Download - 6. production reflection



Production ReflectionAdele Rolf

ProcessThe picture on the side shows the first 45 seconds of my podcast. I used track one to put all the audio files that I recorded so that when creating the podcast I had a clear layout of where all my audio files were placed. The first clip on track one is a short recording with an effect called radio fm. I did this so my voice sounded muffled like it was coming from a radio station. As you can see on track two I have another track being faded in slowly so that when the clip on tack one starts to finish the music on track two comes in gradually. I have put music track only on track two so that when editing the podcast it was clear where the music started and stopped during the podcast. Track three is used when overlaying music. For example when I introduced who I was I put an overlay of music (Adele-Hello) to try and bring humour to my podcast. I did this because my name is also Adele.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.2

ProcessThis screen shot shows the volume levels and the music playing underneath. In this part of the podcast I talk about what the venue was like and what I did, whilst playing on of the songs by the band I was featuring on my podcast. The yellow line in the audio files shoe us how loud the volume is and as you can see I have adjusted the volume slightly in certain places in order for the levels to be similar when I raise or lower my voice when recording with the audio recorder given by college. At the end of the screen shot you can see that there is a little clip. The clip has a radio FM effects also. I have done this because I wanted to make the podcast diverse and adding some effects helped bring the podcast to life.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.3

ProcessIn this part of the podcast everything is in full swing and I have put many different segments in in order to keep the podcast interesting. As you an see in track the fist song ends and the second song begins so in order to keep the music flowing with the music have used both fade ins and outs so that they subtly change with out interruption. In the second clip on the first track I have added an effect called boxing ring delay. This is so that when describing what it was like when the band came on stage the effects made what I said more dramatic and interesting. As you can see in the third track I have added another music overlay. This is so that I could show the audience a small clip of the opening song of the night.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.4

ProcessThis screen shot shows part of my podcast which is fairly basic except for a short music overlay. In this part of my podcast I talk about the atmosphere and how it made me feel which was a little depressing was in order to lift the atmosphere of my own podcast I inserted I short clip of Justin Beiber's song sorry after apologising for being soppy. I thought that this would make my podcast up beat because Justin being one of the most talked about celebrities I thought it would be a good idea. I fade in and out when the music overlay cuts in so that the music doesnt shock my audience.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.5

ProcessThis screen shot shows the last 2 minutes of my podcast. In the last 2 minutes of my pod I talk about my overall view od king no one performing last Friday. As you can see the volume levels have been manually eddied to fit the levels of my voice so that when my voice is quiet or louder the music underneath track one changes at the same time. Once I finished talking in the pod I slowly turn up the music and let the rest of the current song playing until the end and slowly fade it out just before the end of the song.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.6

Final audio recording
