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Network-Assisted Mobile Computing with Optimal Uplink Query Processing

Many mobile applications retrieve content from remote servers via user generated queries. Processing these queries is often needed before the desired content can be identified. Processing the request on the mobile devices can quickly sap the limited battery resources. Conversely, processing user queries at remote servers can have slow response times due communication latency incurred during transmission of the potentially large query. We evaluate a network-assisted mobile computing scenario where mid-network nodes with “leasing” capabilities are deployed by a service provider. Leasing computation power can reduce battery usage on the mobile devices and improve response times. However, borrowing processing power from mid-network nodes comes at a leasing cost which must be accounted for when making the decision of where processing should occur. We study the tradeoff between battery usage, processing and transmission latency, and mid-network leasing. We use the dynamic programming framework to solve for the optimal processing policies that suggest the amount of processing to be done at each mid-network node in order to minimize the processing and communication latency and processing costs. Through numerical studies, we examine the properties of the optimal processing policy and the core tradeoffs in such systems

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Semisupervised Biased Maximum Margin Analysis for Interactive Image Retrieval

With many potential practical applications, content-based image retrieval (CBIR) has attracted substantial attention during the past few years. A variety of relevance feedback (RF) schemes have been developed as a powerful tool to bridge the semantic gap between low-level visual features and high-level semantic concepts, and thus to improve the performance of CBIR systems. Among various RF approaches, support-vector-machine (SVM)-based RF is one of the most popular techniques in CBIR. Despite the success, directly using SVM as an RF scheme has two main drawbacks. First, it treats the positive and negative feedbacks equally, which is not appropriate since the two groups of training feedbacks have distinct properties. Second, most of the SVM-based RF techniques do not take into account the unlabeled samples, although they are very helpful in constructing a good classifier. To explore solutions to overcome these two drawbacks, in this paper, we propose a biased maximum margin analysis (BMMA) and a semisupervised BMMA (SemiBMMA) for integrating the distinct properties of feedbacks and utilizing the information of unlabeled samples for SVM-based RF schemes. The BMMA differentiates positive feedbacks from negative ones based on local analysis, whereas the SemiBMMA can effectively integrate information of unlabeled samples by introducing a Laplacian regularizer to the BMMA. We formally formulate this problem into a general subspace learning task and then propose an automatic approach of determining the dimensionality of the embedded subspace for RF. Extensive experiments on a large real-

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world image database demonstrate that the proposed scheme combined with the SVM RF can significantly improve the performance of CBIR systems.Optimizing Cloud Resources for Delivering IPTV Services Through Virtualization

Virtualized cloud-based services can take advantage of statistical multiplexing across applications to yield significant cost savings. However, achieving similar savings with real-time services can be a challenge. In this paper, we seek to lower a provider's costs for real-time IPTV services through a virtualized IPTV architecture and through intelligent time-shifting of selected services. Using Live TV and Video-on-Demand (VoD) as examples, we show that we can take advantage of the different deadlines associated with each service to effectively multiplex these services. We provide a generalized framework for computing the amount of resources needed to support multiple services, without missing the deadline for any service. We construct the problem as an optimization formulation that uses a generic cost function. We consider multiple forms for the cost function (e.g., maximum, convex and concave functions) reflecting the cost of providing the service. The solution to this formulation gives the number of servers needed at different time instants to support these services. We implement a simple mechanism for time-shifting scheduled jobs in a simulator and study the reduction in server load using real traces from an operational IPTV network. Our results show that we are able to reduce the load by ~24%(compared to a possible ~31.3% as predicted by the optimization framework)

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NICE: Network Intrusion Detection and Countermeasure Selection in Virtual Network Systems

Cloud security is one of most important issues that has attracted a lot of research and development effort in past few years. Particularly, attackers can explore vulnerabilities of a cloud system and compromise virtual machines to deploy further large-scale Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS). DDoS attacks usually involve early stage actions such as multistep exploitation, low-frequency vulnerability scanning, and compromising identified vulnerable virtual machines as zombies, and finally DDoS attacks through the compromised zombies. Within the cloud system, especially the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds, the detection of zombie exploration attacks is extremely difficult. This is because cloud users may install vulnerable applications on their virtual machines. To prevent vulnerable virtual machines from being compromised in the cloud, we propose a multiphase distributed vulnerability detection, measurement, and countermeasure selection mechanism called NICE, which is built on attack graph-based analytical models and reconfigurable virtual network-based countermeasures. The proposed framework leverages OpenFlow network programming APIs to build a monitor and control plane over distributed programmable virtual switches to significantly improve attack detection and mitigate attack consequences. The system and security evaluations demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed solution

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Mona: Secure Multi-Owner Data Sharing for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud

With the character of low maintenance, cloud computing provides an economical and efficient solution for sharing group resource among cloud users. Unfortunately, sharing data in a multi-owner manner while preserving data and identity privacy from an untrusted cloud is still a challenging issue, due to the frequent change of the membership. In this paper, we propose a secure multi-owner data sharing scheme, named Mona, for dynamic groups in the cloud. By leveraging group signature and dynamic broadcast encryption techniques, any cloud user can anonymously share data with others. Meanwhile, the storage overhead and encryption computation cost of our scheme are independent with the number of revoked users. In addition, we analyze the security of our scheme with rigorous proofs, and demonstrate the efficiency of our scheme in experiments.

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Dynamic Resource Allocation Using Virtual Machines for Cloud Computing Environment

Cloud computing allows business customers to scale up and down their resource usage based on needs. Many of the touted gains in the cloud model come from resource multiplexing through virtualization technology. In this paper, we present a system that uses virtualization technology to allocate data center resources dynamically based on application demands and support green computing by optimizing the number of servers in use. We introduce the concept of "skewness” to measure the unevenness in the multidimensional resource utilization of a server. By minimizing skewness, we can combine different types of workloads nicely and improve the overall utilization of server resources. We develop a set of heuristics that prevent overload in the system effectively while saving energy used. Trace driven simulation and experiment results demonstrate that our algorithm achieves good performance.

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Cooperative Provable Data Possession for Integrity Verification in Multicloud Storage

Provable data possession (PDP) is a technique for ensuring the integrity of data in storage outsourcing. In this paper, we address the construction of an efficient PDP scheme for distributed cloud storage to support the scalability of service and data migration, in which we consider the existence of multiple cloud service providers to cooperatively store and maintain the clients' data. We present a cooperative PDP (CPDP) scheme based on homomorphic verifiable response and hash index hierarchy. We prove the security of our scheme based on multiprover zero-knowledge proof system, which can satisfy completeness, knowledge soundness, and zero-knowledge properties. In addition, we articulate performance optimization mechanisms for our scheme, and in particular present an efficient method for selecting optimal parameter values to minimize the computation costs of clients and storage service providers. Our experiments show that our solution introduces lower computation and communication overheads in comparison with noncooperative approaches.

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Flexible Rollback Recovery in Dynamic Heterogeneous Grid Computing

Large applications executing on Grid or cluster architectures consisting of hundreds or thousands of computational nodes create problems with respect to reliability. The source of the problems are node failures and the need for dynamic configuration over extensive run-time. This paper presents two fault-tolerance mechanisms called theft induced checkpointing and systematic event logging. These are transparent protocols capable of overcoming problems associated with both, benign faults, i.e., crash faults, and node or subnet volatility. Specifically, the protocols base the state of the execution on a dataflow graph, allowing for efficient recovery in dynamic heterogeneous systems as well as multi-threaded applications. By allowing recovery even under different numbers of processors, the approaches are especially suitable for applications with need for adaptive or reactionary configuration control. The low-cost protocols offer the capability of controlling or bounding the overhead. A formal cost model is presented, followed by an experimental evaluation. It is shown that the overhead of the protocol is very small and the maximum work lost by a crashed process is small and bounded.

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Metadata Traces and Workload Models for Evaluating Big Storage Systems

Efficient namespace metadata management is increasingly important as next-generation file systems are designed for peta and exascales. New schemes have been proposed, however, their evaluation has been insufficient due to a lack of appropriate namespace metadata traces. Specifically, no Big Data storage system metadata trace is publicly available and existing ones are a poor replacement. We studied publicly available traces and one Big Data trace from Yahoo! and note some of the differences and their implications to metadata management studies. We discuss the insufficiency of existing evaluation approaches and present a first step towards a statistical metadata workload model that can capture the relevant characteristics of a workload and is suitable for synthetic workload generation. We describe Mimesis, a synthetic workload generator, and evaluate its usefulness through a case study in a least recently used metadata cache for the Hadoop Distributed File System. Simulation results show that the traces generated by Mimesis mimic

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the original workload and can be used in place of the real trace providing accurate results.

Bandwidth Estimation for IEEE 802.11-Based Ad Hoc Networks

Since 2005, IEEE 802.11-based networks have been able to provide a certain level of quality of service (QoS) by the means of service differentiation, due to the IEEE 802.11e amendment. However, no mechanism or method has been standardized to accurately evaluate the amount of resources remaining on a given channel. Such an evaluation would, however, be a good asset for bandwidth-constrained applications. In multihop ad hoc networks, such evaluation becomes even more difficult. Consequently, despite the various contributions around this research topic, the estimation of the available bandwidth still represents one of the main issues in this field. In this paper, we propose an improved mechanism to estimate the available bandwidth in IEEE 802.11-based ad hoc networks. Through simulations, we compare the accuracy of the estimation we propose to

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the estimation performed by other state-of-the-art CoS protocols, BRulT, AAC, and CoS-AODV.