Download - Ali Example Drives Full Report - Talent Q · PDF fileDrives Report CandidateAli Example Date of Report:13/01/2017 Assessment Report 5 Line Manager Report 11 ... Affiliation Supporting


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Drives Report

Candidate Ali Example

Date of Report: 13/01/2017

Assessment Report 5Line Manager Report 11Coaching Report 14

Who could use components of this report:

p Coaches

j HR professionals

k Line managers

i Trained practitioners

What can components of this report beused for:

o Identification of high potential

n Individual development

A Internal resourcing

B Leadership development

m Recruitment

C Team development

Assessment DrivesCompleted date 14/10/2015Language English (UK)

Ali Example   |   Report generated on 13/01/2017

Talent QDrives

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Introduction to Drives

Drives measures an individual’s motivations and values, providing a better understanding of the factors that

help stimulate and energise people in their daily working lives. Drives provides clear and pragmatic insight

about motivation in contemporary organisations. Understanding what motivates, enthuses and drives

employees is key to ensuring they are engaged and committed. Drives is suitable for use from graduate,

supervisory, managerial and professional levels to senior management roles, across all functions and

industry sectors.

Drives is underpinned by a robust model and is supported by strong reliability and validity data, providing

users with the confidence that Drives is both highly effective and complies with best practice and regulatory

guidelines. The questionnaire has a unique response format which combines simple rating scales with an

element of forced-choice to ensure that it is exacting and difficult to fake. Drives can be used in a

stand-alone manner or as part of a broader assessment process.

Cognitive Ability


Skills & Experience


Behaviour Performance

Ali Example   |   Report generated on 13/01/2017

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Using the Drives Profile Chart

The Profile provides an overview of the areas which energise and stimulate the individual at work. Thosewhich are strong sources of motivation will fall closer to the outer edge of the profile. These are areas ofwork which motivate and enthuse the individual. Conversely, those that fall nearer the centre of the profileare unlikely to enthuse or give energy to the individual.

Positive Impact














Personal Growth G Connection

I EsteemH Personal

g Challenge



Drives scale

Challenge: The factors that relate to howsomeone seeks challenge and personaldevelopment.

Connection: The factors that impact onhow someone regards other people andhow important relationships are to them.

Esteem: The factors that relate to how anindividual finds a sense of worth from theirrole in a way that motivates them.

Personal: The factors that impact them onan individual level and that enable them tolive the life they wish.

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Drives profile

Positive Impact














Personal Growth G Connection

I EsteemH Personal

g Challenge

h Response styles

Tendency towards reporting that fewer scales aremotivational for them than most people


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 105

Tendency to report that more scales are motivational forthem than most people

A relatively flat profile: relatively little differentiationbetween scales, possible inconsistency or lack ofself-awareness

Profile Spread

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 108

Accentuated profile, with clear relative hot spots and coldspots

Narrow range of ratings used, with tendency to avoidextreme ratings

Rating Spread

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 103

Wide range of ratings, including frequent use of extremes

Ali Example   |   Report generated on 13/01/2017

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Assessment reportDrives profile summary

g Challenge


She tends to perceive challenging targets as unhelpful or, at times, a source ofpressure. She avoids competitive environments, preferring a collective approachto achieving goals.


She is prepared to learn new techniques in the workplace when necessary butgenerally enjoys applying existing knowledge to solve problems. She may feeluncomfortable in environments where she is regularly required to learn aboutnew models or techniques to do her work, or is required to perfect specific tasks.


She tends to apply proven methods when addressing issues and is unlikely to bemotivated by situations involving a lot of risk. She is unlikely to be the first toidentify opportunities for using new, creative approaches. She will be moremotivated in an environment where outcomes are reliably predicted.

Personal Growth

She is interested in opportunities to develop herself at work. This is not, however,a primary motivation for her, and she may seek a level of wider fulfilment fromareas outside of work. It is of moderate importance to her to share the samevalues as the organisation.

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G Connection

Positive Impact

She is not overly concerned about the level of difference her work can make tothe wider community. She is not driven in work by a need to have a positiveimpact on others or work for an organisation whose mission is to make adifference to others.


She is not always entirely focused on the needs of the customer, insteadpreferring to concentrate on her own priorities. She would be better suited toroles that have scope for project work where she can focus on broader goalswithout having to react to customer needs.


She gets energy from feeling part of a wider team working closely together. Sheis driven by a need to communicate closely and regularly with other like-mindedpeople, and feels reassured to know there is support available if needed. Shemay react negatively to any friction within her direct team.


She enjoys supporting others and helping them develop. She may becomedemotivated in environments that are insular, instead preferring a team wherepeople actively help each other to achieve a shared goal.

Ali Example   |   Report generated on 13/01/2017

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I Esteem


She has little desire to be an authoritative figure in work or to determine whatothers focus on. She prefers working alongside colleagues rather givinginstructions and orders on what needs to be done.


She is motivated by a well paid role so that she can afford the lifestyle she wouldlike to have. She aspires to demonstrate her success through acquisition of thematerial possessions she wants. Being in a role that will not allow her to acquirethis is likely to discourage her at work.


She strongly values and benefits from positive recognition from others when shehas performed well in her role. She needs to feel valued and respected within theteam. Without such public affirmation, she may feel devalued and significantlyless motivated.


She enjoys making sure that work is completed with quality in mind. Howeverwhen perfection is not possible, she ensures the work is completed on time tothe agreed requirements. She is comfortable balancing her own expectations ofquality with demanding deadlines.

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H Personal


She seeks to create or find situations where she has a strong sense of securityand stability. She is likely to be anxious in unpredictable situations and mayquickly feel threatened when changes feel out of her control.


She enjoys working within a structure rather than being left with the freedom todecide how things are done. She may become disoriented without havingpredefined processes to follow.


She is stimulated by the opportunity for fun and self expression. She is energisedby knowing and liking her colleagues personally in the workplace. A serious andformal environment will make the workplace seem overly rigid to her.


She believes in achieving a comfortable work-life balance, and will be moreengaged in a role when she can integrate working flexibly with her othercommitments outside of work.

Ali Example   |   Report generated on 13/01/2017

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Hot spots

This section depicts the top three 'hot spots' for Ali Example which represent the key sources of motivationshe will gain from her work.

Stimulation Security Affiliation


Stimulation She places great importance on being with like-minded people who sociallystimulate her and with whom she can express herself. She would feel stifled in anenvironment where she cannot be herself and get social stimulation from hercolleagues. She will operate most effectively in an organisation that recognises theimportance of a good rapport.

Security She places a very strong value on consistency and stability in the workplace. Shefeels most assured in an established organisation that can provide clarity andcertainty to her future. She would be stressed by a rapidly changing environment.

Affiliation She relies on her colleagues for social support and a sense of belonging at work.She helps bond a team and creates a feeling of team membership in the workplaceby frequent interactions with them. She will feel isolated working in a team wherecolleagues do not work together closely.

Ideal environment

Below are areas of work activity that will energise Ali. She will thrive in roles that involve participation inthese areas.

a Organisations that can assure a long term position will give her a great deal of comfort andreassurance.

a Feels a strong sense of well-being from organisations that can demonstrate a clear long-term plan.

a Enjoys working in relaxed surroundings where she can enjoy entertaining her colleagues.

a Feels more stimulated in an informal working environment where she is comfortable expressing herself.

a Engaged by being part of a close-knit team that provides a sense of common purpose.

Ali Example   |   Report generated on 13/01/2017

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Cold spots

This section depicts the main 'cold spots' for Ali Example, indicating those areas which are least likely to besources of motivation for her.

Pioneering Achieving Autonomy


Pioneering She does not benefit greatly being given space to think about how things can beimproved. She would rather be told how to do things so that she can simply get onwith them. She might see questioning existing processes as a waste of time thatcould be better spent doing work.

Achieving She is likely to find stretching goals and targets a source of pressure rather thanbeing excited by them. She could withdraw from competing with others or bestretched beyond where she is comfortable.

Autonomy She will not respond well to being left to her own devices with little direction, and nointeraction may leave her feeling disoriented. She will feel uncomfortable with a lackof structure and set objectives.

Ideal environment

Below are areas of work that will not energise or motivate Ali. Instead they will leave her feeling cold anddisengaged.

a Attempting to motivate her by setting difficult challenges is unlikely to succeed and may converselylead to her withdrawing from the situation.

a Would benefit from support with critical decisions to prevent her feeling anxious and intimidated.

a Likely to find creative tasks difficult and uninspiring, she prefers pragmatic thinking.

a Prefers roles where there is not too much expectation on her to improve ways of working, would preferto simply get on with her work using existing processes.

a May feel pressured if she is expected to identify problems and solutions in the workplace.

Ali Example   |   Report generated on 13/01/2017

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Line Manager ReportAdvice for managers

This report is for line managers to help identify those factors that will help energise and stimulate Ali at work.The section below focuses on the three strongest drives – Stimulation, Security and Affiliation – andprovides a list of practical guidance for maximising Ali’s motivation.


She is motivated by being sociable and expressing herself, and likes to have fun at work.


a Provide scope for interaction in her work. Anopen office with a sociable culture will helpher feel connected to the organisation.

a Remind her that some other people may seework as a place that is separate to their socialenvironment, where professional valuesshould be upheld. This means that they willhave a different outlook and she should beaware of and respect that.

a Offer an interactive feedback process thatprovides the opportunity for her to commentand share ideas.

a Harness her need for stimulation and socialengagement to help build good rapport wherenecessary. Her skills can help break downboundaries between different groups withinthe organisation and help bring stakeholderstogether.


c Discourage opportunities to share opinions asthese can be useful avenues for improvement,both personally for her and to existingprocesses in the organisation.

c Expect her to simply listen and accept lengthyappraisals as these will not be a successfulmeans of development. She enjoys the socialaspect of work therefore collaborative goalswhich involve communication and close liaisonwith colleagues will engage her.

c Forget to appreciate that insular workingenvironments will leave her feelingdemotivated; she responds well to a socialwork culture.

c Disregard that she thrives on dialogue aroundher achievements if she produces work to ahigh standard. This can help share bestpractice and help make best use of her ability.

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Working in a secure job and organisation is important to her, as is knowing what is expected of her.


a Keep her informed about the organisation'sstatus in the market or field. Give reassuranceabout the stability of the organisation and herrole as this will help allay her fears regardingsecurity.

a Provide some insight into her role progressionas focus on future stability will comfort her.

a Give feedback relating to the organisation'sprogress as well as her own to help assure herabout her future at the organisation.

a Maximise her contribution by providing herwith clear expectations and structure to herwork. Give recognition for her contributionconcerning day-to-day deliverables.


c Create an environment where she mustconstantly adapt to changes in the workplace.She will enjoy having familiar tasks that allowher to use her experience in a stableenvironment.

c Feel that she may need constant variety tokeep her entertained; she is comfortableensuring the fundamentals have beenconsidered.

c Make her focus on new projects as she willprefer thinking about how current processescan be tweaked. She will have a strong focuson day-to-day deliverables rather than newopportunities.

c Give her work she is unfamiliar with as shemay become anxious if she is being frequentlyexpected to adapt. She will be most engagedby routine work.


She values being part of a team, having support and positive interaction with her colleagues.


a Set up forums to help a team approach, suchas project meetings, focus groups andbrainstorming sessions, as these wouldstimulate her. Her best work comes fromcollaboration, where she can bounce ideasaround and seek the opinions of others.

a Be creative in trying to build in a socialelement to her projects otherwise she maylose direction and feel disconnected. This willgive her the social interaction she needs toengage well with her team and her work.

a Encourage social and team building events asthese will make her feel part of the team andin turn make her feel connected to her work.

a Let her know when she is contributing to thegreater good of her direct team. Being high onaffiliation means that she will be motivated towork in order to achieve the respect of others.


c Use personal criticism in feedback, instead besensitive as she probably feels personallyconnected to you and is likely to see you asmore than just her boss. Make a cleardistinction between her work and her personalcharacter during feedback sessions.

c Shrug off her frequent interactions, which mayat times seem trivial, but are important to her.Disregarding these will dishearten her andmake her feel disconnected from the team.

c Discourage appropriate levels ofcommunication; give her and her team thechance to discuss the status and best nextsteps for any of her projects.

c Give her too many individual tasks to work onand require her to frequently workindependently of other people, as over timeshe may feel isolated. She is likely to engagemore positively with shared tasks working withothers.

Ali Example   |   Report generated on 13/01/2017

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Impact on others

This section of the report focuses on the effect Ali is likely to have on her colleagues. It provides powerfulinsight about how well she will fit in and the likely impact on her team as well as wider relationships at work.


She is motivated by being sociable and expressing herself, and likes to have fun at work.


b She is dependent on social stimulation and will therefore look to her colleagues to provide her withentertainment as well as professional stimulation. Whilst this may seem insignificant, this process willhelp her feel part of the team and break down barriers to help her operate more openly and effectivelywith her colleagues.

b Others may prefer working without the distraction of others so that they can focus on theirresponsibilities. She should be careful of distracting others and be wary to maintain a level ofprofessionalism in the workplace so that such expectations are maintained.

b Colleagues are likely to enjoy her company and see her as a good influence that helps generate apositive office rapport. However, her approach may at times distract colleagues and impact upon theirability to focus. She should be careful to balance her social nature with the need to recognise whenpeople need space to get through challenging workloads.


Working in a secure job and organisation is important to her, as is knowing what is expected of her.


b Being so commited to her set objectives, she can find it hard to relate to those who are constantlylooking for fresh opportunities.

b She may need to reflect that for an organisation to develop and keep its position in the market, whilstshe may tend to be concerned by radical change which challenges her need for security, it may beimportant to support others who are trying to realign things to help the organisation adapt.

b Others may see her as quite rigid and unwilling to get involved with new streams of work.


She values being part of a team, having support and positive interaction with her colleagues.


b She will be naturally drawn to interacting with her colleagues frequently, often just needingreassurance she is on the right path or just taking an interest in the work of others.

b May lack understanding with those who don't want to interact as openly as she does, it may appear toher they are being miserable and not engaged in the true spirit of the team.

b Her high drive for affiliation will help galvanise the team and help provide others with a sense ofbelonging, however when overplayed, her frequent interactions could become a distraction to others.

Ali Example   |   Report generated on 13/01/2017

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Coaching reportDrives indicator profile

This coaching report is intended for the individual, their coach and their line manager. It gives a fullbreakdown of the 48 discrete indicators measured by Drives.

g Challenge

Drive Indicator Importance Description


Raw Challenge Having challenges they cantackle directly

Goal Focus Target-driven, having setobjectives to work towards

Competition Being able to compete andbenchmark performanceagainst others


Curiosity Thinking about interesting andnovel ways of doing things

Acquiring Knowledge Learning and absorbing newinformation

Mastery Perfecting a specific task


Seeing Opportunities Identifying new openings andopportunities

Creating Thinking differently to providenovel solutions

Innovating Improving ways of working

Personal Growth

Developing Growing in their ability tofunction in their field

Congruence Sharing the same values as theorganisation

Fulfilment A sense of accomplishmentfrom contributing to anorganisation’s success

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G Connection

Drive Indicator Importance Description

Positive Impact

Wider Contribution Benefiting people outside ofthe organisation

Organisational Contribution Working for an organisationwhose mission is worthwhile

Altruism Putting the needs of othersbefore their own


Service Focus Providing an exceptionalservice

Understanding Customers Getting to know the customer'sneeds

Delighting Customers Knowing the customer is happy


Team Membership Being part of a team workingtowards a shared goal

Need to Affiliate Positive social interaction withcolleagues

Having Support Feeling assured where there issupport to draw on


Supporting Others Being able to help others withtheir work

Investment in Others Playing a role in helpingsomeone else develop

Developing Others Taking energy from seeingothers develop

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I Esteem

Drive Indicator Importance Description


Need for Control Having responsibility for theoutcome of a project

Being in Command Taking charge of situations

Need for Seniority A need to reach seniorpositions


Acquiring Wealth A drive towards a good salary

Acquiring Possessions Being able to afford the finerthings

Demonstrating Status Being recognised as having ahigh status


Feeling Respected by Others A need to have the respect ofothers

Feeling Valued Knowing others have a goodopinion of them

Public Acknowledgement Being recognised for goodperformance


Focus on Quality Motivated by delivering work ofthe highest quality

Professional Integrity Having high ethical standards

Presentation Creating work that looksprofessional

Ali Example   |   Report generated on 13/01/2017

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H Personal

Drive Indicator Importance Description


Job Security Having a long-term position

Organisational Stability Working in an organisation thatis established andlong-standing

Certainty A clear sense of what isexpected at work


Autonomous decisions Making decisionsindependently

Structuring My Time Having control over how longto spend on different tasks

Task Autonomy Being able to do things in linewith their own thinking


Fun A belief that work should befun

Expression Being able to reveal who theyare at work

Social Stimulation Sharing social chat withcolleagues


Health A consideration forhealth-related factors in theworkplace

Work-Life Balance Being able to keep up withsocial commitments outside ofwork

Safety Committed to a safe workingculture

Ali Example   |   Report generated on 13/01/2017

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Drives indicator summary

In the following summary tables, suggested benefits and development considerations are presented forhighest (hot) and lowest (cold) indicators. These will be a useful focus for the individual and their coach orline manager when discussing development.

g Challenge

Indicator Benefits Development considerations


Fulfilment Attaches a strong sense of meaningto her work and gets a sense ofaccomplishment from contributing totheir organisation's success

Invests a lot of emotion into her workand may lose confidence if she feelsshe is not performing effectively

Congruence Connects with an organisation thatshares the same values as her own

May find it difficult to feel part of theteam where an organisation hasdifferent values to her own

Indicator Benefits Development considerations


Raw Challenge Takes a relaxed approach, doesn'tneed to feel challenged to maintainengagement

May not engage readily withchallenging goals, which could riskcoming across as disinterested

Creating Steers more towards pragmaticthinking, does not get fulfilment fromhaving to be creative at work

Not driven by creative thinking andso may not immediately relate tosome of the more imaginative ideasshe hears

Innovating Will do her best with less thanperfect processes, appreciateschanging things is not always theanswer

Does not instinctively think aboutpotential solutions to problems

Seeing Opportunities Comfortable working in accordancewith the way things are and is notenergised by frequently looking tochange things

Seldom recognises newopportunities to improve things atwork

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G Connection

Indicator Benefits Development considerations


Team Membership A committed team player who getsenergy from a strong sense ofmembership at work

May feel uneasy working for a teamthat is disconnected

Need to Affiliate Social interaction at work helpscontribute towards a sense ofbelonging for her and others withinthe team

Working on projects where there isno time for social interaction willmake her feel isolated

Developing Others Takes great energy from seeingothers develop

Is likely to feel disheartened inorganisations that don't fosterpersonal development

Having Support Feels much more assured whensupport is available for her to drawupon

Likely to draw on others for theirhelp and guidance

Indicator Benefits Development considerations



Not solely driven by understandingthe customer and so avoidsbecoming tied-up with satisfying thecustomer's every need

Does not have an innate passion forunderstanding the customer's needsand consequently may sometimesnot fully understand exactly whatthey want

Altruism Comfortable contributing a specificfunction to a larger process, doesnot always need to see the directbenefit her work has on others to bededicated

Focused on her own specificresponsibilities and so may losesight of the benefit her work has onothers

Wider Contribution Tends to focus primarily on helpingto move her organisation in the rightdirection, does not need assurancesher work is helping the widercommunity

Could unconsciously neglectsupporting people outside of herdirect circle of colleagues

Ali Example   |   Report generated on 13/01/2017

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I Esteem

Indicator Benefits Development considerations


Demonstrating Status Works hard towards beingrecognised as someone who has ahigh status in the organisation

Unfulfilled in roles where she doesnot stand out as someone withstatus compared with others aroundher

Feeling Respected byOthers

Feels strongly motivated to deliverwhen she feels she has the respectof others

Will not be as strongly motivated towork at her best when she does notperceive a certain level of respect

Acquiring Possessions Aspires to be in a position where shewill be able to afford the finer thingsin life

May not be encouraged to work hardfor non-monetary rewards

Feeling Valued Encouraged by other people'sopinions of her performance, looksto please her colleagues through herwork

Will find it difficult to receivenegative feedback

Indicator Benefits Development considerations


Being in Command Comfortable working behind thescenes following instructions fromothers

Prone to falling into the backgroundinstead of taking charge

Focus on Quality Recognises when perfection is notpossible and is focused on achievingwhat is realistic

Some may see her work as lacking alevel of prowess

Need for Seniority Does not have a strong drive toreach senior positions, instead sheprefers to be competent andcomfortable in her current role

May opt for a comfortable role ratherthan one that will push her

Need for Control Can take a less controlling rolewithout feeling inferior amongstcolleagues

May find it unsettling having to takefull control of a project

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H Personal

Indicator Benefits Development considerations


Social Stimulation Able to provide entertainment to hercolleagues through social chat

Overly formal environments can feelstifling to her

Organisational Stability Dedicated to working for anorganisation that values long-servingemployees

May feel uneasy working within anever-changing organisation

Job Security Committed to having a long-termposition within the organisation

Feels vulnerable if she is unclearabout her organisation's future

Expression Wants to be able to be herself atwork and allow her colleagues tounderstand who she really is

Does not feel she should have tochange her personality for thepurposes of work

Indicator Benefits Development considerations


Autonomous decisions Wouldn't feel a natural urge to makea difficult decision quickly, especiallywhen there is a high level of risk

Could be hesitant when pressurisedto make a quick decision

Structuring My Time Happy to follow protocol in terms ofhow her time is divided

May feel she lacks guidance inpositions where she has autonomyover how she manages her own time

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g Challenge

Drive Indicator

Achieving: Meeting challenging goalsand targets

Raw Challenge: Having challenges they can tackle directly

Goal Focus: Target-driven, having set objectives to work towards

Competition: Being able to compete and benchmark performance againstothers

Learning: Intellectual curiosity andenjoying the task of learning how to dothings better or more effectively

Curiosity: Thinking about interesting and novel ways of doing things

Acquiring Knowledge: Learning and absorbing new information

Mastery: Perfecting a specific task

Pioneering: Taking the initiative infinding creative new approaches andputting them into practice

Seeing Opportunities: Identifying new openings and opportunities

Creating: Thinking differently to provide novel solutions

Innovating: Improving ways of working

Personal Growth: Growing anddeveloping as an individual throughwork, gaining intrinsic fulfilment

Developing: Growing in their ability to function in their field

Congruence: Sharing the same values as the organisation

Fulfilment: A sense of accomplishment from contributing to an organisation’ssuccess

G Connection

Drive Indicator

Positive Impact: Making a difference tothe wider community/world

Wider Contribution: Benefiting people outside of the organisation

Organisational Contribution: Working for an organisation whose mission isworthwhile

Altruism: Putting the needs of others before their own

Service: Delivering a great service tocustomers, providing elegant solutionsthat meet and exceed expectations

Service Focus: Providing an exceptional service

Understanding Customers: Getting to know the customer's needs

Delighting Customers: Knowing the customer is happy

Affiliation: Affiliating with others andvaluing positive social contact at work

Team Membership: Being part of a team working towards a shared goal

Need to Affiliate: Positive social interaction with colleagues

Having Support: Feeling assured where there is support to draw on

Supporting: Supporting anddeveloping people, taking satisfactionfrom investing in others and seeingthem grow

Supporting Others: Being able to help others with their work

Investment in Others: Playing a role in helping someone else develop

Developing Others: Taking energy from seeing others develop

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I Esteem

Drive Indicator

Authority: Being in control and gaininga sense of worth from seniority

Need for Control: Having responsibility for the outcome of a project

Being in Command: Taking charge of situations

Need for Seniority: A need to reach senior positions

Acquisition: Acquiring wealth andresources, creating a sense of worththrough what you have

Acquiring Wealth: A drive towards a good salary

Acquiring Possessions: Being able to afford the finer things

Demonstrating Status: Being recognised as having a high status

Recognition: Feeling respected byothers, gaining a sense of worththrough being valued for yourcontribution

Feeling Respected by Others: A need to have the respect of others

Feeling Valued: Knowing others have a good opinion of them

Public Acknowledgement: Being recognised for good performance

Professionalism: Doing things to a highstandard of professionalism and quality

Focus on Quality: Motivated by delivering work of the highest quality

Professional Integrity: Having high ethical standards

Presentation: Creating work that looks professional

H Personal

Drive Indicator

Security: Meeting my needs to feelsecure and in a safe position

Job Security: Having a long-term position

Organisational Stability: Working in an organisation that is established andlong-standing

Certainty: A clear sense of what is expected at work

Autonomy: Having the freedom andautonomy to decide how things aredone

Autonomous decisions: Making decisions independently

Structuring My Time: Having control over how long to spend on differenttasks

Task Autonomy: Being able to do things in line with their own thinking

Stimulation: Need for stimulation andself-expression as part of work

Fun: A belief that work should be fun

Expression: Being able to reveal who they are at work

Social Stimulation: Sharing social chat with colleagues

Well-being: Need to have a healthy,safe and balanced work life

Health: A consideration for health-related factors in the workplace

Work-Life Balance: Being able to keep up with social commitments outsideof work

Safety: Committed to a safe working culture

Report language: English (UK) (1)Created by: Stuart PowellCandidate username: CSDL6491Drives language: English (UK) (1)Drives version: 6

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This report is derived from the Talent Q Drives assessment(s), which explores the respondent’smotivation in relation to employment. The respondent’s results are compared with a standardisationcomparison group. The Drives questionnaire is a self report measure and as such the resultsrepresent the respondent’s self perceptions. This report has been computer generated. Korn Ferrydo not guarantee that the report has not been modified. The use of Talent Q Drives is restricted toindividuals authorised by Korn Ferry.