Download - A NEW til COMPLETE ~VEljL· YOUR ' · fered n poa•lJt•u arllh a bll1~tnolls lied t d' th ·. t 1 't JiooriJJ11 min in~






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M~l'cbants-tbis is the he•t · fldYel'tlsitJg medium.


Job Printing •. Done Neatly and at the Most reasonable pricefJ


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----~--- ~---·-- --·------------~----,:-· -- -·· -- ---- ·-·- -- ----·-- ~-. -·--~- --···-·-----~--- ... - .. -- -------------

I • MACKERAtl ,ldACKl~RAI.! At Taliaferro's

. '

. . •

.,,V. S. 8mgham, wbose homo is 1

on tbe Bonitu, · hns hcon rcnppuiot..:·~1

ed n fol'elst resm·vo t•ider. ' • • ••

. . J . .

A NEW til COMPLETE ·" . .


· See the ~ne li,nc of new"Giau!'- 1

hams, Percales, Calicos cte. Ziegler B1·os. rccein•d. t~1is wecl{. . .

Miss Cnsoy, 11 · vet·y pleauumt r<mng lady fa·om Ptiil:ulclpbiz& •.. i~ hct•c .visitiug hot· frioo1l, Ml'ti. ~I Ch(HV •..

ARE ~VEljL· PREP A.RE·D ·TO SUPPLY. ~- Spring'ltttd Summer ~- DE.RCHAN,D'ISE.· , . ~ ~ . ~ ...... ..

In All tbe Late•t Effects, Js What lVe fi'C Slio,wJng · thJs · SeasoD aDd at. tb-e- Vel'y Lowest P,.icei

Consistent with OuaJJty. ~

MAJ.L ORD.EftS UECEIVE I"'R'OMPT At-tention. . . .

It .:Will Pay You to Look Over My Stock Before Purchasipg.

S.' C •. Wiener. -


If •lny one wnnts to lmuw nJly­thi n~ 1fl11nlt bont'ohrook4ll'to, !ll:cam · breakers nnd midnight bu rglurie::~ • n~k J tlSSo V undervur.t.

New Rtyle Ladies' Shirt Waists, the very thing for early ~pring wear, just i·eceived nt

Ziegler Bros .

Ln8t Monduy at Lincoln Rostlrio Emillio fut:tlly shot 11 Mcxicun g1rl. 'fho cttu><O wns su ppo,.ed Ill

ho jeulou11y. Eniillio wm1 pluccd undt!1' uncst.

Patent Me~licioe-At 'l'aliaferro 's.

. ' . .


E&AiiiPfZI . ' • • . Their·.Stock ofOeneral Merchandise is Complete.

. .

Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Gents. Furnishings. • . .


of Boots and Shoes. Cive U~ a Chance and See How Cheap We Can

·'Sell You a Bill of. Ooods. • •• .


~ O. F. D.~· ·$4.00 ~ Old Fashioned DiStilled . ~ .. ~.Hand Made Sour Mash ....

Mrs. Wingfield has mo\'ed intA> the restaurant building next to G. A. Treat's butcbt' r shop, where sh~will continue tofut·nish customers with fresh home made

Ziegler Bros. . ··~ .. ~~

-·- - -; -- ,,. .,J'

• BOURBON is the best product of OLD KENTUCKY. It is made in the OLD FASHIONED way, from se-­leeted grain an'd limeStone water, mashed by hand in tubs and distilled in the OlD TIME Worm Still. Aged in oak barrels for eight years in a U. S. Govetnmeot Bonded Warehouse.

The resuh is a rich and mellow whiskey, ~u­lating and nowishing. A whiskey peculiarly adapt­ed 1o those .wkring from lung and thrpat troublea .

We will send you FOUR FULL QUART bottle& (one sallon) of this whiskey, packed in a · plain box without brand or marks, express charges PREPAID, upon the re~;eipt of Four Dollars.

. Send Eipreu Money Order, P~ Office · Money Order, Draft orCheck on any of the four hanks in EJ Paso. Texas. DO NOT SEND QJRRENCY by MAIL

Charles Zeiger

---------- ---- . ..-- -----··---



bread and other palatable \iands.

Selz Shoes-Best made W . • at tcner s

~-~~-. Clenwnt lli,gohto.wcr, ~npor· inh,ruhmlot I ho l..~ineoln Ji,Pm>~t

ltosl'I'VO, culled on friondlj in Nu­gul, Itt! hc1 JliiS:it:d I hi'OU!rh hero on

John J · McComt. wm; doin~ hill wny home from Suntn FL'1

tl1e town r1guin in the inltil'(!tll of wbero be spent r,.overul dn)·s tn tho beef cnmhino tl few dn~s ugo. lho intet·oe~t of the Uilu ltJvot· .John, howe-ver, is ulwtlJ~ tc•ndy lt'orc!ll ResctVI', which bns been to guuruntce lhQ quality of om- hutlly dumrtgc•,( hy tho honvy hulmet~ .goud!! pnt up by his housu I floods i_o tho Sun l<'mnoisco und k> he tit st ciii!SS und pnlntuhl£>, tu- other ti vol'l!, ltcn eitlwt· l'U\l', jorkud ot• m:·<'­rnutoll.

The Premium Picture wj]l be awarded April 12th, at 2 P. ·M.

M. H. Koch.

01'1UJ<Imu llm•t hus hcon on tho aiel( lif4t, fur' 80tUO tnne, but it •js 1lwught sho is i ruproving.

Mr. Milos 1\ln}·'s fumily wca·o nt•~tl'ly nil r·cportc!l on the sick litil but 'U1'C now on tho mmul. J. M. 11nd Mrs. Ricenrcbcrofrom

Put·:wos, for n d11y or two. Mr • Prof. Hru·per r<'ports rm onwii­H•oo reports t be mill running Cull Wholesale Wme Merchant. EL PASO, TEXAS

-~ ~~ -~~el mont of uboul fifty pupils. Umo nnd every 1 tlourit-ching

em the Uo11ito, and that lbc com, Mr. nnd Mrs. Cliu·l< Hust 'isit-,_ ____ ___ iog .eunmwt· will ffec things hutn~ ctl in Nogul 11 ~;hort time ugu.

Euge>no Ste\vart, , the assialout I All kinds of Garden and Field_ WJD" ia tbut purt of the cotullry. "'·lr 'l'lans l\t·own of Anntl!l eu11bier of tho Ex~b:mge Dunk noel f;;eeds at Taliaferro's. "' 1

' • • • '"' '

1. J Zt' rrl·•r Bros will p 1"' yn11 the mndo 11 huwitll'IIS ta·ljl to N-u,.,"ul "'00 of tho VOl'Y ~opuutt' yopn~ Sheep men who own rnnche11 «.>"" •

1 .1 rcceutlv.

gentlemen of . Wh~to Ouk11, l"tt and pay tllX(!S in Lincoln countv, bl~bE:I!l m:trket price foa· bides uud • lnst Tbursduy (!l'c.owg (or Deo vcr.Jnrc ruukinl-! eumplaint, nod with pelts. Rev •• J. T. French, of .El Pnso, Colorado, where be bus been ot- . l' t tb t b'l th c. B. J:.Yutficlll no,J Jo•• Lon!!,, assisted hy ltov . .Puul Hontly,

· · - • • • • )lll!l 100 o", n w 1 o cy nre -.~ " · · fered n poa•lJt•u arllh a bll1~tnolls lied t d' th ·. t 1 't JiooriJJ11 min in~ experts, wet'l~ bold tho regulur qtltaa·tcl'ly tntJot-

f b · H' b : CUOifl'l 0 lfl Olr 8 OCt qnt 0

fi~m o I at c•t:· Ill~ ~erwe •1 freq•Jo:uv, tbore 111•0 other bonla sampling tho upper side of tho ing here lul!ll ~unduy. A number

Willi bobr"'b~y mf ~o rogrolt I der·c, 'hoin~t rurt over their rnnges \Vb<ch bouomll's~ •'scenic highway" IJe- from Wbilu Oukl! wot·e in uttond-t 1oug ~tl I'J.(!nds ~··o g a to. Ol'C owned outside tho c~mty, twuoo here nod thnt not<>d bnili, uoce ut lheso l:!o1·viccs. know of hts 8U(l00s5 Jn a larger poy 00 taxes bore nod when noli- wtck yesterday. They Joaulcd up Mr11. Et!iuistoo a·otumcd •·cccnl-.spbere. 6el.l to dipsimply driVe to some on pt·ovendcr unfl bit this end of ly from u vi~it in lhecunntry.

other purt of tbc c:>uotry until the truil io good shnpe 'vith tho -- --··· On April 15th I will put on sale the ilispoct~r ditollppoat·~:~ and then chances in their fuvo1· uf roaaching We }(eep fuur ~rrade~ of Chase

1.000 yards of fine Embroideries! come back aod occupy tho runge high gronnd in a dny ur two, if 11 & Sanborn's Cuffee. And guar· d I rt. th f 12rL I · tt.• t,. ·c nL wbt'p boll ut antcc it A 1. 'raliaferro, a•,.ent an nse tOns, wor r~ 1 ng11in. These herds uro known to •dr .i e ( 11 0 • ,.

to 17~ cts a yard, at. 7~cepts a be budlv nffccto•l with scuiJ which . lpr White Oak~ . • A special sale in broken s1zes .

yard-Do not overlook this as '. 18 readily eornmunicatcd to locul Can Mf'll. }i'rnok .J. Sngor 11011 her of Shoes, call and see them. this is a bargain. Mail o.rders ·1 herds,· makinrr pr""autiona 0..,,.ainst dnughtel' Lorcnn ttli bollt(1,.fi!!El to ,. ..... save .you money. 'I'aliaferro'a

--------- ·----·--~ ·-·--- . -~---•


TranRacts n 0 onornl ·Ba11 long Hullillci'M-lHIIUos Drn ft.s on nil

PrhiOiJiul CrLill'l of Lllll Wodti---AI'':"rd,. to Uorro\Vtll'!\ every accommodation consistent with 11nft>ty, Acooun111 aolacitf'd, . .

J NT I•:: It I':!'""' I'

-·· ·~· ~ ·~ ~ ~ -~ ' ~ ~ ~ x-'" ,J j'•v <·j• ,o ••}'1' · J• r ,,r 1 r • r, r r "'r


MERCANTILE and TRADfNG. CO. F01f25 Yt·:ARS w •. ; liAVJ·: lkt:N' Domn

PlH:SI•:NT ~'1'.\N'D.

Bt'!flNt·:ss AT

--- -~--- -- -----------~ - -· --- ' . -·· - --------WE ARE NOT CLOSING OUT

-.,..----- --··--· . ·We Guarantee Our Goods, and Your Money Back

II Not as ReprescnJed. • RcHtt.l.rNn's Hooos at·c not a(l ultt•ratl·d •

CUASI•: AN'J) s,uinORN's CoJ•'VI•;Jo:, \

NONE BETTER, ··------.,.- ---~ , _____ ---·- -- - -- - .

-•.·- --------· . .. ·-·- ----·Gen-eral ·Merchandise.

_s__a _ __p __

NOGAL rlERCANTII-4E CO. --------------- -- ------- ·--- -·--------·---. j fohn H. Canning, Proprietor. ! . - ·-----·-- ..... - - - . ·------ ·--

A Complete Line of StrJctly HIOH·ORADE

GENERAL MERCHANDISE • given best care. S. C. Wtener.

1. Us Pprcodiog utterly unuvuUsblt>. tho Sociul Ci&'clc lut~t Thnl'l.'duy

·, , . The io8pcot~r'l-l artention b11s buen J(,hn Gu!lacbcr rc.>portA tbiat uftcr11ooo, provud tlwuHwlvcs The you.~fl. people 8 804:!111! cl.uh, 1 culled to that~~ outrng<', ..;,but. thus \Vhilo out uo the rnn~tc, ubout ll mo8 t nga·eenblc cnte1·t 11 ; n ,, 1 "'·

-T~E ~TO~E W~E~E ~OfJ QET ~ ~U~RE DEAL­~LL TPE1TI~E J~. ~-·~. o., hnd. tbe Jolliest I fur without uvail, it seems. week ugn, some ruas.3rcant went There were two contcllts, ono tbc

. vi tbeir Jives lit the residence I IO hilt cidUp UOd pilfered it (If Ji~ting of lhil'ty porfrniiH of (•tni-::zl,}l'(!DUlklns, 'where. tboy : We have just received a fine of abont ulltbat wns worth t11lt- uent men, tbu otlwr giving numea

tt.~.t for ,'iittshioss Rod socibility · stock of Dried Fruits, Peaches, ioQ'. Ho c~timotos bitt losll aanv- of lbil•ty old song11 ouJ hymns, 11t1t Thorttduv ~~~nil'jg. F1·om all ; Pears, Prune~ & Apricots, which wbero fl'om forty tl" lltdv d ullurs, 1 it It's to be dccitlnd frow benrrng .tlccoonts •b~ girflJ"~.n{rout mnde l we. can and wdl sell at. very low und tb() tluor.Joft him well ni&rh lho melody pluye<.l un tho Jliuoo . • stand oft' \Vitb tho libYs in enw- ~ prtces for the n~xt thtrty days. grnblcsta, comfortlc'!lij und witbou t After tbid Mi&s Su~cr, who J~ an i'!g ~ood. aod &e1Yiog ~J':1l,q_~~D$•. Ziegler Bros. a feather bed to bis name. uccomplisbcd pianist, favored thtt

Bot little business, howcwerf':;~yae' Mt"s. Frank Calfee, .formerly Millinery-Latest Styles at ludio-1 with mudic sdtllng a mu~~c lr:,~osacted, on u<rcount of tf(.,: Mt M . · . Wiener's. ohtu·m to tbo entort~&inmoot -uft'pr ..

, . g\rlc being in ta votolen majority: J~s~· . ay Goodt~, was .here vas- ed. Mi!SIJ Clan• Jacobs is bottto&d

6F 'Z tio/'im ; · rr; ' s • f77?"'"W ; ; j' r _._==- : ; . t·r a• '




I • ;


. ';. ·.


' . '

, •lt:i.W · her • old-ttme frtends fDr _ A. R. Hudspeth returned' · io 1 :. · =-'" :: •::i: :::: ... :. "' ::::: ' ''' sev_.,._ ... ,. .. o. ·tb.. ,.;ue .. t of ""'rs t'' tho ciroJ., this afterooun. - · · ....... " ... y..., "" • "' · .l~ • just nLout timo to go 'Courting ·

, I .. ' f

ClEO. W. P~ICftAQ.~, hDr. P.utd·· ~ni.dJ ... ~~tj "t~,tk·!1r:s. C~f~e r~,zain next weok. Tbls ttm9 it _.4

_.-e-,.-,,-ecJ_L_e-tte-·r-£-tat. ATI'ORNEY-AT·LA W • . ave e.. ..,...;,_ ~0 ... "" ·. · . . . "~-"en: will bo in moro dttenuous lint~a 111

~~rrs OAKS. • • • N~W ll#tt':6': . on "-. ,:~(lb. · · · . o~ tJte ~uilty seat. The • Ootlch'lk Tho toUowfng &at ta list nf uo• Practicl!l in a.ll tb~ cont•• ot Rivers on ae~~~.. ..Mt~ tabt1 pleasure in corroct)Og tho clr•i~e,d Jetter& lying in (UliJt

tb&.Territory. healt~, as be bs. ·• .. . .. • . . . . WPQtJoned in last .issno. u1Bce at White <?uks, N~ &J ..-lot . . • . . · · . . from .. · . tt. t 'dt ·rn. \it' . tt · tb tho monih enc.hog Mucb 3br,

lUNING LA'~ A SPE_OlALTY • \-ous• . in. a railroad· aeti.. ~a ·· ~e ·.t. · . •• , ta wom~ _ 1~ .. · 0 190{;, wf;tioh if bot called tor witb-

' •• } .

': i .•. cJ-•" '


" . . . . . . . . . f di ·t d . t . . . ;~Ot "!Ill ~~)'I tbere W,biii, t. any 0 d . ·f·ta· b . . . h d . ,,,;.,;;.~.;,. . · . · . .. •lf;~n an t J$ . : . · . ·hoW' ·C~tlid·' tb!!rp-, be in 9() •1• w o soot to t e . e11d

OZANNI3. wom•b·. in¥ ill · ln fll~t .,~ . . letter oftic6 at WMbingt(Jn,. D. o. :and ,.u kipd• at

ond · · · .. · · ·· . · WtJte dct()t~~ 1 Sr. »•.,heco. , li.,.Q ,.,lh · , ... , ·· · · ·. ,•·:· . -t••• 1..,-~ ••· ' . . ' ,~_U-



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' . Sometimes na a woman srowa old·

er sb~ becomc11 lesa dteu:v and more bhsr .-Puck. ·

Dt. Loeb predlctll •JJino made bablea."

• • an era or .. ma· Wb;y not 1 Look

l't our aUI.t.esmen. •

• . •

If Napoleon .;·were a.U.v.o to-day, ll.e lllllgbt .roma.rk: · "Tbrough tho Slmp­'IOn tunnel Jlcs Italy!" ~-- -...----.

Througt1 HOfl'lc sttangc ovcrRight no eolJcgc Jlrotr•nHOr bah ·t.Bk~ a tall out ot tho wlclte4 bacbclots tor a Whole week. -··.----.,.........,..;..-

lncltletJtally, would It not be a good Idea tor tbo l'hlladclphlans to put Ia • tow min ute11 vrrJyJn~: tor tbci'J)o l.leiVC!BT

Acrort!lng to nl1l rccordn round In O(noa, It cmat f7.4JOO to dlt~oover Amfir· 11la And lbc money was ccrrt:Uiol1 Wllll lll•Ont.

- ·-Flowcro wIll not be aJ lowed In 1hO

•~'DiliQ C'httmla·r nr1y moro, the HPDU· tors cloubth•Hn ft>ollnr thoy nrll MWO(lLo <llconl(ld enough ns It .iH. -- ...._,. ________ _

Sorno rN•f•nt Jlortralts (Jf John '0. Roclwft·Jf(•r IJI,nr out the (rcnl'ral im· Jlrt~l'Bion Ulat J•otuonal Ci'>tnellncas Is ~ol the ocltJpuu' !llrong JlCJiut.

A Now YtJrk tmBinellll mun hn11 had lliB tongut• reuwvod 'ln order to sa~o hils llr••. nut ouppmlf~, In ndflltlon to everyLhln" olne, bo had b(Jcn u. wo. man! ·-

• .

David Wnrlt, though 100 yearll oE arco, 111 nerving au " mcmb(•r or t)le Cnnodlnn 11'inato. Mr. Wnrlt · thlnks Dr. Oul<·r may ltaow moro Wboo ho a;f.llll old<•r. ---------

A cll!.l!ll of Wollm!loy girls· lHlR sot out to "Jar tho JlrofOitior'll 1101\11(1 tbf1 noHthotlc IIH far IlK JIPUIJIIIIP," Need It 110 nnn11unrod In r.ulvuncu tbnt they will llUCt'cwll T ·

----------"? In nn nnronrwilnhlo bnch(!lor who

klclcn ngulnBt tho proiJ()Hcd tux when bo thlnka ut tbu tnx wblch the. mil• Unc•ru' convt•nt lo1t hi prcparl.:J~ to leVf Gil tbo mnrrlud mcm. ____ ,_.,...._ .... _ -

Wo can't bolp nort. or willblnJC tbat Oxford unlvurRILy wmtltl cut clow'n tta lll'W profCIIIIOr'{l BllJB1'f1 lU ViOW or bill ndvanol'd OIJC II Ill} coniiOQUCIJlt ID• ability to 1to full work.

A fn.llhl<mnblo Now Yo.rlt club ato roo&t rhlnocuron nt a hiUIIJIIOt· tho otb• er evening. 'fhlo Rhowa ~o what dOl· p11rnto utrult11 tho biw! truat baa ddv~

• en oven \hi1 wcll·to-do.

Dr. Woodrow Wlleop au.tu:uate the ac':vtaalllllty ul lool~lng nt thfl souls ..,., uu'tlOtol ~ of a trust botoro buytns any of tbo atocl,, 'l:hla ought to WilkO t~ualncall tor tho ocullsta.

• Joint Mel'il!)rlllla P•••ed,

• Tile rolluwlng Joint memorials were

J)Rlllll!d at. U11.1 ]llllt ISCHI!IOn, of the l" r· ritorlal J .. cgflllature: ·.

No. 1.-Prolt'J!Ung to tho Senate or tho Unllr.d States agalrJHt tlle pas~age of stlitebo01l IJIJI with' clauac proVJII• In!! for tho nclmtfffiiQn ·~1t New Mexico and Arlzonll us one· state.

No, 2.-ProteaUng to the Pre61dent Unlfed atal•'K agalnHt the creB­

LIUII ot the Rio . do Jemez b'orest lte· serve, .

No. 3.-rl'rotestln_g against: tho llRaS· age, In lttJ prosont !oriJI, bY the f?en· ato ot tho UnltM f:Hntes or H. 793!l, relattiig 'to tho N>nstructlon dam and rl\l!crvolr on tho Rio I.JT'Illloe

In New Mqxlco anti for other purposes. No. 4,-PoUtlonlng the l..cghllatlvc

Aalllllnllly ot tho 'state' or Jl!Jno,la·to urgo J'OJlft'll«lltatlvea In Congreas from flllnoils to VOlll COt Senate am(l.ld· menta n<!mlttlng Now Mexico as a. Jiln,;lu Htntc, .

No •. fi. l'a•ot.t>st1ng to tho commls· Klonor of tho Oenorul l~\1111 Otllco against tho wlthdi'I4Wnl of htntls from tmbllb on try In ann Juan co11nty. .

No. G. 'l'o tho CongroKil ot tho United Btl\toti, roqucatlng tho IJU.IlHilf:CJJ of 1:1. n. No. 7209, rulatlvo to tlW l'ajar.lto Clllf l1wvlloru' National park. .

No. 7. Petitioning the Senat~ and Hol!llo; ot JC.bprqtlaptatlves · of tho llultcd Statcll' to• JIBIIll leRifllntlon resu· Jntlng commerce In Uu1 mat­~or or ntluTturntM toMs, etc.

No. 8. PeUtlonlng tor c,~atnbllabmottt of huuJ omco illotrlct with bl'!ndnuar· tor11 at Bamta Rosa, New Mc:dcp.

No. 1)., 'fo tho IJOcretary or tho In· tcrlor, omco of ln41an ~&Uatrll, asking that Uto Navnjo lncllann bavlng reserva· Uons and rll!flillng within tbQ territor)' of Now Mextco, 11e rcilttlrcll t.o etay wltbhl tbo Umtts of their roser~atlons, and com vtolaUns samo lawa. of tbo territory.. ' .

No. 10. To tho Scnato and Houao of R<111roaontaUves ot th'f.l Unlt.ocl States, poUtlontns for ostabllsh~enU of f;loV· ontb Judlcliil dlstrlot with heaclquar·

Ono wouum In a tbounand baa ap- tors at clty oC S<~corro, ~ow Moxtco. pearNt. Sho rocoivod an C!f\tablo 11roa· No. 11. PotiUonlng tho bonorablo, ·ent. from an unknown 11ourco and toCIIC·Itbo· secretary '()J all)'loulturo, to grant


pctmlsalon W . tbo torrltory of Now U1o procmullon to bavG It anal)'&O\L t Mt~xlc:o to construct and maintain that ooolt\Jncd puiROn, or course, porUon or tho Camino nual known as

tho 11Bilonlo Road'' upon ana aCg)lll tbe Dr. Cbadwick'e dausbtcr hl\11 s;ono

to wqrk aa a atonogrApbor, tn eplto th(l tact tbat tll"re arc p\1 "ty of man• .,.,,. wbo 'would baYo be~n clad to llVO bor & Cbanct ~D tho llln80,

l1ucos foro11t reserve, · No. )2. Commending tho action or

Prci!ldQnt UQ()aovolt. an(l bla C.blnot omcort tor tllt'lr good work In t'()IUlat. tos tho truat•.-

~·:..-----' •

• Tbo Uow Y<~rk; man who beat bta Advlco to th• Indian"

wtto bocaue abo RU-eatod tbftt bo A San•~ Fo dlt!p•t"h of Ma'rct}'~~~i~!1~· le~,ould au to work had probably been aa:r11: Judge .. " ll ,roadtlll' J'rof. Patton'• arKUmont. tht.\ Statoe attorrlOY all marrlo4 women lbould b,. ..,Jqo to-day Je&rnora. . Natnbo auu

Tbo Now York woman w1to atrr'aetl-.1 ~:~~~~~~~ tttl tdvo lt,Ofto a vohtmo ror tbo ~~~~~~~~ila

r UIC, lato Oht\rloa DlckoM mutt bllVO ovcrlool<O(J tho fltbt that tbo novellat wroto aovorl\l or tbom aftv bo '~'~••• •o )lear;• old. ,

so• • I • ....... '!*' 2 lP$ f'; ,.

Tho Dowa~ ~btt)all or i)blna btiill Mnl tho proeh.tont a pbotoiOPb which

""*'i~PkClll bar apvw abo~~ t.Wtlltl )'~~~,_:It !Joun..,r t~ iditl 1s. ,l!lvort leal\ womall wlllapp~ll'to btr Ita U.• 1n1Uor.

pq:ne~re. wer,~

With the· committee ~'iub~~r and letter. P,resldent· li ,In' part: · regards the general positlQn

'taken by ,the defenders of the action of the 'prudential committe~ hi accept: lug Mr. Rockefeller's gttt, that a mis· slonnr:v organization baa no right to discriminate in regard to the money received lest it passed unwarrant~d judgment upon 'the bu_olness methods of donor, I take issue at once. The acceptance by the :American Board of a gift from this ·source, under . the present condftlons, must· mean 'one' of two things-either the board pellev:es that the business methods lii:volved are cor.rect or that they are a matter of moral ln'dlUere»:ce ~o far as the reception o( the money Is concerned. For one~ do not Jlke to see the At!D,eJ•I·I can Board take either one of _positions. Such action bur.ts the ·cot;l· s'Cience of the coming generation more than that of· the generation which is pe,s~lng. It is ·not' an incentive 'to mls· slonary zeal. No organization set to the lilgh and lasting ends, of Christian .service can allow itself to be thought indifferent to tlie morai Issues of the day Whenever ·(\lese Issues are neces· sarlly affected bY its action •. "

Will Build to Salt Lake. . Denver, ·March 3~.-T_h'.:! Republican

this morning says: · · David H. Moffat returned from the

East last' evening, wearied by his trip, but elated over the fact that he lias been·able to finance the· Denver, North· western & Pacific railroad in a man· ner quite satisfactory to !tlmself. He

• t •••

' . ~·

t.o ·l~lm after that trouble' <t;ten

·. • . '

a lrn)Wth of the. tlme accepted as a fact ~ turned. acc()UDlt, difficult as tbe Q1&k . • .

the '''family ln.the. l)at~rla~rcl~al sense'~. wlll never be re­stored, family, vltal ·and tnde­.structlble, Is esstmtlal to clvUiza~too: Jt w~n outliv~ tl).e chaos or IJelfislinesa and be the nucleus of a saner and :Stronger llfe.-St. Louis Eost-Dlspatcb.

What· the Dentlat Sa~ -·.

l;'il~s._ 1 •

> •


. ,_

Toledo, Ohio, March 27th-(Spe_clal.) -Hu.rry T. Lewis, the well known den• tlst of 607 Sumlt street, this clty, I• telJing of bls remarkable cure of Kid• ney Pllease ~'/ usln~ Dodd's,ey

"I 'W,!lS fta on m'f back and must 't · say 1 had almost given up all hop& of ever getting lln'f help," says Dr. Lewis. .

''My kidneys had troubled me for '; • 'tr yeari'J. The .Pains Ill m1 back were severe and I had to get up s~veral ' 'times at Qfght. I tried dlfferent'medl-

• cines b1tt ltep' on getting worse tiU I was laid up. •

"Then a friend advised me to trY Dod-1'1J Kldne'/ Pllls .an4 In about two weeks I st~rted to Improve. Now 1 am glad to 'admit. I am cured and I cannot prai,se 'Dodd's Kld11.e'/ 'Pllls too hlghl;y." . "..-

' If you ·t,ake. Do~d's Kidney, PJJls


went directly to the Denvvle~;r~~t~~~ wbere, after a brlet 'test, be:.J .the foiJowlng statement:

"1 h~,tve inaqQ such satisfactory nr· rangamente In tlte East as will enable me to go 0'.1 wl~h the Denver, North· western &· Pacific railroad as a orig·

'When yo_ur kidneys fli~Jt show sighs of . beln$ o~t'o~~fle~ '¥1lU..Yfu.J;JJe"!tt~~·b~ .,, · • ~-~"' Bright's Dtaeas~•· Diabetes, Dropsy,

' . lnnlly ~ontemple,ted.

"My associates in the·l!)ast are no~ connected with any of the trunk llne railroads, so the 13torles heretofore publlshed that" the Unlpn PaclAc, the, Chicago, Rock Island & Paciftc and Del\Ver & Rio Grande, raspeQ\lyely, had purchased the Denver, Nortliwest­ern & P~Ulc are 'Witboht fpundatlon In fact. ' · : · .

· "1 expect to let further contracts as

Gravel or 'Rheuniat!sm. ' • •

• Flfty-~hreo Suoday~ thle V~ar. ' .,

T~e fellow who was looking tor od· C\fties h8.$ cllscoverew that tbe yea-r 1905 began. on Sunday and 'Wlll clos~ on Sunday., FUrther~ .~ this wlll not happen again In 110 years. There are fltty-three Sundays In 1,906.


• 8o -.IP Humor, Cured ~Y- ·cu~lcura Soap ~

~nd Olntment-Af~er All El~• · ' Had F•Jied.


soon as weather condltlons mit, and hope to reach Hot t.prlngs by July 1st, nn.i. b)· J~~~·~~~!:: · · should have n'IY tracks in Routt ., wr.a troublell with a severe scalp to receive shlpfllentf! IJf coal. 1 bave- htJmor and los's .of hair that gave me a surances that I sltalJ have money ...... t.'great deal of annoyance and lnconven· fast as the necessities ot constructlqn I(.DCe. After unl;!uccessful etrorts with require, to :enable me tp goo~ to Salt manr · remedlea and so-called' Jiatr · :Lake. . tonics, a rrtend ind'uced me to trY •

· "This ls all I have to say at present. Cuttcurn. Soap and Ointment. 'l'ha · "D. H. MOFFAT." humor was cured.ln ~t short Ume, .m:y •

hair was .restored as healthy as ever .. and I can gladly say 1 have since been . entirely free from any further annoy·

• ance. I aball always use :jutlcur& Soap, and I keep tH Ointment on h;.;:;: ~ uae as a dreaabig tor the hair

' .. and ecalp. (Signed) Fred'k BUllche, 213 East 67th St., New York Clt;r."

•• •

.. \

' .

" ' '

, 'I



' ' '

• •


' •




At a .drpneJ:·, party ~n' ~ashl;ngti)n,, whicb was atte.n.ded by some of the nt9st prominent me11- in tlie national captt~l. one of. ~e diners remarlce.l that lie «>nee sat In the Union League


in New Yorlt with Roscoe CoQk· .. "'~' · · C!ie~ter A. Arthur and · seeral

• dlstlnqulsl,ied, 'gentlemen~· who .,.. ... ~ been ,cl\refuOy .educa(ed.: ln reJig.

l1ot1l3 ta'Inillell, antJ that, noilij· of them wacs able to nan;te the· tW$!lve appstle:>. . "That's 'easy," said a Senator, brash-..... . .

Jy, "Ma.ttliew, ~arlt, Luke and, · the lied Utat 1 lte

r.u.•~,· lli.e.;:ltW.J~·Jame!!es; Jude, 'nar· ·stOpped' with· soine

jl ~. \ ~ ' ' .

!"l''f.tllotlry,•·• s'ugge1sted . a 'maJor gen-

' I • j ~

meekly ,:11-me from. a· voice .In the cor. n~r. · ·

' "I'll be blamed If be was. He Wa!l a disciple;'' came the purt reilly.

"Weren't tho lllsclples atid tllo Apos­tles tbf} Sll'InC thing?" ·Inquired· the inaelt voice, getting a snnde bolder. · ' Uartllol(lm~ wns . sugg()sted and accetihid by se~el'lll: · ·

"What's the matte.- \VIth Peter?" ~i,J clalme(l a modest ·young 'member. o~ tho diplomatic. !!ot·ps, :who ,llnd hitherto -lieen' silent, • .

~·Ho\v many does that ml\lte?" some. -body a'slte~~ ~rld ~ey ~ounted up ten• tor 'aur~. with a§ ninny more .doubt· ful,. • . '


• '



·.; 'W11H SWEDISH DY.N~STY :vefitn~lllil~n ·in an ·Epi~o-

"tet•s~ look In the Bible," sugg,ast:i!d l a».othet, lind the {)ood Doole wa.s .CltY.ell'1'. hauled In vain. . Then ··an cnJ~Ycli>XJ;ri'~ . ., dill was'appeule<l to. but lt was Urely eaUsfactory, .fot• ·it 1n4~h1clc(t:i

' Although_ of peasant extract\on ·Os· II. <lf Sweden has for so mtony

yeats, been the most imposln~ and ma· ~~tlc·looklog figure 1\mODg the sover. elgus or the Old World that th~l nows' o( his ~avlng ~een forced by 'i1ti1ess and, old age to surrender. his sce~oter ~ .lns eldest son· 11nd to 11tep d<lwn from the 'throne as Incapable of .tul· 1Ullns'~imy longer the onerouq duties

'' . of rulers hip ·will be received witt. a feelJng of regrbt even In this country;

• • ~ere popular sentiment is so averse to \nonar.ehlcal form's of governme-nt.

Oscar wa$ until a few months' Rgo a superb specimen of manhood, tower­Ing , hea4 \ and ·~houlders over ev.P.rY, other king and emperor In Europe with tl!~ exception of Leopold of' H~l·

·glum, -while bls wonderfully varied gifts and talents, his unusual' culture apd his singularly sunny disposition Jmplirted to his manner an extraol'di· nary charm and Jasclnatton that made 'tl,lemselves lelt-to ·an those who had the' ·privilege of approachln~· him.

Inaeed, fer those who believe In the advantages of blue blood and of an· c!pnt lineage ,It was diiDcult to reall;.o;e tii~tt.thls grand-looking prince, so tru-'ly 'ldngly In appearance and yet with· al so shnple and so demof;lratic In his

' waYEJ, was the grands'on of ·a Pyr~· nttan peasant an'd the great-grandson on the 'distaff side of ~ :r,Jarseilles shopkeeper. · ·

. The Swedish Dynasty. ' There are few stories more roman·

than that of the pres~nt Sw.edlsh -d;y•na1~~y. Gustavus IV., tbe last· man·

l•,alr.(!li but one of the House of Vasa, :was brou_ght to the throne at the

' early age of 14 . by the assassination 'his father in tbat verY palace 1\t

Stockholm where Oscar a few days ,. ' ago turned over the reins o~ govern-

"'IJlSJlLt. to his eldest pon. Gustavus· IV. proved a most unsat·

lsflilitory · ruler,. and! In 1809 was de· pos(od by m.~ans of a mi)itary pronun· dantento, forced to • sign his abdlca· Uon after ·a most . dramatic hand·to­

' tuin,d. struggle with General Alder· itreub and the omc~rs Implicated In tlie . conspira~y and · was then • ban• fshe(ij...along with his, consort and his cbl~tren, his uncle taking his pl11.ce olt t:\e throne as Charles XIII. 'l'he latte-r being childless ·and an ·admher of. France and of Napoleon, 1selected th" ~ench Field Marshal Berna.dotte, 'v~9 had been born as a peasan~near pJa. and wbo had 'risen trom t.)J.e TUIU~I!, tO become hfs heir, indUCed the

~ naLtlcln~l Dlet at Stockholm to · ratify lOl(le and established him ln the

$~~~~::~d,:~::~lPJl:tal a:s Crown Prlnce. . · who took th~ ·name ot: ·~~~rl:~ John, soon made himself the T ruler of ·the kingdom, · assoclat­

liimself 'heartily with-his adopted •"'·"·" 1n 181-3, when Napoleon's

1c>Sl:llr b.e!~~Jl to wane, joined the powers

'llll<>i'A striving to. crusli Uie em• ~; llerg,r. servtoos In bringing about

overthrow caused tbe ~pg~e~8'<1f VIenna to leave bim un· :tl.ltibed in the place which he had

·f4tl;4'~~led;, at Stockholm, and in 1818, te 1de~Lth of Charles XIII., the last

ot-tlje, itQ.e. or kings, be ascended under the title of Charles

b\s -wlfe; Desh:ee.. daughter of stockbrOker Olary and a MarseUles ,shoplteeP., Que~ bt Sweden and -

man capa},lle of contendh)g wltb po~eon. The mat!)!!. _as ~lgh~

. ' Thomas and A~drew;. 'in tho 1111~. · ~-~~~~~~~~~d~~~~~~· tT1e j\~stlqe ·of the Supreme eou1•t ' The following let~r is onl;y one t)f,,

· '!l(~st.lttv 1a 1 mq,ny thousan(ls which Qre, on file in

been expected under tlle circum· stances. cUd not turri, out Jlapplly.. '

'!Nicodemus," suggested • one of the • " ' ' company. · ·. ,

"Jeremili.b;" said imotller. "Julas w~s one of the Apostles,"

two of the . Senators wore · 1 the Pinkha~ omce, lw(l fTO to prove· that. Andrew· was not nn b~yond queRtlon thafi J,ldi~ E. Pink• of wblcll·teac:bes t.ho great hnm'a·Vcgetable Compound must be o. a:nd ne~ ot ·Sunday schools. ·remedY' of gren.t mei:U, t)tl~erwlse it

cdulil n!>t produce such mo.rveloqa re• Berriadotte, on · becomJng "t)row_n prince and 'subsequently ldng of Swe· den, lost his head so cqmpletely that, forgetful of' the ,.fa()t that .be himself was a peasant from the Pyrenees, be


of " David · · Harum" '

sults nmong slqk and ~ling women. · Dear ~rs. J>inkhilm :- · ·

'' AbQut nine mouths a~.I wftlla great ~~qt-. teret with womb t1-oubl!:', which cnusod me

reproached hiJ!.: charming wlte wltb . . . ~he lowlitJ~ "M.Aler blrth, declaring . One· of the quaint characters who that he had been gutlty; of a terrible formerly lived at Hempstead was 01·

" mesalUancll and that if he bad only h~r Hendrickson, says tlie Brooltlyn waited be ~ight have had any prin- Eagl~. Afe v.:a's a great love1·. of cef1S of the l!lood ln Europe for 'the horses and somet.hing of a vet~rina· asking-this;\ too, in spite of the fact rlan. Dally and hourly he murdered that. he hall st9od .!lS a 1:\0ldler on duty the kbig's English. . ·His favorite·. on what is now the Place de Ia Con· I slm was, "Jess so wlth ,a boss." corde •at Paris on the occasion of the He was <lnce heard to· say that he execution of King Louis· XVI and ,that never failed to notice the ''physlclav" lle had taken part in the shout of in which a horfie 1ald down. ''Mort aux Tyrans•: whitlh greeted .the A neighbor o.f Oliver's ita'd a horse exhtbjtion of the ·severed head . of of ·Which he was very•fond and which their monarch to the multitude-- he permitted Oliver to ·use at frequent words. which, along with a ·Phrygian intervals. On one occ,qslon the own· cap, were found tattooed on his right er's llttle soir- went driving with 011· arm llftet his death. · :. ver and muc\1 to the latter'!'! disgust·

Inherited Josephine's Ey~•· - kept nestllng about in hl11 seat, asking Queen Desiree, whose slst~r JulJa;l to handle the reins and urging ·his

married King Jose~h Bon~parte ~f companion to let the horse gc) at top Spain and Uved with him for a time s~eed. Returning, Oliver told the at ·Bordentown, N; J.; aurvlved her. lad's father that he was tbe most "dl.s· husband for nuiny years aJ),d died restless:• bOy he ever 13aw.

• shortly before the F;anco-German The owner of . the horse soon after war, universally beloved ·in 'Sweden, was seized with a ~erlous illnesS' and and, stran~y enough, without ever for a time was near doath. Ollver having r~vlsited her native land slpca the overthrow of the great Napoleon. T It Is by an Irony ot fate that Queen , , 0

·Desiree's only s~n, Oscar I, should. ==:::;::=::;;= have fallen In love with Josephine de J:43uchtenberg; daughter of Eugene lle In one of Count 'Tolsloy's earlier ·neauharnals, who ·was the only of the Empress· Jose.phlne •. tot: whose stories, "Th~ Wood-Felling," the nov· · sake she had been jUte<!. by Napoleon. ellst characteri;.o;es the Russian soldier In spJte of his mother.'s 9~poslUon as follow·s: · "A Russian soldier's Oscar I Insisted upon marrying Jq· spirit does not rest on easily lnflam· sepbine of i.euchtenb.erg, and in tbls mable enthuslas~ whlcla cools quiclt• wa~ ·tbe presen~ king of Swede.n. Os· .Jy, m1e the courage of £oUthern na­car II. finds himself a grandson ot tions: It Is as -difficult·to i~flame him Desiree Clary and a ID'eat·grandS<Jn as It is to' depress him. He does not o( Emp~ess Josephine, whose si:~~ nlied scenes, speeches, war cr~es, larly beautiful .~nd expressive. eye{ songs and drnm11s; · on the contrary, alonG of all her des~.endants Is ~.a d !0 h·e needs quiet, order and an abl!ence

, ~vere pain e~trtime nervouanlll!ll apd !re-. ~ ·. · ll an,;...i quent headiCches, from which the doctor

• • loolted after l bo hor::e l:at·eru Y tlliled to relltwa ml', 1 trie1t ·Lydia E; Pink-lug ·bls tielghllor's llluoss. O~ca!>ion7 bam'fl Yegatable Cpmpoun!l and within a ally })e wo11ltl call at lhe Nlclt tl1an's short time felt better, and a~r taking_flvo ~ouse to report conditions at tlu} bQttlesof•it I wnsentirelycured~ 1 therefore •·• heartil)' rec(munond yotJr Compound as a stable. o'u such occa.slops he would ~~plendid ttkirlnl;l tonic, It makes the monthly tell· his frlend;s wire thllt so nntl ao J113rlods reguh•r and without pnln; and whu.t bad made an offer fut· tbc hot'SI;l In Uta "'blll§lllng It is to find 8U4'h a remedy afhlr so

many doctors fall to help you.. I mp pleo..'l(,>d event of the OW11er dying. ''But," saldl to ro®~neud it to all11uft'erlng ,\;omen. •·­Oliver, "I tohl 'em they'd have \o bill Mni.- Bartl Wilson, :n EMI/Sd StMt, .Ciucin· higher'n that; l am going to loolt out zmti, Obl~. . ' for the wldder," · Cheflrful cpn\·ersu· It yo". have suppressed or painful

h k mehstruo.tion. weak.nN•s ot thQ stom· tlon that for n woman w 0 ·new ach, idlllgestion, bloating, leucurrltroa, might; 'l,Je widowed any day • . 1loQdlng. J~,ervon!l prqstration1 .dlzzi·:

.After a time· the slclt · matl ness,· faintness, "·!;lon't·" and ·ered:· and when he WM out "want;tu·be·1eft:alono" feeling. ex-cnhnly told Jilm: "1 was dreadful citability, \laclcaclie or tbe blues, these 'frald ye Wll!l goln' to die, ;M(. C-;"-; 'are su'Ni ihdicntions of female weak· but I never let vour wife kno.w how ness, s~me derangement of; tho tttel'us

• or ovarJan trouble. In such caaes the-re acalrt I was. I kept l16r courage up, Is one tried arid true ren'ledy-Lyfiia 1 tell ye," .E. Pillkham'~;~ Vegetable Compound.

Another· remarlt of Oliver's to a • • horse owner :was: "I ltln cure 'most

anything In a horse, but ye !llust nev· er let one of yours get a· foundr·y', on him; 1 enn't nev!lr cure that." 01 course :ae meant foundered. '

Soldi r


IP · NEW-NET PRICES • ~-ln~h bliU'k, 13 06 por 111() oot ~JL·Inc h blllc&l, tllllll por 100 feet l•lnQ" blllOko .. >.:18 per 100 f•et

, 1~-lnob bl.ek. •1:111 p•r l' 0 feet tl ·lhOb blnrk, 1&04 p11r 11111 toac

• -ln~b bla •k, ~1.12 per 1011 teet. , llli~·llteh blllrll, 18411 Pill' 100 f6et

:s-tn~b •blt o ., ~4 JR per 1110 fee& l·lneh blaow, 84,M per 11l0feet 11-lnrb llmak,ttO 411 por JOJ foot fl-'lnob hiRolr, fllct,JO ver Jlt • fl\llt

'-!.·Inch lllllv.. tf,OII p&r 100 teet ~-lr1cb gsly., t4.81Ju r 1011 foot : tlnch ll'lllv., .f6,1J'Ipor 100 fee&


• J 1\4·1ncb, a'T., f'H~ per 1!111 tB~t 1!1•ln·•b !r<IIT , til.~ nPr 100 fllftt ·'l'llljl·H. II. Klll'l"l,\" CO,,

l!Ula nnil t.uwreuee Stll., Dean·er, Colo. ., • -- -.- ••-" I - -- - ~ ' ---


JI'Cir ,l!:Yel'' Ser'floa

"'"NAMOS- MOTORS . ' ()J'f,O.C KJ!:R• WH R-~ J,Jlll\ «JOMPAlltY

Eleer.,ltiiOI Bnclnfte...,., l)e••Yel' , •

. \.

BROWN PA£.ACE HO'TEL~~s_o~~~~ • Enro~ plaa, tt.l'O and upward. . ,

COL iJ M B ll HOTELro.:''a~k~ •. rr8m tlr.; et. ·R"tes $1,60 to U.OO, Amttr~a.n pfan.

AMERICAN HOUSE •rwo blocks from " , unfnn depot. Tba

Ill'~& 12 pftrdajr, bntel tn t,ha WMI, A·""{lo •n t•'ftll'. ••

Oxford' H ote·l lhmv.,r. One biiiCik from ·. l!nln!l IJ!!OOL .t'I""IJI'tlnf. C. 1~. ~10118£, ~lltl'.!

WIIOlESAlE MilliNERY]. '" A•,qtta "~ lle,RII

THE A.tlMtiTJCf) ... G TllRNltU CO., 171~ en 17ll0 llrlll•llbnnflt. ' Doll'\'111!'

WRAPPING ·PAPER AND IAGSi The Carter, Rica &Carlien"r Paper Co, \ ·

Lnrlfe~tbon.., tn theWeaf.HumplesRndqn~• tntlonsQn ll'eiJUGat, .,.oa. Ulllll7 lil Ulnke<~t~


E. E. BURLINGAME & co.; ASSAY OFFICE AND Eri:~~:~RV . Hatablleh~d1n Colorado,l81!6. Sam plea by mall or exrren will rcc:cl-lre prompt and careful attealloll

GOld &SUrar Bullion .R•~~·,.MJ~~J:~~~~,.. Cone. ontratloo Tesls-•oo tb•. or r:ar toad tote. , I' . Wl'lle for tcrma. .1Ja&·l13!1 Lawn!lee:n.,QeD'fer. Col~· -

'Rbl...lA81...6 ASSAYS Gold t • , • \li>ld ~!Ill t;IIVel' • JI.O, L<•nd .. • .:~r. Gold, fiiiYt)r, CoppQr,. 1.~0 Pln<••·r fl<Hn. ~'"'"''tB and tU••h Ot oM Btttrl(h•

,OGDE H ASSAY CO., 1 :!l"o~~:~~~"JJ~rJ!t"'"~·

Northern Grown seeds· Prep o' Dny RWrat Cor11, -Old 'l'ru•tr lnruhnl• orR llnmr~omfl ••ntalfiKU•• CrPn The tltiln,.. 1'11'"11 Oo., 1381 Flft-th At., Ul'nvtor, ('nl ...



have Inherited.- Ex-Attache .b of anythlhg affected. In a Russian, a Pittsburg Dispat~h, real Russian soldier, you will never

sheepsldn Clonlt, and nn artillery out· riGet, who, :c"oeping beneath a horse ttat was killed under ltitn, began un·

. buckling the girths to save the saddle. Who do'es not remcmbet" the Incident of the siege of Gorge bel, when t the fuse of a loaded bomb caug~t fire ln tbe labora,tory? An artillery sergeant ordered two soldiers to talte the bomb and throw It Into the ditch and ,the soldiers did not run to the nearellt fj};Ot, by the colonE-l's tent, which stoOd near the d llch, but toolt It far· ther on, so as not to, waite the gentle· man asleep· In the tent.:..... The men were consequently both blown

sr,enlul ruh•M In gnr·dent)r8. Uattt lm·. por ed unll Amerlc·nn Stocl(. Pl'lcu•IIHt and Catalog tr~·e til' nil 1\fJpllc)llnts.


'I'I'Ct'll• fruit nntl nrnnmen­tn I. 111111111 CrUltH, r080>I, ~thrtthll, \'Inca, hulhB urul botlge. l•lnntl! \Ve Klltlr.h hV '

lmprovln'g ·the Vernacular. It Is hoped that one of ~he first

things done aboard the new battle­. shlp South Caronna when lt is com• plcted wm be to organize a Class in the pronunciation of Its name. Let the crew, (rom the captain down. trained to l·soutb.!f·p.a:·

find a'ny brag,;ing, swagger or a· de· ' ' sire to befog or excite himself In a

time ot dange11-; on the contrary, mod· esty, slmpUcity and a capacity for see­ing·,tn time of peril something quite els~ than -the danger are the distinct· lve features of his character:

"I h'ave seen, a soldier wounded In thf> leg, who in the first instant. thought only of the ltole in his new

pieces. · ''I rl!lllE>mber also how In the expe·

dltlon of 1852, something led a young ' ' sol,dier while in nptlon to say tba,t be

thought the Jllatoon WOUld never CB•

cape. And tlkC whole platoon an~rlly attacked hlm for s'uch evil worlls, wh!cli ·they did riot lllw even to re• peat:• • ,

' ~ • 1.- •

lnhabi.tants of the Sudan •

word "Carolina" 1s pteaslng to~the ear, and Is, in i~ Americ!ln application, of h).Storic significance. The early· o;u•· anY was named from the Latin In hon· or· Cbarles II. who ml\de the original grant to the eight lords. proprieto~:s, In 1663. It fa, therefore, ll~trtlcularly . A prohpector for gold In· the Ludan. ·• distasteful to South Carolinans to hear " 1:1 "very ft·iendly are the natl¥1!. their state referred to as "South Ca'-11· an Engllshman, writes thus of some of beatln~ an En,gllshman with ·great re· na" and •them.:-Jelves as "South the characteristictl of the people of spect. Some .of the tribes, however, nlana." Such corruptions of t)le fw·n that region: "The natives are keen are quite •scared at the slgbt of a words are totally inexcusable.- Let sportsmen and good stalkers, and re· white man, and J~eveml of the ex· crew J)f the "South car.o·ll·na" be Sl'ect a good shot. The different trumely small villages w~re (\eserted trained in th~ proper pronunciation of tribes are ~nnumerable, the typical on our approach. UHually, on a tbe name, and perhar It in time norf.h· iSudanese being a flne, strapping man, stranger's arrival In a village, the erners wlto come in contact with ..... -,, but with pecuiJ.ariy thin legs. Among sheik comes forward nnd welcomes men of th~ sbip wlll catch the habit. 'themselves the men are gods ~tnd the one, orders an :augrlb' (native bed· But

1 tor heaven'S sake: do not have a women beasttr of burden. They are stead) for one's use, and over a cop

" 'Ca~pa'' :tn tbe Unit~ s~tes comparatively fntelligen.t and soon of coffee or bowl of sugar-water en• nayy.-Columbla. s. c., State. learn If .hllftdled properly. If a man tertatns hl11 guest. The sheiks are, bn

.,_,....... ............. _ ...... ......,..,_..,...· hurts bhJ!self ln any war the others the whole, a very fine race of men and Decline of Chlyai!"Y• look upon ns a huge joke. One In~ in courtesy ot manner comp11re with

Chtva.lcy grew up ln Europe as a eldent in Is worthy of the most polished European. after the fall of record. A bad been shot, ·~on leaving the vlllage the she!~ and it flourished thoug}l dead, was ·not usually walks at the head ot one 6

Its decay A started to skin' accompa~led by hla two or wJ111 ~i·P·~·;~;~,~~ In hls I tltli'Eie •chief men, .a.nQ, on reaching the

m.Quli (<>~'ttllitit•el:Y.~~~~~ outsklrt,s ot his viii.~S.e; points oqt tho to the nt•xt ltaltlng place, grnsps

v:nh ·band to wtlat, ._nd thus you bid to one ot nature's ·own gen•

to lMl '\'11aee St.. Ucnvtor, Oolo.

Howard E. Burton, .ua'"t:Tfe'i.~jut, I'Jpucln)l•n nrt<•a•. goltl """"'· leuu, ";

f,etd, JIIIIV<:r, 76c: gt>Jtl, hoc; alno or r.opp&r, l. C:yantae '"~to. llllilllnr ~nvelopca

, ull prJ«..., llot •~nf on i !li'!Pil.cuflnrl. Coo.trol and umpire work •nile toil, IA!fl.lhllle, Colo, K~tarellue Carbonate NOLttonal Balik.


rimll. not<lt>nhi nmt pnnmer' .. antl,.rn .. uon, t.nrgor acnt h~ exJll'cfll' or freight. Cnrtt'" lo~ue frl'e. ScrHI for lt. !-11.'1'~ ''''"' ycnra. , 'rwo miHiun

,~ · t re"'' lnl.,rnnllonnl Nnr~<l'rw f•flf .. Urn,•r.. C"oto •

A"k Yonr 1>ea <'rK for

VIctor Athletic Suppll&s llnrlleet'" ~ii&rlhb


c. B. Whltnev &. Co. Di~trlliul.ttro, J)onvor, Colo, (latalt>IIUQ nn Al'l•llcnthlll

• ')'o Matl1 Polntelo ·

qrecan, '

.· ,, .. •' . PIOIFIO. •

to· May 1&, troD.· ,.

•• '

' .



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' ' • '!

r I ,.,


'WBITID o~. -


No f4c-.- "ver Lrlghtf'nNl at bin ap­pr"ach, no nourt tbrlllc:d at tbc sound or tll.a voice.

' -Society IJ(Jrl·d him, rhlltlrPn bor11d

blm, mur-llc and tb•• •lrruiJI1 wore un­known lu.ilguagr·n w him.

-H~)t"!Yr•r lnurned to l•nJ•n·

all bo) Wt•nt tolon,:. bUt WUK

poatponlng <l.tlll hnpt,ln'!us.

blm1wlf alway a

Worthy Ent~rpnse Estabitshed tn Southedr C:a.J .. Arranged That Patients May

Be Self-Supporting •.

A New Vorlt paper publishes an ac· count of a HUcce!lllflll ertort recently mario by Mr. N. 0. Noli!Oil, In South· e-rn California, to provide for the poor· l•r o!IIGIICII. Mr. Nelson has established &t ludlo, In Southern California, what hi:' n~lls a tiealth camp for consump· llvnM. We quote the following de­KcrltJllon or this worthy enterprise with' the bopo that It may encourage ol h"rs to,. do 111ww lse; for certainly

paUons where the worker Is much ex­posed to the Inhalation o~ various ldndl! or dust, havf.l ren. red ttlem t>artlcul!lrly Hable to eops .nptlon." ·

1 no more beneficent worlt can be u.ndcr· He ~mld not rltw to bla fePt to ·taiCI•n by anyone·: ·

L£1t every one take courage and live above tuberculosis. If you are already suffE"rlng from It str1ve to rise above lt. Avold alcoholic beverages, condl· ments. pastries, tea and coffee. Live out of door11, provide fresh air for your bed room, study the laws of your body qnd return to the natural way of Jiving.

llf>Cak at a JJtlhllr· mr·•·tlng. or to put ''The camp Is located In a desert a mollon, If hl11 lifo dc:tJended on it. valley, cut . off from tbo ocean by Food for Brain Workera.

Ho urwd. ••very nwan11 to develop ble btllliU<'II~, !Jill . nCJilfl ' to fh:Vtllo(l biD n: md lJr to mnko bt'rnlleiC a larger man.

-He rea•l only mnrkN reporlcn In tho

nfr\VI<Jtapr•rrJ. Hro rwv••r read artlcleo In mng11zln••A, and bo"lm Wl•rc an un­known IJIIantlty tu him.

Wh1•n b" rr•tlr<•d from btlfllnelln he •

foun•l thnt. In hiR t~lrutu:le to 1wt tho muan11 for f'!Jjoyrnont, ht! bod mur· dorr!d hlo rupaclt y to l.'njoy.

Jln"'ltnPw nolhtnu; nhout whut \\'Ill!

gulng on In· IIH· wnrltl IHIIHitlr• of hill cJwn narrow f'lr• h•, nnot f11.-r 11tutc wns Ilk•· n fon•lgn t•otullry to lllm.

Th•• l•h·a of h• lfJinr.: olhPrK, "or of fiWIJtlt o;o!'l•·t). hi~ l'ily, or hill nation, lliiY <lillY, olll~ltlt• or l'llrinJ: fur biD uwn lntt•r•'"t•. JII'VI r· O<'l'lttrl•tl to him.

Rr•t·r<•ntlon. rdnxntlon. or omune· Ull'llt of lillY "111<1 Willi <·ondr•mned by film "" n wlr'll•·•l WitHin or vnluahlc tlrrH• whi<'h rulght lt" r•rolnl'd Into dol· lnrH.- ·0. t:l. Mnnll•n In "~u<-r"OHII" Mag. uzrno.


Th" will ttlv•·~ "nrlh to our work.

' ' A Bl'lflnh ~alnt IK IIIIC U bladl IIUD.

th4,1 mountalno. There to no rain, no Mental work requires much. Jess to,g, no clour:!o. . Tbe winter days are food than does physical-labor .. Re­ali warm, tho nlghts comparatively cent careful exper.lments which have cx11d. · been made; show that men engaged

"The camp wall established in Do- •In active mental labor and abst,alnlng cember, t9o2, to 11 rovldc ip. part for from muscular exertion, require prac· the largo number of <'OQfmmptlves anr:! tlcally no more food than men at rest. otbor lnvall•lu who go to Southern Thl& Js a fact of very great Import;. California. Mortt of the Invalids have ance for students, ministers, and oth·

or profeBSional men whose occupation little moans: tbey can not alford ex- does not require any considerable peonlve sanitariums, and are not want· amount of eft'ort. since the taking of ell by hotels and boardl'ng houses. food In excesl of that which ts re­

"To rneet the ruqulrements of such iJUired results In the filUng of the llBIIentll, Mr. Nelt;on bought one bun•

I blood with 110~sons, and In conse-drNI and twenty.flvo acrea of and ad· quonce crow.iing or the tissues with joining thtl Indio tll•pot. This tract he has Improved ·11y lllnklng artesian tissue wasteH and poisonous mattm-s

which Interfere with all the bodilY wel111, and hy 1mt ling most of the land functions, and especlall)' with the uniiHr cultlvatlotJ, In order to give con· functions of the brQ.In and ne.rves. Vlli~KCf'DtH IIOIJlClhlng to do.

"TPntP, with nil IWCI.*!IIBry equip- Mental activity Is clouded, sleep I '\Y be prcvonted. and all the effects of

mt•nt for sleeping nnrl llilclng meals, nervous exhaustion produced by a hnvo hl't.>n 11et up. l.nnrl and water or<' frl'll to thoRQ who llavP tbclr own comparatively slight expenditure of outfit. A small rt>ntal for ti;UltS Is oftergy, giving. rise to languor, some· made to those who <-nn not pay,,pd UU)es depression, and at other limes whcrc nec•('fll!Bry. board Is given tfi'em. Irritability, confusion, and Indecision

of mind, even moroseness and melan· All npcnneH nl·ed not be moro tban from U.liO to .4.00 a wee!'~ choly. -----~"Work Is provided !'or those wbo are That Tired Feelfng.

nblc to do It, so that their care does . The condition of lethargy proclut>ed not ltec-ome a burden nn tho camp. by excesSlVB eating or habitual drunk·

"The camp In nlltJnt••d In tb~ midst enness must be distinguished from fa· of a Hllnfly valley ot11• hnndred miles tl~tue due to work. Persons In this long and thrPo to hm mllco whle. condition often decline to exercise be· Tho mounlaln11 on r·n<'h sl•lo riRe by cause they "feel so tired," This state rh•grecs to fmtr Ute IIRilnrl nnrl Hve of lassitude and <•ttervatlon cannot be lhousnnd fPt>t high. In somn plnreo In

overcome by n•st. Carefully graduat· I .II I lh<• foothllla Lbere are springs and ed exercises and r"gttlatlon of the dl· Tht• klnl(llt·•t lhlng n thiK wor r B ·vt•gotntlon. ~

almJtlt• Jdrllln<•KM "In lho valleyR moot of tho land etary are the proper remedies. There ' are many chronic Invalids whose suf·

Till' '""" nr rillhlr••liiKII•·HR rannot hn» hN•n lnlwn 1111 111 the pust flilW fer.lngs and dlsalJlllty are wholly due )'r•nrM. ThP crops of mPlons anrl vege- h b d tnblun ur<• onrly and hrlng high prices. to this cause. and w o may e rea · J<'rnm $100 to $200 811 urre lo an lly restored to usefulness lly a spare

.:••t th•· \\or••• for "''Ill.

Hum•• worn••n n••v•·r f••1•l r<•llgloull orrllnnry ylold. Alfalfa huy In cut ten I and simple dietary combined ,._. h out· until llwy 1-:"1 u 1ww hut Urnoll a yl:'ar, giving twelve to fifteen door exercises, gradually Increased In

Tl11• wur~l rnrnln••H r·om" from tho fulluru to c-ultlvutll dtnrul'tt•r.

II tulu·R mon• ch!C'lu'u tu llll\lll•

t hnn toni<• for n guorl Jtatltor.


Th•• t!t·vll IH\tt n goo•! u••n·nnt In tho runn "ltu lb !Jt·uu1l uf hiK !lou hiD.

1\torP llrnr> ntn)· Ito luKI b)' lnbor on Rundnv thun h) lnullng nil tho wcolt.

Hum'n llr•rn . ~--


HIRh t ''"""nr MM IN

Ktlirll'~ Jti\IUII)

Our> I horn nf l'ljll'rlf'llf'f' Ill wlurlt• wllth•rnt'un nf wurnlng llu~rwll J..owt•ll.

\\·ortb a - Jnmoo

No tnnn wbu 111 not lnlt with J.owt•ll.

rnn pr~t~hlc-P grr>tlt things thorou,:hly ulnN>rt• In d(lnl·

I IUIIU'If.- Jnmon lh!BIIOJI

J'm·<•rtv, n wn·tdlP•I 11tnto nt bent, ball IIU hnrtlcr ft•alllro thllll tho Cnct t hnt II oftt'll nmlwo nu•n tho ollJcct ot rhlkuh• or roni<•DlJit.- Juvt•nnl.


- ---~-

I tlon't mIn' t cr bo pu' nnd ncady: aolto f'r f'rovtllont'o lu ter npt>nd do 'lltllo limo I c:nt down hl•ro In poaoo


tonH on acrt•. "When tJ,o c·ampPrll gct Wlilll cnolljl'h

lo worl1, thPy buy or JoaRe n few ncrc•K. Th(ly c-an elth11r buy the land on tho lnstulment Jlllm, or lease It Oil. 11hn r<"H for such length of t1 me ns de· rslrnrl."

Alcohol and Tuberculoala. Or. B. A. Knopf. tho "mlncnt !'!lew

York tJhyKirhUl who baR glv~>n 1\ grE>nt doni of attention to tho Rllbjcct of tulwrrnloAis, toolc occasion not long ol!ll.'l• In n ociPnllfic paper to condPmn tho popular notion that alcohol IR a rt•rn fldy for rons 11111 ptlon. II o says :

"Tiwro 11 an Irion. that alcohol Is a romt>dy ot· OVl'D R Bpoclflc romedy for conr111mptlon. 'rh.-re hnu nevt•r bPPII n ~trontcr miR(nhl' ·mule. Alcubol has never <'Urod nnd nf'vor will cure tuborculoRIR 11 wlll elthor prevent or rPtarcl 1 "c•ov~>ry. It Is 11110 a two­Maod wonpon; on one Hide It pol· 11onn tho Rystom, nntl on tbe other shlc It rulnfl tho 111nmal'lt a01l thus prevents thlll organ from 1Jroperly digesting the IIN'OIItmry food. ·Truly pathetic ore thl• r~>Rultn of this orroneous doctrine In tho fnmlll(lfl of the poor, where. In· rrtnnd or procuring good nourlshn1ont tor tlw Invalid. liquor bnn been bougbt In fBr too largo quantities, so that ofton thQro wae not onouttb money loft tor food for the suft'erer nor for tho other m"mbors of the rninlly." ----

Predisposition to Tuberculosla.

vigor and duration us the strength lm• proves.

Water Purification. A physician connected with the

United States Agricultural department has called "attention to the fact that nn extr<'mely small quantity of sui· photo or copper will prevent the growth of algae In lake11, ponds and 11tora.go reservoirs, an<l will destroy t) phold nod cholE>ra germs. The ques· tlon at (JfiCC urlses whether thls meth· od can be considered thoroughly hy­gienic. The probability Is that the small amount of copper thus em· ployed would be neutralized by com· bluing with vegetable substances so that the water will be left practically pure: nevertheless, the addition of d:;cml<llll Rubstances to water cannot be considered tbe most desirable n;E~tbod or purlftcatlon. Dolling and fllturlng through a Pasteur filter are really the be!:it methods. Filters are cheap, nnd boiling Is an eany nnd stu· pi('' process. 'l'be old·fnsbloned char· coal and gravel flltertt cannot ~o re­licti upon. I

W'lrnlng Against Tight Corsets. Nature abhors n vacuum. There Is

no unoccupied apace In the body; and to render nny part of It smaller than nature designed. Is to caUI~e the or· gans occupying that part to diminish In stzo, or to C1'9Wd ,together, one upon another. In either case, nature's proc­easos arc sadlY lntcrrupted.-C. E. Hasttngs, M. D.


Charles }{. Treat, the newly ap· pointed treasurer of the United States is to take omcc at once, and there-

' ' ...

1 after his signature will anJlear on every' piece ot paper money issued by

· the United St11tes. • , The omce of tr-.surer of the 'United I Stoles is a most responsible one, yet

It Is doubtful If one. ·Dian out of a bun· dr~d met 011: ~he·streets could tell you

1 the name of the man who· holds lt.


1 The treasurer is ·accountable for the

custody of ev.erY. dollar of the g9vern­ment's fun<ls. Every bank note lssued has the guarantee of the government b.ehlnd it, aS' coin or bonds are de­posited to secure lt. Hence, before a bank ·note ls legat It must bear the s-ignature ot tlle trel.\surer.



The story of the soldier who, struck by a bullet yet escaped frl,lm death owing to the interposition ot 1.t prayer· book In his breast pocket, ts BB old as the bllls. The pl'Cllent gigantic strug· gle in Manchuria yields several even stranger and bett~ authenticated. ln· cldents of escape from death by a nar-row margin. '

Tbe Odessa News repdrts the case of soldier at the battle of Tascbls­chao, whose life was saved through his comrade's practical joking "A bum· orous sapper had smeal'ed his shovel with tar, and was about to plaster the face of a man named Tslbullln, who was dozing In the, when a shell unexpectedly fell on the parapet and exploded.

"The sapper and every man with· In ten yard's radius was killed by splinters. But Tslbullln survived. His face was somewhat flattened and blackened by the shovel, t)le front of which was scratched and scor9d by splinters. Had It not been for the shovel t · face would have been cut t6 pieces.'

Apother Russian escaped death through boastfully proving that he did not 'fear it. A Lithuanian was contln· ually popping up his bead *-d sboul· ders, with the words, "I'm not afraid of bullets," Tired of this, the soldier next him jeered, "I'd lllte to see you showing your whole body.'' The Ll·

The Russians were so much aston­Ished by hearing the famlliar word, that· they dt>opped their bayonets, •and took him prisoner lnsten,d of butcher­Ing him.

An act of dishonesty was the cause of Sapper Rozanoft's narrow escape. On the morning of tbe battle round. "Kuropatkln's Eye," flat, half-pound tins of tobfcco were given to each non-commissioned omcer for dlstrlbu· tlon among the men. But before It was portioned out, one tin dlsap· peared. All the soldiers denied having taken it.

When night closed the fighting, a sapper, named Rozanoft', handed . the tin to the sergeant. In the top was a narrow slit, which examination proved to go through the tobacco, but not through the bottom. Rozq,noft''s tunic had a similar silt, just above the ab· domen. He admitted having stolen the tobacco. He had hidden It next his shirt. ln the hand-to-hand fighting a. Japanese soldier had driven at him fiercely with the bayonet.

The steel had gone clean through the lld and tobacco, but tho force em· ployed was not sufficient to send· it through the bottom. Rozanoft''s con" science was struck by his miraculous escape, and be bad decided to cOnfess the theft and make restitution,

LONG TEllMS OF SERVICE. thuanlan took the chnllenge, sprang on . -.-. --the edge of the trench a~d leaped Remarkable FaltiJfulne.. Shown by about three feet In the alr. Before Auat.rlan Servant. he descended tWO bullets whizzed un· In celebration of the emperor Of derneatb his feet, and lodged In the Austria's birthday a short time ago earth behind. Had be seen In his twenty purses, each containing the usual position they would tave gone equivalent of '75, were offered for through his chest. competition among domestic serV'ants

A pewter spoon saved the llfe of in respectable situations. The quali· Sergeant Pristavk-ln at the battle of ficatlons of the winners showed some the Shabo. Prlstavkin1 was dining on truly remarkable periods of service. buckwheat gruel, and bad the spoon One of the wlnner&-a valet-had at his Ups, when It was struck by a been In the service ot one man for spent bullet, wblch glanced aside and forty-seven years. A maid servant went half way through the head of a of nearly 80 years of ace had served man some way behind .• Prlstavkln was about tblrb-ntne years In an orphan· afterward nlcknumed "Sergeant Lozb· age, where she was still in active Ita" or "Sergeant Spoon." • employment when she received the

Foppishness was the cause of Artll· award. Another wotnan, aged 74 Joryman Zavodokl's salvation. Zavc.d- years, had entered th~ serytce or a ski was the greatest fop in tbe bat- family as scullery maid and was still tory. He trlmmc;; his nalls. waxed his with the same famlly, after forty· moustache, and shaved himself uQder three years• serv,ce. All or the win· fire. Wblle tile other men were eating ners bad been In their situations ~o~e their dinner during the retreat from than thirty years.

• Llao Yang. Zavodflkl removed bls big boots, and cleaned them earefully. . Husband Takea Wife'• Name.

While 'he was putting a finishing Permission to take bls wife's maid· touch on the second of them, a bullet en name as part of his own bas been from a Japanese sharpshooter pene- granted' to Rev. Georg11 Franklin Hop. trated the solo, tearing . out the big ldns ltl the equity court, Washington. nails, and fell harmlessly Into the toe. The rell$0n gtven ls that blSJ wife, who Had lt not been ror the boot the bullet was well known ln various fields- of would have gone straight through his work before her marrla~E!O desires heart. to continue the use of her malden

Bontf' er dl:'llll po' olnnern 1t0t so much lnfPrnul regions In dlo world' dat w'cn tii"Y strUtca de nox' one dOJ'Il des wnllt In t•n wnrm dQ)' han's by dtl nro on DIIJ "Good u111wnln', alii"

Tbo abn1'1rmnl fet~r ot tnberoulosls which bauniB so many mlnds Is bred of lgnoranctJ. Tbo awful results of the "wblt.o terror" havo lmlJrcssee SOME SIMPLE DISHES.

Gortseft', a discontented and nervous name.: She was Dr. ·Salenl Arm· soldier, escaped death through his des· stroug, 1Vho achieved ·more 01' less perate attempt to commit suicide. celebrity In the missionary fteld and

• While the enemy's shells and bulle~ wrote a number of books. Arter ber were falling like hall, he bolJped ~mtan·la!:e to Dr. Hopkins sb'e found about, exposing bftnself, and altogeth· her work hampered by the necessitY er behaving sq queerly that bfs -com- of appearing under a new natne. Ac-: rades thousht him mad. co~lngly,' Bhe and her hUl!band a~. -

tlll'n ono thing to· taUt 'bout havln' de pntlonet• or Job en anothor tor &()f. for t1o mlot>ry dnL mt\<lc Job bowl ror a llarrlcano 1 or blow him tor nu\bla'.­Allnnta Contctllutlon. ____ .. ____ _

ALL tORTa. -You dOn't ~t mnt!ll enjo)'tll~nt out • ot a IBd lf otborll don't nottee St. -\\'o orton v.·ondor If tbo rouon cbar­

.tty boslos at homo t• tba\ ibe eove•• • mlllt.ltulto or olne. -•

Pooplo Ito 110t alway11 wb .. t rou flblnk Ult~J' ar.e. but tbot u1lttbt u woll ...,.. lO rai' as )'OU are ronc(lrnocJ.. -

con~le'be.o ta tbat ottrlbuto 'WbtC!b oC!OD'flueea rou that pooplo aboultl ttt ._alkiDI about rou wbother tbt' are o\' 1.\0t. ..

themaelvoll upon alt. but as wtth tho . aborlglno

4 when ho nrat encountered lreakfaat Toaat.--cut rather thin

tho gun·beBrlng explorer, tbo reason allces of· bread Into two or throe why l• bidden. The natlvo beard tho pieces. Put these into tbo oven and gun svenk and saw hle brother ran. Jot. them balte '\'ery slowly for two or Tho muliclon death torrtftod lllfll. Ho tbroo hoUH, or until of a golden color did not stop to lnqulro tho Clliuko. Ho nnd crisp throughout. This Ia nn ox· ftod In abJect rear. c~Jient aubstttuto tot breads and much

To-da,· lbo ravaaf!l of tuborCiUloats ntoro wholesome. 1t la dcllcloUil ('ltenod &l'tl G(utJQn.dons. Are rou lnqutrlttB, wtth C()CO&nut ol' daley cream or but. Into tbtt. *'hY. or tre )'ou trembllnr tlll', lest ~ l~b:o yo\i'l Aro )'OQ trytnr to Cocoanut e,.arn.-Ctlt Mab OOC()l• dodgo 111\ tnaorutablo too. or nut Into tbln slices aud srtn4 tbe ·liut et\ld)'htl!l to atvo tntentaent verr t\Qo In a choppea; or . t~tionrt 1'bo tenement dweller 111\YB. "I "lil bpcl mtll. 'It notbtn1 of <ort CSClll\t tbCl (llquo, I wm ....... 'IJ avallabl~. the 4)0(101nUt t"ro,n 'l'bo- eon or broibcr To u~h .tl(tPc of. tl}e IIU'ml\th•o ll&Jtu "1\ la Itt th'tf unt .ouJ)' ar hOt \Vater, 1 m111t tmtrer tho ~~ame dtl.ltb, t~tll\8! ·wltfl • tP.OOn to -~~r ~al{l6:ti~ vt(!UIJI or mu·oh 9f S!lleo ·lll poaa: n~atctet of vltat la\\'11 &a)'s: otr ·•M itld •

lit Wl'flClked-t ·~ M­. 1'\llfn\tle,U ton."

~!~~~::~u~·~~·lia: •M ~·"~l ,ll ttntlf'Y' Wh~ m'O'tt ~

1110 · to-o~r 1

Suddenly, amld a ball of burath'lg plied to the court for pertnleion to shells, bo nMcrewed bts b.qon~ put change tbelr names to A~trong. the m'Qzzle of bls rUle to hllf Ulroat, lfopktns. · aD~ tired. The shot went harmlellslf ___ ..,... ................ ':--_ over his shoul<Jer, When the l'lfte was Wlreltif·Tele~aj'ph)f ln ·'h• ·Homt. esanilnod, It appeared tJ,Iat he bad bad WlUiam J. Henner, ttat · ~"tectttcat a double t!l&Capo frOm death. ~tid' 1 ~1'1A-ef:!l', b~li fotl11ch. ~ovel use ol\ one 11t4e of the Wfreteas tetegt&pb. lt1 bls ~ew: clean orr b7 a ilht\11 be- 'tit · lt·-to · ~n ya11 tou.ttd at feet. ·on .

bUllet 16 haak.:l1'1• 'E~;i .. ;. atJ.,,f.t:a:ntlttllttE!I' a1rd !~t. .

·j •

. The necessaries of lffe and the au~ ~ stantial things ot Ute, such as we all:; in the early ttmes were glad .to get,. cost far less now than they ~ost then.· To thls 'Statement there 1s scarcely an "

1 ,t

exception. But t}ley . who cotnplaln. that the cost of living has rncreased would not be content now W}tb · what we all had to content with then,, Bet.·' 1

ter food, more•varl!ty, better cooking lodglng fqrnishe<l better. clothing· ~ better style and of better goods. fur,9l ture, equipage; tr~~ovel and social ex pense once unknoV{n h&ve 1ncreas -tho .'cost 'of living; but they be wUUng to live ln the old sble slm~ ·plicity; y~t having. enough to e ... t an to 'wear, can live now more cbeapl than at any former time. There capj be no question about it.-Leadvlllej· Herald Democrat.

' -------------· l!lal•er•a Boae :Oallcler. CQp.·

So named because 50 acres l!roduced 11 heavily, that its !?roceed.s built a lovebl home. See Salzer a catalog,_ Yielded .in lnd. 157 bu., 'Qbio 160 bu., Tenn. 19S b~,, and in Mich. 220 bu. per acre. You em beat this fecord in 1905.


120 bu. Bear:dless Barley per ncre. 3),0 bu. Saizer'8 New Natt~al Oats p'*' L~ 80 bu. Salzer Speltz and caronl Wheat. 1,000 bu. Pedigree Pota_toes per acre. 14 tons of rich Billion Dollar Grass H~ 60,00o lbs. Victoria Rape for sheeir'-per , 160.1~ lbs. Teosintel the fodder wonde •

1 li4,uw lbs. Saher's Superior Fodder Com

-rich, juicy fodder, per A. 1 Now such yields you can have in 1905t.

if you will plant my seeds. JUST SENIJ TUI3 NOTICE AND 100

in stamps_ to John A. Salzer Seed Co., Ltt. Crosse Wis., and receive their ~reat cata• log and lots of farm seedJlamples. L W. N. U .J

A few weeks more and you'll be 1

l<lcklng because tt's too hot.

l'l'A.TJI or OttlO, CJTT or TOLBDO, l IL LVIlA8 CovJf'J'Y. r •

l"IUliX J. CHENBY JiJultea oatb that be II ttelllaf'1 Partner of the llrm of F. J. CDJON&Y & Co. du1nC' buotneoa ln. tbe City ot Toledb, County and Stll~· aforeeatd, and that eatd t1r1n will pay tbe · oom of ONE BUNDHED DOLLAnS for eacb and 11'1'1111' cue of CATAnau tbat canDot be cored. by tbe uoe et. JlALL'I CATABBU Cuaa. ...._~ l

FRANK J. OR"'"'"''" Bwom to before mA and oubocrlbed 1u my Jil....,

IDee. tbla 6Lb day of IJecember, A. ll. 1888:

!_.._ t A. W. GLEASON, IBAL r I NOTARY, ;:w;-Catllnb erne Ia taken lntel1lallr and -

41recuy oo &be biO<od and m ucono aur1aceo or tb• Q'oLem. Send for teaUmonlals.Jree.

F. J. CBENKY A CO.,TolMo,O, Bold by r.ll Dntllldate, 75c. Tell:e Hall' I FamDy PO Ia fOI' CODAtlpatlOD.

" "Salt," said the small boy "is what tnakes potatoes t~ste bad when yo ·:lon't put It ln."

TEA Whether tea is the most ...

lmpo~tant th!n~. ,i~ .l~!R·~~~­or ·not we w21:nt · ft right and.

we want it steady. Write for our Knowledll• Book, A Sclilllilw li.

f;aalpany, San •• n.c:iaco.

An Ohio poet devotes an hour dally to wrltfhg poetry and the rest ot th& day to sawing wood for a living.



A. Million - Dollar Corporatloa .t.ppar-eatly Throwa Money A:way. ·

Qorporatlons as a rule are not ex­pect•d to tllrow money away reck­lessly but in Colorado such seems to­be an actual fact.

Recently several well-known captf tallsts ot Denver joined forces o.nd · organized an immense publlllhing corn­IJ.J.nY with a mllllon dollars capital, all paid up. One of the flrdt acUI ot tha new company was to invest $100,000 In thfl. pu rcttase of that wonderfully SUO" cesstul publlcatlon, the Rocky Moun­taln"Ma.gazlnei now In lte third 'YBII.I:". with a clrcu at! on ,. o1·t.1· '1\Jde. BY some ot Its readers the mnglizlne ls cC>nsldered worth $3 per yen.r. ,It pub· llshes dozens of fine views of tlcenel'Y.:, stories ot love and adventure ana' ' aketches or how great richeS are often acquired so quickly. To cap the ell,.• max, dividend shares In the oompun:v are Issued to su'l)scrlbers the latter sharing ·in the profits. Last year th& . company llllld twenty per cent. a•cl wUt likely pay much more this year. ,

The • company bas appropriated I ample cash wlth the obJect ot seourlng-, a million new readers tlll& year.· TO accompllsh tbeir obJect they aJ:e olr(ir· lng to send the magazine each fuonth for .a whole year tor the nomlnlll sulD of ten cents, three Yll.llrs for .. twen~­llve (Ients; or. clubs of sl:x na'DifilS loY. fifty C!i'tlts, postage atnmps taKen. ,..!\.$ this Is a limited ol:fer there·~ .. Pl>~,.thn6' to 'vnste, 110 send at once ana teal "4111 your friends. Money · proml!tly ..._:re.:_ 'funl)ed It. you al'e not mol'b tna~ plellBed. Mention' this paper Wilen )(()It .. writ(). Send all subscrlpttotut.Jit J:t.Qc~ Mountain Magazine, Deriver, "'olor!(Cl().

il ' --~------------· ' . I . '

~-\ man's name isn't "mUd" ns Jon~ be tt...... ...,d ·aul!t:t. · " '


·· ~rEA:

• ·.


' • -~-.

' .. ..

• • . '

·· ·. ," !::~:,;· iMI~~· UUt[ ntLUVtn~· ,, ' . ' ~ '


ltALF OUR iLLS ARE CATARRH. 'l'bouaandl of People Have Kidney Trouble . and f Don't Know It Is Catarrh.

' . 'Hr. • David L. Jaycox,

Clarinda, I. 0. G. T., and G. A. R., 8115 Broadway, Cal., writes:

~~!:in 0 'd,

••I am •n old w•r 'Ve"twn. I cqn• ltwcted aevere bladder and ~ldney ~able. I •peat baadm• ot dollan _, OOD•alted • bo•t ol docton, bat lleltfler did me •ay llfJOd. ~ "~eruna has proven the best medi­

oiDe I ever used. My plllns are gone and I believe myself to 'be· cured. I feel well and would not be without a bottle in time of need for ·ten tlmea tts· eoflt."

They have doctored with every conceivable drug, consulted a 11 schools of medicine.

It was not until Peru· :ua. came in· to use, how· ever, that these old aoldi,rs


found a. remed7 ~t would aetuallt cure them.

More CIJ•e• of Cllt.nil ol ~ldtuy• •ad H · "--"- f h kid bl•dder bave beea cared by Peraaa

UDunJUD 0 .war 'Rlterana aye • tbaa all other medicine• combined. · 1 &Dd bladder trouble. Address 'Dr. ·S. B. Bartman, President

t Impure drlalclal water, •leep/IJI 011 of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Wfte plllld, •ad all mua•~ 'ot OJCPP- Ohio, and he will be pleased to give you ..... to wet qlf coldwqlberproduud the benefit of his medical advic~ gratis.

All correspondence held strictly eoDJl• tf:aiJudJ ol tbe.lddd~ alld bladder. dential. .


.. The .

· E-t-en the best honaekeepera eannot make a good cup of eoft'ee without good material. Dirty, adulterated and queerl.r blended coil'ee such· as un,.-upulous dealers shovel pver thell' oo1mtere'won't do. But take the pure, 4)lean, Jlflotum11lavOJ'0d

LiON COFFEE, the leader a~·an padulge coHen-the coffee that for over a quarter of a century hBB been daily welcomed in millions of homea-and you will make a drink fit. for a ·in this way:

u .. £O~T~~-~!t£!~ OJ.:!Ail.~ LION OOPB'.BB ftthj~,11oe. Uec "~ tabii!8JIC:IOnful to each cup, an4 OD8

an tor me 110L'" Flfr. ml11t 'irlth anW. eol411'&ter, enouirh to make a ~lie. au4 a44wbUe~ iD ea'(lleg. ·to be .... aeen!er), then tOJfowoneot the o 1 rillell: -.}!4: WUIIIIOILING WA'I'lEII. ~4 lloUtaa water. -· let II 1Jo11 • ._ ~ ONLY. M4 a Utile eoJcl WdCI' IIJK! -· ..... ove ......._to ..atle. Sellle ~. ·

M. WITJI COLD WA'IEIL -Alia :rGIII" f'.'OI4 water to Ute ...,te _.. ...-r.. H tD alloiL Tb,ea .et....._ll44 a lllta. col4 W8lcl'.., ... Ia Owe ............ ......, to .erve.

1 {§gn't boll It too lonsr. on"t let It etand more than ten minutes before eervlnsr. DOJ'li"'S n't uee water that h- been boiled before.


ASK ro~

17• part ol 1M wbU8 ot an eu, J111m1a It wltb tbll pnd 1. •ON ' ot boUiqll14 a 4uh of col4 wee., an4 lid


ESTERN SEED5· ::'.3~ ... COlORADO SEED IIOIJSE :_.£~~:::.

:u.lfr,•tlr:.d C•t•lotue Pree Danvei', Color•do

labasti ne ..• .,IIi Your = Walls· i • I : wan. ~ amo~ and srimr after : • the winters' c:Oa1 and 1001. They 1 I IMICICl c:lcaDing with A.labutlne. I : '111• uw color achemes and bar· I • moaieltfotthi•yearcaoontybedoue ·: I jn Alabutlne. The colon ne the 1 1 richest, the tint• tu m01t permanent. : I the hue- the m01t beautiful in Ala- 1 I butlne · thcsrtiisn't&nJWauc:over· •

ing that f.l ju.t lUi pod. 1 Al-&BAsTIHII does Oat neecl WUb- I

iDIJ ofl before a fresh GOal can be • appUed you' aimpty ~ AI.o.u· I 'l'lN• ,.itheotd water and apply witb I a· bras~. AnJ decorator or ~ter 1 c:aD it or an7 Wo!Dao can


Oyama C~owding Retreating Ruulans --Japa'n Strenthenlng Her Army and Navy to · ConUnue · War.

1st. Came$le has donated '10,·

tf;lr a llbra1·y at Pomon11 College. California. ·

James Frazer has been elected to thq United States Senate by the Leg-

Toldo, March :n.-The various ru· lslature of Tennessee. mors of peace negotiations emanating D1·, J. B. Whiting, surgeon general of from Europe ami the l'nited States the Grand Army ot the ReiJUbllc, died are widely published and commented at Janesville, Wisconsin, March 27th. on hero. Apparently th:>y don't affect· The Chicago Bureuu of Idontlllcll· the attitude o! the Jntmn~!H? · govern; tlon has adopted the . thumb print ment and people toward the war. method ut Identifying cl·inlinals as an

The pres!! re-E•choes the announced adjunct to the Bel'tllllou measurement determination of Japan to vlborously system: push the military Olll'ratluns, unmoved and undeterred by discussions of 0 The Illlnol~ Appellate Court alllrmed events in Russia of elsewber<'. The a ruling of a lower court upholding the Jlji declar£>s that the 11uccesslvo re- validity of an ordinance of the city or

. verses have not affected Russia. Em· Chicago prohibiting. the glvlng away peror Nicholas. the paper adds, is \Ill· of cigarette papers with tobacco. Wtulng tq sacdflcl'" the presUge of his A benefit at the Metmpolltan Opera house or surrl'nutr th(' tJosltion of con· house, New .York, for Juseph Holland, trolllng Influence Russ)n has hereto- the actm·, who, on account of lllness, fore held over the powers of Europe. probably will never be !!-ble to apJiear

Field Marshal o~·ama's army will on the stage again, netted $23,000. keep up Its forward movement and not . Miss Mlldred Lee, youngest daugh· give Russia a breathing m0m~nt. The ter of Gen. Robert E. Lee, died at New Kolmmln pronounces the war to be Orleans March 27th at the residence senseless and wastf'ful on the part of of Mrs. William Preston Johnson. Russia, but, the Jlll11er says. If she while on a visit. Her death was due to chooses to sh\11 her Pyes to the light apoplexy. of reason, Japan will profit by her The adjutant. general of 'l'exas bllndne»l'. shipped· a cnrload of tents, Iron bed·

The !"!chi l"khl sn~·s France alone steads nnd other camping outfit to Burl, I<; cavable of tai<ing the initiative In Texas, near San Antonio, to be used by persuading Russia to negotiate for President Roosevt~lt and r1arty ou their IJeace, but tho Ni<'hl Nlchl doubts· of big hunt. Russin WOlJid accl'lll France's advice, "bP<'anse tht' pt>aCP terms wlll mean Many thousands of ordinary letters, the death of the hmt·aucra<"y, and the all of the seoond·clnss mull matter, and bureaucracy ts not committing sui· all of the registered mail matter was .clde." destroyed by fire and water ln the

In conf"lusjon. the.::-.:1<-hl =-:lchl says: Great Northern tralu wreclt in Idaho "'In tJw msantlme th!' .Jupane'se a1·my March 24th.

and navy will <"ontlnue pret1aratlonn 'A great landsllde o<'curred at Scm­for tlw ~·Par'tl campaign. rrE'IIh levies lin, Hungary, March 26th. A squadron are cunst.tnlly olt'parting for the front. of soldwrs, who went to tho rescue of the lines of 1 ran!'pona t ion are. Pxtend·. a buried woman,·· sufrere<l !levPrelr. lng uortht·m 1\lanchuriu, and the eight of their number bl'lng killed aud vanguanls of tlw flg-lttlnl' colllluns are nineteen Injured. following the l'('trlatlng ·Russians The. Fore 'River Shipbuilding Com-northward." panyr of Quincy. Museachusetts, bas


- ----Details of Arrangements Made for Stay

In Colorado.

Denver, .\lard-. :a>-Arrangements fm· Prl·sld<'nt Roos(•\dt"s hunting trill into Colora<lo havt· hl•l'n verfectt'd, so fl,\r as the tmln senicP go£>s. The ex­act location of • hl' camp. however, has not been St'lecttJ. lluloles will explore the eount r~· around Glenwood s·prlngfl m:xt \V(•E'If" to aF.certaln the conditions regarding snow. Pic .. and dPclde upon a loca lion for hE'!Hlquarters. ·

The Roosevt·lt party will comprise about fifttH·n personR and will travel ln a stltclal train of threP pullmans, most elabor<l!<•ly furnished and equipped w!lh all <'onvenlences to be found In the h<·Ft ho• ('1. The tT-ansfer of the train OVI'l' 1 ht> country will be complimentary to the Preslrknt.· an act of courtes,· l xtendPd h,· the several . . railroads over whobe lines the Prest· dent will tntvt'l.

Tbe PrPsidt'nl'" HIJPclal will be de· 'livered to t h.- ('oiOlllllo & So11thern road at Fun Wurth. 'Texas. April lith, at 10:45 a. m., and will run to Vernon, Texas, reaching there at 4:15. There the u·atn will be transferred to the 'Frisco s~·stem and t1JP party wlli take a run up into the Indian TetTitbry for a short shooting trip.

On April 13th. at 9::1\l p.m., the train will be tnl<en ln t•harge ugain by the Colorado & Southern. proceeding ·dl· rect to Colorado Springs, arriving at 9:30 p. m. Friday.

At Colorado Springs the special will be transferred to the Colorado Midland and proceed to Glenwood Springs, reaching there about 8 o'clock the fol· lowing morning. Where the )Jarty: will then proceed w'll clepE>nd upon the re­port of the guides who wlll talm the P.Xplortng tour next week.


Denver Credit Men'• Association Proaecutlon Fund.

Denver, Colo .. March 31.-Few peo­ple are aware of the fmportance of The Denver Credit Men's Association. This association Is organized for pro­tection and educational purposes; to establish closer ties of business and social relations· between Its members as well as between them and Its cus­tomers; to bring about Improvements In business methods; reforms In all laws unfavorable to creditors and hon· eat debtors. and the enactment of laws beneficial to commerce within Its trade terrltorv. and to aid by precept, exam­ple anu counsel in rep10vlng to the greatest possible extent the causes that lead to financial failure.

This association (with a member­ship of 200 ot the principal whole­salers and manufacturers of the state) has for the last eight years had a fund of $10.(J00 to be used . tor the prosecution of fraudulent failures, and to the honor of the retail merchants of the state of Colorado be tt said that In all. the eight years only two casei have been brought before the asaocta­tlon ; both of these cases. one or them a violation of the law regulating tbe &ale of stocks 1n bulk, were carried to a succesllful ending In tavor of the association.

Centeat Apprqprl•tlon.

signed ll contract to construct In eight· een months four submarine torpedo boats of the Holland type' fl)r the United States government.

Governor General Wright has Issued a proclamation announcing that the census of the Philippine Islands hnd been completed, and that In two .)'ears, provided peace prevails. an "lecllon would be called for a genera: aRstJtilbly.

In the United States Court nt Phlln· delphia a receiver has been nppomted for the Provident JnvestmPnt Com· pany, which marle an H.Hslgumunl March 21st, with estlmatl\d liabilities of $1,000,000 and practically no asset!!.

Goverhor Koch of Kansno Intends to have the battloshlv Kansas, which will be launched next July, chrlstt>ned by brcal1ing o. bottle or Kanllal! crude oil over tho prow, thus castln~ oil on the troubled walers of prohibition pro· test.

The Vatican has been informPd that the Russian government haN colllmunl· cuted to the Roman Catholle IJI,;hops In that country th11,t It will reqniro three months In which to consider their memorial conncemlng HIJerty ot religion.

The jury In the second t rlnl of Henry Lundberg, former assistant in· spector of steamLont hulls, charged with criminal negiE'ct of 1\uty lea1tlng to manslaughter In the Genernl Slo· <;um dlsa.ster, failed to agree and were

. dismissed. A son has been bo:·n to Mrs. Ian

Malcolm, wife of a well-lcnown mem­ber of Parliament from Scotlo.nd and daughter of Mrs. Lily J.angtry. lt Is said that Mrs. Langtry and her daugh· ter have been estranged since the lat· ter's marriage.

While worltlng over a wa&htub Mrs. Anne Elllsworth Werner, wife of a Cincinnati contractor, dropped dead from heart trouble, and In preparing the body for burial $3;900 In bonds and $151 In cash were found in the bustle she wore at the time.

Senor Don Manuel De Azplroz, Mex· leo's llrst ambas11a1lor to the United States, died at Washington March 24th. Senor De Azplroz surrered from gas­tritis, which was aggravated by ex· posm·e on Inauguration day. He was sb:ty-nlne years of age.

The Manchester ship canal, after a long period of dlscoumgement, ls at length beginning to see prosperous days. Its traftlc increases largely each year o.nd earnings sumce to meet flxed charges and leave a 11urplus for repay· ment to the city of Manchester.

The spring rush ot immigration has almost swamped the government om· clals at Ellls Island. Reports received from abroad Indicate tha.L the rush will continue to Increase in April and May, and it Is feared that Ellls Island wlll be taxed beyond Its capacity.

Tl>.e splendid New York mansion built by Governor Tilden In Twentieth street, overlooking Gramercy park, ia soon to become the home of the Na• tlonal ArtB Club. The house Is per< fectly adapted tQ the use of the 1,300 hrttsts holding membership In the club.

Hospital ahips for habitual drunk· ards, to be anchored to a safely Iso­lated part of·the harbor, Is the scheme proposed by Dr •. 0. L. Mix. expert 1n the treatment of alcoholic patients, tn a lecture before the social sclenct> class In the Fine Arts building at Obi· • cago.

A «1ft of S260,000 has bwu made to N.>rthwestern University by .Milton H. Denver, March 31.-..'fho

m11s morning says: The , ·n1" House and Senate. thl)

'-nd the lawyers ftnl"hed d1e tlon ot the cost of tfte contest.

I:'SIDV'illnttl)rs:blJ) The

of Wilson, a reslclt~nt ot Evanston and one of the truste~ of the institution. It Is said that tlifa le the ftrst of a aerli'JI of gifts to tbtt unlvenltr tQ be an­nounced soon, Which will aggrepte

~~!!:7.-~~;~Tti:·; e attoi~&NII:W .$1,000,000. •

·.il~~ A movement baa been etarte~& In

New York to etect .an art bulldi~g at a cost ot f2,000,GOO, · In wblcb. will be BDrtually h~Jd an "International ••tou." Two wealtb:r clttzena are tald to have

. pled&E!O themeelves to • IUb­

. scr!be tbe ~r.eater part pf the;. · reqult!:!d. ·· · · · · ·

:IICOver1&d 'to


••dleal Skill Bod AI moat Elll•anated n..,u Jo Vatu Attempta to Rellevo ller-A

RaUUU"kable Rllault.

The recovery of Miss Gertrutlo L. Bull l1 of great interest to tho medicnl 'vol"ld. A very bnd cough followed a severe at­taok of pnenJUonia. Jt seeme(\ impossi- . blo to break it up or to restore her 1trength, \VltiQh hn(l bet'n sndly under­mined. In spite of ~he best efl'orts of the ·doctors nml tho niio of several adver­tised modes of treatrutwt her. condition faily grew ·moro serious. ·She finally discontinued all mediow~ and gavo ber­~lt up·to despair.·

" Wbnt was your condition at this time?" aha Wn!l tlslwd.

"'My e~tomaoh wns 'so weak I couhl not heep food down. I sufl'erml frmu cou­lt.ant nausea. l'r;ty kidneys were hi ter­rible condition. My feet and rutls,les were awollen so badly that it pained 1uo even to st.and·ou them. I WI\S very bilioua. My heart was in bad shape so I could not go up am\ do\Vll stairs or' stand any exertiou or sleep in a nnturul position:'.'

"It seen)B n wonder that yoli should ever have rooovercd. How did it bD.ppen ? " .

"Yon mny well call it a marvel, bnt Dr. Williams' Pink Pills wrl'ltlgbt it. JS' one of my frieud~t thouj.;'b t I cnuhlli ve mru1y mouths longer. My pnrouts bad no hope. JllSt then i\ pamphlet adver­tising Dr. Willinm11' Piuk Pills fur 11Ue People Wt\S throwu In our door. It wns a great event for me. These pllls sn\'ed mo fro•n the gmve. Withinawooltfrom tho timo I began to Wte Chem I felt bet­ter, and in tln·ee mouths I was entirely well. I cnnuot pruise D.r 1 W illil\m,a' Pink Pills too highly nnd I detu-ly h''PO that my expet"ienoo may· briug gootl to Bomo othet• sufl'eret·H. •• • · ,

Miss Bull, who wns so re~nrlt,bly cured, retddes nt Union Oro,·e, llliuoiH. Dr. Willitlms' Pink Pills aet inuuedlnttJiy on the. blood, pul"ifyiug and enricWug it. In all d11bilitating diseuses, such ns lung truubles, grip, fevers, and In nll 'CWioRln which the 11\'Rtem is thoroughly . . run dowu, thoRo pills perform woudurli. They are sold by all druggiHtR t.hrough­out the worlrl. A vahmble booklet on dlsl'astts of the blood, will be ·Bent freo to any one who applieR for· it to Dr. Wil· Iiams Medicine Oo .• Schenectady, N.Y.

The FrPnch have dls<"over<>d a hair restorer that Is wananted to do away with the bald·hPnd••d man. But then some bald• men are worth S&l.\"·


lnslat on Getting lt. Some grocers any the)· don't keep

Dellance Starch. This Is becnuee the) have a stock on hand of other brand• containing only 12 <JZ In a po< kage. which they won't be able to sell 1\rst. beco.uee Deflarlce cont11lne 16 o&. !or the same money.

Do you want 16 oz. lnatend ot 12 oz. tor same money 7 Then buy Defiance Starch. Requll·ea no oooldna.

A man wh·o has been manle1l six times may still seelt the seventh heaven ot happiness.

---·---Mrtlo lloothln .. IIIJ'I'Dp.

Por C!blldroD te"'biDIC, oof!AIIlll tbe gumo, rodu~..,, lao D&mala~JuD,,allara n•ln.. t•uroa wtru\ collu. ~· bost.l ..

Happy Is lut! ""'" who I!J too busy to flntl fault.

TO CVRK A CULU IN ON'F.l DAY Take Lauuvu Dnnnu l,lululne Tabluto. All drntro l[lll>t refund &be m.ooeJ Jr (L fall a 1.0 •·ureo ll:. W. UIOTII'I alllnature Ia Oil each bu&. ~.

Fortunate Is tho man enouah lllW to avoid ll.


who knowe

Is tea generally so bad?

It is ra:her uncertain gen· erally, there is no difficclty in getting it good.

le w.r?PI"ilap ef 1141111111"• ... 1' .. 1 ....... ... 11- To II alta Good T-

The propos\ lion to ha vo the Cia r the neld has been amended to

· provld• that he eball tako to tho tall timber.

"Dr. Biggs;• wrote the new reponer, "delivered nn lllteresttnc lectttre oil . 'Lunacy and Lunatics.' Thore were man:r preael'l t." .

TEA When tea is good, do you

kn~w whf( it is good; and. "" when it is bad, dQ you know

why .it is badl 'Vomon live lon.K<'r than men, It le

said. but they never Jive 80 ml\n~ (

'~118ftftllftGnt!Yeured. Nofttaorne"""-a!W II tJ l'.._t d~1.'• uee nf Dr. KUne'e tlt?.Gt N"'rve 1~

.... lltlnd '"" Fl~ 811.00 ~rial bot<lo an.! "'-'I .. W. IL U. KLI!Ia. ,13l.f.rclt BW'Otl'- l'blladolplila, b

' ~ ' '

A. girl had tfn Idea that bolng Pre,.l· . df' t oC tho Pnltcd 8tutes Is almost d nl, ' &UI chocola-te croam·s. ' Moth•fl• '£Umlna ca~tull7 ev1n7 bottle or OAS'l'OlUA,. · a earo and e11ro l'llllledy for Infanta and cblldnm, and H6 that It

Cole YOilll(lf<'r hu" delermmed to qutt tho stag". W ht•n Cote 'l'as younger he no,·er quit n stago untli It waa ••II ln.

Ho-lt's lmpnflNihlo to pleuse every· hndr. Itt this \\•tll"l•l, IMn't 11·! She--1 don t It now; I never tried h. · •

P!Ro"s Cure tor CoM\IIIl!IUon I• an Infallible m••dlolne f'Or coul{hM and coldN.· N. W. ~11aa. puu~n Urovc, N. J.,l•'ob. 17, 1000. 0---

A boy could hn,·e.J.s mu<'h run aret­tlug u tooth pulhH) UIJ ollowtug tne .. d. Vfl't! Of !liM lOlljldU·"·-" WOf tOaUll<>r. ' . .

You n~>ve:- hPnr any fJDe comp1ala about "Defiance t:ltarch." There le no.,. .to equal It In quality and QunnUty, 1• oum•es. 10 cents. Try lt now and aav• your money.

A mn n'e ht•'u. otht>r umn \\'hu marry hie "\'lfe,

or It w•ae guy le an­tlllC't.• hn J u. l.'.allLUce ur but didn't.

TE.'\ E''e:J• nation has its notioll

of tea.

.Most famiJ:es have onL too.

,,~h,. t1t,,.,.,..,,.f'l hf'' •...• ,u, •• mnn and • womun Is or:~n ln•II!Tercn<'o.

• -0


... A.Ti:RPROoP

OILJ:D CLOTHING nt:ceaveD rur:

HIGH!&T PO.SSIBLe AWARD AT THt &T.LOUii WORLD'a fAll. .Send u~ the n~>.rnu of de6Jer~ Jn

your town who do not 4ell our qood~. and we will 4end you ~ collection of plc.tYres.ln colors. of fOII\OU) tower4 of tht world. 111


U JOU WIDI 10 ..,, lbe bllliHI r~tu rDII for . .JIDIIr labor <Uid

your around, you llan 'l atlllrd

to plant auplblll& baa

-tbe l&andard after til,.,._. ._&. Tbey AIWII) .. prudillle Cbtt III'Jiftl llDd IIUftSI crope. All dtlalera eeU

ttiem. Our .... /!:,e• Aaeaal OD reQOIIII.



Treatins . Wrons Disease. Many tiUU. womon call on tho~ family


aufterlng, as they fmagln~ one from yspe~la, anothor from Jioan dllloue, anot.lior from liver or kidney dis­ease, another from norvous exhaustron or JJ.rostratlon, another wltb pain hero ond Utere, and In th• war thoy all presont alike to thrlllselvea ana tbolr easy-going and litdlfleront, or over-busy doctor\ scp­arato "and distinct dlscllBI',s, for wblen ho, aBSumlng them to bo such preaorlboll his pills and potions. l11 rcall ty thllf aro all only-z~mpt.onu caui!Cd by some womb dis­ease. Tho physician, ·Ignorant of tho mute of snrrorlng oncouragea this prac­&lce until lar«o hilts aro mooo. •rho auf· ferlns patlttnt (rota no bottor, but prob­ably Woi'IIO, bt muon of tho dolaJ', wron11 veatmont and consequent complications. A proP.or modlclno like Dr. Pfcrco's F~ 'Vorlte Prescription, directed 10 tJUJ mute would havo entirely romovact tho diBOMO, thero'fJy dispelling all tboeo dtstmMins lfDll!t.OlllB, and Instituting comfort In· 1tead Qf prolonf.ed 'mlscl'f. If, baa boon

• well said that 'a dlaoall8 known 111 half cu~" In C8ll(!8 almost Innumerable, '' t all Qtber modlclnM bad failed to llo p and doctor~ hlld eal tliero waa no eu IJO!!!!Jble, the uso of r. Plarco'l a-

~an bJ modlcil • vice and counsel O!._.Dr. Pierce, h .. tesu tod In a petfcot f~•lle}!t cute~ T "'n 10nutnol\1!111 ot ....-... c1,1ret .., att.elted ol. olilJ br. the entire dlaappannte of ll•ln, llut ·aw a 'f~.J' deell, a clliar flOJDPle:iloo anil a

· 111 diiPoltfUo~ -

taken Bill' bottle• or Or. Plei'CII'B Dlt!dldne uut fool real aoud. bu~ nm not culntr CU 111DP onUJ am IUrll l am cured. l tell all mv I ad;r trten• about Dr. l'l<~ret•"• wondurtul mricllcl.rta. The.l'

~I gay, ·• bow ~orood you am Jooldn• lin. TaJ.:

or," and l on•wcr I~ Is all due w Dr. Pierce • avorJW J>rcscrlptlon. 'fb~U~kln• you once more for :ronr ldzl6o

oeu, 1 romalo. Youlll Lrui.F. lfBIL E. d. ·."AT IA)JI.

Oo:r 01. J)Vrlntr Arl*lr ....

An honl!llt. deal0r will not. orp aiUbl&t­tuto In placo of " 11'11vorlto Pnilcr'l~tlon." Them I& nothing In tho wor•t " tiD u ~rood," although avart••lous clrun ta will somct.tmes MY 110 for Lhe salt& of groator Jtroflt. to bo made upon ~ a. ferlor article, ~hun ull aucli. · · Every wtoo n.nd cantful housmrlfe ft.CICIIr.' nli:M valu., or • lfOOd homo meclleall book. Dr. l'lcrco's Cclmmon ·&nae Med­IQAI Advl110r 11 th•t. kind of a book and• &ho OO&t of i• k_lpd. It llled to sell for et.llO l)(lr copy, Now • bttt edldon II t.­lnr.t glvcn awar-ruJt:L For paper-eoY• erCd copy soncl Ill oiHHll!nt. sta•P!I!. • ... covor madlnl onltf. Irroncb clotb bl~· I nit ten et~nta OJltra. Ad....._ Dr. a.~. PlOn:e, DufJalo, N. Y.

~llliiST NA111RB tt.lo now and &ben, with a pnU. las•·

a~1ve. or, If noocl bo, wl&h a more~·· and cloauslnl(. yet. rentle eatllarUe..

oiJondlnr mat.t.or '-· tile"' and bowels, to to• JIP ...V liver and 4Uicld!D •• • and fOil th~ JYold a­dOf&IJIOIMOfa .Mil • ......



' ' ' <I ··,.:

ij '

•\ ..


' \ I

' • ,.

' I

.. ..

1 l f !

OKf -=====-~-'::--~-=--= ... ~:C:-~.-=====-:::-. .. - -. .

"""' Nti'Jiper Dmte I to aa Iller est at Mite Oaks IJld L1acola Ct. ~. M.

Aad What tile Penple PaJ for JJeiJJI Gonrslf. ----

( CDntJnued,)

• ftoa!kfeltN. PCr•bP-4 X · J~~D. 2:1tti leo&. pioe tree, 6 iPs ditt beRra 4eg. 1816 ft er. · cut;

Nntlee II hereby 1!1 veu that the Hot·k hliUid 1 • 1 · ot< -'O 1 N Cornenl Blld l'lna.1Vr\CoJ'IIpan)'.&H0tJlOF~tlono,. 30' El. 86 ft dlst IJIDZed-"nd scribed eavo u·rogU IJf #V'.t t cor u

('llfl,IIIZe(l uudor I)W Jnwo·oltb~ 'J'errltorr of New X B T l-1191. Th.,flo6 N 23 dl.lg '*' identJcu.l witb 1). corner of lhe lo-.1 rec~or,a:,Jt;Ulll!):o) )"'""'"'·with ''' prlr~~:lp••l olfi.C4' o11d pud pOlce 23' \V 1070 8 U intero~ec' H. line be\ I'Utlon, "),.0 cornu Nv l, Ancbo· N 0 dlerk ·.:BOd

-- · · .. ::.:: ... --- A V . I . f . f b IIIAMilll,l.lnr.,h• Oount)'. Now Mexico, hnn Rsll fll)d 121•:, '1'4 8., ILt due N . , ;;,., 1• 0 .,11 .., 11.,d .1·~ vot•r:v •rta 111.,..cJu :v. . ery )rJe l'lynopi-IIS o t t~ u1o<t" ,.1,plu: .. uou rm u L'n!tc•l >&atL'II Jllllent for ll09l.o It from tjlc SE cornel or riCe I Jl'accr. also coruer i;N(j -i Chi.('II!'O J Liuehlo Co. New . · ... , (Oilf!W:I; . - . . -- . I more Important measures pa.~,.!-!ll lho n .... ,, ....... ,, f!T<lllJ> n1 p)<U!t'r 111111111• elahn• 24 n 11 ~ i I d 'b d plaooa·, i)olh o,t:Jbaa •·urve.Y p1'el7iOII11... AuchQ No~ 1. in ,.tfu .. PJJCM • ,_ __ · ·· --·'-·-- ·· · ·- -1 ' ' •llUilllo<llulbl!JI·.rllllllflulugJ)I~trlct.Cou!J- • "• prOVOU&y esert,C f ,.,.- , ... " A dl .• I .dlto ' d p b I by the late territorial l....t•gii!Olatute 'tY ·"' J.jueolu. 'l'crmory nl Nqw )lt'.Jir.O, 101<1 fl II d al 8 548,5 l.t froJO placo for ly d~Hcriboo, and scribed ~-H9I 13[. I\ ncb(! Nn. 2, in oo.ok '·IJ ••. . •• • u • ~·- , . '.•~ ~ · wiJI be tr.iven i.n thiK column from teoek htan<J ~rroup •:ootuhnug &Sli.!IG lll!rc•, • l Cc)r, of stud 11ec 2·1 on the .E. on sido fncink claim. Tben'ce N. 60. J•uge 132. ·~hit•ugo.: in .b~10~ ••\l•~·.

• • • Ill aurloccurcwnd Bn<t •·•m~pd•lnlf Aul'hl) ~?· 1, 'fhe l cor Willi tcot . louud 1826 fL - 1 K U .r..rctoon:•IR>"""~•nd•·tc"'• llwtter, "''''""''"' Au .•

1tame"to ttme KO that all can gov-, J•lacq•·cotmcontntnlng UIOuare", An\·~oNo. 2 Ry ftHICQ. tour"fl NE. ~fi53 fl cen,• E plong. Hne 4-1 nf tho page 2 ., · t·~'.iltQAe,,jn b()OJF '' "

JoOt,ntl"'"t"UJooeal""""o,,~o..c(.10•·"u;.~l<·",t'rn thernKelves accordi11gly. Jtlllt'Prelatm.c·nlltlllrduuloo W'rcK ""'"one, · k E •·N E 207 r R Ohi,•agoJtluct.>roCqsis ~;~urvey,l9o .. lld~e.4,,5L ... ·. I ' PI•"''""'"""· c•ucclululug l~U 96 ocr<'• nnd Cbl· 1

111 • " P"" • 8 ,~et Y · Ulul<•r lllc J\1'1 of ()ou~trt·• ... ulllnr(lt. 14. lftill. 'l'hc~e ac tK, however' will he of i'o;;u pl4tJcr l'lalm, <:On tal nluiC 1110 IUJI'f:M, bt.>orlrag . fence, course NE. 2136 ft W(IJ.!Qll Ct.' branch Hy heu.rll E. .claimatll8 'fbe l!llid Ro'clc 11\11.\~d group. boif1ft

--· --. . -. ---- ~rpall im porta nee to the general U) , .... Ill rnck. QUill,;,, ('CIIICUiur llYVUIIIJ, "'"Y ; road. CIIUrse R 23 deg J£. 2640 feot' hc•rein, 625·ft wire fenco. beua·s SJ£~ d(•sigtallt.P.d l\11 . minerul •nu•vey No. IJUJJACIUI'TrON l'ltWII:. puhlic quwitlet of the cfft•ct it'mav' • 1 tut-~'""''.•nlunhtc ,,.1.'1umiH. l!uhl ltoek lftb?d c•ui\No '2. A cedar pvst, .4: ina sq•. 666 fL wiru (&moe, beatttSE, 121.0 h. 111)1. .

J Hrmlt• ''"'HI ""•lguow.S ll8 mhcerul •un·,., 1'\o, 4 fL )un toet 2 feet in the gruund . • o •

Oou Yctu··(IR Auv11nt:t!~ ..... $1.00 ·ha\'1 on theirp.ockt•tbook~. IIDinndtl•·•··nl""''"lhcl'tl'l<JSott·s und 1 g .. d, f t'" 1n. · 1 . h, l!orroyo,6 Ct. wide, conree NW, 1621) ~nrand allpe:tsPnS clnlmingad· I m I Wit 1 a moun o eur a, ~ JnR 11g • . •

If not Jlllid 'lnlliuo 6 montia .. ·_. 1 'O llout-~c B1'll No.· 23 \"hich be- "1 uc~ollktnl•tcn·<->' .... 111.,

1" 111" " co ,,. u, ,, r b - d b · .• 2· 1191 'fli}Slll'Dd •• 20~l I~ w)nf (cnte oooa·8u versaly Jhe ground, pren1iseQ or ony . "' - .. llcllllllutklnri"Ll.on dl 12 •4rgrcca K•U<L ad *' I . nl'e 6Lroun tt, I!Cfl _eu ~ 9 • •. =--------------- 1 came .1 law, J»rPvidct-~ that wh~:o Mlow•: nn. l'ldu fuicu~ clu•m. wath u. nutl NW. -177 ft inlf.lrsect R ltne.T 4 S, other pouion tbereofiiJJ de~~Lrlbed,

--- - ·- - I the ta"c"' actually colledNI in I A!'ICII,~No.'· drayen nt. posm for ncrner; frum bot. R!i II aud 12 ID n~·.s. 0 dt>g 14' IIUf'!eyed, plnkd an4 upphed for Tll •'f1B• .... ••o!IITI., .. "T I "''"'UU• I ll••gtnrsh•l'lnte.>rnerNo. J, t.Jeutl<'nl w!tb n Y.hJCh a cnr~cer of the locati.ou. ace-. E ~·If t ..,..,. . f .,4. b ifi d I

. ' I'

.. -


"' •'"""" • ....... A • ""'"'·~ "'"ISJlJV t•ounty Rh'\11 re··\ch the sum r·cmwr "'the '"''"llou nt"'' ~Jnrusr Nn • Ke)·· .• 4 . /j 1 . •l>. ~ rom "',. .. C.ltoer o sec .. 1 na•e bea·e y ~ot. t' t Jat_ UJI'les• • ,. . ., , , . · . • 1 un1 post: anesq. lL nng.~et1n ·r SRIIE # 1 t ·

--- of $100 000 P·e county ·ommi~-t· •&•mcJilnetor,u~ou ··urn•·r ~'••.·• 'hl•!ulfo '' •w•·r, • 1 C i b' ·N 20 d W 4 c, prev1oua v '81!L'1'.b~d tbeb·culver~>t' clalmw aro duf.y llfecl - .. I b • • I 1 IJ C I•Hth ul tiel• Sllf\'1!)', lu the aouCh llCIC uf th., ,1 CIIOUOf 0 CUlt I eurt! Eg • . "(' · . • . . (., , l trill OK to looh rt~o~ tf that; l'lioncn• Khall eiH~h reC"cive Sf!OO, 1 m ruw & JSorth K""tc.rullnttwny rtghc ... r.w.,y 30ft dil•t. A Nlliar tr('e 1~ ina diu. at N. 0 deg 14! W, 2477.4.ft&f .. om:t ·~ acco1·4m~ to luw autd tl1e _reguJ("-

nrtificinl 'arm of till' ~ot\'lUi, \~hich Till' next ad provldeK tbat the' A •·cdnr '"'"''I,,..,;.,. ••tnnru, 1 teet loug, •ct\l b.·orA N 62 d"g W 78 f1 1lit•t, ~la1zed cur ou l:llltlt line c:\f se~ 25, T 4 S R t.ions thet·eunder within sixty da)·~t b ~1.. t I . . . kl't I" tll~ ur""'"'• wl!h" "'"''"" oroto•w• IH nnd ~cribml X B '1' 2-1191 A,.~ .. 1.1 E . d 1 ... d 2640 f f d h h

<l"' o .. .,. >t'Cn 111011 it' }'Ill!:' tn at!lol ,· .. ·rk~<~ of the t-~en·ral K-t:hool di!->•: t h. httrl ·• J<·es ill"-' ""'''"d It ''"rllwd . . N 8 • prevanusly ••scr ••u ; t a·om ate ereof wit. the l'l'~iater • . . ' ~ . ,,. •a '•. ' • tlur ·f4lC 12 IIIII dul. I.Jears dur• (j " ~n r "'o I Chi . g pi . . f tl. ll u 't d St t r J O·ffi .attc:mpt~ 10 t·nnrc)cP tht •w;tJnt of 1 t·' t· tt 0 ,-t.0 I tl' . t,. 'tory 1··1191 ·•~·llUI 1-11111 "" •l•J•·K 111•·t•nJ clntm• . 1 d 1 .. 1 d X B T .. o. e L~ ca o tt(let o Ill<! nr us. 111 " 11 Cti 4an ce at ,. tl A • • . '( • t l • I IIC n Jr u~.,, ·" )~- I. In tll\lc "unJt <lrlv••n t)l ,,.,Jut"'' Cllf06r, hi)rn ~· cltflt riUZ.l 11 "' 110 ' 1 1,6 I!UI'VeV JtreVJOIIAiy descl'ibf.l!d, 3330 l R•ISWCII, In the Cuuuty of Chuves

lC ('Lane rat an c Jnttntrn • 'own .tt ,~hall )Jc retJUII'l'd t•1 tilkt! tbl! ~\'hl•·lt t-llu~><·•·&loll ''"'"''·•·~>mmm• to •ccllou~, 2-1 191.~ A NJd~tr t•of', 2-l Hill, dtn feet to c01:0eJ;' No l pJ 11ce of be oiu .. auJtj 'l'urritt'try "f"N••W. Me~nb, tb~y · • Panam11, would JJCI\\' ud a move ·nn&Jit'l .. ttion of all JWr!60Jl!i 24 '"'' :m. u.11 ~.and ••·~11uu~ 111 un•l so, H. 12 honr11 .~ 12 d••g I!. 190ft !fiSt blazed 1 .. ' 1

, g will bo b~1rred in virt.qe of \\)a pre).. un ihwlf und ~·omt• to till' 1<\lj U(.'Cl('. I. • • K 'I' 'R. lol. )1. 1'. 1$. ull<l M.,- n llmc•Mw IIIII I ~crilct'd X aT ~-1191. '1'hf'n<'e n 1~· I r I , Vtrtions f &i ~· ;. t t .

of h>ChofA IIJliJ ~Tlff ro:l'f..'IVct htlxcllcochu·cltunrcwuutluf at"""" cbt~olcd t;H(jtl('r 37,,,, 26-lO fttocorNo 3 uta netnrra o lld 1-..eyatone I il 8• c 1111\UO, Con~:n~ttK, aft~r debating the tl f$l50 fo· '\'t' . bu _ ,,,.,, 1w,oh~•""'I~•N ,uuol2 .... u·IH••onlho :!. g : · plt~c"r 1u9.9G uurt•l!. direut thnt. thiR notice bo pub ...

f r . II' l'ollm 0 • I t; I"} ~ lo•·e•: Jfl\111 \\loll II II r··t.lnr \ti.W, H luc·hu• tlln, ~ ('t!llar pollt, 4 llctl HJ 4 ft-f!t long. 8~~ I This clnim Ill located in. T. 4 s. Jillh'ld;in tl}" ·•ou,hmk" at Wbit&

rnateur Q ~&llo 11\hiOil tfJu olll com· ,Jn~l) JliHllt·~ t·nltnH·ntti'<J, lmt will "'""" s. 6~·t•·u; F. ., rt •ll•t. l'lcu· lrl·o 8 In•. ": llll.lf. In tho grou~od ("t 2440 loet '." RnnJi"e 11 and 12 It of Lbe N. M. Ouks, County nf I.Jincolll, t.he ue\VB .. mi ... :ojon,whlt.:b na<lt•ntirl'ly too IWI"JI)Jjl.·ctto;tlil)t't)ffromStOto tlln '"""""·II ICJ(.\1 :18ft. 111•1. IJOtiJir:···e lane1·4 AnchoNo~ZptnctJrllf th'll PJJandM bothUil rve•tlll J•np .. rpublitlhf'd fllllUeS~ tbe SH.I'd

. h· L. 't h .. I l I . . . . . hlr;~ctl;ruJ .. 'fioiiiJ!IU'l'JI,IIC .. rB:<./l4•h•g.~llt .• tlllrVe)·\ II mound of cat•th tcn•l ,, . ' .. su } • . .... I' ,. l .1 L Jll•lllfW l:Jiw.llll K ~.t<,an< pu. !!\50forpaddtJJICVIHihl'h"f WltO fl~l)71oft'l•t•ll•• h•·1·oturtrc·•·fl lu•.•lln. bll~tcll r

1·g· I

1 '>ftb d lhlltclaimh~jQIII~dnnlhanort.lh lnllllllp; caamst ,ur, LJe perto"' o,.

,. tl •·. tl I'. . I • . ,. ' d t!lunc" tn!! Ill! I... 814t•, lli'UUn I I . Cl I f I. tiiX-ty l.lay" ,ang 111 wor" Ill II! •~·Hu t•nt,.; I rirtitiou~ n;unt·~. H l~<l•·lf w irdl 11•1. l.ol••t.ed11ucl •··rta,e x II t. . b·tl :1-lJf~l d -1 . ,f t 1e 1•cu,.-:.a V uctor" \II!:! ~<ur • • , I I( . 11 . · ';/". 1 t · t 1' I -II•J ' •lin hiJ:ra. 1'1 11011 trc•c 10 ln..tu·• ' • ""

1 t ' cHI

81 e nclng vc~· al11o"by the Rook lRit ncl .. plu •er lloW.&liD I EI AND lltlll "• Jll•l } I~ Cl v lCIIlki'Jl 'J•hun thcr~ wu~ H llJW pa~~t·4 .... u .. 11\"llf• •• ~·l•lttgruaH :10' 1,, 7'!.11 clhhUJl cla•m, a t•ncl llriven nt point. f\lr UIJIIUrve•!eJ ··a ' I ~ . • "o' ..... 'n I 1· llr .. d • ' · · · · · 1 '·IIUif·ll'" • • 1 ·h· ' · f ll 1

J 1

• c 1 ~11 ' 0 8 lerem. 11 : Uc..,oruner. ,t ' tt' JO ,.ot · . Jlrovullng for till rt'J.{I"'tr·ttaon of loiG•-•·•1 uuol ••·rolllt x 1·111!1 • ·•· C.hrlltr, rom 111 lc••, a c.uacet n h> tl h b ... l 1 . .._. .. tl ~· t J ' • 1huu•·•···.lltlolelf'"''~ :rr w. atougLhuH,llnc· loctltion acedur Jl•>st ~, ft long Hill ICIIOUt Y.,ll.,Jt ·•.;eri•Aun unf'ur .. .,Ill! tl W .II•IJOUrflfl)l'll ' IOW.<.'V• ta .. tdl• fi11U' 1 '~ 01' nilmt'·lt 1'0 that 1 1. 1 I I · · I tl 1• t• • ,. 1.: ll'f 18111 · ' ' . '• • ' Vc·•·etf llllfl)H IIO((IIOWII clnJ'mlll·l8

• , • • • • • . . , ,.. u t" c u •I ~· "") o '" :· · .. :•· :· • . 111 n mound c·f eurth, benrd N ~3 de;t ~ • ' • ' •• · I 'r, I rc !<;lfltnt l<loU"'lVtll tltliUc•d any ont• can •rd a ntonorlul·· Oil lu••lc·ru•·······)HrtJI"lll'<',IVtl'll•llltrUHH ·~·" 2''' ·\V "'( r d' A .. I 10 i hcruan. On the East. hy the Pnmfio

, • • ,., I' ' 1 1 .... 1 t ,. N ,, ,, u I t 1!; t. r Oul\ r, n 11 I I . I I . to hiJVl' t-.ome dwtl'tnl.!'clo!i<• bdort• · · · 1 )Ute '''"'''i•""•" "" ... urn~r "· •· . • 1 I' acer c nun uuMr<ri (' m•ll•tto herel"

G. A. Buan, ALturuey fur IIJ•plirn)

~ .A uclw, N .' •

• . luny '"1111 uf deStl.!'n pr J'olrlJl'U ar A "'''"' , .... , ~ ""'""" """""'· hmr f<l~l dw IJI'IIlll N 2 dcog aO'I }!.. .l'J 1! dist w t I u A ·I· N I ·, "l thutiJ(JIJ)'rt'•;a~o.t'ol'lnhlt•d. llehal-lln'Jmt·ifthcsct"· lit to 1,.1,. the lonu>cl~hwllut"'llruuntl. Muunolnf•ltmc• olnzPdllttUI!CribPoXIJ'l' 3-1191. fct;l.' •Y 18 ~,010 ,b0 J'~ll~'t'f

' • ·' 1• 'J 1 1 1 1 2 11111 . . N . o t "" survt'y, L"U o1 era< J ·•~ 1 ang lt,..J<cd fill' ·tnd J't'CCJI't•cl thc· l't'l>\il.!'· f · 111111• "'"" t ilt•t l1u•onrouu• L •rrl "'' • A l!erlut· tl'eH 12 11111 c.lm bears 4·'l I . 1• • • •• 11<\l't'l"daryo lh•·tcrntory tlwrc- unuloleltwlu!{dnlu"vl\hlllllltlrlvo:.uLpohct I "'1"1 ..... t ll I d I-· Ollllll8 IOIUI\Vn, No cot.thbtiii((

n ',lii'OilH , 1f •'l]J til" (Jicl 1 , 1 • f ' · '· c t•Jt ,., 0 11111 , ) fl.Z!lt Ric t'l'l'l leu , ... n 1 Ill ICI too 11 t!llil't'd ft•t• of livt•liull/lrr;, •. l•lf •·urco•·r. l•rocn 11hhh seum~r ofr.,tllullu- X B 'l' ·~-ll"l 'fl 11

" 2., tl

Fh·c~t publioatio.n, Jl'~b. 2, 1905-. L~tet publil·atiou.~A11r. 6, 1906. ,

tl . . 1 . I . I lull.""''''"' , ... ~t~ '"" ••JUI~re, (uur "'"~ llllOVtl o,) D • IC ce"' u eg It' liii1)J1lll'\'4ldl1, illlf It-; JIIO\'t"CC • 'J'ht" lll'Xt act pi'UVIdCH that tlot•l(ftOIIII<Jhl•ttu lllllt)Unilul •hme•, ln•ar•H. ~J' )i:_. 2040 fc•OI· Wll(lOll ro11d. l'f•Uf8H

i OJ! to a p flrl i 11 t 11 1111 w one, 11 H fa ~o~ t w i dowK fl. hall bu l·tmsi d t• rt·d tilt' ••• •tc·aru·•·• :11' 1-: •~ fc<'t dl•t. 'l'b~ 1111 mil•· J•u•t , S ll: !t 140 1 L cor N n 1, A ncho N" 2 ;II\ "'uilnblt· Jllt'fl I' an be· found who , . · ·• · .. l ... ,,,, .. :-. 74•~<'g~<·•·• ,,._ 1~6 f•·~l '11 "1·• A ~··•lar piH<>cr of thi11 t<ua·v .. y, pt'cviously de-

hcudM of f.unthc~, af tht \ ld\t.: tt•<·tllii•Jndlu b'''"" s M d''"""-'"'' .. 12'\twL 1 1 ·•·4ll 1 1 t · f R l 1 'II . 1 · 1 . · 1 . ·J • . · · . en If'( ,.<.IJ I'll ''ell •·r o v rt\H c wa \\Ill', an Jarmon) wat 1 e11l 1- l'lUdJ ll rommodJt•· 1111 .-~ thul>l •IJe

1.,11 , "'"""'I '""l•criiJ··•l x liT~ uua. Jh•ncu ou.•o 1 N 4 'cJ • •1 . 1 · . I '• 'I · . . • 1 • f• . .:>U't L cor o • 1 euttctt Will a Hlher ·tnd alt>u an ll'lrllluny wath . • . f H.~:)•lq;rll<a;!ll 1· .. ~UQI•·•·t .. e•·e•u 1~uo ccL<ur- • .

: . , ' . jt·ntatlt•d to tht• CXl'lllpttons J"om ""· 11,,,.,1ur po•L·t heft ...,1110r.,u~"t tot111 , IN't~ 1mrnm· of \he loo:•ttf'lt·; alsu th~· I rl"H!d.cnt ~o~ .way of doanu taxation fhu kUJlll' a,.. other prot>- lt·vl '"tho J(ruuud, I\ Jill"!'"' of ~tun~d .J~ au• 1 cor ~o 1 ~nchu No 1 Jllum•r, nh1o thtnlf"'· Cf)Jt'f llll/.('JIII't'l". \Vullan•, l' t . twhh·n:, lct~o~h :l rt L""" •·ouud 11. ••·•11•·11 ,1-11.11 1111 tho 1 cnr No ·~ K,.ye-turaP piBI:or, h1J,!h nl

'II . I . r } . . •l•lu lsu·IIIK,l'hlrm. \\'llh .. llnlldrlll'll "L )tolnl Lhtl! ~urvc·y prcvinuslv desmtbed WI lw rctuant•t and poH~tblr one, 'J'h't~>~I'M followtd by an act to lurcurswr. a•rucn\\hldsncJrcwrulthulvmUun .1 • 4 ,

91 . ' • I . Rl u scnb~d -·1 cclll!hiC luolnj!

Ill' twu of tilt' ulci.J,oanl r.<·appolnl- Jlr•Jil'tbit onl' <JI'J"I'ollll !roan trc~- ~~~···•hlrt"'"t~ l"'"'ln"'"·''llllttnllln nmuund clul'm, 'J'IIer~<·e' N ('u" d-"" ''7' E ' t of l'lolPitc..•,., Junrk••t\ 8unth Curucr Aueho No, 1 ' g,.. u 4

t"ll, lmf the \ haannan '" prc•lty pa,..1..,j 11 g upon till' mitlll1.:" propl'r- '"•nrnl:l.llld.,~ru<•• w.~7 r~ •ll•t. A 111ue ~rc:c nlunJt duo 4-1 ul lhl' l(ey~<tunu ploc-. I'IIH' tu IJt· a hu ... tlt.:r and i"'thmiu11 tv ,,f anotlJt•r, 11 n<l :o~UhJ'cct .. !<4UCh Ulcc•lu•lltc,llunr•fi,l~"''ll40' \\,111 l'c•·t •11•1. t·r ut tic•~ f<lltvey. 1!)0 Jt hranch.Uy

J ,... Llolll<.'ll ..... "'rllu·d X ll 1' 3-IIUI, A cc•lllr ,, <f E I t I 6 )fj r 1101:' v·ill II)·· perKon to a jail Kt.:lltcn~.:e of thirty aotu•<ltnt,.·ure:..7u•l<•ll 1u· w. u It •ll•t hiU%o<l ~:~';;~ cu:,:~~~s~. Je~~:;~·ft ;.'iJ·eLf=r~~:

llc·udcjUurlt·r~ of tht• Mounted J-olin· haM uet"n ''~luhliHIIl'd nt Sucorro. Cunununicn t ionR ad· d re,..t~ocd to Cnpt. John l•'. Jc"utl"r· tun, ut t1111t oflkc will t'cn•ivc prompt at ntion,

1'ht• A IIHtlj lH' rc I u I! (.'it n . hil 'o\

pnKM~cl into nt•w hu111IH. 1'urn H u&.rht',.. und W. 'l'. MrCrl'i"ht

.I f" t t d .,:,5..-. IICrllltl<l ~ II T U-11111 0 A J>lllll I rce II InN In !J)JI.o 1~ 1 .. 1 Q f 5

f f.IU)'I'o or 11 111e no o t•xcee "' ,., ltun• .. 11 1 •lcJJ Y. 21 11 •II•L lllozoo 111,.1 .crlbt'J.l o~cnri!O ~l!i, ., l orroyo, out urovidin"' tlw owner hatt <'ivt•o j ~II.,. 11-11~1. ·h"'""" N IICI.""" ~7 1'. ~Wfwt wlilt•, nuur .. e N W. 1()25 ft B .. Cf!nd r fit , o 01011 wuuuu rnu4l, t:unrM.t 1'1 ' '. :i6.&0 ft c·uruer Nn' 2177 thrcl· noticet'l of w~rnin&e to ~o~uch ,.,o '· ''"'nLI<·nl wlth•·ulncr Mo. aut Kt!)'•touu 21121 Ct wtro ft>IICC, cour .. e n,

• t•ltLrurQIIhlaourvuy, .\tw•liLI'I•Oit,lu•i•tUdflt fl!OL inlet'SecL l~y. linn uet, Its. 11 1 fl' !<4))U ~KC r, t lnl't I011lllllll :! lu~\ I II IIW l(rouuol \flt I I l}liiUUIIII

~I '""'""Ill IU• hh;b ~ lilt••&> 11ru11•11& II, "''t'it.ud &&ld 12E uL t;. 0 d,_.g 14' J!:. 15.1 foet 'l'hcrcw~JWnl~o~o nnnct \)j\ht\Cd •··llllll-ll\llonoul••""""llllluululm•,wHbn frumSI~O()·,ut df:C24, H. 11 ET

" 111111 <lrf\·.-u uJ )'Olut fur"'" nur trucu wlll.:h u rt'"Uiatint.r tho fuL'I<l for ren1rdin" c·prn••rol thule • "I'""· •• ''"""r 1•0 •1 G h '"""· ""' t 8, provicllt~>ly floscribP.l au.J N 0

"' r h ill u JltuUiul ul i'lfliiU.ti t~ura n :tH dt.t~,. :.!a' t., tl U t! '" 7 brandt\ and allowin•r the "'ccreta- , ••t. """"""''"'Utnft olll\ b··nr" .r.. tl:l cl"lf- "· d"g 14' \.j ~4 7.4 ft. froan t oor on " Jl fttllal l.tln~•·•\ llll•l•orcbel x 11'1' '•UUili-IIUI E lint~ of tlllC 25, 'l' 4 6, R 1) E.,

f tl nit I 1 I 11 pllltuc'tr..., C) 1•••tl". IIUt•r• d 6r. •l•·11 \~. zc C•. I"Y 0 ll' Ioiii fli'Y IO!Irc n !ill ary tll•l. hhLZOd acul•• rcllool X lJ 'I' t.-11111 3• 11111. heretofUFI! doscrtbed. 2640 f\ to eor riot u,;rt•t•din" St.ROn .... <'ll'lllftrtwlllllt~····· b••llc·•t;. :II uug. 1':, ·~·n .No 1, plac•• ~f be .. innin···

h !lieU CthtlltJ•I !JIIIj •••roj,.,.l II II 'I' ~-UIIl a•ll\11; y ,. .,

A nutlw r act K J>t·r i tit•M t hll d u tic" ·awtu·u 1\. :!l1•t•·lllllf' \I · Hllll 11 •L"""" • l!stb r,.,.1 'fvlnl nPt 11 rcu. .ul tbtJ Oh • eng(\ t•UUtlrru!-'ulnrcul, ltl1ib lettvo lrrugu&aJr\:••• )llQ

f tl ttl 't 1 ) ' ~1:1:1 fl t'fU•4jti)I••IIU~, l'Ottro<·, II ti7 dt!IIIIU' \1, }Jhll'ef, U IJ(!f('8, o lc ra ~· lill.Ol nry >Onn tn ilU ~~llteullucoruurl\o.l, thuvla•·uofb,·HluCJiul! 'flus cluam i~ JocaL8d In T -iS. l'!Tut·t to crndkatu t&~Pbic'lol p.nrl 'lotnlnt•l c~run ul '"" Aucuu '"'· 1 A'u•c"r 111-1

uNilt· R,.. 11 on d 1 'l jcj, N. AI: P ll d

' ~


Daily Train Service. BETWEEN~THE

W EfS T AID E A S T ' . -



c·HlCAGO FLIER. . bn \'l' "'olcl to u lh' w ~om pnny, of

whirh l.i<•o. 'J'. nosald, an old tlt'WKpnpt•r llli\11 lornlt'rly of l ... nH \'t•flUil, hut lately of J•;J Pn"'01

iM at th~ h<·nd. Mrl'rcia.rhl will proltnuly rcmuin "" Lu"inJ>-Kl\

rnnnJ,:"c among horl'el'l, m uleK, nnd rut til'. 'fhc board i~ to e~tablit-~ll "inf~·dcd'' dl,.trlct!-1. whcn·\'cJ' l'out·h ~.:ontugiou~<~ diMeu"'e appcarK wit bin the Territory, and to corn·

'l'hiMCII\itn hlocc>tcd ln'l', 4 R. II. 11 K Ull· M. both unellrv't•yeJ. .... f\ ~,·t•tl

uu ~hu l'lorth, n·• mdJolulu;t c·lnlnu .. llonlh. ~ Nurl h, no ollliW8 kn<>wn. Soutb Al-\1( the Ticket Aa:ent and iqslt;t ·on a titket via this route.

llHIIlllJll'r '"'' Tum II will retirc· from the.' 1•er busi-Pl"I4M fot· nwhilc in order to build up hi" "'""'h·m and indulao in the luxury of luolcing bnckwnrd.

lfOR t;ALlC. Borl·~d wlro •. tipooinl prtoe1 ln

q uootllice

\\'f)l.CII & 1'1T'r8"''ltTII.

(.;AJ•J fAN Nanv M~xtoo.

I the dipping of all liVl'Rtork of c ~laMI'oCM namccl within l'litid

di~trit.l ufter publkation for t hruu KUt:l'l'Msi\'c weeks in a ncwM· paper within the boundurieK of tlw di!«trict. 1'hc boa~:d iM author­ized to employ into~pectorR at $2.50 u day to niQ in Mtamplng out tlw discnMc, All dipping ~bnll be un· der the supcrvi~on of the De· pu•·tment of 11griculturc, through itM n·~:ular in!ipcctors. 'l'he bo{lrd mny levy n ~pcclnl feo on each head of 1'\tocl' dippc4 or tr"11ted.

&:c: ?V'¥t iiti-n·r · .. r ·' • I


u 11l11uor t•luuu, nuMul vu)'l~n. t.uaL lll Ut" l,,.,. . .., K I f l 1 · L' • 1.,1, 0 1,, .. , .•. 1 .,, thl• Kccnuy, '1\tHL, no duu ... c oy&Lune Jl itoer o l1 d t<urvey .111.

kllu\l 11. Nv c:uullh•IIUII Clflllll' kilo\\ II' by tfte nut k lrtfUUd l'' IWOf d111111

A.lllcllo ~o. :li'L.Al.llut. unsurveyed, ul~&imants herein. W. th•ll'lnnlnu nt rurbor Nu. 1, hloullcl\1 with • b 'h A I N 2 I I r thi ......... r "' th·· l<w8\lonlu thu uurlh lluu or lhll y e nolO 0 l acor {) 8

1~ I''" N Kll)'. rtuhLuf "">·; hl•o lu tluull·~1 t~urv''Y• No ,,,h.-r n•ljuinlng nlauns ' lch-•lllO l'l11•·••r ul thl• •urn•)', I\ I .• lrodu11 ¥ll' IV k {1' · 1 · k ' ~w "'''' dl•t. tcum ~orn•·t tuur a•ru1·1ou•IY tlc~~o now 11. l!iO coo tctaog c aunc~ nown urtt .... l.

KKY8TONE PL.\CER. A. apruc·o po•l r. lu& In dIll, • fout lonll'. aor 11 feet 111 tltu ~rou11t1, wlln " 1uuuncl ul fttUIIllllo Ill Icc~ hl(h.; t.:ul IJB•u urouooi lt, JIOrlbt•lli·IIU! ut:. •1<1o tautu~o~ uh~1m wllh na11 "' tvcu 1\t 1ru11u lut . Belli on i "g 1\t cor No. 1, a cedar euruer; trulll \Yhlch thoi'IY.Cur,·.::• 'l' •• o. f I 2 r u. 11 K. 1,...,.,,.,,,.,y ''""''rlbtotl, lllar. .~ 70 dell posl, 4 ins sq 4 t oa.g, .s"t eot in Ol' K u1u.a lul!l •ll•J. A Cl"l~r truo,l8 lu• cill, ~b" I:I'Otlnd, muund of elones au.-1 bunn N u """ \V. ro '''"' di•L bluuu uod umbcd


A. N. Bll0\1N1

11ll'l'l•lllll. A ~111r trvu\1' lu•dln.JJtwt• N RI Ol\rth 18 in11 blgl. 2 ft baao, around d••ll· MU' r;, Wfeotdl•' tca..zotllllJd "'rlbecl x ur'-" it.. scribed 1-.. 1191 on sldo fauing l·llUI 'l'oltt!lflli•h J10iu b<tnl'•ll 6U detr r; 6'1 t. diaL b!aJed an•l wrlbu<l x 1•11111, 'l'lumcu ~ clairn IIIHl a· null. dra•en at. point for tlotiJII'I' \~. 3'l61ool ILUIIon a\1116 fcol &lotion, "Orner·, from •u}JI'Cll lito SE cor or ""'' curn•r No. ,:, Ct:clnr pott\ '•' Ina ~quaN, + ... •• r~"' luna.,., 2 f~>e' In &uo gruuud, with a &eo 24, '1' 48, R 11 )t~ prevtno .. ly

.Sant8:Fe Centrl[l Railway . ll"f.:'NL~_IT•• uwnnd of •tu••c• Ia Ina blih1 2 fl boau around h ;

aorn ... ~l \!•11~1 uu 1ldu lllllhlll Clnhn, wltb a uall de11erlbed, bot' rat 8. 79 de~ US' \\l • drh·un •' ""'"' forL'<)r, tornm wblcb a curot 1125 6 It di8t u cor oflhe location B IIIU 11/CIIIklu, a t.'C4nr ~t, tXt 11110 6 futll 1011111 "• ' • '"'I" 11 1uouocl ul 110nc• l& tuc.:b!:~ ,oedar puat 4 Ina sq 4 1&. lona, sot. in hiJll, \1 lnol bltaO b0;1ra II tltl dl'Jr IJ7 I ( b .., 23 w ~ ff:\l\ d11t. A ~:;;dar trco 11 fn• In dla. """"' N, a rnounc o atones, CAlli ~" uel! . . , • •11•le11 w •11t..ut diM\ tctuod aud a~:rlllt:d x D '1: 28' W 10 fl dlst A cudnr trt.>e 1 Sh~r~ssL hne bet1'1'6en El PatO;NTexue_ and 8.intA- New :H t\11. A et!dar tree ltii.Jur dla blla&ra :.. lllltlca • . • ..,. \\' p (IMJI dlat bllltlla 1\llll wrlbotl X 81'11-11111. sna dua beurH s. 53 d .. g so· \V. 55 re. - nt I points h\ ur~!J.·o~tern &.~·" Merio., • ctilhu "'"0 o ln•.tllaiJur• ~ 411 dell!':. a&" !11•~ dl11' blo .. ed ROd aoribed v ll 'I' 1 11\tl an·..l ti"·•.·•t.,'•J....-..t•rn,Cotorad.o .•. · · bld.ttt atuherlbull It '1' :& 11-Uut, 1'b11Dcr r>,ll<l "' q - ~ <~<A uw- '!! . t\l'tt• A' \V lil&u ll roll«1, eourlkl at dO de• A cedar 1 roe 15 ina dIll bears S 87 • · ... :piOf' !jill) dec I!:;~"·• d 4r:• .... 1·,. · bl d • d SANTA FE AND. TO. R. ·RANCE (;pr. 110, IH'flmlll' ult~tolue&- Cfl iJ .lllo .. &OPt OIJU, ttZ'! &D - • ·

El Pa •

.Ue:s.1o(l rni4

.Uq•l11 A Hoot,ton~e, IICI\ acribud X B 1' 1-1191. A eedar tree · · · · . · . · • (()()J tn tuuuutl u clli'Ul 111 · · Ail ·

•c"'"'"' »-awl nu 14 hue ella bears N. li!l do~ 80' \V. \V e mako olQJ., ci.onbecloion.-: at. Torrarn:e wi&h•.tb~'!J.'eat.:J'hroush Rock •··1ci-~r·£,~ill-~~"~',~!.",1w' .. !'.!'u111L~~'. "'D "'t cliet. bla .. "d and er•rlbc.l X 8 '"' l'' ·-~ ~~ ...,v ....... " ' .. . , leland. P_ .*"•n._e, i' .,.. __ .. ({iht.' • ~ . . t:cntar ~AA~il •••• T 1-1191. 'l'henco 8. 23 deg 23' E -

Tho tt•purt oumoa ft•om!l J•ulcul t but unnt bor k lllina;r uron rod uvor •n llanl noiJ,thborb()(ttl recent. ly. Thill timo It I• tho ann of V lotoriaou Lucui'O. Tbl14 lc ln•luf lhiPJC la uottlnJt '' lltt1o •n•mnto .. lHIIhl utul eullo for '' llUio vi,:orouM ,,nforcetucnl of htw t~gaalnlll. UIJttMf•

• hl&Uon. n•11n~ 5;~::!:.~~~~:i l80B tt ridge lO fl vrtdei' c.:lmre.e W. SOUTH · ·. · NP. '

0!'!:'~~. ~~~.:~:t .~M6 St. to our Nu c~ ldeqt,ical with· . a'i'.bl6!trt ... ; .. .. iAateiVB_J(i ·~ . tJiltilb &UIItJ oe&.lll tll.it1 ·COfll81' 01 tho fOilll(iOtl, ,.4 c:edar Ia . •:>~ . • ' ~JiO ~:· J. .•

A c • .:;~;~~~~~~ " 4 ·in" aq _,. feot. long, mound • 1 .•• ~ • •"' ... ~!0 P ib' · da.L 4t:'''i!~! ~" ·tinttb afad eturiea, 18 iutJ hlgb 2 foqt. Bt•~QJ : . _. . . , · · 3 ~5·p 1m.

d1:~·~~~~ ll'l:X •·u~til base, orcuud it.1 41CtilJltd 2- on · · -·!1)8· . 2 ~ · 810-p m itu ':ldcuJ-.~~ ~!'.:!.. ,.ldo facfn~ claun, with:6 IUlark . "::•'·<'· -; ,. ··' / • ·~ .. : ~.. 2 P (b.,

P,.....,'U!~ !0,; .• ~ l c,hl~<llll:-:S:~:t en •" PQlu&. ~r t~u~e!11:!' .~oan. . , .... . :. , ·~; ,...

1 l\'\1\ Ill owr. !'iii. • clld3l' ''" "llaflhJt \IU .... .,. • ...' ,('j,t.' •... .. n .. "o uo ..... 1.~...- dip.t l)IL'z.od·•n<J ec:rib~d . X -lldnto•~' . · . l~ A ~.. .. " ,.. .......... U91. A ccdar·\teo; b!l&l'l • · ·. . ;_,.:-\\ -E•tunc.ta-· · ' · '12-

,. "

. .


• '



. -



' ' . .

.,•:i .. . ' loeatllll&a 1'.' 8•• n.u ~. \V. 10 It dltt. bla1ed. •nd t: ·, • :-':>·: -~ n». Eiicliiiti-.' " · ~ . l1

• ll'T 2-1101. '.fhvnt:o H. .. .• ' ;>. ··. .m · ·Wilbjr.&f· .· .f' •" ·W. 61() l' WallO I\ " • tr m ' ''· :l'!_rt&'Jeil•o . • ' ~·: r· . . , ',

.n;~:Q9 PLA.U£R. ~rnt~r No. 1.

lbo lUCil\llllih]

6'10 rue to ":~ •• -, ... . -. , .: .. :B1•tu:a .. , - · ''"~ "" , /~- _,. 625 R. *Ire. , '' ;~ottMCe ,;_,, f~· ~.'-~ ~,·;,-

..,..... ~~~J~~~~~~~ ....... ~~~~ .. ~;;&.;...:.·...._.......;·+~~~~~~~i(-::.·· r . , :.~-: -. •-u ~ ~ · , 1:r •• ;:· ~·..r ·~~~~ '', ':',-l I f-"~.~ Ji' '"''"' ~.:.Jo: ~ ,. ;: .~r- ~ o( •

•. " t''. f•l, ' • • . r,~} ~ ,, ·~,~·-~

jm~ 1'~ ~·" ' · '·•r· •' "' ' " lv .•,"' 'J -' •• ~·.r~~ ~ .,, . . ' . '

~· '~:- : .. -~. ,.,,,' .• _,,,,. ~. . ~ .. ' ,-~.

' .1t \.': . ~ ~ ~ .. ,..,~ " /1- ,f 9 '.1\ t - • /

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Q· -. n .,

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