey will open, and an automated email will be sent to all respondents

with a link to the survey. The link will be reusable until the survey closes December 31

5) On December 31, the survey will close

6) After the survey closes, the following month of January will be used to analyze the data


7) Upon analysis of the data, recommendations will be made to the stakeholders in February

Page 21: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed




This survey was administered, completed, and analyzed electronically through Qualtrics.

It consisted of four demographic questions, followed by three survey questions pertaining to each

research question. However, the survey participants will remain anonymous. Access to the

survey was granted by a link sent through email to the population sample. The survey was open

the entirety of the fiscal year, January 1st – December 31st, allowing recipients to complete it at

any time. Upon completion of each survey, the participants were sent an automatically generated

thank you message. A total of 30 responses were recorded on Qualtrics.

Survey Responses

Section 1: Demographics

1) What is your age range?

The options for this will be: Under 18, 18-24, 25-44, 45-64, & 65+. Age can help indicate

the health, use, and interests of people. For example, younger people are typically the

largest users of parks and common participants in recreational activities. Categorizing

users by age is important when addressing the types of activities recreation centers should


1. What is your age range? # Answer

Response % 1 Under 18

10 33% 2 18 - 24

8 27% 3 25 - 44

6 20% 4 45 - 64

3 10% 5 65 or older

3 10%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “under 18,” with 33% of the responses.

Page 22: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


2) What is your annual income range?

The options for this will be: Less than $20,000, $20,000 - $34,999, $35,000 - $49,999,

$50,000 - $74,999, $75,000 - $99,999, $100,000 - $149,999, $150,000 - $199,999, &

$200,000+. Income can be an indicator to the types of activities and facilities people are

looking for. People of wealthier economic status may be interested in different sports or

facilities than others because they can afford it. Likewise, people with lower incomes

may not be able to afford certain sports equipment or memberships, and therefore, be

interested in different activities. Determining the general income of users will assist

Cresskill in choosing what programs and facilities the department should invest in.

2. What is your annual income range? # Answer

Response %

1 Less than $20,000

13 45%

2 $20,000 - $34,999

2 7%

3 $35,000 - $49,999

2 7%

4 $50,000 - $74,999

1 3%

5 $75,000 - $99,999

2 7%

6 $100,000 - $149,999

5 17%

7 $150,000 - $199,999

2 7%

8 $200,000 or more

2 7%

Total 29 100%

The mode for this question is “less than $20,000,” with 45% of the responses.

3) What gender do you identify as?

The options will be Male, Female, & Other. Certain sports and activities can attract one

gender more than the other, like how football is a predominately male sport. Other sports

Page 23: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


also take on different forms depending on who plays, such as baseball vs. softball. In

order for the Cresskill Recreation Department to properly serve its users, it is important

to survey the satisfaction of different sexes. This will allow the department to create or

alter programs based on the demand and responses collected.

3. What gender do you identify as? # Answer

Response % 1 Male

10 38% 2 Female

12 46% 3 Other

4 15%

Total 26 100%

The mode for this question is “female,” with 46% of the responses

4) Which if any of the following disabilities apply to you?

The options will be Mental disability, Physical disability, Long-term illness, & Non-

applicable. Most parks and recreational activities are primarily tailored to serve people

without disabilities. Although the ADA has required accessibility in most parks and

facilities, disabled people may still struggle to find adequate forms of recreation.

Including disability in the demographic questions will enable the Cresskill Recreation

Department to understand the current need for alternative parks and programs. If there is

a substantial number of disabled people that are unsatisfied with the current facilities and

services offered, it will show the need to develop more accessible programs and spaces.

Page 24: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


4. Which if any of the following disabilities apply to you? (Multiple

responses allowed) # Answer

Response %

1 Mental disability

4 13%

2 Physical disability

7 23%

3 Long-term illness

4 13%

4 Non-applicable

17 57%

The mode for this question is “non-applicable,” with 57% of the responses.

These demographic questions will place participants into multiple groups, and this information

will be used to determine the needs/opinions of various groups of the population.

Section 2: What is the current level of customer satisfaction in regards to employees of the

Cresskill Recreation Department?

1) How satisfied are you with the professionalism of employees of the Cresskill Recreation


This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Professionalism is important for

employees of any business because it affects the impression the staff has on customers.

This includes everything from attire to attitude, and manners. Professionalism is a huge

part of public relations and company image and therefore is important to monitor.

Page 25: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


5. How satisfied are you with the professionalism of employees of the

Cresskill Recreation Department? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

11 37%

2 Moderately satisfied

7 23%

3 Slightly satisfied

6 20%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

4 13%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

0 0%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

2 7%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

0 0%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “extremely satisfied,” with 37% of the responses.

2) How satisfied are you with the knowledge/skills of employees of the Cresskill Recreation


This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Having knowledgeable staff is

essential to properly running a business. Employees that are proficient in what they are

doing increase productivity, and ultimately create a better experience for participants. It

also allows customers to be helped properly and encourages users to be trusting and

comfortable with the staff.

Page 26: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


6. How satisfied are you with the knowledge/skills of employees of

the Cresskill Recreation Department? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

9 30%

2 Moderately satisfied

8 27%

3 Slightly satisfied

6 20%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

3 10%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

2 7%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

1 3%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

1 3%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “extremely satisfied,” with 30% of the responses.

3) How satisfied are you with the communication skills of employees of the Cresskill

Recreation Department?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Communication is essential in

almost every aspect of life. Having employees that are efficient communicating directions

and assistance to participants is a key component to the business. Clear communication

helps minimize confusion and therefore danger when running recreational programs.

Page 27: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


7. How satisfied are you with the communication skills of employees

of the Cresskill Recreation Department? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

13 43%

2 Moderately satisfied

6 20%

3 Slightly satisfied

5 17%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

2 7%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

2 7%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

0 0%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

2 7%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “extremely satisfied,” with 43% of the responses.

Section 3: What is the current level of satisfaction in regards to facilities of the Cresskill

Recreation Department?

1) How satisfied are you with the recreational facilities/amenities at the Cresskill

community center?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Brick & mortar facilities are an

important aspect for recreational departments. Although the Cresskill Recreation

Department does not operate from the community center, it uses the center as the main

public facility. The community center offers multiple spaces for use including basketball

Page 28: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


courts, classrooms, and tennis courts. Many programs and events such as summer camp

are also hosted at the community center. It is vital that the department knows the

satisfaction of users in regards to this facility because it is such a central part of town life.

8. How satisfied are you with the recreational facilities/amenities at

the Cresskill community center? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

11 37%

2 Moderately satisfied

6 20%

3 Slightly satisfied

0 0%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

2 7%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

8 27%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

0 0%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

3 10%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “extremely satisfied,” with 37% of the responses.

2) How satisfied are you with the parks & playgrounds located in Cresskill?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Parks are the only outdoor

spaces in the urban area around Cresskill. This means that they are very important for

families, especially children, and young adults. Playing is a part of adolescent

development, and maintaining good spaces for children to have fun is essential to the

Page 29: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


community. Parks and playgrounds also beautify an area and increase the quality of life

for residents.

9. How satisfied are you with the parks & playgrounds located in

Cresskill? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

6 20%

2 Moderately satisfied

7 23%

3 Slightly satisfied

3 10%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

7 23%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

4 13%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

2 7%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

1 3%

Total 30 100%

The modes for this question are “moderately satisfied & neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” with

23% of the responses for each.

3) How satisfied are you with the sporting fields and facilities at Cresskill’s schools?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. As mentioned above, recreation

is essential to human development and creates healthy outlets for kids. School

playgrounds and sports fields are a big component of community pride and satisfaction. It

is important that schools have such spaces nearby to allow students to recreate. These

Page 30: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


spaces encourage healthy behavior and enable the schools to have good extracurricular

activities such as sports.

10. How satisfied are you with the sporting fields and facilities at

Cresskill’s schools? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

12 40%

2 Moderately satisfied

4 13%

3 Slightly satisfied

3 10%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

6 20%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

3 10%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

1 3%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

1 3%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “extremely satisfied,” with 40% of the responses.

Section 4: What is the current level of satisfaction in regards to services of the Cresskill

Recreation Department?

1) How satisfied are you with the variety of classes and programs offered at the Cresskill

community center?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. The variety of programs offered

Page 31: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


by a business or facility can affect the satisfaction of customers. If the types of activities

are too limited, it may discourage people from using the facility as much. Offering a

range of programs will entice new users to the community center, and will appeal to

people of varying interests.

11. How satisfied are you with the variety of classes and programs

offered at the Cresskill community center? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

6 20%

2 Moderately satisfied

3 10%

3 Slightly satisfied

2 7%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

1 3%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

4 13%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

4 13%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

10 33%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “extremely dissatisfied,” with 33% of the responses.

2) How satisfied are you with the current classes and programs offered at the Cresskill

community center?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Understanding current

satisfaction with the services at the community center is vital to the success of the

Page 32: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


recreation department. The community center serves as the central facility for the

recreation department, and it is important to measure how effectively the space is being

used. The center has a lot of space and amenities, but if the programs offered there aren’t

good, the modern facility won’t matter.

12. How satisfied are you with the current classes and programs

offered at the Cresskill community center? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

5 17%

2 Moderately satisfied

6 21%

3 Slightly satisfied

2 7%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

11 38%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

2 7%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

1 3%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

2 7%

Total 29 100%

The mode for this question is “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” with 38% of the responses.

3) How satisfied are you with the community events (such as parades & street fairs)

Cresskill hosts?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Community events are a big part

of life for an area’s residents. A community that fails to have public events will be boring

Page 33: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


for many people, and may result in decreased residency. Having occasional events such

as parades, street fairs, and carnivals increases the quality of life for an area. They also

help stimulate the local economy and promote a sense of community among residents.

13. How satisfied are you with the community events (such as

parades & street fairs) Cresskill hosts? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

6 20%

2 Moderately satisfied

4 13%

3 Slightly satisfied

12 40%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

3 10%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

1 3%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

2 7%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

2 7%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “slightly satisfied,” with 40% of the responses.



This survey was administered, completed, and analyzed electronically through Qualtrics.

It consisted of four demographic questions, followed by three survey questions pertaining to each

research question. However, the survey participants will remain anonymous. Access to the

survey was granted by a link sent through email to the population sample. The survey was open

the entirety of the fiscal year, January 1st – December 31st, allowing recipients to complete it at

any time. Upon completion of each survey, the participants were sent an automatically generated

thank you message. A total of 30 responses were recorded on Qualtrics.

Page 34: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


Survey Responses

Section 1: Demographics

5) What is your age range?

The options for this will be: Under 18, 18-24, 25-44, 45-64, & 65+. Age can help indicate

the health, use, and interests of people. For example, younger people are typically the

largest users of parks and common participants in recreational activities. Categorizing

users by age is important when addressing the types of activities recreation centers should


1. What is your age range? # Answer

Response % 1 Under 18

10 33% 2 18 - 24

8 27% 3 25 - 44

6 20% 4 45 - 64

3 10% 5 65 or older

3 10%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “under 18,” with 33% of the responses.

The mode and response rate for this question show that most of the users are younger in age.

Since most are under 18, it can be assumed that the most frequent participants are high school

students. This means that the Cresskill Recreation Department should focus on services tailored

to younger demographics.

6) What is your annual income range?

The options for this will be: Less than $20,000, $20,000 - $34,999, $35,000 - $49,999,

$50,000 - $74,999, $75,000 - $99,999, $100,000 - $149,999, $150,000 - $199,999, &

$200,000+. Income can be an indicator to the types of activities and facilities people are

looking for. People of wealthier economic status may be interested in different sports or

Page 35: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


facilities than others because they can afford it. Likewise, people with lower incomes

may not be able to afford certain sports equipment or memberships, and therefore, be

interested in different activities. Determining the general income of users will assist

Cresskill in choosing what programs and facilities the department should invest in.

2. What is your annual income range? # Answer

Response %

1 Less than $20,000

13 45%

2 $20,000 - $34,999

2 7%

3 $35,000 - $49,999

2 7%

4 $50,000 - $74,999

1 3%

5 $75,000 - $99,999

2 7%

6 $100,000 - $149,999

5 17%

7 $150,000 - $199,999

2 7%

8 $200,000 or more

2 7%

Total 29 100%

The mode for this question is “less than $20,000,” with 45% of the responses.

The mode for this answer correlates with the mode from question one. Since most of the

respondents are young, they generally make less income. This implies that the department should

make sure that it has programs and services that are affordable.

7) What gender do you identify as?

The options will be: Male, Female, & Other. Certain sports and activities can attract one

gender more than the other, like how football is a predominately male sport. Other sports

also take on different forms depending on who plays, such as baseball vs. softball. In

order for the Cresskill Recreation Department to properly serve its users, it is important

Page 36: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


to survey the satisfaction of different sexes. This will allow the department to create or

alter programs based on the demand and responses collected.

3. What gender do you identify as? # Answer

Response % 1 Male

10 38% 2 Female

12 46% 3 Other

4 15%

Total 26 100%

The mode for this question is “female,” with 46% of the responses

The mode for this question indicates that most respondents were female. However, the number of

male responses was only two less than female, so there is not a substantial difference. This

means that both genders use Cresskill’s recreation services about the same amount. The

department, therefore, must make an effort to appeal to both genders equally.

8) Which if any of the following disabilities apply to you?

The options will be Mental disability, Physical disability, Long-term illness, & Non-

applicable. Most parks and recreational activities are primarily tailored to serve people

without disabilities. Although the ADA has required accessibility in most parks and

facilities, disabled people may still struggle to find adequate forms of recreation.

Including disability in the demographic questions will enable the Cresskill Recreation

Department to understand the current need for alternative parks and programs. If there is

a substantial number of disabled people that are unsatisfied with the current facilities and

services offered, it will show the need to develop more accessible programs and spaces.

Page 37: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


4. Which if any of the following disabilities apply to you? (Multiple

responses allowed) # Answer

Response %

1 Mental disability

4 13%

2 Physical disability

7 23%

3 Long-term illness

4 13%

4 Non-applicable

17 57%

The mode for this question is “non-applicable,” with 57% of the responses.

The mode for this question shows that the majority of user are relatively healthy and not severely

disabled. However, there is still a good amount of disabled respondents, with most being

physically disabled. This means that it is important for the facilities and recreational services in

Cresskill to provide options for those demographics.

These demographic questions will place participants into multiple groups, and this information

will be used to determine the needs/opinions of various groups of the population.

Section 2: What is the current level of customer satisfaction in regards to employees of the

Cresskill Recreation Department?

4) How satisfied are you with the professionalism of employees of the Cresskill Recreation


This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Professionalism is important for

employees of any business because it affects the impression the staff has on customers.

Page 38: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


This includes everything from attire to attitude, and manners. Professionalism is a huge

part of public relations and company image and therefore is important to monitor.

5. How satisfied are you with the professionalism of employees of the

Cresskill Recreation Department? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

11 37%

2 Moderately satisfied

7 23%

3 Slightly satisfied

6 20%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

4 13%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

0 0%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

2 7%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

0 0%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “extremely satisfied,” with 37% of the responses.

The mode and overall responses for this question show that most users are extremely satisfied

with the professionalism of Cresskill Recreation employees. This is great to know because it

means that the department is doing something right. Cresskill should continue to hire and train

employees to be professional. This will keep the satisfaction levels as great as they currently are.

5) How satisfied are you with the knowledge/skills of employees of the Cresskill Recreation


This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Having knowledgeable staff is

Page 39: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


essential to properly running a business. Employees that are proficient in what they are

doing increase productivity, and ultimately create a better experience for participants. It

also allows customers to be helped properly and encourages users to be trusting and

comfortable with the staff.

6. How satisfied are you with the knowledge/skills of employees of

the Cresskill Recreation Department? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

9 30%

2 Moderately satisfied

8 27%

3 Slightly satisfied

6 20%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

3 10%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

2 7%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

1 3%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

1 3%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “extremely satisfied,” with 30% of the responses.

The mode and overall responses for this question show that most users are extremely satisfied

with the knowledge/skills of Cresskill Recreation employees. This is great to know because it

means that the department is doing something right. Cresskill should continue to hire and train

competent employees. This will keep the satisfaction levels as great as they currently are.

6) How satisfied are you with the communication skills of employees of the Cresskill

Recreation Department?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

Page 40: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Communication is essential in

almost every aspect of life. Having employees that are efficient communicating directions

and assistance to participants is a key component to the business. Clear communication

helps minimize confusion and therefore danger when running recreational programs.

7. How satisfied are you with the communication skills of employees

of the Cresskill Recreation Department? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

13 43%

2 Moderately satisfied

6 20%

3 Slightly satisfied

5 17%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

2 7%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

2 7%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

0 0%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

2 7%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “extremely satisfied,” with 43% of the responses.

The mode and overall responses for this question show that most users are extremely satisfied

with the communication skills of Cresskill Recreation employees. This is great to know because

it means that the department is doing something right. Cresskill should continue to hire

competent employees, and train them in effective communication. This will keep the satisfaction

levels as great as they currently are.

Page 41: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


Section 3: What is the current level of satisfaction in regards to facilities of the Cresskill

Recreation Department?

4) How satisfied are you with the recreational facilities/amenities at the Cresskill

community center?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Brick & mortar facilities are an

important aspect for recreational departments. Although the Cresskill Recreation

Department does not operate from the community center, it uses the center as the main

public facility. The community center offers multiple spaces for use including basketball

courts, classrooms, and tennis courts. Many programs and events such as summer camp

are also hosted at the community center. It is vital that the department knows the

satisfaction of users in regards to this facility because it is such a central part of town life.

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8. How satisfied are you with the recreational facilities/amenities at

the Cresskill community center? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

11 37%

2 Moderately satisfied

6 20%

3 Slightly satisfied

0 0%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

2 7%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

8 27%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

0 0%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

3 10%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “extremely satisfied,” with 37% of the responses.

The mode for this question indicates that most users are extremely satisfied with the recreational

facilities and amenities at the Cresskill community center. This is very good because it means

that the facility is a valuable asset. However, the second most common answer is slightly

dissatisfied, with 27% of the responses. This means that although many people might be

satisfied, a lot of people think the opposite. Cresskill should attempt to figure out why so many

people are unsatisfied and then address the problem(s).

5) How satisfied are you with the parks & playgrounds located in Cresskill?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Parks are the only outdoor

spaces in the urban area around Cresskill. This means that they are very important for

Page 43: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


families, especially children, and young adults. Playing is a part of adolescent

development, and maintaining good spaces for children to have fun is essential to the

community. Parks and playgrounds also beautify an area and increase the quality of life

for residents.

9. How satisfied are you with the parks & playgrounds located in

Cresskill? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

6 20%

2 Moderately satisfied

7 23%

3 Slightly satisfied

3 10%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

7 23%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

4 13%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

2 7%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

1 3%

Total 30 100%

The modes for this question are “moderately satisfied & neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” with

23% of the responses for each.

The mode and overall responses for this question indicate that many people are neither satisfied

nor dissatisfied in regards to the parks and playgrounds in Cresskill. This is more bad than good

because it means that people are not impressed with the town parks. They seem to be content

with them, but there is definite room for improvement. Cresskill should research what residents

would like in the local parks, and try to improve them. This would ultimately improve customer


6) How satisfied are you with the sporting fields and facilities at Cresskill’s schools?

Page 44: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. As mentioned above, recreation

is essential to human development and creates healthy outlets for kids. School

playgrounds and sports fields are a big component of community pride and satisfaction. It

is important that schools have such spaces nearby to allow students to recreate. These

spaces encourage healthy behavior and enable the schools to have good extracurricular

activities such as sports.

10. How satisfied are you with the sporting fields and facilities at

Cresskill’s schools? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

12 40%

2 Moderately satisfied

4 13%

3 Slightly satisfied

3 10%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

6 20%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

3 10%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

1 3%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

1 3%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “extremely satisfied,” with 40% of the responses.

The mode for this question indicates that the majority of respondents are extremely satisfied with

the sporting fields and facilities at the town’s schools. This is good news because it means that

Page 45: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


students have access to good recreational areas. Recreation is vital to human development, and

Cresskill should seek to maintain the current level satisfaction with school fields/facilities.

Section 4: What is the current level of satisfaction in regards to services of the Cresskill

Recreation Department?

4) How satisfied are you with the variety of classes and programs offered at the Cresskill

community center?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. The variety of programs offered

by a business or facility can affect the satisfaction of customers. If the types of activities

are too limited, it may discourage people from using the facility as much. Offering a

range of programs will entice new users to the community center, and will appeal to

people of varying interests.

Page 46: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


11. How satisfied are you with the variety of classes and programs

offered at the Cresskill community center? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

6 20%

2 Moderately satisfied

3 10%

3 Slightly satisfied

2 7%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

1 3%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

4 13%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

4 13%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

10 33%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “extremely dissatisfied,” with 33% of the responses.

The mode for this question indicates that most people are extremely dissatisfied with the variety

of class and programs offered at the community center. This is very bad news because it means

that the community center is not being used to its full potential. The community center has

numerous classrooms and gym spaces, but without programs, the space is wasted. Cresskill

needs to make improving the variety of classes a priority.

5) How satisfied are you with the current classes and programs offered at the Cresskill

community center?

This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Understanding current

satisfaction with the services at the community center is vital to the success of the

Page 47: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


recreation department. The community center serves as the central facility for the

recreation department, and it is important to measure how effectively the space is being

used. The center has a lot of space and amenities, but if the programs offered there are

not good, the modern facility will not matter.

12. How satisfied are you with the current classes and programs

offered at the Cresskill community center? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

5 17%

2 Moderately satisfied

6 21%

3 Slightly satisfied

2 7%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

11 38%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

2 7%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

1 3%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

2 7%

Total 29 100%

The mode for this question is “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” with 38% of the responses.

The mode for this question indicates that most people feel neutral about the classes currently

offered at the community center. This relates to the previous question, which showed

dissatisfaction with the variety of classes. Obviously, the community facility is not being used

properly, because it has the potential for better services. Cresskill should examine the quality of

the current classes and find ways to improve them.

6) How satisfied are you with the community events (such as parades & street fairs)

Cresskill hosts?

Page 48: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


This question will be measured using a seven-point Likert scale. The range of the scale

will be from 0 (indicating very unsatisfied) to 7 (indicating very satisfied). The data

collected through this question will be ordinal and therefore measured using mode, which

will show the majority satisfaction rating of participants. Community events are a big part

of life for an area’s residents. A community that fails to have public events will be boring

for many people, and may result in decreased residency. Having occasional events such

as parades, street fairs, and carnivals increases the quality of life for an area. They also

help stimulate the local economy and promote a sense of community among residents.

13. How satisfied are you with the community events (such as

parades & street fairs) Cresskill hosts? # Answer

Response %

1 Extremely satisfied

6 20%

2 Moderately satisfied

4 13%

3 Slightly satisfied

12 40%

4 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

3 10%

5 Slightly dissatisfied

1 3%

6 Moderately dissatisfied

2 7%

7 Extremely dissatisfied

2 7%

Total 30 100%

The mode for this question is “slightly satisfied,” with 40% of the responses.

The mode for this question shows that most residents are only slightly satisfied with the

community events Cresskill offers. It is important that the department not try to slide by with the

least amount of effort. The Cresskill Recreation Department should find out why people are not

satisfied with current events they host, and try to address problems. The quality of the events

Page 49: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


may not be great, but there could also be dissatisfaction with the types/amount of events that



Based on the results of this study, the following recommendations are made.

Concerning the satisfaction of employees, the following recommendations are:

1) Further research on what behaviors/qualities people like about current employees in order

to train new employees

2) Continue to maintain strict standards for employee excellence

3) Implement/maintain employee training practices to keep satisfaction levels high

Concerning the satisfaction of facilities, the following recommendations are:

1) Further research on what people are dissatisfied about in regards to the Cresskill

community center facilities

2) Further research on what improvements could be made for Cresskill’s parks and


3) Improve park and community center facilities, and make them more appealing/accessible

to residents with disabilities

Concerning the satisfaction of services provided, the following recommendations are:

1) Further research on the types of classes residents would like at the community center

2) Further research on why people are dissatisfied with the current classes offered at the

community center

Page 50: An Analysis of the Cresskill Recreation Department’s ......product/service provided. For example, if a gym offered a “full-body fitness” class, many customers would be disappointed


3) Create more programs/improve current programs offered by the Cresskill Recreation


4) Further research on what types of events residents would like Cresskill to host

5) Further research on the quality of current events hosted by the Cresskill Recreation


6) Implement changes to special events and create more community events for residents

Further research should be done in the future to continue to monitor levels of customer

satisfaction. This information should be constantly gathered and used to improve the Cresskill

Recreation Department.

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