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A World of ColorA World of Color

Claire Wendy Coco Meg

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No matter where you go, colors are everywhere! And while the colors may be the same, their meanings change depending on the country.


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• Green– In Ecuador, it means “hope”.– In U.S., it’s a symbol of money and conc

ern for the environment.• 綠色

– 在厄瓜多爾,它代表「希望」。 – 在美國,它是金錢與關心生態環境的表徵。

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• Purple– It’s worn by kings and queens in Europe.– It’s worn by women whose husbands h

ave died in Thailand.• 紫色

– 歐洲國王及王后的服飾顏色。– 泰國寡婦的服飾顏色。

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• Black– The traditional color of mourning in the

West.– A symbol of beauty and speed on the Pac

ific islands of Melanesia.• 黑色

– 西方國家代表哀悼的一貫顏色。 – 在太平洋的美拉尼西亞群島,是美與速度的


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• White– It’s considered a pure color and is worn

at weddings in America.– It’s worn to funerals as a sign of winter,

when everything is dead in parts of Asia.• 白色

– 在美國,它被視為純潔的顏色,是婚禮禮服的顏色。

– 在亞洲某些地方,它代表萬物凋零的冬季,而成為喪禮服飾的顏色。

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• Red– It means “beautiful” in Russia.– The color of mourning in South Africa.– A bride would be criticize for wearing a red gow

n .– A symbol of good fortune in India of China.

• 紅色– 它在俄羅斯意味「美麗」。 – 在南非是服喪的顏色。 – 在美國,新娘穿紅色禮服會遭到批評。 – 在印度或中國,是好運的象徵。

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No matter the meaning, color adds interest

to our lives and makes them brighter


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depend • 視…而定

The price depends on the quality.

• 依靠 , 依賴 You are the only person I can depend on.

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pure • 純潔的

The new born baby looks so pure.

• 純淨的The air by the sea is pure and healthy.

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bride• 新娘

Claire wants to be Scott’s bride.

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fortune • 命運

She told my fortune by reading my palm.

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In which country green means a symbol of money and concern for the environment ?

A. Wendy’s country B. America (U.S.) C. Taiwan D. Japan Answer: B

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In which country purple is worn by kings and queens ?

A. Europe B. China C. Thailand D. Meg’s country Answer: A

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In which country “black” is a symbol of beauty and speed ?

A. Taiwan B. Japan C. Coco ’s country D. Pacific islands of Melanesia Answer: D

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In which country white is considered a pure color and is worn at weddings?

A. Claire’s country B. America C. Taiwan D. Thailand Answer: B

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In which country red means beautiful?

A. Japan B. China C. Russia D. Taiwan Answer: C

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In which country green means hope ? A. Ecuador B. Japan C. America D. China Answer: A

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In which country purple is worn by women whose husbands have died ?

A. Taiwan B. Russia C. Thailand D. Ecuador Answer: C

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In part of world black is the traditional color of mourning ?

A. the east B. the south C. the north D. the west Answer: D

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In which country white is worn to funerals as a sign of winter, when everything is dead ?

A. parts of Asia B. England C. Japan D. Thailand Answer:


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In which country a bride would be criticized for wearing a red gown?

A. the United States B. China C. Japan D. the North Pole Answer: A

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More InformationMore Information

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Idioms of Colors

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• have a good / high color : 臉色好• change color : 臉色發白; 臉紅• gain color : 臉色變好• lose color : 臉色發白• some color of truth : 幾分真實性• tell the story without color :


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• local color : 地方色彩• lower one's colors : 屈服; 投降• off color : 臉色不佳的• its true colors :

看清 ( 事物的 ) 真相• show one's true colors : 露出真面目• stick to one‘s colors :

堅持自己的立場 ( 主張 )

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More Colors

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• red• orange• yellow• green• blue• purple• pink• white

• black• gray• silver• gold• 褐紫紅色 maroon • 萊姆綠 lime green• 棕褐色的 tan• 深藍色 navy blue

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A Cute Song

Colors - John "Kinderman" Taylor

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