Download - Agile my point of view

  • 1. Agile my point of view
  • 2. Yogesh S. Shinde (Agile Consultant / Scrum Master)
  • 3. Disclaimer All contain appearing in this presentation are NOT from fictitious or novel. All characters are REAL. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is NOT considered as purely coincidental. There is NO parental guidance required.
  • 4. Introduction Agile My point of view How will I get benefited from it. A Sprint is Not a Mini Waterfall
  • 5. What is Project Success Criteria ?
  • 6. Project Success Criteria
  • 7. Features & Function Usage
  • 8. What is trust ?
  • 9. Trust
  • 10. Agile - Trust Agile lives and dies on trust. Trust is a commodity in short supply in many of our work places. Why do we value contracts over collaboration? Because we want to know who to blame when the project goes out of the track. Trust is something which gets built up over time, and it is something you earn.
  • 11. Agile Cultures Our mantra is that we deliver "business value," not just "software," quicker, better, and faster Short development cycles of two to four weeks and are usually called Iterations. Almost daily communication through short meetings, called standup meetings. Over15 minutes, its too long. Development progress that is measured through whats called Burndown and the product backlog. Everyone has a voice in what the product is. A process that is adapted to the team. Team own the process so they get to use elements that work for them.
  • 12. Agile Feature Driven Development (FDD) Extreme Programming (XP) Scrum Crystal Clear Kanban Agile Modeling
  • 13. Manifesto Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan Note: good vs. bad or right vs wrong) Its a list of priorities. In other words, none of the concepts on the list should be removed from your development lifecycle they are all important just not equally important Value this over that (not
  • 14. How Agile benefits to me Development Team Agile approaches, put great store in collaboration, communication and knowledge sharing. So every day you can learn a little more from the experience of others, as well as your own. At the end of every sprint there is an opportunity for reflection and review. While being exposed to version control, bug tracking, and continuous integration systems is great for a resume, working with other human beings is much more rewarding and fun. You develop strong relationships and you are able to learn so much from other people's experiences and perspectives.
  • 15. How Agile benefits to me continue Removing the bureaucracy (Decentralization said by Gandhiji) Only 3 roles Product owner (Customer) Developers (Main asset of any scrum) Scrum Master (Non Technical) Less Documentation*
  • 16. Customer With the transparency afforded by agile development projects, customers have witnessed stronger results and have benefited from being provided with real-time updates on the status of set requirements. Both agile and scrum are more effective during times of lower spending because they allow for product adjustments or updates to be made quickly. Agile enables companies to fix flaws in new products or soon-to-berelease items before they can negatively impact their bottom line or budget. limits the possibility of waste.
  • 17. Traceability Metrics The use of tracking and tracing systems and processes to match the incoming product requirements to outgoing product attributes. Positively: 1. "Forward" traceability: 2. "Backward" traceability: 3. Keeping things tidy when requirements change (both during the project and during ongoing maintenance afterwards) Negatively: So you can know who to blame
  • 18. How Agile Better over Waterfall at Traceability The best way to put this is that where waterfall is a translation process, agile is a refinement process.
  • 19. Translation: Requirements are never completely understood
  • 20. Refinement:
  • 21. Agile Dashboard (Rally / Jira / Strorm) Note that as we go, traceability doesn't need to be maintained as a separate activity, because each system feature is being built out from general description into detailed implementation, and okayed as "complete" when it meets pre-agreed acceptance criteria, and the customer herself nodding in agreement. Agile is like that. You don't need to expend effort in agile developing a traceability matrix, because the agile requirements repository IS a traceability matrix at its core.
  • 22. Is Sprint just like Mini Waterfall... ???
  • 23. 1. Continuous design, development, integration, and testing
  • 24. Cross-functional team members
  • 25. No change in scope during Sprint
  • 26. . Time boxing
  • 27. A strictly defined cadence