Download - A Conceptual Modeling Approach for the Rapid Development ...the design of chatbot interfaces for accessing extensive collections of data by means of a conversational interaction; in


POLITECNICO DI MILANOMaster of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria

A Conceptual Modeling Approach for

the Rapid Development of Chatbots

for Conversational Data Exploration

Supervisor: Prof. Maristella Matera


Prof. Florian Daniel,

Prof. Vittorio Zaccaria

M.Sc. Thesis by:

Nicola Castaldo - 875019

Academic Year 2018-2019

Ai miei genitori.


A chatbot is a a conversational software agent able to interact with user

through natural language, using voice or text channels and trying to emulate

human-to-human communication. This Thesis presents a framework for the

design of Chatbots for Data Exploration. With respect to conversational vir-

tual assistants (such as Amazon Alexa or Apple Siri), this class of chatbots

exploits structured input to retrieve data from known data sources. The ap-

proach is based on a conceptual representation of the available data sources,

and on a set of modeling abstractions that allow designers to characterize the

role that key data elements play in the user requests to be handled. Starting

from the resulting specifications, the framework then generates a conversa-

tion for exploring the content exposed by the considered data sources. The

contributes of this Thesis are:

• A characterization of Chatbots for Data Exploration, in terms of re-

quirements and goals that must be satisfied when designing these agents;

• A methodology to design chatbots which poses the attention on some

notable data elements, along with a technique to generate conversa-

tional agents based on annotations made directly on the schema of the

data source;

• An architecture for a framework supporting the design, generation and

execution of these chatbots exploiting state-of-art technologies;

• A prototype of the framework integrating different technologies for

chatbot deployment.

The Thesis also reports on some lessons learned that we derived from

a user study that compared the user performance and satisfaction with a

chatbot generated with our framework to the performance and satisfaction

of the same users when interacting the basic SQL command line.



Il chatbot e un agente informatico capace di interagire con l’utente attraver-

so il linguaggio naturale, utilizzando canali vocali o testuali, nel tentativo

di emulare la comunicazione tipica dell’uomo. Questa Tesi descrive un fra-

mework per il design di Chatbot per l’Esplorazione di Dati. Rispetto agli as-

sistenti virtuali (come per esempio Alexa di Amazon o Siri di Apple), questa

classe di chatbot sfrutta richieste strutturate per estrarre dati da specifiche

sorgenti dati. L’approccio e basato su un insieme di astrazioni concettuali che

permettono ai progettisti di specificare il ruolo che alcuni elementi della base

di dati assumeranno nelle future richieste dell’utente. Sulla base di queste

specifiche, il framework genera dunque una conversazione per l’esplorazione

di tali dati. I contributi di questa Tesi sono:

• Una caratterizzazione dei Chatbot per l’Esplorazione di Dati, con par-

ticolare attenzione ai requisiti e agli obiettivi da considerare durante la

loro progettazione;

• Una metodologia per progettare tali chatbot che privilegia la tipologia

e il ruolo degli elementi che i dati rappresentano, oltre a una tecnica per

la generazione di agenti conversazionali basata su annotazioni effettuate

direttamente sullo schema dell base di dati;

• L’architettura di un framework in grado di supportare la progettazione,

la generazione e l’esecuzione di questi chatbot usando tecnologie allo

stato dell’arte;

• Un prototipo di questo sistema che integra tecnologie innovative.

La Tesi inoltre discute alcune implicazioni sul design di Chatbot per l’Esplo-

razione dei Dati che derivano da quanto osservato in uno studio con gli utenti.

Lo studio ha confrontato le prestazioni e la soddisfazione di un campione di

utenti che ha interrogato un database di esempio usando un chatbot generato

con il nostro framework e la linea di comando SQL.



Ringrazio mia madre Cristina, mio padre Roberto e mia sorella Martina, per

esserci sempre stati e non aver mai smesso di credere in me. Grazie per aver-

mi insegnato valori come l’onesta e la cortesia e per avermi mostrato che con

l’impegno, la tenacia e la passione si possono raggiungere gli obiettivi piu

difficili. Ringrazio anche i miei zii, i miei cugini e le mie nonne, per l’affetto

che mi avete sempre dimostrato.

Un ringraziamento speciale, poi, va a Monica, per aver avuto cura di me

nei momenti felici e anche in quelli piu ardui, scegliendo sempre di viverli e

affrontarli assieme.

Vorrei inoltre ringraziare i miei amici, per i divertimenti e le difficolta che

abbiamo condiviso e per avermi sempre rispettato, apprezzato e voluto bene.

Ringrazio inoltre i professori Florian Daniel e Vittorio Zaccaria per il sup-

porto e i consigli che mi hanno dato durante tutta la stesura della Tesi. Un

grazie sincero va anche ai ragazzi del “TIS Lab”, che hanno accettato di par-

tecipare ai test di valutazione del sistema oggetto di questa Tesi.

Infine, un ringraziamento particolare va alla mia relatrice, la professoressa

Maristella Matera, per il tempo, l’energia e la fiducia che ha scelto di dedicare

a me e a questa Tesi.



Abstract I

Sommario III

Ringraziamenti V

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Scenario and Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.4 Structure of Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 State of the Art 7

2.1 The (R)evolution of Chatbots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.1.1 The Loebner Prize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.1.2 Virtual assistants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.1.3 A chatbot for everything . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.2 Design Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.3 Development Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.3.1 Local or remote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.3.2 The chat interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.4 Different Chatbot Frameworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.5 Related Research Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3 Chatbots for Data Exploration 15

3.1 Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.2 Main Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.2.1 Connect to the database to obtain the schema . . . . . 17


3.2.2 Extract and learn database-specific vocabulary and ac-

tions from schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.2.3 Automatic intent and entities generation and extraction 18

3.2.4 Proper communication and data visualization . . . . . 19

3.2.5 Allow the user to manipulate query results . . . . . . . 19

3.2.6 Support context and conversation history management 20

4 Approach 21

4.1 Design Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

4.2 Schema Annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

4.2.1 Conversational Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

4.2.2 Display Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4.2.3 Conversational Qualifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4.2.4 Conversational Types, Values and Operators . . . . . . 26

4.2.5 Conversational Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

4.3 Conversation Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

4.3.1 Intents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.3.2 Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4.4 From the Conversation Model

to the Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

4.4.1 Interaction paradigm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

4.4.2 Automatic query generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4.4.3 Chatbot responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.4.4 History navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

5 System Architecture and Implementation 47

5.1 Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

5.1.1 RASA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

5.1.2 Chatito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

5.1.3 Telegram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

5.2 Framework Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

5.3 Chatbot Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

5.4 Implementation Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

6 User Study 61

6.1 Comparative Study: General Setting and Research Questions . 61

6.2 Participants and Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

6.3 Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64


6.4 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

6.5 Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

6.6 Usability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

6.6.1 Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

6.6.2 Effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

6.7 Satisfaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

6.7.1 Usability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

6.7.2 Workload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

6.7.3 Easiness of exploring DB/retrieving data/using com-

mands and quality of presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

6.7.4 User ranking of systems along completeness, easiness

and usefulness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

6.8 Qualitative Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

6.9 Lesson Learned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

7 Conclusions 79

7.1 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

7.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

7.3 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

References 83

A Parsed Database Schema 87

B Database Schema Annotation 91

C User Study Questionnaires 103

C.1 Demographic Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

C.2 System Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

C.2.1 Ease of use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

C.2.2 Cognitive load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

C.2.3 General questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

C.3 Final Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108



List of Figures

3.1 A Conversation example between a user and the chatbot. . . . 16

4.1 The relational schema of the database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4.2 The Conversational Objects annotation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4.3 The Display Attributes annotation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4.4 The Conversational Qualifiers annotation, focus on customer. . 27

4.5 The Conversational Relationships annotation. . . . . . . . . . 29

4.6 An example of the entity extraction phase. . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4.7 The typo resolution procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.8 The response of the chatbot to display a single result. . . . . . 44

4.9 The response of the chatbot to display multiple results. . . . . 44

4.10 An example of conversation history visualization. . . . . . . . 45

5.1 An overview of the Framework Architecture, based on the

three-tier model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

5.2 The Chatbot Architecture in details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

6.1 The classicmodels database schema used in the evaluation tests. 62

6.2 Comparison for the two systems of the number of successes . . 71

6.3 NASA-TLX dimensions: means and standard deviation com-

parison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73



List of Tables

4.1 Phrase structure for find intents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4.2 Phrase structure for filter intents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.3 Phrase structure for help intents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

6.1 Paired Sample t-test results related to the time the users spent

on each task. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

6.2 Detail on the completion of each task: Failures, Partial suc-

cess, Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

6.3 NASA-TLX dimensions values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72



List of Algorithms

1 Find Query Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

2 Join Query Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40


5.1 A json extract of the training data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

5.2 An example of input document for Chatito. . . . . . . . . . . 51

5.3 A json extract of the simplified database. . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

5.4 A json extract of the database Schema Annotation. . . . . . . 59



Chapter 1


Chatbots are growing fast in number and pervade in a broad range of activ-

ities. Their natural language paradigm simplifies the interaction with appli-

cations to the point that experts consider chatbots one of the most promising

technologies to transform instant messaging systems into software delivery

platforms [15, 18]. The major messaging platforms have thus opened their

APIs to third-party developers, to expose high-level services (e.g., messag-

ing, payments, bot directory) and User Interface (UI) elements (e.g., buttons

and icons), to facilitate and promote the development of innovative services

based on conversational UIs [21].

Despite the huge emphasis on these new applications, it is still not clear

what implications their rapid uptake will have on the design of interactive

systems for data access and exploration. The applications proposed so far

mainly support the retrieval of very specific data from online services. It

is still unclear how this paradigm can be applied for the interaction with

large bodies of information and machine agents. A critical challenge lies

in understanding how to make the development of bots for data exploration

scalable and sustainable, in terms of both software infrastructures and design

models and methodologies [2, 27].

To fill this gap, in this Thesis we propose a methodology to support

the design of chatbot interfaces for accessing extensive collections of data by

means of a conversational interaction; in particular, we propose a data-driven

paradigm that, starting from the annotation of a database schema, leads to

the generation of a conversation that enables the exploration of the database


1.1 Scenario and Problem Statement

Let us consider the situation in which a person enters in a library and asks

some information about a novel at the helping desk. Usually librarians are

able to identify books quite well, but this time the task has some unexpected

difficulties: the client does not know either the title or the author and just

wants something to read. The employee cannot do very much without in-

vestigating the client’s preferences or giving personal advices, because the

searches on the online catalog of the library are possible only using keywords

that are somehow related to a book, in terms of title, author or publishing


In this example the attitude of the client is not to simply find something

in particular, based on some known properties of the object being researched,

but is rather to explore the library resources without a fixed target and not

knowing what will be the result of the inspection. What if the librarian

could fulfill the customer’s needs with a tool able to support this kind of

exploration? How could this device be designed?

The key point of this appliance would be the ease to use: its users should

not need to learn how the system works, but they should understand its

features and possibilities while using it. So, a possible approach is to cre-

ate a tool able to emulate human-to-human interaction, by communicating

through the natural language, using text or vocal channels. This technology

is also known as chatbot and its implementation may fit the needs of our

purpose. The chatbot, also known as conversational agent, should allow the

user to navigate across the catalog, exploiting all the relations between the

different entities in it. For example it could support the input phrase “find

the books written by Dante” and execute the search against the catalog, by

automatically understanding that “Dante” is the keyword for the name of

the author. Then it could display the titles of the books in the forms of

buttons and, upon clicking on “La Divina Commedia - Inferno”, it could

present the details of the volume as well as its basic relations, i.e. author,

publishing house, etc.

Up to now, it seems that our imaginary chatbot would be able to act

as a special search engine, that understands and translates sentences into

commands, but still distant from offering the above mentioned explorative

feature. What if, then, the user could navigate from the “La Divina Comme-

dia - Inferno” to the collections of volumes that include the masterpiece and


were borrowed by someone else? Then, after clicking on the details of one of

these, the navigation could proceed towards its publishing house, then to its

publishers, then maybe to one of these authors and then again to the books

given to the library by someone that once borrowed a volume from this last

writer. The chatbot could offer all of these features and more, by presenting

to the user different relations and paths to be taken from the various entities

under observation.

The term exploration can be finally applied to this type of navigation,

since the user can navigate among entities and relations of the library catalog

without really having a destination in mind.

There are many real world application where such a conversational agent

could be used and each one of them might have different modalities, with

respect to the users it is supposed to embrace, the quantity of relations among

the data and the values to be displayed. For example, this feature could be

supported by a data storage for investigative research, enabling detectives to

easily and freely navigate across the data describing past cases. This system

could be also applied to a medical database, allowing doctors to explore

attributes and possible relations of clinical past situations. Moreover, this

kind of chatbot may be used within a business company, in order to explore

the data its database contains, with different levels of granularity, in terms

of searches and relations among the various elements.

1.2 Contributions

In this Thesis we define a data-driven design paradigm that, starting

from the structure of a typical data system, enables the generation of con-

versation paths for its exploration.

In particular, we provide:

• An explanation of the concept of Chatbots for Data Exploration, with

reference to the requirements and goals that must be satisfied when

designing these type of systems;

• An architecture for a framework able to support the creation of these

conversational agents, also exploiting state-of-art technologies;

• A methodology to design chatbots which poses the attention on the

data characteristics, rather than the technologies involved;


• A technique to generate conversational agents based on annotations

made directly on the schema of the data source;

• A prototype of this framework integrating different technologies to de-

ploy it;

• Some design implications derived from a comparative study that we

conducted to test the performance of the chatbot generated through

our framework with respect to the basic SQL command line interaction.

From the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data gathered through

the user study we can state that the resulting applications, as well as the

framework for their development, can be considered as a first valid step

towards the generation of Chatbots for Data Exploration.

1.3 Definitions

We provide below the definitions of the main concepts related to our work.

• Chatbot: a conversational software agent able to interact with user

through natural language, using voice or text channels and trying to

emulate human-to-human communication.

• Chatbot Framework: is a cloud based chatbot’s development platform

that enable on line development and testing of chatbots; usually, it also

provides Natural Language Processing (NLP), Artificial Intelligence

and Machine Learning services with Platform as a Service paradigm


• Chat Interface: with this term, we refer to any system that supports

text-based input from the users.

• Schema Annotation: abbreviation for Database Schema Annotation,

it refers to the procedure (and its outcome) of characterizing tables,

relations and attributes of a database conceptual model, in order to

produce a mapping between the data source and the conversation in-

teraction basis.

• NLU: it stands for Natural Language Understanding, and it is a branch

of Artificial Intelligence that uses computer software to understand

input made in the form of sentences in text or speech format [26].


• Intent: it represents the purpose of the user’s interaction with a chat-

bot; for instance, from the phrase “What time is it?” the intent, if

defined, could be to know the current time.

• Intent-matching: it is the NLU process of understanding the intent

from a given input phrase.

• Entity: it is a word or a set of words that represent a concept in a

given utterance; for instance, in the phrase “I live in Milan” the word

“Milan” may be an entity related to the concept of location.

• Entity-extraction: it is the NLU procedure of identifying entities inside

input phrases provided to the chatbot.

• Context: it represents the current background of a user’s request;[12] in

a chatbot, it is needed to correct handle subsequent inputs which may

refer to previous outcomes; for instance, in the consecutive interactions

[User: “What is the weather like in Milan?”] → [Chatbot: “Sunny”]

and [User: “And in Rome?”]→ [Chatbot: “Cloudy”], the second ques-

tion would not make sense without the previous request, which creates

the context (in this case, related to the weather) of the whole dialog.

1.4 Structure of Thesis

• Chapter 2 is an overview of the history of chatbots, the state of art

and the most popular available frameworks that support the deploy-

ment of such applications. In this Chapter we highlight the differences

among the various technologies, highlighting pros and cons of each one,

considering implementation and design choices.

• Chapter 3 provides a definition of Chatbots for Data Exploration and

defines the main goals and requirements that must be treated to design


• In Chapter 4 we provide a conceptual modeling approach for the de-

sign of these kinds of chatbots. We offer a solution to the requirements

defined in the previous Chapter, splitting the design process in three

parts: the Schema Annotation, the Conversation modeling and the In-

teraction modeling.


• Chapter 5 describes the architectural and implementation choices that

we made when developing the prototype of a Chatbot for Data Explo-


• In Chapter 6 we provide an evaluation of our framework, by means

of a comparative study between our conversational agent and the SQL

command line, regarding the execution of some information retrieval

tasks on the same data source. We discuss the details of our tests and

the collected data, making quantitative and qualitative analysis.

• In Chapter 7 we conclude the Thesis with a summary of the overall

study, considering limitations, future works and possible improvements

of our framework.

• The Appendices report:

(i) a JSON-based specification of the database schema of the example

database used throughout the Thesis (Appendix A),

(ii) the annotated database schema, which is the input of the process

leading to the generation of a conversation for the exploration of

the example database content (Appendix B),

(iii) the questionnaires administered during the user study

(Appendix C).


Chapter 2

State of the Art

2.1 The (R)evolution of Chatbots

In this Section we will discuss how chatbots grew from past to present, in

terms of technologies and capabilities, and how nowadays there are more and

more domains in which they are applied.

2.1.1 The Loebner Prize

Nowadays, chatbots technologies are growing faster than ever [9], but their

story started in in the second half of 1900s. The Turing Test, also known as

the Imitation Game, was proposed by Alan Turing in 1950 as a replacement

for the question “Can machines think?” [1, 25]. It consists in a quiz to be

held with a computer able to answer questions, requiring the judge to be

uncapable to distinguish whether the interlocutor is a human or not.

This idea was taken by Hugh Loebner, which in 1991 decided to create

an annual competition for evaluating computer programs ability to emulate

a human, just like the original Turing Test required. The contest survived

all of these years and different chatbots won the first place over time.

The first winning machine was ELIZA, a computer program created in

1966 whose conversation structure was then associated to the ones pursued

by certain psychotherapists, known as Rogerians [32]; the program won three

consequent Loebner prizes (’91, ’92, ’93).

Other examples of more recent winning chatbots are A.L.I.C.E (2000,

2001, 2004) and Mitsuku (2013, 2016, 2017, 2018) [1, 29]. Both programs

were created using a AIML knowledge base, that is a derivative of XML, and

performed pattern matching on each input to elaborate a response.

2.1.2 Virtual assistants

The Loebner prize, as introduced in the Subsection 2.1.1, is assigned by

evaluating ability of the chatbot to mock human behavior. However, in the

last few years, another type of chatbot come up: the Virtual Assistant, a

software agent that can interpret human speech and respond via synthesized

voices. The most popular examples of such systems are Apple’s Siri, Ama-

zon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google’s Assistant. According to [17],

“these kinds of chatbots are always connected to the Internet and each in-

teraction is sent back to a central computing system that analyzes the user’s

voice commands and provides the assistant with the proper response.”

They offer generic one-size-fits-all services [11], by enabling their users

to access different functionalities like setting reminders, performing inter-

net searches, communicate with remote home automation systems and other

simple tasks that would require longer interactions to be completed manually.

2.1.3 A chatbot for everything

Besides the systems described in the previous subsections, chatbots start to

be created and used in an increasing number of specific domains, each with

its own requirements. For example, a 19-year-old student designed a chatbot

to help drivers that received parking tickets, in London and New York, to

contest the fine; the results of 2016 show that the system had a success rate

of 64%, in less than two years from its launch, by overturning 160,000 tickets

[23]. In 2017, at the Manipal University, a conversational agent was designed

to answer FAQs related to that educational institute [30]. Another more

recent example, dated 2018, consists in the development of a chatbot for

meal recommendation [13].

2.2 Design Approach

From a high perspective, chatbots can be distinguished in two different mod-

els by the way they generate responses: Retrieval-based and Generative-

based [31, 28].


The first approach allow to assemble the answer by selecting from a set of

predefined responses according to the input, the context and some heuristic.

The latter may be as simple as a rule-based expression match, or i could

include Machine Learning classifiers trained to predict the matching score.

Their main advantage is that the answers provided are always grammatically

correct, but since they are picked from a finite set of choices, they may lack


Chatbots designed following the second model, instead, build new re-

sponses from scratch, treating generation of conversational dialogue as a

statistical machine translation problem. In fact, depending on the current

context of the conversation, they are able to autonomously create the answer

word by word, based on a given vocabulary.

2.3 Development Choices

As we have seen in Section 2.1, there are multiple applications of the chatbot

concept, each one with different purposes. It is important to highlight how,

over the years and starting from the first conversational agent ELIZA, these

systems increasingly exploited technologies belonging to the Web and, more

specifically, those related to the APIs.

A common example is the case of the chatbot for weather forecasting, that

is able to help getting information about present and future climate changes

based on the location of the users. This is possible thanks to the availability

of some external Web based APIs which the system can make request to, in

order to transform their response into an utterance that includes the wanted

data about weather.

Let us discuss now which development choices must be taken when start-

ing to developing a chatbot like the one just described.

2.3.1 Local or remote

To begin with, we can distinguish three development choices related to the

possibility of taking advantage of existing Web resources. Thus, let us pose

our attention on where to place the internal modules of the chatbot, i.e. the

Natural Language Understanding service and the application unit.

A first approach considers relying completely on existing development

frameworks available online. These systems usually offer a user friendly in-


terface and tools to develop a fully functioning chatbot easily. Their main

drawback is represented by their rigidity and lack of customization features,

along with their strict dependence on the Web platform they stand upon.

Another option, instead, is to rely on a Web based system to develop the

Natural Language Understanding unit, while deploying the application mod-

ule independently. This gives both the opportunity to completely manage

all the logic behind the conversation, while delegating the problem of intent

matching and entity translation to the remote service. In this case, the latter

acts as an on demand translator of input phrases, properly sent by means of

a dedicated API. It is important to remind that this choice does not prevent

the developer from instructing the Web service on how utterances should be

managed: the necessity to define which intents the chatbot can recognize,

as well as the entities, is still present and bound to the remote architecture


The last approach is related to the development of a standalone system,

in which the developer has to create an ad-hoc model which includes both the

utterance parsing and the dialogue management part. This development di-

rection allows not to be dependent to Web services, on the Natural Language

Understanding side, but it could still require a stable Internet connection in

case information retrieval is related to some APIs. The main advantage of

this development approach is the possibility to completely craft a system

able to respond to the developers needs, both in terms of how the chatbot

can interpret utterances and how the conversation must continue once this

procedure is completed.

2.3.2 The chat interface

Another aspect that must be considered, during the development of a chat-

bot, is the communication channel that will support the input of the users

that will interact with the system.

A first solution may include the creation of a custom chat interface in-

tegrated to the system and accessible through a dedicated application; it

could be deployed locally or as a remote service, i.e. accessible by means of

a Web page. In this situation an additional effort is required to the devel-

oper, bearing in mind that the conversation quality may be enhanced by the

introduction of dedicated buttons, for instance.

Instead, a more convenient way is to take advantage of existing chat


platforms that already offer a solution to these kind of problems. In fact,

they allow the developer to create an account belonging to their system and

provide an API to control the messages sent and received by this online

profile. The main advantage derived by the usage of these online interfaces

is that they are always available and already provide advanced user friendly

communication features, e.g. buttons, images exchange, document sharing,

etc. Moreover, the developer may use more than one of these systems at

a time just enabling the system to understand and communicate with the

APIs, without changing the logic of the application. The main drawback of

such development choice is the dependence on an always available Internet

connection. Examples of these systems are Telegram1, Slack2, Messenger3,

Twitter4, Kik5, Line6, Viber7, etc.

2.4 Different Chatbot Frameworks

In the previous section we analyzed the choices that must be made when

developing a chatbot, in terms of where the various modules could be allo-

cated, if locally or remotely, and whether it is better to use an existing chat

interface or to build a new one from scratch.

Now let us consider in details the most popular frameworks that allow

to develop a chatbot, considering the services they offer with respect to the

development decisions described so far. Thus, during this analysis we will

concentrate both on NLU and dialogue management features, along with the

ease of set up and interoperability with existing chat interfaces.

Dialogflow8, as first example, is an online framework that require a

manual configuration of intents, entities and contexts management and dec-

laration capabilities. Besides the NLU feature, it integrates a dialogue man-

agement system able to perform customizable API calls and to maintain in

memory some parameters with settable lifespans. Moreover, it integrates well

with the majority of chat interfaces available online, it offers SDKs for multi-



ple programming language and integrates a Machine Learning procedure to

increase the chatbot comprehension of the user’s input.

Wit.ai9 is a very similar online tool and provides almost the same func-

tionalities. The definition of custom actions is common to both, along with

their ease of integration with external application programming and chat in-

terfaces. Both the systems present an HTTP API to limit the interaction to

create and use the chatbot; moreover, the two present an internal system for

speech recognition.

PandoraBots10, instead, limits its features to the NLU tool, which is

accessible via its API. It is based on the AIML language, a derivation of

XML, which allow the definition of input pattern and related templates for

the answer. Its definition is not as intuitive as the other framework a analyzed

so far, but it allows the total control of the bot’s knowledge based. In any

case there is a limitation in terms of max number interactions with the free


Another online framework is FlowXO11, which allow the definition of the

chatbot conversation by means of an online graphical editor. While being

highly integrated with various chat interfaces and existing APIs, it allows

the connection with a custom Webhook as well. It also present an internal

NLU system for message parsing.

Watson12 is another online tool that provides the development of chat-

bots. As DialogFlow and, it allows the definition of intents and entities

and provides a dialogue management system, as well as a NLU interface. The

developer can also connect a custom webhook and/or communicate with a

dedicated API. The main disadvantages, besides requiring a continue Inter-

net connection since it can only be hosted in cloud, include the necessity to

define sequences of intents for context management.

Chatscript13, instead, is “a rule based engine, where rules are created by

human through a process called dialog flow scripting”. This chatbot tool can

run locally and offer services like: a pattern matching algorithm aimed at

detecting the phrase meanings, an extensive and extensible ontology of nouns,

verbs, adjectives and adverbs, the ability of remembering user interactions



across conversations and the rules capabilities to dynamically alter engine

and script behavior [12].

Another framework is represented by RASA14, which is “a set of open

source machine learning tools for developers to create contextual AI assis-

tants and chatbots”. It offers two different technologies: RASA Core and


The first one is a chatbot framework with Machine Learning-based dia-

logue management, which allows the definition of the conversation structure,

by means of a dedicated markup language. During the design phase, the

developer may describe some wanted conversation paths, in terms of likely

future sequences of intents. Then, after the dialogue engine is trained ac-

cording to this model, the chatbot is able to match the received phrases

against these intents while maintaining the context in a previously created

target sequence. Moreover, the developer can specify custom actions which

will be called when a specific intent is matched, as well as direct utterances

to respond to user messages or custom variables to extract, persist and reuse

during the conversation.

RASA NLU, instead, is a library for Natural Language Understanding

which offers intent classification and entity extraction features. Its main

advantages are that it can run locally and it is highly customizable, while

being lightweight from a programming point of view. In fact, the developer

does not have to learn and apply a new language, like in the case of AIML,

since RASA NLU allows the definition of free-text training phrases; these

examples, then, are used to train an Artificial Intelligence model that will be

used during the conversation phase. Moreover, although it is an open-source

solution, it easily competes with the other commercial products analyzed so

far [5].

2.5 Related Research Approaches

As we said, in the last years we have assisted to the creation and spread

of new frameworks for the development of chatbots, as well as the opening

of the APIs conducted by the major messaging platforms towards third-

party developers. However, what seems to be still missing is a common

methodology that guide the creation of a conversational agent, i.e., a model



that define the design procedure in terms of requirements, objectives and

dialogue characteristics.

Some commercial frameworks developed their own dialogue management

system, exploiting the concepts coming from the NLU field and each defining

a dedicated engine based on popular Knowledge Bases, Machine Learning

technologies or Artificial Intelligence concepts. However, besides offering

state-of-the-art technologies and a user-friendly interface for their integration,

they are limited to the creation of specific chatbots; in other words, when

using these systems, the design process is limited to the offered model and,

above all, has to be conducted differently with respect to the requirements

of each conversational agent.

The lack of a models for a design methodology can be traced back to

the complexities that the development of a chatbot involves. A scientific

investigation conducted in 2018 describes “the lack of research about how to

effectively workout a Return-Of-Investment (ROI) plan” when dealing with

the design of a chatbot [27]. In particular, it introduces a few important

dimensions that need to be considered, like the interaction of the user with the

agent, in terms of information retrieval and presentation, or the integration

aspect with databases or external APIs. Moreover, the conversation quality

assurance, maintainability and dialogue analysis are also fundamental aspects

that need to be considered when designing these conversational agents.

A research approach similar to the one we discuss in this Thesis proposes

a data-driven model for the design of a chatbot dedicated to educational sup-

port [2]. Although the project aimed at the creation of a learning assistant,

the first step for its development started from a definition of a paradigm to

annotate the dataset involved. The introduction of a procedure that acts on

the data system enabled the overall study not to be bound to the content of

the data, rather to be extended to all the information systems built with the

same technology.

This is also the aim of our research, i.e., the definition of a model that,

starting from the characterization of the data, enables its exploration by

means of a conversational support.


Chapter 3

Chatbots for Data Exploration

3.1 Concepts

Let us introduce the idea of a Chatbot for Data Exploration with the help of

a conversation example between an user and the chatbot itself, as shown in

Figure 3.1.

At first, the user does not know how the system works, but after a few

messages the capabilities of the chatbot are made clear. It is easy to see how

all the interactions have a common thread, that is the dynamic visualization

of some data. What is remarkable is that knowing the structure of data is

not a precondition for their visualization, since the system helps the user

by showing examples and buttons, which can be considered as hints for the

continuation of the conversation. This mechanism of interplay between user

requests and application responses, represents what can be defined as an

exploration of a set of data, by means of a conversational approach.

These three keywords, indicated in bold above, are the concepts that will

guide the definition of the objectives and the characterization of the field of

action to develop our system.

3.2 Main Requirements

The goal of the system that is the object of this work is to offer a tool

capable of navigating among some data. To achieve our objective, there are

a number of requirements to be fulfilled by the environment for the chatbot

generation and execution.

What do you have to show me?

Hi there explorator!Here is a few examples of what you can ask me:Find orders that contained product Fiat PuntoFind customers that are located in MilanFind payments done by American Souvenirs Co.

Find customer with contact John

Let me check...Et voilà! I found 8 values:Car Models - B. Goode JohnJJ Store - Browns JohnAmerican Souvenirs Co. - Wayne John

Select the one you are interested in or clickthe last button to see more. 

* User clicks button *

Here is what I know about this customer:- customerName: Car Models- contactLastName: B. Goode- contactFirstName: John - ...If you want more information, I can tell youProducts ordered Payments madeOrders made

Show me the past selections, please

If you want, you can click on a button to go backin the history of the conversation.

Car Models - B. Goode John Currently you are focusing on:

...selected from:A list of type "customer" ...found with attribute(s) "with contact John".










Figure 3.1: A Conversation example between a user and the chatbot.


3.2.1 Connect to the database to obtain the schema

As a first requirement, the chatbot must be able to connect to with a

database. In this Thesis we focus on relational databases, but in princi-

ple this requirement is to be considered for any data model. However, in the

following, we will make reference to the relational model, which is the one

our prototype has been defined for. In any case, the information retrieval

can take place only when both the right query language and the internal

structure of the data system are known to the chatbot.

While the first problem can be solved with the help of the right connec-

tor, which is capable of connecting to a database and performing queries,

the second issue may be more difficult to solve: the system must be able

to correctly identify the relations among the different tables and create an

abstraction of the schema suitable for the type of navigation at the basis of

the chatbot.

3.2.2 Extract and learn database-specific vocabulary

and actions from schema

Not only the conceptual model of a database is unique in terms of tables,

attributes and relations, but also the information it stores varies depending

on the elements its tables represent and the characteristics more valuable

in the context of its usage. A system able to support this conceptual and

logical heterogeneity is not likely to fit the need of a proper conversation by

simply relying on the structure of the database, since there is no guarantee

that the information it represents becomes relevant when visualized as it is.

For example, if we consider a Cross-Reference Table in a relational database,

we clearly see how its rows become human-readable only when analyzed with

the tables it relates to. One possible approach to tackle this problem could

be the automated limitation of the visualization of some tables based on

their structure, but this might lead to the unintentional removal of possible

valuable information.

A better perspective could be to consider the complexity of the database

as a starting point towards the definition of a suitable abstraction in the con-

text of a conversation. The result of such a procedure would be a data-driven

model that represents the database as a network of connected elements that

could fit the necessities of the final user. Specific vocabulary, for example,


might be used to refer to the different entities of the data system, as well as

custom actions to take when focusing on each of them, by exploiting existing

relations and defining new ones, in a user-oriented viewpoint.

This customization is more likely to be carried out manually, by a De-

signer that knows how information is organized in the database and what

could be the interests of visualization and navigation of the final users. This

process can be considered as the design of the conversation and may allow the

definition of multiple conversation models for the same data system, depend-

ing on the most relevant interests of the ultimate consumers, as identified by

the Designer.

3.2.3 Automatic intent and entities generation and ex-


Since the key feature of a chatbot is the ability to interpret natural lan-

guage input, one requirement that our system must meet is the capability to

automatically train a natural language model which permits to understand

phrases related to the context of the data it handles. In the previous Sub-

section we discussed how the schema of the database may be abstracted in

a conversation-oriented perspective, but we did not define how this resulting

model might be used to guarantee the specifications just declared.

A possible approach, following along these design choices, could take ad-

vantage of the concepts of intents and entities belonging to the Natural Lan-

guage Processing (NLP) area. While intents, which can be considered as the

intention of the user, could be mapped to specific actions to be performed

on the database (e.g. filter, select, join, etc.), entities represent the

elements that the chatbot can extract from an input phrase and that could

be associated with the elements structuring the data system, i.e., its tables,

relations and values.

Relying on these assumptions, when the chatbot receives a phrase, it

could perform what is called intent matching : the process of understanding

what the objective of the input utterance is and its consequent translation

into a database query. Entity extraction, instead, could be used to correctly

parametrize the request, in terms of table and attribute references.

It is important to consider the fact that the phrases the chatbot receives

don’t have to be formulated in a metalanguage which only relax the syntax

requirements of the SQL language; rather the system should rather accept


and correctly understand utterances belonging to the natural language. In

order to reach this objective, the bot might train its NLP model using some

sets of example phrases for each intent to recognize, labelled in accordance

to the entities each pattern contains.

3.2.4 Proper communication and data visualization

Once the system interprets a user utterance and executes the correspond-

ing command, the problem of presenting the results arises. While the chat

environment can be considered a user-oriented communication channel as it

simplifies the way requests can be done by relying on the natural language

format, it is also true that it may represent an issue from the system per-

spective. In fact, the user experience must be designed on the basis of a

conversation, thus with a number of limits that a graphic tool, for instance,

would not have.

Since the object of the navigation are the data, the first issue to solve

is how to present them in a readable way. Let us consider the Figure 3.1:

after the user asks the bot to find some elements and the system performs

the related search, the results are displayed as a list of buttons, identified

with some words representing the elements they link to. This simple example

already highlights how the chatbot should be able to:

• Respond to the user using natural language, in order to present its


• List the results in a readable way, taking into account their quantity

and short messages to identify them;

• Take advantage of buttons, to simplify selections and the overall navi-


Besides these requirements, the system may handle cases of typos, wrong

insertions/selections, help requests and so on, which are conditions in which

the communication flow skews from its expected path.

3.2.5 Allow the user to manipulate query results

A possible request by the user may involve the visualization of a high number

of elements and, because of this, the chat environment might represent the


bottleneck of their readable visualization. Thus, the user may have the need

not to view them all, but to filter them according to some attribute.

3.2.6 Support context and conversation history man-


Other important aspects that may be part of the system refer to the man-

agement of context memory. This represents the capability to interpret each

user request not just as an independent single command, but as the out-

come of an evolution of connected intentions over time. While from a human

perspective this condition represents the basis of a conversation, in which

every interaction is guided directly or indirectly by the progression of the

past ones, this aspect has to be considered carefully in the computer systems


For what concerns the system we aim to define, we should consider the

context management as a key functionality, since navigation is only possible

when the steps that shape the chosen path among data are known to the

chatbot. In other words, the the system must remember previous user’s

requests to enable the refinement of the results by some filtering, or the

exploration of elements related to the past ones displayed.

Besides this critical requirement, the chatbot could also offer the possibil-

ity to go back in conversation, by restoring its context to a precise moment

and allowing the navigation through a different dimension from the previ-

ously chosen one. This is the case of the last interaction represented in

Figure 3.1, where the chatbot displays the history of its conversation with

some buttons linking to the elements they refer to.


Chapter 4


Now that the requirements and goals have been made explicit, it is important

to define what are the steps that have to be taken when designing the chatbot

according to our methodology. Since entities of various types are necessary

and each of them play different roles in the system, we need to take particular

care of their heterogeneity during the design phase and we must consider what

is our purpose at each step. Therefore, our modeling choices are directed

towards our objectives, while being feasible with respect to the architectures

they rely upon.

4.1 Design Process

We can consider the creation of the chatbot for the exploration of a database

as a semi-automatic procedure. In fact, the process of designing the system

includes both automatic and manual phases. The manual phases have to

be performed by a Designer, who knows the database, the goals and the

requirements of the bot to be developed.

Parsing of the database schema. This is the first phase of the chatbot

design process and it is automatically executed by the system. In this step,

the schema of the target database is parsed and interpreted, in order to obtain

a simplified version which highlights its structure, in terms of table attributes

and relations among entities, not considering additional details about data

types, nullable or default values, etc. Moreover, this representation is needed

to support the annotation activity described in the next paragraph.

Schema Annotation. This can be considered as the core part of the whole

design process and must be performed manually by the Designer. In this

phase the simplified database schema is annotated with special tags that will

be used in next step to generate the conversation itself.

NLU model extraction This last phase is done automatically by the

system and consists in the training of the Natural Language Understanding

(NLU) model. This process is carried out in two separate steps:

1) The generation of the training phrases, based on the annotation of the


2) The training of the NLU model, starting from the utterances just cre-


It is important to say that this phase is quite delicate even if it is completely

performed by the system. In Section 4.3 we explain in details what are the

key points to generate the NLU model, while in Chapter 5 we describe a

possible solution that supports this procedure.

4.2 Schema Annotation

To translate an input phrase into a specific query on the database, we propose

the definition of a mapping between what can be understood by the chatbot

(intents and entities) and the elements of the database (tables, attributes,

relations) by means of a Schema Annotation. This section is devoted to

illustrate the main ingredients for this mapping procedure and the recipe of

the approach; to make the description easier to follow, we will refer to an

example database shown in Figure 4.1.

4.2.1 Conversational Objects

The first step is to characterize the database tables to express the role that

the elements they represent play in the exploration of data:

1) Primary - tag [P]

2) Secondary - tag [S]

3) Crossable Relationship - tag [X]












customerNumberPK, FK











customerNumberFK, NN







Figure 4.1: The relational schema of the database.

The distinction between the first two types is that while values belonging

to a Primary table may represent useful information without the need of

a context, Secondary tables contain data strongly related to other entities,

which become clear only when that specific relationship is considered. For

example, tagging as Secondary the table payments means that the access

to its values depends on another table, customers. In other words, with

this characterization the Designer defines that instances of payments can be

retrieved only by passing first through instances of customers, for example

because payments data would not be meaningful otherwise. Labeling ta-

bles as Primary, in contrast, relaxes this dependence constraint and enables

direct queries on tables. Finally, Crossable Relationship characterization is

dedicated to bridge tables, i.e., the ones that represent many-to-many re-

lationships between entities. Their rows may have a meaning only when a

join operation across them is executed; thus no direct or deferred search is

allowed on them.

Some tables might have names not suitable in the context of a conver-

sation. Thus, as reported in Figure 4.2, each Primary and Secondary table

has to be labeled with a keyword, i.e., the name that will represent it during

the conversation, that from now on we will call Conversational Object.


For example, in the request “find customer with contact John” in Figure

3.1, the chatbot understands that customer is the placeholder for the table

customers. As represented in Figure 4.2, multiple words can be associated

to a table, acting as aliases for the same element; this will allow the users

to refer to them in multiple ways. As a result, the chatbot will be able to

understand customer, client and both their plural form as keywords for the

same, enabling the user to prefer different utterances, like “find client with

contact John”.







[P] product

[P] order [P] customer

[S] payment

customersclient clients




items payments

Figure 4.2: The Conversational Objects annotation.

4.2.2 Display Attributes

If we pay attention to Figure 3.1, we can see how the chatbot, after the

first interaction, displays a list of customers. What is remarkable is that the

values shown seems to be representative of the objects they refer to. In other

words, the chatbot does not show all the information related to each element

when displaying them in a list and it does not even limits the visualization

to their primary key, which is unique but maybe not informative; it rather

shows the name of the customer, as well as its contact.

This is possible because the Designer, when dealing with the Schema An-

notation, tagged the table attributes customerName and the pair (contact-


LastName, contactFirstName) as Display Attributes. In fact, this pro-

cedure enables the chatbot to refer to the values there contained to display

the results in lists as we described before and it can be applied to Primary

and Secondary tables. In Subsection 4.4.3 the problem of results visualiza-

tion is described in details. In Figure 4.3 there is a graphic representation of

the Display Attributes annotation performed on the example database.

By looking at the Figure, we can appreciate how some of these columns

may be aggregated into a single list, like in the case of (contactLastName,

contactFirstName), as we already considered in the example just described.

Some others, instead, present a word or a short phrase linked to them. This

annotation, visible in correspondence to the table payments in which the

label for amount is Euros and the one for paymentDate is in date, will

allow the chatbot to display lists of payments with this example format:

“[Euros: 12345 - in date: 16-04-2019]”

















in date



in date

Figure 4.3: The Display Attributes annotation.

4.2.3 Conversational Qualifiers

Defining the role of tables and their related placeholders enables the system

to translate phrases like “find customers”, which aim to select all the in-

stances of the corresponding table. Other elements are needed to interpret

conditions for filtering subsets of instances, for example queries like “find

customers that are located in Milan”. In order to support this granularity in


the results, the Designer can define a set of Conversational Qualifiers for

each data element, as shown in Figure 4.4 where the treated entity refers to

the customers.

This annotation procedure considers what are the attributes that will be

used to filter the results and how the final user will refer to them, i.e., through

which expressions. For example, in Figure 4.4, the attributes city, state

and country are labeled with the expression located in: this gives the chat-

bot the capability to understand input phrases like “find customer located

in Milan”, and process it as a query that selects the customers having city

= Milan, or state = Milan, or country = Milan. These Conversational

Qualifiers may belong to other tables, rather than the one directly addressed

by the user request. This is for example the case of the Conversational Qual-

ifier that bought, that, even if it was defined for the field productName of

table products, can be used also in queries like “find customer that bought

Fiat Punto”. The table customers is indeed reachable through the tables

orders and orderdetails. This is graphically represented in Figure 4.4 by

means of dotted arrows.

In some cases the user may also ask: “find customer Car Models”, without

including in the utterance any Conversational Qualifier, i.e., without speci-

fying what the Car Models value stands for. The system, then, will search

for related instances in the table customers by the attribute customerName;

for this attribute, indeed, there is not any specific expression specified as

Conversational Qualifiers (graphically denoted by “ ”).

4.2.4 Conversational Types, Values and Operators

In order to help the chatbot process and interpret correctly the utterance, for

each Conversational Qualifier it is important to specify its Conversational


• WORD: any information without a particular structure or syntax;

• NUM: numerical values;

• DATE: datetime/date values;

• Custom ENUM: entities that can assume enumerable values.

The last one may be useful when an attribute can assume only a fixed set

of values. An example, not present in our database, could be the attribute














[P] customer

with contact : WORD

_ : WORD

located in : WORD

that paid : NUM

that bought : WORD

Figure 4.4: The Conversational Qualifiers annotation, focus on customer.

businessName for the table customers and with enumerable values Public

Administration and Private Company.

It is important to clarify how the Conversational Type format is used by

the Designer during the Schema Annotation phase and it will be recovered by

the framework during the Conversation Modeling phase, as we will describe

in Section 4.3. However, from now on when dealing with example phrases, we

will use the term Conversational Value to refer to the real value, always

remembering that its identity is strictly related to the concept of Conversa-

tional Type, as already described. Thus, according to this notation, in the

phrase “find customer Car Models” the bold words will be identified as the

Conversational Value.

The utterances received may include some more complexity, apart from

the examples analyzed so far. For instance, the user may type a phrase like

“find the customer that paid more than 42000 Euros”, and the system should

identify the correct references for what concerns the Conversational Object

“customer”, Conversational Qualifier “that paid” and Conversational Type

NUM, with Conversational Value “42000 ”. The problem here is that the

chatbot may not consider the expression “more than”, leading to a malformed

search with likely wrong results.

This issue can be solved by introducing the concepts of Conversational

Operators and enabling their usage with respect to the defined Conversa-

tional Types.


A possible trace could be the following:

• WORD → “like”, “different from”;

• NUM → “more than”, “less than”;

• DATE → “before”, “after”;

4.2.5 Conversational Relationships

Always referring at the the conversation example in Figure 3.1, after the

user has successfully selected a customer, its data and a few buttons are dis-

played. These last represent the relationships that can be navigated starting

from the instance being examined; we will refer to them as Conversational

Relationships. These relationships have to be specified in the annotated

database schema (see labeled arcs in Figure 4.5) so that user utterances can

also imply navigation in the database through join operations. The arcs

in Figure 4.5 are not bidirectional, since during conversation the user may

refer differently to relationships depending on the direction in which they

are traversed. Note that the relation between product and order needs to

be supported by a Crossable Relationship table, being it a many-to-many


This kind of support is needed also in the relation named as products

bought, that links the customer entity to product. Here we can appreciate

how enabling the definition of this kind of connection relaxes the constraints

imposed by the structure of the database. In fact, the Conversational Rela-

tionship just analyzed is oriented to what the final user may be interested in,

rather than on how data is physically organized: customers and products,

in this case, are connected with a direct link, while the underlying relational

model needs multiple subsequent relations to obtain the same functionality.

4.3 Conversation Modeling

In the previous section we analyzed how Schema Annotation opens the design

process. In this section, instead, we will consider how that procedure can be

used to obtain a chatbot able to understand phrases related to the considered

data system, by taking advantage of the concepts already defined in the

previous Section.



[P] product

[P] order [P] customer

[S] payment

contained products

in orders

made by customer

orders made

payments made

made by

products bought

Figure 4.5: The Conversational Relationships annotation.

Designing a Natural Language Understanding model means to define the

intents and the entities that the chatbot will be able to match and extract,

respectively. However, we are in the situation in which the target database

of the system is not fixed, so it is not possible to define an end-to-end con-

nectivity between these NLU concepts and the query they refer to when they

appear in a utterance.

This limit becomes evident if we consider that the chatbot may be in-

terfaced with a very large database, with dozens of complex tables and even

more relations: defining, for example, an intent for each possible query struc-

ture and an entity related to each value of the tables could lead to a NLU

model exponentially bigger than the data system.

In order to avoid this situation, we came up with a solution that auto-

matically generates intents and entities starting from the database Schema

Annotation. However, we also needed a procedure to generate the example

phrases to train the chatbot, each with labelled entities and related to an



4.3.1 Intents

With respect to the tools our chatbot should provide, we decided to define

four types of intents related to the following concepts: find, filter, naviga-

tion and help. A description of each one of them follows.

• Find intents. They are related to the action of searching into the

data source specific elements that will represent the starting point for

the consequent conversational exploration.

• Filter intents. They are associated to methods that allow to further

filter a list of elements already presented in the chat.

• History intents. They allow the user to access the history of the

conversation or undoing operations.

• Help intents. They provide general or specific advice and hints during

the navigation.

In order to enable the correct match of these concepts, the NLU model

must be trained with phrases featuring a structure similar to the one of

possible user utterances. In particular, we decided to take advantage of some

words that were more likely to be found in phrases related to some intents

with respect to the others. This way, we could automatize the whole phrase

generation process.

For example, all the training utterances for the find intents start with

a word that can be either “find”, “are there” or “show me”, followed by

a sequence of other words related to the particular elements they refer to.

We will discuss about this pattern composition in the next Subsection, when

talking about the entities, since the majority of phrases cannot be generated

without them.

The only intent category that does not depend on the target database for

which the chatbot is generated refers to the history intents, whose training

phrases are fixed since no entity is used. We provide here an extract of their

possible definition:

• show history → “show me the history”, “the history, please”, “where

are we?”, etc.

• go back → “go back”, “undo, please”, “back”, “undo”, etc.


4.3.2 Entities

They are related to the database that the chatbot is going to interface and,

because of this, they depend on the specific outcome of the Schema Anno-

tation phase, as well as on the real values that compose the data system.

While intents are used to understand what is the general purpose of the

received utterance, entities become arguments of the methods that will be

called. Therefore, they cannot be extracted without a previous successful

intent-matching step.

In this context, we used and applied all the modeling primitives con-

cepts described in Section 4.2, in order to define the type of entities that the

chatbot should be able to support. The only exception refers to the Con-

versational relationships introduced in Subsection 4.2.5, which do not have

a corresponding entity to be identified in the utterance, since their usage is

limited to the interaction via buttons and thus they do not pass through the

NLU unit. We will discuss this aspect in the following section, when treating

the issues related to the chat environment.

Let us now describe in details the structure of the training phrases related

to the intents with dynamic content.

Entities for find intents. The intents of this type must contain the Con-

versational Object for which the search is intended and at least one Conver-

sational Value that will be used to filter the results. By looking at Table 4.1

we clearly see that there is a pattern to define and generate these phrases,

whose structure depends on the types and number of the utterance compo-

nents to include. Even if the table only shows generated utterances related

to the customer, we see how the Conversational Qualifiers are coherent with

the related Type:

• “located in” is followed by a WORD whose Value is “Milan”

• “that paid” is linked to a NUM, with Value “20000 ”

What is remarkable is that the phrases have a meaning because the Con-

versational Values are consistent with the rest of the utterance. In fact, while

Conversational Objects and Qualifiers are defined by the Designer, the values

are extracted automatically by the system. This can be made possible by

defining an ad-hoc procedure that connects to the database and executes a


Keyword Entities Example

Find* Obj Val Find - customer - Car Models

Find* Obj Qual Val Are there - customers - located in - Milan

Find* Obj Qual Op Val Search - customers - that paid - more than - 20000

Find* Val* Obj Find - Private Company - customers

Find* → Find, Are there, Search

Val* → Values related to ENUM Conversational Types

Table 4.1: Phrase structure for find intents.

series of short queries to extract example Values for each referenced Con-

versational Type. These values will be used in the training phrases, thus

enabling the definition of utterances very similar to the one the chatbot will


The entity extraction phase, during the conversation, will be able to per-

form the extraction based on the NLU model trained according to these

training phrases. A simple graphical example of how this procedure works

can be seen in Figure 4.6. We can see how in the received utterance the

word “Euros” is present, but this does not limit at all the capabilities of the

system to correctly understand the overall meaning, thanks to an accurate

definition of the training phrases. In fact, since “Euros” is not present in the

examples, it will not be extracted as an entity, but this will not prevent the

correct mapping of the other utterance components.

Find customer that paid 20,000more than

Find customer that paid more than 20,000 Euros


Object Qualifier

Operator Value





Figure 4.6: An example of the entity extraction phase.


Entities for filter intents. In case of these types of intents, all the consid-

erations made in the previous paragraph are valid, except for the constraint

on the presence of the Conversational Objects in the phrase. Here that may

be missing, since the filter action can be applied only to a previously re-

trieved list of elements. Thus, including the keyword for the element is not

necessary because the system will be able to extract it from the Context. In

any case, we will analyze these concepts in Subsection 4.4.2.

Table 4.3 graphically summarizes these ideas, providing examples for each

considered pattern.

Keyword Entities Example

Filter* Obj Val Filter - customer - Australian Souvenirs

Filter* Val Show only - Car Models

Filter* Obj Qual Val Filter - customers - that bought - Harley Davidson

Filter* Qual Val Only show - those - located in - Spain

Filter* Obj Qual Op Val Filter - customer - that paid - more than - 40 Euros

Filter* Qual Op Val Filter the ones - different from - Shopping

Filter* Val* Obj Filter - Public Administration - customers

Filter* Val* Show only - Private Companies

Filter* → Filter, Filter the ones, Show only, Only show

Val* → Values related to ENUM Conversational Types

Table 4.2: Phrase structure for filter intents.

Entities for help intents. These intents are quite simple, with respect to

the others analyzed in this Subsection, but still very important. The related

phrases may include the presence of Conversational Objects or not, enabling

the system to give advice on its functionalities and capabilities in general,

or to concentrate into the properties of a particular element; this can be

graphically seen in Table 4.3.

Keyword Entities Example

Help* I need help

Help* Obj Help on - customers

Help* → Help, I need help, Help on

Table 4.3: Phrase structure for help intents.


4.4 From the Conversation Model

to the Interaction

Once the conversation model just described in the previous Section is applied

to a given database, the result is a system that can understand natural

language queries on the data source. Let us analyze how this communication

can take place, by solving the problems that arise when trying to enrich the

message exchanges with the final user.

We have to remember that the chat represents a fast and user-friendly

form of communication, but the same does not hold from the system per-

spective: there are a lot of issues that must be considered and solved, which

we discuss in the following.

4.4.1 Interaction paradigm

In order to define how the system supports data exploration, a very important

problem is related to its capabilities to receive requests from the user. Our

system enables the generation of chatbots providing two types of input, here


• Textual input. It consists in the most basic form of communication

and it requires the users to type manually a phrase into the chat sys-

tem. Then, the utterance is received by the chatbot and the natural

language processing unit extracts the corresponding intent and entities,

as described in Section 4.3. The user should always be able to access

this form of interaction and it is fundamental to start the conversation.

• Button based input. As the name suggests, the chat system also

supports the possibility to display buttons among the messages pre-

sented. These items might be labelled with the element or action they

refer to and they may send a customized message to the system when

clicked. Buttons are intended to facilitate the communication, by giv-

ing the user some pre-defined options to navigate among data or quick

hints that remind the possibility to use some commands; we analyze

these features in details in Subsection 4.4.3.


4.4.2 Automatic query generation

Once the user makes a request, in form of textual input or by means of a

callback message of a clicked button, the translation procedure takes place.

Select and join. As introduced in Subsection 4.2.3, the system allows

the definition of Conversational Qualifiers for each Primary Conversational

Object, but it does not constraint them to be related to the real attributes

of the database table that element refers to.

Let us take, for instance, the Object customer and the Qualifier that

bought, both visible in Figure 4.4: while the first is the placeholder for

the table customers, the second one refers to the field productName, which

belongs to the table products. Considering this, once the system successfully

recognize the phrase “Find customers that bought an Harley Davidson”, the

corresponding query must be created and executed. The algorithm governing

this translation is shown in Algorithm 1.

We can see from the algorithm how the query is created and step by step

modified according to the inputs, from the basic SELECT and FROM commands,

to the more complex WHERE statement which needs two different phases. The

first part (lines 1-12) is devoted to the composition of the SELECT-FROM clause.

Then, the following part (lines 13-17) refers to the generation of the JOIN

section, in which the various conditions are composed by means of the AND

operator. Then, the last part (lines 18-24) present phrases connected with

the OR conjunction and is related to the value and the operand received.

Now let us spend few words on the methods that appear in the proce-

dure, in order to clarify their utility; besides the “getters”, whose behavior is

intuitive, the “extractor” functions need some clarifications, provided below:

• line 3, extractObjectRelatedQualifiers(Map, obj): it analyzes the Schema

Annotation Map and retrieves all the Conversational Qualifiers that

where defined for the Conversational Object obj ;

• line 5, extractObjectTable(Map, obj): it retrieves the database Table

linked to the Conversational Object obj, by looking at Map;

• line 6, extractTableColumns(DS, t): it analyzes the simplified database

schema DS, in order to extract the column fields composing the Table

t ;


Algorithm 1: Find Query Builder

in : the simplified database schema DS, the Schema Annotation

Map, the Conversational Object to find obj, the extracted

Conversational Qualifier qual, the Conversational Value v, the

Conversational Operator op

out: the final query q

1 begin

2 q ← an empty String

3 OQ← extractObjectRelatedQualifiers(Map, obj)

4 if qual ∈ OQ then

5 t← extractObjectTable(Map, obj)

6 TC ← extractTableColumns(DS, t)

7 q ← q + “SELECT” + getColumnNames(TC)

8 q ← q + “FROM” + getTableName(t)

9 ST ← extractSupportTables(Map, qual)

10 foreach st ∈ ST do

11 q ← q + “,” + getTableName(st)

12 end

13 q ← q + “WHERE”

14 JST ← extractJoinSupportTables(Map, qual)

15 foreach (fromTable, toTable) ∈ JST do

16 q ← q +

extractJoinStatement(DS, fromTable, toTable) + “AND”

17 end

18 QC ← extractQualifierColumns(DS, qual)

19 foreach qc ∈ QC do

20 q ← q + extractV alueStatement(DS, qc, v, op)

21 if ac 6= last element of QC then

22 q ← q + “OR”

23 end

24 end

25 end

26 return q

27 end


• line 9, extractSupportTables(Map, qual): it checks and extract from the

Mappings Map the tables that supports the Conversational Qualifier

qual ; if qual belongs to the same table the Conversational Object refers

to, then the method returns an empty set;

• line 14, extractJoinSupportTables(Map, qual): it analyzes the Map by

looking at the Conversational Qualifier qual like the previous function,

but it returns a set of pairs (fromTable, toTable) which represent how

the different Tables are related to each other; it may give no result in

case qual belongs to the Conversational Object and no further Table

has to be queried;

• line 16, extractJoinStatement(DS, fromTable, toTable): this function

generate the SQL condition which links the origin Table fromTable to

the destination one toTable, using the correct foreign keys and refer-


• line 18, extractQualifierColumns(DS, qual): it scans the simplified data-

base schema DS and extracts the column fields of the Table the Con-

versational Qualifier refers to;

• line 20, extractValueStatement(DS, qc, v, op): this function returns the

SQL statement which links the value v to the column qc by means of

the operand op.

If we recap the previous example message “Find customers that bought an

Harley Davidson”, after the execution of the procedure the resulting query

will be:

SELECT C.customerNumber, C.customerName, C.contactLastName,

C.contactFirstName, ...

FROM customer AS C, orders AS O, orderdetails AS X,

products AS P

WHERE C.customerNumber=O.customerNumber AND

O.orderNumber=X.orderNumber AND X.productCode=P.productCode

AND P.productName LIKE ‘%Harley Davidson%’

As we can see, the input phrase gets translated into a complex query by

the system, that autonomously connects the tables that “stands” between

customers and products, which are orders and orderdetails. This is


possible thanks to the fact that the Designer tagged these two tables while

defining the Conversational Qualifier that bought, action represented by the

dotted arrows in Figure 4.4. What is remarkable here is that the chatbot

was able to identify autonomously what were the table attributes needed

to perform the join among the different tables.

Moreover, if we pay attention at the last WHERE condition of the query

above, we can see how the Conversational Value “Harley Davidson” is pre-

ceded by the SQL operator LIKE. This is due to the fact that in the entity-

extraction phase the motorcycle name was associated to the Conversational

Type WORD. Again, the system independently creates the query according

to the mapping described in Section 4.2.

Maintaining the Context Previously we analyzed a possible case of Find

intent matching and execution; that was made possible thanks to the dis-

tinction made by the Designer while describing the Conversation Modeling,

as described in Section 4.3. However, what would have happened in case of

a Filter intent?

Let us imagine that the above query had given more than one result and

now the user wanted to filter them based on some other attributes. Again this

is possible thanks to the same Schema Annotation, but from a system point-

of-view accomplishing this may be difficult without a proper strategy. Let us

explain the solution, thanks to another example: once three customers that

bought an Harley Davidson are displayed, according to the previous search,

now the user types “Filter those that paid more than 40,000 Euros”.

In order to interpret this utterance, the system must perform two subse-

quent actions:

1) record the last interaction with the database, with particular attention

to its results and the query that was executed;

2) modify the last interpreted query, updating the last recorded interac-


If we apply these two operations to an example and update it by adding

the filter condition, the resulting query will be:


SELECT C.customerNumber, C.customerName, C.contactLastName,

C.contactFirstName, ...

FROM customer AS C, orders AS O, orderdetails AS X,

products AS P, payments as PAY

WHERE C.customerNumber=O.customerNumber AND

O.orderNumber=X.orderNumber AND X.productCode=P.procuctCode

AND P.productName LIKE ‘%HarleyDavidson%’ AND

P.customerNumber=PAY.customerNumber AND PAY.amount>40000

We can clearly see how the SQL command has been modified to limit the

results even more, thanks to another JOIN and value-condition. Here the

Conversational Type was NUM and this enabled the extraction and usage

of the operator ‘>’.

The procedure that is invoked here is very similar to Algorithm 1, but in

addition to the already identified Conversational Qualifier, it also includes

the ones present in the Context and related to the last Conversational Object.

Repeating all the for-loops related to the Qualifier leads to the creation of the

correct query, but some more attention must be paid in order not to include


In this last example we have seen how recording the last interaction be-

comes useful, if not fundamental; this is actually the Context of the con-

versation and it does not limit to the latest SQL operation and results, but

it can be extended to a list of subsequent previous actions. This may have a

max length after which previous interactions are removed from the records,

and/or a limit in time before it gets deleted if not updated.

It is important to say that the Context is crucial in case the user ac-

cesses a given Conversational Relationship when focusing on a single element.

Again, an example may help the reader to clarify this concept.

If the user has just retrieved a customer, maybe from the previous ana-

lyzed query, and now wants to see the customer’s orders, the system might

display the button “[orders made]” as a possible relation to cross, according

to the annotation in Figure 4.4.

Once the button is clicked a translation procedure starts, which follows

the rules described in Algorithm 2.

This program creates the final query following the same steps of Algo-

rithm 1, but has four main differences with respect to the former:


Algorithm 2: Join Query Builder

in : the simplified database schema DS, the Schema Annotation of

the database Map, the Context C, the Conversational

Relationship r

out: the final query q

1 begin

2 q ← an empty String

3 obj ← extractContextObject(Map,C)

4 OR← extractObjectRelationships(Map, obj)

5 if r ∈ OR then

6 t← extractRelationTable(Map, r)

7 TC ← extractTableColumns(DS, t)

8 q ← q + “SELECT” + getColumnNames(TC)

9 q ← q + “FROM” + getTableName(t)

10 ST ← extractSupportTables(Map, r)

11 foreach st ∈ ST do

12 q ← q + “,” + getTableName(st)

13 end

14 q ← q + “WHERE”

15 JST ← extractJoinSupportTables(Map, r)

16 foreach (fromTable, toTable) ∈ JST do

17 q ← q +

extractJoinStatement(DS, fromTable, toTable) + “AND”

18 end

19 PC ← extractPrimaryColumns(DS, c)

20 foreach pc ∈ PC do

21 v ← extractPrimaryV alue(pc, obj)

22 q ← q + extractV alueStatement(DS, pc, v,=′)

23 if r 6= last element of PC then

24 q ← q + “AND”

25 end

26 end

27 end

28 return q

29 end


1) the Conversational Object is not an input, but is dynamically extracted

from the Context with the function extractContextObject(Map, C) - line


2) the target Table is not related to the Conversational Object, but it

is the destination Table of the Conversational Relationship r ; this is

possible thanks to the method extractRelationTable(Map, r) - line 6;

3) the Conversational Value is not given as input, but is extracted for each

primary column related to the Conversational Object; this is done by

the method extractPrimaryValue(pc, obj) - line 21;

4) all the conditions in the WHERE statement are combined by the AND

conjunction and present the only possible operator ‘=’.

If we recall the previous example and assume that the customer in the

Context has customerNumber equal to 123, the system translates the request

into the following query:

SELECT O.orderNumber, O.orderDate, O.status, O.customerNumber

FROM orders AS O, customers AS C

WHERE O.customerNumber=C.customerNumber AND


Here, as before, the program autonomously understands what are the

JOIN attributes and that customerNumber is the identifier for the table

customers. Moreover, the SELECT is not executed on the customers, but

on the table orders, as the relation specified.

Error handling. Once there is an algorithm to convert phrases into queries,

the problems are not all completely solved. In fact SQL, like all program-

ming languages, is constrained to a strict syntax, which admits no typos

and is bound to a specific punctuaction. When dealing with a chatbot, it is

not possible to require such a precision from the user, since one of the main

strength of this kind of system is the ability to accept and understand natural

language inputs. Moreover, besides the likely probability of typo errors and

the consequent user frustration derived from their system refusals, words can

be abbreviated, nouns may be different when their plural is expressed, verbs

may be irregular in their different conjugations, etc.


It may be unfeasible to store, inside the chatbot, all these possibilities for

each saved lemma; then, a possible solution may be to include some algo-

rithms able to associate the given word or set of words to the understandable

correspondence. In the next Chapter, which is related to the Architecture

of the system, we will present a procedure that can be used to tackle this

problem; however, for the moment, let us consider an intuitive representation

of problem and solution by looking at Figure 4.7.

Find csstamer Car Models












csstamer VS



Figure 4.7: The typo resolution procedure.

Here we can see how the word csstamer is correctly extracted as a Con-

versational Object by the NLU unit, but it needs to be checked against the

possible objects that the system supports. If the word is “similar enough”

to an existing one, customer in this case, than the conversion is performed

and the related query can be then executed.

4.4.3 Chatbot responses

We have described the process undertaken to govern the conversation, from

the utterances receipt to their transformation into queries. We have also

introduced the idea that stands behind the Context and why it becomes so

important in our system.

Now, let us describe in details how the chatbot may answer to the requests

it receives, after the above translation phase.

Natural language utterances. A possible approach to make the chatbot

give human-like feedback is to have a set of pre-defined utterances available

for any occasion. This allows the system to communicate with its users in a

richer form, guaranteeing complete explanation to the results found.


Of course, these phrases do not need to be static, but they may need to

be preceded by a slot-filling phase, based on their execution Context. For

example, after the completion of a search on a database over the customers,

the system may introduce the values found by a simple but effective phrase:

“Hey, I found 12 elements of type customer in the data system!” The struc-

ture of the utterance may be applied to each type of results (i.e., customers,

products, orders, ...) and the feedback is quick and easily understandable.

The example phrase just described may be extracted by the system from

the string: I found [] elements of type [] in the data system!.

This procedure can be applied easily to a variety of different utterances,

leading to the design a more descriptive chatbot.

Result visualization. In Section 4.4.2 we analyzed how input phrases

can be transformed into queries, let us now consider how the results of these

database interactions can be prompted to the user. We can distinguish two

possible cases: Single result and Multiple results.

When we are in the first condition, the extracted element can be shown as

is in the database, after a proper introduction, i.e., “Here is what I know about

this customer:”. In Figure 4.8 there is a visualization example that shows how

a possible customer can be displayed in the chat. Moreover, we can see how

the bot presents the buttons, as introduced in Subsection 4.4.1, which permit

the navigation across the database along the Conversational Relationships

they stand for; in the Figure they are Products bought, Payments made and

Orders made.

If we are in the situation in which multiple results have to be displayed,

instead, we have to guarantee their readability. This can be achieved by the

application of two ideas:

1) displaying only key values for each result;

2) controlling the layout of the outcomes.

In order to apply the first concept, the system needs to know for each ta-

ble in the database what are its main attributes, i.e., those that summarize

and somehow differentiate the various rows. Thus, the Designer can tag the

desired columns during the Schema Annotation phase, as described in Sub-

section 4.2.2; for example the table customers can have as Display Attributes

only the keys customerName, contactLastName and contactFirstName.


Here is what I know about this customer:- customerName: Car Models- contactLastName: B. Goode- contactFirstName: John - phone: 1234567890- addressLine1: Via Roma, 1- city: Milan- state: None- country: ItalyIf you want more information, I can tell you:Products bought Payments madeOrders made

Figure 4.8: The response of the chatbot to display a single result.

Layout control, instead, is intended to limit the size of the results dis-

played at a time, giving the user the possibility to explore further elements

only if requested. In case of many results, in fact, a single response which

shows them all may be counterproductive, since it may represent a huge and

unmanageable quantity of information.

To facilitate the user interaction, moreover, multiple results may be dis-

played as buttons linking to the elements they refer to. In Figure 4.9 we can

see how these ideas can be applied, thanks to a simple use case over elements

of type customer.

Let me check...Et voilà! I found 8 values:

Car Models - B. Goode JohnJJ Store - Browns JohnAmerican Souvenirs Co. - Wayne John

Select the one you are interested in or clickthe last button to see more. 


Shown results from 1 to 3 of 12

Figure 4.9: The response of the chatbot to display multiple results.


Help and Fallback. Exhaustive responses are essential for the correct ex-

ploration of data, but we must consider also the case when the user may lack

some information to exploit the different features of the chatbots. This can

be achieved by providing help messages and buttons which briefly describe

these characteristics. For instance, at the beginning, the user may write Help,

leading to a response which describes the chatbot capabilities.

Another case may be to give support on a specific element; upon re-

ceipt of the message Tell me more about customer, for instance, the system

may present a list of examples that the user can use to access that element,

describing its Conversational Qualifiers, e.g. “find customer located in ...”.

Another help, instead, may give the user some hints to filter multiple results,

as an additional advice to shrink their size.

Moreover, even though in the previous Subsection we have seen how the

chatbot handles typos and writing inaccuracies, somehow that procedure

does not solve the problem. In these situations the system may provide an

exhaustive answer based on which concepts it was able to understand and

what is, instead, the missing information. However, in case no intent is

matched, the system may just say something like “I did not get that :( ”

4.4.4 History navigation

If you want, you can click on a button to go backin the history of the conversation.

Car Models - B. Goode John Currently you are focusing on:

...selected from:A list of type "customer" ...found with attribute(s) "with contact John".

Figure 4.10: An example of conversation history visualization.

In Subsection 4.4.2 we introduced the concept of Context and we under-

lined its fundamental role when dealing with query refinement and execution

of queries. Maintaining a record of previous actions, however, can be ex-

ploited in a different way: allowing the user to navigate backwards and reset

the Context to a past moment. This becomes very useful after the execution

of an unwanted action or when resuming a previously crossed object can be


more useful than repeating the requests needed to reach those items.

In order to have a descriptive history navigation, we may use buttons that

link to the objects they refer to, as well as some messages which summarize

the actions that were taken to get to them. An example of application is

described in Figure 4.10, where we can see how, in a 2-step conversation,

and how the system helps the user go back.

Another tool that could be made available is the option to move back-

wards to the previously seen objects. This is corresponds to the undo com-

mand and it could be accessed by an ad-hoc Help intent, related, for instance,

to the utterances “go back” or “undo”.


Chapter 5

System Architecture and


This Chapter describes our prototype of Chatbot for Data Exploration, in

terms of architecture and implementation decisions. We will also discuss

about some tools that helped us during the development of the system.

5.1 Technologies

This Section is dedicated to the choices that we made, in terms of the adopted

technologies, to create a system able to fulfill the requirements described in

Chapter 3 and consistent with the design decisions illustrated in Chapter 4.

5.1.1 RASA

As we said in Section 2.4, there is a great variety of libraries online that

help developers create a conversational agent, each one with strengths and

disadvantages. In particular, for our system, we decided to use the tools

provided by RASA.

During the first phases of the design of our system, RASA Core was the

best choice for what concerns the dialogue management, as it offers high

customizable options and it is deployable in a local machine. However, after

the first initial tests, we decided not to use this framework and we preferred

to create an ad-hoc system and thus handle all the logic upon which the

chatbot should have based. This was due to the fact that, besides all the

features offered by this open source tool, in order to completely control the

Context of the conversation, we would have used only a small part of the

framework, unnecessarily overloading the dependencies of the system.

Instead, we took advantage and widely applied the second technology

above mentioned, i.e., RASA NLU. As explained in Section 2.4, the main

reasons to prefer this framework include the possibility to run the tool locally

and the high customizability of the training model.

Let us discuss in details, then, all the tools belonging to this framework

that we decided to apply in our system.

Training phrases in a markup language. In order to make the chatbot

understand the received messages, RASA NLU supports the definition of the

so called training data. It is a file, or a collection of files, in a markdown

or json format, in which the developer can define the intents the system

will be able to match and provide a set of example phrases related to each

one. These utterances may also contain the entities, marked according to the

format specifications, which will be used in the entity extraction phase.

The json extract in Listing 5.1 is an example of what the training data

file may contain. There, the target intent is find object by qualifier for

which an example utterance is provided: “are there customers located in

France?”. We can also see how the entities are listed in the corresponding

json field, each related to the represented value.

Define and train the Machine Learning NLU model. The training

data described above is used as input to train the NLU model, i.e., the

structure that will guide the intent matching and entity extraction procedures

during the conversation. RASA NLU gives the possibility to choose these

components in order to find the best solution for each problem, or even to

define an ad-hoc one if some additional property is needed.

These components are executed one after another at each incoming mes-

sage, in a so-called processing pipeline, and they may be needed for entity ex-

traction, for intent classification, pre-processing, and other purposes. RASA

NLU also provides some templates, that are pre-configured lists of compo-

nents, among which two of them are the most used:

• spacy sklearn1, which uses pre-trained word vectors from either GloVe2




"text": "are there customers located in France?",

"intent ": "find_object_by_qualifier",

"entities ": [


"end": 19,

"entity ": "object",

"start ": 10,

"value ": "customers"



"end": 30,

"entity ": "qualifier",

"start ": 20,

"value ": "located in"



"end": 37,

"entity ": "word",

"start ": 31,

"value ": "France"




Listing 5.1: A json extract of the training data.


or fastText3 and it is specific for each language chosen for the chatbot;

• tensorflow embedding4, that does not use any pre-trained word vec-

tors, but instead fits these specifically for the dataset in input.

Since the objective of our investigation is to create a system able to

interact with a domain-specific dataset, designed for the information stored

in the target database, we preferred to use the tensorflow embedding

pipeline. Its components are:

1) tokenizer whitespace, which creates a token for every whitespace

separated character sequence;

2) ner crf, that implements conditional random fields to do named entity


3) ner synonyms, which maps synonymous entity values to the same


4) intent featurizer count vectors, that creates bag-of-words repre-

sentation of intent features, needed for the next component;

5) intent classifier tensorflow embedding, needed to embed user in-

puts and intent labels into the same space.

Dynamic intent matching and entity extraction. As we discussed

in the previous chapter, defining and training an NLU model is needed to

perform intent matching and entity extraction. When the system receives

an input message, this one traverses all the components of the pipeline and

a particular object is returned, which specifies what the NLU unit actually

understood of the received message.

Let us consider a trained NLU model in which the input training data in-

cludes the json excerpt described in Listing 5.1. If the model is well defined,

after receiving the phrase “Find customers located in Italy”, for instance,

it should be able to output an object having find object by qualifier as

intent and a correct mapping of the entities, i.e. object→ customers, qual-

ifier → located in, word → Italy.



%[ find_object_by_qualifier ](’training ’: ’5’)

~[find] @[object] @[qualifier] @[word]




look for





located in





Listing 5.2: An example of input document for Chatito.

5.1.2 Chatito

Chatito5 is an open-source tool which helps generating datasets for training

and validating chatbot models using a minimalistic Domain-Specific Lan-

guage. It allows the definition of a document in which the developer can

specify grammar rules for each intent, as well as the entity keywords with

the related possible examples.

Listing 5.2 shows an example of the content of this file, in which the target

intent is find element by qualifier.

Giving this document as input to the Chatito framework, the latter gen-

erates five utterances, as requested in the training field, by following the

requested specifications. For example, it may output the following phrases

(here represented without the entities notation, which instead is present):

• look for customer located in Italy

• find customer located in France

• find customer located in England

• search client located in Italy

• find customer located in France



We decided to include Chatito in the design process of our chatbot, in

order to generate the training data starting from the Schema Annotation.

Besides the fundamental feature of creating large datasets of domain specific

utterances, it was convenient to use the framework for two reasons:

1) It gives the possibility to get the output in a format compatible with

RASA NLU training data specifications;

2) It can be installed and run locally.

5.1.3 Telegram

For what concerns the chat interface, we decided not to create an ad-hoc

system, but we preferred to take advantage of the Telegram Bot API6. In

particular, we logged in the Telegram messaging platform and we contacted

the BotFather7 account, which guided us throughout the few steps towards

the creation of our chatbot interface, that we named DataExplorerBot.

After receiving the authorization key, we managed to connect with our

Bot through the dedicated API; this way, we could receive and send mes-

sages to the users that were interacting with DataExplorerBot directly over


We decided to use this messaging platform, among the others introduced

in Subsection 2.3.2, because of its ease of use and set up. Moreover, Telegram

enables the developers to create custom buttons, besides the possibility to

completely manage the textual conversation with its user, so we decided to

take advantage also of this functionality.

However, as we will discuss in the next Sections, we chose not to bound

the internal management of the conversation to the Telegram API format

specifications, but we preferred to implement an adapter module in charge

of translating the messages for the messaging platform. This way, we could

achieve a good level of scalability, in terms of integration with other chat




5.2 Framework Architecture

Our architecture is based on the three-tier model, which ensures high scal-

ability and provides modularization of the different technologies based on

their application in the system. The tiers, or layers, include: a Data tier, an

Application tier and a Presentation tier. In order to describe their role

and their interactions within the global the architecture, we will refer to the

Figure 5.1 which presents an overview of the system.

Chatbot Architecture








NLU managers


Presentation Tier Application Tier Data Tier

Figure 5.1: An overview of the Framework Architecture, based on the three-tier model.

Data tier. This layer includes the database where the information is stored

and retrieved, according to the requests made through the system. It may

contain any kind of data, completely unrelated with the chatbot foundations.

However, the structure and hierarchy of these records will be used by the

Designer to create the Schema Annotation and by the system itself to present

their values, as described in Section 4.2 and Section 4.4, respectively.

Our solution does not rely on the database to store the internal resources

of the system, because of the small size of such elements in our applications,

but the system may take advantage of another persistent data storage for

this usage. This option may help to reduce the computational load on the

application side, but might introduce unwanted latencies to use these infor-

mation during the conversation. A feasible alternative could be to place some

of these files in the data system, while maintaining the most used ones at the

application side, but we will discuss about this in the next Subsection.


One final comment: the database server may be placed in the same ma-

chine of the logic environment of the system or it could stay on a remote

computing apparatus. Again, this choice impacts on the scalability, on one

side, and on the performance of the overall architecture on the other. In any

case, this hardware based decision must be made considering the maximum

size of the target data storage as well as the number of final users.

Application tier. This layer represents the core of the system and includes

the modules needed in both the design process and the conversation execu-

tion. As Figure 5.1 shows, it includes five interconnected modules in it. We

will describe their internals in details in the next Subsection. For the moment

let us pose our attention on the arrows that exit from the external module:

they represent the communication channels with the modules of the other

two layers. Inside the system, the modules that handle these connections

are the Database connectors and the Conversation managers, which

are responsible for the interaction with the data and the presentation layer,

respectively. These two components must be designed with the purpose of al-

lowing both remote and local connections, in accordance to the architectural

choices regarding the setting of the three tiers.

Moreover, always referring to the same Figure, we can appreciate the het-

erogeneous shape of the different modules. In the next Subsection, we will

describe in details their properties and roles inside the architecture, high-

lighting their differences and justifying the choice to represent them in a

varied graphical format.

Presentation tier. In our system, we decided to take advantage of exist-

ing external interfaces for what concerns the front-end of our architecture. In

fact, as we already mentioned in Chapter 2, there is a great number of online

messaging platforms which already integrate the possibility to create a chat-

bot in their framework and then control its logical behavior by means of an

API. This is exactly the direction that guided our design choices when dealing

with this part of the architecture and it enabled to have a nice-looking and

easy-to-use interface just by setting up the right connector to communicate

with the external API.

However, creating an ad-hoc chat environment, for example in a Website

or even locally where the application runs, remains possible but it may need

the introduction of another connector inside the system or a definition of a


dedicated API.

Moreover, we can see from the same Figure 5.1 that the geometric shapes

representing these chat interfaces have a logo sticked on them, each different.

They stand for Facebook Messenger, Slack and Telegram, and suggest how

the system may support different technologies belonging to the presentation

tier, contributing to the scalability and extensibility of the overall architec-


5.3 Chatbot Architecture

In this section we discuss about the architectural choices that lead to the

definition of the actual internal structure of the chatbot. In order to make

the description as clear as possible, we will refer to Figure 5.2 which shows

how each module is organized inside.

Chatbot Architecture

Conversation managers

Application managers

Database connectors

NLU managers ResourcesNLU managers


NLU model

NLU data - element+attr+attr

- attr+element

## intent





NLU library






Resolver Broker Parser

Database connector libraryCaller Actions Utils

Messages Buttons

Connectors library



Figure 5.2: The Chatbot Architecture in details.

Conversation managers. This module is responsible for the receipt and

dispatch of the messages sent by the end-user. Here, we can distinguish the


Connectors component, in charge of communicating with the external chat

interfaces and the Patterns block. The latter is composed by the Messages

and the Buttons elements, which provide the responses as simple text or as

dynamic buttons.

Application managers. It is the core module of the system, as it contains

all the logical components needed to compute a response upon the receipt

of a message. Here we can find the Caller unit, which retrieves the Context

by interacting with the Context manager and calls the right method of the

Actions module. The relation between the message received and the action

to call is made clear thanks to the Extractor, a component belonging to the

NLU managers, which translates the utterances into an intent and a set of

entities. These two elements, as well as the Context, represent the arguments

of the method that gets finally invoked.

Moreover, the Caller is responsible of concurrency, as it creates a new

thread in charge of handling the new request until the response is sent. This

allows the system to manage more connections at a time, each with its own

Context and session state.

Inside the Actions module, instead, the engine of the chatbot lies: here

the actions define different execution paths, based on: the entities extracted,

the actual conversation Context, the query results and in general all the

parameters defined during the design process. The Utils unit is then needed

to leverage the load and complexity of the Actions module, as it contains

simple helper methods.

NLU managers. This unit contains all the needed components of the

chatbot Natural Language Understanding sections, as well as the libraries

to support these technologies. Since the system supports both the design

and the usage of the conversation, the items in this group play different roles

depending on two execution moments.

The Writer module is needed to translate the Schema Annotation made

by the Designer into the NLU data, both contained in the Resources group,

as can be seen by Figure 5.2; this is done by means of the Phrase generator

library, whose implementation details are described in Section 4.3.

Instead, the Trainer unit is needed to create a model able to support the

intent matching and entity extraction phases of the final conversation and it

uses the features provided by the NLU library. The input of this procedure


are the generated phrases contained in the NLU data component, while the

output is the NLU model ; they are both visible in the Resources section.

The Extractor component is used during the conversation phase and it

is needed to analyze the utterances received and execute the procedures of

intent matching and entity-extraction.

Database connectors. As the name suggests, this unit includes the com-

ponents needed to interact with the database system. This justifies the pres-

ence of the Database connector library, which provides all the methods and

drivers to communicate with the DBMS.

The Parser component plays a fundamental, but relatively “short”, role

in the design process of the chatbot, as it is needed only in the first part:

it analyzes the database and extracts a simplified version of its structure,

creating the Schema resource.

The Resolver functions, instead, are invoked by the Actions component

in order to execute the queries on the database starting from the intent

and the entities. However, this module does not interact directly with the

database, but it is needed to extract from the Schema Annotation resource

the information about the tables upon which the final query will be executed.

The task of building the query is left to the third unit, that is the Bro-

ker. This construction phase is made based on the Schema Annotation and

the Schema files, needed to correctly parametrize the resulting command

prototype. The query, then, is directly executed on the database system.

Resources. We already described how the elements inside this group are

used and we discussed the alternatives to place some or all of them in a

persistent storage.

The NLU model and NLU data are files used by the Natural Language

Understanding control part, while the Schema document is a simplified rep-

resentation of the database.

The Schema Annotation resource, instead, represents the output of the

modeling phase and it is the main supporting document of both the genera-

tion and execution phases of the chatbot.

The files are both saved in a json format, for which an extract of their

content can be seen in Listing 5.3 and Listing 5.4, respectively.



"customers ": {

"column_list ": [



"contactLastName", "contactFirstName",


"addressLine1", "addressLine2",


"state", "postalCode", "country",




"primary_key_list ": [" customerNumber "],

"references ": {

"employees ": {

"foreign_key_list ": [" salesRepEmployeeNumber "],

"reference_key_list ": [" employeeNumber "]






Listing 5.3: A json extract of the simplified database.

5.4 Implementation Tools

The majority of the scripts to design the logic of the application are in Python

and we used Python 3.7 as Interpreter, taking advantage of some modules

belonging to the Python standard library.

To parse the database we used the sqlparse module, along with mysql-

connector to execute queries on the database which we decided to run locally

in a MySQL v5.7.16 server.

We used the rasa nlu Python module along with the tensorflow and

sklearn crfsuite libraries, for the Natural Language Understanding tools.

The Python unit nltk is used for the computation of the edit distance to

perform typo resolution. For the phrase generation part we used Chatito8

which freely available online and needs Node.js.

To interface the system with the Telegram API we used telepot, a

Python library which helps simplifies the execution of the remote requests to

the messaging platform.



As we already mentioned, the resources are saved in a json format. The

Appendix B reports an example of the Schema Annotation for the classic-

models9 database. The parsed schema of the same database is reported in

Appendix A.



"object_name ":" customer",

"aliases ": [" customers", "client", "clients"],

"type": "primary",

"table_name ": "customers",

"display_attributes ":[


"keyword ": "",

"columns ": [" customerName "]



"qualifiers ": [


"keyword ": "located in",

"type": "word",

"columns ": ["city", "state", "country "]




"relations ": [


"keyword ": "payments made",

"object_name ": "payment",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "customers",

"from_columns ": [" customerNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "payments",

"to_columns ": [" customerNumber "]









Listing 5.4: A json extract of the database Schema Annotation.




Chapter 6

User Study

6.1 Comparative Study: General Setting and

Research Questions

We carried out an experimental study to understand to which extent the

chatbots generated through our design framework would support users in

accessing and exploring the content of a database. We considered a sample

database referring to a company’s customers (very similar to the example

database used throughout the previous chapters). The database schema is

reported in Figure 6.1.

On top of the customer database we developed a chatbot following the

modeling methodology described in Chapter 4. This means that through

the chatbot some tables were directly (primary tables) or indirectly (sec-

ondary tables) accessible by means of natural language requests. Other tables

(crossing relationships) would not be “visible” but they would be anyway ex-

ploited to provide links to navigate across the tables they put in relationship.

Through the study we then compared the performance and the satisfaction

of database experts when querying the database with two paradigms: the

DataExplorer chatbot, enabling natural language queries, and the SQL com-

mand line supporting SQL queries on top of the same database. Through

the comparison we wanted to identify pros and cons of using the DataEx-

plorer chatbot for exploring and retrieving data. More in general, we aimed

to identify guidelines for the design of chatbots for data exploration.

The choice to involve database experts is due to our intention to assess

whether, despite some intrinsic limitations and simplifications (e.g., making
















customerNumberPK, FK

















customerNumberFK, NN




productLineFK, NN













officeCodeFK, NN














productLinePK, FK




Figure 6.1: The classicmodels database schema used in the evaluation tests.


some tables not visible) deriving from the conversation design, the chatbot

query paradigm would enable users to explore data with performance and

satisfaction comparable to the ones achieved through the SQL language. We

also wanted to understand to which extent experts in database would find

the conversational paradigm interesting and useful.

It is worth remarking that the goal of our research is not to define a new

query language with the same expressive power as SQL; rather, we aim to

identify abstractions for the generation of conversations for data exploration.

For its nature, the SQL language is much more expressive of the chatbot

language. We anyway selected the SQL command line as a rich baseline

that would allow us to gather indications on how to improve the conversa-

tion design and make the resulting conversation paradigm useful for data


We identified some tasks that could be tackled with both the systems.

To accomplish them, the participants would be allowed to access and query

directly all the database tables when using the SQL command line; when

using the chatbot they would have a direct visibility on primary and sec-

ondary tables, while they would exploit crossing relationships tables only in

an indirect way, i.e., in form of links to navigate to the tables they put in


The research question driving the study was:

What is the difference between the considered systems in terms of the us-

ability of the paradigm for exploring the database content and retrieving

specific information?

6.2 Participants and Design

We recruited 15 participants (2 females, 13 males) among the students of

the Master Degree in Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. Their

mean age was 24.86 years (SD = 2.28, min = 23, max = 32). As resulting

from the demographic questionnaire that they filled in at the beginning of

the study, participants had an excellent experience in IT ( x = 8.07, SD =

0.61, min = 7, max = 9), a good experience in using chatbots (x = 5.92,

SD = 0.99, min = 5, max = 8), and an excellent experience in using SQL

language (x = 7.42, SD = 0.94, min = 5, max = 9). The Likert scales used


to assess such skills ranged from 1 to 10 (1 very low - 10 very high).

The controlled experiment adopted a within-subject design, with the sys-

tem as an independent variable and two within-subject factors, i.e., chatbot

and SQL. Each participant used the two systems in sequence. In order to

minimize learning effects [14], based on the Latin-Square design they used the

system in a different order by considering permutations of the two systems

and of the experimental tasks.

6.3 Tasks

With each system, the participants performed 6 tasks that can be classified

in three types:

• Type 1 consisted in understanding the structure of the database and

the content it stores. It included 2 tasks, purposely defined to verify

to which extent users were able to understand which information could

be accessed.

• Type 2 included 2 tasks to verify if the participants were able to identify

specific data items through selection and filtering.

• Type 3 asked the participants to retrieve specific data items by means

of joins. It included 2 tasks asking the users to navigate the database

through the available relationships.

Some tasks were split in 2 or 3 parts, in order to make clearer the objective

of the user activity. With reference to the database reported in Figure 6.1,

the final task list was:

• Task 1 (Type 1 ):

a) Try to understand what are the tables that

compose the database

b) Try to understand what are the attributes

more relevant for each one of the previous


• Task 2 (Type 1 ): Try to understand how the different tables are related

to each other.

• Task 3 (Type 2 ): Select the customers (the name) that have, as con-

tact, a person whose name is Diego.


• Task 4 (Type 2 ):

a) Try to select the customers (the name) that

are placed in Australia.

b) How many of them did you find?

c) Now find (the name) the one whose contact

person is named after Peter.

• Task 5 (Type 3 ):

a) Try to find in which city the sales represen-

tative of the client Euro+ Shopping Channel

has the office

b) Is it the same of the one where this customer

is located?

• Task 6 (Type 3 ): Find the payments (for each, the amount of money)

of the clients that paid more than 110000 Euro.

For each task, users had a maximum time of 4 minutes (240 seconds). In

accordance with the within-subjects design, each participant performed 12

tasks that required executing a total of 170 queries.

6.4 Procedure

The study took place in a quiet university room where the study apparatus

was installed. Two HCI researchers were involved: one acted as an observer,

the other as a facilitator. Two laptops with a 15-inch display provided with

an external mouse were available. The study lasted 1 day. Each study session

involved two participants and followed the same procedure. First, a 5-minute

presentation was given by the facilitator to introduce the participants to the

goal of the study and what they had to do. Then, participants were asked to

sign a consent form for video-audio recordings and photo shoots, and to fill

in the questionnaire for collecting demographic data and their competences

on IT in general and on chatbot and database in particular. The facilitator

introduced the systems to be used demonstrating how to perform queries on

a sample database different from the one the participants should refer to.

Then every single participant was invited to perform the experimental tasks.

The participant read aloud the task text and then started it.

At the end of all the experimental tasks with each system, the participant

filled in an online questionnaire about the system used. Then, another online


questionnaire was administered at the end of the session. It asked to rank

the two systems on the basis of their usefulness, completeness, and ease

of use, and to choose which system the participants would like to use in

their activities. The procedure was preliminarily assessed by a pilot study

involving two further participants.

6.5 Data Collection

The ISO 9241-11 [19] standard defines usability as “the extent to which a

product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effective-

ness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use”. The ISO/IEC

9126-4 [20] recommends that usability metrics should focus on:

• Effectiveness : The accuracy and completeness with which users achieve

specified goals.

• Efficiency : The resources expended in relation to the accuracy and

completeness with which users achieve goals.

• Satisfaction: The comfort and acceptability of use.

Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected to analyze these

metrics on two systems. We considered the set of notes taken by the ob-

server during the task execution, the video recorded during the different

study sessions, the questionnaire answers, the free comments participants

provided during the study. Regarding qualitative analysis, two researchers

transcribed the audio/video recordings, the observer’s notes, and the ques-

tionnaire open questions. A thematic analysis was carried out on these data.

Then, the two researchers independently double-checked the results. The ini-

tial reliability value was 91%, thus the researchers discussed the differences

and reached a full agreement [6]. The researchers built an excel file reporting

for each query performed by each user the following data: user ID (from 1

to 15), type of system (SQL, Chatbot) task ID (T1 - T6), time (in seconds),

task success (success - partial success - failure), and significant comments.

Time has been considered to analyze efficiency, while task success was used

to analyze effectiveness.

Regarding user satisfaction, two online questionnaires were administered

during the study. The first questionnaire, organized in 4 sections, was used

to evaluate each system. The first section included the System Usability


Score (SUS) [7], which gives an overview of the user’s subjective usability

evaluation of a given system. It is a closed-ended questionnaire encompassing

10 statements on an ordinal 5-point Likert scale from “strongly disagree” to

“strongly agree”. This questionnaire was chosen for its reliability, brevity

and wide adoption [4].

The second section included the NASA-TLX questionnaire, used as “Raw

TLX” (Hart, 2006). It is a 6-item survey that rates perceived workload in

using a system through 6 subjective dimensions, i.e., mental demand, physical

demand, temporal demand, performance, effort, and frustration, which are

rated within a 100-points range with 5-point steps (lower is better). These

ratings were combined to calculate the overall NASA-TLX workload index


The third section had four questions about:

1) The easiness of exploring and understand the database content, related

to Type 1 tasks,

2) The easiness of retrieving specific data items, related to Type 2 and

Type 3 tasks,

3) The easiness of the commands to be used, and

4) The quality of the presentation of query results.

Likert scales ranging from 1 to 10 (1 very low - 10 very high) were used

for these questions. This section ended with three open questions on the

advantages and disadvantages of the system and on possible suggestions to

improve the systems.

The second questionnaire was administered at the end of each partici-

pant’s session. It asked to rank the systems based on their utility, complete-

ness and ease of use (from 1 to 2, 1 is the best), and to explain the reasons

for the expressed order. Paired-samples t-test was adopted to analyses SUS,

NASA-TLX results and task time. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to

analyze task success rate and system ranking.

6.6 Usability Analysis

In order to answer the research question, namely, if there is any difference

in terms of usability in exploring information, we analyzed the user’s per-

formances following the three usability metrics, i.e., effectiveness, efficiency


and satisfaction. In the following, we report details about how we measured,

analyzed and compared these metrics.

6.6.1 Efficiency

System efficiency was analyzed by considering the time participants spent

in executing tasks with the two systems (Chatbot x = 107.48, SD = 79.31;

SQL x = 117.57, SD = 78.93). The paired-samples t-test test does not

highlighted any significant difference among these systems (t(1110) = −.968,

p = .335).

A deeper analysis was carried out focusing on the time the users spent

on each task. Table 6.1 summarizes the user performances for each task and

the results of the paired sample t-test. It is clear that no tasks revealed

significant differences since their p-value is always greater than 0.05.

For Task 2, the table does not report the results of the t-test as all the

users took the maximum time (240 seconds), thus the comparison was not

significant. Task 2 indeed did not require the users to output some detailed

answers; rather it required an extensive exploration of the database aimed to

identify the relationships among the different tables. When using the SQL

command line, 3 out of 15 users were able to identify all the relationships,

11 users partially identified the relationships (x ≥ 2) and only 1 completely

failed. With the chatbot, 9 users partially identified the relationships that

were visible, while the other 6 failed. The task, however, was useful to observe

the strategies adopted by the users to explore the database content through

the available commands (see Section 6.2).

6.6.2 Effectiveness

System effectiveness was analyzed by calculating the success rate. This mea-

sure is typically adopted to evaluate how the systems support the completion

of a task. In our study, each query executed by the participants was coded as

“Success” if the task was completely executed, “Partial” if the participant

was able to come out with partial results, and “Failure” if the participant

task execution was wrong. The success rate can be calculated as the per-

centage of users who were able to successfully complete the tasks. The task

success rate for each user has been calculated as:


Chatbot SQL Paired sample t-test

Task x SD x SD df t Sig. (2-tailed)

1a 91.78 70.33 68.28 25.02 13 1.378 .192

1b 178.10 27.20 169.40 21.16 9 .687 .509

2 240 0 240 0

3 107.07 57.70 86.71 50.40 13 .971 .349

4a 94.93 42.11 112.06 46.41 14 -1.704 .111

4b 4.73 1.16 11.60 13.64 14 -1.916 .076

4c 82.12 30.05 62.12 26.67 7 1.639 .145

5a 201.00 20.08 216.60 25.65 4 -.807 .465

5b 30.50 14.84 24.50 28.99 1 .194 .878

6 155.70 68.78 165.40 49.55 9 -.285 .782

Table 6.1: Paired Sample t-test results related to the time the users spent on each


successRate =#successfulTasks + (#partialSuccessfulTasks/2)

#tasks× 100

The global success rate for each system is then calculated as the average

success rate of all the users. According to this formula, the systems success

rates are:

successRatechatbot =65 + (46/2)

150= 58.6%

successRateSQL =80 + (34/2)

150= 64.66%

Success rates resulted quite balanced between Chatbot and the SQL com-

mand line, also the Wilcoxon signed-rank test did not reveal any significant

difference (Z = −1.257, p = .209). Table 6.2 reports the detail on the com-

pletion of each task; Figure 6.2 shows the comparison for the two systems of

the number of successes for each task.

6.7 Satisfaction

Users satisfaction was analyzed by considering different dimensions measured

through SUS and NASA-TLX questionnaires, as well as specific Likert-based

questions. In the following, we report on the results of all the satisfaction



Chatbot SQL

Partial Partial

Task Failure Success Success Failure Success Success

1a 1 13 1 0 1 14

1b 5 8 2 2 7 6

2 6 9 0 1 11 3

3 1 4 10 0 0 15

4a 0 0 15 0 0 15

4b 0 0 15 0 0 15

4c 3 0 12 7 1 7

5a 9 3 3 10 2 3

5b 9 0 6 13 0 2

6 5 9 1 3 12 0

Table 6.2: Detail on the completion of each task: Failures, Partial success, Success

6.7.1 Usability

SUS analysis revealed different scores about the perceived usability of the two

systems (Chatbot x = 66.3, SD = 14.4; SQL x = 55.7, SD = 16.7). The

Chatbot result is in line with the average SUS scores (69.5) of one thousand

studies reported in [3], while the SQL score was quite lower. However, t-test

highlighted that the SUS scores difference between the two systems is not

statistically significant (t(14) = 1.994, p = .066).

In addition, according to [24], we split the overall SUS score into two

factors, i.e., System Learnability (considering statements #4 and #10) and

System Usability (all the other statements). The Chatbot Learnability score

was 63.0 (SD = 22.8) while SQL Learnability score was 62.5 (SD = 32.1).

However, t-test highlighted that the Learnability score difference is not sta-

tistically significant (t(14) = .280, p = .783). Regarding SUS Usabil-

ity, the Chatbot score was 65.10 (SD = 16.7) while SQL score was 51.25

(SD = 19.8). Even in this case, t-test highlighted that the difference be-

tween these scores is not statistically significant (t(14) = 1.968, p = .069).

Besides providing an objective indication about the usability and learn-

ability of the tested systems, SUS results can be used as benchmarks in the

comparison of further approaches to explore databases.


1a 1b 2 3 4a 4b 4c 5a 5b 6










Figure 6.2: Comparison for the two systems of the number of successes (Partial Success

+ Success) for each task.

6.7.2 Workload

NASA-TLX measured the workload caused by each system. The Chatbot

had a lower, and thus better, workload (x = 47.88, SD = 12.45) than the

SQL system (x = 59.00, SD = 11.42), as also underlined by the t-test

(t(14) = −2.738, p = .015). We also analyzed possible differences between

the systems by considering each single NASA-TLX dimension, whose mean,

standard deviation and t-test results are reported in Table 6.3 and graphically

displayed in the histogram in Figure 6.3. Only the Mental Demand dimension

presents a significant difference with the Chatbot that causes a lower mental

effort. However, as can be seen by the Figure, there is a positive trend in

favor of the Chatbot for all the dimensions, for which low values represent

high satisfaction.


Chatbot SQL Paired sample t-test

Dimension x SD x SD df t Sig. (2-tailed)

Effort 58.66 25.31 69.33 14.86 14 1.621 .127

Frustration 46.66 22.88 57.33 24.92 14 1.204 .249

Mental Demand 49.33 14.86 60.66 13.87 14 3.238 .006

Physical Demand 30.00 15.58 47.33 24.92 14 1.992 .066

Temporal Demand 58.00 23.36 73.33 16.32 14 1.982 .068

Performance 44.66 15.97 46.00 15.94 14 .235 .818

Table 6.3: NASA-TLX dimensions values. Only the Mental Demand dimension

presents a significant difference with the Chatbot that causes a lower mental effort.

6.7.3 Easiness of exploring DB/retrieving data/using

commands and quality of presentation

Participants were asked to answer ad-hoc questions about the: (i) easiness of

exploring and understanding the database content, related to Type 1 tasks,

(ii) easiness of retrieving specific data items, related to Type 2 and Type 3

tasks, (iii) the easiness of the commands to be used, and (iv) the quality of

the presentation of query results.

Regarding the easiness of exploring and understand the database content,

related to Type 1 tasks, Chatbot obtained an average score of 6.13 (SD = 2.5),

while SQL obtained 5.33 (SD = 2.46). However, the t-test does not reveal a

significant difference (t(14) = .893, p = .387).

About the easiness of retrieving specific data items, related to Type 2 and

Type 3 tasks, Chatbot obtained an average score of 7.26 (SD = 2.3), while

SQL obtained 5.53 (SD = 1.72). This difference is statistically significant in

favor of Chatbot, as shown by the t-test (t(14) = 2.179, p = .047).

Concerning the easiness of the commands to be used, Chatbot obtained

an average score of 7.60 (SD = 1.29), while SQL obtained 6.27 (SD = 1.90).

Even in this case, this difference is statistically significant in favor of Chatbot,

as shown by the t-test (t(14) = 2.467, p = .027).

Lastly, about the quality of the presentation of query results, Chatbot

obtained an average score of 6.93 (SD = 1.79), while SQL obtained 5.53

(SD = 2.23). T-test has shown that this difference is statistically significant

in favor of Chatbot (t(14) = 2.365, p = .033).


Effort Frustration Mental













Figure 6.3: NASA-TLX dimensions: means and standard deviation comparison. Low

values represent high satisfaction.

6.7.4 User ranking of systems along completeness, eas-

iness and usefulness

The questionnaire administered at the end of each participant’s session asked

to rank the two systems based on their utility, completeness and ease of use

(from 1 to 2, 1 is the best). Regarding utility, Chatbot obtained an average

rank of 1.35 (SD = .49) while SQL a rank of 1.64 (SD = .49), but Wilcoxon

test highlights that this difference is not statistically significant (Z = −1.069,

p = .285).

In case of completeness, Chatbot obtained an average rank of 1.85 (SD =

.36) while SQL a rank of 1.14 (SD = .36), which was significantly better, as

demonstrated by the Wilcoxon test (Z = −2.673, p = .008).

Finally, about usefulness, Chatbot obtained an average rank of 1.28 (SD =

.47) while SQL a rank of 1.71 (SD = .47), but no significant difference was

found by the Wilcoxon test (Z = −1.604, p = .109).


6.8 Qualitative Data Analysis

The participants appreciated the chatbot because it is simple to use and

allow them to use “natural terms” that are “intuitive” and “easy to remem-

ber” without needing to know a specific language. This was also confirmed

by the quantitative analysis of the usability score and of the Mental Demand

dimension of the NASA-TLX questionnaire. Some of them appreciated the

possibility to navigate through the history of commands - this is a very pos-

itive aspect that recognizes one of the main advantages that the interactive

paradigm of chatbots can have with respect to using formal query languages

[22]. As a further advantage they recognized the possibility to “rapidly find

information without knowing the database structure”.

The most severe problem of the chatbot relates to the difficulty to specify

complex queries, for example the ones based on multiple joins. This is specif-

ically due to the explorative nature of the chatbot, which mainly provides

commands to discover the available data progressively navigating through

the available tables. However, apparently they were not able to identify this

peculiarity, as with the chatbot they tried to formulate SQL-like queries.

One participant said that “it was difficult to translate SQL commands into

messages for the chatbot”. However, the same participant highlighted that

“perhaps this difficulty arises only for database experts”.

In general, the majority of participants felt constrained by the chatbot

commands, as they could not specify the same queries they would execute

with the SQL command line. This is in line with what emerged from the

quantitative analysis of the completeness, as reported in Subsection 6.7.4.

They however pointed out that the chatbot conversational paradigm could

be very useful in situations where “one would need to execute simple queries

(for which knowing in details the structure of the database is not needed),

that must be executed rapidly, frequently, with few variations”.

In the comparison between the two systems, the majority of participants

found that the chatbot is more useful than SQL, as it can be easily used also

by people without any experience with databases. Regarding its utility some

of them observed that it can be useful for people with technical expertise,

who however do not work with databases frequently. In this situation, they

would not be required to struggle with the SQL syntax, as the bot can be

queried with intuitive command, and they would be productive in the short

time. With similar motivations, thy also expressed that the chatbot is easier


to use, although some of them also recognized that for people who know SQL

the SQL command line is easy as well.

Overall the majority of participants said that they would use SQL more

than the chatbot. The main motivation behind this choice relates to the

completeness of the SQL language, which gives them a greater awareness of

the available data and of the operations that they can perform (“It is easy

to have an overview of the available tables and of their content”; “I can find

any information I need with one unique query”).

6.9 Lesson Learned

This experimental study allowed us to find out whether the Chatbot could

represent a valid alternative to the basic SQL command line, which is a

typical form of interaction with a database system. In relation to our re-

search question, we did not find any significant difference in the effectiveness

and efficiency of the two systems, while the analysis highlighted significant

differences in favor of the Chatbot system for some satisfaction dimensions.

These results are positive: the lack of significant differences for the two

systems for almost all the considered dimensions shows that the users appre-

ciated the Chatbot even though, as database experts, they found the SQL

command line more complete. Moreover, the analysis highlighted a clear

preference for some aspects of the Chatbot:

• The easiness of retrieving specific data items ;

• The easiness of the commands to be used ;

• The quality of the presentation of query results.

We believe these aspects are the ones that more characterize the chatbot

paradigm; therefore, these results are encouraging in relation to our idea to

promote Chatbot for Data Exploration.

In the following we report some conclusions that we drew by considering

the qualitative analysis of the gathered data and what we observed during

the task execution by users.

More significant help messages. By observing the message exchanges,

we saw that the first user messages were mainly intended to receive help

on the capabilities of the chatbot. As we have discussed in Section 4.3,


our framework generates a conversational agent able to support assistance

requests, which correspond to general or more element-specific answers to

the user.

A possible improvement of the application may include the extension of

these kind of help responses, by giving extended explanations related to the

system functionalities and the data involved. Moreover, the Chatbot may

provide a sort of tutorial that could be activated through dedicated message

patterns like “tutorial” or “guide me”; the tutorial might be composed of

a sequence of pre-defined interactions that the application would suggest to

the user, while explaining the information displayed.

Feedback on wrong user requests. Some users got stuck after receiving

multiple times the fallback message “I did not get that :( ”, i.e., the default

message that the Chatbot sends in case no intent is matched. These sit-

uations derive, for instance, from: messages that present too many typos,

requests not supported by the Chatbot (such as complex queries, orderings

or searches based on unmapped attributes), or because users tried to click

buttons shown in past interactions and thus inactive.

The problems related to textual inputs could be solved by extending the

conversation model to support the identification of some common (but not

supported) messages and providing appropriate feedbacks. In case of invalid

button clicks, instead, the Chatbot could just respond with: “You can not

click on previously displayed buttons!”.

Complex queries. In the future, the Chatbot may support complex quer-

ies, i.e., requests that use more than one attribute at a time, or the ability

to cross relations also when considering more than one element. We derived

this conclusion by noticing that the majority of the messages sent by the

users aimed to reach the elements required by the tasks in a single request,

without following a step-by-step exploration.

In any case, we believe that this attitude was due to the participants

expertise in database systems, in the sense that often they tried to formulate

long and articulated requests, which corresponds to the a typical approach

followed when writing SQL commands.

Order by clause. Some users reported the absence of the SQL command

ORDER BY, which enables the ordering of the results based on some values.


As a future improvement, this feature could be added to support the related


Enable chit-chat. Finally, we noticed that some users tried to chit-chat

with the Chatbot, by sending messages like “Hello, how are you?” or “I am

Nicola, who are you?”. Even though these requests are not related to any

explorative intentions, they may help the users to feel more comfortable and

even enjoy the conversation with the application.

For example, the Chatbot may save personal information of its users,

along with the Context of the conversation, in order to use it in chit-chat

interactions and emulate a real human-to-human conversation by recalling

the user name or age.

We believe that almost all the features reported above can be considered

valid in general for Chatbots for Data Exploration, not only for the specific

conversations that can be generated through our framework. One of the goals

of our research is indeed to identify guidelines for the design of such class of

applications, which is a research field not yet exhaustively explored.



Chapter 7


In this Thesis we proposed a novel conceptual modeling approach for the

definition and development of conversational agents for data exploration.

We began our journey by analyzing the state-of-the-art technologies nowa-

days available, with particular attention to the existing frameworks that offer

their usages; they allow developers to create a complete functioning chatbot,

integrated with messaging platforms and third-party API. However, we dis-

cuss the lack of a common methodology that define a general guideline that,

starting from the structure of the data involved, describes the steps to be

considered towards the definition of the final conversational agent. These

steps include dimensions relatable to the capabilities of the chatbot, such as

interaction paradigm, data visualization, context handling, integration.

On this basis, we aim to provide a data-driven paradigm that enables

the development of a conversational agent considering all the phases of its

design. However, we concentrated our analysis on modeling a specific type

of chatbots, i.e., chatbots for data exploration. We provided a definition

of these systems, outlining requirements and objectives of their creation; in

particular, these specifications include the capability to autonomously extract

the schema from a database endpoint, the support of schema annotation by

a Designer and, most importantly, the generation of a dialogue management

system that can be reached by the most popular chat interfaces to access the

data involved.

Afterwards, we provided a solution that could satisfy the requirements de-

fined, describing accurately each step of the design process. In particular, we

started from accurately explaining the above mentioned schema annotation

procedure; then, we illustrated how the chatbot could use these information

to generate an NLU model to support conversations related to the target

data. After that, we defined an execution paradigm, describing all the issues

that arise when dealing with the actual request handling, their translation

into queries, the results visualization and the context management.

Subsequently we described the prototype of our system, with particular

attention on the architecture components and the adopted technologies to

provide the wanted functionalities. We also posed our attention to a few

available tools that helped us in the various development steps.

Finally, we conducted a comparative study between a conversational

agent generated through our framework and the SQL command line, in terms

of the execution of some information retrieval tasks on the same data system.

We provided a quantitative and qualitative analysis based on the interaction

differences with our application and the SQL command line, which allowed

us to draw some positive conclusions about our chatbot prototype, as well

as many considerations about future improvements of our system.

7.1 Limitations

During the definition of our framework, we operated some structural choices

that influenced the design and the characteristics of the overall system.

First of all, our model introduces an abstraction of the target data system:

the translation between the information taken as is and its representation in

a conversational environment leads to the inevitable reformatting and hiding

of less significant data. While this procedure helps the end user easily retrieve

what can be considered as the “most important” elements in the data system,

it introduces difficulties or even limits for what concerns visualization of

“secondary” properties.

Secondly, as we have understood from the qualitative analysis of the user

study, the chatbot generated with our system was expected to understand

complex commands for data manipulation. However, the model provides

the support of a predefined set of actions for each object to retrieve, to be

executed individually and according to the required format. This means that

the ability of the chatbot to express its capabilities is still limited. Strategies

for better guiding the user conversation are needed.

Another limitation of the framework is the necessity of the Designer par-

ticipation, whose task is to annotate the database schema according to the

knowledge of the data system and the ideas for the future conversational ex-


ploration. Although this procedure enables the generation of chatbots with

different characteristics and objectives, it limits the autonomy of the overall

generative phase.

7.2 Future Work

The introduction of chatbots for data exploration and our definition of a

possible methodology for their development lead the way towards future im-

provements on this subject.

First of all, future improvements on NLP and Machine Learning tech-

nologies may lead to a better and more complex understanding of the input

phrases. Moreover, the possibility to introduce and use a dedicated Knowl-

edge Base next to the target database may lead to the definition and exploita-

tion of NLU models able to manage requests based also on their semantics,

rather than their only syntax.

Secondly, we developed our system on the basis of a relational database

(OLTP), but as a future work it could support the integration with other data

models, such as NoSQL data storages, Graph-based databases or even Data

Warehouses (OLAP). For what concerns the latter systems, the introduction

of a chatbot for the exploration of data might represent an additional, com-

plementary tool for the data analysis features these data structures already


Besides the integration with various data models, a Chatbot for Data Ex-

ploration could be also extended to interact with heterogeneous data sources.

In this case, the Context of the conversation might not be limited to influ-

ence the dialogue state, but it could become an active part for the dynamic

selection of resources by means of dedicated on-the-fly Mashups [10].

Furthermore, among the integration of the chatbot with external inter-

faces, the support of voice-based requests along with the introduction of

dedicated libraries for their transcription could lead to a better and easiest

user experience. Also, the results visualization format could be more interac-

tive or include, besides textual and button-based messages, also figures and

graphic content.

For what concerns the Schema Annotation, the procedure may be con-

ducted graphically, with the help of a dedicated software and it might in-

clude some heuristics or even integrate AI units for the automatic detection

of connections among tables and attributes priority. Otherwise, the complete


activity may be conducted with the help of the very same chat interface that

later will be used for the data retrieval: this way, a kind of “Conversational”

Schema Annotation could be accomplished.

Another option, deriving from the previous point, is to substitute the

Designer and assign the role directly to the end user, enabling the dynamic

definition of the exploration limits and characteristics with respect to the

will and preferences of the user. In this situation, the architecture should be

able to keep track, along with the conversation Context for each user, also

of the complete NLU model for data access by each single user. This would

lead to the notion of “Personal” Chatbot for Data Exploration.

Finally, as future work, we would like to take into account an observation

we received from a review for a paper accepted to the International Web En-

gineering Conference 2019 [8]. The suggestion described the idea to give the

Designer the possibility to manage “a holistic Conceptual Model that should

be the blueprint of the physical database”. In this scenario, the possibility

to navigate across a data system, that is the goal of a Chatbot for Data

Exploration, would not be seen only as an additional feature for an existing

database, but it could influence the definition from scratch of the model of

new data sources.

7.3 Publications

The main idea of the methodology proposed in this thesis, i.e., the conceptual

modeling of conversational elements by annotation of the database schema,

has been published in the following article:

“Nicola Castaldo, Florian Daniel, Maristella Matera, and Vittorio Zaccaria.

Conversational Data Exploration. In Web Engineering - 19h International

Conference, ICWE 2019, Daejeon, Korea, June 11-14, 2019, Proceedings.

Springer, 2019.”

The full methodology, the framework and the results of the evaluation study

will be the object of a journal paper that we are already authoring.



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Appendix A

Parsed Database Schema


"customers ": {

"column_list ": [















"primary_key_list ": [



"references ": {

"employees ": {

"foreign_key_list ": [



"reference_key_list ": [






"employees ": {

"column_list ": [










"primary_key_list ": [



"references ": {

"employees ": {

"foreign_key_list ": [



"reference_key_list ": [




"offices ": {

"foreign_key_list ": [



"reference_key_list ": [






"offices ": {

"column_list ": [











"primary_key_list ": [




"orderdetails ": {

"column_list ": [







"primary_key_list ": [





"references ": {

"orders ": {

"foreign_key_list ": [



"reference_key_list ": [




"products ": {

"foreign_key_list ": [



"reference_key_list ": [






"orders ": {

"column_list ": [









"primary_key_list ": [



"references ": {

"customers ": {

"foreign_key_list ": [



"reference_key_list ": [






"payments ": {

"column_list ": [







"primary_key_list ": [




"references ": {

"customers ": {

"foreign_key_list ": [



"reference_key_list ": [






"productlines ": {

"column_list ": [






"primary_key_list ": [




"products ": {

"column_list ": [











"primary_key_list ": [



"references ": {

"productlines ": {

"foreign_key_list ": [



"reference_key_list ": [








Appendix B

Database Schema Annotation



"object_name ":" customer",

"aliases ": [" customers", "client", "clients"],

"type": "primary",

"table_name ": "customers",

"display_attributes ":[


"keyword ": "",

"columns ": [" customerName "]



"qualifiers ": [


"keyword ": "",

"type": "word",

"columns ": [" customerName "]



"keyword ": "with contact",

"type": "word",

"columns ": [" contactLastName", "contactFirstName "]



"keyword ": "located in",

"type": "word",

"columns ": ["city", "state", "country "]



"keyword ": "that paid",

"type": "num",

"columns ": [" amount"],

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "customers",

"from_columns ": [" customerNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "payments",

"to_columns ": [" customerNumber "]





"keyword ": "that bought",

"type": "word",

"columns ": [" productName "],

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "customers",

"from_columns ": [" customerNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "orders",

"to_columns ": [" customerNumber "]



"from_table_name ": "orders",

"from_columns ": [" orderNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "orderdetails",

"to_columns ": [" orderNumber "]



"from_table_name ": "orderdetails",

"from_columns ": [" productCode "],

"to_table_name ": "products",

"to_columns ": [" productCode "]





"keyword ": "that reported to",

"type": "word",

"columns ": [" lastName", "firstName"],

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "customers",

"from_columns ": [" salesRepEmployeeNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "employees",

"to_columns ": [" employeeNumber "]





"relations ": [


"keyword ": "payments made",

"object_name ": "payment",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "customers",

"from_columns ": [" customerNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "payments",


"to_columns ": [" customerNumber "]





"keyword ": "related sales representative",

"object_name ": "employee",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "customers",

"from_columns ": [" salesRepEmployeeNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "employees",

"to_columns ": [" employeeNumber "]





"keyword ": "orders made",

"object_name ": "order",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "customers",

"from_columns ": [" customerNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "orders",

"to_columns ": [" customerNumber "]





"keyword ": "products bought",

"object_name ": "product",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "customers",

"from_columns ": [" customerNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "orders",

"to_columns ": [" customerNumber "]



"from_table_name ": "orders",

"from_columns ": [" orderNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "orderdetails",

"to_columns ": [" orderNumber "]



"from_table_name ": "orderdetails",

"from_columns ": [" productCode "],

"to_table_name ": "products",

"to_columns ": [" productCode "]








"object_name ":" employee",

"aliases ": [" employees", "worker", "workers"],

"type": "primary",

"table_name ": "employees",

"display_attributes ":[


"keyword ": "",

"columns ": [" lastName", "firstName "]



"qualifiers ": [


"keyword ": "",

"type": "word",

"columns ": [" lastName", "firstName "]



"keyword ": "with first name",

"type": "word",

"columns ": [" firstName "]



"keyword ": "with last name",

"type": "word",

"columns ": [" lastName "]



"keyword ": "that work in",

"type": "word",

"columns ": ["city", "country"],

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "employees",

"from_columns ": [" officeCode "],

"to_table_name ": "offices",

"to_columns ": [" officeCode "]





"relations ": [


"keyword ": "works in office",

"object_name ": "office",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "employees",

"from_columns ": [" officeCode "],

"to_table_name ": "offices",

"to_columns ": [" officeCode "]






"keyword ": "related customers",

"object_name ": "customer",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "employees",

"from_columns ": [" employeeNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "customers",

"to_columns ": [" salesRepEmployeeNumber "]





"keyword ": "reports to",

"object_name ": "employee",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "employees",

"from_columns ": [" reportsTo"],

"to_table_name ": "employees",

"to_columns ": [" employeeNumber "]







"object_name ":" office",

"aliases ": [" offices"],

"type": "primary",

"table_name ": "offices",

"display_attributes ":[


"keyword ": "address",

"columns ": ["city", "addressLine1 "]



"qualifiers ": [


"keyword ": "with address",

"type": "word",

"columns ": ["city", "addressLine1 "]



"keyword ": "located in",

"type": "word",

"columns ": ["city", "country "]



"keyword ": "of",

"type": "word",


"columns ": [" lastName", "firstName"],

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "offices",

"from_columns ": [" officeCode "],

"to_table_name ": "employees",

"to_columns ": [" officeCode "]





"relations ": [


"keyword ": "employees working here",

"object_name ": "employee",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "offices",

"from_columns ": [" officeCode "],

"to_table_name ": "employees",

"to_columns ": [" officeCode "]







"object_name ":" order",

"aliases ": [" orders"],

"type": "primary",

"table_name ": "orders",

"display_attributes ":[


"keyword ": "ordered",

"columns ": [" orderDate "]



"keyword ": "shipped",

"columns ": [" shippedDate "]



"qualifiers ": [


"keyword ": "made by",

"type": "word",

"columns ": [" customerName "],

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "orders",

"from_columns ": [" customerNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "customers",

"to_columns ": [" customerNumber "]






"keyword ": "with product",

"type": "word",

"columns ": [" productName "],

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "orders",

"from_columns ": [" orderNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "orderdetails",

"to_columns ": [" orderNumber "]



"from_table_name ": "orderdetails",

"from_columns ": [" productCode "],

"to_table_name ": "products",

"to_columns ": [" productCode "]





"relations ": [


"keyword ": "made by",

"object_name ": "customer",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "orders",

"from_columns ": [" customerNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "customers",

"to_columns ": [" customerNumber "]





"keyword ": "contained products",

"object_name ": "product",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "orders",

"from_columns ": [" orderNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "orderdetails",

"to_columns ": [" orderNumber "]



"from_table_name ": "orderdetails",

"from_columns ": [" productCode "],

"to_table_name ": "products",

"to_columns ": [" productCode "]








"object_name ":" payment",

"aliases ": [" payments"],

"type": "secondary",

"table_name ": "payments",

"display_attributes ":[


"keyword ": "quantity",

"columns ": [" amount "]



"keyword ": "date",

"columns ": [" paymentDate "]



"qualifiers ": [


"relations ": [


"keyword ": "made by",

"object_name ": "customer",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "payments",

"from_columns ": [" customerNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "customers",

"to_columns ": [" customerNumber "]







"object_name ": "product line",

"aliases ": [" brand", "brands"],

"type": "primary",

"table_name ": "productlines",

"display_attributes ":[


"keyword ": "",

"columns ": [" productLine "]



"qualifiers ": [


"keyword ": "",

"type": "word",

"columns ": [" productLine "]




"keyword ": "of product",

"type": "word",

"columns ": [" productName "],

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "productlines",

"from_columns ": [" productLine "],

"to_table_name ": "products",

"to_columns ": [" productLine "]





"relations ": [


"keyword ": "related products",

"object_name ": "product",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "productlines",

"from_columns ": [" productLine "],

"to_table_name ": "products",

"to_columns ": [" productLine "]







"object_name ": "product",

"aliases ": [" products"],

"type": "primary",

"table_name ": "products",

"display_attributes ":[


"keyword ": "",

"columns ": [" productName "]



"keyword ": "of product line",

"columns ": [" productLine "]



"qualifiers ": [


"keyword ": "",

"type": "word",

"columns ": [" productName "]



"keyword ": "of product line",


"type": "word",

"columns ": [" productLine "],

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "products",

"from_columns ": [" productLine "],

"to_table_name ": "productlines",

"to_columns ": [" productLine "]





"keyword ": "bought by",

"type": "word",

"columns ": [" customerName "],

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "products",

"from_columns ": [" productCode "],

"to_table_name ": "orderdetails",

"to_columns ": [" productCode "]



"from_table_name ": "orderdetails",

"from_columns ": [" orderNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "orders",

"to_columns ": [" orderNumber "]



"from_table_name ": "orders",

"from_columns ": [" customerNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "customers",

"to_columns ": [" customerNumber "]





"relations ": [


"keyword ": "related product line",

"object_name ": "product line",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "products",

"from_columns ": [" productLine "],

"to_table_name ": "productlines",

"to_columns ": [" productLine "]





"keyword ": "in orders",


"object_name ": "order",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "products",

"from_columns ": [" productCode "],

"to_table_name ": "orderdetails",

"to_columns ": [" productCode "]



"from_table_name ": "orderdetails",

"from_columns ": [" orderNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "orders",

"to_columns ": [" orderNumber "]





"keyword ": "bought by",

"object_name ": "customer",

"by": [


"from_table_name ": "products",

"from_columns ": [" productCode "],

"to_table_name ": "orderdetails",

"to_columns ": [" productCode "]



"from_table_name ": "orderdetails",

"from_columns ": [" orderNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "orders",

"to_columns ": [" orderNumber "]



"from_table_name ": "orders",

"from_columns ": [" customerNumber "],

"to_table_name ": "customers",

"to_columns ": [" customerNumber "]







"object_name ": "orderdetails",

"type": "crossable",

"table_name ": "orderdetails"





Appendix C

User Study Questionnaires

This Appendix reports the English translation (from Italian) of the question-

naires administered during the User Study.

C.1 Demographic Questionnaire

Insert the “participant code” you received:

Insert your age:

Gender:Man Woman Other

� � �

Education:High. S. Bachelor Master PhD Other

� � � � �

How do you evaluate your expertise with information technology?

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

How do you rate your expertise with the use of chatbots?

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

How do you rate your expertise with querying databases?

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

C.2 System Questionnaire

Insert the “participant code” you received:

System used:Chatbot SQL

� �

C.2.1 Ease of use

I think I would like to use this system frequently.

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

I found the system unnecessarily complex.

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

I thought the system was easy to use.

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �


I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to

use this system.

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

I found the various functions in this system were well integrated.

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

I thought there was too much inconsistency in this system.

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

I would imagine that most people would learn to use this system very quickly.

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

I found the system very cumbersome to use.

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

I felt very confident using the system.

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with this system.

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �


How likely are you to recommend this system to a friend or colleague?

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

C.2.2 Cognitive load

How mentally demanding were the tasks?

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

How physically demanding were the tasks?

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

How hurried or rushed was the pace of the tasks?

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

How successful were you in accomplishing what you were asked to do?

Perfect 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Failure

� � � � � � � � � �

How hard did you have to work to accomplish your level of performance?

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �


How insecure, discouraged, irritated, stressed and annoyed were you?

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

C.2.3 General questions

How easy was it to explore the database with this system, for example to

identify the information contained in it or to navigate among the various


Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

How easy was it to find the requested information, for example the detailed

information on customers?

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

How easy was it to understand or remember the commands to use in or-

der to find the requested information?

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �

How do you consider the way in which the commands and information found

are presented?

Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

� � � � � � � � � �


Which scenarios of use do you think are the most appropriate for the system

you used?

Do you have any ideas on how to improve the presentation of results (for

example through graphics)?

Main advantages of the system used.

Main disadvantages of the system used.

C.3 Final Questionnaire

Insert the “participant code” you received:

With respect to their UTILITY, order the systems you used

(1 = the one you consider most useful, 2 = the one you think is least useful):

Chatbot: 1 2

� �SQL: 1 2

� �


Explain the reasons for your ranking:

With respect to their COMPLETENESS, order the systems you used

(1 = the one you consider most useful, 2 = the one you think is least useful):

Chatbot: 1 2

� �SQL: 1 2

� �

Explain the reasons for your ranking:

With respect to their EASE OF USE, order the systems you used

(1 = the one you consider most useful, 2 = the one you think is least useful):

Chatbot: 1 2

� �SQL: 1 2

� �

Explain the reasons for your ranking:


Overall, which system would you adopt in your activities?

Chatbot SQL

� �

Additional comments and / or suggestions (advantages, disadvantages, ad-

ditional features, etc.):