Download - 9 the Brundtland Commission

  • 7/30/2019 9 the Brundtland Commission


    The Brundtland Commission

    The 1985 report of the World Commission on Environment and

    Development (WCED) (popularly known as the BrundtlandCommission) popularised the phrase sustainable development,

    embodying both states right to economic development and their

    obligation to pay particular attention to any degradation of theenvironment resulting from development activities.

    In other words, it was a phrase coined to express the balance that

    had to be reached between the right of states to use or exploit theirnatural resources in accordance with their developmental policies

    and the duty inherent upon them to preserve the environment in

    carrying out such developmental activities.

    Komisioni I Brundtlandit

    Raporti i Komisionit Botror pr Mjedis dhe

    Zhvillim (WCED)I vitit 1985 (i njohur gjersisht si ' Komisioni I Brundtlandit

    ) popullarizoi frazen " zhvillim i qndrueshm 'duke personifikuar te drejtn e tdy shteteve pr zhvillim ekonomik dhe detyrimin e tyre pr t perqendruar

    vmendje t veant pr do degradim te mjedisit q vjen si shkak i aktiviteteve te


    Me fjal t tjera, ajo ishte nj fraz e shpikur pr t shprehur ekuilibrin q

    duhej arritur n mes t se drejts te shteteve pr te prdorur ose shfrytzuar

    burimet e tyre natyrore n prputhje me politikat e tyre zhvillimore

    dhe detyren egzistuese mbi ta pr te ruajtur mjedisin

    gjate bartjes se aktiviteteve t tilla zhvillimore.

    The Commission defined the term sustainable development as

    development that meets the needs of the present withoutcompromising the ability of future generations to meet their ownneeds. 3

    In the opinion of the Commission, economic development that

    undermined the environment or led to the excessive exploitation ofnatural resources to the detriment of future generations was not

    sustainable development. Hence, it was felt that the need to

    preserve and make rational use of the natural resources of a

    country in the interests of the environment and future generationswas inherent in the concept of sustainable development.

    Komisioni definoi termin 'zhvillim i qndrueshm' si

    "zhvillim q plotson nevojat e s tashmes pa

    kompromentuar aftsin e brezave t ardhshm pr t plotsuar nevojat tyre.

    Sipas mendimit t Komisionit, zhvillimi ekonomik qe

    dmtoi mjedisin ose oi n shfrytzim t teprt t

    burimeve natyrore n dm t gjeneratave t ardhshme nuk ishte

    zhvillimi i qndrueshm. Pr kt arsye, u ndje edhe nevoja pr t

  • 7/30/2019 9 the Brundtland Commission


    ruajtur dhe per te bere shfrytzimin racional t burimeve natyrore t nj

    vendi n interesa t mjedisit dhe brezave t ardhshm qe ishte e pandashme n

    konceptin e zhvillimit t qndrueshm.