Download - #62 The Healing Springs Journal

Page 1: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

Go Ahead and Cry

What isHakomi?


Issue #62, #62 June—July, 2012

HEALINGHEALINGs p r i n g ss p r i n g s j o u r n a l

Enhancing our power of choice in the New York tradition of wellness


Page 2: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

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Page 3: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

Kundalini Yogain the Parkas taught by Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini Yoga is the science of changing and strengtheningthe radiance to give expanded life and capacity.

Classes begin June 27th

Friday 9:30-11:00 Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan with Kim Rossi

This class is open to everyone with or without yoga experience.Class cost for local guests is ‘by donation’ what you feel like giving.

Saturday 10:00-11:00 Prenatal Yoga the Khalsa Way with (Kristen Mullaney-Turano) Hari Bir Kaur

For women in their first, second, or third trimester.$15 local guests

Saturday 11:15-12:45 Mommy/Daddy & Me Kundalini Yoga with (Kristen Mullaney-Turano) Hari Bir Kaur

For Mom, Dads, and their little ones, any age.$15 local guests

Wednesday 4:00-5:00 Kundalini YogaChild 4-6 yearsWednesday 5:15-6:15 Kundalini YogaChild 7-9 years

with (Amy Rosen) Guru Jaswant KaurA class specifically designed to introduce yoga to children.$12 local guests

We are located in the Saratoga Springs State Park at The Lincoln Baths. Enter thru the front door and walk to the rear of the first floor. Please plan to be on time as you

do not want to miss the centering and tuning in, it is an essential part of class.

For questions please contact Kim Rossi, Spa Director, Roosevelt Baths & Spa 518.321.5660

Our Mission is to bring Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan to the Saratoga Springs Community and Elevate All from a place of Humility

and Grace, in a lovely Historic Healing Space.

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4 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

Publisher’s Corner The greatest gift you can offer is a healthy, whole youIt seems that I came into the world with a longing in my soul, which often makesme feel that I do not belong here. My life has been full of love and freedom, sothis longing doesn’t logically fit in. There are periods when the ache is at bay, yetit inevitably returns. I now see a consistency between the longing’s fulfillmentand my being immersed in the inherent connection of nature—feeling welcomedby a tree as I lean my back up against its trunk, engaging with a hawk in flight,going to sleep under the stars or being in silent communication with my horse. Itappears that the longing in my soul is seeking a new, yet ancient, way of inter-acting with life. This interaction engages all of my senses. Not only feeling,smelling, hearing, tasting and seeing, but also another sense that comes with theprimary five being heightened. It is what I call ‘wild sense’ or ‘ancient self’ andit is all-encompassing. This facet of the human experience has been overlookedsince we moved away from the predator/prey relationship. Now it is time tochoose to embody this awareness—not out of fear, but for a desire to be whole.

This all sounds beautiful, and it frequently is. Yet, it can also be challenging in themodern world. For instance, while in this open state, I went into the grocery storetoday. Not only did I see food there, I saw and felt the waste of plastic, cardboardand Styrofoam packaging as it enveloped our nourishment. Too I felt excess in theatmosphere, where electricity was keeping florescent lights and refrigerationgoing, along with forced air to keep it a ‘comfortable’ temperature. It was daytimeand sunny out, but it may as well have been midnight and a blizzard for all I couldtell. This experience was shocking to my senses, and I felt distressed by it. Whichcaused me to want to shut down again or run away, neither of which feel like honoring my soul’s request.

Let’s change gears and do an experiment, please close your eyes and sense all thatsurrounds you; notice the air, the seat you are resting on, or the ground you arestanding on etc. Let that feeling extend further out in front of you, as well as behindyou and to your sides, notice the walls of the building, then beyond the walls. Feelyour awareness stretch outward to cover all of New York, then all of America andthen beyond until it encircles the whole planet. Stay there and feel the connectionbetween all living life. Gravity keeps us on earth, while also uniting everything ittouches with its invisible force—experience this relationship. After some time,bring your attention back into the room while continuing to sense the connection.Does that feeling differ from how you usually experience life?

My goal is to reclaim my ancient self and to thrive in modern times. I’m not look-ing to change the world; I want only to claim my place in it and to participate withlife from my complete self. As I do so, a deep feeling of harmony and reverencereplaces the longing that came with me. Bob Marley said “Some people feel therain. Others just get wet.” My twist on that senti-ment is; Some people feel alive. Others just live.May you be one who feels alive.

Please join me on June 14, as I give a SIMEN pres-entation entitled “Reclaiming Our Ancient Self”. Formore information see “Our Community” on pg. 6

The Healing Springs Journal is an independent publication committed to printing articles regarding the wellness of body, mind, spirit, and environment. It is afree publication supported by its advertisers. These advertisers must be judged on their individual merits, The Healing Springs Journal is not responsible fortheir claims, conditions, products, or services. Our articles reflect the opinions of their authors and not necessarily those of our publisher. We do not claim todiagnose illness, but offer an open forum on complimentary & alternative therapies. Serious ailments should be checked out by a physician as well as by thehealers you feel compelled to learn more about. We reserve the right to refuse advertising and are not liable for any errors within the ads themselves.

HEALINGs p r i n g sj o u r n a l


PublisherKatrina Clay

Design & ProductionBeanTree Designs

[email protected]

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[email protected]

Phone(518) 583-3277

Mailing AddressP.O. Box 167

Middle Grove, NY 12850

Ad Sales518-583-3277

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Advertising and storydeadline for Aug-Sept.

‘12 issue is July 2

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5#62 June—July, 2012 I Healing Springs

Contentsarticles10 Root Canals

by Dr. Sarah LoBisco

13 3rd Chakraby Pam Lunz Medina

14 Go Ahead and Cryby Patricia A. Nugent

16 Avoid Being a Skinny Fat Personby Ann Carey Tobin, MD

20 My I’s On Your Wallsby Stephanie Schaefer

22 What is Hakomiby Wendy Ball

24 Silent Epidemicby Cate LaBarre

28 Is Surgery Really the Best Choice?by Nini Lockwood

30 A World of Differenceby Becky Kuhn

features6 Our Community

18 Book to Read

26 Ask The Practitionerby Jerome Pindell32 Your Astrological Forecast

by Arlene DeAngelus34 Calendar

35 Directory

Thanks go out to: Penlope Jewell, CateLaBarre , Jen Monroe , Gina NeJame, Sarah Root,Jill Stewart, Joyce Willson

for delivering The Healing Springs

Healing Springs Mission: With knowledgecomes choice. Our mission at The Healing Springs Journal is toaddress the whole person by providing articles and stories thatallow the reader to make empowered lifestyle decisions in rela-tion to the wellness of their mind, body, spirit, and environment.

Love Eckhart Tolle, Wayne Dyer or Louise Hay? Then you’ll loveNew New Thought New Thought New YYorkork

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6 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

Saratoga Integrative Medicine EducationNetwork (SIMEN)—Reclaiming OurAncient SelfReclaiming our Ancient Self, a SIMEN program, will take placeon Thursday, June 14 at 6:30pm in the Community Room of theSaratoga Springs Public Library, at 49 Henry St. The program isfree and open to the public. No registration is required.

In 2009, Katrina Clay spent a month in Zimbabwe volunteeringfor a lion breeding and rehabilitation project. This experiencealong with her time spent freely and lovingly with nature, hors-es and birds have awakened in her the realization that we as asociety are forgetting to use multiple facets of ourselves.Neglecting elements of our nature that have not been neededsince we stopped participating in the predator/prey relationship.

Katrina will show a slideshow of the lions she worked with, talkabout the importance of partnering with life and bring us on a mod-ern Shamanic Journey which will create an experience of whole-body awareness. We will also discuss how to embrace our ancient,wild self. Which does not have to be done by escaping and runninginto the woods. But by opening up to ourselves and beginning toparticipate with the places, people, things and beings in a new, yetancient, way. This can start wherever your heart and senses feelawakened—playing sports, making music, meditating, or sittingwith a tree—then bring that reverence for life in to all that you do.

Katrina Clay is publisher and founder of The Healing SpringsJournal, a certified Shapeshifter Practitioner and a ShamanicReiki Master. Katrina is also a forever student of the naturalworld—the place that holds the knowledge of billions of years.In listening to and embodying that knowledge, humans willevolve in unity with the whole.

Source of Healing Moves to the Heart ofDowntownKevin Campopiano, owner of the The Acupuncture Studio, nowin its 8th year of business, is relocating from the Shirt Factory to5 Warren Street, Civic Center Plaza in downtown Glens Falls.The Studio wishes to extend a sincere thank you to buildingowner, Peter Hoffman and his son Pete for the incredible trans-formation of the 2nd floor space into a modern, bright, healingstudio. The new design will embrace the community acupunc-ture model, which allows up to 10 people to be treated at once,while also allowing for a second treatment space.


CommunityAre you ready to learn how to playthe djembe? Come and experience themusic from Guinea, West Africa ...

in Saratoga Springs!

WWaayynnee hhaass ssttuuddiieedd tthheeddjjeemmbbee aanndd AAffrriiccaann ccuullttuurree ssiinnccee 11999955.. HHee hhaass lleeaarrnneedd ffrroommmmaasstteerrss ssuucchh aassMM’’BBeemmbbaa BBaannggoorraa,,BBaabbaattuunnddee OOllaattuunnjjii aanndd MMiicchhaaeell MMaarrkkuuss.. IInn22000033 hhee rreeccoorrddeedd aannddccoo--pprroodduucceedd tthhee ddeebbuuttaallbbuumm ““IInn TThhee DDrruumm””wwiitthh AAffrriiccaann EExxppeerriieennccee..

West African Djembe Lessons

Local artist and performer Wayne White

This class is intended for all levels ofdrummers. Though the lessons willmove at a more beginner pace. Wewill cover a lot of music, thereforerecording is suggested. Prepare tobreak a sweat as we explore theseexplosive sounds, so bring a drum

and plan to have fun.

One Big Roof433 Broadway, suite 302Mondays 7:00-8:00 PM

$20 for one or $60 for the [email protected]


Photo: Jim Battles"

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7#62 June—July, 2012 I Healing Springs

The Acupuncture Studio is a husband and wife partnership, withCindy Campopiano, a licensed massage therapist and currentManager at Parks Heritage Federal Credit Union, serving as stew-ard of the Acupuncture Studio mission—to be part of a nationalmovement to make acupuncture affordable to individuals within thecommunity. The Acupuncture Studio’s community acupunctureapproach offers an affordability through a $15-$35 sliding scalemodel. The prices are set based on income and frequency of visits.

“We are very excited to be moving downtown. Joining thisincreasingly vibrant neighborhood of merchants, restaurateurs andother personal care providers, is such a great opportunity for us,”said Cindy Campopiano.

The Acupuncture Studio marked its first official day at 5 WarrenStreet in Civic Center Plaza on Monday, April 2nd.

“The years I have spent practicing acupuncture have allowed meto see first hand the tremendous impact regular treatments canoffer people. From chronic pain to stress management and overallwellness, acupuncture can complement traditional methods and,in many cases, get people over the insurmountable hump standingbetween where they are and a better quality of life,” explainsKevin Campopiano, NYS Licensed Acupuncturist.

Kevin Campopiano is a 2004 graduate of the New England School ofAcupuncture with a dual major in Acupuncture and Chinese herbs.The Acupuncture Studio will be open M/W/F 9am–6pm andTues/Thurs., 1pm–8pm. Please call (518) 615-0505 for more infor-mation or to schedule appointments.

Have you ever wanted to Meditate but Didn’t Know Where to Begin? What is meditation, how do we meditate and what happens whenwe do? Meditation is the most natural state of Being and is moreabout experiencing, rather than thinking. Come learn the basicsand dispel myths and misconceptions about what meditation isand is not. Learn about Asanas or postures, Mantras, and Prana orbreath. Learn about useful meditation aids such as candles, chants,incense, mandalas and music and how and when to use them todeepen our practice. Discover benefits such as a sharp, clearmind, calm emotions, improved energy, health and well-being anda natural state of happiness and positive optimism. During ourpractices, we’ll experience the core foundations of meditationknown as Samatha– “calm abiding” or serenity and Vipassana–“insight”, two key components essential to achieving deeplypeaceful and profoundly transcendental meditative states. Pleasewear comfortable clothing. Come open and relaxed, prepared toexperience meditation. 4 week class on Monday evenings 6:30-7:30pm. Free and open to the public. Contact- [email protected], 518.587.7680

Light Benefit For JonahHungry? Have a Heart? Eat dinner at these local restaurants tohelp Jonah, a TILT and Energetically Sensitive child get an edu-cation that will support his health, social-emotional, educational,and behavioral needs. The Hunter School has gifted Jonah with a

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8 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

partial scholarship and all money raised will pay for the rest of hiseducation there. Please be sure to mention you are at the restau-rant for the Love and Light Benefit Jonah.

Romano’s Macaroni Grill—June 5th, 1 Metro Park Road.Colonie, 446-9190. The Living Room—June 13th, 30 Caroline St.Saratoga Springs, 584-84880.

There will also be Character Of Nature art work sold and a SilentAuction of 27 local business items and an autographed HarlemGlobetrotter Basketball (except Ramano's Macaroni Grill).

For a details of event please visit

Kundalini Yoga in the Park,as taught by Yogi BhajanKundalini Yoga is the science of changing and strengthening theradiance to give expanded life and capacity. Classes begin June 27th.

The schedule is: Friday 9:30-11:00 Kundalini Yoga as taught byYogi Bhajan with Kim Rossi. This class is open to everyone withor without yoga experience. Class cost for local guests is ‘bydonation’ what you feel like giving.

Saturday 10:00-11:00; Prenatal Yoga the Khalsa Way with(Kristen Mullaney-Turano) Hari Bir Kaur. For women in theirfirst, second, or third trimester. $15 local guests.

Saturday 11:15-12:45; Mommy/Daddy & Me Kundalini Yogawith (Kristen Mullaney-Turano) Hari Bir Kaur. For Mom, Dads,and their little ones, any age.. $15 local guests.

Wednesday 4:00-5:00; Kundalini YogaChild 4-6 years andWednesday 5:15-6:15; Kundalini YogaChild 7-9 years with (AmyRosen) Guru Jaswant Kaur. A class specifically designed to intro-duce yoga to children. $12 local guests, $20 for all other guests

Roosevelt Baths and Spa is located in the Saratoga Springs StatePark at The Lincoln Baths. Enter thru the front door and walk tothe rear of the first floor. Please plan to be on time as you do notwant to miss the centering and tuning in, it is an essential part ofclass. For questions please contact Kim Rossi, Spa Director,Roosevelt Baths & Spa 518.321.5660

Our Mission is to bring Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajanto the Saratoga Springs Community and Elevate All from a placeof Humility and Grace, in a lovely Historic Healing Space.

Fourth Annual Party in the Perk Summer Special Open Mic. Saturday, June 16th, from 4PM to 9PM, the Fultonville UnitedMethodist Church presents the Acoustic Coffee House’s all freeFourth Annual Party in the Perk Summer Special Open Mic.

Held in the George P. Snyder (Fultonville), Park, on the cornersof Union & Franklin Streets and Union and Washington Streets inFultonville NY. There will be a piano on the premises for piano


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Page 9: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

9#62 June—July, 2012 I Healing Springs

players. This is a no alcohol event and all are invited to come tothe Fultonville Park to play, sing or just enjoy the music, thefree great refreshments and share a fun time in the sun andshade w/some good people.

There is a fenced-in children’s section at the park so parents cankeep good eye on their children. The Acoustic Coffee House is hon-ored to bring back face painter Cathy Carpenter and Pip Squeaks theClown for children of every age. The Acoustic Coffee House PiP4is open to any performance as long as there is no vulgarity; it is nonoffensive and acoustic. Any questions call (518) 853-4964

Type in Acoustic Coffee House Fultonville in to Facebook, thencheck out the pics.

We want to hear from you. Please send press releases to:

[email protected]

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TTrraannssffoorrmm YYoouurr LLiiffee oonn YYoouurr oowwnn TTeerrmmss•• TTiirreedd ooff ““ggooiinngg tthhrroouugghh tthhee mmoottiioonnss”” ooff lliiffee aanndd nnoott ttrruullyy lliivviinngg??•• LLooookkiinngg ffoorr mmoorree mmeeaanniinngg aanndd ccllaarriittyy iinn yyoouurr lliiffee??•• RReeaaddyy ttoo sstteepp iinn ttoo yyoouurr GGrreeaattnneessss??

CCaallll mmee ttoo sscchheedduullee yyoouurr ccoommpplliimmeennttaarryy BBrreeaakktthhrroouugghh SSeessssiioonn ttooddaayy!!

551188..442288..66228877LLyynnnn BBrroowwnnee CCPPCC,, RRMMTT

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Page 10: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

10 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

by Sarah A LoBisco, ND

My training in healthy cleansing anddetoxification from the Instituteof Functional Medicine this win-

ter covered clinical solutions to support andprotect individuals from various environ-mental exposures that our bodies are bom-barded with every day. These outside fac-tors negatively affect overall health and well-being in a variety ofways and it is only in addressing these contributing factorsWHILE treating the cause, that lasting results can take hold.Therefore, I utilize these strategies every day in my practice, as Iconsider removing obstacles to obtaining optimal health vitalamongst the six Naturopathic tenets. Unfortunately, we live in aworld where these negative environmental stressors are numerousand growing.

According to Functional Medicine Doctor, (a.k.a. “Genius” tome, Dr. Mark Hyman:

We live in an environment steeped in chemicals that ourbodies were not designed to process. For a disturbinglook at the chemicals that breach the boundaries of ourbodies, look no further than the Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention’s National Report on HumanExposure to Environmental Chemicals. In the latestreport, scientists at the CDC found that nearly every per-son they tested was packing a host of nasty chemicals,including flame retardants stored in fatty tissue and

Bisphenol A (2), a hormone-like sub-stance found in plastics, excreted inurine. Even babies are contaminated.The average newborn has 287 chemi-cals in her umbilical cord blood, 217 ofwhich are neurotoxic (poisonous tonerves or nerve cells)

While it’s true that we live in a toxic world, it’s important to remem-ber that there is a lot you can do to enhance your body’s natural abil-ity to detox. The body has four main exit routes for toxins: pee,poop, perspiration and pranayama (Sanskrit for breath). I call thesethe quadruple “P.” Every moment of every day your body is relyingon the quadruple “P” to mobilize, transform, and excrete toxins.

That being said, making sure that your body’s detoxification is sup-ported amongst all these impacts will ensure that other componentsof health are maintained. In fact, cleaning up toxicity can have apositive effect on everything from heart disease, hormonal balance,diabetes, to decreasing overall inflammation. As noted, there are somany ways we are exposed to environmental pollution everyday,one place people may overlook for total toxic load is the mouth.

This issue of holistic dentistry was a hot topic post webinar.Recently, Dr. Mercola did a wonderful review on the dangers ofroot canals. He highlighted that root canals result in a a mouthfull of dead teeth, that harbor bacteria. This translates to morethan just pain, but an opportunity for disease and infection to

What Your Dentist Won’t Tell You About


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Page 11: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

11#62 June—July, 2012 I Healing Springs

spread as these bugs trans-locate to different organs. It’s true!These little bacteria that lay harbor in your mouth have beenlinked to heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer!

According to Dr. Mercola:Dr. Price was a dentist and researcher who traveled theworld to study the teeth, bones, and diets of native popu-lations living without the “benefit” of modern food.Around the year 1900, Price had been treating persistentroot canal infections and became suspicious that root-canaled teeth always remained infected, in spite of treat-ments. Then one day, he recommended to a woman,wheelchair bound for six years, to have her root canaltooth extracted, even though it appeared to be fine.

She agreed, so he extracted her tooth and then implanted itunder the skin of a rabbit. The rabbit amazingly developed thesame crippling arthritis as the woman and died from the infec-tion 10 days later. But the woman, now free of the toxic tooth,immediately recovered from her arthritis and could now walkwithout even the assistance of a cane.

Price discovered that it’s mechanically impossible to sterilizea root-canaled (e.g. root-filled) tooth. He then went on toshow that many chronic degenerative diseases originate fromroot-filled teeth—the most frequent being heart and circula-tory diseases. He actually found 16 different causative bacte-rial agents for these conditions. But there were also strongcorrelations between root-filled teeth and diseases of thejoints, brain and nervous system. Dr. Price went on to writetwo groundbreaking books in 1922 detailing his research intothe link between dental pathology and chronic illness.

Scary, isn’t it? Just how do these little bugs in your teeth affectthe whole body so negatively. Dr. Mercola continues:

Just as your body has large blood vessels that branch downinto very small capillaries, each of your teeth has a maze ofvery tiny tubules that, if stretched out, would extend for threemiles. Weston Price identified as many as 75 separate acces-sory canals in a single central incisor (front tooth).

Microscopic organisms regularly move in and around thesetubules, like gophers in underground tunnels. When a dentist

Still Point is an interfaithretreat center located just minutes from downtown

Saratoga. We offer space forreflection and personal time aswell as programs for healing

and enriching one’s spirit, mind and body.

Mailing address: 20 Still Point Road,Mechanicville, NY 12118Telephone: 518-587-4967email: [email protected]


Take 24 hours from your busy schedule. Enjoythe stillness and power of nature on our partially

wooded land. Re-connect to your deep self.

Pray! Be silent! Be! “The quieter you become, the more you hear.”

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12 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

performs a root canal, he or she hollows out the tooth, then fillsthe hollow chamber with a substance (called guttapercha), whichcuts off the tooth from its blood supply, so fluid can no longer cir-culate through the tooth. But the maze of tiny tubules remains.And bacteria, cut off from their food supply, hide out in these tun-nels where they are remarkably safe from antibiotics and yourown body’s immune defenses.

Under the stresses of oxygen and nutrient deprivation, these former-ly friendly organisms morph into stronger, more virulent anaerobesthat produce a variety of potent toxins. What were once ordinary,friendly oral bacteria mutate into highly toxic pathogens lurking inthe tubules of the dead tooth, just awaiting an opportunity to spread.

No amount of sterilization has been found effective in reachingthese tubules—and just about every single root-canaled tooth hasbeen found colonized by these bacteria, especially around theapex and in the periodontal ligament. Oftentimes, the infectionextends down into the jawbone where it creates cavitations—areasof necrotic tissue in the jawbone itself.

Cavitations are areas of unhealed bone, often accompanied bypockets of infected tissue and gangrene. Sometimes they formafter a tooth extraction (such as a wisdom tooth extraction), butthey can also follow a root canal. According to Weston PriceFoundation, in the records of 5,000 surgical cavitation cleanings,only two were found healed.

And all of this occurs with few, if any, accompanying symptoms.So you may have an abscessed dead tooth and not know it. Thisfocal infection in the immediate area of the root-canaled tooth isbad enough, but the damage doesn’t stop there.

Recently, I listened to a teleseminar with Dr. Jerry Tennet. Heexplained what goes on in our mouth has consequences beyondlocal tooth pain! In Dr. Tennet’s experience and clinical practice,in every patient with a thyroid issue or a history of cancer, exten-sive dental work has occurred. Makes sense to me. After all, themouth is the first line of defense of the immune system (thinkimmunoglobulins) and the first step in digestion (think digestiveenzymes in salvia and the GALT).

How about the connection to the thyroid and mouth? The thyroidgland has various lymph nodes, structures that drain out toxins andhelp with circulation. These routes of immune function need to stayhealthy and strong in order to keep the thyroid healthy (see the toxic-ity issue?). An imbalance in the mouth, therefore, can create problemsin lymphatic drainage and affect thyroid function and other organs.

What to do if you have a mouth full of dentistry? Talk to yourholistic practitioner about seeing a biological dentist and support-ing your body from these added stressors. My patients start withthieves essential oil, chlorophyll, and a unique collodial silverproduct.

Please contact the author for refeerences used in this article.Sarah A LoBisco, ND, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. She canbe reached at 518-339-4788, [email protected], or

Harmony BuildingA unique office space for practitioners of the healing arts

Arlene Nock, M.D. will be opening HarmonyBuilding, a newly renovated office space forpractitioners of the healing arts. It is located inbeautiful historic downtown Troy at 1813 FifthAvenue. Office space will be available to renton a part-time or full-time basis for a variety ofpractitioners. If you practice massage, psy-chotherapy, acupuncture, Reiki, nutritioncounseling, movement therapy, life coaching,homeopathy or other healing art and are inter-ested in an opportunity to start or expand yourpractice in a very special setting, please contactme at: [email protected] call 518.928.9897.

Opening August 2012

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for directions and yoga class schedule

Page 13: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

13#62 June—July, 2012 I Healing Springs

by Pam Lunz Medina

The Manipura hosts a large portion of our body, and kindlesin it’s fire, the qualities of strength, will, courage, energy,stamina, endurance, communion with the self and the abil-

ity to be selfless. The Peace Pilgrim, was a women who walked10,000 miles for peace, she had an extremely strong 3rd Chakra.When the 3rd Chakra is healthy, you possess the insight to seewhat needs to be done, and the will and energy to do it. Youserve selflessly, but keep balance, by nurturing the self. Youunderstand that your physical, emotional, and mental health notonly serves you, but the ones you love and the world. You expe-rience pure joy in seeing others succeed and reap the benefits ofyour work. The foods you choose are ones that your body digestseasily. You allow the food to be digested completely before moreis given in order to keep a light gut, able to do the work. Youhave a healthy appetite for food and for life, but you don’t overdo it. You are energetic, and do not tire too quickly. You releaseyour emotions and transform feelings of anger quickly into

usable energy. You are able to break bad habits, face your fears,and continue to try until you get it right. You understand that suc-cess is your birthright. You have a deep desire to live life to thefullest! A third chakra that needs strengthening will often presentitself physically as lower back pain, indigestion, ulcers, and otherdigestive dysfunctions. You may experience lethargy, inability toget out of bed, depression, fear of failure, apathy, dislike your selfand others, practice selfishness, jealousy, or even feel doomed. Youmay strive for recognition, power or social status, unable to makecontributions as an act of grace. You may struggle for materialgains, often manipulating others for your own success. You oftenexperience anger and are unable to let go of residual feelings. Youmay see life as a bothersome chore, uninterested in participating.

Balancing- Spend time in the sunshine. Exercise—aerobicand core muscle workouts, martial arts, sit ups. Do karma yoga(selfless service), volunteer, donate to charity, include probioticsin your diet (yogurt), eat yellow foods, rosemary, lavender, knowthat you are already succeeding, carnelian and tiger’s eye, gingerand turmeric, eat only when truly hungry, share your feelings,release your feelings through journaling, do one small selflessact each day secretly, practice random acts of kindness. Do Yogaposes such as Sun Salutations, Leg Lifts, Moving Bridge, Wheel,Kapalabhati Breath, Boat, Airplane, Bow, Head to Knee Pose,Deep Relaxation.

Pam Lunz Medina, BA, CYT, draws upon all paths of consciousliving. She has trained in many forms of yoga, meditation, ritualand healing arts throughout the USA and India. For more info onclasses, clean ups, music, and writings visit

Third ChakraThe Center Core-The Seat of Self

Location-Navel, digestive organs, pancreas, lower backSanskrit-Manipura, meaning Lustrous Gem or City of Jewels

Element-Fire, The SunColor-Yellow, like the shining sunDevelopment-Adulthood


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Page 14: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

Go Aheadand Cry

14 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

by Patricia A. Nugent

Iused to apologize for making people cry. I don’t anymore…atleast, not if they’re crying when they read my book or whenattending a reading I’m doing from They Live On: Saying

Goodbye to Mom and Dad. Because it’s likely that the tears they’reshedding have been bottled up for too long, releasing a grief thathas not been culturally permitted to be publicly expressed.

Such disenfranchised grief is often experienced by an adult wholoses a parent, especially an elderlyparent. A 70-year-old woman told methat she didn’t even get a sympathycard when her 95-year-old motherdied. Instead she heard commentslike, “You didn’t think she would liveforever, did you?” and “You’re luckyyou had her for so long.” What seemsto be implied by such comments is“Get over it. You’re an adult.” Yet,no matter our parents’ or our own

ages, we still need to grieve such a momentous loss - a loss that isgreatly compounded by the death of the second parent, making usorphans. Which is tough at any age.

There is much in the literature about the emotional impact onyoung children when they suffer parental loss – and we all rec-ognize that as a tragedy. But since losing your parents is consid-ered “the natural order of things,” there are few resources to helpadults through the intense grieving process. Although there areself-help books, there are few resources that enable adults toemote about the experience. And we need to emote.

After one of my first readings soon after my book was published,one clearly annoyed woman approached me to say, “If you’regoing to make the whole room sob, you should at least providetissues!” I didn’t realize then that my words could make a wholeroom sob…but they do. And I have provided tissues at my read-ings ever since.

I get emails from readers all over the country telling me howtherapeutic my book was for them because it made them cry.One reader told me that her mother-in-law gave her the bookafter her mother died. She started sobbing as soon as she lookedat the cover, and her mother-in-law apologized profusely. Shetold her mother-in-law that she needed to cry and was grateful tohave her grief acknowledged. Imagine–a book’s cover can makeyou cry. That’s because there’s not a great deal of appreciationin our society of the pain that adult parental loss can generate andhow long it can linger. As I wrote in my book’s Prologue, “Thegrieving process is similar for any significant loss, although Ibelieve that the intense grief of an adult losing a parent needs astronger voice to be appreciated in our culture. Most of us will

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Page 15: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

15#62 June—July, 2012 I Healing Springs

bear witness to ourparents’ final days–atask for which I waswoefully unprepared.

Most of us are unpre-pared. An estate attor-ney asked me rhetori-cally why his clients areso often caught by sur-prise when their elderly

parents become incapacitated or die. The answer is that we neverexpect our self-sufficient, independent parents to fail. After all, theytook care of us! The publication of They Live On, based on the jour-nal I kept during my parents’ last 18 months of life, clearly tappedinto an unmet need for adults to talk about caregiving for and losingparents. This is a significant void in the area of grief work.

I was interviewed live on NPR in Philadelphia last August. A ther-apist was the host, and listeners called in about adult parental loss.Hearing such desperation from the callers confirmed for me thatthe death of our parents, in a society that doesn’t fully honor thatloss when you’re an adult, can lead to unresolved residual griefthat must be addressed or it comes out sideways in our health,relationships, and/or work. Following that radio interview, Ireceived a call from a 65-year-old man wanting to retain me as aconsultant to help him and his wife get through the final days withher 93-year-old infirm mother. They were falling apart individu-ally and as a couple because of the emotional strain. And no oneseems to understand. While I declined this opportunity, it againdemonstrates the desperation that we can feel during this time andhow few resources are available to us.

It’s not just women who need to release the grief. A business manfrom Chicago emailed me that he bought the book for his wife anddecided to leaf through it while on the plane home. Before heknew it, he was sobbing – in first class, all dressed up in his busi-ness attire. He was concerned over what his fellow passengersmight have thought. He wrote to thank me for helping him get intouch with the loss of his parents and in-laws.

I didn’t set out to write a tear jerker, a “crying catalyst” as somehave called it – I simply wanted to give voice to what it feels liketo helplessly watch your parents slip away. And I understand ourreluctance to allow ourselves a good cry because once the floodgates open, it feels like we’ll never get them closed again. Yet wedo, and the therapeutic benefits of cleansing ourselves of bottledup grief – simply by crying and talking about it – are immeasura-ble and essential to a healthy mind and body. So, go ahead andcry. It’s good for you. I’ll provide the tissues.

Patricia A. Nugent lives in Saratoga Springs, NY and is the authorof the book, “They Live On: Saying Goodbye to Mom and Dad”,consisting of 300 vignettes about the process of saying goodbye toa loved one, as seen through the eyes of a daughter and her ter-minally ill parents. More information is available at

author with parents

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Page 16: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

16 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

by Ann Carey Tobin

One of the most important tools for achieving optimal well-ness and aging gracefully is building and maintainingmuscle. Muscle burns calories exponentially more effi-

ciently than fat, and of course, it keeps us strong, active and bal-anced. It is also part of the package that promotes a more youth-ful appearance.

Beginning in our late 30’s or early 40’s we all begin to lose mus-cle, through some undetermined combination of aging, nutritionaldeficiencies, and inactivity. According to Nutrition Action HealthLetter, April 2011, this translates into approximately a quarter of apound of muscle loss per year for the average person. If leftunchecked, the progressive loss, called sarcopenia, can profoundlyaffect our health and our appearance. Lost muscle can be replacedwith unhealthy fat that either leads to being overweight and poten-tially plagued by associated diseases; or, alternatively, results in askinny fat person who is also at increased risk for the same dis-eases. Since muscle weighs more than fat, a skinny fat person mayregister a fairly stable weight on the scale, but it is only an illusion.

As mentioned, muscle burns calories more efficiently, helping usmaintain a healthy weight. The act of building muscle also stimu-lates bone growth, and produces an insulin-like protein that aidesblood sugar regulation. Adequate muscle mass and power is whatenables us to maneuver in space and stay balanced. Sarcopeniacontributes to an elders increased risk for falls, and adverselyaffects stamina, as well as the execution of everyday tasks, suchas getting in and out of a chair.

To preserve your muscle mass and power you need to engage inregular strength training (a.k.a. resistance or weight training) atleast twice a week. The American Heart Association and theAmerican College of Sports Medicine counsel all healthy adults toestablish a regimen that includes 8 to 10 strength training exercis-es that work the muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms, back,abdomen, and legs. You can accomplish this goal at a local gym,community center or home. Traditional weight lifting is the morefamiliar modality, but today the functional fitness movement hasintroduced considerable variety into the formula. Functional fit-ness is based on the premise that we are meant to move in threedimensions. Workouts utilizing this principal can work more thanone muscle at a time, and decrease the risk of injury while increas-ing the fun factor. Examples include kettlebells, resistancebands/tubes, medicine balls, stability balls, ropes, circuit training,and calisthenics, such as squats, lunges, chin ups and planks.Many other activities can contribute to muscle conditioning, suchas certain yoga moves, and squatting and lifting while tending thegarden. Anyone, of any age, will benefit from attention to muscle

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Page 17: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

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17#62 June—July, 2012 I Healing Springs

health. To assist in this venture The National Institute on Agingprovides the publication ‘Exercise & Physical Activity Guide.’

Protein consumption also builds muscle; however, research points tothe fact that we may need more protein in our diet as we age.Currently, the Institute of Medicine recommends that adults con-sume 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily. Manypeople do not achieve this Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA),and now many researchers have raised the bar higher. They state thatto maintain or gain muscle you may need to consume 25-50% moreprotein than the current RDA. That is closer to 0.5 grams of proteinper pound of lean body weight for the average person, e.g. an indi-vidual who weighs 140 pounds would consume 70 grams of proteinper day. Very active individuals and athletes may need to increasethat formula to 0.8-1.0 grams per pound of lean body weight.

The composition and source of the protein also plays a role in theeffectiveness of muscle production. Of the 20 amino acid buildingblocks comprising protein, only 11 can be made by the body. Theother 9 are called essential amino acids, because we need to obtainthem from our diet. They are also the only amino acids that stimu-late protein synthesis. Of the 9, leucine stands out as the driverbehind the majority of protein synthesis. Animal proteins are rich-est in essential amino acids and leucine, and whey protein (20% ofthe protein found in milk) ranks highest in leucine concentration.Animal protein, though, does have other issues to contend with.Plant proteins can suffice, especially soy, but they are not as loadedin leucine and the other essential amino acids. An optimal level forleucine is not yet established, but currently the estimate is around3 grams per meal. The amount of leucine also seems to be moreimportant for older adults.

In addition, aging adults may need to spread their protein moreevenly throughout the day. Indications are that the upper limit ofprotein for any one meal is about 30 grams. Consuming more thanthat at one sitting will not stimulate more protein synthesis, andinstead the calories will be utilized for energy or stored as fat.Dividing your calculated protein needs more evenly throughoutthe day will be more effective. For many Americans that meansshifting some of the heavy protein associated with a typical din-ner over to breakfast. Another vital point—protein is best utilizedfor muscle building within the first hour or two following strengthtraining. So, plan accordingly for a timely snack or meal brim-ming with adequate protein.

A useful website for tracking your daily nutrient intake, as well ascalorie intake and expenditures is Websites fea-turing fitness and strength training topics include:,,,

Ann Carey Tobin, M.D., FAAFP, is a board certified family physician.Her integrative medicine consultation practice, Partners in Healing,is located in Delmar. She can be reached at 518.506.6303, by e-mailat [email protected], or visit

“...muscle burns calories more efficiently,helping us maintain a healthy weight. The

act of building muscle also stimulates bonegrowth, and produces an insulin-like

protein that aides blood sugar regulation.”


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Page 18: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

18 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

CREATING TIME by Marney K. MakridakisPrice: $22.95 • ISBN 978-1-60868-111-2

In today’s technology driven, fast paced, multi-tasking world,it can feel like time is moving so rapidly that it is impossibleto keep caught up with basic responsibilities, let alone to

have extra time to focus on our dreams, hobbies, and the thingsthat touch our hearts most deeply.

Creating Time: Using Creativity to Reinvent the Clock andReclaim Your Life (New World Library, April 17, 2012) hasgood news for those who feel there aren’t enough hours in theday to get it all done. Creativity expert and author Marney K.Makridakis turns the concept of time management upside-downby presenting exciting new tools for experiencing time in freshand exciting ways.

Creating Time combines creativity with science to inspire read-ers to re-shape old thoughts and patterns that have been holding

them back from being all they can bein this life. It presents, in a gorgeousfour-color format, a fascinatingadventure where readers not onlyimagine and create but completelyreshape the way they think abouttheir own time, using art and imagi-nation as powerful catalysts for last-ing change.

Creating Time presents 14 powerfulconcepts for creating time through

creativity. Each chapter demonstrates, in a unique way, that wecan create time outside of a linear view and welcome a truly newway to experience it. Each concept is illustrated through sup-portive material such as personal stories and anecdotes, literaryand fun pop culture references, and creative interpretations ofscientific theory and evidence.

The conclusion of each chapter presents an ARTsignment, ashort project based on the concepts in the chapter that is designedto activate and expand self-awareness and transformation. EachARTsignment combines a step-by-step introspective process,interactive journal questions, and a unique, hands-on art project.Inspiring galleries with sample ARTsignments by contributingartists are included.

“This book represents my journey from time management totime metamorphosis,” writes Marney. “Now you too can controlyour perception of time and experience it in a way that truly sup-ports you and the highest vision of your life. Believe it or not,time is in your hands, and you can mold, craft, and create time tobe just about anything you would like it to be. “

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Page 19: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

19#62 June—July, 2012 I Healing Springs

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Redox Signaling Molecules are

naturally created within every

living cell of the body. They are

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them you would die. In fact, as

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replenish and increase our cellular

efficiency. ASEA increases ones

endurance, boosts the immune

system and strives to balance

the body's cellular makeup.

We live and die at the

cellular level.

Page 20: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

20 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

by Stefanie Schaefer

IONS. What are they? Ions are floating in the air around us all ofthe time and have either negative or positive charge. It is knownin science that ion depletion is the source of a wide range of

human health problems, both mental and physical. These air ionsare important to you because if there is a high proportion of nega-tive ions in the air you will feel lively, uplifted and enthusiastic.

Did you know a negative charge in a space acts on our capacity toabsorb and utilize oxygen, causing us to have more energy andfeel invigorated. Negative ions also have been proven to increaselevels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depres-sion, relieve stress, and boost our feelings of well-being. Toomany positive ions will have you feeling lethargic and full ofaches, pains and complaints. Nature is full of negative ions. Thinkabout hundreds of thousands of years ago. We were surroundedwith negative ions and evolved in their presence. It is what ourbody is not only used to, but thrives on. It’s another reason youfeel rejuvenated after a day of hiking, a day at the beach, or aweekend in the woods camping. Now we are surrounded by tele-vision screens, computer screens, tablet screens, and everythingelectric. All this electricity puts off positive ions. In our currentstate, we are overrun with positive ions.

What does this have to do with my walls?You can counter these positive ions is with a plethora of plants, anair purifier, moving outdoors, or how about disposing of all elec-tronic equipment in your home? Another way is to try a wall cover-ing that has the ability to emit negative ions as well as add a touchof unique and rich style to your home. American Clay Earth Plastersdoes that. The natural plaster incorporates the benefits of nature’snegative ions directly onto the walls of your favorite spaces insideyour home. In addition to regulating ions, it also has a lot of othertraits that keep your air clean and fresh. For one, it repels dust, resistsmold growth, and absorbs and releases moisture, moderating thetemperature and humidity of your home. Keeping air clean is goingto help with allergies and asthma. It’s also, simply, a fun product touse! Naturally-occurring clay and lime plasters have always beenused to create beautiful and long lasting interior and exterior finish-es. It does not off gas, as it is an all natural substance. Your wallscover at least two-thirds of the surface area of your home, whichyou’re inside of most of your life. What you put on them will havean impact on your quality of air as well as your quality of life!

Want to try American Clay Plasters yourself? Call us at GreenConscience for more information or to sign up for one of our month-ly workshops! Karen Totino owns Green Conscience Home &Garden, 33 Church Street in Saratoga Springs. Green Conscience isa retail showroom that offers a variety of non-toxic and eco-friend-ly home improvement products. Stefanie Schaefer is and in housedesigner available for any of your earth friendly design and homeplanning needs. For more information call us at 518-306-5196 orcheck out our website

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Page 21: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

21#62 June—July, 2012 I Healing Springs

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Page 22: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

22 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

by Wendy Ball

When Ron Kurtz was looking for a name for his uniquetherapy approach he had a dream in which he saw theword Hakomi. Searching for the word he found that it

come from the Hopi language and means: Who am I in these manyrealms? It captured the essence of his therapy and became its name.

The Hakomi Method integrates several time honored spiritualpractices with skills common to body work, somatic or body-cen-tered therapy, and more recently the neurobiologically informedtherapy approaches that seek effective response to early childhoodneglect and trauma and resulting attachment issues. Hakomi isuniquely known for creating strategies known as “little experi-ments,” designed to elicit self awareness on all levels: physical,emotional, mental and spiritual. Resistance, rather than being chal-lenged, is met with gentle contact, a physical, verbal or gesturaltouch that says: “I see you,” and it’s O.K. As one brings an attitudeof loving presence to deep listening, an awareness emerges ofwhat’s missing for an experience of self that is whole and positive.Support to experience wholeness through acceptance, worth,acknowledgment, contact and connection are provided.

Hakomi was first developed in Ron Kurtz’s private therapy prac-tice 40 years ago in Albany NY. It is one of the first body-centeredtherapies, supporting clients to tune in to posture, gestures, sensa-tions, urges, facial expressions; to listen deeply and allow mean-ing to emerge. It was also one of the first therapies to cultivatemindfulness: the use of an open, curious, non-judgmental state ofmind, in both therapist and client. The therapist creates an atmos-phere of unconditional acceptance in which they simply bringattention to what they see and find ways to support the clients tonotice, to acknowledge their own defenses which then soften andallow contact with what lies beneath. The Hakomi Method

What is Hakomi?

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23#62 June—July, 2012 I Healing Springs

quickly moves beyond words to felt sense and embodied mean-ing. Because of this it is an excellent approach for accessing theimprint of early neglect and trauma which is stored as images,sensations and impulses and is beyond the reach of words. TheHakomi Method can often assist people with chronic pain,somatic disorders and other trauma-based disorders in ways thattalk-therapy cannot.

Participants in the Hakomi Method often emerge from a piece ofwork feeling as though they have been immersed in sacred activ-ity. In the decade before his death Ron Kurtz found himselfdrawn to greater and greater emphasis on the practices of LovingPresence and Mindfulness. He felt that these two practices alonecould create a powerful healing environment in which one seeksto see in the other what is inspiring, attunes to the other with sim-ple open curiosity, and helps catalyse in the other the experienceof these healing qualities. In the end he saw the Hakomi Methodas a template for healing relationship which can be practicedanywhere: at home with family and friends, at work, and in onescommunity. The Hakomi method has extended beyond anapproach to therapy and is currently integrated into coupleswork, coaching, organizational development and communityorganizing. It is often done in small groups because it is anapproach that is all about enhanced connection with self thatcomes through nourishing connection with others.

Hakomi integrates well with other therapy approaches. It is oftenused in conjunction with ego state therapy such as InternalFamily Systems, with EMDR (eye movement desensitizationand reprocessing), with somatic therapies, with specialized trau-ma therapies such as sensorimotor psychotherapy, and withexpressive arts therapies.

Hakomi, which has been quietly offering a powerful mix of timehonored spiritual practices with new understanding of embodiedmemory and learning for the last 40 years now takes its placewith the most recent clinical applications of neuropsychology.Hats off to its founder, Ron Kurtz, a rebel with a vision.

References: or

Wendy Ball LMHC has a private therapy practice in Albany NY.She is a certified Hakomi therapist and an EMDRIA certifiedtherapist and consultant in training. Wendy brings togetherapproaches of Hakomi, EMDR, ego state therapies andTransformational Coaching to support clients in ways that aresafe, nourishing and respectful of their unique needs and styles.She has 30 years experience working privately and in agenciesin Canada and the U.S. Wendy has embraced the Hakomi way ofbeing and working as her way of making peace in the world.

“The Hakomi Method integrates several time honored spiritual practices withskills common to body work, somatic or body-centered therapy, and more recentlythe neurobiologically informed therapy approaches that seek effective response

to early childhood neglect and trauma and resulting attachment issues.”

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24 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

by Cate LaBarre

What is this SILENT EPIDEMIC? Hepatitis C (HCV).At my most recent annual visit with my primary careprovider, the nurse handed me a permission form for

HIV/AIDS screening. I commented to her that it’s great that thisscreening is being routinely offered, but what about Hepatitis C?Infection with HCV is more prevalent than HIV/AIDS, yet it’snot common knowledge and there are no routine screening ques-tions at doctor’s visits. I started to wonder, what’s going on withfederal health officials to keep this epidemic a secret?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), 3.2 million Americans are thought to have Hepatitis Cand about half have not been diagnosed. “Persons newly infect-ed with HCV are usually asymptomatic, so acute Hepatitis C israrely identified or reported”. Worldwide the number is 170 mil-lion. About 15% of those infected clear the infection in the acutephase, those who do not are considered to have chronic infection.Of those with chronic infection, 60-70% will develop liver dis-ease with 5-20% developing cirrhosis or liver cancer over 20-30years. Hepatitis C is the number one cause of liver transplant. In

2007, 15,000 deaths were related to Hepatitis C, almost 15%more than the number of deaths caused by AIDS. It’s estimatedthat one in 33 baby boomers are living with chronic HCV. Sincea majority of people with chronic hepatitis C are in this agegroup, federal health officials are considering recommendationof a one-time blood test (as they do routinely for HIV/AIDS) forindividuals born between 1945 and 1965.

Why don’t more people know about this? Hepatitis C often hasno symptoms until advanced disease takes hold. It is an indolentdisease, ticking away like a time bomb, until the immune systemis worn down by years of valiantly and quietly fighting the infec-tion. If there are symptoms, they can be vague and transient.Headaches, unexplained joint and muscle pain, chronic fatigueand lowered resistance to infections of all kinds over time. Onphysical exam, liver inflammation may or may not be apparent,so often is undetected. Medical forms and health care providersrarely ask the most important questions about risk factors thatwould lead to screening.

What are the risk factors? IV drug use through shared needles,even one time, is the biggest risk factor. Hospital and emergencyworkers with direct patient care risk infection by needle stick.Receiving blood products or transfusion before 1992, whenscreening became routine in the U.S. is a risk factor. (You canfind more risk factors on the CDC website listed below.)

Why isn’t routine testing done? This isn’t entirely clear. Federalhealth officials report that the two drugs for Hepatitis C treatmentprior to May 2011 (a combination of weekly Interferon injectionsalong with twice daily Ribavirin tablets) had a cure rate of only40% with treatment duration of 48 weeks. According to the CDC,

Silent Epidemic

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25#62 June—July, 2012 I Healing Springs

“there are at least six distinct HCV genotypes (genotypes 1–6)”with more than 50 subtypes identified. ”Genotype 1 is the mostcommon HCV genotype in the United States” and has not been agood responder to Interferon and Ribavirin treatment. The logicseems to be that if there’s no cure there is no reason to know. Now,with the introduction of new treatment, federal health officials areconsidering recommendation for routine screening. Two new “pro-tease inhibitors” were approved by the FDA in 2011. One or theother is used in combination with Interferon and Ribavirin.Treatment duration has been reduced from 11 months to as little assix or seven months for those with Genotype 1 who have neverbeen treated. Cure rate has risen to 75 – 85%. Despite this goodnews, there are no upfront promises on length of treatment.Depending on viral response, treatment can still be as long as 48weeks. Treatment is grueling with side effects severe enough tocause some people to drop out of treatment while others may be sodebilitated that they are forced to take medical leave.

What does treatment cost? The two new drugs, Telapravir andBocepravir, can add a whopping $1,000 to $4,000 a week to thecurrent cost of up to $30,000 for two drug therapy. Without insur-ance to reduce out-of-pocket expense, this price tag is prohibitive;it is the biggest blockade and complaint made by those who areinfected. Those without adequate coverage may receive free treat-ment if they are willing to participate in drug trials.

Are there other options being explored? Currently there are newdrugs in the last phases of clinical trials. It is hoped that more suc-cessful treatments with fewer side effects will be available withinthe next few years.

What can you do if you have risk factors? Be honest with your pri-mary care provider about your concern. Ask for a simple bloodtest. If your test comes back positive for HCV, ask for a referralto a gastroenterologist who specializes in liver disease. Your spe-cialist will check viral load (measurable virus indicates chronicinfection) and liver values, both simple blood tests that will helpdetermine the severity of your infection.

What can you do to take care ofyourself if you have chronicHepatitis C? • Be proactive and educate yourself. Start with

and • Learn how to be an advocate for your health care. • Take note of what you put in your body. Eliminate or mini-

mize liver stressors, like alcohol and over-the-counter medica-tions. Read all labels. Know that some (not all) herbal productsare toxic to the liver. Take vitamin supplements without iron(Hepatitis C feeds on the liver and loves iron). Ask your spe-cialist about what is appropriate for you.

• Give your immune system an added boost with adequate restand exercise.

• Notice your thoughts and beliefs. If they don’t serve your over-all well-being, look at how you can shift them to be empowering.

• Look around your life and see what stresses you emotional-ly and energetically. Are there relationships that drain you?

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—Marlene Kelly, Assistant Director of Online Learning, Omega Institute

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26 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

Are there issues or problems that create stress? Are you dealingwith a loss in addition to the loss of optimal health?

• Reach out for support. Support groups, Hepatitis C blogs,alternative practitioners, adjunctive therapies, spiritual guid-ance, counselor, therapist or coach specializing in working withpeople with health concerns may help you de-stress as you real-ize you are NOT alone.

Practice impeccable self-care. Keep current with the latestadvances of medicine. Trust your inner voice to discern what’sright for you.

Cate LaBarre is a personal coach, workshop leader and consultantspecializing in self-care. At the time of publication she has com-pleted nine months of triple drug therapy for chronic HCV. Formore on how to be your own healthcare advocate read her previ-ous article in ‘The Healing Springs Journal’ (December – January)Be an Empowered Health Care Consumer and her blog datedSeptember 12, 2011, Ground Rules, at http://catelabarrecoach.comYou can email her at [email protected] or visit her online at and

PractitionerAsk the

There were no questions for this issue, so I am choosing towrite about what I perceive as the state of the world and itsimpact on the individual psyche and health of the population

that I see. In general, I would say that I have noticed a pro-nounced rise in what I'd call a disconnectedness / confusion andcorresponding irritability that seems to have taken hold every-where that I travel.

We seem to be in more of a hurry to get wherever we are going,and that is leading to more auto accidents than I have seen in along time. Courtesy has diminished, inattention has increased, ashas irritable reactions to the simplest delays.

When I see clients, they are often in a hurry and want the magicpill to take away the ill feeling, the pain, etc. Now don't take thisthe wrong way, I feel that that is my duty, and I love helping,whether with homeopathy, hypnosis, jin shin jyutsu, or any otherskill that I have. BUT, in order to help, the cause needs to beuncovered, and then the healing work can begin. It is necessarythat we bring some level of introspection to the issue, however. Ifthe cause is not uncovered and removed, or at the very least, rec-ognized, then we are only chasing the time clock.

We seem to be giving little attention to the need to breath, but thenthere is that problem of the massive amount of allergens in the air.The seasons are all confused, with trees and flowers blossoming

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27#62 June—July, 2012 I Healing Springs

early, dust from a particularly dry winter flying about, and our inattentionto the needs of our body to get more water into it, in order for it

to remove those irritants.

When the body is attempting tomaintain its natural balance, suffer-ing under the strain of our inatten-tativeness, and battling a low level

of discomfort, we are at some level ofconsciousness giving energy to dealingwith that discomfort. That takes awayfrom our ability to pay attention to

what is right in front of us, and webecome irritable.

Very often when people come to see me, I allow for aperiod of time for them to sit still, chat a little, and thenwe begin the session. This allows them to get in touch

with where they are, not where they have been or towhere they need to go. Let yourself take 5 minutes tosit still, notice what your body is feeling, (do youhave to use the bathroom, and weren't paying atten-tion to it because you were in a car, a meeting, or onthe telephone for the last half hour?)

It can be an amazingly fruitful exercise in selfhelp. Then make a massage appointment, or an

appointment with a practitioner that you have been putting off for a while because you'retoo busy. There really is enough time to do what needs to be done. The rest can wait untilyou get to it, even answering the phone every time it rings. Feel yourself in your body,let your thoughts stray. You may be surprised by the result.

Jerome Pindell can be reached at 518-374-5492. He has office hours in Clifton Park,Niskayuna, and New York City. His self published book of poetry, Training Tracks, poemsby implosion is available through Amazon.

All our progress isan unfolding, like avegetable bud. You

have first aninstinct, then an

opinion, then aknowledge as the

plant has root, bud,and fruit. Trust theinstinct to the end,

though you can render no reason.—Ralph Waldo Emerson


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28 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

by Nina Lockwood

Have you ever been told you needed surgery? Were youexpecting it? Did it feel like the right choice? Sometimessurgery is necessary and absolutely the right choice. But

how do you make the best decision when the recommendationcomes from a respected “authority” who automatically assumesyou will agree with their recommendation? When you’re expect-ed to give your answer right away, how do you take a stop andask yourself what’s best?

Seems like almost everyone I knew got some form of a stomachbug this past winter. I did, too, which was a big surprise, since Irarely get sick. Following a couple days of “processing” thevirus, I began to have excruciating abdominal pains, the likes ofwhich I had never experienced before. I’ve studied and practicedenergy medicine for many years and experienced many “mira-cles” with my clients and personally, but the pain was so intenseand so compelling I willingly made an appointment with the doc-tor. The Physician’s Assistant suspected my gallbladder, so around of testing began. There was an x-ray and a blood test. Myliver enzymes were way beyond the normal range. The next testwas an ultrasound, which didn’t reveal anything conclusive,although my bile was what they called “sluggish.” When I spokewith the PA again, she insisted that I make an appointment withthe surgeon. I could not understand why I should consider sur-gery when the tests were inconclusive. Nevertheless, I made theappointment thinking that at least I’d get some helpful informa-tion about why these pains had occurred and what I could do toreturn things to normal.

Many of the energetic modalities that I teach are considered acomplement - and not a replacement - to traditional western med-icine. Since I love comparing different interpretations of whyand how things come into being, I’m open to traditional, sci-ence-based reason and logic while embracing the paradigm shiftsthat emerge from the holistic perspective of the new physics.Once I’ve considered as many sides of an issue as will keep meinterested, I turn inward for instructions on how to proceed.Some people call this inner guidance “gut instinct, “intuition,”“inner wisdom” “God” or “Spirit.” What we call it isn’t impor-tant. What we do with it is.

You probably won’t be surprised that although nothing conclu-sive was revealed in the tests I had taken, the recommendationwas surgical removal of my gall bladder. “Better to be safe thansorry” I was told. The doctor was not familiar with any comple-mentary or alternative therapies, so not only was he unable to tellme why my condition had appeared, he could not recommendany treatment other than surgery. To say I was apprehensivewould be mild. We agreed that I’d take another blood test in aweek or so and go from there. Loud and clear, I could hear myinner voice urging me to find ways to support and heal my bodythrough natural means if at all possible. And if that didn’t work,surgery might then be an option. Gall bladder surgery is, after all,one of the most common surgeries in our country today.

This was one of those moments where I really welcomed beingable to research information on the internet. I visited several

IIss SSuurrggeerryy RReeaallllyy tthheeBBeesstt CChhooiiccee??


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websites that were filled with incredibly helpful information, notonly about gall bladders and livers and the digestive system butoptions for working with the body rather than removing theoffending organ from the body.

Supported by what I had read, what other health care providersshared with me and being monitored carefully by my Physician’sAssistant, I started a regimen of energy work, acupuncture, essen-tial oils, dietary changes and nutritional supplements. The pain inmy abdomen disappeared and my energy returned. By the time theresults of the final blood test were in, all of my enzyme counts werewithin the normal range. One of them had gone down 250 points!When the surgeon’s office called me with these results, I was toldthat surgery was still recommended. The individual who shared theresults with me didn’t know why. Perhaps, she said, the doctor justdidn’t want me to go through this again. I’ll leave you to draw yourown conclusions. I don’t necessarily consider this experience a“done deal” and that this particular scenario will never reappear. Iam going to be monitoring my blood counts on a regular basis. ButI can tell you I’ve been told by a lot of people, health care profes-sionals included, that I did the right thing to learn and try out whatfelt most helpful to my body. Even if it hadn’t been a “successful”result, I would still have learned a lot more about myself and mybody and nothing would have been lost in the process.

I share this with you as a reminder and an invitation to considercarefully when surgery is recommended. I’m not talking aboutquestioning a time-sensitive or life-saving procedure. Generally,it’s obvious when surgery is necessary; the benefits are clear andthe negative consequences are worth the risk. Physicians areencouraged to be conservative, judicious and to provide for thesafety of their patients. But sometimes surgery is simply the pathof least resistance and may be avoidable.

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself if you find you areresistant to going under the knife. How do YOU really feel aboutit? Do you believe surgery is really the only option? Do you wantto know about other options that may be less invasive and moreholistic? Does the idea of working with your body in the leastinvasive way appeal to you? When faced with a medical conditionthat requires attention, the most important thing you can do isempower yourself with knowledge so you don’t end up feelingvictimized by any individual or institution. Healing SpringsJournal is a great resource. It will always be worth your time andeffort to do your homework, asking questions from both the tradi-tional and complementary sides of health care. Once you’veacquired enough information to make an informed choice, youcan easily go within and trust yourself to make the right decision.

Nina Lockwood, MSW, HTCP/I, is a healing and transformationguide offering an effective process using energy medicine, psy-chology, the wisdom traditions and consciousness technologies.She teaches, writes and offers workshops on these subjects. Formore information, contact her at [email protected].

Since 1984

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30 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

by Becky Kuhn

We are living in a world of programed duality thinking.We see things mostly in two’s (opposites). We seemale-female, good-evil, up-down, right- wrong, big-

small, in-out, black-white fight-flight. This leads to judgment; is -isn’t , I’m right-you’re wrong, my way-your way.

What if? What if we deleted this programing and saw the worldthrough innocent eyes of a child? Here is a true story example. Iwas at beautiful Sacanadaga Lake standing on a large rock look-ing out over the beautiful view with a friend Ken and his daugh-ter, Lilly-Rose. Ken looked up and said “Hey Becky, why don’tyou swim over and save that butterfly? About 20 feet out into thewater was a beautiful butterfly, clearly in distress. The wings werefolded together and it was laying on top of the water unable to fly.I said “Ken, why did you tell me that ? Now I feel sad that I can’thelp the butterfly. I thought I would hurt it if I touched its delicatewings. Ken then said “it’s ok because nature will prevail and a bignorthern will come and eat it. How very sad, I thought. Just thenone of the ducks swimming in the area made a Bee-line for thebutterfly. “Oh dear”, I wondered, do duck’s eat butterflys? BothKen and I decided that yes the fate of the beautiful butterfly wasto be eaten in front of us. Just as the duck got to the butterfly I sawthe beak open and grab at the butterfly. At that moment the but-terfly flew up into the air, did 3 summersaults and it’s wingsopened up. It turned toward me and flew right at my nose and upand over my head. Wow! What joy for all of us. I said I was surethe duck would eat it. “Me too” said Ken. Then his sweet, inno-cent, little daughter said “ I told the duck to save it ....”. I won-dered why hadn’t thought of that.. I wanted to go back to being achild and knowing with all my heart , that all things are possible.So you see if we change our programing, and get out of our ownway, anything is possible. How does it get any better than that?

Open ended questions keep us from duality and judgement. Forjudgment will keep you stuck, where nothing can change.Judgment of being right is just as limiting as judgment they arewrong. Both inhibit creativity and possibility.

Access Consciouness can help delete old programing. There are 32bars of energy that run through and around your head. They storethe electromagentic component of all beliefs and emotions that youare holding about anything. By gently touching these points on thehead the energy barriers dissipate and the electromagenetic charge

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Page 31: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

31#62 June—July, 2012 I Healing Springs

is released. Like deleting old computer files and creating space fornew and unlimited possiblities. You have the power to changeyourself and anything in your life that is not working. The possi-blites are endless for what this can do for you and for your fami-ly. Feeling low on energy? Stressed? In pain? Want to look or feelbetter? Have your bars run today !

Access Consciousness is a way of changing. Consciousness is theability to be present in your life in every moment, without judgmentof yourself or anyone else. It is the ability to receive everything,reject nothing, and create everything you desire in life - greater thanwhat you currently have, and more than you can imagine.

My wisdom comes from being a Matrix Energetic’s Level 4Practitoner, Yuen Method Practitioner and a Garcia InnergeticsPractitioner. I incorporate Native American philosophy, AccessConsciousness, Reiki, Tarot wisdom and the wisdom of other manywonderful teachers. I also specialize in working with animals.

In my experience, this works wonderful with animals, in partbecause they do not know that it can’t.

My global mission is to help raise the consciousness of the planetby opening doors for others to heal themselves, and teaching whatI have learned to facilitate lasting peace to our planet.

Remember who you are and came here to be. Be the light that youseek. Choose light. Remember your pets!


To start your journey on a new path in life, contact Becky Kuhn518-605-8587, [email protected], or Shealso does remote sessions on Skype where her address isingracewechange.

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32 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

IT SHOULD BE NOTED: In June, Neptune turns retrograde onJune 4th at 03:09 Pisces. The Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipseat 14:14 Sagittarius is also on the 4th. Saturn goes direct on June25th at 22:45 Libra. And in July, the Full Moon on the July 3rd isat 12:14 Capricorn. Uranus goes retrograde on July 13th at 08:32Aries and Mercury turns retrograde on July 14th at 12:32 Leo.

ARIES ASCENDANTJUNE: Studies, short journeys and all communications are yourinterests for this month. When Neptune turns retrograde on the4th, you will evaluate your life on spiritual and inner levels. TheFull Moon also on the 4th, gives you the desire to expand yourhorizons through study and travel. On the 25th, Saturn goesdirect and eases recent stress in your one-to-one partnerships,both business and personal.JULY: Personal matters, family relationships and heritage arefavored for this month. Uranus, the planet of the unexpected,turns retrograde on the 13th and gives you an opportunity torethink new ideas and teachings allowing you to move forward.On the 14th, Mercury goes retrograde and affects your commu-nications with loved ones. Express your thoughts, but avoidbeing insensitive to others.

TAURUS ASCENDANTJUNE: Personal assets, financial affairs and monetary prospectsare your focus for this month. When Neptune goes retrograde onthe 4th, you analyze your friendships and seek new friends who

have similar interests to yours. The Full Moon also on the 4thallows you to settle old debts and commitments. On the 25th,Saturn turns direct and co-workers become cooperative andworking conditions improve.JULY: Communicating with others, education and short tripsare highlighted for this month. Uranus, the planet of the unex-pected, goes retrograde on the 13th and hidden matters maycome forward so that they can be handled. You are able lookback and begin to move forward. On the 14th, Mercury turns ret-rograde and you examine your personal life and how it is fulfill-ing your everyday needs.

GEMINI ASCENDANTJUNE: Personality, worldly outlook and self-interests are yourhighlights for this month. When Neptune turns retrograde on the4th, you may feel uncertain about the direction your life andcareer are going. Rethink possible changes. The Full Moon alsoon the 4th improves your understanding of others. On the 25th,Saturn goes direct and you find yourself relaxing and havingmore fun with loved ones.JULY: Personal finances, values and financial security are thefocus for this month. Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, turnsretrograde on the 13th and you are attracted to new friends andgroups who share similar humanitarian and social interests asyourself. On the 14th, Mercury goes retrograde and you have arenewed interest in mental pursuits. This can be the time to begina new course of study.

CANCER ASCENDANTJUNE: Spirituality, the inner child and reflection are favored forthis month. When Neptune goes retrograde on the 4th, you areexposed to new teachings and ideas as you expand your hori-zons. The Full Moon also on the 4th gives you a desire toimprove your physical condition through diet and exercise. Onthe 25th, Saturn turns direct and both personal and family mat-ters become more settled.JULY: Appearance, self-expression and confidence are yourassets for this month. Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, goesretrograde on the 13th and you are able to rethink offers or oppor-tunities that you have received. On the 14th, Mercury turns retro-grade and you take a new look at your values. You get insight andinnovating ideas on how to make money or increase your income.

LEO ASCENDANTJUNE: Friends, group affiliations and achieving goals are impor-tant for this month. When Neptune turns retrograde on the 4th, youquestion such subjects as mediumship and reincarnation. The FullMoon also on the 4th finds you helping loved ones and childrenwith their creative projects. On the 25th, Saturn goes direct and isa good time for you to begin formal or disciplined new studies. JULY: Spirituality, self-reflection and the inner child are theinterests for this month. Uranus, the planet of the unexpected,turns retrograde on the 13th and you gain new insight into theworld around you which helps to broaden your perspective. Onthe 14th, Mercury goes retrograde and you are able to expressyourself in new ways. You look at your self-image and will makeany desired changes.

your Astrological FORECASTJune & July 2012

Using Standard Time locate your Rising Sign or Ascendant. If your birth time is Daylight Savings Time, subtract one hour.Your actual Rising Sign or Ascendant may differ depending oncertain time of birth and dates; however, not to confuse the non-astrologer use the sign indicated for your Forecast. This placementis similar to the transiting planet’s location in your Natal Chart,except for exact degrees, and will correctly indicate your Forecast.For example, if you are a Gemini born at 6:38 P.M., yourAscendant is Capricorn.

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VIRGO ASCENDANTJUNE: Profession, honors and receiving recognition are favoredfor this month. When Neptune goes retrograde on the 4th, one-to-one relationships can suffer from poor communication or mis-understandings. The Full Moon also on the 4th brings changes inyour personal life as old matters are resolved. On the 25th,Saturn turns direct and you analyze your financial security andmake subtle changes in budgeting.JULY: Hope and wishes, setting new goals and long-term direc-tions are favored for this month. Uranus, the planet of the unexpect-ed, goes retrograde on the 13th and suggests that you use care whenjoint assets or finances are being considered. On the 14th, Mercuryturns retrograde and you explore your inner child. You meditate andare more concerned with spiritual matters. Avoid being self-critical.

LIBRA ASCENDANTJUNE: Psychic experiences, foreign countries and cultures areyour interests for this month. When Neptune turns retrograde onthe 4th, avoid fad diets and maintain both a healthy diet and exer-cise program. The Full Moon also on the 4th indicates the begin-ning of new studies as you seek further knowledge. On the 25th,Saturn goes direct giving you the opportunity to see yourstrengths and weaknesses.JULY: Career, or the equivalent, achievements and recognition arethe highlights for this month. Uranus, the planet of the unexpected,turns retrograde on the 13th and you learn about yourself throughyour relationships with others. Allow this learning to take place. Onthe 14th, Mercury goes retrograde and you evaluate goals that youhave set in the past and adjust them to your current situation.

SCORPIO ASCENDANTJUNE: Shared assets, real estate and settling old debts are thefocus for this month. When Neptune goes retrograde on the 4th,your loved ones ask for your help with their creative projects.The Full Moon also on the 4th asks that you rethink your spend-ing and saving habits and make any needed changes. On the25th, Saturn turns direct and topics such as healing, intuition andthe psychic are explored.JULY: Spiritual studies, foreign cultures and travel are the interestsfor this month. Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, goes retro-grade on the 13th and this is the time to examine both your physi-cal and work efficiency. On the 14th, Mercury turns retrograde andyou may begin new studies to help you achieve your career goals,or the equivalent. You may receive long-overdue recognition.

SAGITTARIUS ASCENDANTJUNE: Partnerships, marriage and contracts are favored for thismonth. When Neptune turns retrograde on the 4th, you will ana-lyze your personal life to see if it is fulfilling your needs. TheFull Moon also on the 4th brings changes in your appearance asyou try a new hairstyle or buy new clothes. On the 25th, Saturngoes direct and you seek friends who have the same interests andideas as yourself.JULY: Joint assets, business negotiations and commitments arethe focus for this month. Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, goesretrograde on the 13th and you enjoy becoming involved in helpingyour loved ones and children with their creative projects. On the

14th, Mercury goes retrograde and you seek ways to expand yourview of life. You explore spirituality and foreign cultures.

CAPRICORN ASCENDANTJUNE: Services one provides, employers and work are your con-centration for this month. When Neptune goes retrograde on the 4th,communicate clearly with others and enter into negotiations careful-ly. The Full Moon also on the 4th begins a renewed interest in spiri-tuality and psychic teachings. On the 25th, Saturn turns direct andyou can achieve a goal or receive recognition for a project well-done.JULY: Partnerships, both business and personal, and sharing withothers bring happiness for this month. Uranus, the planet of theunexpected, turns retrograde on the 13th and subtle changes occurin your home and personal matters. On the 14th, Mercury turns ret-rograde and you are able to negotiate and settle old debts or com-mitments. This is the time to study mediumship and reincarnation.

AQUARIUS ASCENDANTJUNE: Speculations, children and loved ones are favored forthis month. When Neptune turns retrograde on the 4th, read allagreements carefully before signing in order to avoid deceptiveclauses. The Full Moon also on the 4th asks that you evaluateyour goals and directions and adjust them accordingly. On the25th, Saturn goes direct and you seek knowledge to expand yourperspective and horizons.JULY: Work techniques, services you provide and employment arethe focus for this month. Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, goesretrograde on the 13th and gives you a desire to acquire new knowl-edge through attending a formal class or workshop. On the 14th,Mercury goes retrograde and discussions result in issues being clar-ified in your one-to-one partnerships, both business and personal.

PISCES ASCENDANTJUNE: Domestic affairs, family and home life are the focus forthis month. When Neptune goes retrograde on the 4th, it will bedifficult to know yourself, but it is important. The Full Moonalso on the 4th can bring changes in your career goals or theequivalent. On the 25th, Saturn turns direct and you assumegreater responsibility with joint finances.JULY: Creative projects, children and loved ones bring you hap-piness for this month. Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, turnsretrograde on the 13th and can bring subtle changes in the finan-cial areas. Use care when signing contracts. On the 14th,Mercury goes retrograde and you take a renewed interest inhealth, diet and work issues. This placement deals with bothwork and physical efficiency.

Arlene is an Author, Astrologer and Para-Consultant and hasstudied and worked with astrology for more than thirty-fiveyears. She has also been a professional astrologer since 1980.Arlene has a Certificate of Merit from Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson(CA 1982) and a Certificate of Proficiency from the Mayo Schoolof Astrology (London 1985). In addition, she holds certificationsfrom the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (1982-2013) as both a Medium and Healer (Lily Dale, NY). Arlene canbe reached at Astrological Concepts, telephone (518) 371-8097or Visit My Web Site at:

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34 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

ONGOING Benefit For Jonah Hungry? Have aHeart? Eat dinner at these local restaurantsto help Jonah, a TILT and EnergeticallySensitive child get an educate that will sup-port his health, social-emotional, educa-tional, and behavioral needs. The HunterSchool* has gifted Jonah with a partialscholarship and all money raised will payfor the rest of his education there. Please besure to mention you are at the restaurant forthe Love and Light Benefit Jonah.Romano’s Macaroni Grill ~ June 5th ~ 1Metro Park Road. Colonie ~ 446-9190 ~Dinner starts at 4:00 The Living Room ~June 13th ~ 30 Caroline St. SaratogaSprings ~ 584-8488 ~ Dinner starts at 5:00 Speaking Engagements, Dr. RonaldStram, founder of The Stram Center forIntegrative Medicine in Delmar, NY offersa wide variety of talks, such as LymeDisease, IV therapies, Mistletoe therapy inthe treatment of cancer, etc. Please contactthe Center to schedule a talk or find alreadyscheduled go to www.stramcenter.comReiki Classes, The Stram Center forIntegrative Medicine in Delmar, NYoffers ongoing reiki classes, all levels,visit for scheduleor call 518-689-2244.Gnosis – n. knowledge, wisdom, v. directexperience of the Truth, Path toEnlightenment, Ancient Mystery School.New classes starting, free and open to all.518-587-7680, [email protected].

3rd Tuesday of the month Round Table Discussion Group “A Wayout of the Matrix” 6:30 p.m., 19 BushnellAvenue (adjacent to LectoriumRosicrucianum Conference Center),Chatham, NY. Free. 518.392-2799,www.lector,[email protected]. Groupwill not meet in July.

SaturdaysNia class, 9am at the Hot Yoga Spot in

Stuyvesant Plaza. Check for detail.

SundaysNia class 10:30am at the Hot Yoga Spotin Stuyvesant Plaza. Check for detail.

MondaysMeditation, Have you ever wanted toMeditate but didn’t know where to begin?What is meditation, how do we meditateand what happens when we do?Meditation is the most natural state ofBeing and is more about experiencing,rather than thinking. Come learn thebasics and dispel myths and misconcep-tions about what meditation is and is not.Come open and relaxed, prepared to expe-rience meditation. 4 week class onMonday evenings 6:30-7:30pm. Free andopen to the public. Contact- [email protected], 518.587.7680West African Djembe Lessons, Thisclass is intended for all levels of drum-mers. Though the lessons will move at amore beginner pace. We will cover a lot ofmusic, therefore recording is suggested.Prepare to break a sweat as we explorethese explosive sounds, so bring a drumand plan to have fun. One Big Roof, 433Broadway, suite 302 7:00-8:00 PM $20 orone or $60 for the [email protected], 518-894-0284

FridaysSelf Realization Meditation Group ofSaratoga, 7:30pm, Unitarian Church ofSaratoga,, 518-222-1072, [email protected]

JUNESaturday June 16

Kids Creative Movement- Try it outFirst -Class. Ages 3-5, 9:00-9:45am. Ages6-9, 10:15-11:00am. $10.00 per child($58.00 per child for 6 week session start-ing in July) at Joy of Nia MovementStudio, Guilderland. Please or call Beth

at 452-3679 for more information.

Sunday June 10Body Mind & Spirit Retreat Day,$50.00 per person 9am-5pm - includeslight lunch located in Esperance, NY - justoff I88 on Route 20. Join us in a day filledwith Holistic Workshops andExperiences! Learn from the Experts!Interactive Workshops: Laughter Yoga -Grin and Move It! Sound Healing - Voiceand Healing Bowls! Reflexology - FootMassage with Pressure Point! EssentialOils How to use in a Sugar Scrub YouMake! Experience the Bliss: Labyrinth onthe Lawn Group Guided MeditationHealing Circle Event with Live Music ToRegister and for details call or Text SueVazal at 518-867-7833 or [email protected].

Wednesday, June 20Summer Solstice Celebration with LinMurphy and Frank Lombardo, 6pm Fireceremony, medicine wheel, drummingand Dance. Pot luck to follow. Bring adish Gather by the Medicine Wheelbeyond the pond. Still Point RetreatCenter, $10 donation to Still Point

JULYSaturday, July 14

Intuitive Painting Workshop-AtSoulSpace, 120 Ray Road, Greenwich,NY, 10am-4pm, led by Carol BollingerGreen. Explore creative expression. Havefun with vibrant tempera color on paper.Discover your unique imagery. Shareprocess with small group. No experiencenecessary. Open-sided barn. Labyrinth.$65 adults, $55 returning painters,includes materials, beverages, snacks.Bring lunch. Information: Register: 518-692-7124.The Yoga Lily Grand Opening free 10am - 5pm, and Open Registration all day,Live Music from 7-9pm. Register that dayto win class cards, thai yoga body worksessions, and more. The Yoga Lily islocated in the old Barnney Road ClubHouse 1 Barney Road, Clifton The only water-front yoga studio in saratoga county.

Saturday, July 16Free Monthly Guided HealingMeditation from 8:30-9pm EST. Listenvia telephone - no computer needed.


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Perfect for addressing challenge, recover-ing from illness or improving your for information. 4th Annual Party in the Perk SummerSpecial Open Mic, from 4PM to 9PM, theFultonville United Methodist Church pres-ents the Acoustic Coffee House’s all free.Held in the George P. Snyder (Fultonville),Park, on the corners of Union & FranklinStreets and Union and Washington Streets inFultonville NY. There will be a piano on thepremises for piano players. This is a no alco-hol event and all are invited to come to play,sing or just enjoy the music, the free greatrefreshments and share a fun time in the sunand shade w/some good people. There is afenced-in children’s section at the park soparents can keep good eye on their children.The Acoustic Coffee House PiP4 is open toany performance as long as there is no vul-garity; it is non offensive and acoustic. Anyquestions call (518) 853-4964. FindAcoustic Coffee House Fultonville onFacebook, where you can check out the pics.

SAVE THE DATEMonday, August 20

Free Monthly Guided HealingMeditation from 8:30-9pm EST. Listenvia telephone - no computer needed.Perfect for addressing challenge, recover-ing from illness or improving your for information.

Saturday, August 25Intuitive Painting Workshop atSoulSpace, Greenwich, NY 10am-4pm,led by Carol Bollinger Green. Please seedescription under July 14

Saturday, September 8The Awakened Heart SchoolIntroductory Workshop, A workshop forpeople interested in joining the on-goingspiritual training course. Foundations Course1, September 2012—June 2013 9:30am-4:30pm, lunch included, $, [email protected], 518-432-0849

Saturday, September 15Intuitive Painting Workshop,SoulSpace, Greenwich, NY 10am-4pm,led by Carol Bollinger Green. Please seedescription under July 14

September 21-23Autumn Equinox Retreat On LakeGeorge @ Wiawaka Womens HolidayHouse, call Carol 518 312-8791 or

September 21-22Women’s Dreamtime Gathering:“Dreaming Our CompassionateSpirit.”, 6:30 pm-11:00 am, 1st UnitedPresbyterian, 1915 5th Ave. Troy, NY.$90 early registration; after Aug. 31,$115. Facilitated by Jae Way, Holistic LifeCoach. More info at orcall Jae at 518-462-0017.

Saturday, September 29Foundations Course 1 - New GroupStarts; runs through June, 2013, 9:30- 1pm,, [email protected], 518-432-0849

ACUPUNCTUREMichael Wayne, Saratoga Springs 518-210-1557 and Latham 518-782-0723

Diane MacDonnell, Glens Falls, 518-745-5889

Doug Lavergne, ND, LAc Glenville, 518-399-3838

Jessica Davis, MD. Stillwater, [email protected], (518) 664-6116.

The Acupuncture Studio, Glens Falls,518-615-0505

ANIMAL CAREJill Stewart, Equine Sports MassageTherapist and Canine Massage Therapist,Certified Aromatherapist 518-339-4348,[email protected]

Susan Hamlin, The Saratoga AnimalWhisperer Animal Communication,518-245-8010,

Kristina Dallas, DVM. Ancient ArtsVeterinary Acupuncture. SaratogaSprings, NY. 727-2940. Holistic care forpets. House calls.

AROMATHERAPYJill Stewart, Cert. aromatherapist, full lineof human and animal aromatherapy prod-ucts, single essential oils and customblends Gift baskets and party favors avail-able 518-339-4348, [email protected],

Andrée Fucci, Holistic Aromatherapist,Classes, Consultations, Reiki, YoungLiving Aromatherapy products, 518-587-7680, [email protected]

ART THERAPYJudd Arlen Brynes, Saratoga, 518-668-2922, [email protected]

ASTROLOGYArlene DeAngelus, 518-371-8097,[email protected]

BACH FLOWER ESSENCESNini Gridley, MS Ed, BFRP,Consultations by appointment, in personor over the phone. 518-573-0571 or [email protected]

BOWEN THERAPYWilliam Bassett, 518-874-5125,

CAREER COUNSELINGPenny Loretto, 518-798-6057,[email protected],

CENTERSThe Stram Center for IntegrativeMedicine, Delmar

One Roof, Saratoga Springs 518-581-3180,

Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center,, 518-587-4967

Simor Centre for Wellness, Saratoga,518-210-4703

Anandhaya Spiritualist Center, 27 2ndSt, Troy NY (518) 307-2715

Kawing Crow Awareness Center, 518-893-2620,


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Ronald Stram, MD, The Stram Center forIntegrative Medicine, Delmar 518-689-2244.

LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGESue Coughtry, LMT,, Delmar, 518-689-2244,

MARKETING WellProNet, Wellness ProfessionalNetwork,, [email protected]

MASSAGE THERAPY Linda Thompson, 518-885-3707,

Healing Path Massage, Schenectady,518-374-8654,

Sue Coughtry, LMT, Delmar,, 518-689-2244, www.stramcenter.comThe Lemon Tree Yoga and HealingArts Studio, Glens Falls,, [email protected], 518-301-3291, 301-3293A Peaceful Place, Clifton Park, 518-371-2225,

Healing Spirit Massage, Saratoga Springs,[email protected], 518-580-0988

MATRIX ENERGETICSRowena Fay, Still Point Interfaith RetreatCenter,, 518-587-4967 [email protected]

MEDITATIONShambhala Meditation Center ofAlbany, [email protected],, 518-729-4055

The Awakened Heart School, 26 1st St.,Albany,,[email protected], 518-432-0849

MYOFASCIAL RELEASEM’elle Pirri Lee, RPT, 52 Beekman St, Saratoga Springs, 518-225-1440, [email protected]

NATURAL FOOD STORESFour Seasons Natural Foods Store &Cafe, Saratoga, 518-584-4670,

Pure-N-Simple, GlensFalls, 518-798-4047

NATUROPATHYDoug Lavergne, ND, LAc, Glenville,518-399-3838

Sarah A. LoBisco, ND, Ballston Spa, 518-339-4788, [email protected],

Korey DiRoma, ND, The Stram Centerfor Integrative Medicine, Delmar,,. 518-689-2244

Joanne Halloran, ND, Saratoga HealingArts, 518-369-7080,

NIAJoy of Nia Movement Studio,Guilderland,, [email protected]

Joelle Lydon, 518-727-5458,[email protected],

NUTRITIONThe Natural Health ImprovementCenter, Glens Falls, 518-745-7473

BodyMind Fitness 518-752-6198,,, [email protected]

ORGANIC HAIR TREATMENTPaula Genovesi, 518-361-5629

ORGANIZATIONSSaratoga Integrative PractitionersNetwork (SIPN),

PHARMACYFallon Pharmacy, Latham, Saratoga,518-220-2005,

PHYSICAL THERAPYIntegrative Physical Therapy, 518-373-0735,

PILATESReform, Saratoga Springs, 518-871-1315

The Pilates Studio, 518-852-1429,www.ThePi la tesStudio-bspa .com,[email protected]

Arielle Pilates, Saratoga Springs,, [email protected], 518-290-0250

PSYCHOTHERAPYDonna Bird Holistic Counseling, Coachingand Hypnosis, Certified in a blend of modali-ties used to help adults and children make pro-found changes in their lives. Specializing inLife and Biz coaching, managing anxiety,depression, addictions, eating disorders andtrauma. Groups and individual sessions.Produces Hypnosis and Guided Imagery CDsfor Health and Wellness available at webstore,Borders & Donna’s offices in Saratoga &Albany. 518-584-0698,,[email protected].

Wendy Ball LMHC, certified in EMDRand Hakomi therapies, specialize in traumarelated disorders, couples counseling andlife transition coaching. Albany office. 518-813-8524.

Bari J. Bannister, North CountryCounseling & Retreat, Corinth andSchenectady, NY, 518-654-2398,, [email protected]

Ann M. Diller, Saratoga, 518-587-5724

Sybil Stock, Slingerlands, 518-439-6003

QIGONG Andrea Smith, Dragon’s Way QigongInstructor, Glenville,

REDOX SIGNALING MOLECULESBe Successful At the Cellular Level,

REIKILinda Thompson, 518-885-3707,

Joyce Willson RN, RMT, The Art ofReiki, Troy, 518-271-7802,

Joan M Frederick Classes/Treatments518-829-7400,

Sarah Root, Karuna/Usui Reiki Classes& Treatments, 607-353-9833

Penelope Jewell Reiki classes and ses-sions, 518-480-9118

Sue Coughtry, LMT,, Delmar, 518-689-2244,

Healing Spirit Massage, Saratoga Springs,[email protected], 518-580-0988

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38 Healing Springs I #62 June—July, 2012

RETAILPeaceful Inspirations, Delmar, 518-439-7039

Avalon Moon, Delhi, 607-746-7389,[email protected]

Living Recovery, 12 Step gifts, Latham,518-785-5258

Chatham Makes Scents, Chatham, 518-392-9922,

Magic Moon, Saratoga, 518-583-2488

For Earth’s Sake, Saratoga, 518-306-6605,

Green Conscience Home & Garden,Saratoga,,518-306-5196

Crossroads Gifts & Wellness,Duanesburg,,518-895-2950,

RISING STAR HEALINGSarah Root, RSP. Rising Star energy clearsblockages on all levels, promotes clarity,awareness, growth. In person or distant ses-sions equally powerful. Transform your life!S a r a h @ R a d i a n t A l i g n m e n t . c o m ,, 607-353-9833

ROLF STRUCTURAL INTEGRATIONNick Pavoldi, 518.389.2200,[email protected]

SMOKING CESSATIONToni Simon, Saratoga, [email protected],518-752-6198

SOUL HEALINGMaster Elaine Ward, Hyde Park,845.849.1715

SPACE FOR RENTBeekman Artists Studios, 79 BeekmanSt. Saratoga Springs [email protected],

Harmony Building, Troy, 518-928-9897,[email protected]

SPIRITUAL SCHOOLSchool of the Golden Rosycross, a gnos-tic spiritual school for our time.Lectorium Rosicrucianum ConferenceCenter, 21 Bushnell Avenue, Chatham,518.392-2799,, [email protected]

The Awakened Heart School, 26 1st St.,Albany,,[email protected], 518-432-0849

TAI CHIThe Tai Chi Center, Saratoga Springs,518-583-9315,

The Lemon Tree Yoga and HealingArts Studio, Glens Falls,, [email protected], 518-301-3291, 301-3293

Asian Arts Tai Chi Center, Albany, 518-489-1458, [email protected],

TREE SERVICEFoothills Tree Service, Practicing sus-

tainable tree managment, 518-893-2620,

WEIGHT LOSSToni Simon, Healthy Weight Loss in 8weeks! Saratoga Healing Arts, Saratoga, [email protected],518-752-6198

WELLNESS CENTERS The Center for Integrative Health &Healing, Delmar,, 518-689-2244.

A Peaceful Place, Clifton Park, 518-371-2225,

Healing Path Massage, Schenectady, 518-374-8654,

Solutions for Healing and Renewal,Clifton Park, 518-383-8311,

YOGA Yoga in the Adirondacks, 518-251-3015,

LemonTree Yoga, Glens Falls,, 518-301-3291, 301-3293

Yoga Mandali, Saratoga, 518-316-1308,

True North Yoga, Schroon Lake, 518-810-7871,

Beauty Society, Malta, 518-899-7570

The Yoga Lily, Clifton Park,

Roosevelt Baths & Spa, Saratoga,518.321.5660

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Page 39: #62 The Healing Springs Journal

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