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Adolf Hitler

on Islam and the Muslims


by Sean Jobst

 [This is from an essay I wrote on 24 April 2006. I have made serious revisions and updates to the text, which is contained in this current form.-2 June 2007]* Islam remains the most misunderstood religion in the world. Even though a quarter of the world's population adheres to its doctrines, there is little honest debate on Islam since the entire debate is dominated by those harboring an agenda. So Islam is dismissed as an evil, backward, and warlike religion. But many non-Muslims have rejected the propaganda of the Zionists, Orientalists, and Christian missionaries. Several of the greatest minds in European history have praised Islam, including Samuel Johnson, Johann Goethe, Comte de Gobineau, George Bernard Shaw,

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and Julius Evola. Another was that great statesman(1) Adolf Hitler, who contrasted the spread of Islam with the results of Christianity: "In those continents which were inhabited, failure has been even more marked. In them, the white races have imposed their will by force, and the influence they have had on the native inhabitants has been negligible; the Hindus have remained Hindus, the Chinese have remained Chinese, and the Moslems are still Moslems. There have been no profound transformations, and such changes as have occurred are less marked in the religious field, notwithstanding the tremendous efforts of the Christian missionaries, than in any other. There have been a few odd conversions the sincerity of which are open to considerable doubt - except, perhaps in the case of a few simpletons and mentally deficients. The white races did, of course, give some things to the natives, and they were the worst gifts that they could possibly have made, those plagues of our own modern world - materialism, fanaticism, alcoholism and syphilis. For the rest, since these peoples possessed qualities of their own which were superior to anything we could offer them, they have remained essentially unchanged. Where imposition by force was attempted, the results were even more disastrous, and common sense, realizing the futility of such measures, should preclude any recourse to their introduction. One solitary success must be conceded to the colonizers: everywhere they have succeeded in arousing hatred, a hatred that urges these peoples, awakened from their slumbers by us, to rise and drive us out. Indeed, it looks almost as though they had awakened solely and simply for that purpose! Can anyone assert that colonization has increased the number of Christians in the world? Where are those conversions en masse which mark the success

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of Islam? Here and there one finds isolated islets of Christians, Christians in name, that is, rather than by conviction; and that is the sum total of the successes of this magnificent Christian religion, the guardian of supreme Truth!"(2) This was a reiteration of his earlier statement in Mein Kampf. He was very impressed by Islam as he saw its great advances in Europe. By contrast, he saw the Christian church in disunity, losing "millions and millions of inward adherents" and ineffective in its overseas mission efforts: "An examination of the religious situation before the War shows that the general process of disruption had extended to this sphere also. A great part of the nation itself had for a long time already ceased to have any convictions of a uniform and practical character in their ideological outlook on life. In this matter the point of primary importance was by no means the number of people who renounced their church membership but rather the widespread indifference. While the two Christian denominations maintained missions in Asia and Africa, for the purpose of securing new adherents at home in Europe. These former adherents either gave up religion wholly as a directive force in their lives or they adopted their own interpretation of it. The consequences of this were specially felt in the moral life of the country. In parentheses it may be remarked that the progress made by the missions in spreading the Christian Faith abroad was only quite modest in comparison with the spread of Mohammedanism [sic]."(3) This is an interesting observation and puts into perspective his later statement in his Political Testament. He contrasted Christianity with Islam, obviously favorable to the latter. The

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overwhelming attraction the holy city of Makkah had for the Muslims, he sought to emulate for Germany and the National Socialist movement: "Only the existence of such a seat or centre, around which a magic charm such as that of Mecca or Rome is woven, can supply a movement with that permanent driving force which has its sources in the internal unity of the movement and the recognition of one head as representing this unity."(4) 


 Unlike Islam, the Christian churches came to lose any uniform or practical worldview. While the former retained an amazing devotion from its adherents, this certainly was not the case with Christianity. Its hierarchy has compromised even the most basic doctrines, through opportunistic compromises with governments and temporal authorities. Its contradictory doctrine of the Trinity (which violates the very essence of Divinity and which was ascribed later by those who never knew Jesus), has led Christianity towards a materialist direction, devoid of a spiritual and ideological sustenance that provides a real solution to social and economic ills.  This brings us to the matter of how Islam is portrayed among certain reactionary "nationalist" groups, some of which ascribe themselves to Hitler's legacy. But given his actual recorded statements, we can say Hitler would reject such narrow-minded, petty nationalism, as unworthy of European and Germanic honor.  He would no doubt deplore the decadence and

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moral decay in modern Europe, a trend he sought to reverse with his National Socialist movement. If he were alive today, Hitler would look upon favorably at the piety of the Muslim immigrants in Europe compared to the indigenous Christians. At least the majority have rejected the very things which made Hitler appalled. Islam is the fastest-growing religion, not least because of its remarkable conversion rates. Given his profound respect for natural laws, Hitler would look upon the larger birthrates of the Muslims and their success as attracting a growing number of converts, as demonstrative of the vitality of Islam. He would not let strict racial beliefs undermine him in this regard.(5)   He would look upon the mass immigration of Muslims into Europe as the fault of the European peoples themselves. Since they have lost any real noble and inspiring cause to protect, once they abandoned the values of their ancestors and replaced these with a thoroughly decadent lifestyle. He would view the situation in light of the Europeans ignoring biological laws, by preferring their comfortable materialist, hedonist, lifestyle to increasing their numbers. Finally, he would be brought to tears by the failure of its people to appreciate his efforts in throwing-off the yoke of Zionism and a Globalist Capitalism which do nothing but harm the cultural and social integrity of all nations nation, with its predatory and usurious dictates.  Hitler, who devoted so much and sacrificed greatly for the cause of his folk and Europeans in general, would be disappointed at the failure of the vast majority of his kindred to live up to the ideal espoused by National Socialism. He would point out how values such as honor

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thrives elsewhere, more than modern Europe. His attitude would be bitterness mixed with pity, for the situation of the world and Europe in particular since 1945. Finally, Hitler would contrast the situation of the West - where deceptive propaganda against National Socialist Germany and the Europeans who fought for an idealistic Europe, prevails - with that of the Islamic world, which generally holds a very different opinion of his own legacy and rejects the hypocrisy of the Allied powers who subjugated Arabs and Muslims to imperialism, not to mention an entirely different view of the alleged Holocaust, which has been used to instill guilt into Western Christians (and Gentiles in general), swindle Germany and other nations out of countless billions, and justify the continued genocide against the Palestinians. 



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Hitler would no doubt look with admiration at the resistant spirit of the Muslims, who refuse to submit to the very same Zionist and Capitalist forces which subjugated Germany (with a separate economic system free from the Western system, which thrives on usury and exploitation) to its own ideological and economic system. The spirit of resistance has largely ceased in the West, with the exceptions of small numbers of dedicated Nationalists and Anti-Globalization activists. But the banner has been taken-up by the Muslims, who are vilified solely because they seek to uphold and live according to their own laws and cultural traditions, without having other laws and cultural traditions forced upon them. I mean not to compare the higher concept of Jihad with the militarist policies of Hitler, who sought an imperialist drive to the East, at the expense of the Russians and other Slavic peoples. But I do mean in the sense of currently possessing the same ideological

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enemies, who have the very same internationalist objectives.  Both martial doctrines contained several complimentary aspects: idealistic and militaristic, personal and social, national and regional. Indeed, the name of his well-known autobiography, rendered into Arabic, is....My Jihad! The German word "kampf" (struggle) is not as extensive as Jihad, at least in its spiritual sense. But it too contains a range of expressions, which signifies a defensive and purifying struggle. We consult the German interpretation of the meaning of the Holy Qur'an:   "Kämpfe darum für Allahs Sache." (Then fight in the Cause of Allah). {Surah an-Nisa', 4:84} "O Prophet, feuere die Gläubigen zum Kampf an." (O Prophet! rouse the Believers to fight). {Surah al-Anfal, 8:65} We as Muslims should proudly hold up the Qur'an, which inspired generations with the spirit of struggle and resistance. We should reject those who apologize for our principles, by upholding this uncreated Word of Allah (Subhanahu wa-Ta'ala). There is nothing for us to be shameful about, for we are adherents of a revolutionary Deen.  The Holy Qur'an exposes and condemns in the strongest terms, the primary characteristics of the Zionists, Globalists, and all those bloodsuckers whose raison d'etre is exploitation, while ours is to uphold and express Higher Values. So you tell me we are "anti-Semitic"? It does not matter you come to us with this ridiculous false term, which like so many other concepts in the contemporary political discourse, have assumed a life of their own.

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 Our enemies despise our spirit of resistance and struggle. This is the same reason they tried to draw parallels between Islam and National Socialism. In 1937, Catholic writer Edgar Alexander labelled National Socialism a new "political Islam" and considered Hitler its prophet, in an obvious attack upon our Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam).(6) Protestant theologian Karl Barth considered National Socialism a "new Islam", its myth as a new Allah, and Hitler as the new prophet. With an obvious allusion to Islam, he asserted "at the point where it meets with resistance, it can only crush and kill - with the might and right which belongs to Divinity."(7)  The French petty-nationalist Charles Maurras, an apologist for imperialism who hated both Islam and Germany, seemed to be a man possessed by his own hatred. In 1918, he had called "Germanism" the "Islam des terres sans soleil" and repeated himself when he called National Socialism an "Islam of the North."(8) 

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Why were these comparisons drawn? There had to be some deeper meaning behind these

comparisons. The values of the modern decadent West and conventional forms of Christianity, felt threatened on an ideological level by both Islam and National Socialism. In the case of the latter, many Germans were formulating a radically-different interpretation of Christianity, which abandoned the contradictory doctrine of the Trinity and stressed the revolutionary aspects of Jesus and the mystical expressions of Christendom. In this regard, an English professor published a book in 1942, condemning "the new absolutism", which was typical of British imperialist apologists, who couched their rhetoric in abstract, humanistic, terms. He identified four examples of "barbarism" throughout history, which he contrasted with the "superiority" of the Anglo-Saxon world: The Saracens [Arabs], 'Albigensian Heresy' [Christian Gnostics who rejected the Trinity], the Turks, and the Germans.(9) 

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On the eve of the war, a Serbian author wrote a book likewise hostile to both Germans and Muslims, particularly those from the Balkans. The German "obeys out of passion" and possessive of "a mind bemused by a superiority complex." Both the Germans and Japanese "are without political imagination." He praised Kemal Atatürk for having "liberated the Turkish mind from the long tyranny of the Koran." And he said: "Adolf Hitler is undoubtedly the greatest German extremist, and farthest from that Anglo-Saxon quality which is known as measure and moderation."(10) 




 Adolf Hitler was of Catholic origin. But his attitude towards religion was complex. He firmly believed in the existence of God but rejected the distorted picture of Jesus as propagated by the Christian churches. Hitler frequently evoked Jesus' revolutionary struggle against injustice, especially against the usurious policies of the Talmudic money-changers. He repeatedly stressed how the true message of Jesus had become loss in the teachings of the churches. The alien Talmudic spirit prevailed over the native European ethos. False doctrines of "turning-the-other-cheek", which were conditioned to a message intended for a certain people in a specific period of history, were exploited by the unscrupulous and had devastated the European peoples.  Hitler gave a far-sighted comparison of these

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conflicting Talmudic(11) and European spirits. One fundamental difference was the striving for a Hereafter, and a deep concern for moral problems and social justice: "In the Aryan mind no religion can ever be imagined unless it embodies the conviction that life in some form or other will continue after death. As a matter of fact, the Talmud is not a book that lays down principles according to which the individual should prepare for the life to come. It only furnishes rules for a practical and convenient life in this world.... "But the Jewish religious teaching is not concerned with moral problems. It is rather concerned with economic problems, and very petty ones at that. In regard to the moral value of the religious teaching of the Jews there exist and always have existed quite exhaustive studies....which show up the kind of religion that the Jews have in a light that makes it look very uncanny to the Aryan mind. The Jew himself is the best example of the kind of product which this religious training evolves. His life is of this world only and his mentality is as foreign to the true spirit of Christianity as his character was foreign to the great Founder of this new creed two thousand years ago."(12) "The Jew artfully enkindled that innate yearning for social justice which is a typical Aryan characteristic."(13) The events by which these alien influences seeped into the Aryans and shaped Christianity as it exists today, is one which can fill volumes. But the Führer provided us an excellent summary: "The first Jews came into what was then called Germania during the period of the Roman invasion; and, as usual, they came as

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merchants. During the turmoil caused by the great migrations of the German tribes the Jews seem to have disappeared. We may therefore consider the period when the Germans formed the first political communities as the beginning of that process whereby Central and Northern Europe was again, and this time permanently, Judaized. A development began which has always been the same or similar wherever and whenever Jews came into contact with Aryan peoples."(14) Because he sought to hold firm to a different view of Christianity, he recognized that Islam contained those elements which the organized churches had compromised. These include an honorable warrior spirit, actual yearning for the Hereafter, and a firm commitment to social justice. He contrasted the Islamic conception of divinity (tawheed) favorably with the Trinitarian doctrine: "It adds little to our knowledge of the Creator when some person presents to us an indifferent copy of a man as his conception of the Deity. In this respect, at least, the Mohammedan [sic] is more enlightened, when he says: to form a conception of Allah is not vouchsafed to man."(15)   Unlike the brutal manner of the Talmudic-Old Testament conception of an angry tribal god, and the manner in which the Trinitarian doctrine was forced upon the European tribes and peoples, Islam did not need to use force to spread its doctrines: "Just as in Islam, there is no kind of terrorizing in the Japanese State religion, but on the contrary, a promise of happiness. This terror in religion is a product, to put it briefly, of Jewish dogma."(16)  

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In his private conversations, Hitler expressed "a violent feeling of anger at the idea that some Germans were able to be taken in by theological doctrines devoid of any depth," but contrasted these doctrines with "those of Confucius, of Buddha and of Muhammad," each of which provided spiritual "sustenance."(17) He also said: "The only religion I respect is Islam. The only prophet I admire is the Prophet Muhammad."(18) His conversations on a number of subjects were recorded by his closest confidants. One of these was Albert Speer, chief architect and Reich Minister of Armaments and Munitions, who quoted Hitler's regret the Germans accepted Christianity rather than religions which would have been more compatible to them: "Hitler usually concluded this historical speculation by remarking: 'You see, it's been

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our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?'"(19) There was another aspect which several other National Socialist leaders discussed. This was the utterly violent manner in which Christianity subjugated the Aryan peoples to its creed. A rather dogmatic subject, although the descendants of these people like to forget and pretend Islam spread "by the sword"(20)! Hitler praised the manner in which Islam explained the concept of Divinity and relation of human beings to their Creator. He praised its vital spiritual arguments and connection to another higher world: "I can imagine people being enthusiastic about the paradise of Muhammad, but as for the insipid paradise of the Christians!"(21)  Like many other Europeans, Hitler praised the manner in which Islam preserved knowledge of ancient cultures and transmitted it to Europe, allowing Europeans to embrace their own ancient heritage. During a meeting at the Wehrwolf (headquarters on the Eastern Front) on the afternoon of 28 August 1942, Hitler said: "It is only with the Roman empire where one can say that culture was a factor under the government. The government of the Arabs in Spain too was infinitely distinguished: Many scientists, thinkers, astronomers, mathematicians, one of the most humane times, at the same time as a colossal knighthood. When, later, Christianity came there, then one can say: barbarians. The

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knighthood that the Castilians have is actually one of Arab heritage.  "Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers - Already, you see, the world had already fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing Christianity! - Then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so."(22)  Hitler provided an interesting analysis of religion, how its doctrines and practices were formulated. He conceded that Islam was the work of a higher authority, more expressive of genius than the doctrines of Christianity: "The instructions of a hygienic nature that most religions gave, contributed to the foundation of organised communities. The precepts ordering peoples to wash, to avoid certain drinks, to fast at appointed dates, to take exercise, to rise with the sun, to climb to the top of the minaret - all these were obligations invented by intelligent people. The exhortation to fight courageously is also self-explanatory. Observe, by the way, that, as a corollary, the Moslem was promised a paradise people with sensual girls, where wine flowed in streams - a real Earthly paradise. The Christians, on the other hand, declare themselves satisfied if after their death they are allowed to sing Hallelujahs! All these elements contributed to form human communities. It is to these private customs that Folks owe their present characters."(23) 


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 Hitler was on the friendliest of terms with several distinguished Muslims, like Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Al-Quds, and the

exiled Iraqi prime minister Rashid Ali al-Gailani(24). He was greatly admired throughout the Islamic world and received numerous telegrams of support from all sectors of society. Even before he came to power, many great Muslims like Shaykh Hasan al-Banna, founder of the Ikhwan al-Muslimeen (Muslim Brotherhood), sent him letters of support. He pursued a bold policy of supporting Muslim liberation movements, after the hostile British intentions became apparent. These include the Arab revolt in Palestine (1936-39) and the Iraqi independence rebellion (1941). He opened up or improved diplomatic and other relations with Islamic countries already independent. The world is now witness to the utter hypocrisy and imperial hubris of the US government, which sets itself and its allies (such as Israel) to a different standard than others, who are subject to laws from which the United States and Israel have made themselves exempt. In his Reichstag speech of 28 April 1939, Hitler gave a hard-hitting indictment of Roosevelt's and Churchill's hypocrisy on the issue of Palestine and other subjugated countries:  "As for the fact, however, that one nation in Africa is alleged have lost its freedom – that too is but an error; for it is not a question of one

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nation in Africa having lost its freedom – on the contrary practically all the previous inhabitants of this continent have been made subject to the sovereignty of other nations by bloody force, thereby losing their freedom.  Moroccans, Berbers, Arabs, Negroes, have all fallen victim to a foreign might, the swords of which, however, were not inscribed 'Made in Germany', but 'Made by the Democracies'.(25) "The fact has obviously escaped Mr. Roosevelt's notice that Palestine is at present occupied not by German troops but by the English; and that the country is having its liberty restricted by the most brutal resort to force, is being robbed of its independence and is suffering the cruelest maltreatment for the benefit of Jewish interlopers. "The Arabs living in that country will therefore certainly not have complained to Mr. Roosevelt of German aggression, but they do voice a continuous appeal to the world, deploring the barbarous methods with which England is attempting to suppress a people which loves its freedom and is but defending it."(26) What a visionary! He anticipated the great colonial uprisings which would lead to the independence of dozens of countries. Due to his concern over their ambitions in Palestine, we can consider him one of the first anti-Zionist activists in Europe! Little wonder, then, that he is seen in a very different light in Arab and Islamic countries. Little wonder that his armies were greeted as liberators in Muslim areas, such as Egypt or the Caucasus. Neither would it be any surprise to know thousands of Muslims - Arabs, Albanians, Bosnians, Chechens, Tartars, etc. - rallied to his cause by donning the uniforms of the Wehrmacht or Waffen-SS.

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 Contrary to all the misinformation which dominates the entire discourse on this issue, it was the course of the war and a growing sense of reality which provided Hitler with a keen understanding of world events and respect for other cultures. Ahmed Huber, a Swiss Muslim with a long background in political activism, quoted Hitler: "After the final war the swastika will rule over Europe and will represent a new Europe. We will help the Muslims in North Africa and the Middle East to reestablish the Caliphate.' That means there would be an Islamic civilization."(27) 


 Towards his last days, Hitler had more time to contemplate a number of things. He spoke increasingly about his past mistakes and envisioned what would await the future. It was here he expressed a number of sentiments we Muslims can truly appreciate. Whereas he had long sought an alliance with England and Italy, the war increased his hostility to the outdated and oppressive spirit of imperialism. We consult his Testament, as mentioned in the notes taken by Party leader Martin Bormann(28): "At the same time they would have had to renounce their pretensions in North Africa and the Near East; and that would have allowed Europe to pursue a bold policy of friendship towards Islam." (4 February 1945) "The laws of nature follow a logic which does not necessarily always conform to our own ideas of logic. We ourselves were disposed to compromise. We were ready to throw our

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forces into the scales for the preservation of the British Empire; and all that, mark you, at a time when, to tell the truth, I feel much more sympathetically inclined to the lowliest Hindu than to any of these arrogant islanders. Later on, the Germans will be pleased that they did not make any contribution to the survival of an out-dated state of affairs for which the world of the future would have found it hard to forgive them." (4 February 1945) "What we want, is a Monroe doctrine in Europe. 'Europe for the Europeans!' a doctrine, the corollary of which should be that Europeans refrain from meddling in the affairs of other continents." (7 February 1945) "Never, at any price, should we have put our money on France and against the peoples subjected to her yoke. On the contrary, we should have helped them to achieve their liberty and, if necessary, should have goaded them into doing so. There was nothing to stop us in 1940 from making a gesture of this sort in the Near East and in North Africa....Our 'gentlemen' obviously preferred to maintain cordial relations with distinguished Frenchmen, rather than with a lot of hirsute revolutionaries, with a chorus of musical comedy officers, whose one idea was to cheat us, rather than with the Arabs, who would have been loyal partners for us." (14 February 1945) 

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Italian ally has been a source of embarrassment to us everywhere. It was this alliance, for instance, which prevented us from pursuing a revolutionary policy in North Africa. In the nature of things, this territory was becoming an Italian preserve and it was as such that the Duce laid claim to it. Had we been on our own, we could have emancipated the Moslem countries dominated by France; and that would have had enormous repercussions in the Near East, dominated by Britain, and in Egypt. But with our fortunes linked to those of the Italians, the pursuit of such a policy was not possible. All Islam vibrated at the news of our victories. The Egyptians, the Iraqis and the whole of the Near East were all ready to rise in revolt. Just think that we could have done to help them, even to incite them, as would have been both our duty and in our own interest! But the presence of the Italians at our side paralysed us; it created a feeling of malaise among our Islamic friends, who inevitably saw in us accomplices, willing or unwilling, of their oppressors. For the Italians in these parts of the world are more bitterly hated, of course, than either the British or the French. The memories of the barbarous reprisals taken against the Senussi are still vivid. Then again the ridiculous pretensions of the Duce to be regarded as The Sword of Islam

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evokes the same sneering chuckle now as it did before the war. This title, which is fitting for Muhammad and a great conqueror like Omar, Mussolini caused to be conferred on himself by a few wretched brutes whom he had either bribed or terrorized into doing so. We had a great chance of pursuing a splendid policy with regard to Islam. But we missed the bus, as we missed it on several other occasions, thanks to our loyalty to the Italian alliance! "In this theatre of operations, then, the Italians prevented us from playing our best card, the emancipation of the French subjects and the raising of the standard of revolt in the countries oppressed by the British. Such a policy would have aroused the enthusiasm of the whole of Islam. It is a characteristic of the Moslem world, from the shores of the Atlantic to those of the Pacific, that what affects one, for good or for evil, affects all....Further, this futile policy has allowed these hypocrites, the British, to pose, if you please, as liberators in Syria, in Cyrenaica and in Tripolitania!" (17 February 1945) "While, therefore, it is not possible to adhere to rigid principles in dealing with foreign countries and one must always be prepared to adapt one's policy to the changing conditions, it can nevertheless be asserted with confidence that Germany will always recruit her staunchest friends from among those peoples who are actively resistant to Jewish contagion. I am sure that the Japanese, the Chinese and the peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France, in spite of the fact that we are related by blood." (2 April 1945) Far more interesting are his comments made in earlier years, when victory seemed within his grasp and he expressed a remarkable vision of a new order. In an interview with an American academic, Ahmed Huber recounted a

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conversation he had with Mohammad Amin al-Husseini, who told him of a meeting with Hitler: "The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini, whom I met in 1965 in Beirut, we had a long talk. He told me many, many interesting things, because he had an almost friendship relationship with Adolf Hitler. He told me a fantastic story. On one night in December 1941, after the big victories of Germany over the Soviet Union, he had a long talk with Hitler about architecture, culture, the music of Richard Wagner, and so on. "Hitler started talking about race theory and anti-Semitism and the Grand Mufti asked Hitler, 'Did you ever think, Mr. Chancellor, that your race theory comes out of Judaism? It comes out of the Old Testament.' And Hitler was very astonished by that. The Grand Mufti knew the Bible very well.  "He said, 'All of your ideas, the doctrine of the Nazi Party are in the Old Testament. The chosen people of God are not the chosen people, but the chosen race and that blood carries the soul. And this chosen race must keep its blood pure. It must not mix its blood with non-Jews, the foreigners, the subhuman beasts called the goyim, are inferior to the Jewish master race. The genocide order of God in the fifth book of Moses and in the book of Joshua. The race laws of Ezra and Ishmael. All of these things are in the Old Testament.' "Hitler was absolutely astonished, and the Mufti told him [further], 'You have not high esteem

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for the Africans, for Black people. And also this comes from the Old Testament in the first book of Moses, the Black race is doomed, considered by God to eternal slavery. It's the famous curse by God on Ham, one of the three sons of the Prophet Noah.' "So when the Mufti told Hitler another story, he said, 'You, Mr. Chancellor, hate the Roman Catholic Church,' [to which] Hitler responded, 'Really?' [The Mufti replied], 'Yes it's true, but you, Mr. Hitler, you never left the church. You are still formally a member of the Roman Catholic Church.' Then the Mufti added, 'Mr. Chancellor, you have organized your party like the Roman Catholic Church. You are the pope. Your Gauleiters and Reichsleiters are the cardinals and the archbishops. And your party congresses are [like] high masses - religious ceremonies - which you celebrate as the high priest.' "Hitler became furious and walked out. And for three weeks the Mufti had to go to the Reichschancellary in Berlin, and he told me, 'There I thought he would arrest me and shout at me.' Hitler came and smiled at the Mufti, put his hands around his arms, and said, 'Your eminence, I want to apologize to you. I behaved like an uneducated little boy.' "He said, 'I have read the Bible and thought about what you said and now that final victory is close, Moscow will fall in a few weeks, and the Soviet Union will be gone, and then final victory will come. We must talk about all these things and try to make some changes in our ideology.' And, of course, final victory never came, but Hitler dedicated a text to Christoph Schroeder and Frau Junge, his secretary, which is called the Hitler-Bormann Documents, or the Testament of Adolf Hitler. In this text, Hitler makes a criticism of his policies."(29)

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 * Among other venues, this essay appeared in its original form on the European Muslims Forum , discussed at a pro-Zionist forum , and formed the basis of a page on the excellent Radio Islam web-site of the courageous Ahmed Rami, entitled "Hitler on Judaism, Christianity and Islam" NOTES: (1) In the sense of historical and social importance, Hitler is unrivalled by any other European leaders or public figures. There is much room for revision in this regard, that is distinct from the forced legacy of the grossly-exaggerated Holocaust, which arrives at an honest portrayal of Hitler without apologizing for his real mistaken policies. (2) The Testament of Adolf Hitler, ed. François Genoud, London: 1959, 7th February 1945. (3) Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, trans. James Murphy, London: Hurst and Blackett Ltd., 1939, p. 152. (4) ibid., p. 197. (5) Despite his fanatical anti-Slavism, Hitler came to respect the Russians for "the stoicism with which they had accepted their early defeats", and their "extremely healthy lives." For theses reasons, the Russians and other peoples of the steppes were "better equipped for development and in the long run biologically superior to the Germans." Cf. Albert Speer,

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Inside the Third Reich, New York: Macmillan, 1970, pp. 96, 306. (6) Edgar Alexander, Der Mythus Hitler, 1937; cited in Walter Laqueur, Fascism: Past, Present, Future, Oxford University Press, 1997. (7) Karl Barth, Church and the Political Problem of Our Day, London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1939, p. 43. (8) Quoted in Ernst Nolte, Three Faces Of Fascism, New York: Mentor Books, 1969, pp. 114, 592 n80. (9) R.G. Collingwood, The New Leviathan or Man, Society, Civilization and Barbarism, New York: Apollo Editions, 1971, pp. 351-387. (10) Stoyan Pribichevich, World Without End: The Saga of Southeastern Europe, New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1939, pp. 83, 374-375, 381. (11) By Talmudic spirit, I don't refer to all Jews but merely the attitude of the majority. And this "spirit" is not confined to Jews, but countless Gentiles have expressed it as well. It essentially holds to the worldview of the Talmud, which is very materialistic in its nature and direction. (12) Hitler, op. cit., pp. 173-174. (13) ibid., p. 181. (14) ibid., p. 174. (15) Hitler's Table Talk, 1941-1944, trans. N. Cameron and R.H. Stevens, New York: Enigma Books, 1953, p. 606.  (16) ibid., p. 393.

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 (17) Jean and Michel Angebert, The Occult and the Third Reich, New York: Macmillan, 1974, p. 246. (18) Quoted by Ahmed Huber, in Kevin Coogan, "The mysterious Achmed Huber: Friend to Hitler, Allah and Ibn Ladin?," HITLIST (Berkeley, CA), April/June 2002. (19) Speer, op. cit., p. 96. (20) Rather, Islam spread due to its simple creed and sincere arguments. Jihad by the sword was always directed against the tyrants and oppressors, aimed at stopping injustice and removing all obstacles to the da'wah. (21) Hitler's Table Talk, p. 143. (22) Adolf Hitler's Monologe im Führerhauptquartier (Monologue with Headquarters of the Führer). Hamburg: Albrecht Knaus, 1980. (23) Hitler's Table Talk, 14 October 1941. (24) Both Husseini and Gailani were of noble lineage: The direct descendants of the Prophet's grandson Hussein ibn Ali, and the medieval Islamic scholar Shaykh Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani, respectively.  (25) David Brockschmidt, "History Lessons from the Memory Hole - Let them eat their own words," <> (26) Michael Walsh, "History Repeats Itself: Wise Words From Europe's Most Popular Statesman," <

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oryrepeat.htm> (27) Coogan, op. cit. (28) The Testament of Adolf Hitler, op. cit. (29) George Michael, The Enemy of My Enemy: The Alarming Convergence of Militant Islam and the Extreme Right, Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 2006


Please also read on this website:

Waffen-SS im EinsatzHitler's Soviet Muslim


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November 2, 1943 Himmler's telegram to Mufti:

"To the Grand Mufti: The National Socialist movement of Greater Germany has, since its inception, inscribed upon its flag the fight against the world Jewry. It has therefore

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followed with particular sympathy the struggle of freedom-loving Arabs, especially in Palestine, against Jewish interlopers. In the recognition of this enemy and of the common struggle against it lies the firm foundation of the natural alliance that exists between the National Socialist Greater Germany and the freedom-loving Muslims of the whole world. In this spirit I am sending you on the anniversary of the infamous Balfour declaration my hearty greetings and wishes for the successful pursuit of your struggle until the final victory.

Signed: Reichsfuehrer S.S. Heinrich Himmler"



Rashid Ali al-KaylaniFrom Wikipedia, the free


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Rashid Ali al-Kaylani (Arabic: عالي رشيد -also spelled Sayyad Rashid Ali al (الكيالنيGillani, son of Sayyad Abdul Wahhab al-Gillani (1892–1965) served as prime minister of Iraq on three occasions:

1. March 20 , 1933 – October 29, 1933 2. March 31 , 1940 – January 31, 1941 3. April 3 , 1941 – May 29, 1941

He is chiefly remembered for his efforts to bring Iraq into the Axis sphere of influence during World War II.

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Born to a prominent Baghdad family, he was related to Iraq's first prime minister, Abd Al-Rahman Al-Kayyali, though the two parts of the family were estranged. Rashid Ali al-Gillani began his career in politics in 1924 in the first government led by Yasin al-Hashimi, who appointed him Minister of Justice. The two men were ardent nationalists, opposed to any British involvement in the country's internal politics. They rejected the Anglo-Iraqi Treaty signed by Nuri as-Said's government in 1930 and formed their own Party of National Brotherhood to promote nationalist aims. He served as prime minister for the first time in 1933.

During the 1930s, Gillani was strongly influenced by the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who had been exiled from the British Mandate of Palestine for his nationalist activities and found support in his campaign against Jewish immigration to the country with the Nazi regime in Germany.

When Gillani was again appointed prime minister in 1940, Iraq had just experienced the premature death of King Ghazi and a weakened regency for the new four-year-old King Faisal II of Iraq under his uncle, Emir Abdul-Illah. While Abdul-Illah supported Britain in the war, he was unable to control Gillani, who used the war to further his own nationalist goals by refusing to allow troops to cross through Iraq to the front. He also rejected calls that Iraq break its ties with Italy and sent his Justice Minister, Naji Shawkat, to meet with the then German ambassador to Turkey, Franz von Papen, to win German support for his government. At a later meeting, in which the Mufti's private secretary acted as the representative for the Iraqi government, Gillani assured Germany that his country's natural resources would be made available to the Axis in return for German

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recognition of the Arab states' right to independence and political unity, as well as the right to "deal with" the Jews living in Arab lands. Gillani, in his third and final term as prime minister, presided over the two months of mob action against Iraqi Jews that would later lead to the Farhud, the mass anti-Jewish riot in June 1941 that sparked the exodus of Iraq's Jewish community. [1]

Britain responded with severe economic sanctions against Iraq. Meanwhile, news of British victories against Italian forces in North Africa dulled support for Gillani's government, and on January 31, 1941, under pressure from the regent, he resigned his post as prime minister. This only exacerbated his mistrust of Britain and its supporters in the government, and together with some of his pro-Axis colleagues, Gillani made plans to assassinate Abdul-Illah and seize power. Abdul Illah fled the country on March 31, and on April 3, Gillani returned to power. As one of his first acts, he sent an Iraqi artillery force to confront the RAF base situated in Habbaniya. Meanwhile other British forces landed at Basra initiating the Anglo-Iraqi War.

Iraq had been a major supplier of petroleum to the Allied war effort and an important landbridge between British forces in Egypt and India. To secure Iraq, Winston Churchill ordered General Archibald Wavell to protect the Habaniya base, (which had not only refused to accept the Iraqi demands for the cessation of its training activities, but in response to other Iraqi provocations had struck first and relieved the siege) and to head from there to Baghdad. Fearing a British onslaught, Gillani fled to Berlin and a new government was installed. In Berlin he was received by Hitler and recognized as the Iraqi government in exile. Upon Germany's

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defeat, Gillani found refuge in Saudi Arabia.

Gillani only returned from exile after the revolution that overthrew the Iraqi monarchy in 1958. Once again he attempted to seize power, and plotted a revolt against Abdul Karim Kassem's government. The revolt was foiled and Gillani was sentenced to death. Later pardoned, he returned to exile, where he died in 1965.



Waffen-SS im EinsatzHitler's Soviet Muslim


During World War II, hundreds of thousands of foreign peoples joined with Hitler's legions to bring theirs people into special status in Hitler's New Order. Tens of thousands among them were Muslims, where the majority of them came from Soviet Union. Under the banner of the crescent and the swastika, these Soviet Muslims believe to become holy warriors to liberated theirs land. But the end of this unholy alliance was a disaster for them.

The Pro-Nazi Soviet Muslims

When the German Army invaded Soviet Russia on June 22, 1941 they saw many of their opponent inhabitants welcomed them as

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liberators. One of the group of Soviet citizens that felt had reason to rejoiced the coming of the Teutonic legion invaders were Soviet Muslims.

Many of Soviet Muslims hates domination of Russians upon them. They still remembered theirs golden age under the Muslim khans, emirs, and sultans before they fall into Russian Czardom between 17th and 19th centuries.  Actually, when the Czardom liquidated during Bolshevik Revolution, the Muslim Soviet got a chances to liberated themselves from theirs Russian masters and formed some independent states with help from theirs Turkish brothers and her German allied. Even for a while they thought to build a Greater Turkey Sultanate like Pan-Turanian longing.

In Caucasus, an all-Islam army, composed of Azeris, Ajars, and other Caucasian Muslims, assist the Turkish army under Nuri Pasha, who was known for his Pan-Turanian ideas. They besieged many non-Muslims towns in Caucasus that refused surrender to them and starved it into submissions. Some of them implicated with the massacres of Armenians.

The same thing developed in Central Asia. In Kokand, a free government of Turkestan was proclaimed, while the emirs of Khiva and Bukhara asserted their independence. The Turkish-Tartar peoples in Crimea and Volga also arise against the Russians.

Unfortunately, after succeeded consolidated their power in Russia, the Bolshevist penetrated these areas. One by one centers of Muslim resistance to communism fell. The attempt to free these Muslim areas from Russian rule had failed, and the Soviet government succeeded in reestablishing its

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authority over the whole Caucasus and Turkestan. But the native peoples rejected this Russian-Communist authority. Some of them rise against the Moscow rule when the communist forced collectivized farms and atheistic attitudes upon them. One of the uprisings erupted in Chechnya, where the Cechens under an ex-communist named Hasan Israilov rise against the Soviet regime.

The unrest of these Muslim peoples didn't escape from Hitler intention. When many of Muslim Soviet POWs enthusiastic wished to join with the victorious Wehrmacht against theirs ruler, theirs aspirations get a green light from the German dictator. On December, 1941 a top secret memorandum ordered that the OKW was to create two Muslim units: the Turkestanisch Legion, consisted Muslim volunteers from Central Asia, like Turkomans, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kirghizs, Karakalpaks, and Tadjiks; and Kaukasisch-Mohammedan Legion from Caucasian Muslims volunteers, like Azeris, Daghestans, Chechens, Ingushes, and Lezghins. Beside a separated unit consisted Muslim Tartars, Wolgatatarische Legion, was formed in Poland on January 1942.


The German courting of the Soviet Muslims was part of Hitler's lunatic schemes for bringing Turkey into his side and for advancing to control the oil fields in Middle East and Baku.

 Tartars read a German recruitment

poster in Crimea.

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The Soviet Muslims fighting units were supposed to take part in bringing the whole Middle East into the German orbit. As Hitler said in December 1942, "I consider only the Muslims to be reliable...I see no danger in the establishment of purely Muslim units." As propaganda tools the Nazis attempt to revive and encourage Pan-Turanian tendency in Turkey and within Soviet Muslims population. 







The Nazi's Muslim Project

When the German army marches into Caucasus, they bring with them theirs Muslim supporters to fire rebellions within Soviet Muslim peoples. That move made a great-worried within Soviet leadership. As Konstantin Oumansky, Soviet ambassador in Washington, said on one of the blackest days of the Black Summer of 1942:

"I must said that I am a little worried about the Caucasus...The Tartars in the Crimea are, to a large extent, disloyal... they never liked us. It is well known that during the Crimean War they gladly 'collaborated', as we'd now say, with the English and the French. And, above all, there are religious factors, which the Germans have not failed to exploit. Nor do I trust the mountain peoples of the Caucasus. Like the Crimean

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Tartars, they are Muslims, and they still remember the Russian conquest of the Caucasus which ended not so very long ago - 1863."

The Soviet authorities were, indeed, rather worried about the Caucasus Muslim nationalists there. The uneasiness extended, to some extent, also to certain Muslim nations of Central Asia, particularly the Uzbeks, among whom Muslim traditions were still strong.

The German did make contact with some of the Muslim nationalities in the Northern Caucasus. Toward the predominantly Muslim mountaineers of the Northern Caucasus - the Chechens, Ingushi, Karachai, and Balkarians - the German army adopted a 'liberal' policy. Promises were made for the abolition of the kolkhozes; mosques were to be reopened; requisitioned goods were to be paid for; and the confidence of the people was to be won by 'model conduct', especially in respect of women. Beside the local national committees got permission to be formed to help Germany Army in organize administration and law and order.

In Karachai region a 'Karachai National Committee' was set up under an anti-Soviet named Kaki Baieramukov. The high point of German-Karachai collaboration was the celebration of Bairam, the Muslim holiday, in Kislovodsk in October 1942. During the celebration, German high officials were presented with precious gifts by the local

 Muslim people in North

Caucasus greet their's Nazi 'liberators'

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committee. Then the German announced the formation of a Karachai volunteer squadron of horsemen to fight with the German Army.

The same policy also applied in Kabardino-Balkhar area, although the Muslim Balkars were more outspokenly than the mostly non-Muslim Kabardinians. A national committee was formed under a local leader named Selim Shadov and has responsible to arrange the fields of religion, culture, and economy. The collaboration reached a highest-point during the Kurman ceremonies that held at Nalchik, the seat of the local administration of the Kabardino-Balkar area, on December 18. Again gifts were exchanged, with the local officials giving the Germans magnificent steeds and receiving in return Korans and captured weapons. An official from Reich Eastern Ministry named Braeutigam made a public address about lasting bonds of German friendship with the peoples of the Caucasus.

These pro-Muslim policies in Crimea and Caucasus gave Germany a trump card of major importance in her relations with Turkey. The Reich Foreign Ministry invited some Turks to aid in the administration as expert advisers. Germany showed a disposition to negotiate with Turkey about the future status of the areas in question. By conceding to Turkey the right to organize the liberated Turko-Tartar areas of the Soviet Union into a federation, German ambassador in Ankara, von Papen, and an influential group in the German Foreign Office hoped to secure Turkish collaboration during the war.

Actually, these inducements profoundly impressed Turkish Pan-Turanians and attracted the attention of some military leaders, including Marshal Cakmak. Unfortunately, the

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disaster in Stalingrad destroyed the German plan. The Turks changed theirs mind and continued embracing their neutral position while the German army retreat as quickly as possible from Caucasus to prevent another Stalingrad. Many Muslims collaborators followed them. The grandiose scheme for the conquest of the Middle East with the help of Soviet Muslims was off.

Nazi Muslim Legions at War

Although Hitler's ambitious plan for Soviet Muslims political role failed after the Stalingrad debacle, he still had tens of thousands of them to assist him militarily. The most numerous of the Soviet Muslims that served the Germans were the Turkestanis. First Turkestanis volunteers were integrated as one battalion of the 444.Sicherungs Division in November 1941 and became auxiliary to help the Germans to fight the partisan.

According Hitler's secret order on December 1941, a formation named Turkestanisch Legion was formed to command the Turkestanis volunteers. But it must be explained that name of a 'legion' in German's Eastern Legions was not synonym with a tactical formation. In fact, it only a training center where national units. mostly battalions, were organized and trained. During the war, 70,000 Turkestanis volunteers served within the German forces: 40,000 soldiers and 30.000 military workers. In 1943, the Turkestanis had 15 battalions and one year later grew-up to 26 battalions. Those battalions mainly were integrated as independent battalions within German divisions.

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But there was also a full division of the Turkestanis volunteers: the 162.Turkestanisch Infanterie Division. Composed of Germans, Turkomans, and Azeris, the division commanded by General Oskar von Niedermayer, a self-

stylish German's Lawrence of Arabia and a former military attaché in Persia. The division trained at Kruszyna in Poland and was transferred to Yugoslavia to fought Tito's partisan. Then they were moved to Italy in 1943, where at a moment fought an American-Japanese regiment. According its commander, it was as good as a normal German division.

Crimean Tartar was not only gladly collaborating with the Germans, but was also supplying the Wehrmacht with 20,000 soldiers. These descendants of Mongols especially infamous during anti-partisan operations. In July-August 1943, Yalta mayor V.I. Maltzev formed a Tartars punitive battalion in Yevpatoria. Known as 'Khimi', the battalion fought the partisan in Yaila Mountains, where they burned several partisan bases and killed many civilians.

Impressed with theirs action, the Germans later transferred the battalion to northwestern France to fought the French maquis. Once again, their atrocious behaviors become well known so that feed fears to French civilians. An example of theirs cruelty occurred in Dortan in Ain on July 21, 1944 where the Tartars soldiers punished the village because its hospitality to the Maquis. According the reports of eyewitnesses, they raped women that fall into theirs hand collectively, burned the village, and

 Soviet Muslim soldiers in German service pray in

front of a grave.

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laugh wild while playing in the front of the flames with children bicycles.

The Germans tried hard to court these Muslim volunteers. One of Nazi officials gave a report about the perfect condition of Turkestanisch Legion camp. The commander of the legion himself has learned the Turkestan language, and the Turkestanis have accepted German military terms and have an anti-Bolshevist attitude. The legions of the Muslim Caucasians and Tartars have modeled on similar lines.

To raise morale of the Soviet Muslim volunteers, the Germans also issued some publications for them, like Gazavat (Holy War), Svoboda. Ezenedel'naja gazeta legionerov (Freedom. Weekly Newspaper for the Legionnaires),  Milli Turkistan (The National Turkestan), Yeni Turkistan (The New Turkestan), Milli Adabijat (National Literature), Idel-Ural (Volga-Ural), Tatar Adabijat (Tartar Literature), and Azerbaican (Azerbaijan). These newspapers and magazine were edited by local journalists and only loosely controlled by the Germans from the Eastern Ministry and Wehrmacht's propaganda division.

The Soviet Muslims performance in the front lines itself different in one front to others. On Western Front, many of them disappointed theirs German master: like many of theirs Eastern colleague, Soviet Muslim volunteers didn't show any eagerness to fight the Western Allied. In contrast, in Eastern Front they show the tenacious fighting qualities. As an example, three Turkic battalions had fought to the last man at Stalingrad. The other saw how a Turkic battalion that had broken out of a pocket near Kharkov, reentered it again just to recover the body of their beloved German commander.

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But, whatever their performance, the existence the Soviet Muslims in the rank of the German army got attention of the second most powerful man in the Third Reich, Heinrich Himmler. The Reichsführer SS decided to recruited them into his private army, the Waffen-SS.

Soviet Muslims in the Himmler's Black Legion

Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler was known as Islam most willing promoter and collaborator among the Nazi leadership. Himmler's hatred the 'soft' Christianity was equal for his liking for Islam, which he saw as a masculine, martial religion based on the SS qualities of blind obedience and readiness for self-sacrifice, untainted by compassion for one's enemies. His admiration for Islam made him ready to throw-out his racial 'Aryan pure' fantasies to receive more Muslim volunteers for his sinister legion.

When the mass of Soviet Muslims collaborators followed the retreating German armies to avoid the reprisals that awaited them from the Russians, Himmler would probably not have objected to procuring them for the Waffen SS. He had decided that it was only the Slav and the Jews in the Russian stock who were sub-humans. There was a superior element in the Russian nation which come from Asia and which had produced Attila, Jenghiz Khan, Tamerlane, Lenin, and Stalin. The Soviet Muslims themselves were suited with these criteria. Many of them came from Caucasus (just like Stalin origin) or descendants and relatives of the Mongols (like Tartar and Turkestan peoples).


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In November 1943, a certain Heer major name Andreas Meyer-Mader meet Himmler to offering his service to help raise and command a Turkic SS unit. Himmler approved the major plan and then transfers him into the ranks of the Waffen SS and promoted him to the rank of SS-Obersturmbannführer. On 14 December, another meeting was held in Berlin in present of the Grand Mufti of the Jerusalem, Hajj Amin el-Husseini. The Grand Mufti approved the plan to raise a Turkic-Muslim SS division and give his "spiritual leadership" to influence the Muslim volunteers.

Osttürkischen Waffen-Verbände der SS was formed on January 1944 as 1.Ostmuslemanische SS-Regiment. (Actually, the Reichsführer SS plans to expand it into a division, Muselmanischen SS-Division Neu-Turkestan, but the plan never realized.) This new formation formed form the Turkic units in the Heer that was disbanded, i.e., 450th, 480th, and I/94 Turkic battalions, plus some new recruits from German POW camps. The recruits not only Turkestanis, but also Azeris, Kirghiz, Uzbek, and Tadjiks volunteers. The unit was formed in Trawniki, Poland, before they were transferred to Belorussia for further training. SS-Obersturmbannführer Andreas Meyer-Mader was appointed as its first commander.

Unfortunately, this unit suffered from poor discipline and poor morale, especially after theirs beloved commander, Meyer-Mader, killed

 Azerbaidjan SS platoon in

Warsaw during the Uprising.

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during a skirmish with partisans in Yuratishki, near Minsk, on March 28, 1944. The situation became worse when the replacement commander, SS-Hauptsturmführer Billig executes 78 unit members for insubordination. This incident made Himmler angry and Billig relieved.

On July 1944, the unit transferred back to Poland. When the SS tried to quell the Warsaw Uprising, the unit attached to the notoriously SS Dirlewanger Brigade, where they were participated in brutal actions that killed 200,000 Polish civilians.

Himmler decision to appointed SS-Standartenführer Harun-el-Raschid-Bey, an Austrian officer who converts to Islam, didn't made many good progression within the formation. In contrary, during his leadership the morals of the Turkestanis drop until a low ebb. Even a mutiny broke-up when on Christmas Eve 1944,  450 members of the 1st Battalion,  led by  Waffen-Obersturmführer Gulam Alimov and Waffen-Untersturmführer Asatpalvan, killed some NCOs and went over to the partisans. Himmler's reaction was fired Harun-el-Raschid-Bey and reorganized the formation, where the Azerbaijan contingents in the formation transferred to the Kaukasicher Waffen-Verbande der-SS.

Meanwhile, another Soviet Muslim SS formation came into being during the summer of 1944, when all of the Crimean Tartar Schuma battalion were gathered together and formed into a new unit, Waffen-Gebirgs-Brigade der-SS (Tatarische Nr.1). But because the shorts of weapons and equipment, the unit was disbanded on December 1944, and the men were ordered to join with Osttürkischen

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Waffen-Verbände der SS.


In the final days of the war Osttürkischen Waffen-Verbände der SS operated in Slovenian-Italian borders. There were possibility that the unit participated in some anti-partisan operations in Slovenia, serving under HSSPF Adriatic Coast. During April-May 1945, the unit stationed

in Lombardy, Italia. They stayed in there until the end of the war.





The Bitter End

The disaster that fell into the Third Reich began to take a turn for the worse and made a worse impact among the Soviet Muslims that served within the Germans armies. When Himmler finally tried to assembled a united front against the Bolshevik among the Soviets dissidents under General Vlasov, many of non-Russians voiced against it.

One of the oppositions came from Turkestani National Committee which longing independence of Turkestan. The committee

 Grand Mufti of Jerusalem

with Soviet Muslim volunteers in German army

in Berlin.

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that headed by Veli Kayum Khan, head of the Turkestani "government in exile", had been in charge of the political and national leadership of Turkestani volunteers. It had successfully raised the morale of the Turkestani volunteers by supporting independence for Turkestan and, with the aid of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the SS-FHA, setting up schools at Dresden and Göttingen to train religious imams for the Muslim military units in the Waffen SS and the Wehrmacht. His stand were supported by some Muslim leaders form Caucasus, like Khedia, Mischa, Kantimer, Alibegow, and Tschamalja.

But the situation in front lines decided their fate, not the Germans. The Allied high tides sweeps and swallow the Third Reich. Hitler killed himself on April 30, 1945. One week later, Germany surrenders. Like many of theirs Eastern comrade-in-arms that supported the Nazis, Soviet Muslim volunteers who surrender to Western Allied were shipped back to Soviet Union, where many of them were executed or dumped into the Gulags as traitors.

Even Stalin ordered deportations to the east some of Soviet Muslim nationalities whose representatives had fraternized with the Germans - like Chechens, Balkars, Ingushi, Karachais, and Crimean Tartars. The first four of these nationalities - or what was left of them - were allowed to return to their homes after Stalin's death, while the Crimea Tartars - the most notoriously collaborator - could return  only after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Reproduced gratefully from:


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Yalta and The Bleiburg TragedyChapter from the book

Od Bleiburga do Naših Dana



Nikolai Tolstoy

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A Footnote to Yalta: The Allied Turnover of

Anti-Soviet Russians to Stalin Jeremy Murray-Brown

In the National Archives in Washington there exists a short clip of film which would appear to be the only one of its kind ever made.

It is the unedited footage taken by an American army camera unit at a prisoner of war camp in southern Germany in February 1946. A card, headed "Return of Russian Prisoners to Russia," identifies

the subject matter of the film and the location where it was taken... What it recorded was a small part of a vast operation that was one of the most sensitive of the Second World War, the handing over

to Stalin of large numbers of Russians who in varying circumstances found themselves under German control by the war's end.


AL-FAQR by Rene Guenon

Reflections on Islam and Modern LifeSeyyed Hossein Nasr