Download - A Fairytale Legacy: Interlude

  • 8/9/2019 A Fairytale Legacy: Interlude


  • 8/9/2019 A Fairytale Legacy: Interlude


    The oddest feeling of being asleep forever overcame me

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    Sleeping forever, as though all the insomnia I suffered from had faded away

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    And then it overcame me the feeling of waking up from a dream of a thousand years

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    Frightening images scary visions of the future

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    No light in my dreams

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    Yet as a stepped through these doors, I wondered if I was really awake. Whether or not I


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    I felt the remorse and the suffering and the pain fade away

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    I felt new

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    And I felt like there were people who I hadnt seen in a long time watching me

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    Christopher, I breathed, saying his name as softly as possible before I felt his warm soft lips


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    My brother Jack embraced me

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    My daughter Jillian came to play with me

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    And then, it was Vassilissa who finally greeted me.

    My eyes flowed with tears

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    The daughter who I had abandoned had forgiven me

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    And then there was more darkness. Another foul vision, only this time

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    I fell.

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    I wondered how long I would fall, until I finally hit the invisible ground, and every bone and

    muscle in my body shattered in two.

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    Scarlet took in a deep breath as she awoke from her slumber.

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    She pulled her legs out of the bed and shut her eyes and opened them again several times.

    Was this another dream? Or was she really here?

    And if this was real where was she?

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    Miss Fantasy? Is everything alright?

    I who are you? And where am I?

    Please remain calm, Miss Fantasy. Everythings fine.

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    Who are you?

    Im just a security guard here at Belladonna Cove Rehabilitation Center. You were checkedin about two weeks ago from the Fairytale Forest and well you were in a severe state of

    mental anxiety.

    How far am I from home?

    Very far, unfortunately but Im afraid youll have to stay here, youre in no state to lea--,

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    I I need to get home! Scarlet suddenly exclaimed. I left behind everyone who meant

    something to me for something that really doesnt mean anything at all I need to get out

    of here

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    Miss Fantasy, I

    Please help me I cant stay here, my family I

    The security guard felt a bit of remorse seeing Scarlet in the state that she was. Ill see if I

    can get someone to help you out, Miss Fantasy.

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    A doctor will be with you in ten minutes.

    * * * * * * * * *

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    Days later, Scarlet wandered aimlessly around towns, cities, villages and provinces until she

    could take it no longer.

    Hopelessly lost, and days and days away from the Fairytale Forest, Scarlet abandoned any

    hope that she had been clinging onto.

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    She just lay there, like a child without a home.

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    She made it a habit to sleep in the small building located in the garden of whatever town

    she was staying in.

    This was the end.

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    But fate had come knocking.

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    Are you Scarlet Fantasy?

    Scarlet took one look at the woman. Crackpot. Uh, no. Sorry.

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    Are you absolutely sure? I really need to speak to her, the tackily dressed woman said. Her

    voice sounded very upbeat, high-pitched and dreamy. Are you sure that you havent seen

    her around? The locals have said a woman by that name may be found.

    Why is this woman looking for me?Ill just be on my way then. Im sorry. I hope you find

    her, though.

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    Oh, I hope I find her too, because correct me if Im wrong, but Im looking for you.

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    What the HEY!

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    Scarlet looked at herself. What what is this?! How did she do that?

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    What do you want from me? Who are you?!

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    Im here to help, the woman said with a giggle.

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    And then she was gone.

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    I what help GAH!

    Scarlet stood there looking at the empty room, completely bewildered. Was this yet another

    one of her dreams?

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    She was suddenly summoned by the woman in grey.

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    Scarlet Fantasy, the woman started, you must come with me. Youve been away from

    those who love you for so long, and now they are all at risk.

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    Her tone changed from the serious sounding woman back to its dreamy sound. Hop on,


    Scarlet could tell that this was going to be a long, long day.

    *** *** ***

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    The grey witch just stood there, stirring her pot, as though nothing was happening at all.

    Casually, she asked, I can sense your tension, Scarlet, what troubles you?

    What troubles me? Scarlet breathed, her temper more fiery than her attire. I dont know

    you! I dont know whats going on, I dont know where I am, this is scary! How do I know

    that youre not a serial killer or this is just my insane dreams coming back and

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    Yes, yes that all sounds very frightening, dear, but we neednt worry about all that now,


    Scarlet was infuriated more and more every second the woman spoke.

    What do you smell in this potion, Scarlet?

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    Whats that got to do with anything?

    Oh, it might be helpful, you know. Do you smell anything familiar?

    No, I dont really but well, it smells like chemicals I am familiar with. Theres clearly

    sulfuric acid in there, the scent is very strong, and theres a scent of H2S, but our sense of

    smell wouldve been gone by now if it actually was that chemical and there are several

    more that smell familiar from the lab, although Im sure there would have been an explosion

    by now and

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    What do you make of this babbling of yours, then?

    Maybe that Im good with chemistry and science because Ive been a scientist since I


    You have good sense of smelling out ingredients, and the like. In other words, youve had

    the skill of a witch since youve been at the lab.

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    Im sorry, but what are you talking about?

    Its very simple, dearie. Youve been able to smell out ingredients in my cauldron, though

    you call them chemicals like oxides and acids and whatever, although this all scientificnonsense meant to rename things like Dragon Tooth Essence and Dry Crystal Teardrops.

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    You are a witch, Scarlet Fantasy.

    Stop! Just stop! Scarlet begged. This is all just senseless babble, just silly talking. This is all

    just a dream, theres no such thing as witches and potions and magic and Im going to wakeup any minute now! Im not a witch, Im not a witch.

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    You cannot deny what you are, Scarlet! You are the heiress to a legacy in a magical place!Theres no denying this. As the witch scolded, Scarlet almost felt as though her mind wastelling her the same thing. Everything you have is lost, Scarlet, yet heres something youcan hold onto to get back home and youre pushing it away! Dont you see Im trying to help


    There is NO such thing is witches. I dont even know you! For all I know, you could just besome insane, mentally disturbed woman trying to cause trouble in someones life.

    Im outta here, finished Scarlet.

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    You wouldnt dare.

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    You want me to prove to you that Im your last chance at getting back home? Look at the

    crystal ball! Look into it, and think about what it is that matters to you, if such a thing


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    Alright, here I go, Scarlet mocked. Im going to look into the mysteriously magical crystal

    ball now, and think about my darling family who I love so dearly and who I

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    wh.wh.who I miss.

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    Hello?Christophers translucent, holographic figure said in a voice that was trancelike.

    This was the first time that Scarlet heard her husbands words in what felt like an eternity.

    No, I dont think Scarlets coming home, officer. Im sorry. No. Thank you for all your help.Well just have to yes. Good night, officer.

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    Scarlet, I miss you so much. Even though you left us mentally, just to hear your voice one

    more time would make me the happiest man in the universe.

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    Christopher! Christopher, Im here! Im right here!

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    Whatever game your playing with me, please stop it. Youre torturing me, lady! Scarlets

    voice was much weaker and her mood was clearly much more solemn, yet the witchs grin


    What you see is the truth, not fables or lies to cover anything up. Your family misses you.

    But why does it have to be this way? Why do I have to see them in pain?

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    You led yourself to your own doom, Scarlet Fantasy. You ignored your family and whether

    you believe it or not, YOU pushed yourself away from them. Now, you must see what it is

    you have missed, look into the lives of your family and become one with them again, so that

    when you return you will not only be familiar with them once more, but you will also befamiliar with the situation at hand.

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    So for hours, Scarlet watched vivid images of her daughters and her family and everyone

    who was still waiting for her at the Fairytale Forest. She watched the same people carry

    about their everyday lives for what must have been endless time.

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    The crystal ball, after a while, stopped responding to her requests.

    Show me my family! Show me my daughters and my parents!

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    Silly girl, dont you see? It doesnt want you to see them! the grey witch complained.

    I didnt know crystal balls had feelings Scarlet trailed off menacingly.

    Look, look

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    It wants to show you something else

    Scarlets face of bewilderment turned into one of horror.

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    Hetty, is everything planned out for the ball? We wouldnt want our guests to be

    untreated that night, would we?

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    The potion is already done, O Great Caroline, aha ha ha I was able to create a recipe that

    would render the same results as the experiment those foolish scientists have been trying

    to develop for months! It will be the perfect night, your highness, I assure you!

    Very well, Hetty, you have done very well this night will finally be the night that I reap


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    Enough! Scarlet shouted. Thats enough. This is all just stupid games and foolishness, you

    foul, foul woman! Send me out of here right now or youll be very sorry!

    Oh? What will you do about then, Scarlet? You dont know how to wield your powers, andif you kill me that is, if you can kill me then you have no way out of this place. What shall

    you do then?

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    WHYEXACTLY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? Scarlets screams were louder than ever.

    To show you whats good for you! To show you that you are powerful, whether you believe

    it or not! Im trying to do whats best for you so that you can safely go back home and saveyour family!

    Whats best for me? How do you know whats best for me? You dont know me!

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    I know you well enough. When will you ever learn, Scarlet? You and I are very alike! You

    and I know more than others of our race, we sense things that others dont. Why do you

    think that I brought you here? If you were incapable of knowing the things about this world

    and the people in it, I would have never summoned you here. You are a witch, Scarlet! You

    are a witch, whether you like it or not! You have the power to end the danger that faces

    your family, the power to bring yourself back home and make amends with them, and yet

    you deny it all.

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    If you dont learn what you need to know now, then youre a sad, hopeless girl, and youll

    never save them.

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    Aaaargh! Scarlet screeched, and then sent her fist towards the grey witchs back.

    It flew right through her, as though she was made of clouds.

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    What would you have accomplished by knocking me down? What would hurting me or

    killing me have done, now, dearie? Its very probable that I dont exist.

    But you and I UGH!

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    Why cant I just wake up?

    Because this is very much real, and though debatably I might not be here, you are very

    much present. And I do think that the objects surrounding you may offer some help.

    If what you say is all true, every word that youve told me is nothing but the truth meant to

    set me free from this smoking hell that Ive been living in, then what am I supposed to do

    about it?

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    Well the grey witch said, pondering the options left. You possess power to get yourself

    out of here, but you probably just dont know it. If this place is its own tiny dimension, then

    Im sure you can dismiss yourself from it, just like most witches can.

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    And Scarlet, believe me when I say that you have immense power. All that you need to

    know is the incantation, and then youll be on your way back home, at last.

    But what about the vampire and the witch? I dont even know whats going on with myfamily, and youre telling me I have to save them from their villains? I Im not brave enough

    to do this, Im not brave enough.

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    Someone once told me that courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment

    that something else is more important than fear. I believe Scarlet, that if you are truly do

    love your family and you are willing to give anything for them are you?

    Always and forever.

    Then it wont be hard. I think she paused and reached for something behind her back,

    that you should have this. Once everything is back to normal, you might find it helpful.

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    Im not sure if this is real, Scarlet. I know Im not real, but Im not sure if this is dream for

    you, or if this actually happened. But remember what I said about your family. And a word

    of advice or two. First is no more secrets. Youll go back home, and maybe wait a while

    before revealing all, but its time to come clean. Second is to practice your magical skills

    every day, otherwise youll never become a master. Its a big world out there, full of witches

    both good and bad alike, and youll do best to be as good as they are.

    Who are you?

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    For now and I suppose for as long as Im in your mind, Im a friend.

    Thank you. Whoever you are, Scarlet whispered. Whether it was a dream or not, she

    finally felt herself coming to her senses.

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    And one more word of advice: its common witch respect to curtsy and greet a witch by her

    title instead of blow off steam at her. Just to let you know.

    Ill keep that in mind for the future. Shall I be on my way, then?

    Ill help you on your way out.

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    I will never forget you, strange grey witch!

    Trust in your power, Scarlet! You are powerful and strong never forget that!

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    Its time.

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    Time to take the road home.

    *** *** ***

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    May I help you, miss?

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    My name is Amber Pippinshin. Im Dr. Fantasys personal assistant and Im just here to

    collect a few files that she requested I grab for her.

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    Let me check our records and see if Dr. Fantasy left us any information about a personal

    assistant so I can run it by central. Im not sure if you know, but shes been absent for several

    weeks after a terrible accident in the presentation level of the laboratory.

    Im very well aware.

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    Hmm unfortunately, Im not seeing any results in the computer.

    I drove a very long way to come out here, maam, and traffic is terrible. I would hate to

    have to go home empty handed, and Dr. Fantasy will be very upset if she cant read over her

    important files before she returns to her office next week.

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    Let me run it by the Central Administration department. They might be able to help us


    Marlene? This is Peggy at Dr. Fantasys Office. Dr. Fantasys assistant is currently here and

    shes telling me that she needs to grab a few files from Scarlets office, but I wanted to make

    sure that were certified to open her office when shes been absent from work for so long.

    Mmhmm. Alright.

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    If youll give me just ten minutes, Ill run down to Central Administration and see if its

    alright with the director of this department, if thats fine by you. Do you mind waiting in one

    of the seats for a few minutes?

    Not at all.

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    She made sure that the door was locked securely,

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    Then she shoved as many things as she could in its path.

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    With a single kick, she pushed open the door into the laboratory

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    Pulled off her wig, set down her bag and entered the office that she had not been in for so

    many weeks.

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    She had only a few moments before the receptionist would be back, and then only a few

    moments more before she came back with help.

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    She finally found the book she needed, but not before she heard a knock on the door.

    Hello? Hello? Is anybody in there! Open the door, now! It rattled violently.

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    It looked like there was no way out, what with locked windows and a door that would soon

    be bombarded by guards.

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    Trust in your power, Scarlet! You are powerful and strong never forget that!

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    Dear Diary,

    It is currently seven in the morning. I suspect my family will be awake soon, if they arent

    already. I think I heard my mothers footsteps.

    Its an odd sensation to be in my secret room again. Nothing has changed, but I feel the past

    rushing back to me.

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    Hopefully, though, all the sadness will fade away soon enough. The mysterious grey witchs

    words will never leave my mind, and even though I have no idea what comes next, I know

    that Im starting a new chapter in my life.

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    I am the heiress to this family, and I cant abandon them. Never.

    Its time for me to start caring about this family. I know that itll be extremely difficult to win

    over their complete trust, but its my duty to try.

    Its time to reunite myself with them. Time to save us all from whatever lies ahead.

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    Time to fly.

    *** *** ***

    Authors Notes:Thanks for reading. This is the end of this little interlude that I hope you liked! I

    really wanted to show a behind the scenes look at Scarlets absence, so I hope

    that youre no longer confused.

  • 8/9/2019 A Fairytale Legacy: Interlude


    I want to apologize for how long it takes me to get these updates out. I promised

    an update out in February but lately, schools been really difficult for me as well

    as real life stuff at home and Ive been struggling to get time for this. Regardless,

    I have most of the pictures for another chapter, so while Im not making any

    promises, I hope to get a few more Fairytale things out before I leave for Puerto

    Rico in July. Im also planning to do A Fairytale Recap and a Teen Post and add a

    few more Sims to the Fairytale Files page. Ive been enjoying playing the families

    in my neighborhood a lot, and I know that its time for me to start getting into

    the swing of writing.

    Next time on A Fairytale Legacy, well see family happiness as everyone is

    reunited and the first wave of Generation Four gets ready for college, which will

    come with a shocking surprise, and thats not mentioning all of the simselves

    that are going to be getting busy. College is on the way as the first wave of

    generation four grows up, and theres a lot more in store for the Fantasy Family.

    See you next time! Happy Simming