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A MESSAGE TO THE YOUTH OF INDIA By His Holiness Bhakti Vikasa Swami

About Srila Prabhupada About Bhakti Vikasa Swami Preface Introduction A Message to the Youth of India Srila Prabhupada On India The Glories of Bharata-varsa India's Present Condition Causes of India's Downfall The Duty of Indians Looking to the Future Youth of India East and West Should Cooperate Hindus and Muslims Ten Points for Indira Gandhi References

A MESSAGE TO THE YOUTH OF INDIA By His Holiness Bhakti Vikasa Swami All Rights Reserved by the Author and Publisher. Please buy this book to support the Publisher and Translator. This eBook is only for reading and to inspire you to purchase the book. custom1=vikasa&bar=_shp_books About Srila Prabhupada His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada appeared in this world in 1896 in Calcutta. He first met his spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, in Calcutta in 1922. SrTla Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, a prominent religious scholar and the founder of sixty-four Gaudiya Mathas, liked this educated young man and convinced him to dedicate his life to teaching Vedic knowledge. SrTla Prabhupada became his student and, in 1933, his formally initiated disciple.At their first meeting, in 1922, SrTla Bhaktisiddhanta SarasvatI requested SrTla Prabhupada to broadcast Vedic knowledge in English. In the years that followed, SrTla Prabhupada wrote a commentary on the Bhagavad-gTta, assisted the Gaudiya Matha in its work, and, in 1944, started Back to Godhead, an English fortnightly magazine. Single-handedly, SrTla Prabhupada edited it, typed the manuscripts, checked the galley proofs, and ev%i distributed the individual copies. The magazine is now being continued by his disciples in the West.In 1950 SrTla Prabhupada retired from married life, adopting the vanaprastha (retired) order to devote more time to his studies and writing. He travelled to the holy city of Vrndavana, where he lived in humble circumstances in the historic temple of Radha-Damodara. There he engaged for several years in deep study and writing. He accepted the renounced order of life {sannyasa) in 1959* At Radha-Damodara, SrTla Prabhupada began work on his life's masterpiece: a multivolume commen11tated translation of the eighteen thousand verse Snmad-Bhagavatam. He also wrote Easy Journey to Other Planets.After publishing three volumes of the Bhagavatam, SrTla Prabhupada went to the United States, in September 1965, to fulfill the mission of his spiritual master. Subsequently, His Divine Grace wrote more than fifty volumes of authoritative commentated translations and summary studies of the philosophical and religious classics of India.When he first arrived by freighter in New York City, SrTla Prabhupada was practically penniless. Only after almost a year of great difficulty did he establish the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, in July of 1966. Before he passed away on November 14, 1977 he had guided the Society and seen it grow to a worldwide confederation of more than one hundred dsramas, schools, temples, institutes, and farm communities. In 1972 His Divine Grace introduced the Vedic system of primary and secondary education in the West by founding the gurukula school in Dallas, Texas. Since then his disciples have established similar schools throughout the United States and the rest of the world.Srila Prabhupada also inspired the

construction of several large international cultural centres in India.The centre at SrTdhama Mayapura is the site for a planned spiritual city, an ambitious project for which construction will extend over many years to come. In Vrndavana are the magnificent Krsna-Balarama Temple and International Guesthouse, gurukula school, and Srila Prabhupada Memorial and Museum.There is also a major cultural and educational centre in Bombay.Other centres are planned in a dozen important locations on the Indian subcontinent.Srila Prabhupada's most significant contribution, however, is his books. Highly respected by scholars for in their authority, depth, and clarity, they are used as textbooks in numerous college courses. His writings have been translated into over 60 languages. The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, established in 1972 to publish the works of His Divine Grace, has thus become the world's largest publisher of books in the field of Indian religion and philosophy.In just twelve years, in spite of his advanced age, Srila Prabhupada circled the globe fourteen times on lecture tours that took him to six continents. In spite of such a vigourous schedule, SrTla Prabhupada continued to write prolifically. His writings constitute a veritable library of Vedic philosophy, religion, literature, and culture. About Bhakti Vikasa Swami Born of British parents in England in 1957. Giving up his studies at an early age, he joined ISKCON in 1975.Bhakti Vikasa Swami is an initiated disciple of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.He first came to India in 1976 and has since travelled extensively in Bangladesh, Burma,Thailand, Malaysia and other parts of the world.Bhakti Vikasa Swami now preaches mostly in India.Travelling throughout the country, he lectures in English, Hindi and Bengali,specializing in reaching the educated youth.He also continues to write books and magazine articles.Other books he has written include Brahmacarya in Krsna Consciousness, A Beginner's Guide to Krsna Consciousness and Vaishnava Shikha O Sadhana (Bengali).Acknowledgements Grateful thanks to all who helped in the publication of this book, prominent among who are:Krsna Klrti dasa, Paramatma dasa, Mahamani Krsna dasa and family, R.S. Mani and other devotees of Dubai, Shailesh Thakker, Manish Gandhi, Bhakta Rukesh, Jagadish dasa, Ajai Dave and Nitin Prabhu. Preface It may pertinently be asked, "How is it that this Bhakti Vikasa Swami, a foreigner, has the audacity to comment about India and Indians? Not only does he comment, but he does so very strongly, and gives instructions also!"In reply, I submit that I have been following traditional Indian culture for over eighteen years (more than half my life). I have travelled throughout most of India, mixed with all kinds of people at all levels of society, and learned two Indian languages.Having visited many other countries also, and observed the people of different lands, I am convinced that the original Indian culture is the best the world has ever known. Furthermore, India's spiritual message is vitally needed in today's troubled world.It is thus regrettable that

in this hour of need, when Indians should be distributing their cultural wealth, they are instead giving it up themselves. If my words seem harsh, it is not out of antagonism, but from a hope that India will revive her lost glory and stand as a leader among nations.As a sannyasT, it is my duty to instruct. Moreover, the topics in this book are either based on or are direct quotes from the teachings of His Divine Grace_ A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder-Acarya of ISKCON. Admittedly, I am a very insignificant soul, but my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, is a great world acarya. Whatever he says should be taken seriously.I therefore request the readers not to be disturbed by the strong statements, but to try to perceive the truth in them. I am confident that, if received properly, this book can do much good for India. I pray to Lord Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that He bless me, and the readers of this book, and the land of India, and all the people of the universe. If He so desires, this book can help contribute to the ongoing reawakening of the world's oldest and greatest civilization.Orh Tat Sat Bhakti Vikasa Swami Baroda, 6th October, 1993 Introduction This book is in two parts. The first brings together most of the points that Srlla Prabhupada taught about India as A Message to the Youth of India, an essay by Bhakti Vikasa Swami. The second is a selection of quotes about India from Srlla Prabhupada's extensive writings, conversations and lectures.Srlla Prabhupada not only travelled all over the world spreading Krsna consciousness, but also wrote numerous books covering all major topics of spiritual knowledge. One of those topics, the importance of India, is the subject of this book.Srlla Prabhupada founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in New York City in 1966. In the early 70's, having firmly established Krsna consciousness in the West, he started concentrating his attention on India. Prabhupada said, "My spiritual master wanted me to preach in the Western countries. Now that I have done that, I want to preach in India."However, in the 70's most Indians did not take ISKCON very seriously. Suspecting the bhakti of the Westerners to be a passing fashion, they adopted a "wait and see" attitude. But the years have gone by, the foreign devotees have stayed, and acceptance has grown. Many Indians are now initiated disciples of Western born ISKCON devotees. Educated Indians, many of whom were apathetic to sanatana-dharma, are again taking pride in their own culture. Like it or not, religion has come to the forefront of national life. A kind of Hindu reawakening is going on.One reason for this is the inspiration generated by the continued interest of outsiders in Indian culture. The foreign members of ISKCON have particularly impressed Indians. Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON follows the original Vedic culturenot the cheap imitation versions marketed by pseudoswamis.ISKCON's authenticity is based on implicit faith in sastra (especially Bhagavad-gTta and Srlmad-Bhagavatam); renunciation of meat-eating, gambling, intoxication and illicit sex; austerity and dedication (for instance, ISKCON members rise by 4.00 a.m. daily) and Vedic lifestyle (Indian-style dress, food etc.).Srila Prabhupada often expressed Lord Caitanya's desire that Indians take up Krsna consciousness seriously. He had great hope that ISKCON would help India reverse her disastrous fall into materialism and

realize her identity as the world's spiritual leader.Not only young people, but all classes of Indians will benefit from reading this book. However, as the students of today are the leaders of tomorrow, it especially behooves the educated youth of India to deeply ponder this message and apply it practically in their lives. A Message to the Youth of India Indiaancient, modern, mystical, alive. A vast land of lofty mountains, broad plains, mighty rivers, throbbing cities. A people searching for identity in a changing world. A land of contradictions that, if overcome, could burst as a leader among nations.This India, incomparable, unique, is more diverse than any other place on earth. Nearly a billion people, of multiple languages, castes, opinions, and creeds, squeezed together, struggling to survive. India groans, but, remarkably, doesn't collapse. Each new day still follows on the next with India as a nation still intact. Her people, a seeting mass, seem ever ready to explode in reckless anarchy. Yet an intrinsic oneness, a sense of being Indian, invisibly binds all together. That "Indian-ness" is a legacy of her timeless culturethe world's oldest, most elaborate and most sophisticated.But modern India is definitely a land of change. Change is the way of the world, and nothing new to India either. This "change" has recently been decorated by the word "progress". Unfortunately, in terms of actual human civilization and happiness, the process of change in India has been one of gradual decline. Since the beginning of Kali-yuga five thousand years ago, ungodly forces have been eroding India's cultural sanctity from within. Kali-yuga's influence began with the downfall of the brahmana community. These saintly spiritual leaders of society became degraded by claiming superiority on the basis of birth alone. According to sastra (Vedic scripture), capable sons of lower families, if possessed of intellectual disposition, could also be trained as brahmanas. By limiting brahmanism to a family tradition and thus practicing perfidy in the name of religion, downfall began. The original varnasrama system allowed all classes of men to be trained according to their qualities and abilities. Later, Hindu society distorted into a stunted caste system based on false privilege and exploitation, pervaded by empty ritualism in the upper castes, discontent among the lower castes, and a lack of spirituality throughout.Thus weak and sick internally, Bharata, which once ruled the world, fell to the invading Moguls some thousand years ago. The invaders gained political control by rule of arms and solidified their position by promoting their faith. Finding ready converts among oppr/ sed lower-caste Hindus, their numbers swelled as a large section of India's population abandoned the religion of their forefathers. The coming of the Moguls thus started a new chapter of cultural degradation.The British accelerated the decline by deliberately 'attacking and undermining Indian thought and culture. "Everything Indian is inferior, everything Western best"so they taught. Now the British have gone, but their legacy remains. They de-Indianized India so well that their disciples the educated Indians became the new gurus of Westernization.Indians, of course, are different from Westerners.Their artificial attempt to be the same is simply a poor

imitation. Still, modern Indians accept Western standards of dress, thinking and living, practically as a new dharma. As a result, fifty years of independence have degraded India more than a thousand years of foreign rule. India, politically free, is a slave of foreign ideas.After independence, India adopted a policy of industrial expansion. In pursuit of Western style affluence, the economic system was turned upside down, the ancient For a summary of the British attitude, see "The First Indologists," a chapter of Elements ofVedic Thought and Culture by Satsvarupa dasa Gosvaml (Bhaktivedanta Book Trust).the economic system was turned upside down, the ancient cultural shaken up, and the natural environment raped. The educational system was geared to turn out innumerable slavish morons for a vast socio-economic system based on exploitation. Still, after so much endeavour, India's economic position is not good. Even those who work hard for a degree consider themselves lucky just to have a modest income and a little place to live in. Most Indians have benefitted very little from technological developments. Crores still live in slovenly proverty, with a few modern trinkets- a radio, maybe a two-in-one, a TV and a VCR-meant to keep them happy. Living in hope of a future high-tech paradise, reality for most is a squalid struggle for survival.Another major cause of India's decay has been a cheap approach to religion. By accepting all kinds of bogus ideas, false avataras, and questionable gurus, Indians have been their own worst enemies. Seeing their culture in such a deplorable condition, quasisophisticates, influenced by "rationalism" and apparently somewhat embarrassed about being Indian, try to pretend that Indian culture doesn't exist. Modern Indians prefer that India be recognized for her industrial achievements rather than her spiritual heritage. Therefore change (Change!! Change!!) is the order of the day. Everything alters so rapidly that we are left mentally breathless, unable to imagine what is coming next. We have no time to consider whether we are changing for better or worse.Change is taking place not only externally but internally also, in the way people think. Attitudes are changing, and the result is not good. The overwhelming trend is towards petty selfishness.Our greatgrandfathers, if alive today, might wonder if they were in the same country. Constant materialistic propaganda from cinema, TV and magazines spoils peoples' brains and makes them lusty, greedy and nasty Especially in India, for better or worse (mostly for worse), the mass media are rapidly changing the way people think.Even the so-called intellectuals are steeped in a totally erroneous, materialistic world view. Being products of an educational system that has deliberately killed their spiritual intelligence, they only imagine that they think for themselves. Despite all this, Indians are still Indians, although they may not be sure what it means to be Indian. Therefore, despite trying hard, they cannot completely give up their own culture. Nor can they become fully Westernized. Caught between tradition and modernity, India is left with the worst of both worlds. The greatest sufferers are India's youth, who have to build their lives in a society that gives them no clear direction."Are we supposed to be just like Westerners?" the youth ask. "Even if we wanted to be completely Westernized, is it possible for us? Even if it were possible, is it desirable?

What about our customs, culture and religion? Can't we take the good things of Indian life and mix them with the best of the West?"This mental tug-of-war goes on in young people's minds, over old values and new. For example, tradition requires youth to respect elders and care for them in old age. But the modern era has seen the demise of the joint family. "Family" used to mean uncles, aunts, cousins, widows, and in-laws living together under one roof. The demands of city life, combined with the selfishness of consumer society, are killing the joint family. "Family" now usually means father, mother and two or three children. Whereas the joint family functions on cooperation between many members, the small-family spirit is "Care for as few as possible. Throw out your parents and have less children." Naturally, family values are declining, as the divorce rate shows. For thousands of years, divorce amongst Hindus simply did not exist. Nowadays, it is becoming like the Westa little squabble and they are ready to finish the whole thing.Furthermore, the pressures of modern life create tension in the home. Many teenagers now openly disregard their parents. They ask: "Why should I do what you say? I can look after myself. I don't need you!" They see their parents as suppressive guardians of an old-fashioned morality that they don't want imposed on them. While parents worry about drugs, free sex and the rest, the kids want to enjoy. Who can stop them?"Jump a mobike, hit the road. We'll do as we like, think as we like, dress as we like!"The break from conservatism is most clearly expressed in the quest for sex. Today's youths, soaked in cinema and disco vibes, are hungry for sex. Showing off their fashion clothes and fancy hairstyles, young men and women mix freely. Emboldened by what they see on the screen, unmarried couples publicly indulge in loose sexual behaviour. Ten years ago it was another world, a different scene. Yesteryear's culture receives hammer blows by the day.Even the schools not only fail to uphold morality, but also contribute to the rot. Traditional Indian schooling imparted character training and knowledge of God. Modern education teaches that we have evolved by chance from monkeys. "No need of God." No mention of God. "Science is God. Science will solve all our problems" (a hopeless hope). Not only from the TV and cinema, but even at school, kids learn to lie, cheat, brag, use foul language, fight, make politics, smoke, drink, use drugs, and get into sex.Of course, only a small percentage of young people are outright rogues and ruffians. It is a great credit to the youth of India that despite so many bad influences, they are not more spoiled. The vast majority are fairly decent folk. For even now, the tendency of Indians is to be religious. Their karma and their background give them an inherent faith in God. After all, India is punya-bhumi, dharma-bhumi. But exposure to innumerable nonsense f ideas has Indians, especially young people, asking, "Is there really any God? Can the existence of God be proved? Why should we believe all these things?" In India, the land of religion, the land of wisdom, the young people want disco. Not caring for the rsis and acaryas, they idolize monkey-like rock 'n' roll stars. The exalted culture of the past is being forgotten, for modern Indians prefer to imitate meat-eaters and drunkards. Even those young people who are religious often hide their feelings, being afraid of scorn. The spiritual aspirations of India's youth are subverted by

the social pressure of atheism. However, their material desires are being fed at every moment. ^ A practical example. The cinema and TV show people with a high standard of material opulence. But most J'dians cannot ever hope to enjoy a very luxurious lifestyle. They have to struggle just to get food, clothing and shelter. They see, they want, they cannot get. Result: frustration.Almost all the fantasy dramas on screen emphasize sex (and violence). Watching sexy movies causes lust to burn the heart like fire. Sex has become ridiculously over-stressed. Naturally, young people become all excited about it. But instead of getting any enjoyment from sex, they just feel stifled by unfulfilled desires. Hot lust, no scope, sex starvation, simply frustration.Traditional Indian culture teaches not to over emphasize sex. The more one becomes interested in sex, 04 the further he descends to the level of animals. Sex seems good, but is the cause of so many problems.Another anxiety that young people grow up with is the hope/disappointment syndrome.What will happen in the future? Maybe I will excel in my studies and go to America. Or at least get a good job at home." The possibilities are exciting.But the reality, for many, is bitter. Every year, thousands of bright young men and women graduate into joblessness. Carrying their hopes and spending their ^ family's money, they shed blood, sweat and tears on a twenty year crawl up the educational ladder. From kindergarten, to primary school, to high school, to university, to. . . nothing. No job. They worked so hard, so long, to get that prized piece of paper, "Certificate of Graduation," only to find it, for all practical purposes, useless. For these highly educated failures, the world seems cruel. It is not uncommon to get five thousand applicants for fifty jobs or to see "Graduate Driver" painted on an autorickshaw, or a "Graduate Pan Shop." After so much education, they get a job that even an illiterate person can do quite capably without a B.Sc, B.A. or even S.S.C. So, our college-going youth may act real cool, as if they had not a care in the world. But inside, the anxiety burns: "Will I hit the jackpot or crash into disaster?Still another anxiety of young people concerns their future marriage. Everyone hopes for an agreeable spouse, and simultaneously fears the worst an unfaithful or incompatible partner. Young women especially hope more and fear more. Every girl hopes for a husband who will love her and care for her. But romantic dreams often turn into nightmares. The husband may be a drunkard, give dowry harassment, beat the wife cruelly, or worse. At the wedding everyone is smiling, but there is no predicting what the future will bring. Young couples start out with great hope, but in the modern age, family life is all too often not "home-sweet-home.The position of women has much declined. In traditional'Indian culture, women were considered almost sacred. They were protected and adored for their virtue of chastity. Men were trained to see all women (except - their own wife) as mothers. Now, in the name of liberty, women have learned from TV and cinema to mix freely with men and to dress and behave to attract them. Men view women as usable objects of sex enjoyment. Therefore, young women (especially) have to live with the fear of molestation. Respect for women is "out of date.Another problem many young people face is the generation gap. They can't understand, nor be understood, by their elders. Today's kids enjoy computers and mobikes the way their parents had fun with transistor

radios. The world is open for today's liberated youth: drugs, blue movies, booze, loose sex, violencewatch out, the kids are getting into it.Parents think to protect their children by imposing restrictions on them. But the kids rebel. They want to do what they like. "I'm young, I'm strong, I'm healthy, I want to enjoy. Why shouldn't I?The older generation laments, "Our children don't listen to us. They don't care for what we say. They don't relate to us." But if parents are unable to give any clear direction to their kids, what do they expect? If the older generation is totally materialistic, absorbed in maintaining and improving a comfortable standard of living, how can they hope that their kids will have higher values? In the unrelenting quest for money (Money!! Money!!) where does the question of right and wrong come in? "Right" means to succeed materially. "Wrong" means to fail. Moral instructions are imparted as a convenience to try to keep the kids in line. Naturally, giving pious speeches but setting an example of selfishness cannot fool the educated youth of today.If today's youths are cynical, disenchanted, misguided or out-and-out materialists, greedy or even violent, it's at least partly because the older generation contributed to the spoiling of their character.Like it or not, today's generation is different. Look at the way they dress. All fashion and hairstyle, they movr around the streets showing themselves off to each oth like actors on a stage.They zoom around on tinny little mobikes, making a big noise, as if they were film stars. Some are totally corrupt and spoiled. Some students have their impressionable minds perverted by gangster-type politicians, who deliberately mould them into anti-social monsters. Such lawless young devils have no respect for their professors, fellow students or anyone else. Always ready to inflict violence on those who even verbally oppose them, they forcibly impose strikes at whim, regularly terrorize and disrupt campus life, spoil the morale and good name of educational institutions, and generally take pleasure in making others' lives miserable. Thus we find today's youth of India, at best, simply confused; at worst, demons in human form. Overall, most young people are still good at heart, but much misguided by materialistic propaganda.After this analysis of the problems and aspirations of the young people of India today, the que; tion is: what is our message to the youth of India?This is our recommendation: Don't be fooled by maya, illusion. Young people are easily enamoured by the glitter of material life. They think, "If I get a good job, work hard and earn good money, I'll be a success. I'll be happy." Foolish hope. Since time immemorial, everyone has been trying to be happy in this material world, and no-one has succeeded yet. As eternal spirit souls, we belong to the spiritual world, and can only be happy in spiritual activity. So, to be attracted to that little glimmer of materialism is not very intelligent. The young,especially students, are expected to be perceptive, so they should use their intellect to find out, "Who am I? What is the meaning of life?"Please don't get caught on the superficial platform. Try to understand who you are. You are not the body. Ultimately, you are not even Indian! You are not made to enjoy this material world. You are pure spirit soul (atma), part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, Krsna. By your good fortune, as a result of previous pious activities, you have attained birth in a human body in the land of India.Of course, nowadays, people think that birth in America is most

fortunate. America is considered the most advanced country in the world. Almost all young Indians would go to America if they got the chance. But for spiritual advancement, India is best. Human life is valuable and is attained only after many, many births. Humans can inquire about God. Animals cannot. Having attained a human birth, we should at least be thoughtful. We should take a break in our rushed existence to consider: "Who am I? Where have I cbme from? What happens after death? What is the purpose of life? What about God and my relationship with Him?" Only if we ask such questions do we give real purpose to our human lives.Human birth in India is especially precious, for India's very atmosphere, culture and tradition gives all opportunities to advance in pious life. Those born as humans in India naturally tend towards spiritual development. Generally only persons who have executed pious activities in previous lives get the chance of human birth in India.Even those born in non-Hindu families are at an advantage by being born in India. Those who impartially study the Vedic message, especially the devotional teachings of the Vaisnava acaryas, must conclude, as so many Westerners also have, that the monotheistic traditions of the world find their conclusion in Vaisnavism (Krsna consciousness). Krsna consciousness is nonsec-tarian in the true sense of the term, for it transcends such designations like "Hindu" or "non-Hindu." The atma, or self, is neither Hindu nor non-Hinduit is an eternal particle of God. Therefore Indians born in non-Hindu families should not approach Krsna consciousness in a sectarian way, as if it were another partisan dogma. Krsna consciousness is not an ordinary religion. It is a serious education in spiritual values. Those who reject Krsna consciousness out of small-minded sectarianism deny themselves the opportunity to find the topmost religious fulfillment.Therefore, our fervent appeal to all Indians, especially the young and inquisitive, is this: don't be fooled by the glittering fantasy of maya. Human life is not meant for decorating the body and riding around on a motorbike. It is not meant simply for getting a comfortable home, a nice spouse, or a so-called good job. Human life is meant for understanding God. You have been born in the land with the greatest culture. That Vedic culture, based on the dynamic quest for love of God, is eternal, universally applicable, and supremely pure. It's essence cannot be polluted in any way. But having been misrepresented by innumerable cheaters, your original culture (sanatana-dharma) is now passing as mundane "Hindu religion." Temples and priests remain, but spiritual substance is lacking. India is dragging on with the hollow remnants of Vedic culture. Under the circumstances, it is not surprising if intelligent people are skeptical of what is now called "Hinduism." Educated Indians, rightly, have little taste for empty ritualism in the name of religion. They fear the type of fundamentalist revival that threatens to plunge us back into medieval bigotry and repression. However, if they got something of real substance, a zestful, intellectually satisfying way to know ourselves and God, then why should they not take it? Krsna consciousness is that real thing, the genuine representation of Vedic culture in the modern age. Vedic culture is not in itself bad. Those who are intelligent enough to doubt should realize that a good thing badly presented doesn't make it bad. Vedic

wisdom is vast and comprehensive. It not only comes from an ancient past, but is still followed in one form or another by millions today. The Vedic teachings are becoming a major cultural influence throughout the world. That modern man, with his unlimited resources of knowledge, is still attracted to Indian culture, indicates that it cannot be without substance. The spiritual message of India has not been invalidated by her present weak cultural condition. That the Vedic teachings have been distorted for personal gain does not alter their truths.Actual knowledge never changes. The knowledge of the Vedas is unchangeable because it is based on the Absolute Truth. Untruths propagated in the name of truth cannot change the Absolute Truth. Five thousand years ago, Lord Krsna summarized that truth in the BhagavadgTta, the essence of the Vedas. That we now have TVs, cars and computers do not render it irrelevant. The Gita is as fresh and alive today as ever. Those whose intelligence has not been dulled by crass materialism can appreciate the message of the Gita. Others cannot. In the Gita, Krsna's first instructions tell us who we are and what is our position in the universe. In one verse, He gives us more factual information about reality than taught in all the schools and universities of the world. dehino 'smin yathd dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara tatha dehantara praptir dhlras tatra na muhyati These are the ABC's of spiritual knowledge. Krsna explains that we are not these bodies but the soul (atma) within the body. The body continuously changes, from boyhood, to youth, to old age. The final change, called death, entails the soul's leaving its old body and taking a new one.The body is vinasi it must be destroyed.We are avinasi, atma, never to be destroyed. Under the influence of mdya, we are trapped in material bodies.We transmigrate in this material world from body to body to body, birth after birth after birth. Despite all our endeavours in various types of bodies, we can never be happy in this world of repeated birth and death. Therefore we should try to understand our actual spiritual position. Despite our machines and technology, the fact remains: material existence is miserable. Krsna describes this world in Bhagavad-gTta (8.14) as duhkalayam asasvatam, a place of misery wherein repeated birth and death take place. Krsna further explains how the atma becomes entangled in mdya and how he may become disentangled. He describes reincarnation, karma, the material and spiritual worlds, the demigods, and much more. Ultimately Krsna reveals Himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Bhagavad-gTta is a summary of all transcendental knowledge. Although brief, it is complete and perfect. The Gita teaches all that is explained in other scriptures of the world and also reveals truths not found elsewhere.But the youth of modern India are so unfortunate that in the land where hagavad-gita was spoken, they are not taught the lessons of the GTtd. Bhagavad-gTta is studied and respected throughout the world. But socalled "modern" Indians do not know what it teaches and do not want to know. Such a great land of spiritual culture

what a horrible condition India has come to! Sexy cinema magazines sell like hot cakes, but Bhagavad-glta: "We are not interested in these things.Of course, many of the youth of India, despite all social pressures, do have at least a little interest in topics of spiritual knowledge. Such young people would do well to study Chapter Sixteen of Bhagavad-glta, "The Divine and Demoniac Natures," to understand which direction their life is leading in.Fearlessness, purification of one's existence, cultivation of spiritual knowledge, charity, self-control, performance of sacrifice, study of the Vedas, austerity, simplicity, nonviolence, truthfulness, freedom from anger, renunciation, tranquillity, aversion to faultfinding, compassion for all living entities, freedom from covetousness, gentleness, modesty, steady determination, vigour, forgiveness, fortitude, cleanliness, and freedom from envy and from the passion for honour these transcendental qualities belong to godly men endowed with divine nature.Pride, arrogance, conceit, anger, harshness and ignorance these qualities belong to those of demoniac nature. The transcendental qualities are conducive to liberation, whereas the demoniac qualities make for bondage. (Bhagavad-gita, 16.1-5)Krsna also says in the Glta:My dear Arjuna, how have these impurities come upon you? They are not at all befitting a man who knows the value of life. They lead not to higher planets but to infamy. Do not yield to this degrading impotence. It does not become you. Give up such petty weakness of heart and arise, O chastiser of the enemy! (Bhagavad-gita 2.2-3)Those who want to be godly should approach a bona-fide spiritual master, who teaches and acts exactly according to Bhagavad-glta as it is (not as he imagines it to be). Such inquisitive persons must be careful of cheaters posing as spiritual teachers. A real spiritual master clearly establishes that there is God, that He is a person, that His name is Krsna, and that we can revive our loving relationship with Him and become happy forever by chanting His names, especially the maha-mantra: Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Those who think spiritual life to be old-fashioned, boring, or impossibly austere, should have a look at Krsna consciousness. Young people who like fun and fast living should also examine Krsna consciousness. They will be surprised to find a tradition that is simultaneously ancient and modern, alive and relevant to today's world. If it were simply dogmatic rituals, how could it appeal to the intellectual youth of the West?Krsna consciousness is so practical that anyone can take it up.* Businessmen, students, housewives, farmers, lawyers, doctors, and others all over the world practise Krsna consciousness side by side with their worldly duties. Still, many young people who want to take up Krsna consciousness fear the scorn of others. Our message to them: Don't be afraid. Don't worry about the taunts of foolish people. You have your duty toward Krsna. Krsna will help you. Even if the whole world is against you (which it never will be), if Krsna is on your side, what is there to fear? Laughter will gradually turn to respect for those who remain strong in their determination to practise Krsna consciousness, come what may.Of course, not everyone can just drop everything and radically alter their way of life. But everybody, whatever situation they are in, can take

up Krsna consciousness at some level. The process is simple. We only have to take Lord Krsna into our hearts, chant His holy names and follow His instructions as given in Bhagavad-glta As It Is.For practical spiritual guidance on how to be Krsna conscious in daily life, see A Begimier's Guide to Krsna Consciousness, by the author of this book. Still, it is required that many young people come forward to join this preaching mission full-time. Those who are ready to dedicate their lives to Krsna should do so.Krsna consciousness is all-auspicious, and opens up a whole new world of transcendental experience. Young people especially, all over the world, are accepting Krsna consciousness as the ultimate solution to all problems. In India too, the young educated class are beginning to recognize the value of this Krsna consciousness movement and take to it in all earnestness. Those who are more serious about Krsna consciousness, who have a strong spirit of adventure, and who are determined to make the best use of their valuable human life, should dedicate their lives for the highest cause: telling others how to get free from repeated birth and death.Everyone is distressed because they do not know Krsna. They need to learn about Krsna. There are unlimited opportunities for preaching the message of Krsna. Caitanya Mahaprabhu particularly wanted Indians to spread Krsna consciousness. Srlla Prabhupada also repeatedly stressed that educated young Indians should - take training in Krsna consciousness and go all over the world to preach.The world is suffering for lack of Krsna consciousness. Wherever the preachers of Krsna consciousness go, they meet many people eager to learn about Krsna. In the Western countries, they often ask, "How is it that we have got all the comforts of push-button technology, yet still we are dissatisfied? But you Krsna devotees live simply, and just by chanting Hare Krsna become so happy. You all work together, devotees from America, India, Russia, Africa, and Japan, all the countries of the world. You are all brightfaced and happy. How is it possible? What is your secret?"Many people want to know about Krsna. But others, those of wicked nature, oppose the Krsna consciousness movement. Devotees have to meet the challenges of atheists, demons and rascals in the garb of scientists, scholars, philosophers, religionists, politicians and the rest. The young people of India should come forward and join this great battle to establish dharma in the age of adharma. As Krsna states in Bhagavad-gita: The doubts which have arisen in your heart out of ignorance should be slashed by the weapon of knowledge. Armed with yoga, stand and fight." (Bhagavad-gTta 4.42)The world is waiting. The era of change is not over yet. Whatever changes have taken place in the world so far will seem insignificant compared to the great cultural revolution that is coming soon. People are asking, "What actual benefit has this industrial civilization given us? In the pursuit of materialism, are we not selling our souls? Is there more to life than working hard for little gain?" The world is looking to India for spiritual knowledge. Unfortunately, India's good name is spoiled by cheating swamis, who go overseas, talk all nonsense and take peoples money.However, if the sincere people of India preach Bhagavad-gTta as it is, the world will accept it gratefully. By spreading the real message of Bhagavad-gTta, Indians can do the greatest service to themselves, their country, and mankind. India can

lead the world; not by politics, not by technology, not by military strength, but by spiritual culture. This is the mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.When Indians have the best knowledge, why should they give anything less? Why cheat people in the name of religion? Give people the real thing,Krsna consciousness.The world will be benefitted. India will be glorified.So come forward,young men and women.Prepare yourselves for a glorious future.Senior ISKCON devotees, those with many years of experience in the preaching field,are eager and ready to train up new soldiers for Lord Caitanya's sanklrtana army. Serious candidates will receive a full education in all aspects of Krsna consciousness, theoretical and practical.Come, live a pure and happy life in Krsna consciousness, and do the greatest good to others. Don't live like an animal, simply eating, sleeping, having sex, and fighting. Don't degrade yourself in the name of modern advancement. If you really want to be progressive and advanced, join the Krsna consciousness movement. Don't wait until you are old and worn out. Now is the time. Your fresh youthfulness, adventurous spirit, inquis-itiveness and idealism will be perfectly fulfilled in Krsna consciousness.Take to Krsna consciousness now, for your own good and for the good of others.The opportunity is there. It's up to you to take it.

Srila Prabhupada On IndiaCaitanya Mahaprabhu's Mission bharata-bhumite-haila manusya-janma yarn janma sarthaka kari' karapara-upakara TRANSLATION One who has taken his birth as a human being in the land of India (Bharatavarsa) should make his life successful and work for the benefit of all other people. PURPORT The magnanimity of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is expressed in this very important verse. Although He was born in Bengal and Bengalis therefore have a special duty toward Him, JSri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is addressing not only Bengalis but all the inhabitants of India. It is in the land of India that actual human civilization can be developed.Human life is especially meant for God realization, as stated in the Vedanta-sutra (athato brahma-jijnasa). Anyone who takes birth in the land of India [Bharata-varsa] has the special privilege of eing able to take advantage of the instruction and guidance of the Vedic civilization. He automatically receives the basic principles of spiritual life, for 99.9% of the Indian people, even simple village farmers and others who are neither educated nor sophisticated, believe in the transmigration of the soul, believe in past and future lives, believe in God and naturally want to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His representative. These ideas are the natural inheritance of a person born in India. India has many holy places

of pilgrimage such as Gaya,Benares, Mathura, Prayaga, Vrndavana, Hardwar, Ramesvaram and Jagannath Pun, and still people go there by the hundreds and thousands. Although the present leaders of India are influencing the people not to believe in God, not to believe in a next life and not to believe in a distinction between pious and impious life, and they are teaching them how to drink wine, eat meat and become supposedly civilized, people are nevertheless afraid of the four activities of sinful life namely, illicit sex, meat eating, intoxication and gambling and whenever there is a religious festival, they gather together by the thousands. We have actual experience of this. Whenever the Krsna consciousness movement holds a sahkirtana festival in a big city like Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, Ahmedabad or Hyderabad, thousands of people come to hear. Sometimes we speak in English, but even though most people do not understand English, they nevertheless come to hear us. Even when imitation incarnations of Godhead speak, people gather in thousands, for everyone who is born in the land of India has a natural spiritual inclination and is taught the basic principles of spiritual life; they merely need to be a little more educated in the Vedic principles.Therefore Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, janma sarthaka kari' kara para-upakara: "If an Indian is educated in the Vedic principles, he is able to perform the most beneficial welfare activity for the entire world."1Every Indian is a devotee. That is the privilege of taking birth in India.Naturally he is a devotee, and if he takes a little education, takes advantage of the Vedic instructions, then his life is successful. In the sdstra it is said even the demigods desire to take birth in India because of the facility there.The land is so sanctified that anyone who takes birth there is born sanctified. Now, if he takes further advantage of the Vedic knowledge, then his life becomes successful.Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission is that anyone who has taken birth in India should make his life successful, and then preach this knowledge to the outside world. The exact words are: bharata-bhumite-haila manusya-janma yara janma sarthaka kari' kara para-upakara Outside India they are in darkness. So it is the duty of the Indian to make his life perfect and spread this spiritual knowledge to the outside world. That is real welfare activity for the human society. That we are trying to do. Unfortunately, they have not taken very seriously what glorious activities we are doing for India. They do not understand. Epoch-making History In other countries there is no civilization. In India there is civilization. Just you become civilized and distribute this knowledge. This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's preaching.The ocean of mercy was blocked. Let it be opened, and distributed throughout the world. So work vigorously. This is epochmaking history, how real culture is being distributed for the benefit of the whole human society.

The Glories of Bharata-varsa

India is the Best Country India is the best country. There is no doubt. Even these American boys say India is the best. Punya-bhumi. For religion and other studies of life, India. These Western boys, they do not come to India to learn the so-called science. They have enough in their own country. They do not come to learn how to manufacture airplanes. There is no need for technology. It is simply bogus. Live simply, save time and understand your relationship with God. That is India. This is Vedic civilization. India is based on these principles. India is especially meant for understanding God. India is the Best Place for Spiritual Life According to Vedic civilization, the holy places of pilgrimage are considered most sacred, and still there are hundreds and thousands of holy places like Jagannatha Purl, Vrndavana, Hardwar, Ramesvaram, Prayaga and Mathura. India is the place for worshiping or for cultivating spiritual life. The Krsna consciousness movement invites everyone from all over the world, without discrimination as to caste or creed, to come to its centres and cultivate spiritual life perfectly.Everyone who happens to take his birth in India is a potential benefactor of others, because it is on Indian soil alone that the culture of transcendental knowledge has been most elaborately presented, from ancient times to the present. The saints and sages of Bharata-varsa, as India has long.been known, never tried to cultivate or satisfy artificially the needs of the body and the mind exclusively; they always cultured the transcendental spirit soul, which is above the material body and mind. And even now, the saints and sages continue to do so, in spite of all difficulties. Birth in India is Special The learned sages inform us that one takes his birth in India, the holy land of Bharata-varsa, after the gradual process of evolution through 8,400,000 species of life, including 900,000 aquatic species, 2,000,000 nonmoving species such as vegetables and hills, 1,100,000 germ and insect species, 1,000,000 bird species, 3,000,000 lower-animal species, and 400,000 human species. The living spirit transmigrates from one species of life to another, and he is moving in that way for millions and millions of years within the hollow of the great universe.The special feature of a birth in India is that a person born in India becomes"automatically God conscious. In every part of India, and especially in the holy places of pilgrimage, even an ordinary uneducated man is inclined toward Krsna consciousness, and as soon as he sees a Krsna conscious person, he offers obeisances. India has many sacred rivers like the Ganges, Yamuna,Narmada, Kaveri and Krsna, and simply by bathing in these rivers people are liberated and become Krsna conscious.A short life in the land of Bhdrata-varsa is preferable f to a life achieved in Brahmaloka for millions and billions of years because even if one is elevated to Brahmaloka, he must return to repeated birth and death. Although life in Bhdrata-varsa, in a lower planetary system, is very short, one who lives there can elevate himself to full Krsna consciousness and achieve the highest

perfection, even in this short life, by fully surrendering unto the lotus feet of the Lord. Thus one attains Vaikunthaloka, where there is neither anxiety nor repeated birth in a material body. Even the Demigods Desire Birth in India In the Kurma Purana there is this statement about the desires of the demigods: anadhikarino devah svarga-sthd bharatodbhavam vdhchanty dtma-vimoksdrthamudrekarthe 'dhikdrinah Although the demigods are situated in exalted positions in the heavenly planets, they nevertheless desire to descend to the land of Bhdrata-varsa on the planet earth. This indicates that even the demigods are unfit to reside in Bhdrata-varsa. Therefore if persons already born in Bhdrata-varsa live like cats and dogs, not taking full advantage of their birth in this land, they are certainly unfortunate. Every Indian is Krsna Conscious Actually, every Indian is Krsna conscious. Sometimes in foreign countries they ask me, "How many Krishna conscious people are there in India?" And cent percent, all. Even Muslims, what to speak of the Hindus.Practically the whole population of India is dedicated to spiritual life. Anyone who has taken birth in India has got a natural inheritance of spiritual life. Unfortunately, at the present moment the leaders are under the wrong impression that because India is too much spiritually inclined, its material advancement has been checked. But $ material advancement does not become hampered by spiritual knowledge. That is a wrong impression. Rather, if you become spiritually advanced, your material necessities will be very nicely adjusted.Although there is propaganda in India to get people to forget Krsna consciousness, it is not possible for them to forget because Krsna Himself appeared there. India Once Ruled the World It is clear that the kings of India once ruled all the world and that their culture was Vedic.11More than five thousand years ago, while Saint Vidura was travelling the earth as a pilgrim, India was known as fc Bhdrata-varsa, as it is known even today. The history of the world cannot give any systematic account for more than three thousand years into the past, but before that the whole world was under the flag and military strength of Maharaja Yudhisthira, who was the emperor of the world. At present there are hundreds and thousands of flags flapping in the United Nations, but during the time of Vidura there was, by the grace of Ajita, Lord Krsna, only one flag. The nations of the world are very eager to again have one state under one

flag, but for this they must seek 9 the favour of Lord Krsna, who alone can help us become one worldwide nation. Outsiders Are Accepting Krsna Consciousness It is a glory for us that people in other countries,/ outside India, are accepting this cult of Krsna conscious-' ness. The Land of Religion This is the land of religion. It is admitted by other parts of the world. Columbus was searching after India for trade, even hundreds of years ago. People are coming to India for knowledge, philosophy, trade, and money. Why did the Britishers come? For money. India was exploited for thousands of years and the standard of civilization deteriorated. Still, India's position is unique, even in this fallen condition. Now people are degraded from their previous high standard, both spiritually and materially. Still, they have their feelings for religion. It is still going on.14 There are millions and billions of followers of Krsna in India. Not only ordinary followers. Also many great stalwarts, educationists and saintly persons like Sahkaracarya, Madhvacarya, Ramanujacarya, Lord Caitanya, and other great educated and learned scholars have accepted Krsna. There are so many others also. And there are millions and millions of temples of Krsna. They are being worshiped by millions and billions of devotees still. Still, if you go some Krsna temple in South India, you'll find thousands of thousands of people always assembled. Whenever you go in that Jaipur temple, within the king's palace, you'll find at least one thousand men assembled. If you go to Jagannatha Purl, you'll find at least two thousand men, daily coming and going. If you go to Vrndavana, you'll find at least five thousand men, daily coming and going. In Vrndavana itself there are five thousand temples. Out of that only seven or eight are very big. In other words, each and every house is a Krsna temple. Somebody asked me, "How many Krsna conscious people are there in India ?" At least ninety percent of the Hindus are Krsna conscious.15 India's Present Condition Editor's comment: India is the land of Krsna and Rama, of Bhagavad-glta, of Gahga, of sages and rsis. The land of religion and culture. Even materially, India was so rich that the Moguls and Europeans, coming from a great distance with much difficulty, fought with each other for the "right" to exploit India. Still, the potential is there: plentiful natural resources and many intelligent people. But India today is a chaotic mess. Most people live below the poverty line, with no hope of ever getting above it. The cities are overcrowded, disordered and filthy. Dishonesty, corruption, exploitation, riots and murder are part of normal life. Nobody cares. Everyone is fall of anxiety. No one trusts anyone else. No one is happy.Indians, once famous for their devotion to God, now prefer to worship unchaste women, fools, rascals and paper. Women known as film heroines flirt before millions and vulgarly expose their bodies to all. In traditional Indian culture, women were respected and glorified for their chastity. Indian womanhood has been

demeaned by these ladies of little virtue who are nevertheless respected practically on the level of goddesses.The fools are many, among whom sports stars are prominent. When a Test match is on, all India is in front of a TV. But what are they watching? Twenty-two fully grown men intensely engaged in throwing a ball and hitting it with' a piece of wood. It is an event of monumental meaninglessness that by mental concoction only is given such importance. Factually, the outcome of the game makes no difference to anything, except the minds of those who are stupid enough to take it seriously.The rascals are also numerous.Consider the politicians. Everyone knows that they are corrupt, self-interested cheaters and liars. Still they are given so much honour. Is this not foolishness ? Atheistic scientists are also big rascals. Nowadays, people question what Krsna S says in the Bhagavadgita, but implicitly accept the wo. ds of the scientists, even though they talk all nonsense (such as: "Life is a product of matter"), regularly contradict each other, and have been proved wrong on innumerable ^ occasions.Another class of mahd-rascal constitutes the " petty magicians who dare to call themselves God.Still, for most Indians today, even all these "gods " are not as important as the paper one: money. Everyone has dedicated themselves, body, mind, and soul to the acquisition of money.Of course, faith in Krsna and Rama has not been completely given up. A "Rama-revival" is on, although some claim it to be more political than spiritual. Temple-going is on the increase. However, everyone goes for material benedictions.I need money.Help me pass my v exams. Give me this. Give me that." No-one is interested to love God for His own sake.Even among those who consider themselves pious, most are not very serious about religion. On the list of their personal interests, religion comes below family, business, TV, sports, cinema, politics, etC. Even some pious-minded Indians, under the influence of modern trends, now think that sinful activities such as eating * meat, fish and eggs, taking wine, tobacco and other intoxicants, extra-marital sex, and abortion, are not so bad, quite normal, or even proper.This is the position of punyabhumi today. How did r this great country fall into such a horrible condition? In this and the next section, Srlla Prabhupada analyzes India's present condition and the multiple causes of her decline.The time is very bad at the present moment everywhere, especially in India. Of course, India's original culture is alright. But unfortunately, our modern leaders are killing the original culture. They want to introduce Western culture. Now openly there are beef shops and wine shops. What can be done? It is Kali-yuga. But those who are intelligent should take to this Krsna consciousness movement and make their human life successful.1Every living entity has got the tendency for sex life, meat eating and liquor. The country where these things are indulged in without restriction is called the country of the asuras (demons). That is especially in the Western countries, and now we have also learned. In India, for both Hindus and Muslims, drinking was a sin, but now liquor is easily available, and at every door there is a meat shop. There was time when all in India were devatds (godly); now we are imitating the asuras.2Now in India also, where some Vedic principles were still glowing, that is also being finished.

Pravrttim ca A nivrttim ca jana na vidur asurdhJ na saucam ndpi cdcdro na satyarh tesu vidyate "Those who are demoniac do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done. Neither cleanliness nor proper behaviour nor truth are found in them." {Bhagavad-gitd 16.7) They are learning from the Westerners how'to remain unclean, how to eat meat, how to drink wine, and so on. And they do not know what is truthfulness. In other words, everyone is a liar.3In India, which was once the land of religion and brahminical culture, things have deteriorated to such an extent that a man in a higher caste is recognized simply by putting a piece of thread on the body as a sign of sanctity. The so-called swamis are cheating the public because the public also want to be cheated by cheap methods of self-realization. They are practicing so-called A yoga performances for reducing fat and keeping the body fit for sense gratification. If one has insufficient money, it is very hard for him to get justice from the court. And if anyone can simply bluff by so-called advancement of knowledge, he is offered the doctorate degree. If a man is a poor, he is at once accepted as uncivilized. If a man is falsely proud, he is accepted as civilized.4"Modern" people in India are all rascals.5After losing our own culture, we have become a set of fools. This is the real conclusion. Mudha. We have become so lowest of mankind and mudha and full of sinful activities that we cannot understand what Krsna says.6When a person forgets his position as an eternal $ servant of Krsna, he commits many sinful activities, but one who maintains his position as an eternal servant of Krsna cannot deviate from the path of morality, religion and ethics. At the present, people all over the world, especially in India, have forgotten their relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His eternal servants. Therefore the principles of morality, religion and ethics have almost disappeared. This situation is most unprofitable for human society. Therefore everyone should try to accept Krsna consciousness and follow the principles of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.7 It was customary for members of the three higher classesnamely the brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas to worship the salagrama-sild, or a small Deity of Radha-Krsna or Sita-Rama, in each and every home. This made everything auspicious. But now they have given up Deity worship. Men have become modernized and are conse-