Download - A Simple Understanding of Universal Force · Disclaimer: Warning! The ideas behind Kindergarten Physics may alter the way you view our universe, forever. Please proceed with caution!

Page 1: A Simple Understanding of Universal Force · Disclaimer: Warning! The ideas behind Kindergarten Physics may alter the way you view our universe, forever. Please proceed with caution!

A Simple Understanding of

Universal Force

As Seen Through

Kindergarten Physics

Image by Frits Ahlefeldt:

Version 2.26

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Copyright © 2008, 2016, 2017 by Charles Grady Wright

All rights reserved. Although Kindergarten Physics – The Reciprocal Theory ; Kindergarten

Physics (An Essay About Nothing); and The Autobiography of Skeeter are copyrighted; this

publication A Simple Understanding of Universal Force may be copied in part or in its entirety

and freely distributed for educational purposes; provided this copyright page is included.

Charles G. Wright


The ideas and opinions contained in this eBook are those of the author and definitely do not

reflect those of the American Institute of Physics and its Member Societies.

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I would like to give a very special thanks to my wife, Connie, for all of the “Blank

Stares” I have received over the years in response to my questions concerning

Universal Force and Kindergarten Physics. Each and every one of the “Blank

Stares” has been lovingly embodied between the lines of A Simple Understanding

of Universal Force.

Love Always, Skeeter

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Warning! The ideas behind Kindergarten Physics may alter the way you view our

universe, forever.

Please proceed with caution!

Kindergarten Physics will step on the non-responsive toes of academic scientists,

especially, Quantum Particle Physicists and Quantum Astrophysicists. They are

the ones who lead the search for scientific proof and the truth concerning universal

force. However, Kindergarten Physics has not been written to influence their

mindset. Their way of thinking is too deeply rooted into Isaac Newton’s core

assumption. Their dynasty of science will endure for many years to come as they

continue their search for the “graviton” and the “dark” universal forces.

Kindergarten Physics is written for the next generation. That is, a generation of

new progeny of “open minded” thinkers whose new ideas and inventions will

exceed our imaginations. The problem is that the next generation has not arrived.

Therefore, you – the person who is reading this – must pass the Secret of the

Universe down to them. Please do not let our children grow up to learn and

believe that our universe is so extremely complicated to understand that it will take

another Newton or Einstein to comprehend what we are being told and led to

believe concerning Universal Force.

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What is Gravity?

The Unknown

Chasing the Quantum Rainbow


The Current View of Universal Force

Kindergarten Physics (The Reciprocal Theory)

The Introduction of π (and Physical Infinity)

Atomic Formation

Periodic Tables

Black Holes

The Michelson-Morley Experiments

Putting It All Together

Kindergarten Physics in a Nutshell

Re-Telling the Secret of the Universe


Final Words

Occam’s Razor


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Explaining the Unknown (or Finding the TRUTH through Science)

The Scientific Method = assumption with proof

The first step of the Scientific Method is “Ask a Question.” For

example: Is the Universal Force of Gravity an internal property of

matter? The next step requires proving your assumption, i.e., that

gravity is an attractive force which exists within the substance of

matter. Classical & Modern Physics has been wrestling with this

question since Isaac Newton observed an apple fall from the apple tree.

ALL of the proven facts acquired through the Scientific Method

are no better than their original assumptions. If the original

assumption is incorrect, then the interpretation of information and data

based upon this assumption will be flawed. Today’s explanations of

universal force are a result of the “GIGO principle” (Garbage In, Garbage

Out) carried out (for hundreds of years) to the extreme. Quantum Physics

stretches one’s rational comprehension into the absurd and the

ridiculous. Dark energy, dark matter, photons, gluons, gravitons and

the “bending of the fabric of space-time” are the garbage scientists are

dishing out to us based upon Isaac Newton’s original assumption

concerning the internal “attractive” force of matter.

Now that the stage is set, let’s begin our journey into an understanding of

Universal Force – the Unknown.

You have always viewed our universe from a single viewpoint, i.e. “Matter attracts

Matter.” How would you like to take a look at the other side? You are about to

enter the Universe of Kindergarten Physics. I hope you enjoy the journey.

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Image by Frits Ahlefeldt:

“I do not know what gravity is. But it seems to be the case that every body in the

universe attracts every other body with a force called gravity, which is

proportional to the masses of the bodies, and diminishes by the square of the

distance between them. No doubt God causes all this.” - Isaac Newton

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What is this Mysterious Force inside Matter that Makes it ATTRACT

Other Matter ???

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No One KNOWS !

Is this Force the action of GRAVITONS ?

Maybe, But they haven’t been Discovered

Could this Force be caused by Warping the Fabric of Space-time ?

Maybe, But no one can tell you what the Fabric of Space-time really IS

Do You Really want to Know how the Force of Gravity Works ?

Discover an Alternate Viewpoint through Kindergarten Physics.

[Kindergarten Physics does not challenge the validly of current physics. Modern Physics is

PROVEN correct based upon the “attractive assumption.” You are simply being provided

another way to view and understand Universal Force.]

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The Unknown

My search for the unknown began at an early age, around 7, when I would look up

into the stars at night and wonder “where did the universe end?” and if it did end,

then “what continued on past that end?” I did not realize it at the time, but I was

attempting to grasp the meaning of infinity.

I have always wanted to know about the heavens. Not only was I curious about the

universe, but I also wanted to know about life. The interest in “living things” led

me to pursue a degree in biology. A BS degree with a major in biology satisfied

my curiosity about “life.” However, something about the way our physical

universe is understood still seemed amiss. My curiosity switched from biology

back to understanding the universe. Something is wrong about how we presently

understand universal operation. While in college, I began to develop a theory

about how the universe functions. This theory, I named The Reciprocal Theory

because it was based upon SPACE. I realized that our universe consists of two

substances, matter and space. Since matter exists as spherical objects, then, space

surrounds and fills the remaining portion of the universe. Space is the reciprocal of

matter. After graduation from college, The Reciprocal Theory was put on the

“back burner” while I became involved with “my life” – making a living and

raising my family.

About seven years ago, my curiosity of the unknown re-emerged. What is

magnetic force? What is this “invisible force” of the universe which keeps you

from being able to push two strong magnets together? And of course, what is

gravity? What is this “invisible force” of the universe that causes objects to fall to

earth and holds celestial bodies in orbit? These two invisible forces (magnetism

and gravity) must be the same natural force, just operating by different methods.

What is this invisible force of the universe? What is infinity? What is the answer

to the questions that have puzzled mankind since the beginning of time?

What is this infinite unknown physical force of the universe?

My ongoing purpose/quest in life has been to satisfy this intense curiosity.

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As previously stated, my theory of universal force was initially named The

Reciprocal Theory in its earlier years (1970’s), but in my second attempt (2010’s)

to find the secret of the universe, it simplified scientific thinking to the point that I

renamed my theory Kindergarten Physics.

After many years of studying universal force, I traced the reason why modern

science is so far from discovering the “real truth” concerning the force of nature

back to its very beginning. The beginning being: Sir Isaac Newton.

Isaac Newton was a genius. He proved the physical laws of motion and forces of

matter. However, there was one force he could not explain, this being the force of

gravity. What was this strange mysterious unknown force which holds

astronomical bodies in orbit and “pulls” and holds objects to the surface of the

earth? What is gravity? Even today, no one knows!

To answer this question, Newton developed this theory of gravity after observing

an apple fall from a tree. From this observation, he assumed that an “attractive”

force existed within the apple and within the earth. In other words, the force of

gravity exists within matter. Matter possesses a mysterious inner “attractive”

force. The following quote is Sir Isaac Newton’s explanation of the gravitational


“I do not know what gravity is. But it seems to be the case that every

body in the universe attracts every other body with a force called

gravity, which is proportional to the masses of the bodies, and

diminishes by the square of the distance between them. No doubt God

causes all this.” - Isaac Newton 1

This assumption is the basis for Modern Science. All scientific research and all

proven scientific facts concerning universal force for the last 330+ years are

based upon this assumption: Matter possesses an inner unknown “attractive”

force. [BASED UPON THIS ASSUMPTION: The Large Hadron Collider smashes matter on a daily basis

looking for those special mysterious particles.]

1 Hughes, Glyn. “Sir Isaac Newton Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.” Squashed Philosophers. (accessed April 15, 2012).

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The following mindset of the last 330 years of research concerning universal force

results from the Newtonian Assumption that matter possesses an “attractive”


After the conclusion of the Michelson-Morley experiments which were conducted

in 1887 disproving the possibility that aether existed in space which could serve as

a medium for the propagation of energy waves of force and further proving that

space was simply an empty void; Albert Einstein (by employing Occam’s Razor) was

able to mathematically prove the existence of a “mass-less” particle. This “mass-

less” particle which was originally called “light quanta” and today known as a

“photon” would fulfill the task of “filling the void of space with nothing” and

carrying the universal force of radiant (light and heat) energy.

Although Albert Einstein successfully established his “light quanta” into Quantum

(Modern) Physics, he was never satisfied with the quantum concept. [The following

is a quote by Albert Einstein expressing his view on the Quantum Theory.]

“All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer

to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every

Tom, Dick and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken.” (Albert

Einstein, 1954)2

Today, Quantum Scientists have built the Large Hadron Collider to continue their

search for the “attractive” force believed to be found within matter. The Large

Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest, most powerful and most complex single

machine ever built. The LHC is a particle collider. It was constructed by CERN

from 1998 to 2008 and is located beneath the France-Switzerland border near

Geneva, Switzerland. The cost of construction and operation in order to discover

the Higgs boson particle ran about $13.25 billion.

2 Haselhurst, Geoffrey. “Quantum Theory: Albert Einstein.” On Truth & Reality. (accessed September 15, 2014).

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Chasing the Attractive (Quantum) Rainbow

“it seems to be the case that every body in the universe attracts every other body”- Isaac Newton

Quantum scientists are chasing rainbows as they pursue their understanding of

universal force. The Standard Model of Elementary Particles is the current

theory used to help explain how universal force operates. The Standard Model is

founded upon Newton’s assumption of “attraction” by also assuming that

subatomic particles possess an “attractive” force. The Standard Model has divided

universal force into four universal interactions which are: (1) the electromagnetic

interaction, (2) the strong interaction, (3) the weak interaction and (4) the

gravitational interaction.

According to the Standard Model, this is how universal force operates:

“Mass-less” particles (? Whatever a mass-less particle is ?) are force carriers:

The “photon” carries the attractive force of the electromagnetic


The “gluon” carries the attractive force of the strong interaction which

holds the atomic nucleus together.

The (to be discovered, but will be) “graviton” carries the extremely weak

attractive force of gravity, or by warping the fabric of space-time.

Subatomic particles known as bosons are also force carriers:

The W & Z bosons carry the attractive force for the weak interaction

which is also known as radioactive decay.

The most expensive and most highly sought after Higgs boson

possesses the “attractive” force which operates through the Higgs

mechanism and bestows mass to all other particles in the universe.

The following is how the operation of the Higgs mechanism is explained to a non-

science oriented person:

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The Higgs field is best described to a layperson as “a huge sea of honey which fills

all space and the universe.”

In layman terms: (as proposed in 1993 by David Miller, a physicist at University College


“Imagine looking down from a balcony in a ballroom, watching a

cocktail party below. When just plain folks try to go from one end of

the room to the other, they can walk through easily, with no resistance

from the party crowd. But when a celebrity like Justin Bieber shows

up, other partygoers press around him so tightly that he can hardly

move ... and once he moves, the crowd moves with him in such a way

that the whole group is harder to stop.

The partygoers are like Higgs bosons, the just plain folks are like

massless particles, and Bieber is like a massive Z boson.”3

One major problem with the Standard Model is the fact that the four

universal interactions cannot be unified into one-single universal force. The

gravitational force is especially difficult to incorporate due to it being an

extremely weak force.

A second major problem is that: Even if the four universal interactions could be

united into a single universal force, they would account for only 4.9% of the

known force throughout the universe. The remaining 95.1% of universal force is

believed to exist in the form of “dark” matter and “dark” energy. “Dark” matter

makes up 27% of the remaining universal force and is believed to be carried by

WIMPs, MACHOs, axions, gravitinos or Kaluza-Klein particles. The remaining

68% of universal force is believed to exist as “dark” energy. “Dark” energy is

responsible for causing the universe to expand. Scientists have no idea of what

“dark” matter and “dark” energy are, but the search has begun.

3 Boyle, Alan. “The Higgs boson made simple.” NBC News.

news/higgs-boson-made-simple-f861314 (accessed March 15, 2015).

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Before letting you in on the secret of the universe, I would like to review a second

present day conception of how our universe functions. (For added insurance, just in

case the graviton cannot be discovered.) In an attempt to better understand the force of

gravity, the Theories of Relativity come to the rescue. Not only has Albert Einstein

given us the concept of “mass-less” particles, he has also provided us with the

concept of combining space + time. Everyone now views the universe through the

concept of “spacetime.”

So, what is spacetime? To answer this question, let’s ask Albert Einstein, since he

is the one who coined the term. Here is what Albert has to say:

"Spacetime does not claim existence in its own right, but only as a

structural quality of the [gravitational] field".4 Albert Einstein

There you have it, right out of the “horse’s mouth.”

[Since the substance of space cannot serve as a medium for transporting energy waves:]

Spacetime is how Albert Einstein explains the reason that light cannot escape from

a black hole. His concept of spacetime helps us better understand the gravitational

effect of black holes and how gravity can also operate as an intense force.

Spacetime is the structural framework of the gravitational force field. Large

spheres of matter “bend” the “fabric” of spacetime. The reason light cannot escape

from a black hole is due to the bending of the fabric of spacetime back upon itself.

This bending of spacetime means that the light-energy carrying “mass-less”

photons follow the path created by this distorted fabric of spacetime instead of

traveling in a straight line. Photons are traveling in a circle of warped spacetime

and cannot escape the extreme mass of a black hole. {Sorry Albert, space only curves as it

surrounds (becomes the reciprocal of) a sphere of matter, it cannot curve back upon itself.}

4 “Interesting quote from a book by Einstein.” Physics Forums.

from-a-book-by-einstein.5768/ (accessed July 16, 2015).

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Since a black hole is a “pure” sphere of matter, its size determines the

surrounding strength of gravity. The larger the sphere of matter the more it

“stretches” the surrounding compressive force of space; thus increasing the

surrounding compressive force. This is why a dying neutron star must be at

least minimum size before it will develop into a black hole. (If not, the neutrons

will never be completely compressed into an ever-expanding “pure” sphere of


The Standard Model and the Theories of Relativity provide the current view of how

we understand universal force. Both are founded upon the assumption that matter

possesses an “attractive” property – i.e. the Newtonian “apple tree” assumption.

Classical Physics Time vs. Quantum Spacetime

In the “real” world, TIME is a relative measurement of motion between two or

more objects of matter as they move within three-dimensional space with respect

to velocity and distance. Time is the fourth dimension.

In the Quantum world, SPACETIME is the structural quality of the gravitational

field. Space and time are merged into a conceptual single dimension.

The fallacy with the concept of spacetime is that time and space are ‘fused” into

the same dimension. Therefore, the motion and movement of matter cannot be


Quantum scientists truly live in multiple universes, their minds function in the

delusionary quantum universe of spacetime, while their bodies function in the

Classical Physics timeframe of Isaac Newton.

Luckily for those of us who read the “ … for Dummies” and “ … for Idiots” books,

Mother Nature determines the time frame in which we live.

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The Current View of Universal Force

In other words, 330+ years of proven scientific facts which are based upon the

Newtonian Assumption, are able to partially explain 4.9% of universal force. So

far, the “attractive” assumption of matter which was greatly “crippled” by the

Michelson-Morley experiments has been able to produce minimal positive results

in explaining how our universe operates.

The presently accepted explanations of “attractive” universal force are:

The Strong Interaction and Weak Interaction operate through attractive “color”

charge with the force carriers being the “mass-less” gluon and W & Z bosons.

The Electromagnetic Interaction operates through attractive “electric” charge with

the force carrier being the “mass-less” photon.

The Gravitational Interaction operates by either (1) gravitational waves of energy

being carried by the “mass-less” graviton or (2) spheres of mass “bending” the

“fabric of spacetime.” {In extreme cases “back upon itself!”}

The attractive force which allows matter to acquire mass is carried by the Higgs


The remaining 95% of universal force is broken down into 27% “? dark ?” matter

which is predicted to be carried by either WIMPs, MACHOs, axions, gravitinos or

Kaluza-Klein particles; while the remaining 68% of universal force is believed to

exist as “? dark ?” energy.

Is something wrong with this PICTURE?

Are we finally closing in on the golden understanding of universal force at the

end of the Quantum Rainbow, or is the truth simply slipping farther and farther


Welcome to Kindergarten Physics - a new look at an old universe!

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Kindergarten Physics (The Reciprocal Theory)

The theory of Kindergarten Physics is how I personally view and understand

universal force:

Kindergarten Physics is founded on the alternate assumption of Sir Isaac

Newton. Universal force is NOT an “attractive” property of matter;

Universal Force is the surrounding “compressive” force of SPACE.

While modern science has followed the “Newtonian Assumption” for the

last 330+ years, I have been following the “Wright Assumption” for the last

40+ years. Let’s see if this assumption can led us to a much simpler

understanding of how our universe works.

*** The Reciprocal Theory [The Theory of Kindergarten Physics]:

Our universe is composed of two substances: MATTER and that which

surrounds matter – SPACE.

(1) Space is a compressive force. (2) Space serves as a medium for energy


Compression creates heat (Thermodynamics).

The compressive force of space forms matter into spheres.

The formation of matter into spheres introduces the infinity of π into the

universal equation. V = 4/3 π (where, V = mass of a “pure” sphere of matter)

Universal function is the physical interaction of the compressive force of

space acting through the infinite concept of π as it compresses matter.

Overcoming the dilemma of the (physical) infinity of π is accomplished by

two methods: (1) atomic equilibrium, and (2) by allowing a sphere of

matter to increase in mass into infinity.

A recycling universe operates through thermodynamics.

The loss of heat occurs in the portion of the universe in which we live. (matter in the state of duality)

The (compressive) production of heat occurs inside a black hole. (matter in the

state of singularity)

Our universe appears to recycle itself at the galactic level.

Kindergarten Physics says that an understanding of universal force is as simple as π.

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Matter is surrounded by an ocean of Space. Space = Compressive Force! We

live in a crystal clear (invisible) ocean of compression. If this is true, then why

doesn’t this compressive ocean of force crush us into a tiny sphere of matter?

Simply because we are not composed of “pure” matter; we are “molecular

structures” composed of atoms and molecules. [the compressive surface of an atom =

99.9% space vs. the solid surface of a sphere = 100% matter (atomic nuclei and black holes)]

You will better understand the interaction of space and matter as you continue

reading Kindergarten Physics. You will be introduced to and develop an

interacting understanding of the following concepts:

The physical infinity of π ;compressive force; “pure” spheres of matter; the

event horizon; matter in the state of singularity ; matter in the state of duality;

atomic and molecular formation; molecular structures; thermodynamics; black

holes & Super Massive Black Holes; and how they recycle the universe

Where should we begin? Let’s start with the Higgs boson now that you already

know how it functions to “bestow” mass upon all other particles of matter.

Matter gains mass through the Higgs mechanism according to the “rock star”

(Bieber) “attractive” assumption. As a particle moves through the (“sea of honey”)

universal Higgs field, the attractive force of the Higgs boson slows it down and

gives it mass.

On the contrary, according to the “compressive” assumption, the compressive

ocean of space surrounds, compresses, forms and holds matter into spheres thus

giving it mass in relation to the volume of matter of the sphere. The compressive

force of space surrounds and holds together the nucleus of atoms, stars and black

holes. [An analogy would be to observe small bubbles of air floating in an

aquarium filled with water. The air bubbles represent spheres of matter while the

water represents the surrounding clear compressive ocean of force of space.]

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Also notice that the strong interaction is not necessary to hold the nuclei of atoms

together. This is simply accomplished by the surrounding-compressive force of


In case you are interested in how the “attractive” force of the strong interaction

holds the atomic nucleus together, please read the following: (if you already know,

just skip it)

The strong interaction (strong nuclear force) is responsible for holding the nucleus of

an atom together. It occurs as a result of subatomic particles possessing attractive

“color charge.” The strong interaction also requires the function of a mass-less

particle, the gluon. (Please bear with me for a minute, this is complicated, but scientifically

proven correct.) The strong interaction operates at two levels: First, it forms quarks

into protons and neutrons, and then it holds the protons and neutrons together to

form an atomic nucleus. “Color charge” is the attractive force which combines

quarks together. There are 6 types of quarks called flavors, up, down, strange,

charm, top, and bottom. There are 3 types of “color charge”: red, blue, and green.

The 6 types of quarks combine with the 3 types of color charge to form numerous

subatomic particles. In fact, the entire “zoo of subatomic particles” is a result of

the combination of these 6 types of quarks and 3 types of color charge. {For

example, there can be three types of up quarks; red/up, blue/up and green/up, and

three types of down quarks; red/down, blue/down and green/down, etc.} The

remaining quarks, leptons, bosons and various other subatomic particles are

formed from all of the remaining possible combinations. The nucleus of an atom is

composed of protons (blue/up, red/up, and green/down) and the neutrons (blue/up,

red/down, green/down). Once the protons and neutrons form (out of quarks) they are

held together by “color charge & gluons” to make up the atomic nucleus. This

strong attraction is accomplished by the mass-less gluon. Mass-less gluons are

similar to mass-less photons which operate in the electromagnetic interaction,

except they carry an attractive “color charge” instead of “electric” charge. (For

those of you who enjoy comparing mass-less particles; also note there are 8 types of gluons.)

Gluons are able to glue/bind protons and neutrons together, thus holding the

nucleus of an atom together with an extremely strong force. The strong {gluon}

force is more powerful than the repulsive force of the positive {photon} charges of

the protons which keeps the nucleus from inner-self explosion.

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[For a more precise, correct and sophisticated understanding please refer to “the

strong interaction” in physics related articles, documents and journals.]

The previously mentioned is the current account of what holds the nucleus of

an atom together: as opposed to the compressive force of space assumption

in which the external force of space simply surrounds matter forming and

holding it into spheres of “pure” matter and simultaneously giving it mass.

*** [Protons and neutrons are formed instantly (by the compressive force of space) when

the nucleus of an atom explodes.] ***

Whereas, the current theory of the Standard Model of Elementary

Particles requires electric charge, color charge, mass-less force carriers,

boson force carriers and the fabric of space-time (all which operate

through extremely complex processes) to explain how “attractive” force

holds our universe together; the theory of Kindergarten Physics only

requires the single surrounding force of compression to hold together the

nucleus of an atom with its orbiting electrons, molecules and molecular

structures, moons – planets – stars with their respective orbits. This

single compressive force also surrounds and holds “black holes”, super

massive black holes, entire galaxies and clusters of galaxies together.

Thus, you have a single universal force which operates through

compressive force, versus, multiple universal forces which operate

through extremely perplexing actions of attractive force.

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The Introduction of π

(and dealing with the physical infinity of π)

By forming matter into spheres, the concept of π is brought into the universal

equation. The equation [ V = 4/3 π ] for finding the mass/volume of a sphere

includes the concept of π which also brings the concept of infinity into the

universal process.

The true absolute value of physical mass of a sphere cannot be calculated

because the number (π) 3.1415926535897932…. runs on and on into infinity.

Humans using their “mental process” can round π off and give an approximate

value for the mass of a sphere of matter. Mother Nature is unable to use this

mental “rounding off” process. Mother Nature must use a physical “rounding

off” process to deal with the dilemma of π. There are two options to deal with the

physical dilemma of infinity: (1) “physically rounding off” spherical particles of

matter by creating atomic equilibrium or (2) allowing a sphere of matter to

physically increase in mass on and on into infinity (the cannibalizing process of black


Which option does Mother Nature choose?

Both options are chosen depending upon which side of the “event horizon” the

compressive force of space is operating.

Mother Nature operates by two different physical processes to deal with the

dilemma of the infinity of π. The operational process depends upon which side of

the “event horizon” the action is taking place. Outside the “event horizon” (the

universe in which we live) the process of duality (atomic formation) occurs; while inside

the “event horizon” the process of singularity transpires. Inside the “event

horizon” a black hole’s mass is increasing into infinity. The process of duality is

exothermic (heat energy is lost) while the process of singularity is endothermic (heat

energy is produced and retained). As you will learn, we live in a thermodynamic

recycling universe which appears to recycle itself at the galactic level.

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Atomic and molecular matter exists in the “state of duality” outside the “event

horizon” of a black hole.

A single large sphere of matter exists in the “state of singularity” inside the

“event horizon.” This large single ultimately compressed sphere of matter is the

extremely mysterious “black hole.” The force of space surrounds and compresses

upon the large surface area of a black hole with its never-ending, all-embracing

strength. A battle of force exists between the compressive force of space and the

ever-expanding inner hot force of matter. Which force will win?

Don’t despair; Kindergarten Physics is easy to understand once you view the

entire universe from the “Wright Assumption”, i.e., the ultimate compressive force

of space. The easiest way to grasp Kindergarten Physics is to quickly read

through the pages obtain an overall view, and then re-read for a deeper

understanding. Remember, you are trying to “grasp” in a few minutes what

Modern Science has been “searching for” for hundreds of years.

The absolute force of space is exerted upon “pure” spheres of matter. There are

only two types of “pure” matter which occur at each end of the size spectrum. The

nucleus of an atom is a “pure” sphere of matter and a “black hole” is a “pure”

sphere of matter.

[According to the “attractive” assumption, the nucleus of an atom is composed of

neutrons and protons; according to the “compressive” assumption, the nucleus of

an atom is a single sphere of “pure” matter – protons and neutrons form instantly

when the atomic nucleus explodes.] The addition of neutrons into the atomic

nucleus is not necessary to correct for the discrepancy between the atom’s mass

and the atom’s electric charge. Electric charge & strong interaction are not

necessary to hold the atom together. The equilibrium of the atom results from the

compressive force of space physically interacting with π. (to be discussed in the next section

Atomic Formation)

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Atomic Formation

(outside the “event horizon” = the process of duality)

In about 10 minutes a neutron will split into dual spheres (i.e. a primary sphere

with a secondary tiny orbiting sphere.) WHY? [Is it the miracle birth of electric

charge, or a compressive force interacting with respect to π ???]

Mother Nature physically rounds off by using orbital spheres of matter to deal

with the dilemma of the infinity of π.

Illustrative Example: (Role playing) You are Mother Nature and the infinite

compressive force of the universe is in your hands. Reach into the universal jar

and dip out a large hand-full of matter. Quickly form it into a sphere and at the

same time compress it with your infinite force. What will happen (physically) with

respect to the concept (Law or Rule) of π? You will have one large sphere of matter

with a smaller sphere remaining due to the never ending decimal portion of π. Lay

the large sphere down and compress the smaller sphere with your infinite force.

Result: another tiny sphere remains. As you continue this process over and over,

you finally have a sphere of matter the size of a neutron and are getting tired of the

repetitive process. As you compress the neutron, a tiny particle pops out. This

time you are going to push this tiny particle back into its nucleus. You try to push

it back into the nucleus but π will not allow it to physically happen. You press

here, it moves there, you press there and it moves here. Now you remember that

you are living “outside” the “event horizon” of black holes. This simply means

that the atom contains enough kinetic energy to deny your futile attempts. The

atom has enough counter-force to neutralize your compression. The centrifugal

force of the electron is counteracting your centripetal compressive force. You are

at a standoff; equilibrium has been established with respect to the concept of π, the

force of motion of the electron and your infinite compressive force. Atomic

equilibrium is established. You have formed a hydrogen atom. The hydrogen

atom (two particles) is the symbol for matter in the state of duality. All matter in the

state of duality is composed of atoms. Duality means more than one sphere of

matter exists. From now on, your infinite compressive force has been weakened

because you no longer are compressing on a sphere of “pure” matter. You must

move and compress entire atoms together. You are now compressing tiny “clouds”

of active matter together. Your compressive strength now equals that of “chemical

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force & electromagnetic force” as you compress and hold atoms together to form

elements and molecules. Although your compressive force has weakened, you are

still able to push and hold atoms and molecules together to form “molecular

structures” and push electrons through electric circuits. Once your ultimate

compressive force begins to interact with “molecular structures” you become

much, much weaker. Since “molecular structures” are composed of atoms and

molecules, and atoms are 99.9999999999995% space; the infinite compressive

force of space dilutes itself as it compresses much larger “molecular structures”

together. You are now functioning at the extremely weak force of gravity. I hope

this example shows you how the ultimate compressive force of space can function

through the process of compression as being extremely strong and at the same

time extremely weak.

In reality, how does the infinite force of space physically interact through the

concept of π to form hydrogen atoms? Atomic formation occurs around the

surface of stars. A star is a large compressed sphere of hot plasma operating

outside the “event horizon” in the state of duality. Large chunks of plasma are not

thrown out and compressed into smaller and smaller spheres like you “mentally”

executed in the demonstration. Mother Nature “nips it (the formation of spheres of matter into

atoms) in the bud.” For example, with our Sun, tiny neutron sized spheres “bubble”

from the star’s surface. The life span of a neutron is about 10 minutes. Why does

a neutron decay? In 10 minutes the compressive force of space expels (“squeezes

out”) an electron, and by holding it in place forms a hydrogen atom. Atomic

formation is an exothermic process. The lighter elements of the periodic table are

formed by the compressive force of space interacting with stars of various mass.

[Keep in mind, that the larger the star, the greater the surrounding compressive force of space is

“stretched” which results in an increased compressive force acting upon the star’s surface.]

The concept of how π and the compressive force of space physically interact is

extremely important in the Theory of Kindergarten Physics. I would like to go over

it one more time.

If you understand the physical interaction between Compressive Force and π and

the dilution effect (weakening) of the compressive force interacting with

“molecular structures”; then you understand Kindergarten Physics!

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Matter is compressed into spheres by the compressive force of space.

It is impossible to calculate the “true” volume/mass of matter of a sphere due to

the concept of the never ending value of π.

How does the compression of spherical PHYSICAL matter interact with respect to

the infinity of the never ending decimal portion of the number:











1224953430146549585371050792 ………………… into infinity ????????

[Each digit represents a tiny increase in the amount of physical matter which

continues on into infinity – unless – a “rounding off” equilibrium is established.]

It is physically impossible to compress matter into a sphere without a small

portion always remaining. This is the reason that a neutron always decays into a

hydrogen atom with a tiny electron orbiting the nucleus at an extremely high


The force of motion of matter (the electron) is in equilibrium with the

counteracting force of compression of space. In other words, the centrifugal force

of the electron is counteracting the centripetal compressive force of space. Thus, a

universe filled with atoms and molecules in the state of DUALITY is formed.

Universal Perpetual Motion results from the compressive force of space

interacting with matter by physically dealing with the infinite physical concept of

π. Once an electron is expelled from the nucleus, it can not re-enter.

“This is what makes the world go around.”

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The Atomic Nucleus

According to the present day “attractive assumption” the nucleus of an atom is

composed of protons and neutrons. These individual subatomic particles are

held together by the “strong interaction” which is mediated by “gluons.”

According to the “compressive assumption” the nucleus of an atom is a single

compressed sphere of matter. It is compressed to the physical point that its true

volume of physical mass becomes interactive with the infinity function of π which

expels tiny particles of matter (electrons) whose orbital velocity creates atomic

equilibrium. {Protons and neutrons (and numerous other subatomic particles) are formed

instantly by the compressive force of space when the atomic nucleus explodes.}

Electromagnetic Energy:

According to the “attractive theory,” electric charge “pops” into universal

existence the instance a neutron decays into a proton and electron. Through the

process of beta decay, the neutrally charged neutron transforms into a positively

charged proton and a negatively charged electron. If it were not for this “magical

atomic birth” of electric charge including the birth of “mass-less” photons the

electron could not “attract” itself to the atomic nucleus. It is this “mass-less”

photon(ic) “attractive” electric charge between the proton and electron that holds

electrons in orbit and establishes atomic equilibrium.

[Question to ponder – Since π is not part of the equation: Once expelled by beta decay, what

keeps this electric charge from “attracting/pulling” the electron back to the surface of the

nucleus, thus producing a recycling process?]

The universal “compressive” theory does not attach electric charge labels to

spheres of matter. Neutron, proton and electron particles simply have a different

amount of mass. Atoms, elements, molecules and molecular structures are all held

together by the single surrounding compressive force of space. This compressive

force creates motion of matter (e.g. flow of electrons = electric current) and the

movement of spheres of matter create a flow in this ocean of force experienced as

magnetic force. The motion of tiny particles of matter create tiny waves of light

and heat energy which travel through the ocean/medium of compressive force;

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while the motion of large spheres of matter create large waves of gravitational

energy which also travel through the ocean/medium of compressive force.

A neutron has the mass of a proton + an electron. In the “real world” the

compressive force will squeeze an electron out of a neutron in approximately 10

minutes. A positive charged proton and negative charged electron are NOT

formed. Simply two particles of different mass are formed. Electric charge is not

necessary to hold the electron in “orbit.” The compressive force holds the electron

near the proton forming an equalizing process to fulfill the requirements of

physical mass with relation to the infinity of π.

The addition of (neutrally charged) neutrons to the atomic nucleus is simply a “fudge

factor” to help scientists explain the discrepancy of the ratio of the mass of the

nucleus to the (negatively charged) electron. Since, in larger atoms, the nuclear mass of

(positively charged) protons is not synchronized with the number of orbiting (negatively

charged) electrons. Therefore, the necessary additional mass is corrected by adding

(neutrally charged) neutrons into the nucleus, thus correcting the nuclear mass with

respect to the positive/negative charge ratio of the atom. The compressive theory

views the atomic nuclei as a single compressed sphere of matter and that protons

and neutrons form instantly (from compression) when the nucleus of an atom explodes.

Larger atoms (single spheres of greater mass) operate by the same compressive process.

The ratio of the mass of the nucleus to the mass of expelled tiny particles is

determined by the compressive force establishing equilibrium between the physical

mass of a sphere and the requirements created by the dilemma of the infinity of π.

*** Therefore, understanding the “compressive” theory of the universe is as simple

as understanding the relationship between the physical mass of a sphere,

compressive force and the dilemma created by the infinity of the number π. ***

Once atoms, isotopes and elements are formed and equalized by this compressive

process they are compressed together to form molecules; again without the need of

“attractive electric charge.”

Molecules are then compressed and “fit” together in their best compressed

arrangement to form molecular structures. The compressive force of space acting

upon and moving atoms and molecules together are the waves of energy (which exist in

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the body of space). After they are formed and moved into their most stable

arrangement, they are held together by the same compressive forces which

surrounded and formed them.

The formation of “molecular structures” moves the compressive theory to the next

level. The large waves of energy traveling through the ocean/medium of space

come into play. These large waves of energy (which have been created by the motion of moons,

planets, stars and black holes) also travel through the medium of space, surrounding

“molecular structures” and pushing them together. This form of energy is

perceived as gravitational force. Compressive gravitational force acts upon

“molecular structures.” You and just about everything you see is a “molecular

structure.” Large waves of gravitational force surround the earth keeping

everything compressed into a large spherical mass. Gravitational force also

surrounds our solar system and operates similar to atomic formation. The mass of

the our sun is similar to an atomic nuclei and the orbiting planets, moons, asteroids

and comets (etc.) fulfill the requirements of establishing an interactive equilibrium

between the physical masses of spherical bodies and the dilemma created by the

infinity of π.

Now, back to electric force: The “compressive” universal theory provides a broad

but simple explanation of universal operation. Electric charge is an extremely

useful, accurate and beneficial method used to understand universal force

based upon the “attractive” theory. Electromagnetic research is on the correct

path to find an understanding of ¼ of the universal interactions. Just expand your

thinking and realize that the “real” force behind the “flow” of electrons and “flow”

of magnetic force is created by compression, not “attraction.”

The Electron

The electron is the smallest natural occurring sphere of matter while compressed

into orbit around an atomic nucleus.

In orbital motion, an electron exists as matter. Once the electron leaves its orbital

path and vectors away from the atom, its mass of matter is converted into the

compressive body of force of space where it becomes an energy wave. {E = m }

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Thermal and light energy are released into the body of force of space as the

electron converts from matter into energy. The universal thermal cycle is

completed at the opposite end of the size spectrum where gigantic spheres of

matter know as black holes capture and restore heat back into the substance of


Remember, heat is lost outside the “event horizon” and heat is restored back into

matter inside the “event horizon.”


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Periodic Tables:

The periodic table you normally view, showing the formation of atoms based upon the

“attraction” method of construction by the continuous addition of + protons, - electrons

and neutrons:


Does this Spiral Periodic Table better illustrate the compressive interaction of spherical

matter with respect to the continuation of the physical infinity of π ?


5 Science Notes and Projects. ”Periodic Table PDF.” Science Notes Posts. (accessed

December 1, 2017)

6 Harrison, Robert W. “Spiral Periodic Table.” Our Electric Universe… & Anti-

Gravity. (accessed December 1, 2017).

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The process of atomic formation is simply the opposite of “black hole” formation

(which is described later). Mother Nature is operating by method #2. In “black hole”

formation, the electron IS compressed back into the proton forming a neutron; then

neutrons are compressed together forming a neutron star and eventually a

continuously expanding (don’t forget π) “black hole.” [solid sphere of “pure” matter]

[When compressed and held in orbital motion, the electron is the smallest naturally

occurring particle of matter. The electron is a universal go-between for the substance of

matter and the substance of space. Depending upon the direction and velocity of

movement of an electron, it can cease to exist as matter and transform into the body of

force of space (an energy wave), and vice versa. While in orbit around a nucleus, the

electron is a particle of matter, however, when it escapes from orbital motion, the

electron transforms back into to body of force of space.] {E = m }

Radioactive Decay: [The simple explanation]

Radioactive decay (the weak interaction) works by the same compressive process

as atomic formation. Large atomic nuclei require a longer time to be compressed

into stability. After the compressive force of space expels electrons and

equilibrium is established, the surrounding compressive force of space continues

(although not as strong) to compress upon large atomic nuclei. (The motion of

electrons is now interfering with the compressive force of space.) However, this constant

and continuous compression will expel additional particles which vector out as

radiation since they are not required to be held into orbits of equilibrium.

Now that you understand how the compressive ocean of space creates mass in

matter, operates as both the strong (holding atomic nuclei together) and weak

(radioactive) interactions, and “weakly” compresses “molecular structures” together

by the gravitational force; the only remaining interaction to be unified is the

electromagnetic interaction.

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The compressive ocean of force (space) causes matter to move. Movement of

electrons results as the compressive force attempts to solve the dilemma of π by

“pushing” electrons back into the atom’s nucleus. Since this is not possible, the

electrons are compressed into orbits of equilibrium and atoms are compressed in

their most stable arrangements.

Movement of matter in the state of duality always flows into a more compact and

stable form with the loss of radiant (thermal and light) waves of energy. For

example, as the force of space compresses upon “metallic” molecular structures

(whose electrons are not tightly bound); the electrons will move more “freely” than in

more stable molecular structures. In an electrical circuit, the electrons are

“pushed” or “flow” from a higher energy state (less stable) to a lower (more compact)

energy state (more stable). That is, with the loss of light and heat energy. As we all

know, electricity is simply the movement or flow of electrons. Electricity results

from the compressive force of space moving electrons to arrange a more

compact/stable system or structure.

However, this “flow” is a two sided coin. As electrons move, they also create

movement or a “flow” in the ocean of force of space. The force of space must

separate and flow around the surface of a sphere of matter. Matter is separating

and telling space how to curve. This curving flow of the force of space is known

as magnetic force. Therefore, magnetic force is simply a curving flow of the

ocean of force of space caused by the movement of electrons or larger spheres of

matter. Magnetic force (the flow of space) can create electrical force (the flow of

electrons) and the movement (flow) of electrons can create magnetic force (the

flow of force of space). Furthermore, as large spheres of matter [e.g. the earth]

move through the ocean of force of space, the substance of space is separated and

must flow around the surface of the large sphere. [This magnetic flow of the

compressive force of space as it curves around the surface of the earth causes the movement of a

compass needle.] Also, spinning vortexes of magnetic force may occur. For

example, the spinning of compass needles in the Bermuda Triangle. The

electromagnetic interaction is extremely easy to understand based upon the

assumption that space is an ocean of compressive force which moves matter and

compresses it into its most stable arrangement and form. (and that) The movement of

spheres of matter separate the force of space and cause it to curve and flow around

the surface of a sphere = magnetic force.

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Just remember: Matter tells space how to curve/flow and space (compressive force) tells

matter how to move. [It (motion) all begins with π.]

Photons are no longer needed to carry the force of the electromagnetic interaction.

Space is not a vacuum but an infinite aether (ocean) of compressed force through

which vibrations of energy travel. The Michelson-Morley experiments were

preformed with the “assumption” that the speed of reflected light would “vary”

with respect to the direction and movement of the earth. The hypothesis of these

experiments were that it would take longer for a beam of light to travel through a

“weak” aether moving toward the earth from behind, than a beam of light moving

toward the earth from its front [i.e. the direction the earth is traveling around the sun]. The

Michelson-Morley experiments only confirmed what Albert Einstein would prove

several years later: that the speed of light waves (traveling through the aether of force of

space) is constant regardless of the speed or direction spheres of matter, e.g., earth

(or an observer) is moving. In other words, compressed energy waves travel

through the ocean of force of space at the same velocity; regardless to the

movement (velocity or direction) of spheres of matter. Therefore, the Michelson-

Morley experiments never proved space to be an “empty void” which would

require “mass-less” [photon, gluon, graviton] energy carriers.

Now that you better understand electric force and magnetic force, let’s dig a little

deeper into the mysterious force of gravity. Gravity is simply the result of the

compressive force of space pushing “molecular structures” together. How does

this happen? As just stated, the ocean of force of space is a medium (aether) for the

propagation of energy waves. Space is simply a compressive body of force

composed of radiant energy. Radiant energy includes light, thermal and

gravitational energy waves. Light and thermal energy waves are created by the

movement of tiny particles (spheres) of matter whereas gravitational energy waves

are created by the movement of large spherical bodies of matter (moons, planets,

stars and black holes). Tiny waves of energy cannot push and hold “molecular

structures” together, but, large waves of energy can. These long gravitational

waves of energy also travel through the ocean of force of space. Therefore, these

long waves of energy (gravity) surround and compress “molecular structures”

(which are 99.9999999999995% space or 0.0000000000005% matter) together. They

hold you and me to the surface of the earth, they hold moons, planets and stars in

orbit, and they also surround galaxies holding their stars together. Gravitational

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energy waves even surround clusters of galaxies and “compress and push” galaxies

together. These large compressing gravitational waves of energy traveling through

the body of force of space are greatly “diluted” as they surround and push

“molecular structures” together.

Finally, I have the answered two of my three most personal perplexing questions:

What is gravity and what is magnetic force? (1) Gravity is the result of a

“diluted” compressive force of space (large gravitational waves) “pushing” atomic

structures together, and (2) Magnetic force is simply a “flow” within the ocean

of force of space created by the movement of spheres of matter. My third

remaining personal question is: What is a black hole and does it serve a

functional purpose (besides devouring matter) in our universe?

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Black Holes

(inside the “event horizon” = process of singularity)

Two types of black holes:


Super Massive Black Holes

Both types restore heat back into matter, but only the SMBHs can expel matter

back through the “event horizon” into the universe of duality.

Whereas stellar black holes are completely dominated by the external force of

space, SMBHs are at the front line of the battle zone of the war between the

compressive force of space and the internal thermal force of matter. When matter

of duality enters a stellar black hole, this matter is incorporated into the hot ever-

expanding sphere of “pure matter.” However, when a star is “pushed” into a

SMBH they regurgitate spheres of matter expelling it back outside the “event

horizon.” This “exotic behavior” would lead one to believe that the surrounding

compressive force of space and the inner ever-increasing force of matter have

reached a “stalemate.” If SMBHs are constantly regurgitating “heat restored”

spheres of matter from a state of singularity back into a state of duality, it would

make one conclude that our universe may be recycling itself at the galactic level

and not a non-reversing single universal “big bang.” If SMBHs have the internal

force to overcome the ultimate compressive force of surrounding space, what

would happen if two SMBHs collide? From the “big bang” theory we are told that

our universe is expanding at an accelerating rate; and that all galaxies are moving

away from each other like “dots on an expanding balloon.” At the same time we

are told that the nearest galaxy to us, Andromeda, is heading on a collision course

with our “Milky Way” galaxy. The Hubble Telescope shows evidence of constant

galactic collisions. Do the collisions of SMBHs create a new galaxy full of new

recharged and rejuvenated stars? Hopefully, the James Webb Telescope will

provide more information to answer questions, such as: Does our universe recycle

itself at the galactic level or is our universe on a “one-way” voyage created by a

single “big bang?”

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Quick Note:

How and Why is the universe expanding? [“Dark” Energy?]

We live in a universe of duality where radiant energy is being depleted. As the

infinite compressive force of space surrounds quad-billions of stars their (light &

thermal) energy is being exhausted in the atomic forming process. As hydrogen

and helium atoms are being formed, extreme amounts of energy are being released

as matter is converted back into the ocean of compressive force of space

[Remember: E = m ]. Each star throughout the universe is releasing light and

heat energy as atoms are being formed. In other words, matter is being converted

back into the ocean of the compressive force of space. As gigantic masses of

matter are being converted back into the body of force of space, the volume of the

ocean of space increases. Since the compressive force of space surrounds galaxies

and clusters of galaxies, the increasing oceanic volume of space which is being

produced due to stars “burning out” fills outer galactic space as clusters of

galaxies are “pushed” together. The expansion of the universe results from the

newly created volume of space pushing clusters of galaxies apart. “Dark” energy

is no longer necessary to create accelerated universal expansion. The accelerated

expansion of the universe is the simply the result of the energy from the matter

of stars being converted back into energy. In other words, “dark” energy is

simply the result of matter converting back into the substance of space. [More

Space = More Expansion] Mystery solved (period)

If the universe is expanding, then why are galaxies colliding? [“Dark” Matter?]

Is the universe really expanding? Are galaxies moving apart like dots on an

expanding balloon? Or, is this expansion the result of matter being converted back

into energy? If this is true, then this additional volume of space would form vast

areas of “empty” intergalactic space as the ever-increasing surrounding body of

space compresses [or “Dark” Matter attracts?] clusters of galaxies together causing

them to collide. In conclusion, stars converting matter into energy increases the

volume of compressive force of space which pushes clusters of galaxies apart and

simultaneously surrounds and pushes the galaxies within a cluster together.

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The Michelson-Morley Experiments

Albert Einstein also made another quote of importance to Kindergarten Physics

regarding a continuous force field of matter:

I consider it quite possible that physics cannot be based on the field

concept, i.e., on continuous structures. In that case, nothing

remains of my entire castle in the air, gravitation theory included,

[and of] the rest of modern physics. (Albert Einstein, 1954)7

Let’s elaborate upon this quote:

Space is not a structure. Kindergarten Physics is founded upon SPACE as being a

continuous/reciprocal compressive body of force. Kindergarten Physics views

SPACE as a continuous compressive-force field. [i.e. a “wall-less” pressure cooker] To

insert some scientific verification into the theory of Kindergarten Physics we must

revisit, reinterpret and combine a couple historic events of science. They are: The

Michelson-Morley experiments and Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity.

The Michelson-Morley experiments:

The Michelson-Morley experiments were conducted in 1887 to detect the presence

of aether within the body of space that could serve for the propagation of light.

The failure of these experiments to detect aether lead to the conclusion that space

was simply an “empty void.” Their failure also proved that there was “nothing” in

the body of space which could serve as a medium for the propagation of light

waves; or DID IT?

Albert Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity:

The Special Theory of Relativity proved that the speed of light is constant

throughout the universe. This means that regardless of the direction or velocity of

matter, the constant speed of light is what the results of the Michelson-Morley

experiments (unknowingly at that time) verified. The Michelson-Morley experiments

were conducted in 1887 while the Special Theory of Relativity was released in

7 Haselhurst, Geoffrey. “Quantum Theory: Albert Einstein.” On Truth & Reality. (accessed October 12, 2016).

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1905. Therefore, is the conclusion that space cannot serve as a medium for wave

propagation correct? Furthermore, Kindergarten Physics does not propose that a

“weak” aether exists in space; Kindergarten Physics expounds that SPACE is the

ultimate body of compressive universal force which also serves as a medium for

the propagation of radiant and gravitational waves. The Michelson-Morley

experiments did not disprove the aether theory but only served to confirm what

Einstein would prove 18 years later, i.e., that the velocity of light is a universal


From the experiment that proved space was an “empty void” in 1887 to today’s

concept of space which is filled with mass-less photons, gluons, gravitons and

instantly dissolving Higgs and W & Z bosons; would seem to make one think that

universal force could (possibly) exist in the body of space instead of the body of


Now, back to the quote concerning the force field concept:

According to Isaac Newton’s “attractive assumption,” matter possesses all of the

known universal forces. The force of (1) motions of matter (2) the four universal

interactions and (3) dark matter, are all considered forces of matter. Kindergarten

Physics redistributes universal force into a bilateral system. Matter retains its force

of motion while the four universal interactions and dark matter are dispensed into

space and become an opposing universal force. Space is not an empty void filled

with “massless” particles and the “force fields” of matter. The force fields of

“attractive” matter become a single united “compressive” force of the body of

space. SPACE becomes a reciprocal aether of force which interacts with (and

creates) the force of motion of matter through the concept of the infinity of π.

If SPACE is the reciprocal body of compressive force which fills the universe

according to the “compressive” assumption; then the body of force of SPACE

would replace the continuous structure concept or Albert’s “castle in the air.”

“In that case, nothing remains of my entire castle in the air, gravitation theory

included, [and of] the rest of modern physics.”

(Remember, you were warned that your view of our universe might be changed


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Putting It All Together

Space is the reciprocal of matter. An all-surrounding ocean of compressive force

of space fills our universe. It surrounds atomic nuclei, atoms, elements and

molecules, molecular structures, stars, black holes, entire galaxies and

groups/clusters of galaxies. Depending upon the matter’s structure, (“pure” solid

spherical matter or an atom or a molecular structure) the strength of the

compressive force of space varies from infinitely strong (compressing the surface of an

atomic nucleus or a black hole) to extremely weak (gravitational waves interacting with

molecular structures and surrounding/holding you - a molecular structure - to the earth’s

surface). The crystal clear ocean of this infinite compressive force of space IS: the

strong interaction, the weak interaction, the electromagnetic interaction, the

gravitational interaction and the Higgs mechanism. Furthermore, the crystal clear

ocean of space, also, IS: “dark” energy and the extremely elusive “dark” matter.

The crystal clear ocean of space is the single force of the universe which is able to

operate at three different levels of compression: (1) ultimate compression upon the

“pure” surface of an atomic nucleus (nuclear fission) and black holes (nuclear fusion),

(2) the electromagnetic and chemical compression when pushing atoms and

electrons into a more stable arrangement by producing “electricity” and forming

elements and molecules, (3) the force of gravitational compression when “pushing”

much larger “molecular structures” together.

The Simplicity of the Universal Thermal Process:

Compression creates heat. The compressive force of space operates with respect

to the infinity of π by two processes. The occurring process is dependent upon

thermodynamics. Outside the “event horizon” the greater part of the universe

functions as an exothermic process. Stars lose vast amounts of energy as their

molten hot surface interacts with the compressive force of space forming “tiny

bubbles” of hydrogen and helium atoms. Matter throughout this large portion of

the universe is becoming cooler. As matter cools it loses its energy. Finally, a star

depletes its energy to the point where the energy of equilibrium within the atoms is

no longer able to counteract the compressive force of space. The movement of the

electron slows down to the point where it is compressed back into the proton thus

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forming a neutron. A thermodynamic implosion occurs. The process changes

from exothermic to endothermic. Neutrons are then compressed back into a single

sphere of matter – a neutron star. A neutron star is fighting a losing battle as it

releases massive amounts of energy due to the compressive force of space

overcoming atomic equilibrium. Finally, a neutron star loses the struggle as the

neutrons are compressed completely back into a large single solid sphere of matter

– a black hole. As we move from outside the “event horizon” into the inside; the

process of how the compressive force of space physically interacts with the

dilemma of the infinity of π changes. The compressive force of space is operating

at its ultimate strength by surrounding the surface of a black hole and compacting

matter into a single large sphere. There is no space (aether) inside this large single

solid sphere of matter to allow for light and thermal energy waves to escape. (No

space exists inside for the transmission of energy waves.) If light energy is not escaping

then radiant thermal energy is being restored back into matter. A stellar black hole

will never be able to increase enough in size/mass to overcome the compressive

force of space. A stellar black hole can never release the matter with its restored

heat back across the “event horizon.” The only type of black hole that can

overcome the ultimate compressive force of space is a Super Massive Black Hole.

SMBH’s are located in the center of galaxies. Does the universe recycle itself at

the galactic level? A SMBH is sitting at the threshold of universal force between

its inner hot ever-expanding process and the compressive force of space. Any

additional intake of matter into a SMBH results in an “incomplete” eruption

(regurgitation); throwing hot chunks of matter and hot gasses outside the “event

horizon” and back into the exothermic-atomic universe in which we live. As

stellar black holes are compressed into SMBHs, spheres of matter are expelled.

But what happens when two SMBHs collide? A new galaxy is formed. Various

sizes of hot plasma of matter along with hot galactic gasses (which include the atoms

of higher mass of the periodic table) are thrown out of this spinning collision as the

battle between the compressive force of space and the hot inner force of this newly

formed SMBH counterbalance. The expelled hot plasma forms into stars while the

hot gasses condense into nebulae where the compressive force of space continues

to form additional stars and planets at a much slower pace. Heat and new atomic

matter has been restored back into a new galaxy of stars and solar systems by a

recycling process which will continue into infinity.

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Kindergarten Physics in a Nutshell

Kindergarten Physics provides a simple approach to an understanding of Universal

Force. Kindergarten Physics is based upon the assumption that universal force

exists as a “compressive” force which is found in the body of SPACE. [The

“compressive” assumption is the alternate assumption used by present day science

which assumes that Universal Force is an “attractive” property of matter.]

By following the path of the “compressive” assumption it is easy to understand

how matter obtains its mass, and how a single universal force can operate at

various different strengths which are necessary for the unification of all known

forces and especially unification of the extremely weak gravitational force. The

surrounding external force of space compresses with infinite force upon the surface

of spheres of “pure” matter while this compressive force is greatly reduced when

compressing upon “atomic” structures (chemical, electrical and magnetic force) and

“molecular structures” (gravitational force).

Our universe recycles itself through a thermodynamic process. Heat energy is

being restored inside “black holes” and being lost outside the “event horizon.” The

function of π insures that matter exists in “duality” outside “black holes.” The

equilibrium between the compressive force of space and the counteracting

centrifugal force of atomic structures maintains the state of duality. When a star

depletes its thermal energy to the point that atomic equilibrium is lost; the

compressive force of space becomes the dominate force; stellar black hole

formation begins. The physical infinity of π changes from the physical “rounding

off” process of forming atoms of equilibrium to the process of “allowing large

spheres of matter to actually increase into infinity.” In other words, the process is

reversed: the electron is compressed back into the proton to form a neutron and

the neutrons are compressed back into a single-large-spherical-continuously-

growing black hole. Stellar black holes begin to migrate back into the central

mother SMBH in the center of the galaxy. A SMBH exists at the threshold of

compressive force vs. expansive force. SMBH are able to “throw/expel” matter

out through the “event horizon.” A SMBH spews/belches matter from a state of

singularity back-out into a state of duality. Collisions of SMBHs create a new

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galaxy filled with new “hot” matter. Thus, SMBHs recycle our universe through


Although many of the specifics of Kindergarten Physics may be “proven”

incorrect, its basic assumption and the processes involving compression, π, and

thermodynamics will serve as foundation for a better and much simpler

understanding of universal force.


The current view of universal force is extremely complex and impossible for the

average person to understand. Many issues remain to be resolved, such as,

incorporating the gravitational force into the strong, weak and electromagnetic

interactions. The “mass-less” graviton must be discovered, but just like the

photon, the gluon, the W & Z and Higgs bosons; it will eventually be discovered.

And as time goes by WIMPs or MACHOs will be (if not physically proven)

mathematically proven (like the photon) to exist. The major portion of universal

force which is known to exist in the form of “dark” matter and “dark” energy will

become scientifically proven facts. After a long and arduous process, an

understanding of universal force will finally be complete based upon Sir Isaac

Newton’s assumption that matter possesses an “attractive” property.

For those who are willing to go down a different path to understand universal

force, Kindergarten Physics can provide a much different viewpoint. If you are

willing to assume that universal force exists in the body of space which surrounds

and compresses matter, your understanding of universal force will be as simple as

π. Now you can view universal force as a crystal clear ocean of compressive force

and not a “huge sea of honey.” This ocean of compressive force is a medium

through which radiant (light, thermal and gravitational) energy waves travel. This

unconditional compressive force surrounds matter forming it into spheres which

introduces the concept of the infinity of π into the universal equation. Since the

dilemma of the infinity of π exists throughout the universe, the compressive ocean

of force of space deals with this dilemma on two levels. These two levels of

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operation take place at the extreme ends of the size scale: a neutron vs. a black

hole. The “event horizon” which surrounds a black hole is a “membrane”

separating matter in a state of duality from matter in a state of singularity. At the

tiny end of the size spectrum, the compressive force of space creates atoms by

using the “physical rounding off” method (the process of duality). Electrons are

expelled and held in atomic equilibrium by the surrounding compression of space.

Next, atoms are moved together and compressed into their most stable physical

arrangement forming elements and molecules. Finally, elements and molecules are

compressed together forming their most physical arrangement as “molecular

structures.” Individual “molecular structures” are “weakly pushed” and held

together by a “diluted” ocean of force (of gravitational waves) known as gravity.

Not only does compression form matter into spheres, compression also creates

heat - (thermodynamics).

Once matter in the state of duality and in its state of atomic equilibrium uses up its

light and thermal energy, (i.e., a star dies), the external compressive force of space is

able to begin compressing electrons back into protons to form neutrons and then

compress neutrons back into a single sphere of matter known as black holes. The

dilemma of the infinity of π is being physically processed by the 2nd

method (the

process of singularity). A large single sphere of matter is being “allowed to increase

into infinity.” This process is taking place on the inside of the “event horizon.”

The recycling of thermal energy of matter has begun. This large single sphere of

matter (now in the state of singularity) begins a continuous process of expansion as

matter in the state of duality passes through the “event horizon” and is compressed

back into a state of singularity. No space (i.e. aether) exists inside this large single

sphere of matter. This means that without the body of space to serve as a medium

to carry light and thermal waves out of a black hole, light energy cannot escape,

thus, the thermal energy from converting matter of duality into matter of

singularity is being retained within the black hole. In other words, radiant energy

in the form of light and heat are being retained. Light cannot escape a black hole,

therefore, thermal energy (heat) is being restored back into matter.

According to Kindergarten Physics, it seems that universe recycles itself at the

galactic level. The process of creating atoms eventually depletes stars of their

energy and they become stellar black holes. The surrounding compressive force of

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space which surrounds a galaxy creates the movement of “dead stars” or stellar

black holes to begin a migration inward toward the center of the galaxy. [Note: In

general, energized matter in the state of duality moves away from the galactic center while large

spheres of “pure-solid” matter in the state of singularity are compressed by gravitational force

and moves inward toward the galactic center.] Stellar black holes collect galactic

“debris” and “unlucky stars” on their returning trek. At the center of a galaxy is the

mother of all “black holes” called a Super Massive Black Hole. The SMBH

contains the force necessary not only to recycle heat back into matter but also re-

birth it back-out into a universe of duality. The collision of SMBHs generates an

entire new galaxy through the process of recycling thermal energy back into the

universe over and over into infinity.

With the “Wright Assumption” a single “compressive” infinite force found in the

crystal clear ocean of space which physically interacts with matter through

thermodynamics and the infinity of π can explain universal force by providing a

simple and rational understanding of the interaction between force and matter.

Will “mainstream” scientists ever be able to unify all of their “proven” interactions

into a single universal force? Will they ever be able to remove their “blinders’ and

view our universe through a different assumption? -or - Have they traveled so far

down the “proven path” of the “Newtonian Assumption” that they will continue to

chase the mass-less particle theories of spacetime and the WIMPs, MACHOs,

“dark” matter and “dark” energy into INFINITY???

The proven process of science is extremely slow. Will modern scientists ever

acknowledge that all of their proven facts concerning universal force are founded

upon an assumption which creates mass lunacy? From the “train wreck” created

by the Michelson-Morley experiments which proved aether did not exist and that

space was an “empty void”; scientists have picked up the pieces and are

irrationally and illogically putting them back together proven fact by proven fact.

?Mass-less particles? are able to fill in the “void” and serve as carriers of universal

force. Subatomic bosons which instantly decay back into space have also been

discovered and function to re-establish universal force back into the “void” of

space. Gluons function inside the nucleus of atoms as powerful “attractive” force

carriers while photons create electromagnetic force fields. The Higgs boson is

responsible for an “attractive force field” that fills the entire universe. The

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unexplainable and mysterious “dark” matter and “dark” energy takes us beyond

human comprehension. Only the most highly specialized scientists will ever be

able to “pseudo” comprehend the implausible web they have woven based upon

the “Newtonian Assumption” of proven facts assembled to explain universal force.

Kindergarten Physics suggests through an alternate assumption that:

“It seems to be the case that universal force exists within the body of

space and functions as a compressive force which surrounds all bodies

of matter and “pushes” them together with a force which is

proportional to the masses of the bodies, and diminishes by the square

of the distance between them.”

{Thank you, Isaac Newton, for doing all of the “hard” work.}

Science has already proven the mathematics of universal force, now it becomes

only the process of correcting the grammar. Simply exchange all of the

“attractive” terminology to “compressive” terminology. Next, understand the

difference of variable compression between “pure-solid [ = an atomic nucleus & a black hole]

matter” vs. atoms and molecular structures. Atomic nuclei are very tiny “pure”

spheres of matter. Extreme compressive force of space is exerted upon the nuclei’s

solid-surface. A black hole is very large sphere of “pure-solid” matter. Extreme

compressive force of space is exerted upon the solid-surface of black holes.

The compressive force of space deals with the physical dilemma of infinity of π by

either an atomic “rounding off” process of establishing equilibrium with the

motion of electrons. Or. The compressive force of space deals with the physical

dilemma of infinity of π by allowing black holes to increase in mass/volume up to

the size of a Super Massive Black Hole. At this point, the maximum compressive

force of space and the increasing size of the SMBH reach a “stalemate.” [Galaxies

fill the universe.]

The concluding question to ask oneself is:

Does Universal Force exist as multiple attractive forces which are

properties of diverse types of matter (e.g. normal, mass-less, strange and exotic matter)

or, does a single Universal Force exist as a second distinct substance

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which surrounds matter and fills the universe with the (mass forming , mass moving

and heat producing) energy of compressive force?

Re-Telling the Secret of the Universe

What you need to remember to take home to mama, i.e., only the important stuff.

Most important is: “Gravity is a PUSH not a PULL!”

Space is the strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational interactions. Space is

the mysterious “dark” forces and energies.

Matter tells space how to curve/flow and space tells matter how to move. Let me

rephrase: An ocean of force tells matter how to move and matter tells the ocean of

force how to curve and flow.

*** Just remember, to know Secret of the Universe means that you understand that

universal force operates through the force of “compression”; not the force of

“attraction.” *** The compressive force of space forms matter into spheres. The

maximum force of compression is exerted upon pure spheres of matter {the atomic

strong and weak interactions & the surface of black holes} while a weaker force {electromagnetic

& chemical bonding} compresses atoms and molecules together to form molecular

structures. The weakest form (space “dilutes” space) of universal compression {gravity}

moves molecular structures together.

Also remember, that the formation of matter into spheres introduces π into the

universal equation. Two different physical interactions between the compressive

force of space and π take place resulting in the states of - duality and singularity.

We live in the duality portion of the universe, i.e., the portion where atoms are

formed-equalized and matter looses thermal energy. The singularity portion

compresses atomic structures back into a large single sphere and restores thermal

energy back into matter. A combination of the duality and singularity processes

interact to produce a recycling universe of galaxies through thermodynamics.

Understanding how Mother Nature carries out her universal tasks is as simple as

π. ----- i.e. (a physically compressed π)

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Final Words:

Kindergarten Physics has been written for the “layperson.” Its purpose is to

provide a “sensible” understanding of universal force. Scientists will no longer be

required to translate their Newtonian “apple tree” theories down to the average

person’s level of comprehension. After all, scientifically proving this assumption

is responsible for elevating our universal understanding to its present day

“Quantum Quagmire” or “Newtonian Catch 22.” Each level of new understanding

only opens the door to more mystery and ambiguity.

For example, what is gravity? According to Isaac Newton, “it seems to be the case

that every body in the universe attracts every other body with a force called gravity.

According to the Standard Model, gravity is the weakest universal interaction and is

carried by the “mass-less” graviton. According to Albert Einstein’s Relativity, it is the

“bending of the fabric of spacetime.” If bodies of matter attract each other, then what

gives matter its mass? This is accomplished by the Higgs boson which operates by

(metaphor) “sea of honey” - “rock-star” attraction process. If gravity holds less than 5% of

our universe together then what holds the rest of it together? Of course, it is “Dark

Matter.” What is “dark matter?” No one has a clue! = Back to step 1: What is gravity?

According to Newton, to be able to understand Mother Nature in her simpler, more

natural state we must only believe in photons and other “mass-less” particles. But

to really understand Mother Nature at her fullest potential, we will need to find

universal understanding through belief and acceptance (once they are discovered) of

WIMPs, MACHOs, axions, gravitinos or Kaluza-Klein particles. Just like photons,

gluons and bosons they will “pop” into existence out of the “void” of spacetime by

virtue of some future ingenious theory.

“Has Isaac led Modern Physics so deep into the woods that, today, no one is able

to see the forest for the trees?”

There are no issues to argue concerning present day views of universal force. So

far, The Standard Model and the Theories of Relativity have all been scientifically

proven correct. All proof and knowledge concerning universal force for the last

330+ years has been based upon the “apple tree” assumption that matter possesses

an “attractive” force.

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The only remaining issue is which assumption you choose to understand Mother

Nature. Finally, you are provided with a second choice:

The Newtonian Assumption or

the Wright Assumption?

The Newtonian Assumption

{observation} (An apple falls from a tree) –

“I do not know what gravity is. But it seems to be the case that every body in the

universe attracts every other body with a force called gravity, which is

proportional to the masses of the bodies, and diminishes by the square of the

distance between them. No doubt God causes all this.” - Isaac Newton 8

Results: Mass-less particles, boson force carriers, the bending of spacetime and

the mysterious substances of “dark” matter & “dark” energy.

The Wright assumption

{observation} (Matter forms into spheres: which introduces the physical infinity of π into

universal operation, compression produces heat, the sun and stars are hot spheres of


Begin with the known fact that the force of compression produces heat, next,

combine (1) the concept of infinity of π of spherical matter, with (2) the infinite

compressive force of space and allow it to physically interact with matter.

Results: A recycling universe which functions through compressive force and

thermodynamics. Matter is formed into spheres. Matter exists in two states:

8 Hughes, Glyn. “Sir Isaac Newton Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.” Squashed Philosophers. (accessed April 15, 2012).

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(1) the visual universe of light and heat in the state of duality where atoms of

equilibrium are formed and compressed into molecules and “molecular structures”

and (2) the universe of darkness in the state of singularity where stellar black

holes and SMBHs restore heat back into the substance of matter.

For ALL of those who continue following the scientifically proven path of the

“Newtonian Assumption”, best of luck in discovering the “graviton” and the

mysterious “dark” matter and “dark” energy which makes up over 95% of the

unknown universal force. Just remain patient – they eventually will be discovered

and then you will possess all of the scientific proven facts of universal force based

upon Isaac’s “apple tree” assumption. Hopefully, you will find these answers

within your lifetime.

For the select few who have “flipped over” to the “Wright” Assumption then you

already have a simple understanding of how our universe operates. [Future

inventors take note!] The principle of operation of new inventions, such as,

NASA’s EmDrive thruster or the Searl Effect Generator which scientists say defy

the known laws of physics, are no longer a mystery. Kindergarten Physics would

also help solve many of the dilemmas that baffle today’s physics way of thinking.

[For example] The compressive force of space would account for the slight [but

mysterious] deviations of trajectories of the Pioneer spacecraft on which detailed

studies were released by NASA in 2001.

Will the “compressive assumption” ever be accepted by mainstream science? In

fact, do modern scientists actually wish to discover the “truth” of the universe, or

does present day science only serve as a means to perpetuate the status quo of

intellectual bewilderment and confusion?

[For example, you will never find a write-up like the one you are now reading

being published in any of the leading scientific magazines; an article such as this

would be quickly rejected by the publishers simply because “it does not conform to

today’s way of thinking.”]

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Unfortunately, the theory of Kindergarten Physics will never be accepted by the

scientific community. They have amassed and will continue to amass tons and

tons of “proven” research facts as they continue heading down Newton’s “proven”

path. Billions of dollars have been spent to discover the Higgs boson and billions

and billions more will be spent on the search to discover “dark” matter. The

construction and research has just begun on the Sanford Underground Research

Facility located a mile beneath the surface of the Black Hills in Lead, South

Dakota. Government grants are at stake. Nobel Prizes wait to be awarded. Just

look around at all of the new “space-age” marvels that have been produced by

modern science. How could anything possibly be amiss? After all, we almost

understand 5% of universal force and are within only a few more discoveries of

“mass-less” particles [gravitons, wimps. machos, axioms and Kaluza-Klein particles.] of

having the total “big” universal picture; the all encompassing “Theory of

Everything” that every physical scientist is “supposedly” searching for, i.e., a

theory which will combine all of the individual universal forces into 1 (one) single

universal force. The only restriction is that this “Golden Theory” must conform

to their basic assumption. Sadly to say, this will never happen.

The purpose of Kindergarten Physics is twofold: (1) to show the illogical,

irrational, unreasonable, ridiculous, unnatural and unrealistic mindset created by

theories that are based upon the assumption that matter possesses an “attractive”

universal force, and (2) to provide an alternate viewpoint based upon the

assumption that universal force exists in the body/void of space.

Why have I written Kindergarten Physics? It certainly is not to become rich [note

the FREE price] nor to win a Nobel Prize – I am definitely not a member of any

national scientific organization. The purpose is not to create intellectual arguments

between the understandings of specific universal processes. This is an “all” or

“nothing” process; {you can’t compare Newton’s apple to Kindergarten Physic’s

orange} either you understand Kindergarten Physics or you don’t; it’s a very

simple choice. You either “believe” in one assumption or the other. Modern

Quantum Physics is scientifically proven correct - End of argument. My personal

purpose for writing Kindergarten Physics was simply to satisfy my personal desire

to better understand our universe. And now, that I have accomplished my goal, I

would like to share my life-long search and discoveries with you – the general

public, the “layman and laywomen” of academic science – those of us who need

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“simpler” explanations of how our universe works; and especially for that person

who still has an “open” mind and who’s desire to understand Mother Nature has

not been overwhelmed by the ludicrously of today’s way of thinking.

It is for these reasons I have written and released Kindergarten Physics to the

general public. Kindergarten Physics – the Wright Assumption = a universe of

thermodynamic compression - are ideas concerning universal force that the

novice or newcomer to physics can understand. It is no longer required for

someone to hold a PhD degree in Particle Physics or Quantum Astrophysics to

understand how our universe functions. You are holding the answer in your hands.

Most people could care less about the “behind the scenes” of how Mother Nature

works. But for those who (like me) have that unrelenting curiosity to know more, I

hope you have found some of the answers.

Thank you for reading and taking a peek at Mother Nature’s simpler “flip side.”

It is extremely difficult (to impossible) to combine all of the different “attractive”

forces of Nature into a single universal force, but extremely simple to “compress”

these forces into a single Natural Force.

“Simpler is better” – “Skeeter”

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Occam’s Razor

The Attractive Universe vs. The Compressive Universe

Occam’s razor is a problem solving principle that states “Entities should not be

multiplied unnecessarily.” It serves as a guide to scientists in the development of

theoretical models. In other words, Occam’s razor says, “when you have two

competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the


Since Albert Einstein was able to employ Occam’s razor to eliminate aether from

the theoretical equations of Lorentz and Maxwell and prove the existence of a

mass-less particle; let’s give it a try between the Standard Model Theory and the

Theory of Kindergarten Physics.

The Standard Model and Kindergarten Physics both attempt to explain universal

force. The Standard Model is based upon the assumption that universal force is an

“attractive” property of matter. The mathematics required is overwhelming and

mind-boggling. Kindergarten Physics is based upon the assumption that universal

force is a “thermodynamic-compressive” force which exists in the body of space.

It basically requires an understanding of only the following mathematic

constants/concepts: (1) the speed of light and (2) the infinite physical concept of π.

Which theory is the simpler one? You decide.

To help in this decision: Watch a documentary (on TV or video) which attempts to

explain how our universe operates. Listen to the number of times the word

“attract” is used to describe gravity and then pay close to the meticulous

explanations of the concept of “spacetime.” Take notice how you are told that you

or no one else are able to fully comprehend the Quantum Universe. Pay close

attention to the number of dimensions and existence of other parallel universes.

Also notice how the word “dark” is used to explain away the unknown. Finally,

realize that at the end of the documentary you have not found any answers to your

deepest questions about universal function. They only leave you more confused

than when you began – you have just taken a trek through the Quantum Quagmire.

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For those who believe that that “attractive” assumption of Modern Physics is

leading you down the wrong path to an understanding of universal force, welcome

to the “universe of compression.”

For those who are undecided, then look at the positive side. You now possess and

can apply “the attraction of matter theory” & “the compression by space

theory” to help you resolve universal questions.

For those who believe that Isaac is “flawless” and know that Modern Physics is

traveling down the correct “proven” path to an understanding of universal force; I

join in your laughter at Kindergarten Physics and leave you with the following


The three stages through which TRUTH must pass:

“First, it is ridiculed

Second, it is violently opposed

Third, it is accepted as being self-evident”

Arthur Schopenhauer 1788-18609

“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie

undiscovered before me" – Isaac Newton10

Image in Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

9 Arthur Schopenhauer. Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung. 1818.

10 Hughes, Glyn. “Sir Isaac Newton Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.” Squashed Philosophers. (accessed April 15, 2012).

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You have Mastered Kindergarten Physics

● You now know that Isaac Newton made an incorrect assumption in developing

his theory of gravity.

● You understand that Universal Force is not an inner “attractive” force of matter

but an external “compressive” force of surrounding space.

● You understand that the compressive force of space forms matter into spheres.

● You realize that space is not an empty void but a functioning substance of force

which transports energy waves at the speed of light.

● You have developed a new concept of SPACE.

● You know the secret of gravity; that it is the result of compressive (gravitational)

waves being “diluted” as they surround and compress individual molecular

structures together.

● You understand that our universe exists (as it always has) in 3 dimensions + the 4th

dimension of time and does not exist as an interfused concept of “spacetime.”

● You know that space (spacetime) cannot bend back upon itself and that the force

of space can only be separated as it as it flows around and compresses spheres of


● You also know that magnetic force results from movement of spheres of matter

which separate and produce flows of force within the body of space.

● You know that the mathematical constant = π (Pi) = can function in “dual” roles

of universal operation.

● You understand that matter exists in two states, duality and singularity.

● You understand that a universe of duality exists “outside” the “event horizon”

and that a universe of singularity lies on the “inner” side.

● You know what a “black hole” is and how it interacts with the compressive force

of space to restore depleted heat back into matter and recycles the universe.

● You know why Quantum Physics will never be able to unite the 4 Fundamental

Interactions of the Standard Model, i.e., their scientific proof is based upon an

incorrect assumption that universal force is an “attractive” property of matter.

● You know “The Secret of the Universe.”

Page 56: A Simple Understanding of Universal Force · Disclaimer: Warning! The ideas behind Kindergarten Physics may alter the way you view our universe, forever. Please proceed with caution!


I would like to leave you with this final thought concerning the Compressive Force

of Space:

Richard P. Feynman (being the recipient of the 1965 Nobel Award in Physics

and the 1954 Albert Einstein Award) stated, “There is enough energy in a

single cubic meter of space to boil all the oceans in the world.”11

For this reason, PLUS observing that matter instantly forms into spheres (introducing

the infinity of π) and the scientific fact that compression creates heat in matter;

Kindergarten Physics assumes that a compressive Universal Force exists within

the body of space – and does not accept Isaac Newton’s assumption that an

attractive Universal Force exists within the body of matter.

The Compressive Universe (a.k.a. Kindergarten Physics) based upon the Reciprocal Theory:

IS the NEW PATH for the Physics of TOMORROW!


"Richard P. Feynman." Wind and Fly LTD, 2019. 12 January 2019.

Page 57: A Simple Understanding of Universal Force · Disclaimer: Warning! The ideas behind Kindergarten Physics may alter the way you view our universe, forever. Please proceed with caution!

Owner: Frits Ahlefeldt

What is Gravity ? Over 300 Years of Research =


“Bending of the Fabric of Space-time?”

or “Dark” Matter?

OR (Possibly)

A “self-diluting” compressive force of space which surrounds and “pushes”

molecular structures together.

Page 58: A Simple Understanding of Universal Force · Disclaimer: Warning! The ideas behind Kindergarten Physics may alter the way you view our universe, forever. Please proceed with caution!


Kindergarten Physics

Now that you know the Secret of the Universe,

Refer your friends to:

Thank you for taking a journey through the Compressive Universe


Kindergarten Physics.

[Inside Back Cover]

Page 59: A Simple Understanding of Universal Force · Disclaimer: Warning! The ideas behind Kindergarten Physics may alter the way you view our universe, forever. Please proceed with caution!

Discover the Secret


the Universe

Was Isaac Newton Wrong?

Albert Einstein’s Photon Theory was wrong

but he admitted it.

Kindergarten Physics allows you to

take a new look at an old Universe

An Understanding of How Mother Nature Operates

is as Simple as (a compressed) π.

[Back Cover]