Download - 5 Days Bali - AA



Day 1 Kota Kinabalu-Bali (D) Akmani Legian Hotel 4*

抵达机场后 ,由导游接机。随后,送往酒店入住。自由活动。Arrive at Bali then transfer to hotel.

Day 2 Rice Terrace-Ubud Tour-Kintamani Volcano-Tampak Siring Temple (B/L/D) Akmani Legian Hotel 4*




【京打马尼火山】,是以海拔 1717 米的巴都鲁山为中心的高原地区,也是印尼少有的清凉之地,适宜疗养。高处设有眺望





水”。After breakfast, proceed to Ubud for sightseing rice terrace field and then to Ubud + Sukawati Market ,famous art market

which sells a wide range of clothing, fabrics, masks and souvenirs. You can also find silver, batiks and paintings in various styles.

After visiting Ubud Village continue the tour to Kintamani, a mountain village which lies 1400 meters above sea level,a breathtaking

view of Batur mountain, an active volcano and Batur Lake at the edge of KINTAMANI VILLAGE . After lunch, visit Tampak

Siring “ Pura Tirta Empul ”, the temple of Tampak Siring, built around a sacred spring. The temple and its two bathing places have

been used by the Balinese for over 1000 years for good health and prosperity. Day 3 Turtle Island-Coffee Factory-Buddhism Temple-Tanah Lot (B/L/D) Akmani Legian Hotel 4*



托车、香蕉船等活动,还可以乘船出海,观赏海景。 南湾对岸的海龟岛上有许多海龟、蜥蜴、蝙蝠、巨蟒,游客可以拍照


特的【海神廟】巴厘岛海神庙(Tanah Lot)盖在海边的一块巨岩上,它是巴厘岛最著名的寺庙之一。涨潮时,此庙四周环

绕海水,和陆地完全隔离。落潮时方可以相通。After breakfast at hotel, the first stop visit is Tanjung Benoa, at there all kind of

marine activities such as Jet skiing, Water skiing, parasailing, and other Water Sport activities (All the water sport activities by own

expenses ). Next enjoy the colourful tropical fishes and coral by Glass Bottom Boat to Turtle Island. Next stop at Home Made

Coffee Factory-The tastes of coffee depend on where it is planted and how it is processed and prepared. Therefore, prior to serving,

coffee has to go through lengthy processing and special recipes help generate excellent flavours to enable consumers to identify their

favourite coffee, coffee producers acquire a trademark which guarantees consumer satisfaction. Then, continues to BUDDHIST

TEMPLE with a mix of Buddhism, Taoism and Hinduism. There are few sections with own features. There is also a storeroom kept

with dragonheads, a shrine Balinese style Tanah Lot Temple the temple on the hug of rock facing indian ocean with amazing sunset.

Day 4 Bali – Kota Kinabalu (B) Akmani Legian Hotel 4*

早餐后,自由活动。After breakfast, free at own leisure.

Day 5 Bali – Kota Kinabalu (B)

早餐后,送往机场返回亚庇。Transfer to Bali International Airport.


两人一床(Twin Sharing) 团费 Tour Fare 杂费 Misc 总数 Total 成人 Adult / 小孩占床 Child with bed RM 988 RM 900 RM 1888/人

单方 (成人)Single Supp RM 1488 RM 900 RM 2388/人

小孩不占床 Child No Bed RM 788 RM 900 RM 1688/人

包含 Include:来回机票+15KG 行李费,行程所列-酒店住宿/车费/餐费/景点门票。

杂费:机场税/机场燃油费/导游司机小费 Airport Taxes, Airport Fuel Surcharge, Local Guide & Driver Tipping

不含 Excluded:个人消费 Own Expenses, 巴厘机场税 Bali Taxes(RPH150000),自费项目, 旅游保险 。


Airasia Airlines 亚航航空

Day 1 – QZ833 – BKI/DPS – 1745/2015 Day 5 – QZ832 – DPS/BKI – 1450/1720

Departure Date 出发日期:

12 月 24/12/2013 (旺季另补 Pickseason add on RM200)

-单人房 single entre (补 RM680)

备注 :


际护照有效期不少于 1 年以上。

2.信用卡付團費必須繳付額外 2%費用。

3.行程景点安排会因应当地开放时间及交通情況而作不同次安排, 但绝

不会因而減少景点之参观, 敬请体谅。





6.如遇本公司不能控制之特殊情况: (如交通延误、天灾、战争、政变、

天气恶劣、台风影响、证件遗失、罢工等) 须将行程更改或取消任何一




7.2012 年 3月 1日起,大马旅遊业者协会 (MATTA) 强制实施所有国外



Note :

1. There will be a surcharge of 2% if payment made by credit card. Passport

must have at least 6 month validity during the entire traveling period.

2. Itinerary may change due to unforeseen circumstances.

3. Schedule of itinerary, hotels and flight details will be based on final


4. Airport Taxs and Airlines Fuel Surcharge is subject to change pending on

final confirmation from the relevant Airlines.

5. Tour Fare excludes Tipping for hotel porter and electromobile fare.

6. Our Company does not accept any liability in contract or in sort for any injury,

damage, lost, delay, additional expenses or inconvenience caused directly or

indirectly by event which are beyond its control, or which are not preventable by

reasonable diligence on its part including but not limited to war, civil disturbances,

fire, floods, unusually severe weather, acts of God, acts of government or any other

authorizes, accidents to or failure of machinery or equipment or industry action

7. We reserve the right to cancel client’s tour participation, with reasons such as

insufficient tour members or flight cancellation or any unpredicted circumstances.

Paid amount of tour deposit will be refunded

8. According to Malaysian Association of Tour and Agents. Tour members strongly

recommended to buy their own travel insurance before departure.