Download - Agitated or Alarmed Police

Transcript When the government of a country begins to become corrupted and in collusion with the wealthy class (creation of the Federal Reserve bank in 1913....the turning of banks into casinos under G H W Bush beginning in 1980...and turning the military into an enforcement arm of Wall Street foreign intervention for profit[Halliburton and the Iraq invasion]....the government allowing US corporations to move overseas for cheap labor profit, etc.,etc.) you will begin to see a decline in domestic economic opportunity and prosperity(destruction of the Middle class). Then take the government policy of allowing and even encouraging foreign illegal immigration over time of upwards of 30M foreigners which will undercut US workers wages and take lower working class jobs.....all of this added together will cause a building sense of hopelessness, animosity, anger and finally violence. This is what the local police are facing around the country making them also nervous, uneasy, even frightened for their own lives. This will cause them to become angered and aggressive. There are forces working behind the scenes allowing this and encouraging it for the purpose of at some point having the excuse and reason for suspending the Bill of Rights and imposing an authoritarian regime doing away with the constitution and transforming the United States into a country defeated and forced into a long planned Global government