Download - 7042020 Psycho RMP Endang




: Dr. Endang Fauziati


: English


: 7042020Course

: Psycholinguistics

Credit Hours

: 2




: 1

Time Allotment: 100 minutes

I. Competency Standard: Students demonstrate knowledge of human language and are capable to draw the insights and utilize them in classroom teaching and materials preparation.

I. Basic Competencies: 1. Students demonstrate their capability to pinpoint the 13 design features of human language.

2. They can explain and distinguish each feature by providing examples of their own.

II. Indicators: When asked on group discussion and on a paper and pen examination, students will give details of: vocal-auditory channel, broadcast transmission and directional reception, rapid fading (transitoriness), interchangeability, total feedback, specialization, semanticity, arbitrariness, discreteness, displacement, productivity, traditional transmission, and duality of patterning. They can describe further how these features different from each other by providing examples of their own and by comparing to the features in animal communication.

III. Materials: Text book (chapter I)Definition of psycholinguistics, Why do psycholinguists have concerns with the way animals communicate with one another? 13 design features of human language from Hockett.

IV. Learning Strategies: Lecturing, activities in the textbook, group discussion

VIII. Learning Procedures:

Pre-activity: contract Learning contract, material coverage.Main Activity:

Lecturing; Activities in the textbook Discussion in small groups (fixed groups consisting of four to five students).Post Activity: summary

VII. Learning Media/SourcesA. Teaching Media: LCDB. Sourses: Fauziati, Endang. 2008. Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press. (Chapter I)Hockett, Charles F. 1981. The Origin of speech. In Wang, William S.Y. (Ed.) 1981. Human Communication: Language and its Psychological Bases.

Wang, William S.Y. (Ed.) 1981. Human Communication: Language and its Psychological Bases. San Francisco: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

VIII. Evaluation Criteria:

The grades will be based on: 1. Midterm exam: 35%

2. Group Project (power Point Presentation): 10%3. Final Exam: 40%

4. Individual project (term paper): 15%



: Dr. Endang Fauziati


: English




: Psycholinguistics

Credit Hours

: 2




: 1

Time Allotment: 100 minutes

I. Competency Standard:

Students demonstrate knowledge of human language and animal communication and are knowledgeable about drawing the insights and utilize them in classroom teaching and materials preparation.

II. Basic Competencies: Students demonstrate their capability to describe the communication systems in some animals, the reasons in communication with one another, some experimental studies of teaching human language to animals.

III. Indicators: When asked on a paper and pen examination and classroom discussion, students will demonstrate their capability to clarify the communication system in bees, cats, monkey, and birds. They can explain some findings of scientific attempts to teach human language to animals such as ape or chimpanzee, dolphin, and parrot.

IV. Materials: Text book (chapter 2)

- the communication system in bees, cats, monkey, and birds;

- some findings of scientific attempts to teach human language to animals such as ape or chimpanzee, dolphin, and parrot.

V. Learning Strategies: power point presentation by students (group 1), discussion/question & answer, lecturing (teachers explanation and summary)

VI. Learning Procedures:

Pre-activity: Power point Presentation on chapter 2 by students (group 1).

Main Activity: discussion/question and answer.

Post-activity: lecturing (teachers explanation and summary)

VII. Teaching Media/References

A. Teaching Media: LCD

B. References:

Fauziati, Endang. 2008. Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press. (chapter II)

Aitchison, Jean. 1998. The Articulate Mammal: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. London: Unwin Hyma.

Frisch, Karlvon. 1981. Dialects in the Language of the Bees. In Wang, William S.Y. Human Communication, Language and Its Psychological Bases. San Francisco: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

Premack, Ann James and Premack David. 1981. Teaching Language to an Ape. In Wang, William S.Y. (Ed.) 1981. Human Communication: Language and its Biological Bases. San Francisco: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

A Number of websites dealing with above researches are available:

Fouts Research and Washoe: and Dolphin Research:

VIII. Evaluation Criteria:

The grades will be based on:

1. Midterm exam: 35%

2. Group Project (power Point Presentation): 10%

3. Final Exam: 40%

4. Individual project (term paper): 15%



: Dr. Endang Fauziati


: English




: Psycholinguistics

Credit Hours

: 2




: 3Time Allotment: 100 minutes

I. Competency Standard:

Students demonstrate knowledge of language and the brain and are competent to draw the insights and utilize them in classroom teaching and materials preparation.

II. Basic Competencies: Students demonstrate their capability to explicate brain structure; to pinpoint the language areas in the brain; and to discuss aphasia (language disorder) by providing examples of their own.

III. Indicators: When asked on a paper and pen examination or on a group discussion, students will demonstrate their capability:

1. to clarify brain structure and pin point each parts such as cerebral hemispheres, corpus callosum, each hemisphere has four parts or lobes: frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital). 2. to show details of language areas in the brain (i.e. Brocas area, Wernickes area, arcuate fasciculus, angular gyrus, and hippocampus) and explain their role in language use.3. to explain further the language disorders or aphasia (Brocas, Wernickes, Conduction, Anomic, Global) and Dyslexia ( alexia and agraphia) by providing some illustrations.

IV. Materials: Text book (Chapter III)

1. brain structure (two cerebral hemispheres, corpus callosum, each hemisphere has four parts or lobes: frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital).

2. language areas in the brain (Brocas area, Wernickes area, arcuate fasciculus, angular gyrus, and hippocampus)

3. language disorders or aphasia (Brocas, Wernickes, Conduction, Anomic, Global) and Dyslexia ( alexia and agraphia)

V. Learning Strategies: power point presentation by group 2, discussion/question & answer, lecturing (teachers explanation and summary)

VI. Learning Procedures:Pre-activity: Power point Presentation on chapter III by students (group 2).

Main Activity: discussion/question and answer.

Post-activity: lecturing (teachers explanation and summary) Power point

VII. Teaching Media/References

A. Teaching Media: LCD

B. References:

Fauziati, Endang. 2008. Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press. (Chapter III)

Geschwind, Norman. 1985. Specialization of the Human Brain, in Wang, William S.Y. (Ed.) 1985. Human Communication: Language and its Psychological Bases.Klar, Amar. 1999. A Gene for Handedness. Cambridge: UPI (United Press International)

VIII. Evaluation Criteria: The grades will be based on:

1. Midterm exam: 35%

2. Group Project (power Point Presentation): 10%

3. Final Exam: 40%

4. Individual project (term paper): 15%



: Dr. Endang Fauziati


: English




: Psycholinguistics

Credit Hours

: 2




: 4Time Allotment: 100 minutesI. Competency Standard:

Students demonstrate knowledge of brain lateralization, critical period, and language acquisition and are competent to draw the insights and utilize them in classroom teaching and materials preparation.

II. Basic Competencies: Students demonstrate their capability:

1. to provide details of brain lateralization (separation of functions), 2. to explain the idea of critical period (a biologically determined period critical for language acquisition), 3. to discuss the relevance of critical period hypothesis in first and second language acquisition.

III. Indicators: When asked on a group discussion and paper and pen examination, students will demonstrate their capability to explain the concept of brain lateralization (separation of functions); to explicate the idea of critical period (a biologically determined period critical for language acquisition); and to discuss the relevance of Lennebergs critical period hypothesis (CPH) to first and second language acquisition.

IV. Materials: Text book (chapter 4)

brain lateralization (separation of functions), the critical period (a biologically determined period critical for language acquisition), critical period hypothesis by Lenneberg, CPH in first and second language acquisition.

V. Learning Strategies: power point presentation by group 3, discussion/question & answer, lecturing (teachers explanation and summary)

VI. Learning Procedures:Pre-activity: Power point Presentation on chapter IV by students (group 3).

Main Activity: discussion/question and answer.

Post-activity: lecturing (teachers explanation and summary) Power point

VII. Teaching Media/References

A. Teaching Media: LCD

B. References:

Fauziati, Endang. 2008. Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press. (chapter IV)

Birdsong, David (Ed.) 2004. Second Language Acquisition and Critical Age Hypothesis. London: LEA Publishers.

Geschwind, Norman. 1985. Specialization of the Human Brain, in Wang, William S.W. (Ed.) 1985. Human Communication: Language and its Psychological Bases.Lenneberg, E.H. 1976. Biological Foundations of Language. New York: Wiley.

VIII. Evaluation Criteria:

The grades will be based on:

1. Midterm exam: 35%

2. Group Project (power Point Presentation): 10%

3. Final Exam: 40%

4. Individual project (term paper): 15%



: Dr. Endang Fauziati


: English




: Psycholinguistics

Credit Hours

: 2




: 5Time Allotment: 100 minutesI. Competency Standard:

Students demonstrate knowledge of psycholinguistic process of speech comprehension and are competent to draw the insights and utilize them in classroom teaching and materials preparation.

II. Basic Competencies: 1. Students demonstrate their capability to describe and discuss the two mental processes in comprehension: construction process and utilization process.

2. They can distinguish the two types of approach in construction process, namely, syntactic and semantic approach.

III. Indicators: When asked in a classroom discussion and on a paper and pen examination, students will demonstrate their capability to:

1. clarify the psychological process of speech comprehension 2. discuss the schema theory of Comprehension

3. distinguish the two mental processes in comprehension: construction process and utilization process.

4. distinguish the syntactic and semantic approach to construction process.

5. clarify three major principles in the utilization process: reality, cooperative, and congruence by providing some examples.

IV. Materials: textbook Chapter V (psychological process of speech comprehension)

V. Learning Strategies: power point presentation by group 4, discussion/question & answer, lecturing (teachers explanation and summary)

VI. Learning Procedures:Pre-activity: Power point Presentation on chapter V by students (group 4).

Main Activity: discussion/question and answer.

Post-activity: lecturing (teachers explanation and summary) Power point

VII. Teaching Media/References

A. Teaching Media: LCD

B. References:

Fauziati, Endang. 2008. Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press. (chapter V)

Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguistics: Learning and Using Langauge. New York: Patience-Hall International.

Clark, Herbert H. and Eve V. Clark. 1977. Psychology and Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc. (Ps: 30-90)

VIII. Evaluation Criteria:

The grades will be based on:

1. Midterm exam: 35%

2. Group Project (power Point Presentation): 10%

3. Final Exam: 40%

4. Individual project (term paper): 15%



: Dr. Endang Fauziati


: English




: Psycholinguistics

Credit Hours

: 2




: 6 Time Allotment: 100 minutes

I. Competency Standard:

Students demonstrate knowledge of the role of memory in language use and are competent to draw the insights and utilize them in classroom teaching and materials preparation.

II. Basic Competencies: Students demonstrate their capability to:

1. explain the differences among the three types of memory: working, short-term, long-term memory.

2. clarify how they function in language use

3. provide details how memory play a role in remembering.

III. Indicators: When asked on a written examination and in a classroom discussion, students will demonstrate their capability to:1. distinguish the three types of memory: working, short-term, long-term memory.

2. clarify the role of memory in remembering and memorization.

3. discuss factors which may affect the content and accuracy of what people remember.

IV. Materials: Text book (chapter VI)

Memory in language use

V. Learning Strategies: power point presentation by group 5, discussion/question & answer, lecturing (teachers explanation and summary)

VI. Learning Procedures:Pre-activity: Power point Presentation on chapter VI by students (group 5).

Main Activity: discussion/question and answer.

Post-activity: lecturing (teachers explanation and summary) Power point

VII. Teaching Media/References

A. Teaching Media: LCD

B. References:

Fauziati, Endang. 2008. Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press. (chapter VI)Clark, Herbert H. and Eve V. Clark. 1977. Psychology and Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc. (Ps: 130-155)

Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguistics: Learning and Using Language. New York: Patience-Hall International.(Ps: 22-35)

VIII. Evaluation Criteria:

The grades will be based on:

1. Midterm exam: 35%

2. Group Project (power Point Presentation): 10%

3. Final Exam: 40%

4. Individual project (term paper): 15%



: Dr. Endang Fauziati


: English




: Psycholinguistics

Credit Hours

: 2




: 7Time Allotment: 100 minutesI. Competency Standard:

Students demonstrate knowledge of ambiguity and how ambiguous sentences are comprehended and are knowledgeable about drawing the insights and utilize them in classroom teaching and materials preparation.

II. Basic Competencies: Students demonstrate their capability to:

1. clarify the notion of ambiguity 2. discuss three different kinds of ambiguity with some illustrations for clarification .

2. show details theories which explain how listeners can process ambiguous sentences.

III. Indicators: When asked on a paper and pen examination and in a classroom discussion, students will demonstrate their capability to:

- explain the notion of ambiguity

- distinguish three different kinds of ambiguity by providing examples of their own.

- discuss theories which explain how listeners can process ambiguous sentences.

- distinguish among the garden path, the many meaning, and the mixed theory.

IV. Materials: Text book (chapter VII)

Ambiguity and Comprehension

V. Learning Strategies: power point presentation by group 6, discussion/question & answer, lecturing (teachers explanation and summary)

VI. Learning Procedures:Pre-activity: Power point Presentation on chapter VII by students (group 6).

Main Activity: discussion/question and answer.

Post-activity: lecturing (teachers explanation and summary) Power point Presentation on chapter VII by students (group 6), discussion/question and answer, lecturing (teachers explanation and summary)

VII. Teaching Media/References

A. Teaching Media: LCD

B. References:

Fauziati, Endang. 2008. Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press. (Chapter VII)

Clark, Herbert H. and Eve V. Clark. 1977. Psychology and Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc. (Ps: 80-85)

Kess, Joseph F. 2002. Psycholinguistics: Psychology, Linguistics and the Study of Natural Language. Amsterdam: Johns Benjamins B.V. (Ps: 133-138)

Fromkin, Victoria and Robert Rodman. 1983. An Introduction to Language. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. (Ps: 168-170)

VIII. Evaluation Criteria:

The grades will be based on:

1. Midterm exam: 35%

2. Group Project (power Point Presentation): 10%

3. Final Exam: 40%

4. Individual project (term paper): 15%



: Dr. Endang Fauziati


: English




: Psycholinguistics

Credit Hours

: 2




: 8Time Allotment: 100 minutesI. Competency Standard:

Students demonstrate knowledge of speech production and speech errors and are knowledgeable about drawing the insights and utilize them in classroom teaching and materials preparation.

II. Basic Competencies: Students demonstrate their capability to 1. explain the psycholinguistic process of speech production

2. make a distinction between two types of processes: planning and execution. 3. clarify different types of speech errors as by product of the intermixture between planning and execution and provide examples of their own.

III. Indicators: When asked on a written examination, students will demonstrate their capability to:1. mention the differences between two types of processes: planning and execution.

2. discuss the process of speech production through discourse plan, sentence plan, constituent plan, articulatory program, and articulation.

3. mention the three possible sources of planning difficulty are cognitive reasons, anxiety, and social reasons.

4. provide crystal clear explanation of speech errors as by product of the intermixture between planning and execution.

5. discuss common types of speech errors by providing illustrations of their own.

IV. Materials: Textbook Chapter VIII (Speech production and speech errors)

V. Learning Strategies: power point presentation by group 7, discussion/question & answer, lecturing (teachers explanation and summary)

VI. Learning Procedures:Pre-activity: Power point Presentation on chapter VIII by students (group 7).

Main Activity: discussion/question and answer.

Post-activity: lecturing (teachers explanation and summary) Power point

VII. Teaching Media/References

A. Teaching Media: LCD

B. References:

Fauziati, Endang. 2008. Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press. (Chapter VIII)

Clark, Herbert H. and Eve V. Clark. 1977. Psychology and Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc. (Ps: 224-270)

Kess, Joseph F. 1999. Psycholinguistics: Psychology, Linguistics and the Study of Natural Language. Amsterdam: Johns Benjamins B.V. (Ps: 55-66

Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguistics: Learning and Using Language. New York: PrenticeHall International. (100-110)

VIII. Evaluation Criteria:

The grades will be based on:

1. Midterm exam: 35%

2. Group Project (power Point Presentation): 10%

3. Final Exam: 40%

4. Individual project (term paper): 15%



: Dr. Endang Fauziati


: English




: Psycholinguistics

Credit Hours

: 2




: 9Time Allotment: 100 minutes

I. Competency Standard:

Students demonstrate knowledge of language development in children and are knowledgeable about drawing the insights and utilize them in classroom teaching and materials preparation.

II. Basic Competencies: Students demonstrate their capability to: 1. illustrate the universal process of language development in children.

2. discuss stages of development: the babbling stage, the one-word stage, two word stage, telegraphic stage.

III. Indicators: When asked on a paper and pen examination and in a classroom discussion, students will demonstrate their capability to:

1. discuss the universal process of language development in children (first language acquisition).

2. discuss and distinguish the stages of development: the babbling stage, the one-word stage, two word stage, telegraphic stage.

3. provide clear examples of each stage of development.

IV. Materials: Text book Chapter IX (Language development in children)

V. Learning Strategies: power point presentation by group 8, discussion/question & answer, lecturing (teachers explanation and summary)

VI. Learning Procedures:Pre-activity: Power point Presentation on chapter 2 by students (group 1).

Main Activity: discussion/question and answer.

Post-activity: lecturing (teachers explanation and summary) Power point Presentation on chapter IX by students (group 8), discussion/question and answer, lecturing (teachers explanation and summary)

VII. Teaching Media/References

A. Teaching Media: LCD

B. References:

Fauziati, Endang. 2008. Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press. (chapter IX)

Steinberg, Danny D., Hiroshi Nagata, and David P. Aline. 2004. Psycholinguistics: Language, Mind, and World. London: Longman.(Ps: 5-12)

Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguistics: Learning and Using Language. New York: PrenticeHall International.(Ps: 243-253)

VIII. Evaluation Criteria:

The grades will be based on:

1. Midterm exam: 35%

2. Group Project (power Point Presentation): 10%

3. Final Exam: 40%

4. Individual project (term paper): 15%



: Dr. Endang Fauziati


: English




: Psycholinguistics

Credit Hours

: 2




: 10Time Allotment: 100 minutes

I. Competency Standard:

Students demonstrate knowledge of care taker speech and are able knowledgeable about drawing the insights and utilize them in classroom teaching and materials preparation.

II. Basic Competencies: Students demonstrate their capability to:1. give explanation of the notion of child directed speech

2. mention the characteristics of CDS

3. discuss the idea of baby talk

III. Indicators: When asked on a paper and pen examination and in a classroom discussion, students will demonstrate their capability to:

1. discuss the notion of child directed speech

2. mention the characteristics of CDS such as the use of diminutive form of adults words, the use of onomatopoeic principle to form words; and the use of the /iy/ suffix.

3. provide examples of their (through observation)

4. expalin the idea of baby talk and provide examples for clarification

IV. Materials: Text book Chapter X (Care taker speech)

V. Learning Strategies: power point presentation by group 9, discussion/question & answer, lecturing (teachers explanation and summary)

VI. Learning Procedures:Pre-activity: Power point Presentation on chapter X by students (group 9).

Main Activity: discussion/question and answer.

Post-activity: lecturing (teachers explanation and summary) Power point

VII. Teaching Media/References

A. Teaching Media: LCD

B. References:

Fauziati, Endang. 2008. Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press. (chapter X)

Steinberg, Danny D., Hiroshi Nagata, and David P. Aline. 2004. Psycholinguistics: Language, Mind, and World. London: Longman. (Ps: 22-33)

Clark, Herbert H. and Eve V. Clark. 1977. Psychology and Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc. (Ps: 321-332)

VIII. Evaluation Criteria:

The grades will be based on:

1. Midterm exam: 35%

2. Group Project (power Point Presentation): 10%

3. Final Exam: 40%

4. Individual project (term paper): 15%



: Dr. Endang Fauziati


: English




: Psycholinguistics

Credit Hours

: 2




: 11Time Allotment: 100 minutes

I. Competency Standard: Students demonstrate knowledge of psycholinguistic perspective of second language acquisition and are knowledgeable about drawing the insights and utilize them in classroom teaching and materials preparation.

II. Basic Competencies: Students demonstrate their capability to:

1. clarify the notion of psycholinguistic issues in SLA

2. discuss the idea of interlanguage development by giving examples collected through observation.

3. expalin the concept of monitor model

III. Indicators: When asked on a paper and pen examination and in a classroom discussion, students will demonstrate their capability to:1. discuss the notion of interlanguage development and provide the examples

2. clarify the theory of Monitor Model; distinguish each concept of: the acquisition learning hypothesis, natural order hypothesis, monitor hypothesis, the input hypothesis, and affective filter hypothesis

IV. Materials: Text book (chapter XI)

V. Learning Strategies: power point presentation by group XI, discussion/question & answer, lecturing (teachers explanation and summary)

VI. Learning Procedures:Pre-activity: Power point Presentation on chapter XII by students (group XI).

Main Activity: discussion/question and answer.

Post-activity: lecturing (teachers explanation and summary) Power point

VII. Teaching Media/References

A. Teaching Media: LCD

B. References:

Fauziati, Endang. 2008. Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press. (Chapter XI)

Krashen, S.D & T.D. Terrel. 1983. The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom. Oxford: Pergamon Press

Krashen, S.D. 1985. The Input Hypothesis: Issues and Implications.

London: Longman

VIII. Evaluation Criteria:

The grades will be based on:

1. Midterm exam: 35%

2. Group Project (power Point Presentation): 10%

3. Final Exam: 40%

4. Individual project (term paper): 15%



: Dr. Endang Fauziati


: English




: Psycholinguistics

Credit Hours

: 2




: 12Time Allotment: 100 minutes

I. Competency Standard:

Students demonstrate knowledge of Neuro-Psycholinguistic perspective of second language acquisition and are knowledgeable about drawing the insights and utilize them in classroom teaching and materials preparation.

II. Basic Competencies: Students demonstrate their capability to:

1. explain the concept of language acquisition device (LAD) and the Universal Grammar2. clarify Lennebers Critical Period Hypothesis

III. Indicators: When asked on a paper and pen examination and in a classroom discussion, students will demonstrate their capability to:

1. discuss the concept of language acquisition device (LAD) and the Universal Grammar

2. relate the above concept foe SLA

2. discuss some arguments on the accessibility of UG in SLA3. discuss the relevance of Lennebergs Critical Period Hypothesis in first and second language acquisition

IV. Materials: Text book (chapter XII)

Neuro-Psycholinguistic perspective of second language acquisition

V. Learning Strategies: power point presentation by group 11, discussion/question & answer, lecturing (teachers explanation and summary)

VI. Learning Procedures:Pre-activity: Power point Presentation on chapter XII by students (group 11).

Main Activity: discussion/question and answer.

Post-activity: lecturing (teachers explanation and summary) Power point

VII. Teaching Media/References

A. Teaching Media: LCD

B. References:

Fauziati, Endang. 2008. Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press. (Chapter XII)

Chomsky, Noam. 1988. Language and Problems of Knowledge. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press

Lenneberg, E.H. 1976. Biological Foundations of Language. New York: Wiley.

Steinberg, Danny D. 1998. An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. New York: Longman

Steinberg, Danny D., Hiroshi Nagata, and David P. Aline. 2001. Psycholinguistics: Language, Mind, and World. London: Longman.

VIII. Evaluation Criteria:

The grades will be based on:

1. Midterm exam: 35%

2. Group Project (power Point Presentation): 10%

3. Final Exam: 40%

4. Individual project (term paper): 15%



: Dr. Endang Fauziati


: English




: Psycholinguistics

Credit Hours

: 2




: 13Time Allotment: 100 minutes

I. Competency Standard:

Students demonstrate knowledge of classroom research perspective of SLA and are capable to draw the insights and utilize them in classroom teaching and materials preparation.

II. Basic Competencies: Students demonstrate their capability to: 1. discuss the notion of instructed (classroom) SLA

2. explain how instruction contribute to SLA 3. expalin how feedback (input) contribute to SLA

III. Indicators: When asked on a paper and pen examination and in a classroom discussion, students will demonstrate their capability to:

1. explain the notion of instructed (classroom) SLA

2. examplify how feedback (input) contribute to SLA

2. examplify how instruction contribute to SLA

IV. Materials: Text book Chapter XIII (classroom research perspective of SLA)

V. Learning Strategies: power point presentation by group 12, discussion/question & answer, lecturing (teachers explanation and summary)

VI. Learning Procedures:Pre-activity: Power point Presentation on chapter XIII by students (group 12).

Main Activity: discussion/question and answer.

Post-activity: lecturing (teachers explanation and summary) Power point

VII. Teaching Media/References

A. Teaching Media: LCD

B. References:

Fauziati, Endang. 2008. Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press. (Chapter XIII)

Chaudron, Craig. 1990. Second Language Classroom: Research on Teaching and Learning. Cambridge: C.U.P.

Ellis, Rod. 2006. Classroom Second Language Development. Oxford: Pergamon Press

VIII. Evaluation Criteria:

The grades will be based on:

1. Midterm exam: 35%

2. Group Project (power Point Presentation): 10%

3. Final Exam: 40%

4. Individual project (term paper): 15%